— 7 SERVICES FOR $3.75 — 1— Lubricate Chassis. 2— Wash Car. 5—Change Oil, (Including Oil.) 4— Check Battery and Refill with Distilled Water. 5— Check Generator Charging Battery. <>—Tune Motor thoroughly, drain sediment bulb, clean our carburetor, hone and adjust distributor points, clean and adjust spark plugs, i—Inspect Shock Absorbers. . — ALL FOR $3.75 — ROGERS MOTORS — Webb Theatre — TONIGHT AND THURSDAY - — ONLY 10c TO ALL — COMING FRIDAY - ONE DAY ONLY MARY PICKFORD in “KIKI” Get Yours Thursday i $12.75 COATS 2.'. IN AM_SELECTED TO CLOSE 01 T AT $6.95 $3.00 HATS 49c LADIES’ SLIP-OVER SWEATERS 79c 10 DOZEN JBLOOMERS Every pair guaranteed 39c CHIFFON And CREPE DRESSES $1-49 Style Shop ACROSS THE CORNER FROM FIRST NATIONAL RANK LOCAL,and* •PERSONAL News Mesdamcs Herman Eskridge, Hope, Bryson, Ted Cashion and Tom Esk- i ridge spent yesterday in Charlotte, i Mesdames Hayne Patterson, L H. Harrill, Lowery Austell. Miss j Mary Sue Austell ami William iHnrrill attended the Byers-Loven 1 wedding in Charlotte, "Saturday. Misses Mildred McKinney, Sara ! Thompson, Mrs. Troy McKinney, ! Henry Lee Weathers, John and ; Snookie Ltneberger all students ot j Duke university will arrive home 1 Saturday to spend Christmas; holi days at their respective homes. — Miss Alice Sanders leaves this j week for Philadelphia, Pa., to spend I the Christmas holidays with her jaunt. Miss Edith E. Farrell. On her 1 return she will stop over In Salem, j N. J.. for a visit to her former j i school mate. Miss Rose Kitchener. | She will be gone about three weeks. Mrs. L Y. Randall Is taking treat I jment at Chick Springs hospital ’ near Greenville, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Williams j and Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Stevenson I motored to Charlotte yesterday, Lois Roberts, a medical student at Duke and BUI Eaker will arrive j Saturday for the Christmas holl ! days. Mesdamcs Andrew Lattlmore and J. L. Parker and little daughter i visited in Grover yesterday and ! were accompanied home by Mrs. J. G. Herndon who will spend a few i days with her daughters. Mesdame* I Logan and Parker. Mrs. Howard Camnitz spent Sun ■ day in Concord with Miss Jean j Coltrane. . j Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Callahan will j spend this week-end at Carthage [with Prof, and Mrs. Blanton who will accompany them home to spend the Christmas holidays with their relatives. Fields Young, jr„ who attends McCallie school at Chattanooga ar rived home yesterday to spend Christmas with his parents, Mr and Mrs. H. F. Young. Misses Pauline and Bess Freeman who teach In Wilson county Will arrive home Saturday for the holi l days. Miss Ella Lipscomb and Chas. McBrayer spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McBrayer at Reldsvllle. Misses Minna LeGrand, Grate Walker and Edith Reid Ramseur of Queens college will arrive Friday for the Christmas holidays. Mrs. Andrew LatUm ore Is spend ing today In Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wray of Toluca spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Wells. Mr. Andrew J. Elliott of Polkville spent several days at the Shelby hospital last week for treatment. Mr. John Honeycutt spent Mon day and Tuesday In Concord on business. Misses Marie Herndon, Marv Hambright and Eddie Byers of N. C. C. W. at Greensboro will arrive Saturday to spend Christmas at their respective homes at Grover. Miss' Mamie Hambright recently returned from a three weeks’ stay in Florida. Mesdames Jap Buttle, Ceph Blan ton -and Mr. and Mrs. Luther Me Ginty were guests of Mr. and Mrs John Schenck at Lawndale last night. Students at Mars Hill who will arrive home the last of the week to spend the holidays are: Misses Lillian Crow, Ray Gibbs, Elizabeth Blanton, Allen Buttle, John Irvin, jr„ Albert Buttle and Pegram Hol land. Mrs. Thomas Ramseur and Miss Margaret Crowder and Mrs. Hugh Mauney visited at Oteen yesterday and carried the Christmas stockings filled with confections and other gifts to the boys there from the American Legion auxiliary. Mrs. J. J, Owens visited in Char lotte Monday. Mesdames t>. R. Frazier, Paul Webb, Jr., Carl Thompson and Paul Webb, sr., formed a motor party to Charlotte yesterday Harold Spangler, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Spangler has returned home after haying had his adenoids removed at the Charlotte Eye, Ear and Throat hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Hill Hudson and two children. Hill. *r. and Mary Alice and Mi'” Ettai’e More* leave Fr> drv ' C • Florida V spend the holidays with relative Missing Singer f N\1 Friends and relatives of 20-year old Esther Pitts, pretty University of Vermont co-ed, who vanished from the home of Rev. H. O. Ta tum, where she was boarding while attending the Omiyerrity, feared that the girl had been stricken by a ner vous ailment that kept her from school last year. She w as found tn Canada where she claimed she had been kidnapped. Nose Growth May Lead To Ills Simple Operation If ill lie more 1‘olpyus. hut After Treatment is Essential or It Will Return. By IS. S. COPELAND, M. I). U.*S. Senator from New York. Former Commissioner oj lleaUr, yew York Citi>. Recently an ow friend -epoat .. few days with me in ihe country. As we waJked about fhe garden, I no ticad he was unusually enthusiastic about the fra grance of the flowers. I in quired about it. it seems that i f O r many | months he had j b c e n without [ any sense of I smell. Becom I mg alarmed, he I had consulted a p h y s i cian. A small polyp, or growth, was, found in his1 nose. Its pres Dr. Copeland i cute nau almost acstioj co nts aou- | ity to smell. No wonder my friend was de lighted with the fragrance of the ! flowers The polyp had been re- i moved and his sense of smell was j completely restored A nasal polyp la a growth found \ within the nose. It Is caused by a chronic inflammation of the lining •f the nose, or of one of like asao elated cavities. The tumor develop? slowly, but may become sufficiently large to obstruct the nasal passage Many persons who are mouth breathers suffer from thin condition They are unaware of the ectua cauefe. and sometimes regard ih« difficulty In breathing as due lo ads noids This belief is unfounded, be cause adenoids are rarely found Ii adults. It Is unusual, too. tor nusa. polyps to be found in children Many an individual who has beer susceptible to colds and sore throat? has found relief when the polyp wa? removed In every case the growth should be removed. It is detriment* to the general health L— Treatment After Krinot a I * In olden times n.11 polyps of the noso -mere looked upon as a form ol j canes*. This Is no', the case: but I Uki at othei abnormal grow thy. is j may develop into something serious There is just one way to get rid oi i the polypus. This is py an opera- 1 tloo Fortunately, this is a simple mattei. It can be performed unciei local anaesthesia in the doctors office. If you have a nasal polyp place yourself under the tare of a physi cian. It 1s unwise 10 postpone tin treatment of this condition. Future danger will be avoided and your gen eral health will be improved by tb« removal of this growth. Plea» remember that the removal of the growth Is only ths first step toward bringing about a cure of the nasal disease. After the removal It may be necesnary to treat the in flamed mucous membrane. Every effort should oe made to cure the chronic Inflammation of the nose. The growth rarely, if ever, recurs when these precautions are taken. If the polypus Is removed and then nothing further is done, it is only a question of time when it will be back again. That is why the underlying inflammatory trouble should be over come. f Answer* to HcnltH Qu ries j G. H. M. Q.—I have a hammer toe on my left root nest to the large oe. 1 have had this trouble all my life and am now S*. Could mis be lorrected hv onerution? How much would i' cnrf' - ■. « -I 1 ’* pc I-, ■ <. I j Great Values In Watches And Diamonds Men’s Strap Watches, 13 Jewels 4*13.50 i Men’s Elgin Strap Watches - _ 814.95 Ladies’ Wrist Watches, 13 Jewels ___.. 813.50 Good llracelet Watch for Girls 80.50 Special Prices on All Our Fine Pocket and Strap Watches. Come and see them—and get prices. DIAMOND RINGS W,e have never before had so many tine Diamond Rings at such low prices. Beautiful 3-Diamond Dinner Rings at _ 819.50 Soltaires. 810. 815. 825 up to _ 8500.00 Diamond Set Wedding Rings _ $12.50 Neckchains, set with Diamonds _ $8.50 up Diamond Bar Pins HALF PRICE T. W. Hamrick Co. — JEWELERS — Montag STATIONERY in attractive Christmas Box es ____ 50c to $2.00 DIARIES __ SUM! BRIDGE SETS _ $2 & $2.50 KODAKS and CAMERAS. Priced . SI.00 to $13.00 HADOW LAMPS, Priced $2.00 to $3.00' COMPACTS _ $1.00 to $2.50 PITTED CASES . $15 Up COTY’S TOILET SETS, Priced__$3.00 l p Lucrecia Vanderbilt TOILET SETS $2 to $10.0<i Evening In Paris TOILET SETS $2 to $12.30 AMITY BILL FOLDS, Priced ____ $1.00 to $6.00 AMITY HAND BAGS, Priced _$2.00 to $12.30 ' We will stamp your name or initials in gold on any Amity Leather Goods von buy from us. COMB AM) BRUSH SETS For Ladies $7.50 to $25.00 Gentlemen's SHAVING SETS, Brush, Cream, Lo tioi| and Powder __98c CIGARS and CIGARETTES. Every famous brand — nil ready for you in Christmas packages. NORRIS and WHITMAN’S ' ANDIES _ $1.00 to $7.50 Sloop’s Pharmacy “ON THE SQl ARE“ PHONE 2 Full Speed Ahead “Transatlantic” EDMl'Nl) LOWE AND LOIS MORA John llalliday and Jean Hersholt Greta N'iasen and Myrna Lov ■\ a Other Attractions: Convey, Cartoon, i Serial. •See tlie floating palace of spendthrift ^ and sirens, swindlers and scapegoats almard r With TODAY AND THURSDAY EVERY .VERY* f BODY A UV BOTH DAYS I Coats Tremendous Holiday Reduction on exactly 109 Fine Winter Coats % from our regular stocks. . --..T ■' 1 > DRESSES $5.95 v-.jfii: ■'in ^ A f' 1 L 120 Dresses taken from regular values up to $12.75, to go begin ning tomorrow at $5.95. * mmhS. i- / % \ FOR LADIES Negligees Bath Robes Kid Gloves Umbrellas Hand Bags Pur Neck Pieces Hose Handkerchiefs Novelty Sweaters Pitted Oases Silk Scarfs Costume Jewelry Beautiful Selection o Silk Underwear for men r Bath Robes Lounging Robes Bill Folds Handkerchief? Neck Ties Socks Scarfs Gloves i'lVO u*;1 ,T nsd: SPECIAL — 8 to 9 THURSDAY First 100 Women get One pair Allen A Hose for 39c. 39c . J. C. McNeely dt Co*

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