Nobody’s Business By GEE McGEE let me see voir tongie . . .We let our town get badiy In debt during the post few- years and tiiere wasn’t anything for us to di except to Vote a few hundred thous and dollars worth of bonds so’s they could pay off all their obli gations, regain their credit, and thus be properly equipped to "get bark In debt again. The reason we got Into the hole was. . .trying to keep up with the Joases. . ever since 19 and 20. . . .1 didn’t know that it was so much trouble to get fixed up to vote till I tried It on a recent occa sion. Our laws of registration are very strict and intensely personal. I had to show the “registra-tor ’ tny last year's city and county tax receipt, then I had to show him my birth-mark and my Federal voting certificate and then I had marriage certificate and my watch . . .Well, after displaying all my credentials. . which were mighty hard to accumulate, the man In charge of the books swore me, and speaking of oaths—that was one that had been handed down by a tong line of swearers. I held vp both hands while tt was being ad ministered, and when I got thru, I had sworn that I had never been convicted of receiving stolen goods, beating my wife, cheating at cards, staying out late, bigamy, fighting duels, sleeping on my tummy, and several other terrible things <J am glad that I don't have to swear that I had never done any of these things, but that word "convicted" saved me.) . . ,T want that oath changed to cad as follows; “in consideration of being granted the right and privilege to vote, I do solemnly swear that I will never cast my sallot for a crook or a grafter or a bone-head, or a liquor-licad or i coat-tail swinger or a dirty poli tician. , .or any other man or animal that Is calculated to injure the public or sell hts vote or dis grace our party, so help me.” . .But politics are eicanfr than they were 10 or 10 years ago, In our hate especially. \ I can recall that the man who hatl the biggest mouth and the most brass and the least sense and the most llker, and demagogues then running for some bigger of floe. . .always got elected DR. S. F. PARKER 1 — PHYSICIAN — Office Phones 64 and No. 'J Residence Phone 129-J ... ..T COTTON BOUGHT ON CALL OR FIXED PRICE ROWLAND H. 01 TZ. HOTEL CHARLES SHELBY. N. C. USE VICK PLAN for | BETTER CONTROL Of COLD~ PAINS QUIT COMING "When I vu a girl. I suf fered periodically with ter rible pains in my back and sides. Often I would bend almost double with the in tense pain. This would last for hours and I could get no relief. ‘T tried almost every thing that was recoin- | mended to me, but found nothing that would help until I began taking Cardui. My mother thought It would be good for me, so she got a bottle of Cardul and started me taking it. I soon improved. The bad spells quit coming. I was soon in normal health." —Mra Jewel Harris. Winns boro, Texas. Sold At All Drug Store*. i t CARDUI Helps Women to Health [ Take Thedford* Black-Draught tor Conatipatlon, Indigestion, and BHHnumeas. T 1 I We have been considering brains i and honesty quite seriously lor the I past few years, and thc»e quallfl ! cations are going to be given more serious consideration from now or, j I urn going to try to pick out candi dates for future offices who believe j that the only way to reduce taxes {is to reduce expenses, and vote for them twice, if possible. THK EVENING AFTER . . Well, it's all over at last. My ; wife's kinfolks have gone homp, and they wont want any more turkey for another year. Two of them hart to have a doctor before night. 8 of them took soda water every 30 minutes for 2 hours, and the bal ! ancc of them just slept and groan ed. I made a mistake: I bought only 3 turkeys. <N. B. In order not to have any misunderstanding about this matter, some of my kin folks were also among those present.! . . .This Is the first Christmas wc ever had that did not leave ur enough turkey for turkey hash for 3 whole days and nights. Why, dear even the bones are missing. The cranberry Jelly is gone: and the dressing disappeared as if by magic. But we had a mighty good time After dinner. . .a thank-offering was taken for the unemployed, but only 2 or 3 gave anything; the others claimed that they were un employed. , .and they would keep what little they had for themselves They told the truth—some of them, have never worked much. . .1 have carefully checked up my list of presents. The necktlo that Jim sent me is Just like the one I got from Sam, and while I wouldn't swear it, as I don’t swear, both of them look exactly like the neckties I sent to Jim and Sant last Christmas, a year ago. Only one of them appears to have been worn but very little, I like tht electric toaster all right. . .that my wife gave me. It costs 14.50: I saw the cancelled check In my re turned vouchers yesterday. . with my name signed to it "Per Her." . . .If you want to stop folks send ing you Christmas presents, why, all you've got to do is. . stop sending them any. You certainly wont he bothered If you don't bother them, j The 10-cent stores have made giv ! In* presents a real pleasure. My [Wife bought 9 nice presents for my kinfolks for only 80 rents: she paid a little more for those she sent to her kinfolks. Beads is the thing to send your best friends. The way I handle my beads business is. . .1 buy ’em at the 10-cent store and then let all my friends catch me looking at beads in the nicest jew elry store*. Tile only difference be tween beads Is the price, . .and some times the size. . . .Our kids have already rulnt all their toys. Tine mechanical toys wont do a single stunt, the paint 1* off the others, the dolls arc ;av dust-less, the candy has been walk ed on, the bicycle is punctured. Urn wrist watch wont run and all the others have been swapped to the neighbors' children for something Just ns sorry, I am glad It is rj year until another Christinas. I'll] be happy when the New Year com?*: I want a new start. I'm ! full of hope, and if the democrats I will do their duty, 19 and 32 is go ing to )iee good times come back •P. S. I am a little bit nauseated myself from too much turkey. Good-night.) spicy news from flat rock . . . a stoar has berm opened up in our midst and he calls It “the peo ples stoar". If he sells hts good3 on cfcddick. l! has the right nam' as the people will have It In a shot t while . - ^_. . . ,mr. sec more elkins lost a nice dog one day last week and offered a nice reward of 2$ for her return and by 10 o'clock that night, lie I had had 10 dogs that nncered to ! the name of his dog •'sooner" re turned to him. hts right dog has not yet benn found, . .a tombstone agent has bam working our little town for 2 weeks and as he is selling his monuments on the installment plan, the reho i ber graveyard will soon blossom out 1 In marble, mrs. Ida ketchem has I placed a big order for a flat slab ! for each of her 3 husbands who ' have gone on befoar to rest on the ' other shore. 1 . .the recent cold snap froae up tlx |town pump and watter had to be! carried from a wall wher ! lire broke out in the all-uite ns aprant whicli closes,*at 10 p ni. the manager left a karryseen rtove burning in the rare of the building 'and it ketchcd on fire and he will ; try to collect "0? smoke danimage, | as his bread and the ceiling was | both ruint thereby, .it now looks like wedding bells will soon ring for mbs mattie dill the young man who has benn com ing to see her from the county sect has recently bought him 1 new ford coop and she has on a dia mond ring that she says cost hint 125$ with 25$ as the down payment and it looks verry much like a 2 carrot stone, if site will finntsh her scholling. her pa says Utat he will set them up into house-keeping, but it looks now like he wont haf ter set them up in same, as she h(v, one more year and cant wait. ■ . . mi hirem cheep lias opepcii no Ready to Rope Backsliders \e complete cowgirl, from high-heeled lining boots and wooly chaps to ten-gallon hat, Almec Seniplr McPherson Hutton Is shown with her baritone husband In Palm Springs, Cal., where they were guests of a fashionable riding club. Photo wax made at an outdoor feast in the deaert, one of the features of which was a competition in which the Oracle of Angelas Temple w.13 dec ared the most typical cowgirl at the p: rtv. Far-Sighted Legislation Meant Much To North Carolina States Magazine Article By Governor 'North Carolina is not afraid h,: stand by itself,” says Governor Gardner in his article, in the1 January 2 Saturday Evening Post In which he tells first of the tre mendous prfigres.; made by tln state after the war, and second ni the intelligent retrenchment poli cies taken since the entire country was faced with the need for more careful control of public moneys. Reduction In taxation is a fea ture of North Carolina's program that interests almost all other rtfttes, many of which arc staggering under heavy burdens. Governor Gardner says with reference t> road taxes: "The position of tie Administration was that road should be supported by those who use them, and that the overwhelm ing majority of country people were not getting n fair return from the proceeds of the gasoline tax. A", owners of gasoline vehicles paid this tax-, but the tax was used al most exclusively for the support of the state highway system. . .con necting the principal towns. The 60 per cent of the country people living off the .tale highways paid their gasoline tax and then for most of their travel used only their neighborhood reads—maintained by property taxes. . .The most advanc ed legislation was embraced in the, administration bill for the state te take over the country roads.” The Local Act. Government by the people them selves instead of arbitrary govern ment by a mail board was the object of the Local Government Act. Governor Gardner says that this Act “increased the confidence of the holders of North Carolina securities, stabalized the credit of North Carolina counties and town and gave a new meaning to the phrase "local self-government.-' The plan for consolidation if state schools, and also the pub hr school legislation are discussed' “This legislation brought about the largest decrease in the cost of government and the greatest re duction id taxes on property." Tax Reduction. ‘■•It was repeatedly charged that if taxes were reduced the reduction would not reach the taxpayer bach home. The answer is taxes on property were reduced—positive!; reduced—and the reduction is being felt this year in the pocket book of •he taxpayer back home/' Stands Alone “Tlte two branches of the public service that arc essentially stat" functions and that represent be tween 60 and 10 per cent of the total cost of government—namely, schools and roads—are cupported and operated by the S;ate. In this reaper* North Carolina stands alone." a blacksmith shop in the guryegt bilding formerly vacated by e.d smith who run off owing neatly everyboddy in town with jerry munyon's wife; jerry says he is afeared she is coming baclt some day. mules will be shooed for c40 and waggins fixed at so much pet hour, plus time and material, you to furnish same hirem says there will be plenty waggins and old buggies to be repaired if hoover prosperity continue: verry much [longer, hi? terms is cash, f. o. b. and c. o, d., and he wants you to be govverned accordingly. yores trulle, mike Clark, rfd. CWry spgndem School Child Should Be Immunized Dr. Copeland Urges l*rolection of Children from “Catch ! *ng“ Diseases Whenever Possible. By H. S. COPELAND, M. D. U. S. Senator from New York. Fanner Commissioner of health, Sew York Ci/j,' NOT long ngo an important Child Health Conference w*3 held in Washington. At that time the daily newspapers re ported the debates and finally the cumeiu s 1 o it s of the confer ence. Recently little has been reported con-; eerninjr the re-. suits ,of this, import ant Rather ing. Nevcrthe leas, the vork is be ing carried on, even though the formal ses sions ended some time since. The Confer Dr. Copeland ence expiessed ihc views that al though education is important, the health of our children must be considered first. It has been esti mated that nearly three hundred thousand ease* ot communicable dis eases are reported annually In the United States. Halt of this number occur in children. This makes it important that the school cooperate with the health authorities anil that greater public effort be made for better child health. These authorities insist that all children be vaccinated for smallpox and bn immunized against diphtheria and scarlet fever. It is important that this be done before the child la admitted to school. Although typhoid fever cases are •till reported, it rarely appears among school children. Typhoid i» not easily transmitted from one child to another. If that disease should become prevalent, vaccines may be easily administered. But as regards smallpox, diphtheria and scarlet fever, the danger is greater because these diseases are readily transmitted. This danger is a problem ot the school, for in the schoolroom Ilea the danger of transmitting the dis eases. It is Important that the school-child tie vaccinated before en tering school. When vaccinated against smallpox, as well as receiv ing the inocculaticm against dipth theria, he la assured of reasonable safety from these diseases. 1 Tike" the Precaution* | Although at one time It Was hoped Immunity to starlet fever could be *lven. the method has not been h* successful as desired. At anv rate. It can b.; said that a child who re ceives inoculations against scarlet fever Is not harmed, and In many cases may be markedly benefited, in actual cases of scarlet fever the advantages and benefit* of the ad ministration of scarlet fever anti toxin are well worth while. I mention these facts because there are many children attending school who have not received small pox vaccination. In addition, there are many who should be subjected to the "Schick test" and "Dick test." The Schick test determines whether or hot a child is susceptible to diph theria and the Dick test doee the came for scarlet fever. I’lease remember that the health of your child is worth any price. By his being Wealthy he will be able to attend school without any loss of time. Also he will not be exposed to the many dangers that exl*: In school life. i If you have not already taken these necessary precaution a why not ■peak to your board of health offi i rial or consult with your family doctor* Carrier Boys Win Prizes From Star Jack Hughes Tops The List And Gets A .Wrist Watch. Marshall Beattie Second. In a contest among the twenty newsboys who deliver The Star in Shelby and suburbs, Jack. Hughes had more points in his favor and was winner of first prize, a wrist watch. Marshall Beattie won second prize, a sweater; Morris Lucas third prize, a Boy Scout knife; Walter Fanning, Jr„ fourth prize, a pair of scooter skates and O. V. Ham rick, Jr., fifth prize, a pair of scoot er skates. During the contest 111 new sub scriptions were added to the list. The contest was on a point basis and points were counted for new s ubscriptions, prompt delivery of paper, no complaints from subscrib ers, prompt payment of bills, etc. Circulation Manager J. C. Jenk ins awarded the prizes on Christ mas eve and wishes to thank the boys and their customers for the success of the campaign. Customers who have any complaint to make nbout the delivery of the papers, should communicate with the Cir culation Manager Mr. Jenkins at The Star office Phone 11 before six o’clock any clay. Mr. Ware Buried At Oak Grove On 23rd Prominent Citizens of No. 4 Town ship Succumbs After Long Illness. i By E. G. Gamble.) Kings Mountain, Dec. 28.—Funeral services for W. G. H. Ware, 68, who died at his home in the Oak Grove community of Cleveland county near here Wednesday night at 11:30 o'clock, were conducted at the Long Creek Presbyterian church near Bessemer City Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Coyt Hunter, the pas tor at Long Creek conducted the services and was assisted by Dr. C. 3. Black, pastor of the First Bap-.' test church at Bessemer city. Buri al was at the churchyard at Long Creek. Mr. Ware was one of the most prominent and highly respetted citizens of the Oak Grove commun ity. He had been sick for several months. He is survived by his wife, who before marriage was Miss Jennie Oates of No. 5 township of this county and five sons. Jacob Ware of Arizona: John B Ware of Wash ington; William Ware of Danville, Va; Frank and James Ware of the Oak Grove community. Kings Mountain Personal Items (Special to The Star.i Kings Mountain, Dec. 26.—Mr. Horace Grant and Miss Edna Grant arc spending the holidays with their parents in Chamblee, Ga. Miss Jennie Lee Kerr of Gastonia is spending the holidays here with Mrs. C. E. Neisler and family. "Sonny" Peeler, young son of Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Peeler who under went an operation at the Eye, E#r and Throat hospital in Charlotte Wednesday, is getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Mauney and son William Lawrence spent Christ mas day in Winston-Salem with their daughter. Mrs. Garland Still. Kenneth Kirby, clerk In Senator Cameron Morrison’s office in Wash ington spent Christmas day here with friends. Mrs. W. Strickland of Georgia is spending the holidays here with her daughter Mrs. S. Paul Manget. Mr. Seaford Jackson of Collins, N. J., is spending a few days here with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stewart. A pageant entitled "Emmanuel” was presented at the St Matthews j Lutheran church here Christmas eve night at 11:30 o’clock. Mooresboro News Of Late Interest < Special to Tlte Star.) Mooresboro, Dee. 26.—Professor and Mrs. J. C. Kiser and small son left here Wednesday for Jackson ville, this state, and other eastern parts for a Christmas vacation of lour or five days. They will prob ably return next Monday or Tues day as school will resume work Thursday. Wednesday night the local troop of Boy scouts made several calls at homes where cupboards ^ere empty with well filled sacks of fruits and farm produce. This was the first time such an event happened In our town, as this was the first Christmas that the town and community had scouts in pe "on. ■NOTICE or SALE or 'PERSONAL PROPERTY. Pursuant to an order made by M. R tver.ihers. recorder oJ Cleveland county, to the case State vs. one Pord coupe motor number 1308014S said Pord coupe bavin* been convicted of transport ir* in toalcatln* liquors. Under said order the undersigned will self at nubile sale at the court house door *t Shelby N. C. on the t»th day of January. 1933 13 o'clock noon or within legal hours, the following dr seribed personal property; One Ford coupe motor number 130*0148 Terms of sale: Cash This l»th day of December. 1931 1 M ALIEN', Sheriff St Dec «lc But Why Impose On Generations Unborn To Give Others Aid An Ai/gle Of The Foreign War Debt Program That Should t'arsc Some Thought. Raleigh News and Observer. Charles E. Mitchell, president of the National City Bank, whose bank made millions by loaning Am^ erican money in Germany, told a senate committee that if Germany was made to pay the reparation debt it promised to pay, “it will bring rebellion,” and added: ‘ Here we have in Germany to day young men going into the uni versities of Germany who were not! born when the great war started.! Those young men see that not only they, but their progeny, and the progeny of their progeny must pay and go on for these generations in paying a debt for which they, as individuals, were not responsible.” Somebody must pay. Mr. Mitch ell's argument that if the progeny of Germans is made to pay “it will bring rebellion” was thus answered by Senator Reed, of Pennsylvania. The Senator said: “You see that there is growing up in Germany a psychology on the paft of the younger people which leads them to want to accept all of the benefits created by preceding generations, without any of the ob ligations. That Is understandable. Young people enjoy getting bene fits and do not enjoy bearing bur dens. "But is it not reasonable to think that the same psychology will grow up over here that very large war debts were created, and that this money is going to be paid by a gen eration of Americans that had nothing to do with this war? “Now why should the progeny of Americans who had nothing to do With the war. progeny of Americans who were not even alive, pay this war debt, and the progeny of the people Who started it go scot free. I confess I cannot see that Mr. One Dose German Remedy Ends Gas "1 was sic!; and nervous with indi gestion and stomach gas. One dose ol Adlerika helped. I eat anything now' and sleep good.”—Henry Dodd; You can’t get rid or indegestion or gas by just doctoring the stomach For gas stays in the UPPER bowel. Adlerika reaches BOTH upper ana lower bowels, washing out poisons which cause gas, nervousness and bad sleep. Get Adlerika today; by tomorrow you feel the wonderful effect of this German Doctor's rem edy. Paul Webb and Son Druggist. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. . Having qualified as administrator oi j the estate of Mrs. L. A. Blalock, deceased i late of Cleveland county, North Caro lina. this Is to notify ail persons navmt claims against the estate of said deceaseo to exhibit them to the undersigned Shelby, N. C\, on or before the 27th dav of November, 1932, or this notice will bo pleaded In bar of their recovery All per sons indebted to said e tate wih p’e^v make immediate payment. This the 2ftl day of November. 1931. FRANK L. HOYLE. Admtnistratui of Mrs. L. A Blalock, d'-ceased. 6t Nov 2} ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having this day qualified u& adminis tratrix of the estate of Lawson A. Ucttyfr, deceased, this Is to notify all per'-ona having claims uganst the said estate to present the same to me properly proten on or before the 22nd day of December 1932 or this notice will be pleaded m bar of any recovery thereof. Ail persons Indebted to the said estate will pleesc make immediate settlement to the under signed. This Dec. 28lh 1931. Mrs. Mamie B. Oettys, admin isirairtv of Lawson A. Geitys, deceased Ci-Dec. 23-p PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS North Carolina. Cleveland County. In the Superior Court. Before the Clerk Heppie Bradley, Plaintiff vs. John Bradley. Defendant To John Bradley, defendant in the abvvc entitled action: You are hereby notified that sfti action has been Instituted, as above entitled against you in the superior court o Cleveland county. N. C., in which the plaintiff is seeking an absolute divorce and dissolution of the bonds of main mony upon the ground of adultery, and you are further notified that, unless you appear and answer this complaint on or before January 16th, 1932. at 12 o clock M.. at my office in Bhelby,. N. C. ^icic the complaint In said action has been dui\ filed, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief asked for in said complaint as set forth in the foregoing. Witness my hand and seal, this Decern ber 14th, 1931. A M. HAMRICK, Clerk Supcrhr v Court. Rybura &, Hoey, Attys. for plaintiff. * 4t Dec 14e MORTGAGED' b ALL. tinder and by virtue of the authority contained !u a certain mortgage executed to the undersigned by L. N Horrill uno wife, F. Gertie Harrill. which mortgage i« recorded in boot 133 at page 312 in the office of the register of deeds of Cleveland county. North Carolina, the undersigned mortgagee will ou January 35 1932 at 3 o'clock, P. M. sell at the court house door m the city of She! by N. C„ to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate. Located in No. 2 township. Cleveland county. North Carolina and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stone In the road, C. K. McCraws corner; thence with said road south 73!» east 155 poles crossing the creek to . a hickory; thence up, the creek north «0 poles to the mouth of Poplar Branch: thence up the said branch as i! meanders 140 poles to the mouth of a small branch; thence south 89<2 west 41 poles to a stone, c. K McCraws corner; thence with his line south 5“« west 115 poles to the beginning, containing C7 acres more or less. Same being the land which was conveyed to W. w White by \V. R White and wife by deed recorded In the office of the register of deeds of Cleveland county. North Carolina In book Y at page 10; also including 50 acres which was sold off the above tract by deed dated August 3«th, 1891 from W W. White and wife to R. M. White, which deed is of record in said registers office in book FP at page 571 reference being hereby made to each of said deeds for full deser.ptlon and identification. The above land being conveyed to L. N. Harrill and wife by W. W White by deed dated Janr uery Hth, 1926 and recorded in book 3-r at page 291 In the office of the register of deeds of Cleveland county. North Car olina. This December JLst. 1931 BARNEY H. BLANTON Mortgagee. Horace Kennedv Trustee , *t Dec 31 Mitchell." What answer did Banker Mitch ell make? He was "flabbergasted” and said: "I grant with you that that is quite unanswerable as an argument.” If there had not been millions of velvet In German loans to bank ers,—(none of the loans have brought losses to bankers, ag they testified)—these big loans would not have been made. One of the actuat ing influences for reduction to the point "of capacity to pay” proposed by Mr. Mellon is that If Uncle Sam will accept reduction the interna tional bankers will the sooner and more certainly collect what is due on their loans. Time Wasted. Overseer—Say, you can’t fish here Angler—I wish I had known i' before I wasted three hours. TRI STEI'.'S SALE. By virtue of those two certain deeds th . trust executed by A, G. Humphries and wife, Beulah Humphries to B. T. Fails ! trustee, for J. A. McCraw, and recorded j in book 16J of deeds, page 103, and page j 173, of the register's office for Cleveland ■ county, N. C., I will sell to the high* . bidder at the court house door in Slid by N. C., oil Saturday, January 16, I8JW. at IS o’clock M. the following described real estate. vo-, wit: Beginning at a white oak near branch i corner of G. C. Jolly heirs, and run * Lhence with their line N. O 30 W. 30 Doles to a li. O., S. ti. Allison's cornet thence N. 0. 20 W. 77 poles ( to a stotfe crossing the Gaffney-Boiling Springs road: thence 13. 33-20 E. 10 23 poles to < P. O. »down>; thence 8. b2-45 E. 7.8.7 poles to a walnut; thence 3. 44 1-2 K 6.80 poles to a stone; thence S. 2-30 \V 82 1-5 poles with A. G. Humphries line to aji iron pin: thence S. 85 W. 43 poles! to a stone where w hite oak formerly I stood. Jolly's corner: thence with his tine N. 20 E. 45 3-5 poles to a post oak j thence N. 80 W. 19 poles to the begin ning. containing 40 1-2 acres; also All that certain parcel of land situated in Cleveland county, N. C., in No j township, adjoining lands of S Bridg. Kester Hamrick, A. G. Humphries, estau of Plato Allison, and others; containing 16 62 1-2 acres of land more or less. Be ing a portion of the land conveyed to Ida Allison by Plato Allison, commissioner in deed dated January M. 1912 and re corded in crtfice of register of deeds for Cleveland county, I* C. in book 3-P page 220. Terms of sale: Gash, This the 11th dev vi December, 1331. B. T. 1’ALLS, Trusts Dec 14«. \oiice ci rat si11 ai Default having- been made in p;!: men i of the indebtedness secured by that cer tain deed of uuoi to the underuif.ncd . trustee lor the Pilot Life Insurance con pan; by L. P. Mevijlnaon and wile. ki - gtret Beam Mesgin^on. on the IfUi da; of March, 1930. and recorded in the o,. flee of the register of deedu of ' Cleveland county. N. ( in book 170 at page 5J< the. under*'sued trudee will, under a,.-' by \irtue o* iha power of sale ^.,teo » it by said deed of .trust, and ut tho re quest of the ccotui que tru.s^ and for ilu> purpose of discharging the debt securec by setd deed of trust, proceed to cell i the highest bidder, for cash. at th? court house door in Cleveland count,. Shelby, North Carolina, at 12 o clock tV» on Monday. January If. 19U*'. the following described June!, to-wit Lying in the city of Shelby. Nor,.v Car olina, and b^ng that lot of land conven ed to L. P. Megglnson and wife. Margar*. Beam Meggiuson by deed recorded id t book 3-U, page 94 and 352 of the uffic' I of tho register of deeds tor Clevclan , [county, N. C.. and being Joined on u. [north oy an alley. on the rust by L. Beam, on the south b West Orahtii street, and on the werh by lot of Join Norman, and being described by met-? und bounds as follows: Beginning at a stake in north edge o West Graham street. John Norman .southeast corner, end runs thence eas; with Id edge of Graham street-115-fee■ to a stake in K. M. Beam's line: thenc nortii with Beam s line 170 leet to stake in. edge of alley; thence With ahe vn?. t 115 feer tp a stria in John Nor man's line; thence south with Norman' line 170 feet to the place of beginning. This the Cth day of December 1931. NORTH CAROLINA TRUST CO. Brooks, Parker Smith and Wharton. Atiyi;., Greensboro. N. C. 4t Dec SAI.t; OI VALl'ABLK FARM PROPERTY. I Under and fey virtue of the author if y ! conferred upon u.i in a deed in trust cxe [cuied by Lester Jackson and r,i;e. Rosie Jackson on the 17th Un.v of July. 1J2i ■end recorded in book 131, 293. «r f tv ill on Saturday the 9th day of January, 1932, 12 o'clock noon I at the court hous* door in Cleveland I county. Shelby, N, C . sell at public auc tion lor cajjfh to the highest bidder th \ following land to-wit; All that piece, parcel or tract oi land [lyiPS raid being in Nos. 11 and 10 town .••hip, Cleveland county. N. C.. adjoin'o j the -and;; of Dock Spake apd C M. Cdok on th2 N. lands of D. D. Cook on the & lands of A. J. Sigmon on the S. and land, of Cleveland Mill and Power eotnpan\ Peter L. Buff and Palmer Hoyle on th \V. and being more particularly bound*: and described as follows: Beginning at a Chestnut oak. D. D Cook s corner, ihcuc * with his line N. 16 W. 110 poles to ; ! atone, C. M, Cook's corner; thence vmi C. M. Cook's and Docs Spube’s lines N 87 W. 63 1-5 poles to a :>tone; thence with : Palmer Hoyle s. Peter L. Ban’s unJ Cleveland Mil! and Power company's lint 323 3-4 poles to a stone. Clc.eland and Power company's corner, thence with said Cleveland Mill ami Power company-, line C. 33 E. 30 poles to a stone, A. .j Sigmon's corner: thence with his line N 73 E. 43 1-2 pole^ to ft hickory. D. D Cook's corner; thence with his line K. 4 W. 29 poles to a stone: thence with D. D. Cook s line S, 88 E. 42 1-4 poles to t beginning. contAining 82.8 acres., more or less. Reference is hereby made to dee ; from S. M. Starney and wife to Lester Jackson, a a te d Oc tober 10. 1922 and r. corded \n book OOO at page 412 Cle\c land county registry. This sale is made by reason of the fail ure of Lester Jackson and wife, Rox.» Jackson to pay off and discharge the in debtedness secured by said deed of trust A deposit of 10 percent will be required from the purchaser at the sale. This the 20tli day of November, 1931. W G. BRAMHAM and T. L. BLAND . Receivers for First National Com pany of Durham, Inc.. Trustee, for merly First National Trust Company Durham. N. C. At Dec 14c NOTICE OF SALE OF rESSO.VAl PROPERTT. Pursuant to an order made by ,M Weathers, recorder of Cleveland" cuu' In the case State against MaeU Wood, t. said Mack Wood having been couicu. of transporting intoxicating liquors b, means of one Ford roadster motor IU1. ber 13600075. Under said order the unde: signed will sell at public sale at the coo.' house door at Shelby, N C , one Tori' roadster motor number 1.7800075 on ti, 16th day of January, 1933 at 13 o'clock noon or within legal hours. Terms of sale: Cash. This 16th day of December 1931 1 M. ALLEN. Sharif! It Dec 3u PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS North Carolina. Cleveland County. In the Superior Court, Belore the clei . O. T. Williamson. Plaintiff vs. * Natal.e Williamson. Defendant To Natalie Williamson. defendant in i;> above entitled action: You are lierebj notified that an act lias been instituted, as above eutltn against you in the superior court i Cleveland county. N. c.. In winch 1.1 plaintiff is seeking an absolute and dissolution of the bonds oi man mony upon the ground of fire yen consecutive separation, and vou : further notified that, unless jou appt. end answer this complaint on of beto t Jnnuiay 16th. 153a, at 13 o ciocl: M » my. office in Shelby. N. C.. w here i ,t complaint in said action lias been if.I v filed, the plaintiff w ill apuh iu th«t covi t for the relief ..shod for in said com plaint, as set forth in the foregoing Witness my hand and seal, tills Decern • ber 12 th, 19.11 . A M HAMRICK. Clerk Sumner ' Court. fly burn & Hot . Attjs. for p'ainttif. 4i Dec 14e COMMISSIONERS' .NALL Under and by virtue of the author: »v contained in an order of sale made b\ the clerk of superior court of Clevciu. d county. North Carolina in a special pro cccdiug entitled "W. C. Dixon a;U Jol.i - rile Dixon :'gainst W. Ml Dorccy. , .. the underalgued commissioner / January 2Jrd. 1932 at 3 o'clock P. .J , i < the court house door in the etc o. bile - by sell to the highest bidder for eash jr public auction the described res I estate: All that tract of land lying i - township. Cleveland count”, l.'orth caro line, on the waters oi Buffalo tree.: ana bounded i.i follow..: Beginning on stoi In Lull' line: thence with h.s line soul.i liu1.; west 157 pole., to a : ,n 3cii • line: thenos with said line south St c. t Stf poles to a stake; thence north 41 ea. • 31 poles to a (take; thence north ID e.. 12 poiea to a slake in Llnco.nto:: ro a. thence e..,st „5 pole.; to a stake: them. north 65 east 12 poles to a ctaae: thence north 83 east 25 poles to a stake: *iiencr ( north 21 east 9t> poles to a stake: them , north -68 Wot- 24 poles to the beg.unit-, containing 89 i cres n ore ur ies E ceo. Ing. howe'er, frotn »h; above deser ptlur that ]’-■ acre., ;o!d to Kudcsli chuy ■ nnd that appro.lmi..t!y teres :olu io. Ee':;, cl,a, ;-o. lull description . .aid two exceptions reierenre is hereav nad to d“"d far . nr whish of record in the office u: the register of deeds n,! count a North CH.-ohr. Tills Dcc'inbcr ‘'I 1231 D C, DTXOX. Comm: ..oi a. met b. Cline and Horace tlenuedv. A.m n Drr ale DU. I). M. MUUIUSON OPTOMETRISI H'oohvorth Building. SHELBY, N. t. Eyes Examined. Glasses Fitted And Repaired. ( Hint Your Kyes Kvanmuil Uejiula rlv DRS. H. D. & R. L. WILSON OPTO.M HTKISTS Office Over Paul Wetih v Sou'. Orui> Shire. I. W. Ebeltolt Grocer and Book Seller Phone — 82 DAN FRAZIER Zv :\ Engineer And Surveyor Kami Surveys, Snth-ilivis ions. Plats and General Khjrineerlnjg Praetive - Phone 417 - — QUEEN CITY COACH LINES - FOR. ASHEVILLE. CHARLOTTE. WILMINO ION. FAYETTEVILLE. FOR ASHEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—9:45 a. m.; 11:1(1 a. rn.; 1:15 p, m FOR CHARLOTTE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—7:10 a. m.; 11:10 a. m.; L':()o p in.; 4:40 p. m.;-9:00 p. m. FOR WILMINGTON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—11:10 a. m. FOR FAYETTEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY7:10 a. ra.; 11.10 a m,; 2:00 •,> — FOR FURTHER INFORMATION — PHONE 450 - QUEEN CITY COACH COMPANY

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