Tramp Around To Buy Or Sell? Use Star Want Ads.-Quick Results For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. Thla size 1 cent per word each insertion This size type 2c per word each insertion. iis size type 3c per word each insertion YOUR FEET HUR1 visit us and have Dr. ’s representative exam iem free. A. V. Wray & s._ tl’-30c j 832, THE AUTO INN to county Jail” and let us n. grease your car for 75c. tf 38c 29 A N D1930 si A Fords. Very >st prices. Doggett ackey, Shelby, N. 2t-16c EN YOU HAVE A one to die, you should wledge the flowers sent ends and show your ap won of the sympathy ded. Use sympathy ac vledgement cards, plain or with mourning New samples and re prices at The Star of ____tf 9p 0 AUTO AND TRUCK Automobile glass Installed, ron and Metal Co., West 1 street, Phone 580. tf 13c SALE: KOREAN LE8PED ed, oats, wheat and barley Pulghum seed oats. M. 8 Waco. 12t 4p .NTED TO Trade i Model A Fords >ome good mules cows. Doggett & cey, Shelby, N. C. 2t-16c IEE GRADES AND price ranges in wed ivitations and announce t Beautiful line of sam t greatly reduced prices i at The Star office. *tf 9p IA BLUM’S 1932 ALMANAC with a six months renewal e Star. Readers who can’t The Star office, will pleaae i their renawal for six or 12 i and the 1932 Blum’s Al wHl be mailed free. The Star 6t 5p ODEL A FORDS on very easy is. Doggett and cey, Shelby, N. C. 2t-16c HOSTS Of GOOD WHITE paper and 100 envelopes, rinted with your name and » for $1. This Is the biggest l ever offered-in stationery. [ The Star office. ft RENT — 5 - ROOM ment, partially furnish^ ath. Newly painted, in class condition. Cleve Springs estate. Apply J. neberger. 3t-llc CP YOUR~VALUABLES fire and burglars. A Wure Chest” costs only S»and its fireproof. See [ample at The Star of A Victor product that >rotect you. tf 9p jstom Hatching i hatch your chicks. Set each \y starting December 14th cents an egg. Suttle Hatch* lone 348. 4t 11c . SALE AT ' BARGAIN: new Dayton water system (Harris, 511 West Marion St , 3t 14p -i-— ———— i HALE: SEVERAL FRESH sows, R. A. Lackey, Fallston. 2t 14p i SALE: ORE-750 EQO ty automatic Incubator. Used pe season. Mrs. A. C. War t-3, Vale. 3t 14c fTTED-EVERYBODY” THAT Rested in raising rabbits for to be at the court house on lay December 10 at 2:30 p. 2-14c [CE OF SALE OF AUTOMO will sell at Public Auction for it the court house door, In the »^nelby, N. C, January 12th o’clock M., the following de l automobile, to-wit: One t-door sedan, 1926 Model, Mo i. 1262737229. This car is to be *■ storage charges due the un* ,ied. F. M Panther. l-16p. FOB RENT; GOOD HOUSE, fine location, big lot. C. 8 Young tf 13c IF YOU ABE INTERESTED IN a radio we will sell you a guaran teed one lor less than half price Cleveland Refrigerating Company AT AUCTION THURSDAY, DE cember 17th, all household and kitchen furniture of late Mrs. Laura A. Wells. Sale at her home 40fi West Warren street beginning at 10 o'clock. Several valuable pieces of old furniture. Frank L. Hoyle, administrator. 2t 14c A BLUM’S 1932 ALMANAC FRF.E with a six months renewal to The Star. Mall your check for $1.25 for The Star six months and the al manac will be mailed back to you, or call at The Star office. 6t 6j WE SELL, REPAIR AND RE charge batteries. Auto Inn, next to County Jail, phone 832. tf D4c WEDDING INVITATION and announcements. Several new lines at greatly reduced prices. Copper plate engraved, process (raised letter) work and plain printing. Three [grades at three prices and the very newes t stock and styles. The Star, phone 11. tf 9p FIRST IN TOWN TO BRING prices down. Hair cuts, 25c; shave, 15c. Central Barber Shop. 13 Dllp WE TRADE FOR anything. Good stock Model A Fords on hand. Doggett And Lackey, Shelby, N. C. 2t-16c WE PAY CASH FOR seed cotton. D. A. Beam, Phone 130. 2tc CHRISTMAS MONEY—$5 or more to Employed Men & Women. You can get the mon ey you need today. No .secur ity or endorsers required. Costs but little and repay ment terms easy. Prompt, courteous service. Citizens Finance Co. 12 Linebergej; Bldg. Entrance West Marion St. tf7c AUTOMOBILE TRUCK BODY work; file and set crosscut saws. 75c, handsaws 35c. Elias Leigh, 1108 Lilly Mill Road, South Shelby. 3tl4p FOR RENT; TWO ROOMS, ONE with kitchen sink. Close in. Tele phone 73. 2t 14p WE PAY CASH FOR cotton seed, or ex change meal or hulls. D. A. Beam, Phone 130. 2t-16 ATTEND THE AUCTION SALE Thursday morning, December 17th of the household and kitchen fur niture of the late Mrs. Laura Wells. Sale begins at 10 o'clock. All household and kitchen furniture, including several valuable pieces of antique furniture. Frank L. Hoyle, adm. 2t 14c »■' i ■■■■■■■ Reinhardt’s Greeting for a Merry Christmas With Prices to Meet the Purse Pecans, soft shell, lb. __ I5e English Walnuts, soft shell _*_25c Brazil Nuts, large size, lb. 15c Cocoanuts, large size. ea. 10c Raisins, layer or puffed, 15-oz., 2 for __25c Candy, crystalized, 3 lb. 25c Fig Newtons, 2 lb._25c IN THE MARKET:— Pork Roast, choice, lb. 15c Pork Ribs, 2 lb. __25c Pork Sausage, country style. 2 lb. _ 25c Dried Ham, whole or half, lb._22c Native or Western Beef Steak, choice cuts, lb.25c Beef Roast, 2 lb. __ 35c Beef Stew, 3 lb.. 25t Fresh Fish, 3 lb._25c Liver Mush, country stvle, 3 lb_ 25c Give us a call, C. II. REINHARDT SOUTH SHELBY 2t-14t STAR ADVS PAYS /GIVE ^ A YEAR*/ is SUBSCRIPTION TO THE | ! Musical Play Tuesday At Marion St. School One Hundred And Twenty Children To Take Part In “The Toy Shop.* The Marion school presents the musical play in three acts, "The Toy Shop" at the high school auditor ium Tuesday night at 8 p. m. The cast includes 125 children with special dances and songs as added attractions. “An elaborate stage set is being built plus specl il lighting effects. Miss Minnie Ed dtns Roberts and Mrs. Ed McCurry are in charge of the songs, cos tumes and coaching. The dancing teacher from Gastonia Mias Jennie Gray Barkley is also helping with the dances. Miss Mary Helen Let timore is the pianist. Mr. O. B. Lewis is the director oi the play and stage effects. The play is well under way and is considered one of the finest operettas ever pre sented by a grammar school. Seeking Evidence Hammond—Why does Mrs. Meek ly continue to live with her hus band when he beats her so often? Cabbageo—She wants a divorce and her lawyer advised her to get as many beatings to her credit as possible before going to court. FOR SALE—ONE EXTRA NICE Jersey heifer. Freshen soon. Also one model A. Ford roadster. Good condition, good tires. F, S. Dedmon, R-l Shelby. "sPECIAlToFFER: A 1932 BLUMS Almanac free if you renew your subscription to The Star for six months or longer. flt 6p WANTED TO BUY: GERMAN Police, Airdale or bull dog. Vera Yarbrough, near Waco. 2t 16p ~~WE PAY THIS week only, 20e per lb. cash, for young tur keys. We buy chick ens. D. A. Beam Co. 2t-16c MTV HEWS OF | THE CURRENT WEEK Mr. Hughes Burlrd. Car Overturn*. Mr. Greene Celebrate* 74th. -* Birthday. Special to The Star.) Dec. 15.—The many friends and j relatives of Mr. J. H. Greene gath- j ered here Sunday at the home of' his daughter Mrs. B. B. Harris where Mr. Greene makes his home, to celebrate with him his 74th birth day anniversary. Mrs. Harris, the only child, the nine grand chil dren and the three great grand children with a large number of friends and relatives from different parts of the country were present A bountiful dinner was served pic nic style. Misses Josie Mae and Ruth Hol llfleld spent Saturday night with Miss Ruby Greene of Mooresboro. Mr. Crockett Butler and a party of friends of Forest City were call ers at the home of Mr. C. R. Bea son Sunday afternoon. Misses Ruby and Mary Alice, Lovelace spent Saturday night with ; their aunt, Mrs. Clara Wilson of Cliffside. Our 8unday school is very grate ful to Mr. Zack Brackett for a beau tiful wall clock and call bell which [lie recently presented to us. Mr. Hughes Dead. Among those attending the fu neral of Mr. Elsberry Hughes at the Baptist church of Henrietta on last Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock; were Mr. H. W. McKinney, Mr. and Mr*. Paul Bridges, Mr. and Mrs. W. O Winn and family. Mr. Bill Harr ill or Lattlmore spent last week-end here with his cousin Mr. Sam Jenkins. Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. McClunr.ey were visitors at the home of Mr. Grigg Humphries of No. 1 town ship Sunday afternoon. On last Sunday night when re turning from a B. Y. P. U. pro gram at Mt. Pleasant church EACH NOT OVER 5 TO A CUSTOMER. —NASH— Regular 10c Quality with Mr and Mrs. Paul Bridges ol Cleveland Springs Maun. Rufus and Fred Sanders and D V. t>ed(ord spent Sunday I with Mr and Mrs. Doiph Mooee at I Lincoln ton Mr. Cullen McSwain spent Sun day night wltli his uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs. Charlie MeSwaln ot Cherryville. fa hotumi nnv Cairo rrwtic own thl« Froamrr. Ifntnr* «hs die Honling — DR. B. M. JARRETT — 1.1-14 R oyster Md*., most SIS, Residence 3S4-SL f orest (Hr, i n ion Rank Bldg„ ' Twsa.- Thnrv-Sat., f-g p. RL Something New In Radio MAJESTIC IS AHEAD WITH THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS IN RADIO $69.50 Complete Instated New Spray Shield Tube* New Modulated Circuit Twin-Power Detection and the lowest prices in Majestic history. rRY A MAJESTIC BEFORE BUYING ANY RADIO! • SEE THE DIFFERENCE -AND HEAR THE DIFFERENCE! Tone, Selectivity And The Greatest Name In Radio — Majestic. Priced from $54.50 to $175.00 CONSIDER Service With Every Set Sold. Pendleton’s Music Store TOOTS AND CASPER— A Gentleman’s Agreement. / NOT IF I CAN OUT OF IT, CASPER! I CAN'T AFFORD IT OUST NOW! HOW ABOUT YOU= ? ARE YOU 4ETTIN& A RIN^ FOR TOOTS? ARC YOU ' 4o»n6 TO 61VEYOUR WIFE A DIAMOND RlN£j FOR CHRISTMAS, COLONEL HOOFER? A I CAN’T AFFORD IT EITHER . BUT TOOTS INSISTS THAT I ©UY HER A DIAMOND SIMPLY BECAUSE YOU TOLO HER YOU ARE 60lN<4 TO &IVE YOUR WIFE ONE WHY DID YOU TELL THAT TO TOOTS? IT WAS ALL JUST A JOKE ON MY PART, CASPER' I HAD NO INTENTIONS OF BUYING A R1N6 FOR SOPHIE,BUT SHE CjOT WIND OF IT AND NOW SHE EXPECTS ONE* THERE OU&HT TO BE SOME WAY OUT OF THIS SITUATION SO WE CAN BOTH SAVE MONEY* 7 tVE 60T THE IDEA,CA5PER' LET'S VOU AND ME A4REE TO SPEND NOT MORE THAN TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS APIECE ON OUR WIVES' THEY'LL BOTH BE SATISFIED IF NEITHER 6ETS A MORE EXPENSIVE 6lFT THAN THE OTHER! S?' THATS A 60! YOU'RE ON'.WE'LL ALL HAVE DINNER TOGETHER AT MT HOUSE CHRISTMAS! we'll Give the PRESENTS TO OUR WIVES AT ■ . DINNER TABLE. . Casper Is Wily. P ^ COLONEL HOOPER AND l MADE AN AGREEMENT, / TOOTS! WE DECIDED NOT TO SPEND OVER / &25.09 APIECE ON CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FOR I OUR WIVES! WE CAN'T AFFORD TO BUY ^ DIAMONDS JUST NOW! V I KNOW YOU'LL BE SATISFIED JUST SO SOPHIE DOESNT 6ET A MORE EXPENSIVE PRESENT THAN YOU, AND SHE FEELS THE SAME WAV ABOUT IT*. I INVITED THEM TO HAVE DINNER US ON CHRISTMAS! r Y0UR AGREEMENT IS ALL RI&HT.CASPER BUT ARE YOU SURE COLONEL HOOFER WON'T DOUBLE- CROSS YOU ? YD FEEL TERRIBLE. WHEN WE ALL OPEN OUR PRESENTS AT THE OtNNER TABLE IF HERS SHOULD BE z HOM-M! MAYBE TOOTS IS RlijHT'. HE MAY BE TRYING TO PUT OVER A EAST ONE ON ME! HE'LL, SEAR WATCHING ALL THE TIME! I WON'T BE CAUGHT NAPPING! I'LL 6ET A RIN6 FOR TOOTS, BUT I WONT LET HIM KNOW IT! HE CAN'T MAKE A SAP OUT OF ME IF THAT'S HIS 6AME! ■IfW J. $immY Hurphy= IN THB l»*IVACY QFHWHOMe an, HOOTBR LAUiH^A SINISTER LAU&M'.