f PRACTICAL GIFTS I Nash's Reasonably Priced Hand Made GOWNS Neatly Embroidered $1.00 Silk PAJAMAS One and Z Pr. $2.95 Cotton PAJAMAS s Mew Styles $1.00 Silk DANCE SETS $1.95 Knit Shoulderettes $1.00 Wool BED JACKETS $2,50 Linen $ Handkerchief* 5c 5 !• Customer. Other Handkerchief* 15c10 50c Excellent Quality. GLOVES $1“0$2 95 Kabrif and Kid. SCARFS 50 c * $ 100 WOOL — SILK Metallic HATS $1.95 HAND BAGS $1.95 New DRESSES $10°' BUSINESS IS BETTER Nash's BECAUSE WE ARE NOT HIGH SOCIETY NEWS AIR K M A YAH ROBERT?* IHOMISO.N iTomporar.v Editor i IrltDliunt Ittnin for Soria I Ami 1'rsonnl (nlnmn< To Mrs. Thompson Telephone !M. k I i . No. 1 Division Of Clab No, 1 division of tile Woman's club will meet at the club room Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock with Mesdame.s Qriffin Smith. Chas. Wells and C. A. DoggeH joint hostesses The 3«U> Century And Contemporary Book Clubs. Mosdames F. R. Morgan and B. O. Stephenson will entertain the members of the Twentieth Onturv and Contemporary Book elute jointly Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the Morgan home on Cleveland Springs road Dr. And Mrs. McLarty To Bo Honored. An informal reception will he held tonight in the junior room of the Central Methodist chinch, fol lowing the prayer meeting service to Honor Dr. and Mrs. E. K. Mc Larty, the new pastor and his wife. All memberx-are cordially invited. CAM, MRS. THOMPSON PHONE Mr*. Miyine Roberts Thump >on will handle the nodal and personal news for The Stai temporarily and those win have new* item* for these tv. departments are kindly aske. to rail her at her home Tele phone ‘15t> until otherwise no tided. Nmv* intended for the tu rial and personal columns wil be received until ltl o’clock ul publication days and be pub tished in the issue* of tk* day ' Hardin- Anthony Wedding Announced The wedding of Miss Rlisabeth Anthony to Mr. Gus Hardin was announced Saturday, which took plac® In Gaffney, 6. O.. October 9, with Judge Stroup, performing the ceremony. Mrs. Hardin Is the young eat daughter of Mrs. J. Anthony in S. Shelby and Mr. Hardtn Is the youngest son of Mrs. Liuie Hardtn at Patterson Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Hardin are making their home for the present with Mr Hardin's mother . Business Girt* Circle Meets. The Business Girls circle of the Methodist church held their regu lar meeting at the church Monday night. Thirty-two members re sponded to the roll call. Mrs. J. T. Reason, the chairman presided. A needy family was adopted by this class to care for during the winter months. Miss Mary Reeves Forney and Miss Charlie Mae Laughridge were the hostesses and had charge of the Christmas program. An ar rangement of Christmas Carols was played on the violin by Master N. C. Blanton. Mrs. A. W. Fisher sang a vocal selection and other numbers were contributed by Mrs Agnew, Misses Forney and Lever. At the i close of the program light refresh ments were served Miss Bettis Entertains Sunday School Class. Miss Louise Betti' entertained the members of the Ruth class of the First Baptist church. Monday evening at her home on the Falls ton road. Mrs Raymond Carroll. I the president had charge of the program The conditions of the poor in around town was discussed ami plans were made to care for 'certain needy famine.'. There was a full attendance with Mrs. B. T. Falls, the teacher, present. The next meeting will be held in January with Mrs. Carroll at her home on E. Marion street. At the close of the meeting, Miss Bettis served a salad course, and a pleasant half hour was speiu l.ucv Hoyle Circle Meets The Lucy Hoyle circle of the Cen tral Methodist church held then December regular meeting Monday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock in the Junior room of the church. Mrs. J R. Robinson, the president, assist ed by the new officers, presided for the first time. In the business ses sion the outstanding plans were to care for a needy family during Christmas Mrs John Honeycutt was unanimously olected as secre tary to succeed Mrs. L. B. Hayes. An interesting Christmas program was given following the business, Mrs. John Lovelaee sang a Christ mas song. Miss Lever told of the Christmas customs in various lands. A Bible study oJ questions and an swers from Prdlerbs was conducted by Mr. Earl Honeycutt. In the so cial half hour, the hostesses Mr*. Chas Hoey and Miss Isabel Hocv served delightful refreshments Twenty-seven regular members were present. I H.i/n.tr Friday And Saturday. The mothers of the first grade of, Graham school will give a bazaar j [Sriday afternoon and Saturday at' Friday afternoon and Saturday at of the P T. A. Christmas gifts *i : randies Will be on sale. P. T. A. At La Fayette School The regular monthly meeting of! the Parent-Teachers association of Lafayette school will be held: Thursday night at 7:30 o’clock j After a short business session, a! rChristmas program will be given by I the children of the different j grades. A small admission Will b>| charged Mrs. Ward Given Surprise Party. The Westminster class ol the Presbyterian church delightfu'ly I honored Mrs. Eliza J Ward, moth er of Mrs, H. M. Loy, who Is one of the oldest members of this class, at her home on S. Washington street, with a surprise birthday party .Tuesday afternoon in celebration of I her eighty-seventh anniversary. Sixteen ladles caled on Mrs. Ward and presented her with a beautiful blooming polnsettia and an old fashioned pound cake which was cut and served with coffee and whipped cream. j Mrs. Elam i Hostess Mrs. Roland Elam was a cordml hostess to the members of the Mothers club Tuesday afternoon at. her home on W. Warren street which was decorated with holly ar.d potted plants. In the absence of the president, Mrs. D. II. Yates presid ed. The subject of study was “The Earl Years" and Interesting papers were read by Mesdames M. D. Alex ander, Fred and Wilbur Buber ar.d William Crowder. Miss Lever gave a Christmas story, little Betty Ann Elam recited and Misses Evelyn Elam and Kathleen Phillips con cluded the program with a piano duet. Mrs. Elam was assisted by Mesdames John Honeycutt, Wilbur Baber and Pemell Elam In serving pretty plates of saladu sandwiches and cherry pies topped* with whip ped cream emphasising the Christ mas colors of red and green. Invit ed guests Included Mesdames George Abernethy, H. F. Young ard D. D. Poll. Miss Me Curry Weds Mr. Ralph Callahan A wedding of Interest to a wide circle of friends wa6 that of Miss Nancy McCuiTy to Mr. Ralph Cal lahan, beautifully solemnized Sun day, December 13 at high noon at Beaver Dam Baptist church. Immediately after the morning service the bride and groom enter ed together to the strains of Loh engrin’s wedding march which was used as a processional and Mendels sohn's as a recessional played by Mrs. B. B. McSwain and "Love’s Old Sweet Song” was softly played during the ceremony which was performed by their pastor. Rev. D. F. Putnam, using the impressive ring ceremony. The bride was lovely in a dress of | brown with accessories to match.] She Is the daughter of Mr. R. W. i McCurry and the late Mrs. McCur ry of the Beavbr Dam community, and is quite popular in the social and religious activities of that place. The groom is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Callahan and At The Theatres A whimsical little man with a battered derby, Ill-fitting coat and baggy pants, and a pocket edition mustache, is a welcome entertainer at the Webb theatre today and Thursday. His name is Charll * Chaplin. His show is ‘‘City Lights," the first and only silent talking picture. There are sound effects and music, but the voice of the lttt.M forlorn figure is never heard in the picture. One minute you will roar with laughter, and the next«yoj win feel all choked up. watching the happy-go-lucky vagabond try fng to solve his arid the world’s problems by becoming in turn a white wlhg, a prize fighter and a man about town “Transatlantic” is another Kd mund Lowe triumph in talking pic tures Those who like their thrills and romance sprayed with tb.2 brine of the sea and flavored with the luxury of a deluxe ocean liner are recommended to the Carolina theatre today and tomorrow. Lois Moran plays the lead opposite Lowe. Most of the stpry of “Trans atlantic" takes place on the seas j where things happen very rapidly j because of a gambler ; who slips \ aboard the ship to escape the dis j triet attorney.1 Jean Hersholt and) John Halllday are other import, j uil players in the picture j he is also prominent in his com munity. They will make their home with the groom’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Callahan were honor guests at a one o'clock dinner given by the groom’s parents. Covers were laid for: Mr. and Mrs. Callahan, Rev. and Mrs. D. F. Putnam. Mr and Mrs. James Callahan, Misses Selma Callahan, Fay Gascon and Mr. Al bert McGinnis. Tar Heel Farmers Organize For 1932 Carl McKinney Head Group. Ban quet And Educational Trip Planned. EUenboro. Dec, 15.—The Elies - boro chapter of the Young Tar Heel Farmers was officially organized for the year 1931-32 last Friday when the students of agriculture in the Ellenboro school met and elected Carl McKinney to head the club. Other officers elected folio” Bunyan Edwards, vice-president. Worth Allen, secretary; Jame Hamrick, treasurer; Erwin Smart reporter, and James McDaniel and Claude Jones, marshalls. After the election of officers a program of work for the year was discussed and the boys outlined things that their club would aim to do during the year. A banquet and an educational trip were tw.i things put in the program of worm The club aims at giving the boys more social as well as practice 1 training to round out their educa tlon. Wen Paid. During an intense love scene in the movies, when the hero was tid ing his stuff, wifie nudged hubby and said: "Why is it that you never make love to me like that?" “Say,” he replied, "do you know the salary that guy gets for doing that0’’ Accommodating. JLady—"Before I engage you I should like to know wjiat youi re ligion io." ^ Cook—"Oh, madam. I always tec! .it my duty and privilege to be of the same religious faith as the family with which I serve Honeymoon Still on, 1 When your wife starts to talk does she know' when to stop ? ’• "X don’t know yet; we’ve onlj j been married nine years.” L .. . Musical Pageant At First Baptist • — Onf Hundred And Fifty Characters. In “Star of Hope,” Sunday Evening. “The Star of Hope.’ g musicrl pageant, will be given at the First Baptist church, on next Sunday evening, beginning promptly at 7 >30 o'clock. This pageant was given last year and hundreds of people were turn ed away. There have been so manv "requests to have it repeated that the church Is presenting it again on next Sunday evening with a number of variations. The pageant is very elaborat*. using about 150 characters. The peasants on their way to Bethle hem are shown with Joseph and Mary going up to be enrolled. The prophets, shepherds, wise men, and angels all will be seen, climaxing with the ensemble around Mary and the child at Bethlchemf The various scenes are interspersed whh appropriate music by the large church choir. Tlie public is invited to tills serv ice. An offering foi' the needy of our community will be received during the evening. Their Peace Efforts Rewarded | social worker and former head of the Women’s International League j for Peace, and Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, president of Columbia University, New York, and the Carnegie Endowment Tor International " Peace, will share the prize, amounting to *40,000, as a reward for thei r life-long efforts for world peace. Informed of the honor conferred' « upon her. Miss Addams signified her intention of donating her award to the International League for Peace. For Mother or Wife Stationery, Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, Books, Magazine Subscrip Ktions, Toilet Sets, Electric Heating Pad, Hot \A/ater Bottles. For Husband or Father .... Cigars, Cigarettes, Pipes, Safety Razors, Shaving Brushes,ShavingCreamsandLotions, Playing Cards, Tobacco, Humidors, Bill Folds, Lighters, Razor Blades, Golf Balls. • • • • For Daughter .... Pedumes, Compacts, Atomizers, • Comb and Brush Sets, Mirrors, Traveling Cases, Stationery, Fountain Pens, Toilet Waters, Manicure and Beauty Treat y's. ment Sets. • • ■ ■ For Son Pocket Knives, Cameras, Films, \A/atches, Military Brushes, Flashlights, Razors and Shaving Accessories, Pen and Pencil Sets, Toys, Novelties, Key Tainers. ■ 1 » • For All The Family .... Electrical Utilities, Christmas Seals and Cards, Alarm Clocks, Vacuum Bottles, Ash Trays, Assorted Chocolates and Christmas Hard Candies. V ’ p Men's Traveling Sets— Hair Brush, Comb. Tooth Brush, Soap Box, Razor, Mirror. Nail File— .50 $2'r’° " $12 1 -lb Writing Paper and ’packages Envelopes nr%/C >1.50 Armand's Perfume set. Perfume, Lipstick, ’owder. <t» -| .00 ’er set. . . ij) 1 — FITTED CASES — Ideal (iifts for any Worn aii's Christmas __«pO Men’s triad- | Mone Bags V JL O Bill Folds— 59c “ $5.00 — CANDIES — Sweet-Tree;. O Q .vouRats . oy C Regular 70c lb. Sweet-Treet Tri - Color Caramels, o Pound ___ iJJ C Regular 70c lb. Peanut Brittle—lb. 29c Black Walnut Brittle 39c both C-/A FOR . ... OUC Chocolate cov- a q ered cherries, lb. Tr5/ C Full line Whitman’s Nun ndlly’s, Russell McPhail and Martha Washington Christmas Candies. $1.50 Q Kodak^_ vOC Fountain Pen and Penci sets. Sheaffer and Wa terman. ’igars i n Christmas lackages ^ ^ .00 up Mello-glo Face Pawder, Mello-glo Perfume, Each ?1,value, d* -l .00 Both for m) X $1.00 >IQ Compacts *Ti/C Electric Clocks Big Bens_ Electric Toasters Electric Irons $875 ^ ^ .50 up $149 Shadow Lamps, For your Radio Electric Waffle Irons— .95 up $6 Electric $4 Percolators .95 up RADONNA SOUVENIR TOILET SET A $4.50 VALUE FOK ONLY 99c $ .50 Jar Radonna Cleansing Cream LOO Box Chiffon Texture Face Powder 1.50 Bottle Radonna Narcissus Perf ’rit^ 1.00 Radonna Pearl Necklace $4.50 L ft I CLEVELAND DRUG CO. 1

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