I 10 PAGES TODAY Bjr Mail, per year, on advance* - Can-lar. per seat, >m advance* VOL. XXXVIII, No. 12 SHELBY, N. C. WEDNESp’Y, .IAN. 27. 1932 Publiahed Monday. VVcdnseday and Friday Afternoous. s s Late News THE MARKET Cotton . . _ 6.85 to 7e Cotton *a*on s«d. tn *10 00 Fair Tharsday. Today’s North Carolina Weather Report: Fair tonight and Thursday, t older In east and central porilons tonight. Slowly rising temperature Thursday. tVrigley Read Chicago, Jan, 27.—William Wrig ley, Jr., Chicago capitalist and sportsman, died early yesterday in his winter home at Phoenix, Ari zona, and the world lost its czar of chewing gum. He was 70 years old. On his penny sticks of confection, Wrigley with novel advertising built a fortune estimated by associates at around *150,000,000. Wrigley’s illness had been known here for several weeks. He had long been a sufferer from acute indigestion. This affect ed his heart and brought death by \ paralysis. His hobby, baseball, was in itself one of the biggest of busi nesses. After buying the Chicago Cubs of the National League in 1324, Wrigley spent more than *6, 000,000 In strengthening the team yet he was never to realize his dream—a world's series champion ship pennant flying in his Cubs' park. Few businesses used advertis ing as widely as did Wrigley The arrow-headed elves adorning his gum packages were known the world over. Approximately *100,000,000 was spent by W rigley up to 1931 for ad vertising his wares. Wrigley once told his son: “No matter what the condition of business, never ston ad vertising.” Reynolds Plans To Begin Drive In Shelby Soon Open* Here Or In Wake County Candidate For Senate Predicts Dem ocratic Victory. Talks Of Prohibition. Washington, Jan. 27.—After a conference yesterday with officials of the Democratic national com mittee, Robert Reynolds of Ashe ville, candidate for the United States senate, predicted that the state will return a Democratic ma jority of 200,000 in the forthcoming national elections. Mr. Reynolds came to Washington to confer with labor department of ficials over labor disputes in con nection with the addition to the U S. Veterans’ hospital at Oteen. Earlier Mr. Reynolds saw Secre tary of Labor Doak and arranged for him to send to conciliators of the department to Oteen in an ef fort to adjust labor difficulties there growing out of the failure of the construction firm holding the contract to employ local buildings tradesmen. The conciliators will be sent immediately. Senator Cameron Morrison, Sena tor Josiah W. Bailey, and Repres entative Zebulon Weaver made ar rangements for Mr. Reynolds to see he secretary of labor. They also joined in the request that the con tractor employ North Carolina lab or. Plans Active Campaign Mr, Reynolds announced that he would conduct an active campaign tor the Democratic senatorial nom ination against Senator Morrison and would make at least 120 speeches over the state to that end. He said he expected to open his campaign at cither Raleigh or Shelby, "I have been given a cordial wel , come everywhere I spoke,” he said. "The failure to enforce the Vol stead act is apparent to our peo ple, and they prefer some better way to handle the liquor traffic. “I have made no campaign yet,' he declared, "but am mapping out a program now. I received about 42 per cent of the vote in my contest with the late Senator Overman, and t sincerely believe that I shall car ry the state this time. I shall speak at 120 or more places before the June primary. "I may go to Shelby, as Cleve land is one of my best counties. That is the home of the governor, the judge of my district, and Chair man Mull of the Democratic state committee. I want to tell the folks there about the prohibition cases on the dockets in the state and federal courts. "In my race with Senator Over man. I carried Wake county. There fore, that may be a good place for a start.” Grew Hi* Meat At 1 3-4 Pound* Daily C.aston A. Hoyle of ihe Beams Mill section has just killed a fine hog. It was not the largest in the county but it established a record in growing and gaining weight which Mr. Hoyle has never experi enced before. The hoc was 190 days old and netted 340 pounds. Mr Moyle figures that the hog’s gain in weight was at the rate of one and three-quarter* of a pound a day. Combine 2 Mail Routes Oat Of I Shelby Office Route 8 Consolidated With Route 1 Luti Is Carrier On Consolidat'd Rural Routes. Carpenter On Route Six. Beginning Monday there will be only seven rural mail routes | out of the Shelby post office, Rout j es 1 and 8 being consolidated, ef i feetive February 1. This was announced today by Postmaster J. H. Quinn after orders I were received from the jiost-otflce i department. Elam Retired. The retirement some weeks ago of (George Elarri, veteran carrier oh ; Route 1. brought on the change An I inspector made a trip here to ad i just the routing and as a result of * his work it was decided to consoli : date No. 1 and No. 8. The consoli dated routes, to be known as Route 1, will be carried by John F. Lutz, i who has been carrier on Route 8. E. Cliff Carpenter, substitute car ' t ier on Routes 8 and 6, Is now sub earner on Route 6. end Roland B. ;E’,am. who was substitute on Route j 1 for his father. Will be substitute' I tor Carrier Lutz. The old Route l served the sec tion about Buffalo, Stony Point and : Waco and came back, to the Fail j yton road just above Shelby. Route 8 was a loop route serving the sec i tlon between Shelby nnd Beam s | Mill. After this week the carrier of | rhe consolidated Route 1 will turn to the right from old Route 1 near the Beam place close by New Pros pect church and will cover the Route 8 loop before coming back to the old Route l and on into the city. All patrons whose boxes may need ! changing are urged to make the | changes at once, but very few chang es will be necessary, It is believed Bury Mrs. Hopper At Hopewell Church Young Wife Died In Ella Village Monday Afternoon. Native Of S. C. Funeral services for Mrs. W. A j Hopper were conducted Tuesday aft j ernoon at 3 o'clock at Hopewell! j church, Cherokee county, South' i Carolina, by Rev. L. L. Jessup, of | Shelby. Mrs. Hopper, who was 29 years of j j age, died Monday afternoon at her | home in the Ella mill village here I after an illness of one week. She Is I ■ survived by her husband, four young | children, and her parents, Mr. and | Mrs. Aaron Moore, of the Blacks burg section. The deceased was a native of the Ninety-Nine section of South Caro lina and a member of the Pleasant Grove Baptist church In that com munity. Col. McBrayer Ha* Serious Operation Relatives here have been inform ed that Col, Chas. Evans McBrayer. U. S. A., recently under went a ser ious operation at the Mayo clinic at Rochester. At last report his condi tion was said to be encouraging. Col McBrayer has been a physician and officer in the army for years. Time Out for a Smile Relaxed, and in jovial mood. President Herbert Hoover «right) is shown with his secretary. Theodor e Josiin, as they Interestedly watch ed the ceremonies that marked the induction Into office of the new president of the National Press Cl ub at Washington, D. C. Haseor.i Timmons, of Texas, is the new? head of the organization. Though this was the first time since he has been in office that the president visited the club, he apparently spent an enjoyable evening, flinging the cares of state off his shoulders. Cleveland Boys And Girls Make Money In Club Work; Projects Include Cotton, Pigs And Cattle Firefighters Gather In Kings Mountain; Brockwell Speaker Firemen Of Seven Towns Meet To i Hear State- Fire Marshal In Address. • Special to The Star.' Kings Mountain, Jan. 27.—Fire men of seven Piedmont North Car- 1 olina towns gathered here last night for a banquet given by the Kings j Mountain fire department at which Sherwood Brockwell, of Raleigh State fire marshal, was the chid speaker. Approximately 50 firemen attend ed, coming from Charlotte, Gastonia. Shelby, Lincoln ton, Cherryville and Bessemer City. Mr. Brockwell's talk centered about fire prevention and the value of cooperation between firemen and city officials. Short talks were also made by Palmer Hendrix, chief of the Char lotte department, and J. R. Robin son. chief of the Shelby department. Miss Barnett Back On Job After Operation Miss Fan Barnett, deputy clerk of the United States district court, re turned to her duties in the Char lotte federal building this week, aft er an absence of four weeks, during which time she underwent an oper ation for appendicitis. Miss Barnett who is a native of Shelby, under went an operation in a Gastonia hospital. Rise In Cotton Prices Problematical For Future; Lower Only 3 Times I - ■ Advance This Season Dependant l.argely On Political Condi tion^ And Europe. Cleveland. Ohio, Jan. 27.—Only three times in the history of the cotton trade, dating back to 1790, have lower prices prevailed than those received for that portion of the 1931 crop which has been mar keted, according to I. V. Shannon of Fenner, Beane & Ungerleider. cotton commission merchants. New Orleans, writing in Trade Winds, published by the Union Trust com pany, Cleveland. 1 Tire years in which these low prices prevailed were 1844, when cotton sold down to 4 3-8 cents; in 1894. when the price reached 4 1-8 cents a pound; and during the de pression of 1897-1898 when quota tions dropped to 4 3-4 cents a pound “At the lowest point for the pres ent crop,” writes Mr. Shannon, “middling cotton sold at 5.15 cents in New Orleans. Prices received by the farmer averaged a cent to a cent and a half a pound under those current at these markets Consequently, many producers real h“d as title as 3 1-2 to i rente gj pound for much of their product Price Justified. “The final report of the govern ment rrnn rpnartino board >'-pH<,-,. ed a yield of 16,918,000 bales of 500 pounds, or approximately 16.500,000 running bales, the commercial unit. These figures Indicate a supply of approximately 25.600,000 running bales. "Are prices for the current crop justified by existing conditions? A study of past records indicates that they are and that the market is running true to the record made when supply and business condi tions were similar. "Whether or not this average will advance during the remainder of the season is dependent on the con tinuation of the holding movement, improvement in European financial and political conditions and a dras tic reduction in next season's acre age Buy At how Price. "Many southern mills are report ed to have bought from one to three years’ supply around the low price of the season. Japanese and Chi nese spinners have been among the largest buyers of our cheap cotton and it is understood that they have already bought nr will buy two years’ supply The farmer received the benefit of this competition ir> the shape of a higher and better1 bash, which enabled him to obtain I ON *vAC,r NIKE Interest In Work Growing Among Girls and Boys. More Members Now. i By K. W. Shoffner. County Farm Agent.) We have organized seven 4-H clubs in the county up to this date There are one or two other clubf to be organized in the near future Mi’s. Wallace, home demonstration agent, who is conducting the work with the girls and the county agent doing with the boys have enrolled several more members tilts year than ever before. This work is conducted through the schools mostly in the county. With the wide range of work throughout the county, it would be near impossible to do very much in dividual work with the boys but our work will be mostly confined to our monthly meetings. Much Interest. These boys are very much inter ested in their work starting; this year. They have projects of various kinds some having a pig or a calf, or cotton, or corn, or sweet pota toes, rabbits, poultry, etc. The boy takes his project, keeping an accur ate account of his expense through out the season and making a report ' CONTINUED ON PAOB NINE > Electrical Expert To Demonstrate Before Rotary Club Hoy Palmer, illuminating engi neer for the Southern Public Utili ties has been engaged to give a demonstration in electrical illumin ation before the Rotary club at the Hotel Charles on Friday evening of this week, beginning at 7 o'clock. Mr. Palmer is a recognized authority on electrical illumination and will show pictures a-s well as lecture. The program Friday eveninng is in charge of \V. H. Brown, local manager of the Southern Public Utilities. Child Recovering From A Fracture Betty Jean Keever, four year old t daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G C. Keever is recovering nicely from an injury received Saturday when it was struck by a car driven by Clyde Hoy. The child's skull was fractur ed but its condition is very favor able. Mr. Keever says the accident which happened on East Sumter street was unavoidable. * County Man Seeks War Insurance James Hullender of Cleveland county entered the office of the United States court of Western North Cerohna in rh^rioite ttes week with a suit against the United States seeking $57.50 per month since August 1929 on his wy risk insurance ooliey Woodson Quits Place As Clerk Of County Court Commissioners Name New Deputy Heston* From Office Created By l.ait legislature To lllrect Tailoring Sales. Cleveland county commissioners among their other business Monday will tie faced with the Job of nam ing a new deputy court clerk to handle the clerical work of the county recorder's court Chas. Woodson, who has held that office since it was created by the last legislature, turned In his resig nation this week, effective the first of February. He resigned In order to return to the Nash tailoring firm as sales manager for North Caro lina. Many Applicants. Mr. Woodson decided to resign early this week, but the matter was kept quiet for several davs in order to permit officials to look about and | study prospective successors before | applicants began rushing in. But somehow the word leaked out and applicants, it is said, have been numerous. A. M. Hamrick, clerk of I Superior court, says tha'. he plans | to leave the naming of a successor j to the commissioners. When the of i flee was first filled Mr. Hamrick was asked to recommend a man for I the place. until the office was mated there i was no systematic method of keep ! tng the increasing county court rec S ords and quite often the county lost ' money In costs and fines and when I Superior court came it was a bit j of a task to keep up with the ap j peals, etc The creation of the of ■ lice has not only been a conven i ience and a help with the records, ! but in collecting costs, bonds, etc., has more than paid for Itself. Hereafter, It Is said an attempt will be made to separate the deputy clerk or recorder's clerk from the Superior court office as with the two offices together there hr a con siderable jRm. There is a probabil ity. if this is done, that the deputy clerk will be placed in an office up ' stairs In the court house The legislative act creating the office fixed a maximum salary of $100, but the commissioners so far have maintained the salary at $85 per month. County Judge Weathers, Solicitor Beam and Court Clerk Hamrick all commend the work of iv!r. Woodson in working out and maintaining hU record system of the county court which is now almost a dally grind To Do Honor To G. Washington Material Available To Schools, Clubs, Etc. On First President. 200th Birthday. Every church, patriotic society, school, club and any other organ ization is urged to participate in the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington This celebration begins February 22nd, and continues until Thanks giving day. A beautiful portrait of Georg" Washington has been sent for every school room in the district as well as other materials requested. This material is made available by the bi-centenial commission and your congressman will be glad to have any material you desire forwarded to you if you will write. The material consists of sone and music of the days of Washing ton, dance music, marches, pag eants, plays, readings, material for contests and any form of activity you want to arrange. Our people represent the most American in the United States and your congressman" is very anxious that the celebration be observed and carried out in a most universal way throughout the district. There is ample time before the opening of the celebration and he will be glad to help you secure what you want. "You are urged,” said Congress man Bulwinkle, "to take an active part in your community to cele brate this anniversary in an ap propriate manner. Every one should do honor to the memory of this outstanding American, who not only saved our country but also served as our first president," First Itegree Work. A meeting of Cleveland lodge 202 A. f: & A. M. will be held Friday night at 7:30 for work In the first New Governor lakes the Helm Hand raised aloft. Sennett (Mike) Conner, newly-elected Governor ot Mississippi. la shown as he took the oath of office as State Chief Ex ecutive. Photo shows the scene out side the State Capitol In Jack son. Miss., at Governor Conner’s Inauguration. The Governor Is at the extreme left, while his predecessor In office, former Governor Theodore G. Bilbo, Is seen at right, ready to congratulate his successor. Newton Baker Not To Ask League Of Nations Plan; Daniels Backs Roosevelt As Democratic Choice KUlcimnl Surprises New York Governor Boosted As A , Progressive. New York, Jan. 27.- Opposition to a League of Nations plank In the 1932 Democratic platform came un expectedly from Newton D Baker yesterday In a statment which also; voiced his belief In eventual partl clpation in the league by the United States. The declaration of Baker, secre tary of war in the cabinet of Wood row Wilson, staunch league advo cate. and a presidential possibility himself, was the focal point In a day crowded with political develop ment*. , While Mr. Baker was preparin'? this statement and sailing away with his wife for a brief vacation in Mexico City, friends of Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt, another limb on the presidential timber tree, were hearing with gratification of a state ment by Josephus Daniels, who was Mr. Wilson’s secretary of the navy. Want* Progressive Mr Daniels told the Atlanta Jour nal that “the progressives through out the country, regardless of poll «CONTINUED ON PAGE NINE • Cow Mothers Hog At Rutherfodrton Rutherfordton, Jan. 2d—Not only is nature unusual In the weather but Henry L. Davis, well known farmer of near here, was In town today and stated that he has a 10-months-old hog that has been feeding from one of his milk cows, like a calf. He found that his cow wax not meas uring up to expectations with her milk and found the hog “milking her." The hogs weighs 175 pounds or more and was placed in a pen. Another freak of nature was re ported this week by C P. Briscoe, farmer of the Logan station sec tion,who has an old milk cow that gave birth last week to twin calves, male and a female. Ladies Night For Kiwanis Thursday M»n> feature* Hein* Arranged far Social Occasion at Kiwanis - Club; , I’he high light soctiil qi the year at the Kiwanis club is the ladles night program which has been set for Thursday night of this week. Each member Is expected to bring his wife or some other lady friend and enjoy the program at which souvenirs and prizes will be given and entertainment will be the or der of the evening., It is learned that Dirty” Moore one of Gaffney's most talented men will be here and bring with him a number of singers nnd readers irom the Limestone college faculty. Local musicians and ringers will also be on the program while in strumental music will be furnished by the Hiwaiian string band of Do ver mill. It is expected that about 135 guests will be present and the ban quet will be served !n the Hotel Charles dining room beginning at 7:30 o’clock. Presbyterians Add Elders And Deacons Three Additional Elders And 8i\ Deacons Elected By Shelby Church. t Three elders and six deacons were added to the official boards of the Shelby Presbyterian church at Sun day's business session of the con gregation. The new' elders, who had been I deacons, are Messrs. John S Mc 1 knight. R. T LeGrand and Felix O Gee. The additional deacons named were Messrs. Harvey 8. White, Hugh M. Arrowood, Robt. W. Shoffner Grady W. Dixon, Jesse A White and E J. Cooper. Over 200 Of Prisoners At Raleigh Are Youths Under 18 Years Of Age Big Percentage Feminine Inmates Farm Colony Are Mental Defectives Charlotte, Jan. 2.—More than 200 prisoners under 18 yean of a#e are confined tn the States prison, ac cording to recent statistics, R. Eu gene Brown director of institutions of the state board of charities and Public Welfare, told the members of the Charlotte Womans club here. Figures compiled December 1, 1931 showed that at that time one pris oner 13 years old, six 14 years old, t!4 were fifteen years eld . 66 were 16 years old and 134 were' 17 years old, Mr. Brown said, relating that a 17 year old boy was serving a sen tence of four to six years for pos sessing skeleton keys "These facts, and others, show that our parole system is inade quate and that there is insufficient provision for making transfers be tween Institutions.” said Mr. Brown. “Regardless of the form of organ nation. the system we finally de$; velop should be one which will pro vide adequate and suttiabe treat* j ment, training and care in a uni form manner for evevv “date ward t When we have made these provis ions certain we shall have gone a long way toward fitting our insti tutions to the needs of the individ uals they are designed to serve "The great Increase >n the popu lation of our public charitable and correctional institutions during the jlast 10 years and the demand for j additional institutional facilities j emphasize the need for special study land planning to the end that our I system of institutions may serve the people of the state in the most sat isfactory efficient and economical i manner," said Mr. Brown The recent beliavior clinic held at Farm Colony for women, at Kinston, Mr. Brown said, showed that 75 per cent of the inmates were men tal defectives. “The object of such a procedure as the behavior clinic is to assemble all available information and to ap proach each individual case from every possible angle, ' sajd Mr. Brown. When social ptoblems are approached In this manner, we ma.v expect results which we have here tofore been unable to achieve in | the treatment and training of the | inmate* of our Institution* ” Find Man Dead In Branch Near Kings Mountain Lon Mitchem’s Body Found Today Itf.ith Of Well Known Mill Workn Attributed To Alcoholism. Left Home Saturday. The body of Lon Mitchem, well known 39-,vrar-old textile mill employe of King* Mountain, was found this morning by a son. It was lying Just out of the water of a small branch In some woods south of Mountain Real cemetery. One foot was In the water. Officers were notified and Coronet Roscoe Lutz, of Shcfey, hurried to the scene After an Investigation Out-oner Lutz found no evidence of foul play or suicide and attributed the death to alcoholism. Mitchem had been drinking, the coroner was told, since Saturday. Left Home. He had not been seen by member of lits family since leaving home Saturday while under the Influents of drink, it was said. Sunday William Abernethy, friend of the fnmlly, saw Mitchem sitting In the woods, near where the body was found today. He attempted to get Mitchem to go home but not do so Later Abernethy Informed relatives about seeing him there. A search was started this morning, when he failed to show up after three days, and resulted in the finding of the body. Some distance from the stream where the body was found were sev eral empty bay rum bottles, a whis key bottle and some oranges, the coroner said. It was presumed that Mltchem made his way to the branch to get a drink of water as his glasses were lying by his side After drinking, according to the pre sumption, he turned over on h<‘ back to rest and died In that posi tion. He had been dead several hours but It waa Impossible to ted just how long. He was a popular man and was comidered a very efficient textile man by the officials of the Margracc mill, where he had been employed until three weeks ago Had he nn’ been addicted to drink he would have been one of the most valuable mill men In the section, they said Funeral Thursday. Funeral services are to be con ducted at Kings Mountain Thurs day. The deceased is survived by his widow, stx children and one broth er i Here Last Night Dr. Mangum Addresses Session At tended By Twenty-Two phy sicians Of Section. Annual Medical Dr, Chas. S. Mangum, head of the anatomy department of the Uni versity of North Carolina, was th* principal speaker at the annual ban quet of the Cleveland Medical So ciety held at the Hotel Charles last night. The banquet was attended bj twenty-two physicians and sur geo ns, among the number being visiting physicians from Burk*. Rutherford and Lincoln counties. Dr. Mangus's address was of • scientific nature and enjoyed by th* society. The new officials of the count.' medical group afe: Dr D. F Moore president; Dr. D. T. Bridges, vice president; and Dr. Sam Schenck •secretary. Given Road Term For Chicken Thiel Two Other Colored Youths I’ay Out One Sentenced For Resisting Arrest. In coutity court here this wee. Robert Swedenberg. colored,., wa given a six months road sentence ot the charge of stealing chickens Iron J. M. Gold. In another chicken stealing cas> Buster and James Rakestraw, col ored, were let off on payment of th. costs and paying for the chicicea alleged to have been taken froo Mrs. Julia Williams of the Lawn dale section. The defendant' wen boys in their early teens. Another road sentence ol tw* months was meted out to Sam W»t son, colored, who was charged with resisting arrest recently at the Car olina hotel