r ... ■ "".———— 10 PAGES TODAY «v Mail, per year, tin advance. - u * Carrier, per \eai, ilia advance) ax pi VUL. XXXV11, No. 152 SHELBY, N. C. MONDAY DEC. 21. 19D> 1 Published Monday. Wodnseday and Friday Afternoons. Late News THE MARKET Cotton, spots ..._ 6c and up Cotton wd, per ton S12.00 _ # Cloudy And Rain. Today's North Carolina Weather Report: Occasional rain tonight and Tuesday. Rising temperature Tues day and inaest and central por tions tonight. Tar tleel Vote Washington, Dee. 21.—North Car oltna Democrats divided eight lo two on the president's moratorium hill. Messrs. Warren, Pou. Han cok. Clark. Lambeth. Btilwinkl-. Pnughlon and Weaver were for ft. and Jterr and Abcrnelhy against it. Representative Weaver was in the state, attending the funeral of his sister, and rould not be here to vote. ThV, House Democrats eager ly supported the land bank bill, providing $100,000.04)0 for the svs tem to enable it to he more liberal with farmers who want to buy lands or hold what they hare. Gardner Writes About Carolina In Big Magazine Wine Bricks Secure Good Free Ad Slate Gets National Attention. Kitchin On State Highway Board. M. R. D CNN AG AN Star News Bureau. Raleigh, Dee. 21—Governor Gard ner has turned literary and broken into The Saturday Evening Poet with an article that will appear in the January 2 issue, on sale Decem ber 30. Governor Gardner wrote on New Wine in Old Bottles '’ hold ing that, new conditions demand new remedies. Editor Lorimer has written him that the article is so timely, dealing with the reorgan ization of state- government, that hr has changed the title to “One 'CONTINUED ON PAGE TEN Key Men Of Shelby Mill Hear Dr. Wall At Annual Banquet Using For His Theme “The Hands of Jesus'' He Praises Men Who Work. [Ting for hi.' theme "The Halids of Jesus," Dr. Zeno Wall, pastor of • he First Baptist church glorified he laboring man Saturday night when he spoke to 75 key men of ths Shelby Cotton mill in an annual banquet, served in the community club building. Mr. R. T. LeGrand, secretary treasurer of the mill was toastmas ter and Introduced the speaker. A delicious turkey dinner was served, under the direction of Mrs. John McCIurd, assisted by members of >he sowing club. together with cigars and 'souvenirs in the form of pearl handled knives to every eue=» present. Mr. C. C. Blanton, presi dent of the mill was also there and Dr. Wall praised Blanton and Le Grand for taking time in their busy lives to encourage the depress ed and the despondent and to ad minister unto the suffering and to encourage those who need encour agement. Dr Wall went to tire Cliffside mill as a weaver 35 years ago and be side the loom as he worked, he dreamed of a greater service to hu manity. He congratulated the fine body of men to whom he was -ncnkinc for having a nart in the largest industrial plant of thj county, for their dependability and their responsibility and for the fact ■that there is no undercurrent of bolshevism, radicalism of commun ism on the hill, but a spirit of com mon interest for each other Speaking of the laboring hand of Jesus, Dr. Wall said the Master whose birthday we are about tc celebrate, loved and sympathised with laboring men because h?'was a laborer at the carpenter's bench himself. Then Jesus had a helplnc hand. In his short life he helper more people in a shorter space ol time than any other man in the worlds history. By his laboring anr helping hands he taught mankind to labor and to help which typify the Christian spirit. Only 3 more Shopping days TIL CHRISTMAS. Cleveland Has Second Lowest Tax In N. C. i Currituck Below By One Cent General County-Wide Rate Here Sn Cents, Same 4s In Forsyth County. | Cleveland county citizens, as they i pay their 1931 taxes, have cause to be pleasantly surprised by the de crease in their taxes. Only one of the 100 counties in North Carolina has a lower county-wide tax rate than Cleveland That one county is Currituck. | which reduced taxes from $1.29 to 40 cents. Half Dollar Here. Prior to the last legislature one county. Forsyth, had a lower coun ty-wide rate than Cleveland. Sever- j al measures enacted by the legisla -1 ture enabled county commissioners to cut taxes still more and the > Cleveland general rate was slashed from 73 cents to 50 cents. Forsyth's was cut from 60 to 50 cents. With Cleveland and Forsyth, the big in dustrial county, tying for the sec ond lowest county-wide rate in the State. Rowan is next with a 54-cent rate. Mecklenburg is next with a 58-cent levy. The levy for the average county in the State is $1.06 or 56 cents more on the $100 valuation than in Cleveland Rates for counties neighboring Cleveland follow: Catawba 96 cents. Lincoln 96 cents, and Rutherford, $113. , The highest tax rate in the State. $2, is in Brunswick county, but sev- \ eral counties have rates between $1 and $2 Young Man Injured In City Yesterday Has Shoulder Fractured. Ledbetter, Hurt In Wreck Last Week, * Improved Now. Paul Carpenter, young Shelby j man. was treated at the Shelbvj hospital yesterday for a fractured J shoulder, but was able to return tcj his home after receiving treat-' ment Henry Ledbetter, young man oi the Buffalo section, who was injur ed last night a week ago in an auto wreck, is improving at the Shelby hospital and is now able to be up. He had several ribs fractured and his collarbone broken when his car plunged off the embankment on highway 20, just east of Shelby, at the bridge near the service station best known as King's place. Colored Schools Helped By State (Special to The §tar > Raleigh, Dee. 21.—The state Board of Equalization, at its meet ing last we^ft, allotted $155,078.18 to three items in connection with the operation of the public schools, in- ! eluding $62,883 for additional trans portation, $54,870 as part of salary and expenses of school attendance officers, aixl $37,325.18 to aid in rural supervision. Secretary LeRoy Martin announces. Cleveland county, under the new allotment, gets $330.00 additional for transporting pupils; $750 for salary and $150 for travel expenses of the attendance officer, and $533. 33 for rural supervision, all for col ored schools. Secretary Martin’s records show Mercury Strikes A New High For Christmas Here Sunday was the hottest Oe cember day Shelby and sec tion has experienced in 42 ; years, and perhaps longri than tftttt. ' | Mercury in the Kbeltoft thermometer climbed to S!l j daring the day, while other thermometers registered even higher, going uj> in the 70's. Old timers say that there hasn’t been such warm weath er here since 1889. or 42 years ago. when there was an un usually warm winter. Others -ay that it wasn't as warm then as jt was yesterday and Saturday. But there are no official records to show just what the temperature was then. The younger generation however, hda never known the weather to be so warm with in less than a week of Christ mas. The Charlotte weather bu reau reported that the mer cury there climbed to 79 due degree above the record of ing the day. This was four December 26, 1889. '-1 " ' —.""" . Negro Under $1,000 Bond Over Alleged Attempt In County Sent To Superior Court On Charge Of Making Remarks To White Girir rn county court Saturday Emory Maddox. 19-ycar-old negro farm; hand. %s bound over to Superior , court under a *1,000 bond for an! alleged attempted assault on a 16 year-old white girl who lives a few miles west of Shelby. The alleged incident took place last Tuesday morning while the girl was at a spring, in the Beavef Dam churih section, washing. The negro Is charged with making some remarks to her and placing his hand on her arm. He denies that he made any attempt at anything ser ious and w-as insulting In any man ner . Curb Market Will Open Wednesday to Handle Yule Trade Coifnty W omen To Sell Table Deli cacies For Christmas Feeds In Shelby. On account of Christmas day coming the day before the reg lar curb market, it has been de cided that the market will be open on Wednesday instead of Saturday this week. The following articles will be on sale at the market: Canned goods, preserves, pickles and relishes, eggs, chickens, dressed poultry, greens turnips liver mush buttermilk, potatoes, holly, mistletoe and other Christmas evergreens. Of rourse there will be some home made rakes of ail varieties, and fresh ewuntry butter. The hours are from 9:00 to )l:0O A. M. Higher Pay For Wage Earners Hope Of Progressives For Better Times Increased Purchasing Power, sta bilization of Price Levels Sought. | Washington, Dec. 21.—Increased and steadied purchasing power on the part of the great masses of wage earners was offered last week as the heart of a progressive program fn. industrial stabilization. ' Fruit of the committee work growing out of the conference of progressives held here last cpriug the report was taken before a se: ate committee by Senator LaFoi lette of Wisconsin. The independent Republican was chairman of the conference's unem pioyment and industrial stabilisa tion committee He is chairman also of the senate manufacturers sub committee before which the pro gressive paper was laid for study Establishment of an economic emm cil is under consideration. Planning: General Scheme. National planning for regularized growth has the general scheme of the LaPollette report, in control distinction to stabilization at any given fixed level As more specific goals it named "Increasing the proportion of in come going to the majority in the lower income ranges, who will spend more of It for the product? of mass production. “Raising the lowest wage rates, which are inadequate to sustain n demand for the requisition of com fortable and hygienic existence. "Making purchasing power mote stable than th“ business aetivitie from which it is derived, by the use of reserves or insurance against un employment. “Stabilization of price levels so .CONTINUED ON PAGE TEN Rebel’s ex-Wife m \ ■ mm Married in 1924, against the wishes of her family, to General Jose Gon 7.alo Escobar, former Mexican Army rhief and revolutionary leader. Mrs. ('onoepcion Goelder de Escobar has resumed her maiden name and re turned to El Paso, Texas, to live with her parents following the an nulment of her marriage to the rebel loader. The Escobars have one son. Fernando, aged five. Gifts And Music At Churches Here Usher In Yuletide * Story Of Christ Told In Iteautiful Music. White Gift* And Money Received. 'Die spirit of the Yuletide season was manifest Sunday at the three up-town churches in special music telling of the arrival of the Savior of the World in the little town of Bethlehem. 1931 years ago. Reeord Crowds. *'* Special Christmas sermons were preached by all the pastors and records in attendance were estab lished at Sunday school and church es. At the First Baptist. 1021 were at the Sunday school to observe the "White Christmas." This is a record and a goal for which the pastor and his co-workers have long been striv ing. They Go To Give. It was known that gifts would be received on Sunday, but this did not seem to diminish the crowds. In stead, the crowds Increased and giv ing spirit seemed to hold sway. They went to give. At the First Baptist church, fully 1,000 packages ol food wrapped in white paper, were offer ed for the relief of the poor of the community. The two or three truck loads of food will be stocked in the church pantry for distribution dur ing the winter, to cases deemed worthy and deserving. Cash Offerings. An offering for the poor w-as re ceived at the Central Methodist .church and at the Presbyterian | vesper service held at 5 o’clock Sun day afternoon, a free will cash pff i Cling was received for the relief of ■aged ministers. Both offerings were ! liberal. Christinas Music. | A choir of twenty five well train led voices under the direction of Mr. ; Dale Kalter presented the Christinas I part of Handel's great oratio “The I Messiah;’’ including a number of se | lections from the well known “Hal I lellujah Chorus." A large congrpga Ition enjoyed this rendition. Christmas anthem and other Yuletide music bearing on the Birth of Christ featured the musical pro gram at the Presbyterian church vesper service at 5 o’clock Sunday afternoon. The choir was under the direction of Mrs. Wm. McCord. An attractive setting of evergreens made up the setting. Many people had to be turned away Sunday night af the First Baptist church at the presentation of a pageant “The Star of Hope" in which 150 characters took part, j Every available seat and all stand ing room in the mammoth auditor ium were taken. The story of the birth or the Christ child was vivid ly told in song and story, the most ; realistic Christmas story presenta tion ever presented here. Mrs. Flay Hoey played the part of Mary, the Madonna. The efectrical effect and costuming of the characters added ; greatly to the solemnity and beau tv of the pageant Have New Daughter. Born Sunday to Ex-Senator and Mrs D Z Newton a( the Shetti hospital, a daughter Mrs Newton before marriage was Miss’ Elrrn G#ffnev of Shelby Holiday Buyers Gave Shelby Big Rush Saturday Heavy Trade Evident Again Today l.alr C hristinas Shoppers I III j by Stnrrs. Much Activity This Week. Hundreds of Christinas shop pers filled Shelby streets and stores Saturday as they opened their final drive of gift-buying and a heavy trade was still on today despite the rainy weath er. The belated Christinas shopping j rush, which was delayed because I the weather was such as to make j Christinas seem a long way off, turned loose in full force Saturday.! From all sections of Cleveland county and adjoining counties shoppers piled into the city Satur day and gave local stores, the ma jority of whom had extra clerks on duty, their biggest activity of the year. By mid-afternoon all convenient parking space in t(je main business section was filled and the police force hud its hands full preventing double-parking along the principal busines ^streets. The crowds re mained until the evening and at 3 and 9 o'clock the streets were still teeming with hundreds of people and auto traffic was heavy within four blocfcs of the business square, Many others, realizing how crowd ed conditions would be Saturday delayed their major shopping until this week, and today the business activity was good although there was a steady rain. Merchants antici pate a continued rush Tuesday and Wednesday with the last drive on the bargain and gift counters cul minating in the customary Christ mas eve jam Thursday. Short Termers Get On Spree While Up Town From C. Home Pinched Again For Drinking While Serving Time For Similar Offense. Two short term prisoners on the county home farm keep adding to their sentence while serving it. Saturday evening two short termers employed It the home came to Shelby and before they got back were arrested by officers for drunk enness. Both were serving tithe for over-imbibing Some of the short term convicts sent up by the county court offer a problem. Under the new State con vict regulation the State forces will not work convicts who have sen tences less than 60 days. Quite a number of the defendants sentenc ed in county court are sent up for minor offenses Rnd get only short terms. AH the county has to do with them, under the new plan, is to keep them in jail and feed them at a dead expense, or use them at some work at the county home. The two. who pitched another spree Saturday while still serving time, had been sent to the county ! home in order that the woik done by them there might help defray the expense of their upkeep. Edwards May Head ■ Asked By Shuping To Take C'hargi Of Demoeratie Drive In I > County. Attorney Henry B. Edwards, rep resentative to the. last legislature may head the Victory Fund Cam paign in Cleveland county lor the Democratic party. A letter to him from C. L. Shup ing. North Carolina chairman lot the campaign fund which it is hop ed will send a Democrat into the White House next year, has writ ten Mr. Edwards asking that be take charge of the drive here.. Mr. Shuping writes that pros pects for a general Democratic vic tory are bright and that loyal co operation of all voters will help put it over. Among other things, he says: “We plan to give every Dem ocrat an opportunity to make a contribution Small contribution will be as gratefully as large ones Enthusiasm and militancy will be increased in proportion to the num ber of contributors. If we can get a large number of contributions, for even small sums. It would have e. f wonderful influence on the success or the county, state and national i tickets in 1!K!L> A formal certificate of enrollment as a member of the I Victory Fund Campaign will be is 1 sued by national headquarters to ! every contributor.” History May Bo IMado lloro Herr I* the Chicago Stadium where the Republican National Conven tion will lie held on June 14, having been chosen by a vote of the G, O. P. National Committee 8fi to It. The Stadium will seat 21,000 and I* urlificially cooled, Lower panel is an interior view of the huge \ auditorium, giving a good idea of its enormous rapacity. Although the l building is practically new, by the end of 1933 It may have assumed i an historical significance; for the next president of the Cnited Stat-s may be nominat'd there. Holidays Start Tomorrow For Shelby Pupils; County Schools To Close Wednesday Afternoon The Christmas holiday t eason for around 3,000 glielby school children will formally open tomorrow aftei - noon when school closes No definite hour has been set for the holidays to begin tomorrow aft ernoon as the various schools have different hours for their annuel ! Christmas programs. The Ytile ex ert tecs at Central high school anil be held during the regular assem bly hour tomorrow morning Dur ing the day the various schools about the city, particularly the! lower grades, will have their Christ- ; mas trees and gift swapping j The city schools will resume work ^ on Monday, January 4 The county schools wall shut down' a# the end of the school day Wed 1 nesday, Dec, 23. Practically all of j them held special Christmas pro grams last week or will hold them [during the three school days this week. Work will be resumed in the county schools on Thursday. Dec. 31. No Issue Of Star Friday Following out usual custom to omit one issue of Thr Star during the Christmas holi days there will be no issur on Friday (Christmas Day) of this week. This is done in or der to give our forre an op portunity to spend the Christ mas day with their families. • The Star will be issued on Wednesday of this week as usual and re-appear as usual on Monday and regularly thereafter. Advertising copv for Wednesday of this week should be in early. Girl Known Here Kills Large Deer Mis*. Elizabeth Hall, Ebcltoft's Grand (laughter, Brings Down Big Burk. The following news item from Hickory will be. of interest here be cause Miss Hall is the granddaugh ter of Mr. and Mrs, T W Ebeltoft and-the niece of Miss Elizabeth Ebeltofi "Not all lull-fledged mm rods are of the masculine sex 'In fact, it is doubtful if many men who enjoy an occasional hunt ing trip, could equal the record which has recently been established by a well known young woman of Hickory who is sojourning in Tex as. "Incidentally the young lady in question comes by her skill natur ally, for her father has always en joyed hunting and fishing. She is the daughter of George W. Hall, well known furniture manufacturer, "In a letter to her father Miss Elizabeth Hall tells of killing a fine 150-pound buck at 60 yards with an automatic rifle. The buck had 13 points on his antlers and was de scribed as a beautiful specimen. Miss Hall was sp- fortunate as to have struck a vital spot, the bullet killing the big deer instantly in hts tracks. “The deer hunt was on the ranch where Miss Hall is teaching, about 30 miles front Sonora. Texas. Miss Hall has been killing considerable game this fall and is receiving a good deal of publicity in the news papers in Texas ” McAdoo Would Not Be Surprised To See Both Parties Go On Rocks Unrest May Forecast General Poli tical Upheaval In America In 1932. Las Angeles, Dec 21.—William Gibbs McAdoo saicblaet week on his return from a visit to New York and Washington, that he found "evidence of an amazing amount of unrest anti discontent under the. crust." He added "1 do not think it is at all un likely that a political revolution may occur next year, that may sweep both the old parties to one side, because there is a deep feel ing among the people that each of the major parties are.dominated by interests <ht»i are opposed to the welfare of the masses, and that it is time for tile masses themselves * to lake the remedy in their own j , hands by putting somebody in the: While House who will see that they get justice and a fair deal. "I don't know how widespread this feeling is, but I got evidences of it in quarters where it was least to be expected " The former secretary of the treasury under President Woodrow Wilson said ht did not have much to say about politics on his eastern trip, as he was busy with legal matters, but he heard a lot. What impressed me most is the confusion of opinion I encounter ed.” he said. ‘Everywhere upon this subject there is no crystallization, so far as 1 can See, in favor of ary particulai man for the Democratic nomination. Again there is such a wide difference of opinion as to whether a wet or a dry ought to be nominated, that I am afraio the party may become hopelessly divid ed again on this subject Little Hope Of Securing Larger Fund For Shelby / Post Office Amount Is $85,000 ynalom And Rlihcinklr See Slight Chance Or (Irtting Aprropria lion Boost. Tlte appropriation for en larging the Shelby postoffice, to be passed upon this week by the 9 present session of congress, will in all probability be held to $83,000, the original allotment. This was learned late last week when Shelby business leader* re ceiveri communications from Sena tors Cameron Morrison and Josiah W. Bailey and Congressman Bul winkle. These gentlemen stated that In view of the treasury deficit there was little, d any, chance ot getting the appropriation increased as post office officials aim culacir here hud hoped • t moil in l> t Ixed. Just below* the last session t.j congress adjourned a temporary list of allotments for enlarging post Office, over the country was pre sented This list called for $83,000 for the Shelby office. At that time iht land was considered sufficient to add a third story, to be used as u federal court room and offices, and to increase the working space m the main mail department. But lat er an architect or inspector visited tlie city and found that to mate , the required addiuan it would be necessary to take in some of the ground at the rear covered by the Heey building. This meant that the original $85,000 appropriation would not be enough to purchase a part of the Hoey property and make the addition to the building. It w;« then that Shelby leaders, including officials of the Kiwanis club, wrote their renresentailvcH in congress about the matter. ; Three replies coming to FfflTist Eskridge, ingoing Kiwants pre i dont. inform that the prospect is not bright for enlarging the sum , Congressman Bulwinkle explains m his letter Uiat the size of the pa proprlation is no longer fixed on the floor of congress. Instead It is han dled by a committee working under the treasury department and the postmaster general. This commit tee checks up on the amount of 1 mall handled in the office, the rec ommendations of the postmaster and fixes the amount. The $85,000 appropriation for the Shelby office (was fixed at the last session by this committee arid Mr. Bulwinkle sajt j that due to the treasury deficit the committee refuses to increase the 1 sum. Bill Lp This Week. , me recommendation or the com- 1 iiiittee for appropriations is sched , tiled to leave the committee room ! and go before congress this wees, | Bulwinklc said. If the list of ac ; propriations ts approved the $85,000 ■ lor Shelbv will be sent along in due course of time. Senator.; Bailey and Morrison , made similar replies. Senator Bade:' ! wrote that lie. too. had visited the committee and that “we fear very ' much that under the strained fin 1 uncial circumstances t.he appropiin tion will not exceed $85 800 Native Of County {Passes At Gaffney ; Mrs. Mattie Champion Petty Died There Saturday. Funeral Serv ice On Sunday. Mrs. Mattie Champion Petty. 75. wife of Tom C. Petty and a native j of Cleveland county, died Saturday Jin the hospital at Gafney after ar (illness of approximately tw< j months. Mrs. Petty, a native of Cleveland , county, had made her home to i Gaffney for many years. was a member of the First Baptist church ; there, popular and highly respecter ! by the citizens of her adoptee : town. Funeral services were conducted from the home Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock with Dr. McFarland, pastor of the First Baptist church in charge In her immediate family she m survived only by her husband. A half brother. Mr J. P Austell, lives in Shelby. Mrs Petty was the daughter of the late David Champion and Jane McBrayer Champion She was ■» sister t*| the late D: Champion «r 1 Moore,shore Mr C D Forney of Lawndale was ia visitor in the city Saturday.

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