Democrats Take Fling At G. 0. P. Partisan Claims hay tfocvrr Takes Inil Credit Km Program In Which l)emo eruts Aided. Washington, Dee. 1R.—Senate' Democrats made the chamber tins aiid the galleries Jean forward yes terday with charges that President Hoover got them to help him, and then claimed the credit through his spokesmen. Before it was over. Republican independent# Joined In lambasting the administration, while the regU{ la r Republicans, save for a few scattered words, silently listened The incident which caused tire* display of party feeling was Secre tary Hurley's speech before the Re publican national committee yester day in which he combined %iigh praise of the president with the as sertion that the Democrats had n? program. The party leaders-Robinson ol Arkansas—and Harrison of Missis sippi, snapped verbal lashes at the administration, Robinson pounding his big fist on his desk as he charg ed the administration with playing politics after seeking and receiving Democratic support for combating economic pfbblems. Harrison’s Speech. Harrison’s flawing was in a light er vein, but he accused Hurley of attempting to revive the religious issue In his references to John ,r Raakob, chairman of the Democra tic national committee. Senator Borah, of Idaho, joined in from the Republican side with n condemnation of the president for not having called an extra session to consider the economic situation Both Robinson and Harrison de scribed Hurley as the president's "closest adviser.” They gave notice that while the Democrats did not intend to "play politics,” they were going to give very close scrutiny to all adtnlnls USE for BETTER "CONTROL OF COLDS DR. S. F. PARKER — PHYSICIAN — Office Phones 64 and No. 2 j Residence Phone 129-J SUBSCRIPTION TO.THC STAR RUN-DOWN and WEAK “I began tak ing Cardul when in a weakened, run-down condition,” writes Mrs. P. S. Perrit, ol Wesson, Miss. “I took one bot tle, and I seemed to im prove so much that I sent for six bottles. Af ter I had taken the six bottles, I seemed entire ly well. “Before I took Car dui, I was nervous, rest less, blue and out of heart. I felt depressed all the time. After I took Cardul, all this disappeared. “1 gave my daughter Cardul and it helped to relieve Irregular . . .” ThJa. medicine ha* been used by women for over 50 years. ■ •ITS Tak< CARDUI Helps Women to Health I Take Thedfortl's Blaek-Draught ] for Constipation. Indigestion, L _and Biliousness. M I It ration proposals this session. lame Republican. Shorlridge, of CallfornlH. alone ot ; i.he Hi publican regulars, dipped 1n j to the debate. He interrupted Harrison to ask I: ‘the Democrats wouldn't be glad to get rid of Chairman Raskob. of j their national committee. Harrison : replied if that were done, "the Ro ; publicans would have nothing to I t alk about." i Harrison's quips caused 1‘requen laughter and Interruptions. He said Die speech of Chairmen Frss to the Republican national committee contained the slogan "Sell Hoover to the country.” "Does not the senator think.” In terrupted Senator Marklcy, Demo crat, Kentucky, “that In their hearts, they would like to give him away?” Harrison displayed from his place on the front row of the chamber reproductions of full-page Repub lican advertisements in the 1928 campaign. “On the peaks of prosperity," was the heading of a 1928 Republican advertisement which Harrison lift ed to his laughing colleagues. Varied Program. An 111 omen for the president's petition for temporary war debt re vision came from the house ways and means committee today. It amended the moratorium ratifica tion measure to declare cancellation or reduction of debts against con gressional policy. Just how this will affect action on the moratorium re mains to be seen. Alined to assure capital for farm ers at low rates, the Stegall bill for a $100,000,000 revolving fund for farm loan banks won House com mittee approval. Arrangements was made for committees In both branches to get going on another Hoover proposition, the $500,000,000 “reconstruction corporation” to ad vance funds to industries in want. St. Paul New* Of Late Interest St. Paul, Dec, 17.—Miss Madge Harrelson gave her many friends a party last Saturday night. Many' interesting games and contests were j played. Those present were: Misses Annie and Edna McSwain, Alma ; Ruth. Annie Lou Harmon. Bairte j Canlpe, Edna and Evelyn Carpen ter ,Ruby and Ruth Harrelson, Inez | McIntyre, Annie Laura and Jose- j phine Beam, Lena and Cloe Wil liams and Mrs. Joe Phil Wilson. Messrs. Cullen, Dwight and Bill Mc Swain, Palmer Blanton, Lowell Yarboro, James Costner. Joe Phil Wilson, Dover Cireenf, Harry Smoot, Woodrow' and Columbus Beam, Dan Ellis Harrelson, Albert Davis, Boyd Canipe, Reed Harrel son, Griffin Murray, Everette Me- j Neely, Dixon Stroup, John Carpen ter Paul Bess, and Roosevelt Howell. All reported a nice time. j Mr. and Mrs. George Tate and children, Mildred and Ralph of Belmont, visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Dellinger Sunday afternoon. Misses Annie Laura and Jose-! phine Beam, and Messrs Dever, Green and Cullen McSwain were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McSwain Sunday. Miss Alma Bridges of Grover, who has been visiting her aunt Mrs I<ouif> Green, re^rned home Friday. Mr. Woodrow ’ Hendrick: of the Pleasant Grove community, spent Friday night with Messrs Harlon and Dwight McSwain. Mrs. W. N. Harrelson and chil dren Blanche. Hal and Dwight spent ifconday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. John Helton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoyle and1 children of Fnllston, were the din ner guests of their parents Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Murray Sunday. Mrs A. W. Harmon and children silent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Marcus Beam. Mrs. Oun and children of Mon roe, spent several days last week with Mrs. M. L. Murray. Mrs. E. A. Dalton spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. A. W. Harmon, and Mrs Ijettie Ann Harmon. _ Those visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Harmon and family Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Carpenter and children of near Waco. Mr. and Mrs Misha Jenkins and chll •iren of Lattimorc and Mr. and r.Trs Maurice Hord and family of Lawn-! dale. Mrs, W T, Wehunt and little 1 daughter Pauline, of Flay, spent! the week end with her mother Mrs. V.\ A. Canipe. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Phil Wtlson and little daughter Phyllis of Shelby, spent the week end with Mrs. Louis Greene. Mrs. Alvin Harreison of Henriet 1 *• Accompanied by her niece and nephew Nancy and Booby Kiser spent awhile Saturday with Mr. and | Mrs. W. N. Harreison. Mr. A. H. Canipe of Maiden spent I awhile Tuesday afternoon with his i mother. I TRI STEWS SALE. Uf virtue ol the provisions In tired u S hvxec,uSfd 'Jr 29Hl d»5- Of February I [BM b> Johr' Blanton and wife. Marthe Ulanton to secure an indebtedness, anc , tecorded In book US. page 169 of the re*. • iff*.-, °<ftc* “nd default and deman. ! tat lint bean made 1 a ll] sell to tht ShHtw lhe ™Urt hou,» dwl Tartar DeeaafcCT j,, l»3l „cl„ck A* • \he flowing de.seribed real estate: *2*\rN<> 89 of ihe subdhtiion 01 the Mrs Z. Green land. as sho* n bv mac recorded tu book 1 ©f plats. page 4ft. Mt URtrd on . the side of Q*k: street loo feel ironi CaroMna :\enue, in the town o ^lelby. said lot being 50x140 feet Terms of Sale- Cash. This the 3©Lh dav Qt November. 1931 B T FALLS. Trustee I 41 Kov JO. Studying the Functions of the Spleen Research Shows This Great, Ductless Gland to Hat e Ini porlant Relation to the lllood Supply. By K. . COPELAND, M. I) 1J. S. Senator Votn New York. Former CommlsiU.,r-r*ot Health, Sew. York City. WHAT do you know about the spleen? The spleen is a great gland—a ductless gland. It is located in the left aide of the body, just below the lower end of the __ stomacn. This organ is b e 1 i e v e d to m a n u f acture the red c o r - puscles found in the blood. It also manufac tures the hemo globin which (fives the color ing to the a e feus or c o r - puscles. The spleen is believed to do Dr. Copeland «■*** wora wan tne liver, having important functions that aid in the digestion of food. However, the definite purpose of this organ is not very clearly understood. It used to be thought that life could not exist without the spleen, Uut a man. severely Injured In an accident, was rushed to a hospital, where it was found necessary to re move hia spleen. He made a re markable recovery. This is the first proof that life could go on without j th > apleen. A dozen years t.-,3 It was dlscov- , ered that the spleen had some sig nificance in a disease ' noAvn as purpura hemorrhagica, t., thl* dls easo severe hemorrhages, or bleed inga, occur at unexpected times and places. These hemorrhages recur. 1 grow worse, and may terminate fatally. uesearon Into a mun of relief for purpura hemorrhagiga proved that removal of the splefen benefit* this disease, reducing the number of hemorrhages. Many cases have been reported showing the advantages of this radical operation. Unfortunately, not all cases have received the expected benefit. 8om« authorities behave that where aplcn ectomy—the name for removal of the spleen—Is performed, the relief is only temporary On the other hand, there are other authorities who ad vocate the operation, claiming thai the relief obtained Is permanent. To a recent review of over 100 cases of purpura hemorrhagica. 80 per cent of the cases were regarded as cured after the operation Cases must, be arefully watched from three to five years before any one ean definitely say that a cuts has been effected. We have much i yet to leclfn about it. Purpura hemorrhagica is a disease that usually affects young snd 'ale individuals, particularly gjr|. It may also attack adults who have been in perfect health. After a few days of weakness, purple spots appear on the skin. These rapidly Increase in number and size. Bleeding from many (tarts or the body may occur. This Is ! shown by nose bleeds, blood In the urine, or by the spitting of bloed. , Usually, because of the loss of blood, the patient becomes very anemic. In the mild cases, the condition { terminates in about two weeks in the more severe forms it may last . over two months, an ! n rr.v l-.e-sist for many years. V It is hoped that within the neat ; few years, the real value of the op eratlon may be definitely proved During this period it will be possible I to study those individuals who have undergone this operation, and see ' whether their benefits are sufficient to wav-ant,„the procedure Queries *| Dotty, Q.—What should a girl of ♦ ft. 11 Inches tall, weigh; What should a girl of 14 4 ft 10 Inches tall weigh? should weigh respec tively 107 and 104 pounds. This would be about average for their ages and heights as determined bv examination of a large number of persons. PUBLICATION OF SI MMONS North Carolina. Cleveland County In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk Hepple Bradley, PlatHtUf vs. John Bradley, Defendant To John Bradley, defendant m the abeve entitled action* You are hereby notified that an action has been instituted, as above entitled ugainst you in the superior court o. Cleveland county. N. C . in which the plaintiff is seeking an absolute divorce und dissolution of the bonds of matri mony upon the ground of adultery, a ltd you further notified that, unless ytv. appear and answer this complaint on or before January 16th. 1332. r.t 1'2 ovcloA M . at my oft ire tn Shelby. N. C when1 the complaint n said action has bem idmy filed, the plaltutff apply to the court for the relief asked for in sa'vi complaint as set Iorth in the foregoing Witness my hand and seal. this Dcccm ber 14th, 1931. A M HAMRICK. Clerk Supers Court Rjburn & Hoe:. Any*. for plaintiff. 4t Dec He NOTICI. Ob S AI.I. Ol I.AND I’nder au.iorUy conferred b mortgage j deed executed by Marvin McNeiHy wife. Mary McNeUly, to J. K Wort man dated the 15th day of November. 1923 and recorded November 1.6th, l6Stf in bop* 139 of mortgage deeds ft page 44.’ tn tht office of the register o" deeds far Cleve land county. North Ct* vUlna, default ha; - ing been made in t ie payment uf tm mortgage thereby secured and the holder thereoi having directed that the mort gage deed be forerlosed. the unuersigned will offer for sale at the court house door jin the city of Shelby. Cleveland county. North Carolina, at 42 o’clock M on De cember 28th. 1931, and sell to the high est bidder for cash, the following de scribed property. Adjoining lands of Trank Cook. Oscui Cook and others Lying and being in No 10 township, beginning on a post oak Frank Cook a corner, thence with his line north 78 eu&$ 48’•» poles to a stone, thence B. P. and 8 links to the beginning at stone, thence a new lme north 63 east S* poles to an iron stake, pew corner, thence nofth 45 east 22 * poles to a post oak. thence south 55 east 40*i poles to Irou stake in new division line, thence wit> said division line south 45 west 13*4 pair* to a stone pile, thence south 41 west 3? poles to a hickory tree, thense S. 18 W. 18 poles to a stone, thence south 61 west 68' z poles to a stone. Frank Cook's cor ner. thence with Prank Cooks line, north 41 west 63 1-5 poles to the beginning containing 34 acres more or ie$s This the 27th day of November, 1931. J K WORKMAN Mortgage* D Z Newton At tv 41 Vov jfo How .New Tax Plan Hits Wage-Earner Administration Promgram, Facing Formidable Opposition,\ Would Add Considerably to Average Man’s Tax Burden. I PHONE w ' • N | TEL. CABLE /s' MESSAGES ... w ' 10% v'7 C-~~ THEATRE TICKETS 10 7. RADIOS 5 7 PASSENGER CAPS 3% TRUCKS 3% Proposed Tax Increases I ne diagram above tells its own story, showing ‘ as it does the amount of tax that would be placed on the various commodities by the new tax pro gram planned by the Hoover Administration and recently made public in the President’s message to Congress. That the proposed program will not become law without a bitter fight is evident from the storm of protest that has arisen from Demo cratic ranks and from voters all over the country, The diagram above is inserted in a picture made of a scene in Philadelphia when irate taxpayers staged a giant demonstration against ay increase in taxes. But it is in Congress that the real fight will be waged. I he Democrat*, under the leader ship of Representative James T. Rainey, of Illi nois, are girding for the battle of the century. And as they are stronger in the House than has been the case for many Jears, they expect to make i the going fairly rough for the Administration. Among other things the Democrats would like to know why that body is so solicitous abtlut the welfare of foreign countries, proposing morator iums and discussing the possibility of war debts cancellation, while the American taxpayer, who paid the piper for Europe's Martian dance, ts groaning under the load he must bear—-a load that the tax program would add to considerably. Retired Mentor Ending seven years of association with New York University, during which he raised the grid eleven to one of the strongest teams of the country, John F. (Chick) Meehan, considered one of the best football coaches in the country, gave the rea son for his resignation as a desire to prevent his friends at the. uni versity and the team from becom ing involved in a controversy, ^leehan’s action is believed to be due to an article recently run in the varsity paper, captioned “Time to Retire." NOTICE OK SALK OK PERSONAL PROPERTY. Pursuant' to an order made by . M. Ft. Weatherv recorder of (jlevtdand county. in the t*u. e. State asa'mst M cit Wood, th-t said Mack Wood hItvtrig been convicted of transporting in.toxtea.tlng liquors by means ol one Ford roads!*? motor num ber 138000i5. Under *aid order the under signed will sell at public sale at the couv* house door at Shelby, N. C . one Ford roadster motor number i:t80f>07f» on th* 16th day of January, 1932 at 12 o'clock noon or within lesjai hours. Terms of sale: Cash. Tins T.(Jill day of December, ' 1031. I. M. ALLEN. Sheriff. 2t Dec 2lc rut stub s s u» E. t.rtue of those iso certain deeds «) trust executed by a. u Humphries ind site Beulah Humphries to B T. Pulls, trustee for J a McCruw. sod record'd In book 163 of deeds page 103, unit page 113. of the agister's office for Cleveland count' N <• l w til sell to thi highest bidder at the court house floor In 3hel by N C. on -Saturday. January l«, last, at 1: o’clock M the folios iris, described real estate, to wit; BegVumng at a white oak near branch corner of O.-C. Jolly heirs, and runs thence with thnr hoc N. O 30 w. 39 holes to a K. O, S. -It. Allison s corne-V thence N. 0 30 W T7 poles to a stone, crossing ill:' Ustinov-Boiling Springs road thence a. 33-30 E. 10 33 poles to a P O- idocVn-; thenee S 52-45 E 7*3 poles to a walnut; thence S. 4« 1-2 E S »0 poles to a stone; thence S. 2-30 tv *2 1-5 notes with A G Humphries lire to an lion pin. thence S 8s tv 43 poles to a stone where while oak formerly stood. Jolly a corner; thence with his lino N. 20 E 43 3-5 poles to a post oak: thence. N ’ *0 tv, 13 poles to the begin ning. containing 40 1-2 acres; also All that certain parcel ol land situated in Cleveland county. N. c . in No 1 township adjoining lands of S Bridget Kester Hamrick, A G. Humphries,, estate of Plftto Alllsou, and others; con tain Inst 1*82 1-2 ere f of land more or less Be ing a portion of the land conveyed to Ida Allison by Plato Allison, commissioner in deed dated January 11. 1912 and re corded In otftee o' register o' deeds lor tjJeveJamt county. N c m book 3-p page Terms of safe: Cash This the lit!) day of December. 1*3i B t. PAIi9 Truster 41 Dec 14c It Pays To Advertise ( aid of Thanks. Wo wish to thank oaf many kind friends and neighbors for their lovely attention and consoling c.\ pressions of sympathy to us occa sioned by the death of pur dear mother. Mr... A. R. Putnam. The Children, AllMIN'IsTItATOR'.S NQTK T. Having qualified aa .administrator {\l the estate. ai Kemper Kendall. -deceased late of Cle vjRarui <dfmt3T North Carolina, this is to notify ftH porous having claim' against the ♦aid estate of said deceased to exhibit tfcem at his office on or oti iore - the 7 th day of December, 1 r>32. <■ this notice w^Tl be pleaded -In bar of iht'.;' iecoverv ail persons Indebted to said j tale will pleosc make lmmed.atc payment This 7th day of December 19.M A. PITT BEAM. Administrator o Estate-of Kemper Kendal! »d ceased i- * 6t Dec 7. NOTIC i; OI TKl NTfcli S 5S.\! E. Default hjyvJhT been made in p;tvmerit * of the iinlehted-n- ss secured by that cer lain‘deed of fru t to the undersigned -as trustee for the Pilot Life Insurance con — panv by L. P. Megginson and Wife. Ma-' garet Beam Me:jginson. on the I4th.da of March. 1030. and recorded in the oi fice of the register oi deeds of Cleveland county, N. C.. m book 150 at page 53^ the undersigned trustee will under ai.d by virtue of the power of sale .Vested in it bv said deed of trust, and at the re quest of Mae cesiui trust, and for the purpose of discharging the debt secured bv sold deed of trust, proceed to sell t> the highest bidder, for cash. at tin court house door m Cleveland county. Shelby. North Carolina, at 12 o’clock M . ! on I Monday, January It. 1932. the following described land, to-wit laying in the city of Shelby. North Car Iolina. and toeing that lot of land convey ed to L. P. Meggluson and wife. Margaret Beam Meggmson by deed recorded m i book 3-U. pag* 94 and 352 of tha office 'of the: register of deeds for Cleveland •county. N. C. and being Joined oti the ! north by an alley, on the east by E. M ! Beam, on the south by West Graham {street, and on the west by lot of John I Norman, and bein'? described by metes and bounds as follows Beginning at a stake in north edge of I West Graham street, John Norman’s S southeast corner ^ and runs thence east | with said edge of: Graham street 115 fee* to a stake in E M. Beam-s line; thence I north with Beam's line 170 feet to ;» (stake in edge of alley; thence with alley west 115 feet to a stake in John Nor man’s line, thence south with Norman . line 110 feet to the place of beginning This the 5th day of December. 1931. NORTH CAROLINA TRUST CO Trustee. Brooks, Parker, Smrth and Wharton, Attys. Greensboro N. C, 4t Dec **c SALE Of VAIIABU FARM PROPERTY. Under anti by virtue of the authority conferred upon us In a deed ol trust exe cuted by tester Jackson and wife, Jloxie Jackson on the 17th dnv of July. 132j and recorded in book 131. page 235. w will on Saturday the ?»th day of January. 1932. 12 o’clock noon at the court house door in Cleveland county. Shelby, n. C., sell at public auc tion lor cash to the highest bidder th* following land to-wit All that piece, parcel or tract qf land lying and being in Nos. IX and 10 town ship. Cleveland county. N. C, adjoumu the -and* of Dock Spake god C M Cooi on the N lands of I>. D. Cook on the el lands of .*r J Sigmon on the S. and lands •of Cleveland Mill and Power company Peter 4-. Byff and Palmer Moyle on the W. and being more particularly boundc’ and described as follows: Beginning at a Chestnut oak. D p Cooks corner, thence with his line N 16 W. 116 poles to a Stone. C M. Cook's corner: thence with C. .M. Cook s and Dock Spake s lines N §7 W 66 1-5 poles to a stone, thence with Palmer Hoyles, Peter L. Buffs ami Cleveland Miit and Power company’s line 128 3-4 poles to a stone. Cleveland Mill and Power company** corner; thence with said Cleveland Mill ana Power company s line 8 39 E 30 poles to a stone. A J Sigmon's corner; thence with his line N 75 BL 45 1-2 poles to a hickory. D D Cook'* corner; tfvence with his line N. 4 W. 29 poles to a stone; thence with D. D Cook a line 8. 88 K. 42 1-4 poles to t «e beginning, containing $2 8 acres, more oi lea*. Reference la hereby made to deed from S. M Blarney and wife to Lester Jackson, dated October 10. 1922. and ro corded in book OQO at page 412 Cleve land county registry, Thi* sale is made bv reason pf the -fail ure. of LecSier Jackson and wife. Rox > Jackson to pay off and discharge tin* in debtedness secured b> said deed of 1 rust A deposit of 10 percent will W required from the purchaser »♦ the4 sale , This the 20th dav of November. 1921 W ti BHAMKAM and T L BI.AN1J Receivers for FV*t National Com * .- pany of Durham. Inr Trustee, for I merlv First National Trust Cornuair Durban) N C 4 r Dec 1* i KATOR NOTICE. ’ Having Qualified as ndmmi&irator oj i |*he estate of Mrs. L. A Blalock: deceased 1 late ot Cleveland county. North Card | Una. this is to notify ; ;1 perrons tiavliv (claims *ga|#$t the estate; of .said decease':, to exhibit them to the undersigned .« Shelby. N. C.. on or betoreyifte 27th dr. o' November, 1932. o:: th:s notice will bt pleaded m bar of their recovery Alt per mns indebted to said estate citi plea ‘ make Immediate payment. .This the 27th { clay of November, 1931. FRANK L HOYLE Administrate ! of Mrs. L. A. Blalock, deceased. 6t Nov 2: Wtuceoaks of Rod* 24 flours. .Low is Bromfuld Dark Hester.Sadguich Bhie Rain .(.tract L Hill Burning Beamy... Tempie Bailey Swift Waters...Lcrmg Mulberry Square...... Larrtmort Fire of Youth............ Peeler Duskin... Grace Hill Sibber Slippers.... Tempi« Bosky Cimarron........... Edna Ferber Fighting Caravans.. . .Zone Grey The Valiant.IT». Af. Rasne The Red Brand... .Seltzer Maltese Falcon.. Hammett Black Camel............ .Biglers Dracola.. ..Bram Sfaker Jim the Conqueror....... km* Creen Timber......... .CarwaoJ Roper s Row....l>e*pmg For Motiifr For Sister JbIkc is Twenty..»....... ibbott Found Treasure..... .Grace Hill Daddy Lons Legs. .Jean Webster Emmy Lou...Martai Secret Garden.. Barnett Rebecca of Sonnybrook Farm Kate Douglas IT'tgtm Minglestreatns...Abbott Enchanted Barn......Grace Hill Dear Eoetny......... Jean Webster Mi Star Ranch.Porter For Brother Twr Sawyer.Marb Tu>am ,Skjpf>y.Percy Crosby Penrod. Tarbtngtom Penrod and Sam..... Tarkmgtom We.... -Charles A. Landbergh Goal to Gof. .......... .Sherman a Collie.... Terbtme Moby Dick. Mehtlle l inan. Lord of the J unale Edgar Rice Bmmmgb* ( all of the Wild.. Jack SUTTLE’S Drug Store STAR ADVS. PAYS i I Cam Grabs Chance To Pay Just Half Two North Carolina Senators Pay Fare Home For Stranded Man. Raleigh, Dec. 18.—The off£r was so unusual that Senator Cameron i Morrison was compelled to take i' Here Is the story as being told in Raleigh: Among 'the scores of job seekers [ that went to Washington for the ! opening of congress, was a well known Raleigh character who in the \ past has held minor jobs in the , North Carolina general assembly. | This man evidently spent his last | dollar getting to Washington and : when he failed to get the job he i had hoped for, was stranded. He | then visited the office of Senator Joslah William Bailey and told his ! plight. Soon after he hard called at Bail ley's office. Senator Cameron Morrl i son dropped into Bailey’s office .and Senator Bailey told him of this | man being stranded there after , failing to get a job. "Cam, there is only one thing to ;tlo and that is to send this mr i' back to Raleigh." Senator Baihy | said. "I will pay $10 toward buy-1 i ing his ticket back Iconic if you wi'l i give the other $10." ‘■Well-1-1-1, I think 1 will take yc u ; up on that. Will." drawled Senator ! Morrison. "In fact, this Is the first 1 time anyone has offered to let me ' pay for only half of anything in ; so long that it is going to be a plcas | ure to accept yout. offer," So the $20 was subscribed by the two senators and the Raleigh job j hunter who had, failed to get his ‘ “pie" returned home. * n i.iw—■warna— mum i COTTON BOUGHT ON' 8; C ALL OR FIXED PRICE ROWLAND H. OFTZ. \ HOTEL CHARLES SHELBY, N. CV I* ■ I)K. 1). M. MORRISON OI*TOMETRIS 1 Woolworth Building. SHELBY,. N. C. Eyes Examined, Glasses titled And Repaired. r--J r -’-s DAN FRAZIER Civil Engineer And Surveyor Karin Surveys. Sub-divis i0n8, Plat? and General Engineering Practice. - Phone 417 - V.. , ....» T. W. Ebeltoft Grocer and Book | Seller Phone — 82 r < .I. . -i. i Have Your Eyes Examined Regularly DRS. H. D. & R. L. WILSON OPTOMETRISTS Office Over Paul Webb & Son’s Drug Store. It Pays To Advertise! FI ATION Of HL MMONs NOMfi Carolina. Cleveland Count} In the Superior Court, Before the Cfuri. O T Williamson. Plaintiff NitUmt Williamson. Defendant Ft* Natalie Willi.uiiton, tiefeiuuvut m th ubove entitled action: You are hereby notilted that an act.o ha. been instituted, ass above entitled against you in the superior court Cleveland county. N, C,. in which i,. plaintitf Is seeking an absolute divorrt and dissolution of (he bonds of mal: motiy upon the ground of tire vea eonaecurf** separation. and you an further notified that, unless you upper and answer this complaint on or La io i Janunty 16lb. 1932. at 12 o'clock M . my office in Shelby, N c where 1111 complaint in said action has b-'n ’ d ’ • tiled, the plaintiff will apply to the emiii for the relief 6M(d for in sMld eie ■ plaint, as set forth in the foregoing Witness my hand and seal, this Dec. .> ber 12th. 19:i! a m HAMRICK Clerk- Soper it 1 Cour:. Ryburn •& Jlocj. Alt: fiU plajmin _ “* t Dec iii EXECL’TRIX NOTRE Notice 1 hereby given that I have 1., day qualified as administratrix of 'in estate ol *1 Lane Putnam, deceaed , Cleveland county »n. this is to .not. 11 all perions having clems against the .■ aid estate to present thfur to 1. e pi-, erly proven on or i “fore the 10th jy of November. 1932. nr this notice nil V pleaded In bar of ant recover All p sons indebted to the said estate will please make minted'.. t« fettie-Tient 10 tor undersigned This Km 14 1931 ANNIEhAY YARBOEO Circulii of Estate of J. Lane Putin.m u. . cfA*<’d - SI Kov li'.p CHRISTMAS FARES I o All Points on the SEABOARD Also All points in the Southeast Southwest and Wester n Destinations. Tickets on sale Dee. 16 to 25. RETURN LIMIT JAN. 6. To Points North o f Washington. Tickets <> n Sale Dee. 22 to 24. RETURN LIMIT JAN. 5. For Information S c c Ticket A-ent. 11. E. PLEASANTS. D.P.A Raleigh, N. C. Phone 2700 or 270 505 Odd Fellows Building SEABOA R D Air Line Railway CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY FARES southern Railway SYSTEM Announces Greatly Reduced Round Trip Fares for the XMAS HOLIDAYS ONE FARE PLUS 1-2 FARE FOR THE ROUND TRIP Round trip fares from Shel by. N. C. to some of the principal points. Washington. I). C: $20.71 Richmond. Va. . Norfolk. Va. . $10.28 Charlottesville, Va, $15.31 Lynchburg, ' a. $12,42 Winston-Salem, N. C. $6.5." Raleigh, N. (. . „ $10.8$ Durham, N. C. $0.71 Greensboro, N. _ $7.0(1 High Point, N. C._$6.31 Asheville, N. C. __ $4.52 Charlotte. N. C. ... $2.55 Atlanta, Ga. ... .810.1)4 Birmingham. Ala. $18.01 Round trip tickets on sale to all points in Southeastern Stal es. Dec, 16th to 25th inclusive final limit midnight Jan. C> 19i,2 j Ask Ticket Agents about XMAS HOLIDAY tickets to j points in the Last, North, South west and West, on same basis ol fare. For further information and sleeping car reservations call on Southern Railway agents or ad- i dress: R. H. GRAHAM. Division Passenger Agent, /Southern Railway Passenger Sta. j Charlotte. V C. STAR AD VS. PAYS — QUEEN CITY COACH LINES — FOR, ASHEVILLE, CHARLOTTE, WILMINGTON. FAYETTEVILLE. FOR ASHEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—9:45 a. m.; 11:10 a. m.; 4:4& p. m. FOR CHARLOTTE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—7:10 a. m.; lltlO a. m.; 2:00 p m.; 4:40 p. m.; 9:00 p. m. FOR WILMINGTON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—11:10 a. m. FOR FAYETTEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—7:10 a. m.; 11.10 a. in.; 2:00 p. m. - FOR*FURTHER INFORMATION — PHONE 450 - QUEEN CITY COACH COMPANY

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