Bethlehem Not Great'y Changed By Passing Years Very Mtiih tike in Man; Krspevls Wi3t 1. Was. In I ir-t ^ n‘. ury. W v hir.fiion, D. C. lj lC.-Agan, <Jhr! .tma.-. recall? the P; v.,;.n • s - - •- ol T. . m. bii.tioiacc unit- the r; •••> fatuous sihail tov.'n in in world. Motor cars now ''it* " -i ti:■ - can*-!, the os uni 111 •f* In it.s turret •:.• &arc:t», and ,i»n arc*:: i nsl aii-plrr, ■ drof:. ; cyer ocad. bvu in, lar.ny •.-ptc: Sc.hi - hem Isas rem ithed unci; tnged since the <’.ays tV Abraham r.aJ the l'.v. t C* tlrn ell huoys ,c.f-St calcium as t ;fi' hi to..:ii vir' a r-"J " a bon V in Ctir ;. . . , ’ < ... Jr ;i U . \71it. dig in a cm.inun: . 1j:i to tv i Na'i nai t »r.;nl»Sc £ not 1 Vr. 4 linbsh'y 4L\- r.,r;,c lr ;v much i I'll c ah.. that, ;. t., id. vh : U’S c xri tn; ■ . A l ow a mi a ir il oji. “To uso..j ' .tj 1 ;. ;v .' v 11—: , n. >• i.r,-. v.-;...; •• - r- : t and lorn ett’o .one paved; ios : r -o'' Ubsn-.s t it’s ": cf tw.?h-eu tier grown ntciV.• v.hi ;.ara uu • lr : it, \; ; a-u . olive yard . rmi •r.'ccd go, ' >i • mi. i r ’ i * all. ‘Is ]x<’P> •.! th :r Elblic-d < U . ..I - !; : ill : - . t ic.alv n| th- 'la ivUy story” Mr. ton U' ~. t-.v/n. a I hi] ■ 11 doi< wl'irtt civ i i.;v. t» dio.c at and c-tt lies .V ■: far w .■ hi from th? t:i ; i '.hihi J • iu • . m anti I: V n ;> p a r;- • tin-' ■■ 1 b'* c • r [ : V/:. . . ;j ■ • -:r. !;tion c.* a IVMi-li'iil of Hr: *h”n r ' ftooo' i . ') jnh- ' . cr; i ■ • : ! Ch . J- - : ■/' 1;*' • storlr.T in rsii v. < • t-r.’rn m P:::: I nji.J Si! r -<fA.j w pa's through 03 c%.kv •' thoroughfares, how und :r u Vau’* od archway, now up by a steeii lligM of street steps, we may hear the hum and screech of tools carv ing pearl shell into ornaments or cutting thick sections of the same ¥ materials into bead . The result may be a brooch, pendant or neck let to bring joy to a lady upon the return of the pilgrim purchaser to son s distant land. It may be an intricately carved. and inlaid cruci fix to hang, perhaps, on the Wall of some lonely chapel; or it may bo n snow-white rosary mounted with, pure silver, destined to find its way into a convent. “These handicrafts, which, ac cording to local standards, have broufht at least a decent living, ••ometijnes have been the avenues ' to mode, t wealth. Best of all, the> have cultivated a sense of independence and self-respect in the natives, “The places, of work are by no means sweatshops, although hours are long and hard; nor do they t avor of the factory. The shop con sists. of a ropm or two in the home r adjoining it. Sometimes only the member.! of a family work together: r i ether times a'few outsiders ate employed. A Church of Three Sects. “The Church of the nativity, in the eastern part of town, is one of the oldest existing churches in Christendom, if not the oldest, one . of the few used in common by th :■ - three sects of Chri lianiiy. “Built in A. D. 330 by the Emper ■■ or Constantine and added to by Jus tinian. It became in the fifth cen tury the home of St. Jerome, who here translated the Old Testament from the H brew. Since that time it has gone through many vlcissi tures and restorations. “To know Christmas in Bethle hem, one should pass it not in the old churches, historically interest ing though they be, but under the star-studded dome of the great out of-doors, with the shepherds watch ing over the flocks in the fields by night., . "When the village pastures liave been expended the shepherds with i irsn.v into the wilderness. With no eaves 'or cote.- Tor nightly protec tion, they club together and from eve until morning keep vigilant 'vetch. I have spent many nights with these simple people, out in the open uesert. Christmas With the Shepherds "After the evening meal, the chief sets the watches, for It Is already dark in this land of chort twilights Taking lor a guide a bright Star, he measures with outstretched arm its course through il'A sky. Each span Is to be one watch, in which twe will keep guard’together. "Now the first guard.:, with rod and staff, move about the outside of the floc.k. From time to time the yelp of a wild jackal or the l iuy’.i of a striped hyena caucoa the sheep to stir as If to stampede; but re assuring calls lrom the watcher f •quickly restore i;uie.. "The shepherds not on guard lie th to rest, spacing their places respose in a rough circle around fold. /" kfhe first three or four watches the midnight to deepen the ^studded indigo. Silhouette I st tite sky is the faint rim rd atains that shut out the and more than 1900 years vof It is as if the world were planted .nto the ryh S' Ike's aceoui'. < ■■ nrst Cl ■ repeats itself: Antf hr; we- - aajrtw country shepherd;;, Farmers Give Aid To Charity Drive; Committees Named 'CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE I i.ld baby was found that weighed !< »!y r, little over 12 pounds and 'could barely move Itself. Carried to !rt physician it was learned that It v.n, perfectly normal and heahliy— bui. starved. The Farmers Aid. "These farmers and farm v.ivt * , v.ho have already responded to our pku h.ave helped us far more than thev can realize.” \lr. Llneberger ;aid. "The main thins wd need joihi .- than medicine, arc food and : tutd. They, many they®, must hate , pes* . beam;, petatoe., meal corn unoU ?s and such as that to live on. Then they nut have wood, and die farmers who have helped seem ''o realize thre,. Committee .Named, A committee has been named i.i h township of the county to eln round up food and fuel of any me that the farm people feel like r nrributing. Those who have ei> ra food, canned goods, or anything of that tvpo, they desire to give f'->n Pet in touch with tome mem b r of the committee, or take their contributions to. charity 4ieadqunr r - when they come to Shelby. The rural committees follow by townships: Township No. l—J. a. McOraw, C' S.-»'y. 8 C. R-2; Kester Ham el-. C-affnoy. S. C. R-2; M. B. 1. Gaffney, ST C„ R-l; Gray -1 Jia. Gaffney, S. C., R-9. Township No. 2—tv. C. Hamrick, 'toi’.nn Springs; B, B. Harris I.'dt.-3ihoro( R-2; J. D. Elliott, V ff-lby R-3. T. ;n hip No. 3—-A. A. Bettis, Tv': Byron Davfg, Shelby U-7: j, C, !. .. oxy, Shelby R-7. hip No. 4—J. L. Herndon. Gr;r:.; Allwri* Hamrick, Kings Mountain;. h, W. Gamble, Kings loan Inin route; w. A. Seism. Kings uaialn route. I tv.vruip Ko. %-M. P. Harrelsan V.Vc:: J. L. Hord, Waco; T. F. Sol) :.i, Kings Mountain R-l; Rufu; L. Plonk. King., Mountain R-l. Towuoflp No. c—J. W. Wesson, Shelby route; Joe E. Blanton, Shel by route; S. S. Mnuney, Shelby ,R-fi: Jno. C. Hamrick, Shelby R-7; S. tester Roberts, Shelby R-3. Township No, 7—R, G. Adams, Shelby R-4; J. g. Washburn, Shel by R-4; R. G. Burma, Mooresboro, Jno. A. i.lcBrayer, Lattlmore. Townialhp No. 8—E. L. Weathers. Shelby R-5; T. A. Stanley, Jr., Polk ville; L. C. Palmer, Lawndale R-l; Andrew J. Elliott, Shelby R-3. Township 9 Hugh Hoyle,. Bel wood; Ijho. L. Cornwell, Lawndale route; John E. Hoyle, Lawndale route; C. C. Falls, Falk:ton. Township No. 10—Frances Eoylcs, Lawndale R-4; John T. Warlick, Belwoou F.-l: C. S. Falls. Lawn dale R-4. Town,hip No, 11—A. M. Pruett. Casar; A. E. Elmore, Casar; J. Ro land. Price, Ca ar; J. L. Logan. Casar. _ Ft-ui't. en 4-H club members cf Clay county grew an average of 50 age of 15 bushels r.n acre. Cotton Market Cor. on was quoted at noon today on K w York Exchange: Dec. 6.07; Jan. 6.11; yesterday’s close 6.C">; Jr.n 0.07. N v York, Dec. 16.—Sterling 3 43 unchanged, Southern weather cleat ed but rain is forecast tomorrow f«r' all cairon states. Journal Commerc* si ;. Japanese gold‘export embargo nn.v result in decreased far eastern buying atxl perhaps also Lancash buying as latter may lost much of its far eastern business. Memphis r •) r,.j snot market fairly steady de spit-' light buying. Houston says ./ ainy in Texas spot markets light er but b .sis holds steady. Charlotte reports mills buying from hand to mm h in . mail lots strict low mid dling Siiid at highest basis in years. Worth Street quiet. Market likely t > hold*.'heady unless southern selling inert a r.... . Clevenburg. P'orcst City Dresses Up For Yuletide Eve ro-'tst City. pec. lG.-*-Forest City jras denned lier holiday dress and p .• nt • a beautiful picture indeed, with iter brightly colored lights acres, the square and lighted Christ mas tress in front of the business hotisff. There is string after string of ted, green, blue and white lights across the square A large Christmas tree has been placed at each end of the plaza, both of which are de corated with Christmas lights with a large white star at the top, repre senting'the Star of the East. A j-treamcr of lights has been strung |from cne tree to the othc- right I through 1 lie center of the square. | The three little paths in the center of the jTsfcn, with their evergreens and other shrubbery, add to the ef fectiveness of the Christmas decor ations. abiding In the field, keeping watch over their flocks by right.' “When the oink of dawn heralds the birth of a new day, the shep herds are astir. taVciug one to an other. As they tart, t'n the inclines tit seems o'raos'. * n' * gre ■ - o• ■ - nor « ; to . \;j. . n;id see this thing which ha (c#rw- u* pass: ” 1 ; Butler Will Be G.O.P. Candidate jForN.C. Governor i fur* To 5Iake Kaer. Juki- Newell Considered Party's Be-t Senate Candidtrte. (Special to The Star) Raleigh, Dec. 16.—Major George ;E. Duller, of Clinton, will oe the Republican candidate for governor j and Jake Newell, of Churl- itc, the | nominee of that party for the ! United States senate noyi. y. nr, both without opposition within the party, is the belief express'd tr po litical circles, as the resuU of re cent party developments This status is assumed on th* grounds: first, that the Republi cans are bent upon steering clean of primaries to nominate thei. party candidates next year, and either or both of these men, it- is believed, would offer lor the re spective places should the R< pub lican organization endorse or nom inate anyone else, thus forcing them into the primary, and, second: that both have been candidates before and neither is in complete standing in party ranks: ergo, let them hiiv their day now when it is expected to be a sacrifice of Republican can didates in major offices in the state, at least. Major Butler is considered one oi the ablest men in the state and was named recently as a member ol the N. C. Constitutional commission by Governor Gardner. He was a year or two ago district Rotary governor and thus established many favor able contacts. His ability, stability and personal popularity are of high order. However, even Republicans say that he is eternally damned In .he eyes of North Carolinians be cause he is a brother of former U. 8. Senator Marion Butlsr, who led a wing of the Democratic party in to Republican ranks and thus Help ed to bring the Republicans into power with the Russell regime. And the former leader has been a thorns in tlie flesh of Republicanism in the state since that eventful per iod. Jake F. Newell is held in high personal regard by Democrats and Republicans alike, and has been a candidate for congress and other offices several times. However, he has not been with the “ins” and has been found fighting the staid Republican machine on more than one occasion. This would Ire a good time t o-let him nloftp, let him'’Sac rifice liimself, since he has little chance of election. Gilliam Grissom la not going to run for governor, ire has said. He i'i not op the best terms with iha powers that be. In fact, they might have tried to out him as collector, but for forlorn national hopes next year. START WORK ON TW'O HUGE FREIGHT SHIPS NEXT MONTH Chester, Pa.—Construction work on two of the largest freight-carry ing ships in the world will be started next month at the plant of the Sun Shipbuilding company here. Officials. In announcing receipt of the order, explained that it nbt only averts a cut in the working forces, planned for this week but also necessitates the adding of about 1,000 men to the payroll. Cost of the two vessels will be approximately 1,600,000 each. They are to be built on order of Sea train Lines. Inc., and when finished will ply between Norfolk, New Orleans and Havana. The ships are to be completed in September and will be delivered one week apart, Extravagant. “'Every time I kiss ypu it makes me a better man." "Well, you don't have to try to get to heaven tonight.” The produce grown by 238 club members in Catawba county this year amounted in value to $8,883.59 of which $3,843.44 was profit, says the county farm agent. Penny Column USE RADIOS OF ALL j makes, from $10 up. Pendle ton's Music Store. 4t~16c on E Sll>?>.oV ’ CROSLEY Electric for $49.50. See the Radio bargains at our store Pendleton’s Music Store. 4tit THE "BEST USED "RADIO values in town at Pendle ton’s. 4t-16c WILL PAY 13c Cash | for colored chicken I this w eek. D. A. iBeam Co. Phone 130. 2t-16c SEVERAL KOLSTER AND ! Atwater Kent Battery sets I $15 and $20 for quick sale, j Dcudleton’s Music Store. 4tlG PROS LEY T DELCO. ~AT Kent Mid Earl Radios ■at les. than half price. Pen |dleton’$ Music Store. 41-1 Q< Battle of Bridge Giants Attracts H arid Attention J»! *• 3JC. ♦ ’ War, Death. Politics, Pestilence and Divorce Chased Off Front Pages bv Duel to Test Rela tive Merits of Lenz and Culbertson Systems. Never in the history ot this vale of tear - has a rarri game aroused :.n much interest as that now being played at New York between Ely Oul t bcrtson. partnered h; his wife, and Sidney Lenz. whose partner is On - [ { wald J.ionby. , The match, consisting of 150 rubbers and expected to ! i last six weeks, was made to test Hie relatives merits of the approaeti- ! -forcing bidding system, championed by the ( ulbertsons, and the 1 -15 | , system favored by Mr. Lenz. Ilotn experts are confident that his is jMhe perfect modus operand! for piling up the points, hut Mr. Cutbert i con In apparently the more confident, for he has wagered $5,000 'o : Mr. Lenz' $1,000 that his system comes out on top. Regardless of who ! is victor, the winnings are pledged to charity. The hotel where the I eard duel Is being fought Is a scene of bustle and excitement as the army of “war correnpomlfnts" who are ■•covering" the battle for ihe ; leading newspapers of the country as well as representatives of the ; European press, feverishly dig for Information as to the progress, of ! the game. Lieutenant Gruenther, l,'. S. V, is the referee in*the match | Photo nbfhe shows the scene of battle. Rack to camera is Ely Culhert i son and facing him is Mrs. Culbertson. Right is Sidney Lenz and left, Oswald Jacoby. Note the group of scribes in the background. A CHRISTMAS GIFT FROM The Bee Hive “Bargain Center of the County" Means More Than tfte Small Amount of Money That ■; It Costs. ' " ■ *" . . At tM’%JKve you etpi.get the highest qua! ity mercJra1^% and pay less than you would ordinarily cheap imitations. Bring your pennies to tlig^ee Hive. They will do the work • of dollars: ? * See These ^Christmas Suggestions: Men’s Scarfs Regular $1 value Bee Hive price MEN’S TIES PURE SILK HAND MADE Regular $2 values Bee Hive price SO* I. A DI ES’ PURE THREAD SILK HOSE Full fashioned. New est colors. Bee Hive prjce 1C 49 LADIES’ SWEATERS SILK and WOOL Beautiful colors and patterns. Regular S.'S values, Ree Hive* price $ J.24 WINNERS IN SATURDAY’S AUTOMOBILE CONTEST Messrs. M. M: JONES and JOE CABANISS each won $2.50 in last Saturday’s automobile contest. ALL SUITS AND OVERCOATS GREATLY REDUCED The Bee Hive “Bargain Center of the County” SHELBY, N. C. . Further Reductions Begin Thurs. All Toys Reduced SPECIAL for THURSDAY Thursday morning at 10:00 CfClock A. M„ we will sell (IRANDMA’S WASHING POWDERS at lc l.imited - Packages to a Customer 'As Long as They Last. MEN’S SHIRTS Moil’s English Hromleloth Shirts, Regular $2.00 values d— ' 88c One special lot of Men's Shirts; Regular 79e value, at 39c MEN’S SUITS in in $11 4 $18“ the greatest value Men's Suits ever sold Shrlln. - Special Lot Now. Spec ia I Lot Now Compare them with suits priced sno.oo to $40.00. Men’s Felt Hats All new full aiylea. nar row brims. Colors, ."brown greys and tans, Regrulat $4 value, £ 1 .49 NOW : ...... «P 1 MEN’S CAPS Made of.' all wool, well tailored, i?t.48 value Closing out price 59 c CHILDREN’S RAIN COATS $5.95 Value, O. til Now ...._ $4.95 Value, 1 .49 Now tP X - HOSIERY Boys’ part wool socks— Golf -Socks with briprht morceriied designs. Re inforced toes nn ind heels . £*%J C Children’s Rayon Hose— Famous Play hards—ray on over fine cotton. Re inforced toes j* and heels . O C The Greatest COAT VALUES In The World! $9.98 value, d* ,4.14 Now ....... n)4* $15.00 value, ti* CSk Now 819.95 value. d* £».>■!*• Now <PO $39.95 val. Now $6 $8 $16“ CHILDREN’S DRESS COATS Values up lo $7.95, now $4.95 value, Now _ SI-'9 98c 1‘ANTIES, VESTS, BLOOMERS AM) COMBINATIONS' EACH What finer gift Jui the young er girl than lovely RUN-RL DISTANT Rayon Lingerie' This assortment consists o: panties, vests, combination^ slips and btoouier:, in flesi: pink or dainty peach shades. i ./MBZflnZW* II mi1 IM——•AM ^ >«■> .r**4.« *»> .? **&*;:© NO APPROVALS NO REFUNDS NO EXCHANGES - Aii Sales Final. Hsatiits^rB tsrsta ! — RADIOS — 7 Ti:l). Airline Rftilio— VY»* — $•$6.88 _ 7 Tube A'.rl’rv 'Radio— \Va> “ $16.88 K> Tim:- SuperKeterbdynt w ; •. $tu\r3 ow 3 Tu’ ><> ‘ . ■ p.*r!ivUiXfdynt Vt it.> o 7 .{•>}—-A o'v •§9.88 & Xt&trr TIRES Riverside Del uxe 4-Ply Each Pair 25x4.40—21) .. $4.95 S 9.58 29x4.50—21) _ $5.00 S 10.90 30x4.50—21 .... $5.69 S1J.10 28x4.75—19 ..... $6|S S12.86 29x5,00—19 . S7.00 $13.60 28x5.25—18 .... S7.90 S15.30 31x5.25—31 . S8.55 S16.G0 i i — TIRES — Riverside OsLu:.t (>• Each 29x4.40 79x1.50—20 :;oxi.50—2i 28x4.79—19 19x5.00—19 . > 7.15 _ s 7.35 ... . S 7.48 .... S 8.30 .... S 8.90 Ply Pair 513,90 814.30 814.50 816.10 517.30 51x5.25—21 52x0.00—70 33x6.00—21 S 10.25 SI 1.50 311.65 819.90 $22-50 822.00 — FREE TUBE WITH EACH TIRE lmporlant! This offer is only good as long as Tubes last* h ml providing: wo have your size in stork. 2. I Montgomery Ward & Co. 139-111 So. La Fayette St. Phon« 167 Shelby, N. t'

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