10 PAGES TODAY B" Mul. pet )•*{. (In ndTpoe*) - dk ^"■“■“■I Late News THE MARKET Cotton, spots ___ Sr and op Cotton seed. per ton . $12.00 Thursday Cloudy. Today’s North Carolina Weather Report: Partly cloudy and slightly warmer in west portion tonight. In creasing cloudiness Thursday. Raid Big Clubs. New York, Dec. 23.—Three score prohibition agents raided five sup per and night clubs last night in a sweeping pre-holiday t ive. They said the aggregate value of seised furnishings and equipment would run into several hundred thousand dollars. Thirty persons were arrest ed in each of the two establi«hments raided. Agents said >he total arre ts would approximate 100. The raiders were proceeding under the supreme court decision of November 23 in which that tribunal held the 'ur furnishings and fittings of a speak easy subject to confiscation. Moratorium Wins. Washington. Dee. 23.— inr senate last night after two days of bitter debate, approvrd President Hoover’s proposal for a one-year suspension of $252,000,000 in war debts to the United States. The vote was 69 to 12. The house of representatives al ready has approved the suspension, so the measure goes to the White House for the president’s formal approval. Law Gets After Bootleg Racket Of Firecrackers Things Start topping In Fireworks Sale In Shelby And Over County. An undercover drive was yes terday inaugurated against the bootlegging of firecrackers in Shelby and Cleveland county and today things were popping with a new vim in the fire works line. It is against the law to sell fire crackers of any type within the city limits of Shelby and to sell them anywhere in the county without pay ing a *100 county license and a $100 State license. But ever since the| holiday season started firecrackers! have been booming and cracking all about Shelby and the county. But this week some official, coun ty or State, became curious. There was so many firecrackers in evi dence about Shelby that it was po sitive they had to come from sorrie where. An investigation of the tax books revealed that not a single' firm or person had bought the $200 license required to sell fireworks. Where were the firecrackers com ing from? Yesterday, although no «■'" report has been made and the mat ter is still being kept mum in order that other sellers may be rounded up, some undercover work got un derway. Almost a dozen persons were found,- it is said, to be selling firecrackers in small or large amounts. Among them were several young boys who had found that they could make a profit on their per sonal buy. Costly Racket. Some of the sales were being made, it was said, inside Shelby where firecrackers cannot be legal ly sold even with two sets of license. Just what will be done about it is not known as yet. The sellers nst bed in the undercover work may be forced to put out $200, a hundred each to the county and State, for license and also pay the casts and a fine for not having license or for rolling where the law forbids. One rumor about the court house was that each person found to have been dealing in fireworks would be forced to purchase license and not be fined. One officer, however, said: "That'll be up to the judge. The law says rhat every firecracker agent must hure license and not a single license has been issued here. To sell with out license is a violation of the law, so there’s nothing to do but let it go to court.” All of which may mean that by Christmas day it will be somewhat difficult to purchase fireworks in thl3 section. There is not enough profit in the racket to run the risk of being forced to pay a $200 license and perhaps a court fine and cost. No Issue Of The Star On Friday Following our usual custom, The Star will omit its issue on Friday (Christmas) dav in order to give the employe's a short vacation to spend with Iheir families and friends Our next issue will appear on Mon day and regularly I hereafter. Only one issue of The Star and that during Christmas week, Is omitted each yea' We take this opportunity of wishing every Star1 reader a Merry Christmas season, health, happiness and juy such as the Savior brought when He came to earth and still brings to those who acknowl edge and love HIM. The Manager. Ml Yule Spirit Pervades Entire Shelby Section u. v v v. y. v v v County Nears Cotton Record Funeral Of Hamrick Held At Home Today Death. Claims Leading Shelby Man ' Veteran Business Man Succumbs After A Lengthy Illness. T. W. Hamrick, sr., one of She: by’s best known and mast highly respected business men, died Tues day morning at 10:15 at his. resid ence on North LaFavette street, death following a long illness re sulting from cancer. Mr. Hamrick had been afflicted for several years and for approxi mately a year had realized that he was waging a losing fight, but up until the last his fortitude and cheerfulness were remarkable. Re gradually grew worse and a week m so ago relatives knew that he could not live through the Christmas sea son. funeral Today. Funeral services were held at tire home this morning at 10:30. con ducted by Dr. Zeno Wall, pastor of the First Baptist church, of which Mr. Hamrick was a member, as sisted by Dr. E. K. McLarty. oi Central Methodist church. Inter ment followed in "Sunset cemetery and a large throng of f tends and acquaintances assembled to pay their last respects to a man whose life had been such as to rank him among the most popular citizens oi the town and county. The deceased, a son of the late Thomas Hamrick, was 55 years ©1 age, being bem April 30.' 1876. Business Fioneer. Although not an old man h ranked among Shelby’s business pioneers. Early in life he entered business here and by his foresight and business ability became one of the city’s most successful business men. At the time of his death he was head of the T W. Hamrick jewelry firm, which was organised 33 years ago, in 1898, by him an:* his brother, Frank A. Hamrick. H* was also connected during his life time with numerous other business enterprises and activities here. Long An Alderman. He w-as a thorough student of government and for about 14 years was a member of the Shelby board of aldermen, serving two or three times as mayor pro tern. In those capacities he served unusually W'ell and was perhaps better acquainted with the inside details of city gov ernment than any ocher. It was in his contacts with his fellowmen. however, that he was best known. Successful in business, he was a man in whom everyone had the utmost confidence and his success was built more upon hon-' esty and dependability than upon j anything else. At the time of his death there were very few citizens of the entire section who did not know and admire him. About one year ago he spent some time in California, in an attempt to regain VCONTIKUSD ON PAGE TEN.l CAR IS STOLEN TODAY , NOON FROM MR. GARDNER A Chevrolet, 1S28 coupe was stolen today in Trade alky shortly after noon, according to a report by Squire Sylvanus Gardner, owner. Mr. Gardner says his car was park ed in the alley to the rear of Bost Bakery when it was missed. It has a dark blue body with , light blue stripes. T. W. Is Dead T. W. Hamrick iabove), prominent Shelby bpsiness man and for many years an alderman and mayor pro tern of Shelby, died at his home here yesterday after a long 1 lines:,. Death Claims IV. Capers Lee, Vet Of Confederacy Was 86 Years Old. Funeral at La fayette Street Methodist Church Today, Death claimed W. Capers Lee, 86 year-old Confederate veteran at the Shelby hospital yesterday morn ing at 2 o'clock where he had been a patient'for three months, follow ing a stroke of paralysis. Mr. Lee was born and reared in this county and for 18 years was j a faithful employe of the Shelby] mill. He served during the Civil! war in 34th regiment, Co. F, was a j valiant soldier, coming home at the t end of the war to help rebuild a stricken and devastated section. Mr. Lee was active in church work and for many years taught a Sunday school class. He joined a Methodist church 65 years ago and was a mem ber of LaFayette street Methodist church in South Shelby at the time of his death. Surviving are his wife and the following children: Ed and Everett Lee, of Shelby; John Lee of Con cord; Mrs. Robert Bridges and Mrs. Griffin Burgess of Shelby; Mrs. O. M Rumfelt of Blacksburg and Mrs. Will Turner of Shelby. Funeral services were conducted this after noon at 2:3(1 o'clock at LaFayette Street Methodist church by the pastor Rev. W. R. Jenkins and in terment followed in Sunset ceme tery. Charlotte, Dec. 23.—Automobile and other accidents took 12 lives in North Carolina over last week-end Twenty-five were injured. Five people were arrested, three of them negroes, and held following investigations in three of the auto mobile crashes. New School Books Adopted In N. C. To Save Parents $20,000 In Year New Books Go On Next Fall tt l^iwpr Prlres Than For merly Paid. Raleigh. Dec 23.—The state board of education made the first elementary textbook adoption since 1928 this week, obtaining new low prices on arithmetics, drawing and writing books, which, school men estimate, will bring a saving of at least $20,000 to patrons next year in the purchase of new books. The books adopted will go on i the list with the term begnmum ■ next tali and remain there for fix» years. They represent, with the ex ception of one of the writing books, a complete change from the texts now in use tii the subjects, and Which have been in use for 10 years The new adoption in the field tf arithmetic is "The New Day Arith metic,” published by Charles E. Merritt' company. This is a fito book series selling for 31 cents a copy for the books for use in the third through the six grades, and 37 cents a copy for the seventh grade book For the next five years j mviiN’ivr.n «-»& r,\< icn 63,570 Bales Ginned Up To 13th Of Month 717 Bales Behind 1929 Record Ginning In County To Dor. 13 Al ready Past 1930 Total. Should Pau Mark. A total of 63.570 bales of cot ton had been ginned in Cleve land county up to December 13. according to the official figur es given The Star today by Miles H. Ware ginning agent. Although the ginning since the first of the month has not been heavy it is probable that Cleveland county will produce more cotton this year than ever before and In so doing pass the 62,287 bale mark of 1929. Leading By 3,000. The ginning to the 13th. this year, Is 2,707 bales of the ginning to the same date last year. In fact, the ginning to the 13th this year is almost 1.000 bales more than the total crop of 1930. If 717 bales of cotton are ginneid in the county after the 13th, more than a week ago. the 1929 record will be reached. Cotton men say that the mark will be passed, the most conservative estimating that at least 1,000 bales were yet to be ginned on the 23th, A total of 823 bales were ginned from the first of the month to the 13th, and If the same amount is ginned during the latter half oi December the new record will have been reached by the first of the year. Acreage in the county was re duced this year and less fertilizer sold, but an Ideal cotton-growing season, a summer that lingered in to winter, brought about a mam moth crop and a record to-th -acre production. Musical Operetta By Children Here Thrills Good Crowd “Toy .Shop,’' Presented By Marion School Pupils. Unusually Good Performance. "The Toy Shop," an oiieretta, pre sented at the Central school audi torium last night by 155 youngsters from the Marion school, under the direction of Mr, O. B. lewis proved highly entertaining to a crowd th&t filled the lower floor of the audi torium. The youngsters from the jeading roles on through the minor parts displayed considerable ability and talent. The story was that of Tina, a little waif, and her dolls, desires, and fantasies at Christmas time Nancy Lineberger. cast in the leading role, sang and acted with unusual ability and charm, her per formance being the highlight of the evening. Eleanor Hoey, as Mrs. Grumby, was also unusually good in her role, as were Rush Hamrick, }r., as Jack-in-the-Box. Emma Jae Beam as Kewpie Doll. Bill LeCrand in his Wooden Soldier song, aad Katherine Bailey as the Oldest, Doll. These were all leading pvrts. The youngsters in the other out standing roles who performed well were Juanita Eskridge as the First Doll, Phyllis Yates as Second Doll, Elizabeth Harrill as Third Doll. Sara Esther Dover in an excellent military tap dance, Betty Jo Kelly in a doll dance under an amber spotlight, Roy Wilson as Pal the dog, and Walter Laughridge in stealing the cat. Mr. Horace Essom contributed the voice-off-the stage feature. The old-fashioned and Dutch doll dances and the Teddy bear act all proved entertaining. The mechanical end of the operetta the lighting effects, moved along smoothly as did the performances of all the children from the heavy parts through the minor roles. * On Visit Home. Miss Selma Warlick, a member of the Brooklyn Eagle staff, arrived last night to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Warlick of the Lawndale section. Miss Warlick. a graduate of Duke and formerly with the newspaper in Durham, has been with the Brook lyn paper for more than a year The Spirit Of Christmas Time \ 1 (The following editorial on the j apirit of the season was written! years ago In The Charlotte Observ - *r by the late J. P. Caldwell, one of the South's most gifted editors.! | We are entering once again upon the Christmas season—spiritually and socially the most significant fes tival of the year. Let us for once put aside selfishness and enter In tO tfi$'spli*lt of occasion wittl the wholeheartedness that the con sequence of the great festival mer its. Let us put away the cares and worries of business; the vexatious problems that go to harrass and annoy us the year round, and in re membering others, forget, self and be happy. This glorious Yuletide comes but once ayear, it is but a little journey to the Other Side; **; ~~z-■— ■— —’• (let us make userrjr while the pulse of God's blessed iftft of life throbs within us ! All of us are planing to make the j occasion a happy one for the dear i little ones at home—for the hus band. wife, father, mother, sister or brother. Let us not forget how meaningless this blessed season may be to those whom we have always ■conitNtrao on page ten.' Cleveland Family May Share In In Huge Oil Well Fortune In West William Humphrjes, Who Left Here 100 Years Ago, Died In Texas Without Child ren. Mammoth Estate Never Probated. Scores Of Relatives Seek Fortune. A movement has been started, The Star learned today, to determine of scores of members of the Humphries family 3f Cleveland and neighboring counties are not entitled to share in a vast oil estate in Texas which was left by William Hiiwnhriflc l----—-— _ The hope of sharing in the big oil fortune is based, according to Attorney P. Cleveland Gardner, up on the hope that it may be shown that William Humphries was born and reared in what is now No. 1 township. Cleveland county, leav ing this section for the west almost 100 years ago. Tracing Records. If the dream of the inherited for tune should pan out, it would be a remarkable Santa Claus gift to the hundreds of Humphries who five In I lower Cleveland and Rutherford counties and In Cherokee county, Just across the line In South Caro lina. Family records and other old documents are being traced with the Idea of showing that William Humphries was one of six brothers two of whom remained in this sec tion after the four others went west, the Humphries of this sec tion being descendants of the two brothers who remained in North Carolina (^earned Here. In some manner, it 1s said, mem bers of the Humphries family living in Tennessee learned that the big oil estate in Texas had never been divided. Recently they held a clan meeting in Tennessee to check up on family history. It is their be lief that they are descendants of a brother of William Humphries Who left this section between 1820 and 1930 with William Humphries. When this branch o( the family got into communication with officials ck here- the Humphries of this section fir.it heard of the matter. They em ployed Attorney Gardner, whose sideline hobby is a study of old Cleveland county history, to check up on the matter Family History. Mr. Gardner has been in com munication with an attorney at Beaumont, Texas, in the county of Jefferson, and also with other branches of the Humphries family in other States. The story as gath ered to date by him is something like this: The ancestor of all the Hum phries fought at the Battle of Kings Mountain, as us shown by the ‘CONTINUED ON PAO* TEN.) Governor To Get Thrill In Ringing Out The Year 1931 Never Experts To See Another One As Bad. Coming Home For Christmas. Governor O. Max Gardner, who will arrive here tomorrow to spend Christmas and a week with his family, will be glad to help usher in a New Year. He was quoted In yesterday's News and Observer as saying: "When midnight of December 31, 1931 rolls around, I shall want to do something that 1 have not done since I was a small boy, get a bell and ring it.” “1 am making no predictions as to what 1932 will bring, but I know that I shall welcome the passing of 1931 as X have never welcomed the turn of any year that I have ever known. 1 believe that it is by far the worse that I have ever known or will ever know." New Uses For Cotton Give Ray Of Hope For Increased Consumption Progress Reported In Efforts To Encourage Greater Con sumption. New York, Dee 33.—New uses which he said would result in "ef fecting a greater consumption of cotton with enduring benefits to American cotton growers and man ufacturers," were outlined today by George A. Sloan, president of the Cotton-Textile Institute ' Although the American c6tt*:c! manufacturers, at great expense have pioneered in (he develnpmer1 of new uses during the past five years,” he said, ‘‘the results of their studies in this country ^are avail able to consumers of cotton in Eu rope. South America, Canada and the Far East The quest of new uses has developed into a world-wide movement with an increasingly helpful influence to be anticipated therefrom.” The progress made in styling and desiging American cotton fabrics resulted, he said, in the acceptance recently bv the Victoria and Albert Museum- in London of a group of II'I'M INI:(!) ON PAlik 1KN Business, Industry Will Close Textile Mills Close Several Days Charity Worker* 1**4 Movement To Make It A Joyful Ch Hat mat Here. The spirit of Christman seat evident at every turn In Shelby and Cleveland county today. Although the big holiday of the year was two day* off. the Yale atmosphere has already perme ated the entire section. Shelby city schools closed yester day and 3.000 students Joined with their college brothers and sisters In getting ready for Christmas, while thousands of other school children, those in the rural schools, began thf lr holidays this afternoon Shopping Jam*. Every indication today was that tomorrow. Thursday, would bring a record throng of Christmas bargain hunters to the city, but the big rush was not delayed until the las* day. Shelby streets were filled this morn ing with scores and scores of hurry irig shoppers and by mid-afternoon the crowds had increased. Stores with extra clerical help were hav ing a very active trade today and by afternoon all they could handle as the fair weather added to the sire of the shopping thremg*rr*n every hand there was bustle and activity as last-minute gifts were purchas ed. wrapped, mailed or hidden Taking Holidays. Friday. Christmas day, the many employes of the Shelby business sec tion will get • breathing spell frpm their anrnamrxMjm -%a *» stores and business houses will he closed for the day. The hanks ol the city will also be closed for only one day as will the post office windows. Some of the building and loan of fices will be closed both Friday and Saturday, but the majority on'y Fri day. . Out in the industrial, septiun tex tile mill workers will be given holi days ranging from two to four days Tire Ora, Dover and Eastaido plants will close Thursday morning and hot resume work until Tuesday morn CON’MNTTED ON eSGB TEt. Lions Put Over Real Christmas Party For Tots Nineteen Youngsters Fed And Cloth ed By Shelby Club At Part* Last Night. Members of the Shelby Lions club the majority of them young busi ness and professional men, played Santa Claus last night in a manner that took joy and happiness into the lives of a score of Shelby youngsters. At the regular meeting or the club, held at Hotel Charles, the Lions put on a Christmas party with seven girls and 12 boys, all coming from poor homes, as their guests. The 19 guests were selected by the central charity committee as youngsters deserving aid. They came from homes where the parents are sick or without work, homes where there has not been ample funds to provide proper clothing and in some cases food. And the Lions did fit more than put on an entertaining program for the grateful youngsters, To each of the seven girls they gave a dress, shoes, stockings and under wear, and to each of* the 12 boys they gave a pair of overalls, a shirt, underwear, shoes and stockings. Oi't little girl selected to be a guest at the party was sick and unable to come, and to her the Lions sent two pairs of pajamas, bed sheets and a pillow case. That one of the little boy.s really needed his shoes was shown by the fact that he attended the party In his bare feet—and what a time he had. The address of welcome, or the act of making the youngsters feel at home, was made by Attorney Ernest Gardner. Thereafter the program was informal and devoted to fun for the youngsters. This entertain ment included the playing of game.-, with the Lions participating, a no some fancy buck dancing oy Weebit’.' the colored delivery boy. which cave the 19 tots p'ertiy o* hrilU V " .,