Why Tramp Around To Buy Or Sell? Use Star Want Ads.-Quick Results . WKatYowWarrt , k Tnthe WANT APS Rites hor Wajit Advertisements In This Column. Minimum Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. This size 1 cent per word each insertion This size type 2c per word each insertion. This size type 8c per word each insertion IF YOilR FEET HURT you, visit 09 and have Dr. Scholl’s representative exam ine them free. A. V. Wrav & 6 Sons. ’_tf-30c CALL 832, THE ~AUTO INN, •next to county Jail” and let Ui wash or grease your car for 75c. tf 28c OUR SPECIALTY Grinding Wheat and Corn for the fanners. We give 36 lbs. Flour and 12 lb. feed. Prompt service. Farmers Milling Co., Cliffside, N; C. 4t-18fc 1929 AND 1930 Model A Fords. Very lowest prices. Doggett & Lackey, Shelby, N. C. 2t-16c Custom Hatching Let us hatch your chick*. Set each Monday starting December 14th, Three cent* an egg. Suttle Hatch 3ry, phone 348. 4t lie WHEN YOU HAVE A loved one to die, you should acknowledge the flowers sent by friends and show your ap preciation of the sympathy extended. Use sympathy ac knowledgement cards, plain white or with mourning adges. New samples and re duced prices at The Star of fice._ tf 9p SIX DOLLAR COAL Mat Bowman Coal Co. tflSc USED AUTO AND TRUCK parts. Automobile glass Installed. Sink Iron and Metal Co., West; Warren atreet, Phone MO. tf 13c RECOLLECTION of Quality remains long after price is forgot ten. Nat Bowman Coal Co. tf-18c VOR SALlf: KOREAN LESPED eza seed, oats, wheat and barley straw, Fulghum seed oats. M. s Seam, Waco. I2t 4p WANTED TO Trade Used Model A Fords for some good mules and cows. Doggett & Lackey, Shelby, N. C. 2t-16c FOR SALE-1 BOYS’ and 1 Girl’s Bicycle - Going at a bargain. Cleveland Hardware Co. ltc THREE GRADES" AND three price ranges in wed ding invitations and announce ments. Beautiful line of sam ples at greatly reduced prices ihown at The Star office. |_ tf 9p no slateTno clinkers. Nat Bowman Coal Co. tfl8c SEVERAL KOLSTEpTaND Atwater Kent Battery' sets $16 and $20 for quick sale. Pendleton’s Music Store. 4tl6! CROStEY, DELCO, AT water Kent and Earl Radios at less than half price. Pen dleton’s Music Store. 4t-16c KEEP YOUR VALUABLES from fire and burglars. A “Treasure Chest” costs only $13.86 and its fireproof. See the sample at The Star of fice. A Victor product that will protect you. tf 9p FOR RENT: GOOD HOUSE, fine location, big lot. C. 8. Young. tf 13c A BLUM S 1932 ALMANAC FREE with a six months renewal to The Star. Mall your check for 11.35 for The Star six months and the al manac will be mailed back to you, jr call at The Star office. «t *r ONE $166.00 CROSLEY Electric for (49.60. See the Radio bargains at our store Repdleton’s Music Store. 4tl( WE SELL. REPAIR AND RE charge batteries. Auto Inn, next to! County jail, phone 832. tf D4c FOR TRICYCLES, Wagons and Wheel Goods see the Cleve land Hardware Co. We cannot be under sold on THE LINE — Our prices are lowT est. ltc WEDDING INVITATION and announcements. Several j new lines at greatly reduced ! prices. Copper plate engraved, process (raised letter) work and plain printing. Three grades at three prices and the very newes t stock and styles. The Star, phone 11. tf 9p FIRST IN TOWN TO BRING prices down. Hair cute, 25c; shave, 15c. Central Barber Shop. 13 Dllp GET A BLUMS 1932 ALMANAC FREE with a six months renewal for The Star, Readers who can't get to The Star office, will please mall in their renawal for six or 12 months and the 1932 Blum’s Al manac will be mailed free. The 8tar, Shelby. 6t 6p " SKATES - $1.00 & $1.50 a t Cleveland Hardware Co. ltc WE. TRADE FOR anything. Good stock Model A Fords on hand. Doggett And Lackey, Shelby, N. C. 2t-l6c SPECIAL PRICE On Daisy Air Rifles and Air Rifle Shot. Cleve land Hardware Co. It YES, THE WHITE FLASH is coming. Look for it. ltc AUTOMOBILE TRUCK ioDY work; file and set crosscut sans, 75c, handsaws 35c. Elias Leigh, 1108 Lilly Mill Road, South Shelby. 3tl4p WE PAY CASH FOR fcotton seed, or ex change meal or hulls. D. A. Beam, Phone 130. 2t-16 WATCH FOR THE White Flash. It is coming in a big way by the First o f the Year. ltc SPECIAL OFFER: A 1932 BLUMS Almanac free If you renew your subscription to The Star for six months or longer. 6t 6p WANTED TO BUY: GERMAN Police, Alrdale or bull dog. Vera Yarbrough, near Waco. 2t 18p ~USE RADIOS OF ALL makes, from $10 up. Pendle ton’s Music Store. 4t-16c “THE BEST USED RADIO values in town at Pendle-, ton’s. 4t-16c COAL and WOOD^ $6.00 a ton for Best Quality Coal, Quick Service - “Our coal is always satisfactory.” Phone 35 or 73. Washburn Coal Co. It STRAYED —BLACK SHOAT with white feet, weighs about 36 pounds. Notify Dewey Parker, Lily Mill it Power Co. i-18p TOR SALE: ONE EXTRA NICE Jersey heifer. Freshen soon. Also one model A Ford roadster. Good condition, good tires. F. S. Dedmon, R-l, Shelby. It MODEL AFFORDS sold on very easy terms. Doggett and Lackey, Shelby. N. C. 2t-16c No. 1 Township News Of Interest Miss Jolley Weds Mr Huskey. Rob ert Jolley Gets Hand Cut. 'Special to The Sta;.i No. 1 Township, Dec. 17.-Miss , Flossie Jolley and Mr. Edwin Hus- j key of this community were mar- ; ried at Gaffney Saturday. Mrs. j Huskey is the oldest daughter of Mr. Bert Jolley. Mr. Huskey Is the son of Mr, Carl Huskey. They will make their home with Mr. and Mrs. Bud Jolley of this community. Rev. Cleve Holland of Mt. Pleas ant community spent Tuesday night with Mr. J. D. Byars. Mr. and Mrs. Bert McGinnis of State Line visited at the home of Mr. Wade Jones Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Gill Lytle and chil dren of Converse spent Sunday with ! Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Byars. Miss Ina McSwain was the Sun-' day night guest of Miss Mayir.e Earls. Mias Minnie Hopper was the dinner guest Sunday of Miss Ros sle Huskey. Mr. Robert Jolley had the mis fortune of getting his hand badly cut while working on his car. Three stitches were taken. FOR SALE: MASTER SIX Buick sedan. Bargain for cash. G. O. Lewis, Taxi Headquarters, 31 18c 200 SHEETS OP GOOD WHITE writing paper and 100 envelopes, both printed with your name and address for *1. This is thq biggest bargain ever offered In stationery. Call at The Star office. RED BAR & DARBY need no introduction. Nat Bowman Coal Co. tf-18c FOR SALE AT BARGAIN: Brand new Dayton water system. Miller Harris, 511 West Marion St. . 3t lip WANTED—EVERYBODY THAT is interested in raising rabbits for profit to be at the court house on Saturday December 19 at 2:30 p. m 2-16c FOR SALE: ONE 750 EGG capacity automatic Incubator. Used only one season. Mrs. A. C. War lick, R-3, Vale. 3t 14c FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM house, dose in, all conven iences. Griffin P. Smith. tfl6c GORDON ELECTRIC COM pany specializes in repairing elec tric ranges and all electrical ap pliances. For first class electrical work of any type telephone 518. 3t 18c WANTED TO BUY: SEVERAL loads good stable manure. D. H. Harris. 3t i8p It Pays To Advertise I Toluca And Knob Creek Late News ,'lrs. t arpenter Much Improved. Thieve* Get Gas, Cigarettes And Casli. ' Special to The Star.i Toluca, Dec. 16.—Regular preach ing service a at Carpenters Grove on Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, and Sunday at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 10. The Sunday school is planning to have a Christmas tree at the church Christmas eve. The Junior and senior B. Y, P. U. will present a play. Rev. W G. Camp the pastor has written the play. Mrs. J. M. Carpenter who is in the Shelby hospital Is greatly Im proving and expects to come home at an early date. Thieves broke the lock to the gas tank of Everett Linhardts filling station last Thursday night and took all the gas that was In it, and Friday night they attempted to brake into the store but failed, the same night theives entered the fill ing station of M. S. Boyles and took a quantity of cigarettes and candy, also took a slot machine in which Mr. Boyles said was about $15.00. Mrs. Burgln Burns of Lincolnton. spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Burns Thaxter Sain spent the week, end with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs W. F Mull of Catawba county. Miss Minnie Mull spent- last Sat* j urday night with Miss Clara WU- j hams of Fallston. Misses Male Huffman and Mara Jenkins of Gastonia si>ent last Friday with Miss Nora Costner Mr. and Mrs. Carrol) Mull. Mrs D M. Mull and Misses Minnie and Edith Mull were dinner guest* last I Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs. A. B Willis of Catawba coun ty Mr and Mrs. Charlie Hicks .spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Brice Swink. Misses Mary and Joyce I/cdford spent last Saturday night with Miss Nora Costner. Misf> Fannie Burns spent, last j Tuesday with Mrs Amos Workman of Casar , j Mr. and Mrs, J, P, Houser of Lincoln county spent last Satur day night, at the home of Mrs. Houser’s brother Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sain. Coleen and Estelle Mull of St Paul, spent Saturday night with their uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cook. Mr Yates Carpenter spent the week end at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs. Max Cline Of Maiden Mrs Ethel Denton and children of Gastonia, spent last Friday with TOYS for the CHILD? Indeed yes! Nothing can take the place of toys in the child’s heart. But among those toys on Christmas morning, then should he a little book, far more preeiou than all the other gifts— A Bank Book To teach your child the habit of saving and make it fun. Open a Savings Accolmt for Helen or Jimmy This Christmas. Union Trust Co. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Huffman Mrs, S. A Sam spent last Friday with her sister Mis. Walter Fain ol Lincoln county. The following were dinner guests Sunday of Mr, and Mrs S. H. Sain. Mr. and Mrs J. P, Houser. Mr. and Mrs Howard Sain and Mr Henry Brittain. Miss lnui Carpenter spent Iasi Sundav with Miss Elsie Lou Burns Little Miss Hilda Wilkinson of Lincoln county, spent last Sunday with little MUss Marvin Boyles Miss EHie Hartman of Lincoln county, spent lost Saturday ritRlit with Miss Ruth Coatner Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker of Du!-! las, spent last, Saturday night at j the home ol Mrs. Eaker.'s brother.! Mr. and Mrs Blaine Willi, Miss Gertrude Seism of Cherry- , vtile was a dinner guest Sunday ot [ Miss Vaunrtta Boyles. Misses Mario nod Ionise Costner j pent last Saturday night with their j sister. Mr. and- Mrs. Theodora Boyles. — STAR AD VS. PAYS Business Digging Hole In B&semenf Greensboro News. The Cleveland Star, re felt ring u the Dally News’ citation of Mr Hoover's eight steps to bring busi ness back, observe? that aald busi ness must be in the basement In stead of around the corner. There is ready admission that the base ment is more in the direction of the place to which business is generally declared to have gone. GIFTS ALL PAID FOR IN ADVANCE ffitl CHRISTMAS SAVINGS CLUB f'OR hundreds of families Christmas will be merrier than ever this year! Why? Because the spirit of giving will have full play. Gifts will be paid for in advance by our Christmas Savings Club. You can begin now to provide for your 1932 Christmas. The First National Hank will help you save a little every week in a way that you won’t miss it. First National Bank —"r TOOTS AND CASPER Casper’s Not Napping Either. I V6 BEEN TRAMPING THE STORES LOOKING POR A CHRISTMAS £lFT POR VDU, CASPER', AND AU.THE WHILE » KEPT THINKING HOW YOU AND COLONEL HOOPER AGREED NOT TO , ‘bPHND OVER $25.28 EACH ON PRESENTS* FOR *YOUR NW IVES. 7. JUST BECAUSE HE'S ATILtHT-WAD AND WON'T SPEND MUCH MONEY ON HI9 WIFE. IS NO REASON YOU should limit Yourself , TO SPENDING f 25. °g ON ME1. J IT-3 NOT THE. VALUE OF A 6IFT THAT COUNT6fr0OT3. V ,T& THE THOUGHT. r L t Iw}, Ki|»f Fratufei Syrcdicitf. It*.,, Gmt. Brit.'* ramtd, THI5 MAY BE A 6CHEME.\ OF HOOFERS TO ^HOW ME ' UP, BUT HE WON'T FIND ME \ Asleep at the switch) / l Bought thi*> rin<* \ TODAY1 AND 1 CAN HARDLY ) WAIT UNTIL CHRI^TMA^ / to 4ive it to toots', J - IT'S THE COLONELS OWN FAULT . „ THAT l CANT TRU<VT HIM* »F HE SHOULD <^IVE HIS WIFE SOME INEXPENSIVE, trinket, and then i step up and HAND THIS DIAMOND TO TOOTS * V\/OWl SOPHIE WOULD BRAIN HIM1. IT WOULD SERVE HIM RIAV4T FOQ OKI COL. HOOFIR' HE EVIOEHTLY HA<=> -dOMETHIM/f 1 UPHISSUCVE A Surprise Package. ^ COME ON TOOTS DON'T LOOK 50 5AD, / PAPA LOVES YOU! I'M ( NOT A TIGHT-WAD! ) 5HP ON AN EVENING ' GOWN AND WE'LL GO \ PLACE5 ANOOO THINGS'. ) T 1 4UE5S YOU DON'T LOVE ME anymore. CASPER* I "THINK YOU WERE HORRID \ TO A6REE NOT TO SPEND OVER #25.<22 ON A CHRISTMAS PRESENT ^FOR ME JUST BECAUSE COLONEL HOOFER IS TOO CHEAP TO [\ SPEND MORE THAN THAT/ UNTIL AFTER ON HIS WIFE* j--YOU SEE YOUR present* 7 STOP MOANING, TOOTS!HOLD VOUR COMPLAINTS V emi U. ~ King 1 matures Syndicate, Inc^Grtai ft- »•$. . -h-, f.y:, /' I B0U6HT THIS DIAMOND FOR TOOTS, BUT I DON'T DARE SHOW IT TO HER UNTIL CHRISTMAS.! CAN'T TAKE ANY CHANCES OF !4AVINC| COLONEL HOOFER HEAR ABOUT ITl W COLONEL HOOFER WILL FAINT*! WHEN HE SEES ME HAND THIS I DIAMOND TO TOOTS AT THE CHRISTMAS DINNER,IF ALL ME HAS FOR SOPHIE IS A PURSE , HE'LL BE ASHAMED TO HAND IT TO HER IN VIEW OF ALL OF US! ano in the t1EAiMT|ME COt. vtooreocMucin.es to HtMsetr » WU*T

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