Society NEWS. . . IXnphflHr I If m- fin Social and IV i » IXrphonr ' 13, MRS. fW;.\> OKI M < Kdltorl I oliinim In Mia Krnn Drum. nvm TUI- NARROW ACRES" If. to remain desirable and rlem To you. I must aft'rri an uncon cern: And shield im lameru i< the path Shine clear And straight ahead without * me* or turn Ohmmretl and direct; tl to insure Your steadfastness and real I murt pretend ft dilucult and Itange mm inse. cure You need not be my lovei nor my friend. As I have no apologt no. stiaine for any flower that blooonv in mv y a i d. I will not (loud in cotyaaiii v. d.t claim And dull the royal .-lumr o' tm i« gold Neither dispel with apaihv no 'T'he shcoow of youi lot- Upon ri - heart. IjCvr is a wilful s <eii m; winch I ride flier t lie narrow acre, ol nil price Anne Blackwell Pa vie Kceiitnf Division To Hold Meetins Mr*. R. T lrGraiu! iind M. r-irube 1 Lever will be hu.sti so it members ol the isepntg division the Woman’;- club on - evening at 8 o'eioek. eniertaihif . ■ at the club room, Mrs. C. K. Hoe* To Be C'lnh llwlr.* ■ \tember., of the T*vcti;ieUi tvi. :ury literary club will be cnteu u til on Friday afternoon by Mi. ( R Hoey at. her home on \V win> ion street. Attention ol member: 1 < ailed to the tact that the houi u. meeting la 3 o’clock instead of :i 30 Kastern Star Chapter To Have Meeting The Grand Worthy Matron ol > Grand Chap;:.- of Norih Carolina Mrs. Be.sir R. Mar,gum, of Bork' Mount, wiil pny on ofl'i. ial vi- it t • the local chapter of the Faster! star on Thtnvday evening at 1:30 .ah members air surged to be pres ent. i. Meeting Of f'lrM Division Tomorrow The regular meet inn ol the in tlivision of thr Woman.- club wilt be held tomorrow afternoon at :t to at the club room with MLss Nora Cornwell. Mrs. O s. DellhiKir ant. Mrs A C Rich bourn acting as joint hostesses Tuesday Afternoon Bridge (Hub To Meet Mrs R. V. Wood, will be liostev to members of the Tuesday After noon bridge club on Thursday af* ernocm at 3:10. etiteilaining at •' • Brick House c i! ill on R Wa him-. Ion street: slrrlbx (iirl May Oueen Maid Ol Honor. " Mts. .Viinnu LeGi iin I ol Shelby. .11 keen named one >1 tin JO maid; 01 honor In the May Queen for the ■nmial M.;v Day celebration Rt Qnrens-CliK on, i nllc p in Char lotte Ml Mary l>!h Puniv wn rho-.en Qui-en ol Mu l oin I tin inli IVr.lldittg U t;Hill.nil Sell not. A Tom Thumb vreOd.itg will be . i.: ' d hI. Mm* Orulisiii school on i •. Kin evening at 8 a clock b> no mhpr . o! i lie I'h si utie ot that lunil The |i.i '-.i « '] he it;.f'fl Ir t-1 le !*!».: eni -i! ,.eh '' I i.'t loi) lii him! hhi'i i/veuic'.Us I li'.;ito Hi t Intreli t heir it- 0 Mr-. Itmilriv. I n .!;.<i . :i 1 m !•■ ef II'- W .1 S' ot ; h. Hnjifi t i;tun:"ii met. the. homo ot Mr. An-v kpnieis o' Siiflb;. inj iVh.m-.oi' iitvr.ihoon at .. o’elucli. I no nil 11m iv, . conduct, by ill*' president and a very- -inter esiiiiR p.ogtam I"#- rendered Tho " taking part -on the un Hi'nin were Mi >. V «' -in. I. . id M I Bor-' Ors. Mr. Muck Spoke Mr* John. Matnicy, Mtv S. B Wit-on. Ms Mini Wilson, Mi O A Sj latte M" G. c. Gardner and Mi-, rila itou |ert.-i A hum iiumlHv was present. Al U'c cli so of Hie program tt .so cial licit hour u.t etriiu-'il Mi; c Hi -sic Sue W!I on and Jewel Lot>" assisted tin hostess in serving a dr licioti' salad and s-,\'-ol coin ■.<' The meeting adjourned to rnc tin liarno of Mp Mart; Spa1 i Fftn . I Ml .« w*tlf P. I A. To Have Meeting The legular monthly iiieetiiig oi the laHiyette P T a will be lido at the o hool binfaing on Thursde . af un-noon at 3 o'cloe:. Ml nvmii. are urged to attend. I.oirh Hmall Rllflge Party. Ml C H. Dogged J Id Ml Nfl aon HiiHun.ore entertained » tow friend.- yesterday afternoon very dr - Ughtfullv at two tables os bridge at their home on N. LaFavette street Following the the games an elabor ate salad course was «ei ved These playing were: Mrs. H T Hudson Mrs. Z V Mauney, Mr;,. L. A Blan ton. Mis c c. MoBrawr. Mrs I O, Thompson. Miss Agnr- McBray er and Mr: I.Sttlfnore and Mr? Dogged Galrdrit Club Ha** Interesting 'lertin;. An mii-tiM.iniT meeting of i to garden dub wtis held y .c-day . r '■’.'iifton at ’lie club room with Mr ■ t O. Ciirbnt a the program lead er Mrs. Colin Hull pro-tried in the absence ot the preside!r Mrs. j. D. tinebrrue’ Mr Pnt.ter.ion conduct - er! a questionnaire on what to plant now and other toplo1- ot interest concerning the garden \ hlch > .« oi gtt’Ht valiie to the members. He an nounced t i nlnnr, tor giving a soring flower show in the near tu ture. at which time as many a- if.u ' artotie of ilowers will be shown Mr B s I ••/if i-. d sn Interest ing paper on Bird IIo: w.s and Bird Baths Mr Colin It n l might Hie program to a close wP'.i .. r.ais- on Decorative and Useful Viiies Mothers' ( lid. 'titli .Mrs.'Vales. Mrs, D R. Yale >va . he i : to a' •m.tie :■ i., 'in Mr. j... clup at a r'-eu! meeting vew.. tie.noon ■ i her home on Clev.-fuin Spring road. Mrs. Willb iiv CvnyVder v. a • leader oi an interes,iue i .ogvum on "fsoeerji Development -Papers on the subject were given Ir Mrs. Orct. U iinriek. Mrs. Rol nd Elam and Mrs. John Honeycutt. Mis- kllzn ht Mi Austell gave a ret,din; and three young reuMeianr,, Patsy Mttufiey. Phyllis Yates hurt. Celeste Uamrtc!: contributed p.ano solos Mrs W. O. Arey and .*.frr Ray tut-. were .specie! gv<- At the close 0 she program mi rlfriv.te sine - course was served. t allies Golf i lull To Mret Irlday. The Ladies Ciolj Ciu'j will meet at the club house on Friday rfter noon at 3:30 All menvoeri are cor dially urged to be prnenl at this meeting American Homes Department To Meet The American Home dtpamnei • of tiie Woman :; club will meet e Monday afternoon »i 3 30 at M-. club room with M's. fl. I Weath ers a» chairman of the hostess coo in it ter; slii v ill b« assisted by Mr Onffin Smith. Ms . Grover Be am Mr. O S AiiMipn,' am! Mrs. R I Gornfnn All M'lolar* are un - difillv invited to be pre.reul a.s pecinl program is being planned 'lr. And Mrs. I.arkey (Jive Dinner Parties Mr and Mrs. J L. Lackey \u • hosts at a lovely dinnei party last evening: honoring the pa tors of tin three churches and their vivos. The tabb was centned with a love!' bowl oi flowers in yellow and pu pil’ ;• fidvset with rose glassware. Yellow jasahilne w,i. ti ed in dee-! ciiTfU|g the entire house and th"| rich color note oi the flowers ate table appointments wa . carried out1 in the place cr.rtls. A four cour. tinnier was served. Mr. and Mr>. Lackey ,i guests included Dr. ar i Mrs. E. K McLttrty, Dr. and Mrs Zeno Wall. Rev. and Mr:,. IT N MeDUrimti Mi and Mrs. 7, Thompson. Mis Ada Ramsey Wall; and Miss Mary McLarty Attain this evening Mr. and M> Lackey will entertain a group el i friend.-- at dinner using the sum-ri I decora'ive scheme as used ins* evening. Covers will be laid for Mr and Mr. . W B. Nix, Mr. a> <i Mr*. John Irvin. Mr Nelson Lat timore. Mr, W O Lackey, Miss' Isabel I ae!:, y. Evans Lacker and Mr. and Mr'-. I.ackev. Sharon Church Will Have Play Saturday I.allies Mil Sin ir|> Will Prrseni l.o ■ a I Talent Production There. The Ladies Aid Society oi Sharon< viiurch will give a play. "Pride Goetbj | Before a Fall, and Easy Victory," Saturday night. Jon. 23. beginnhy Til 7 o’clock. There will also be an old-fashion ed dialogue, "A Mysterious Sin Case." and other stunts in connec- j tion with (lie play. Admission for children will be in cents and Uj cents tor adults, tire proceeds to eoI to the church. Former Republican Leader In Cleveland, Says Hoover Can’t Win, But Gen Chas. D. Dawes Can < Writ fii v. The Sm; b' H Fortune. now living in Chicago. M* [•'"iluiv re the Republican lead*1 in Clcv: lahci county and postmast - er a! Shelby tor a number oi years.) Just my own individual view on I'.k pc hucal situation today li enough oi the rank and tile of the voter.' in the Republican party will cotnc to the front and demand that Charles G. Dawes run In the Republican primary as a candidate for the nomination for presidem against Mr Homer he will delca; Mr. Hoover and be the Republics,', nominee. Then lee the Democrat nominate either one of their thre • ■strongest men. Governor Rooseve.;, Governor Ritchie or Speaker John N. Garner, and then you will see one ol the hardest fought political battle, iti.i. wu' ever made in this country, with the results in the ba’ ance until the votes are counted But it Da we., will not allow his name u» be entered in the primary, and will not agree to be the cantli- J date, and if the politicians and of fice holders go ahead and renomi nate Mr. Hoover, and the Demo crats nominate either one of the three men 1 named, the Republican party is deteated before they ge: started. I said in 1892 that if •Ben Harrison was renominated he wou'J be deteated. He was. £ . aid in 1912 that if Taft was re nominated he wottld be defeated. He was. Now 1 say if Hoover is renomi nated lie will be defeated worse than be defeated A1 Smith in 1923 it the Democrats will nominate either one of the three men I nam ed on a liberal platform they will! carry New York. New Jersey. Illi nois and the solid south. Mi Hoover would not carry .r Southern state in 1932. I was rais ed in North Carolina, and 1 know the Southern Democrats too well They are all politicians, and they are loo hungry tor office to let an opportunity like the present one pass by without taking advanla”* of it Since Senator Morrow died, and with Calvin Coolidge out, Gen Dawes is about the only man It ft that the Republicans can put up a winning fight with. These are just inv own individual political views, honestly expressed as I see the sit uation at the present time. Newt keep your political eye on the fu ture and see how much I w ill miss the results when the battle Is over. Respectfully. J. B. Fortune. P. S.-As you see Chicago get both of the national conventions Come to the convention and you will be as safe as in any large eit" in the country, if you are smar enough to outgeneral the pick pockets. I am not; they are to smart for me, in crowds they hav taken money out of my pants pod: et, my inside coat pocket and almu anywhere X put it. I have travel)' all over tthe city on business both day and night. Bandits have nev bothered me. but the most thievin pickpocket seems to be looking i a fellow tn every crowd vou get i ■. J. B. F Gaffney Boy Wants To Return To China Gaffney Ledger. Logan Perry, .son of Mr. and Mr;., M C. Perry, of this city, who is a member of the crew of the U. S. S. Blackhawk. spending the winter at Manila, has'written his parents his ship will probably be sent back to Chinese waters in April or May. In a letter written December 18. which his father received yes' erday, he said: • I will be glad to get back there for everything is so cheap there. Our dollar is wonh over four of theirs all the time, and we get a much for one of their dollars as sc do for one of ours." Booze Drives Boy In York To Insanity York, S. C.—Enter another debit against York county moonshine liquor. It, is responsible for upset ting the mental balance of William Melton, 18-year-old York negro, as a result of which he may go to the state hospital. Melton was arrested on the streets here because of his talking and acting queerly. His aunt explained to officers that he has not been “Jes’ right" since heavy drinking during the holidays. Unless Melton shows improvement,, he will be sent to the state hospi- ■ tal. County agents throughout east- | ern Carolina are busy mow reclear -' ing and treating tobacco seed to- I the coming season plantings. he’s c0m,ng *r» Mui fh# Most Startling Motion Picture Ivor Mode * CAROLINA SOON Car Load of Mules Selected for farm work. All young and t ree of blemishes. Can be seen any time King’s Stables, TRADE STREET Weigh from 1,000 to 1,300 Pounds. Priced to Meet Conditions. N BARGAINS FOR LAST MINUTE SHOPPERS JUST 3 MORE DAYS TO GO! WRAY’S SALE CLOSES SATURDAY I $4.95 MEN’S SUITS Monroe and Blue Cheviot Suits All Wool $9.87 $25.00 MONROE SUITS $12.87 $14.87 $17.87 licit ion ami Michaels Stern Suits _ .MIDI)IK SIIADK SUITS $19.8 $23.8/ Bostonian Dress t)x fords Star Brand All Leather Oxford $2$6 ,: $2 ,: " $3' 1 Other Men’s Dress < Kfords HURRY! THURSDAY, FRIDAY And SATURDAY LAST DAYS Yard Wide Fancy OUTINGS \ snorted I mf f^ros 8 c 36-Inch Hickory SHIRTING a‘(i w'Uie, >':■ v * rip*'. l -Mil; 1H‘ 10c -Uomme All Silk Jap Pongee, 1 Q „ Yard lOC 38-inch Plain and Fancy Bordered Hay- A Q on Crepes, yd Tfi/G 8 - o'/. Foathei Blue Stripe Ticking 15c 40-inch Extra SHEETING, ; Yard . fine count 6c HOSIERY -• Our regular $1 full fashioned SILK HOSE. aq ■' Pairs Ladies’ Rayon Hose, regain i Hoc quality. 10c Only Ladies' and Misses’ Ribbed Knit Hose, de value, Only __ Ladies’ 269 Needle Lisle Hose 10c 19c T?y To Match These G*eat Bargains t VIM SUEDE SLIPPERS '■ -adies ,'a Suede clippers in traps arid ties, .egalar .56.00 dippers, all sizes. Widths C to .VA, Also Hi;-uk I’aient and diode Ties, f A *7 T Lot^Mens Dress Shirts 37c lc SHOE SALE i'wo big racks of Ladies’ , ind Misses’ Slippers. I black, brown, tan. straps, ■ ies. pumps— t'oi 1 pr. and lc Extra for 2nd. Pr. CANNON GLASS TOWELS Colorful plaids and stripes KNOX HATS ... at “he lowest price on record LILY MILL THREAD. 400 yds. , CHILDREN’S SHOES Think of it! 79c .MEN’S and BOYS EAST-WOOL SWEATERS 49c LADIES’ SHOES. Only BEDROOM 29c A. V. Wray & 6 Sons >HKLH¥'S LEADING DEPARTMENT STORE IN MERCHANDISE OF MERIT. I SCOUT WORK SHOES Men’s Leather Scout ' ■ ith heavy durable ottoms or __ Mork Shoes composition $1.39 OVERALLS Boys' Unionalls, Size 2 to 8__ Boys’ Good Enough Overalls, Size 4 to 8 Boys’ Good Enough Overalls, Size 10 to 16 Men’s Big Engine 220 Wt. Whiteback Overalls Men’s Good Enough Heavy 220 Weight, All sizes Men’s Guaranteed Blue Buckle Over alls, size 32 to 50. q q Jackets to Match _ Oc/C 37c 33c 39c 49 c 69c BETTER STOCK UP BEFORE THIS SALE ENDS!

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