ffiletod&itib TODAY 10 PAGES SHELBY, N. C. FRIDAY. MARCH 25. 1982 ■■■■■I' (Published Monday. Wednesday and Friday Afternoons) nj Midi. par real, do adraneei - M.Kj Carrier, per year. (In adcaee., mi THE MARKET < otlon, spot . __ 7c and np t oi on Seed, per ton _STO.Ot Showers Likely Today’s North Carolina Weather Report: Fair and warm)r tonight. Saturday incre ising cloudiness prob ably followed by shower in west. Beat Sales Tax Washington. March 2.>.—Seizing house control from pally leader an oyerwhelming bi-paithan force yesterday struck the sales tax from; the billion dollar revenue bill. It j was the most spectacular revolt in! years. Flushed with ihc confidence! of four previous major vi. tories, the j belligerent sales Congress woman-at-Larfc from Texas, to fill one of the three places created by the increased population, Mrs. Ida M. Bardin (above) has but one plank in her platform—absolute repeal of the eighteenth amend ment. Her purpose is to give the people of Texas a chance to vote on the prohibition question, which j she says they have so far been denied. Mrs. L. Y. Randall Dies Here And Is Buried This Morn Was Daughter Of W. Hogue t win Sons And Husband Survive Was 37 Years Ola. A beautiful funeral sendee »» held this morning at II o'clock fcr Mrs. L. Y. Randall at her honv eight miles south of Slit'Icy, con ducted by her pastor, Rev. J. N Randall assisted by Dr, J R. Davis. Mrs. Randall passed ?v> ay Wed nesday night at the Sht'by hasp-, tal where she had been e patient for the past week. Sne baci undjr gone a serious'operat ion in Decent ber at the Chick Springs hospital near Greenville. S. C. firm Whl-.rn she never recovered. M s Randall before marriage was Miss Aman.la Wray Hogue, second daughter of Mr. W. J. Hogue and the late M s Mattie Dover Hogue. She was 3js«rs of age and IS rmrvuco by her husband, Mr. L. Y. Rare all and handsome twin sons, William aaJ DicksOn Randall, "ge sts years, Inr father, Mr. W. J Hogue and University of North Ca hna pla. ers to secure as many as two hna off Jersey City yesterday Weathers played half the game at secon base. Hal Farris, form:r Shelby star. i. to catch part of the game for State college against Jersey City today. Pete Webb, young Shelby golf pro, turned in a score of 159 In ti e opening 36 holes of the Ncrth-Sou..h tourney at Pinehurst yesterday. He was five strokes ahead of To:v Miyamoto." cnamplon oi Japan whom he tied In 'lie r«i> hairs in • hr 1931-32 crop Cleveland county again leads all other North Carolina counties In cot ton production. Robeson came Second with 47,047 bales. 17,531 hales be hind Cleveland. Johnston coun ty was third with 37,100 bales or 27,415 hairs I*** than Clevt land. Kutherford was the large.; | producer of counties neighbor in( Cleveland, the crop there totalling 21,89$ bales. Lincoln 1 was a close second with 21,5.'!'! hales. Catawba made 16,523 and Gaston 12,205. Try Answering These Can yo« answer 14 of these test question*? Turn to page 2 for the answers. 1. What great theater lire occur red in Chicago? 2. What proportion of an iceberg 1* above water? 3. During the administration of what President of the U 8. did the war with Spain occur? 4. What official represents the king in the government of the Do minion of Canada? 5. To what family do lions belong? 6. Has A1 Capone any children? 7. Wfhat term is used for a person whose mental development is below normal ?. 8. What is the plural of noise? 8. Name the associate justice ot the Supreme court of the U 8. who succeeded Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes? 10. Who was the magician at the court of King Arthur? 11. Where Is the Republic ot Li beria? 12. In what year was Hailey's comet last seen? 13. Where Is “Tin Pan Alley?" 14. In what city does Cieorge Ber nard Shaw live? 15 Who was J. E B. Stuart? 16. What is the meaning of the phrase, ‘Mortale non opto?" 17. Which is correct, “pant leg" or “pants leg?” 18. Who is president oi Leland Stanford university? 19. What religious body settled in Utah? 20 What is the capital oi Syria? Mauney Child Has Leg Broken When He Mounts Wood Wagon Jumping un a wagon <> ad of core wood as the wagon raotrd into the yard of hu gnmatathe’’? home neai Cleveland Springs cam--.* Ralpn Mauney, Jr., to fal* ur • : the wheel which ran over hit, teg and broke his leg bene ju.' beiow the hip. rh? accident happened a! h.iO o'clock Thursday afternoon. The Mauney child Ls five yearn old an i met In, grandfather, Rodney Mum.cy, whr was driving the wt <>d wig n in the front yard to get u it nil In riding a short distance hi Lh< -a agon. Hl. foot slipped from -he b'ake beam, h'-wd.n him under-the wheel. He was rfished to the ho-pltai for treatment Tornado Carries Piece Of Roofing From Greer Here This Is another of those freak yarns about the tornado that swept (he South early Monday. While the wind was at its ‘ highest here, Clifton Davis, who livaa lour miles south ol Shelby, heard tin rattle down in his yard. The next morn ing he found in the yard a long strip of corrugated moot ing on which was stamped tne name of a Greer, S. C. dealer It came into his yard with the wind because Mr, Daijs heard it, but whether It was blown aii the way here from Greer, or how iar it was blown, he does not know. T Rutherford Highway Worker Killed When Hit By Charlotte Man’s Car Highway Worker Fatally Hurt While Pouring Tar On C himney Rock Road. I Rutherforciton, March 2- —Horace Camp. 38, Is dead and F R. Stroup, prominent young Cha.love contrac tor is being held here as a result of an accident this morning at 11.3C o'clock on the Chimney Rock road three miles west of Rudvcrfcidtoii Camp has been a»* employee of tne state highway comm-sui. for nw; ■ than 10 ye., is. He w t» pouring hot tar in cracks on the co* Crete and was between the kettle of hot tar and the truck wnen Stroup round'*.' a curve in a large sedan end struck the kettle head on. Camp was crushed by the impact of the heavy car against the kettle and truck and died at the Ruther ford hcepita' at 3 o'clock His lea was broken and rt was injured in iprnally. Stroup stated that he was ">>’» so mites oer hour when be .-aw the keltic and nut*. He said :he was ‘‘free-wheeling" ana blames ilmt mostly for the acoCtht St.oup ■had arranged *5.000 oall before jCamp died and will likuy arrange | further bail tonight, i Camp’s face and his boay to ids | waist was literally cooked with hot itar. His hair wa.- burne; oil and hr ,eyes were injured. rile front of i Stroup's car was covered with h„i jtar. Camp w-as the only man injur ed. | The deceased - Is survived by his wife and three small daughters, his mother, Mrs. nou Camp, Gilkey; four brothers, Leste: Lee and Berry Camp, of this countv, and Charges, of South Carolina, and three sist'rs. Mrs H P Fleming .and V.’ss LUilir. Camp, of Gilkey, and Mis. W. A Stens, of Rock H'lis S. C Funeral arrangements have not been made. Camp war a member c. Mountain Creek Baptist clurch He was a well known and highly re sneered eltteen G. 0. P. Here To Boost Hamrick For Jonas Place County Native May Be District Attorney Jonas Appointment Rejected By 0, S. Senate. Second Hoover Man To Lose The KfpablU'un* of CltnluM county at their contention hen on April 1 are expected to ea rtnnie a native Clevelandlte for the appointment M district at torney of the Western North Carolina federal court district. County Republicans not only plan to endorse Fred M. Hamrick:, ot Rutherford ton, it. was t itrned to [lay. but tliey are conllcent that, he will be appointed by President Hoo ver. Charles A. Jonas, termer con gressman and for a vtat district attorney under a recess appoint ment by "president Hoover was Wednesday refused confirmation bj the United States senate and by Thursday morning Republican lead ers over the state weie predtct.ng that the Rutherfordton man woul be appointed and continued. Strength Here The prospective fedoa’ court prosecutor is well connected here He Is a native of Bolling Springs and n brother of Deputy Marshall r. B Hamrick, secretary of the Cleve land county Republican executive committee. He is atso a termer -aw partner of Postmaster J. H Quinn and a close friend o 1 It Clay Cox. county chahmau. In an Interview with The Char lotte Ohserver Wednesday night he announced he is a candidate for the office of district attorney of west ern North Carolina to succeed Charles A Jonas of t.inalnton who was refuesd confirmation by the senate. Mr. Hamrick was a loyal sup porter of Mr. Jonas, and, until the Llncolnton man was filially aryl definitely rejected, he mat. not la the race for appointment Mr. Jonas was acting as proaecu • CONTlNI-r.O Off PAGE TEN i Baptist Revival Drawing Crowd; Closes Sunday Great Number Uniting At Each Service. Group Meetings To night At 7:15. The revival services, which have been going on at the Fast Bapt'st church during the week, have been drawing crowds and ore gaining In interest with each service. On last night. Dr. Zeno Wt 1 spoke on "Face To Face Wth Jesus.’’ At the close ol the service, a large number came lorward to confess Christ and unite with the church, while a great number cams forward to unite by letter Two large chorus choirs a.e heard at each service The speccti musical feature last night was a male quartet, ‘Shall l Crucify Hv Savior?” Mr. Easom la featuring the old gospel hymns in the song service which precedes the mes sage. mis evening at 7:ii> o clock, the five group meetings wil1 be betl The men meet In the N* wton Bib.e class room; the women lr Mrs. Rob erts’ class room; tha oltcers and teachers of both junior departments In Mrs. Doggett’s class room; botn Intermediate departments In the assembly room of fntertndlate B, and all juniors in the church audi torium. The regular preaching service will be held at 7.46 o’clocn There will be no sei vice on Satu:« [day. Sunday will be a hil' day at the I church. The day wil’ opwi with the | Sunday school at 9:30 %«.