Double Boxing Bout Feature Thursday Event ( art And Met arvrr Meet Again Herr. SpamlM To l ieh( Pearson. A double main bout Hill fra lure a having program lo be put on at the company K armory in Shelby Thursday night, the pre liminaries to brjjln at 8:4.%. In one ot tin* two main bom Shelby ling fans will have I he on porluntty ot seeing Tommy Met**’ \fr and Bobe Carr. lightweight meet again In the other main Je rome- Spangler. h favorite Shelby fan-, will take on Jimmy Pearson, the county boy with a go- <1 reputation for putting hr. oppon ents out on their back A Hot (3 Hodge Lattiinoie. Davis <4’ Tov ery (3». Independent Gagers At Kings Mountain Strike Hot Stride t»l> L. K GAMBLEl Kings Mountaam, Dec. 21 The Kings Mountain Athletic chib bas ketball team defeated the McAden vilJe "Terriers” at the local school gymnasium Friday night by the score of 35 to 9. The game was a one-sided contest from begtnnlnt’ (o end Saturday -night' the MorgAiuoh Community Chest dub' ot Morgan tou was detested here by the score at 35 to 26." The game was fast and furious and the two team ere more evenly matched. It was said by members ot the visiting team that this was thoir First game of the ,iv son Stowe, forward tot the local;,, ■was the outstanding star of the game. He scored 18 of his team 35 points. Donton, center for the visit ors, who was a star at Lehigh uni versity, playing outstanding ball lor tiie visitors. The Kings Mountain Athletic club has played 14 games this sea son and have won It, losing three. They were defeated by Clover, Dal las and the Kannapolis V M C, A MORTti Mil I ’ smv tnd.r at,a by virtue bs the uno , ' contained m a certain mortgage rsecutetiJ ,«o the umUrsigned t,, L N Hamit ! Wife, r Mettle Harrill. which iiiengv- . ! d 'I1 btK,k i3» -i I’ -Bv \i,U the office of ill* resister or dee,is . h Cleveland county, North cnrolm. t,-i ieiaS1’B,'t ,mor!r>“« *»l on JaroM, , 2r> 1932 at J oi loeH P M . eu >r . u. j* rmm house door ui the city ■ s,;- 4 *>v K C-, ;o lhr l.t»gh«\sl . L - - c*»'h the followinjj de.viit.ecl ipB, , t tt, 1 °c»u* Np. 2 iownsh i p cif.. , eoum\ North Carolina amt houtuivti fntlows BjwtoWn*. at a stone in Uvr ,om c h. McCraw a corner thence »u., road souBi 73'u east 158 pole, itos-tie-V, ‘' creek to a hickory ,. thence , y mV *.,s north 60 poles to th* mouth of ivr Branch thence t>p the said branch *' meanders 140 poles to t;ve mouth of small branch; thence south 89 , «,s poles to a stone. C K McCraw . eon thence with his line south i" west poles tp the beginning conn. Inner acres more or less Same being the la wh‘Cp ^L.':01"'Ta » w White m m W*tte *"<* *"F hr deed record in the office of the register of deeds , Cleveland eounty. North Carolina m bom T at page 10; also including ,M> icn which was sold of! the aboir , ,.. deed dated August 26th. 1891 from w vy White and wife to R M While winch deed Is of record In said .register s of-v. in book FF at page 52: reirreuct bring hereby made to each of said de’rds fm ia, description and identification The ,t.0ic land being conveyed to t. N riarrtii ami wife b.v W W. White by deed dated J,U. uary 14th. 1936 and recorded in book f.. at page 391 in ihe office of the register of deeds of .Cleveland edunty, North Car olina. Thia December 24*. 1931 BAHNEY H BLANTON. Mortgagee Horace Kennedy. Trustee. ■■ 4t. Dec in Try Star Want Ads, Rutherfordton Cagers Doped To Win Shelby Game Tuesday Night I Nhrlbv (faint Mn*ts >t rn n E rst I nc I hfif. (.iris Will I’lav 'slielbv highs undefeated bus ketball <] ill tit is dulled In tin vc Ms four • saint whining strciik broken Tuesday night when llic Morris- !• alls callers lake on tile slrmiE I! nt bill mill on lur at Bit liter lord ton. 'rii< tShclby girls sextet. mil play lire Utillicrfoi'clloti girl- tin- anr n>ul it 'Sllllll I ItlO Jlstl l s llu Rutherford quint to pinr tcaily as stung u.s ti was last year, and htsl .season t|te flashy live lost • only one game, in 28. The ShC'tbj quint lost moie 11 inn half of it.', regulars froth last, year and two regulars will be ineligible lor play, Tuesday night because of scholas tic failure. Due Ur these players be ing barred lor a month Jolley w» slilln tl from forward to center and Ute Shelby quint will take on ip hardest foe without a single veter an forward As I, i.-,. houevei, r i,. locals expect to put up y s'.Kf fight Tuesday night, the Rutherford arc comment. oi nminiainli.:' tlwlt great win record, iny (leapt t< wverkl handicap- the Shelby hap, built around the sterling play of Red" Jolley, us one of (he beei ou - ftt■; the school. hiu» had iii years. Friday night RmherforUlon de leu ted the Taut Lattimore learn h u narrow nuimhi, U being the clo.-.' esl contest, with the exception'.-o; two. that Ruthcrfo.dton has had in three years White Christmas At Casar Methodist White Christum- will be observed [fit ilie Chure.ii m. Cas-e on Christmas eve wilh a program feonsiKting of singing of (he cards scripture reading and tuik by U iJ M, Barber. A playlet "The True |Christum* Spirit," by (he tune.i |depart,mem of ilie Sundtiy sehoel Box Sooner Tuesday At Plonk’s School i Then will bw a box Mipjivi a! tiu ;eionk school' house Tue day eve" ! inii December at ” '.10 o.i'lnct | String uiumc win be .tu-miMiecl In ■ilie "for bush Baud .‘I lie- pi;0«lei * j will go lo the children's home T i Uhnsion-Kiilein The public is cot ! dutlly invited Polkville Cagers Fake Fwo Contests Hu' Polkville quintet fresh Iron victory ovn No. 3 Consolidated uivtiiiecl !li*‘ Mouiiuimwr twriter'' •it Kings Mountain Thursday night uul ..t;«-r h hard fought tilt rtncfv >-d lull) :i Hi to HI 1 Ifloi" to their I li*- lineup t'rilii tile P C.iigg, rt II I Blanton, u . t Bearn, e . ti Covington, i u .. 1 Pa liner. Ik <1 O. Blanton rt . . ti Green. *• . 0 Dal ion, i'K ’ f; 1 iHaJ 16 Kings .Mountain P Stowe, rt I Uluiuiiardl . If . . _ . 2 Con^Well. e 3 Layton, rg . . . t Collins, Ik 0 McDanii’l rk - 0 .VVrigln, lg .' ■ 0 I'ntul 10 1'ht PolkviUe sextet downed the ,s|)t(ci\ Ki4ms Moumuin aggregr •• t fori in it Sweeping but hard fought ill on the Kings Mountain high •ehdpl court Thursday night. win ning by tlie count ot 47 to is The u i if up Ihilkvillr I* Greene. ri cioirt. it t: Whi 11811!, C ft Hunt, sc ... ... ti I Beam, ig r Mode ig I, . Jetikin... c " Muuney. si (] n 'am. ig (1 I White l« ;■ total Vi . Kings Mountain P Wright, rt 'J Warlick. If (i Ware, v ' t l.'o: f.'-vi 11 •(' , . C Slone, tg i; ViQVw b e prevented. By means of the Dr. CAortanW oijiic*. usi we ran deter mw whether a person will contract the ®m* «f exposed to diphtheria. To is is a simple and painless procedure, it can he given by any Physician, or by the local health of ficer. Tho leal consists of injecting into the skm a. tiny drop of toxin Thn» causes a welt, or bWbVmg. If this swelling disappears quickly, the if ;! is regarded as “negative.” If the ^pr>t turns red and stays red for .•borrt A week or longer, the test Is afted positive.” When the test is potiittve s' means that the Individual, imlrsB tumuiniaed can contract the difw'asje. Tbm knowledge us of rrememtoas rahis in .-aVing the hve« of cmlrden. If ail children. were teeted and 'm muntand agsuntt diphtheria the 8is» ease would be completely eradicated. This protection cab be given at any age, even t.o a baby when but ni months oM Tb« rnrni unra ton . produced by jtho Injection of * HuteUmr called I “ttnin-airt>~toxtn. ’ Three inje, t'ons are grven at weekly intervals There are no serious after effects *roni Ihts treatment- and often the child is un aware of the injection. Scientists agree that no emits ■hould be denied litis proiri imn. It t* believed too. that the injections i shook) be given an early as pea [ hte_ The reason for (has rs that ! diphtheria rs meet dangerous bee itwewc the agee at six months and five years. Pteare remember that few children are naturally immune to diphtheria, ff a child i* immune to diphtheria that is all Uie better, of coarse, bat the fact can only be de termined by the Schick tern. W your child has received a Schick test and it war found to be positive do not hesitate or delav the iniec toons. Tf your child has not beer, "Schick ed,” attend to the matter a* onee. Bear in mind that diphtheria us def initely preventable. But the means of protection for your child can be applied only by your consent Parents who ha ve children under School age should talk with the family dolor or health offi< or about this important measure This p-o t*s Hon is within the reach of ever', one. There is no excuse for not protect mg your child from diphtheria Caerntf. OSI try 'Wem* e-.,.-. . w. \nxvers to HeahJi Owtim I M 8 Q. - W hat shoirttl a girl W ! 4 1 feat i mch tall, weigh'/ What witt reduce the hips .red •odosnen'• S—What win eradicate wan* an the hands? s—How can I get rut ot excessive hair soon as - our syst em has been entirely e lea ted of aU infection The diet'and eiimma tion are important factors under the circumstances Kor further narticu 'ars send a self-addressed, scamped envelope and repeat your question. E. P. freckles and Q.—Whai will bleach how should it oe u:-ed? *- ■—Equal parts of lemon iu*ce a no pern tide wtll bleach freckle <, bur the preparation may prove dryin* to the sk.m, Tn this case apply a hook ro d cream after each treatment 1 'Wi orr l?3t, or SeiT-pao*i Foaitcra aamee cl Merry Christmas W* deem K a great privilege to sincerely extend feo you and Toun, tfce Seeeon't Gr«etmf« and twawtieat Good Wiatw.a. { CANDIES i«»N B°N> x >hs. 35« CHRISTMAS Mixture X «K. *5« ASSORTED CHOCOl ATES * $1.29 N. B C /U*®*"****1 De E**e •Scf,. 27c PVsg ^ **•*" w-rrK** P C«rriu*" C~~> <*^ 1 GfMMkrt outer’s Fruit Cake 5®* 95c VTMOHB'S KBTSrONI IHCtMttT Ik. 19c \.hh »*a»k—pi'ifc*. vi**n PRESERVES r_ He jl SUNNYFIELD PRINT Butter ft. 37c M Oft atoc «Mii JUrb Bokar z 29c OOfTO HK»1 STRJLKJ OAMB- U CHESTERFlHB CISARETIES Carton $1.23 NUTS K .9c ££“• 19c fe. 29c 2Sc *fe. I9c ^TT" u‘“ cluster HAlSfNs 2 25c WTTED .~SATES »*■« • r*r, 19c 5»»*cc " 20c **1 ******** W *"»** -*Wr* Sew* **>e 5U Worth Oranges in. 12%tti35c opeowl Mcc W Ifet Box Ihnfj Cape Cod DJM8ERRIES 2 fe. 2k PfciLk-K X — Uk'ibJuRtSW a&rrv ©e—Ga»m SR\PKnHHT L SMALL PORK HAMS 2 or Whole, Pound _ CURED HAMS, A or Whole, Pound _ Home Dressed Turkeys 12ic Small— 19c 29c HENS, Dressed, lb. 23t' Oysters, select, qt. L. 19c Oysters, standard, qt. 10c Hi AM our atom* wdl nmm ap« until M> P. Mm CW*m* U md mH do** dD dajr Oinstma* Day. The Greet ATLANTIC & PACIFIC Tea Co. — LOOK - HAVE VOLK OIL CHANGED _ 5 QUART'S FAMOUS AUTOLINE OIL — 81.00 COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE — PHONE 39 — ROGERS MOTORS — HOME OF BETTER SERVICE — Poultry Car At The SEABOARD DEPOT WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 23 HEAVY HENS IEGHORNS STAGS ROOSTERS TURKEYS 16c lHc 12c 8c 20c Farmers Mutual Exchange B. AUSTELL, Pre,. R. w. SHOFFNER, County A*t. Economical For Ladies CxJTsfarr^'rO ^V*2 flW^ »»' •**£ ■*** w»>! pta>M' *«• Ladies' House Slipper* A delightful array of slippers in popular Hhe gratitude of any fryies that wilt win heart 39c - s1l£ LADIES’ HOSIERY A ‘ovary q< ft that every woman adores and is bo^nd to appreciate &rd women never have too ^ny pairs of hosiery. Ch'ficm or service weight. 79< Men’s Shoes He'-ii think you paid double the pr*ce Men s House Slippers . ju$t ever/ rr variety five sort of « practical gift that ’.r a oil id ana enjo> Large ram *hich tc chooie. 49c * *122 MEN'S SOCKS sod spira*. First ■ q j.fliif c‘’OcH o’ .a 'ever design’ 5 pairs $1 Sects of 5,; p'rdlfl Or #ooi,. ^sie or w. oerrerrs. pairs IN GIFT BOXES Children’s Shoes Tbur >/#«■ pt&wdiv ±.~ '* tb®> trier,ds what $ar*tc> brpi !•■ ’ vou give Hierr Miller-Jones Shoes. Oxford; -'iiq|v shoes of fchick parent. dull b'uck fin" ira'-ner 99‘.. >2» Boys’ and Girls’ House Slippers of felt or kid wnh pad Coo.r I siipp© ried/solos mode, osogtia#1 fori to'..playtime hours. give com 39c to 89c Boys’ Shoes Loo9 wearing, comfortable shoe* 3b,-tea r«t as bove wart them. E'ack or tan oxfords or r gr shoes > ^21.. J2^2 MILLER-JONES CO. I0G S. Lafayette Street. Shelby, N. C.