8 PAGES TODAY Monday, Wednseday and Friday Afternoons, fly M»u. u*r yen, an *d»«nc«i ■ Cirrlar nrr vaar nn 83.80 } I Late News THE MARKET Cotton, spot!> ....__ 6c and op Cotton seed, per ton __ _ $12.03 CLOUDY TUESDAY today's North Carolina Weather Report: Cloudy tonight. Tartly cloudy Tuesday. Not much change in temperature. HEAVY COURT ON The Cleveland county recorder's court was today busy grinding away tn an effort to clear up the many cases that developed during the holidays and over the week-end. The docket started upon this morn ing was one of the heaviest in weeks, but the majority of the charges were for minor violations, whiskey case* and over-imbibing charges of the Christmas period, but there were several larceny wants. Cleveland Crop Leads Robeson By 16,758Bales This County 25,000 Bales Ahead Of Third County In Ginning To Dec. 13. The ginning statistics up to Dec. 13 show that Cleveland county, is leading Robeson, North Carolina's second largest cotton county, by 10.758 bales, while Johnston, third county, is over 25,000 bales behind the Cleveland ginning figure. The ginning of the five leaders to the 13th, this year and last, follow: County 1931 1930 Cleveland . . 63,570 60,683 Robeson ... 46.812 50,017 Johnston .. 36,378 37,602 i Halifax .. 32,055 30,084 Sampson .. 32,025 '27,730 In counties neighboring Cleve land, Lincoln continues to hold a lead of less than 100 bales over Rutherford. Ginning in neighbor ing counties to the 13th, both years, follow: by the locomotive and carried two blocks along the track. The dead. Thomas Hugh Holton, 29, em | ploye of Kendall mills at Paw ; Creek. Mrs. Susie Holton, 22. his wife. Hugh Wilbur Holton, five and ! Marion Maxine Holton. 2, their children. ! William Vaughn Holton, 24 broth ; er of Thomas H. Holton, mechanic, j Paw Creek. John L. Love, 42, operator of a filling station near Paw Creek. Dorie E. Cox, 57, fanner at Paw Creek. Miss Loma Cox, about 20, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. James F. Cox, of York, S C., route No. 7. and niece of Dorie E. Cox. Raymond Sharpe, 19. textile worker. Paw Creek, son of Albert L. Shorpe, retired rural mail car rier of Paw Creek. The Thomas H. Holton family, was wiped out by the tragedy. The party was returning from York, S, C.. where the nine had been visiting at the home of Frank Cox. father of Miss Loma Cox, and ihe rapid moving train was com ing into Charlotte from the south. As far as could be learned by the authorities, there were no wit nesses of the collision. The engi neer of the passenger train, C. R Nesbit, one of the veteran employes of the railroad, was reported by Southern railway officials to have said that he did not see the car until It drove directly on the track as the train reached the crossing, j Shelby Woman Has Both Limbs Broken In S. C. Car Crash Mrs. Cora Sosbee, said to be from Shelby, had both legs broken and received other injuries in a head-on automobile collision near Anderson. S. C., Christmas Eve. Nineteen people were hurt there, six seriously, in the two collisions. Mrs. Aurdie Fisher, the most se riously hurt, had her nose torn from her face in the second acci dent and suffered Internal Injur ies. Others seriously hurt In this ac cident, all residents of this section, were Clyde Fisher, driver of one of the cars, broken jaw and severe lacer ations; Thelma Fisher, face cut and leg broken; Hazel Coley, lacerations and three fractured ribs and Andi ree Cooley, face cut and arm brok en. York Checker Team Meets Shelby Again York, S. C., Dec. 28. — Another battle across the squares to settle the matter of checker supremacy between York and Shelby will ne held here Tuesday when a team match will be staged. York was victorious in a team match held in Shelby two weeks ago and won two similar matches staged some months earlier. The Tar Heel ex ponents of the thinking game, how ever, are undismayed and un daunted and will exert themselves to the utjmost in the approaching battle to pot across a victory Set Dates For I HoeyAnd Webb Annual Contest Webb Contest Comes On March 4 Hoey Declamation Contest To Be Held Week Later. Raaay Con test Limit Ceb. 26. The annual declamation and, I recitation contests that tor years j have been the big event for high; j school students ot Cleveland county "'HI be held the first and second! weeks of March. The Selma Webb recitation con test, It was announced today by J. H. Grigs, county school super intendent, will be held on Friday | night, March 4. at Central high j school auditorium here. One girl from each high school will be per mitted to enter this contest. The Clyde H. Hcey declamation : contest will be held a week later, on Friday night, March 11 On< boy from each high school may enter this contest. Three students lrom each high school, selecting their own subjects will be permitted to enter the 8cl j ma Webb essay contest. All essays I must be in the office of the county t superintendent by February 26. ; Out-of-county judges will be used in the contests and the usual county-wide interest is anticipated for the events. Mr. Hendrick Dies In Gaston; i Bury In County Native Of Cleveland And RegUtei Of Deeds In Gaston To Be Buried Tuesday. Mr. 'Lummie'' Hendrick, native of Cleveland county and for 12 years register of deeds of Gaston county, died at 11 o’clock today In Gastonia following a decline in liealth extending over several months. Mr. Hendrick had been suffering with Bright's disease and became unconscious Saturday, nev er rallying. Mr. Hendrick, a brother of ex-, Alderman Rochel L. Hendrick, of j Shelby, was 56 years of age. He was married to Miss Cloe Harrelson.' daughter of Dan Harrelson Who survives with ten children. Three brothers, Rochel and Solon Hen drick, of Cleveland county, and An drew Hendrick of Northbrook town ship, Lincoln county, two sister. Mrs. j James Abernethy, or Cherry vllle. j and Mrs. A. P. Smith, of Hickory. Funeral services will be held at St. Paul Methodist church several miles north of Waco on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock, the services to be conducted by Rev. Mr. Vestaal. pastor of the Dallas Methodist church of which be was a member. Mr. Hendrick was one of Gaston county’s most popular men who was elected for four terms a» register of deeds. He Was a Mason and a staunch churchman with many friends and relatives in his native county of Cleveland. James Gardner Hurt* When His Auto Hits One Driven by Officer Cars Of Bob Kendrick And Gover nor's Son Collide Christmas Night. James W. Gardner was reported as resting better at the Shelby hos pital today where he was taken Christmas night after being injur ed in an auto collision. The Gardner car end the auto mobile of Deputy Bob Kendrick col- , lided at the curving intersection of East Warren street and Jones Place near midnight Friday. Young Gard ner was driving west, en route home, and the officer was going east to his home on the East Warren ex tension when their cars crashed at! the triangle corner near the jail. Botli drivers were more or less In jured in the crash and their cars considerably damaged. The officer took Gardner in custody for alleged reckless driving just after the crash, but he was later taken to the Shel by hospital where it was found that several trgtli were knocked loose and life chest bruised in the impact. He will be in the hospital several more days it was said today, but his injuries are not considered serious unless pneumonia develops. Deputy Kendrick was also shaken up, bruis ed and slightly lacerated but has beep able to be out Melons, Blooms And Vegetables For Yule Season According lo the calendar it is winter time and Christmas has gone with New Year’s just a few days off. But the out-of-season growths about Shelby, brought about by weather that gave a green Christmas instead of a white, does not indicate it. On Christmas day or on other days of Christmas week the fol lowing unusual growths were re ported to The Star: A ripe watermelon brought in by A. G. White, C'herryville R-2. Strawberry blossoms brought in by J. Claude Weathers. Nestor G. Hamrick, at I’en ler's, selling Cleveland county cabbage that came from the plants from the regular crop this year. I Odd Christmas Weather Prevailed In Country; No Snow, No Icicles! Santa Failed To Have Ice-Blanket -; cd Whiskers As He Made His ('alls Friday v . • .v • . j Washington, Dec. 28. The weather] as predicted rieclijied to display th«*j Christmas spirit- Friday From Alaska to Key West scarce-] !y a thermometer read low enough: to sprout an icicle on Santa’s whiskers 8ome of the unseasonable pan sies and violets that had started life anew in this holly lime d'd‘ A have a bit of a chili, however, for the middle west was fanned by a cool breeze during the holiday and cooler weather was forecast for the rest of the week-end. Yet, up in st. Paul where zero •*> no stranger on December day, the merrcury was about 30 degrees. It was 40 but not fair, along Chicago's lake shore as cloud's veiled the sun. That temperature was approximately spread over most of the north central United iCOKTUU'BD on CAGE EtOHl ; 1 Cleveland Farm Land Ranks 7th In Value In N. C. Land Worth $76.28 Per Acre Nineteen Counties Have Ifijrhe* Per Farm Value. New Han* over Is lllthcr. The average value of Cleve land county farm land la S76.18 per acre and only six ul the I0I» rnuntlcN In North Carolina have a higher per acre land value, according to the atatiatica of the 1330 agricultural census. Although just six counties have a better per acre value. 19 counties In the state have h higher per farm value Four Ahead. The six counties having higher per acre value are New Hanover, S129.31; Forsyth $98.29; Mecklen burg. *87.17; Buncombe. *88.06: Wilson, $86.04, and Pitt *77.78. The average per farm value in Cleveland county is *3.576, which means that the average farm la Cleveland is worth *500 more than the average North Carolina farm, which is valued at *3,018. The aver age per acre value for the entire state Is *46.75. or *30 per acre le.,« than Cleveland county farm land. Farm land value per acre in coun ties neighboring Cleveland are Met ed as follow's; Gaston *73.02, Cataw ba *49.61. Lincoln *53.68, Burke *39.67, and Rutherford *44.82. Of the farm land values in the state the University News letter says: New Hanover farmers upon an average have the moat valuable farms in the state, the farms hav ing an average value of nearly seven thousand dollars. New Hanover 1 «lso leads in value of form lane} and buildings when reduced to a per acre basis, the average being nearly one hundred and thirfv dollars per acre. i Bnmjiwick county farmers aver age the poorest In the state, their farm land and' buildings averaging less than sixteen hundred dollars per farm, and barely over eighteen .dollars per acre Wliile the tendency Is for coun ties to rank on a per acre basis somewhat as they do on a p6r farm basis, there are marked exceptions, due to the differences In the six* of farms. Thus farms In the cot ton and tobacco belt have relatively high per acre values, but usually rank lower hi per farm values due to the small size of farms. A farm is the unit operated by a family, and not a holding. Each tenant op erates a farm. During the last census decade farm land and buildings have de clined in value nearly two hundred and thirty million dollars, or from approximately four thousand dol lars per farm to approximately three thousand dollars. However, this 1r offset to a large degree by the Increased purchasing power of ihe dollar. Undoubtedly there has been a further reduction In farm values during the last year and « half East Declines Most. Ju*t as during the World war values rose most rapidly in the east, or cotton and tobacco coun ties, so during the last decade farm property has declined most rapid ly in the same counties. In several counties farm value have declined more than fifty percent during the decade. The following counties il lustrate the trend in value of lano and buildings in the cash crop belt. Value Value County per farm per farm 1930 1920 Edgecombe _ . . . *3250 *6,283 Greene . 2,942 6.814 Lenoir . .. 3,329 6,667 Nash ............ 2,649 6.665 Pitt . ......- 3.246 6,821 Robeson.. 2,724 5,187 Scotland . . 3,635 7.102 Wilson . .. 3,294 6,284 The greatest declines have be in in the cash crop counties. A partial explanation is the increase In ten ant farms—that is, the practise of dividing holdings into smaller ten ant-operated tracts. the smaller farm tending to be less valuable. Complete First Tax Round In Cleveland Sheriff Irvin Alien and Chief Deputy Ed Dixon completed their first tax-collecting round Wednes day of last weak. Collections were fairly good, It was said, but not un usually heavy. The final day of the round was spend in PTo. 10 and tfo 1J townships. The best one-day col lection was $700. Many times that amount, however, have been collect ed in the office here since the 1931 iax booin' were turned over to the 'heriff. k