r —!B_i_-111 .._'-a1-. VOL. XXXVIII, No. 48 SHELBY, N. C. FRIDAY, APRIL 8. 1932 (Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons) 10 PAGES TODAY Br Miia n.r mi. (in utiun, - «j„. «r V«t. an ndvnnc .Jr. I Late News THE MARKET Cotton, Spot ....___.... 6c up Cotton Seed, ton i,.... S8.0* Cloudy, Cooler Today’s North Carolina Weather Report: Cloudy with rain tonight and possibly on coast Saturday morning. Cooler in west tonight and in South Saturday. A Wife’* Life Washington, D. C., April 8.—Mrs. Herbert Hoover was ral'ed upon to decipher her husband's handwriting at a luncheon given yesterday by the Teague of Republican Women. Mrs. Frank Mondell .president of the league, reading a greeting from President Hoover to the 800 women assembled suddenly halted, then said helplessly: “I can't read his writing.” Mrs. Hoover, seated at her right, quickly came to her rescue: then followed the reading of the message with a greeting of her own. 46 Committeemen Named In Schools By County Board Seven Named for Vacancies And Others For Thre# Tear Terms. Forty-six new school committee ■ men for the schools of Cleveland county were named by the county board of education at its meeting this week Seven of those named will fill vacancies on boards caused by res ignations or deaths while 39 we a appointed to reguia: three-year terms on boards where terms ex pired for one or two members this year. : Those named to fill vacancies were: Belwood, C. R. Dixon; Bethlehem, Butler Dixon; Bethware. Howavd Herndon; Elizabeth, \Y H. -Bordens; Mt. Pleasant, H. T* Hamrick; Nc 3 township, S. L. libbers, Galtner Allen. Three-Year Terms A Those appointed to boards ,ior three years were: Beaver Dam, O. Z. Morgan: Boll ' Ing Springs. Graav McSwain; County Line, Mike Wells; Casar, A A. Parker and Avery McNeely; Dixon, J. Beverly Patterson; Do -er Mill, C. D. Hicks; Elisabeth, David Allen; Flint Hill, Victor Byers; Fallston, Ves Royster; Grover, J. L. Herndon; Hayes, Rufus Bingham: Hicks, E. H. Bridges. Holly Springs J. D. Ellis; Lattimore, Dr. L. V. Lee; Mooresboro. Will McBrayer and R. G. Burrus; Moriah, Chas. Self; Mt. Pleasant, D. B. Matheny; l'-o. 3 township, Jno. L. Borders and Reuben McSwain; No. 8 township, J. D. Lattiniore; Oak Grove, F. C. Ware; Patterson Grove, Bun Pai terson; Philbeck, W, A Cook; Pied mont, Decatur Elmore and G, L. Cornwell; Prospect, H S. Crawley; Ross Grove, J. E. Blor.ton; Shang hai, A. W. Wesson; Trinity, H. W. McKinney; Waco, Raven Craft and Well Carpenter; Zion, W. G. Wil son; Park Grace, H R. Boheie-: Poplar Springs, Paul Allen; Sharon Solon Smith; Bethlehem, Clarence Ledford; Palmer, Kester Hamrick Try Answering * These Can you answer 14 of these test questions? Turn to page 2 for the answers. * 1. In what city is >he University of Southern California? 2. To what country do the. Kurile Islands belong? 3. In what state is the Yakiira Indian reservation? 4. In what country is the city oi Calais? 5. Is Vice-president Curtis part Indian? 6. What American hero adopiec the motto, “Be sure you are right, than go ahead?” 7. What is the monetary unit o' Turkey? 8. What surname aoes an illesi timate child usually lake? ' 9. Name the largest park in St. Tonis, Mo.? 10. Who is Anton j. Cermak? 11. Where was Mine. Nazimov,. born? 12. What is the nickname cl Bobby Jones favorite putter? 13. Which was the latest stale admitted to the union? 14. For what calendar period does ‘B. C.” stand? 15. Is Easter a fixed or movaole feast day of the Christian churches? 16. How many times was Wood row Wilson married? 17. What do butchers call meat from sheep? 18. What are “shooting stars"? 19. What does “detour” mean? 20. What Is the offspring of a horse and ass called? Makes Airplane Trip Mr. Raiph Hoey, ot Shelby, is ct rweted to return to Charlotte today after a round-trip airplane visit to Detroit. Among the others in the party making the trie were Miss Mary Cannon, of Concord, and A. jt. Kistler, jr., of Morganton. DePriest Files For U. S. Senate InG.O.P. Voting Shelby Man Enters State Contest His Formal Entrance Will Force Jake Newell, Of Charlotte, Into Primary. George W. DePrie^l former She'. by postmaster oral once chairman of the Republican party In Cleve land county, this went put up *60 and filed with the election boat ! as a candidate for (lie lUpublican nomination to the Cnlted States senate. The filing off the 1 DePriest can didacy in all likelihoou mean* thai Jake F. Newell, well known Char lotte attorney, will be forced Into the June primary to content with the Shelby man for the Republican nomination. Newell had hoped to. get the nomination unopposed, but the entrance of another candidate will place the nomination in the hands of Republican voters. “Rank And File” “I am entering the race, at the insistance of friends,” Mr. DePnest states, "in order to give the rank and file of the Republican voters to say who they desire as their nominee for the senate. My candi-i dacy will also give the voters of Che ] Republican party in North Caro 4ina (an opportunity to express their opinion of promotion. One of the Democratic candidates is run ning on an anti-prohibition plat form, thus giving that party toe chance to express dieir views on prohibition is the basic source of are entitled to the same privilege It is my opinion that what we coll prohbition is the basic source of our monstrous crime wave in which racketeers and criminals make mil lions each year. I intend to para mount the prohibition issue because of its economic and moral import ance.” The Shelby Republican, it is un derstood. will make several speeches and carry his fight for the nom ination into aif irjfc-r state. Mrs. Moore Dies In Eastside Village Husband And Two Children Sur vive. Funeral This After noon At 2 O’clock. Mrs. W. P. Moore died at .her home in the Eastsid.: Mill village Thursday afternoon at 5:30 o'clo:!;, following an illness of three months. .She was 28 years of age and is sur vived by her husband and two Chil dren, Lena and Coleen. Before mar riage Mrs. Moore was Miss Ro-^ie Padgett of Rutherford county and most of her married life has been spent in Shelby. Funeral services were'conducted this afternoon at 2 o’c'ock by Rev. H. E. Waldrop and interment was in Sunset cemetery, hour sisters and one brother also survive: Mrs. Sara Blanton of Spindale, Mrs. Docie Brackett of Cliffside, Mrs. Veda Lynckj of Spindale, Mrs. Massie Brackett of Mooresviljie. J. Y. Pad gett of Cliffside. Piedmont Patrons ; ' To Meet Monday All patrons - of the Piedmont school district »re urged to be pres ent at a call meeting to be held at the High school auditorium Monday evening at 8:00 o'clock. The pur pose of the meeting is to discuss the securing of an agriculture teacher in the school. Man Who Robbed Employer On Day Of Funeral Jailed In Rutherford Hold Boyd Lovelace On Charge He Stole $500 While Utah Selvey Attended Burial. Rutherfordton, April 8.—Chief Austin of Forest City, accompanied by Cornelius Stacey, a taxi driver of this place arrived here this week with Boyd Lovelace, alias Steve Lovelace from New Orleans where he was arrested Friday night. Love lace is “Charged with taking around $500 from the home of Utah Selvey, prominent farmer who resides near Forest City, / while the latter was attending the funeral of Max Smith last Thursday. Lovelace purchased a ticket in Forest City over the Sou thern Railway to Blacksburg, 8. C., and there he purchased a ticket to E! Paso, Texas. Officers secured this information and w.red the descrip tion of Lovelace to New Orleans where he was arrested when he got .off to change trains. Lovelace told officers that he had an accomplice, who is being inves tigated and that they got $205 in cash each from the Selvey hom°. Lovelace had $130 of the money on his person when arrested. He was lodged in jail here and will be giv en a hearing in Recorder’s Court soon. Lovelace, who had been working for Mr. Selvey for about five years, was left at the home while the Sel vey family attended the funeral. Upon return of the family Lovelace was missing, also a large strong box in which Mr. Selvey kept his mon ey and valuable papers. Neighbors reported seeing Lovelace leave a patch of woods near the house the afternoon oi the funeral. The next morning the box was found in the woods open. Officers got busy and soon located Lovelace. Mr. Selvey had offered a reward for the re turn of Lovelace. Cleveland County Home For Aged County’s Best Live-At-Home Spot -X-— Model Institution Grow ns Own Food And Feed And Will Grow No Cotton This Year. Peculiarly enough C eveland coun ty’s most successful live-at-home fp.rm Is the home ot people woo have no home—the county home for the aged and infirm. A tour of the county home budd ings, barns and farms is a rare treat in that it is a model institu tion of which the lounty should be proud. The erection, following a fire, of several new. modem and fire-proof brick butMlngs gave the county home manager! John Ab Borders, and Mrs. Borders a back ground upon which to work out one of the best kept and attractive sites In the county. Clean And Inviting Just off highway 20. east of Shelby, and a short distance from the county fair grounds, the re modelled county home plant is a great improvement ever the old Institution and will class with any similar institution in the state. The visitor is first impressed by the cleanliness and attractiveness of the outer buildings and grounds. The walks and lawn are au clean as the floors of the average home add here and there ara' dotted with flower beds and shrubbery and more flowers and shrubbery are be ing put out this spring.,The main building, in which the manager and his family live along with the agrd white inmates is a nearly spotless structure. The dining room of the home Is a light, airy place and spotless. On the main floor, too is a reception room, in whici) are a radio, piano, reading table and othei' comforts. The tedrooms are as clean and order! / as the bed rooms In the best of homes—and Were found so on a surprise visit of inspection. On each floor are bath rooms for both sexes and all In mates are required to take or are given a bath each week. In the basement of the main structure is the dairy plant and the dining room of the short-term con victs who work on the county home farm, separate tables being provid ed for the white* and blacks. On the basement floor, too, is the pantry—one of the most surprising pantries in the county. It is fitted with hundreds of jars and cans of fruit, preserves, sausage, Jelly, mo lasses, cherries, pickles tomatoes and everything to eat. Every thing in the pantry was produced and canned on the farm and the big quantity stored there now is | what is left from daily consumption islnce the last canning season. No Cotton. The inmates- of the home and the working prisoners use approximate ly 200 pounds of flour and 300 pounds of meal each week according to Mr. Borders, and It was neces sary to purchase very little last year. This year it will not be ne cessary' to purchase any wheat and meal, because not a single pound of cotton is to be grown on the farm this year as every acre will be given over to grain, corn and food and feed crops. Over 100 acres in the farm are under cultivation and 75 acres are already in a fine stand of wheat and oats. Scattered over the other acres are Irish and sweet potatoes, alfal fa, soy beans, hay—in fact, every thing to eat and feed. ' Negro Quarters. Just across from the main build ing is the brick building used as quarters for negro inmates. This building Is equally as spotless as the imaln building and the inmates are j clean and well kept. ! A third brick building is the quarters of the farm prisoners. The rooms are large and airy and clean. The prisoners have a modern bath room aa recreation room in which there are tables and reading material. Complete Plant. Over the remainder of the main ■section is everything that could be needed for a large farih. The home (Operates its own laundry with a big CONTINUED ON PAGE TEN,' Fam Youth Tells Benefits Of County Fair, 4-H Club Work Forest City Woman Will Share Fortune Forest City, April 8.—Mrs. Belle Gettys Duckett, widow of the late J. Henry Gettys and wife of J. B. Duckett, mall carrier here, will soon become one of the heirs to $100,000 according to word received recently from attorney Gene Mag ness of Newark. Ark. Mrs. Duckett had an uncle, Geo. Oliver Magness of Newark, Ark., and Texas who left $100,000 in real estate and cash to be shared by her and several others. He was a widower'and made his will before he died. As soon as the estate can be wound up Mrs. Duckett will get her share, which should be from $15,000 to $25,000. Auction Furniture Sale At Best Store Henry A. Mills who has been ap pointed trustee of the John M. Best Furniture Co. store on S. LaFay ette street announces an auct: i sale of the stock of furniture to satisfy creditors. The stock is s&iU to inventory about $30,000 and everything will be jffered at auc tion beginning next Tuesday, April 12th with two sales daily at 3 p. m. and 8 p m. L. M. Swett will be the auctioneer in charge. Butler DUon Say* Too Mam Farmers Kill Grass To Raise Cotton To Buy Hay. “Too many farmers wear them selves out killing grtu>o to raise cot ton to Buy hay,” said Butler Dixon. Cleveland couhty’s mo6t systematic farmer who spoke last night on the agricultural program before the Kiwanis club in its weekly lunci: eon. Club Boy Speaks His son Basil Dixon age 12, hail just told what the boy’s club work had done for him. He is a member of the Grover club and he told of buying a pig, feeding it, weighing it daily gain of one to one and a hah daily gan of one to one an da half pounds. Its sale ne ted him si5 Then he bought a pore bred naif and the first year the calf wap shown at the fair he won too prizes. His second call won *45 of the fair prize money and the th. t) year $36 moore. The youth made a hit as he recited the benefUs club work had been to him. Fertilises Pasture .ms xainer, auuer jjixon, had not expected to spegk, but when he w^s called on and Introduced by Geoigc Blanton as the most . systematic, most diversified fanner in the county, Mr. Dixon said he rals»j only a bale of cotton for eael member of the family He produce I last year 405 bushels of com, 65 bushels of peas, 242 bushels of po tatoes which he dec'ared to be a good money crop. Last year he made 14 bales of cotton on 9 acres. Fi::ty acres of his 70 acre farm is is coi -tivation and he is perhaps the otUy farmer in Cleveland who fertilizes his pasture. Dr. J. S. Dorton pointed out t'.'.e dividends the countv fair is pay icy in encouraging to make real farm ers. “This is dividend enough and accounts for the strides Clevela'-o has made in agriculture. Scores of boys like Basil Dixon are growing up all over the count; as a result of the encouragement they have re ceived from the fai*- / said he. E. L. Dillingham, teacher of ag riculture in the .■f’olkville school called attention to the co-operation af the agriculture teachers ana farm agents, the business men and the farmers, all of whom are in terested In the eomrjon cause of better and more productive farm ing IOC WILL FIND SPORT NEWS PAGE 9. : GEE McGEE PAGE 10. 4ROCND OCR’ TOW’S PAGE 3 Woman Shot By Brother-In-L a w Thursday Morn Rutherford Woman Is Tragedy Victim Mr*. Alonso McSwain Klllrtf By Bert McSwaln. Says Hi* Mother Was Threatened. Rutherlordton, April a — • Mrs. Alonso McSwain. 37. mother of (wo children, was shot and killed near here yesterday by Bert McSivatn. 40, 1icr brother-in-law, who said she had threatened his mother. McSwaln used a small calibre rifle. He fired one time and the bullet took effect in the back of the Woman's head. She died immediate ly. Pblice arrested McSwaln, who had "been employed hn public works, and lodged him in Jail where he wet charged with murder. They said there would be no inquest. Alleges Threats. In his cell here. McSwaln said his sister-in-law had threatened his 76 year-old mother. Mrs. Millie Mc Swain, several times and that when the younger woman began her abuses again he shot her. Alonso McSwaln was not at home at the time. The family, including a sister, Minnie McSwaln, had liv ed together for about three months in a house three miles from high way 20 between here and Forest City. W. F. Toney, patrolman of Forest City, arrested McSwaln shortly aft er the killing and brought him to Jail here. Toney said McSwaln told him he was coming here to surren der to officers. Sheriff J. E. McFarland and Chief of Police R. F. Austin, of Forest pity, investigated the shooting and said a rifle similar to one used in the shooting was found in a brush pile near the house. Police said McSwaln had a good reputation in this section. He is not married. EUenboro Banker Harrill Passes j heading Business Man Dies At Agr 68. Father Of Mu. I1 pgram Of Shelby. A. Streety Harrill, 08, leading j business man and banker of the I EUenboro community, died at his : home Wednesday night foUowing an | illness of two weeks of .heart trou ble. Funeral services were held Fridav I at 2:30 p. m. at Bethel Baptist 1 church, EUenboro. Mr. Harrill was president of the | Bank of Ellenboro, owner of a mer [cantile establishment in EUenboro, ‘organizer and owner of the Sandy Run poultry farm. treasurer and deacon of the Baptist church, mcm , ber of the Knights ol Pythias and j the chamber of commerce and a I leader in the fight M get the prey - | ent EUenboro high school. Hit [death cast a pall of gloom over the town. Surviving are his widow, a son, Vann Harrill. of EUenboro, a daugh ter, Mrs. Percy Pegram, of Shelby two brothers, the Rev. Z. D. H-»r rill, prominent EUenboro minister, and W. D. Harrill, of Davenport, Fla., and. two sisters, Mrs. fcuth Smith, of Crossville, Tenn., and Mrs. Julius Beam, of Rutherford county. Miss Mull Appointed Queen For Carolina Anderson, S. C., April 7,—Gov ernor O. Jrfax Gardner today noti fied Mrs. George F. Eogby, chair man of. the Southern Cotton festi val to be held here May 11 and 12. he has named Miss Montf06e Mall of Shelby, N. C., to represent Noah Carolina. Virginia and Alabama have a' ready named their "Queens” for tne event and preparations are well under way. Miss Mull's father is a large cot ton farmer in Cleveland county. She Is regarded as one of the pret tiest young ladies in Western Car otin*. Community Players Comedy On Tonight “Love-In-4-Mlst,” a three-act comedy, Is to be presented at the Central school auditorium in Shel by tonight by the Community Play ers, a Shelby dramatic organization featuring the advancement of the dramatic arts with loea! talent. The cast includes seven people and the settinga and scenery of the play together with advance ticket sales indicate that it will be witnessed by a large house ^ Other Legion Posts Join Shelby Vets In Attacking Bonus Stand Of Stevens ^ >n Legion Post And Oklahoma Legion Desires Full Bonus Payment. Shelby Wire Sent. The fight of the members of the Warren Hoyle American Legion post of Shelby for full payment of the bonua to World war veterans Is be ing rapported by many other posts throughout the country. Thursday the Shelby veterans sent a wire to Senator Cameron Morri son telling him that National Oona mander Stevens was not expressing the sentiment of the, rank nnd flic of veterans in saying the bonus should not be paid now. Since then It has been learned that the post of veterans at New ton In Catawba county are also at tacking Stevens' stand. A dispatch from Newton says: "According to officials of tlie post. 200 ex-service men were Interview ed and the sentiment was that Henry Stevens should resign as na tional commander of the American Legion because he betrayed the American soldiers to monied Inter ests’." At Oklahoma City Legion of ficials have asked 22 other state departments to call a meeting to determine If Commander Stevens Is expressing the will of veterans of America in advising President Hoo jver that the Legion is opposed to soldier bonus legislation. County Unable' To Defer Sale Of Property Says Mr. Ryburn Teachers Of County To Gather Saturday Will Be Last County Wide Mating Of School Year o , Here. Shelby will be filled with scores of school teachers Saturday. At 10 o'clock B turday morning the last ‘ county-wide session of teachers for this year will be held here. The meeting opens at 10 o’clock tn the Central high school auditorium. J. H. Origg, county superintendent, Skpects practically every teacher In Cleveland to be present. Mrs. C. C. Grigg Is Buried Today __ 1 Eighty-Eight Tear Old Woman t " .Succumbs After Long Illness. Has Two Buns. Mrs. Margaret, Eliza belli Grige, wife of Chaunoey C. Grigg died Wednesday morning sc 6:30 o’clock at her home near New House at the age of 88 years and 39 days Mrs. Grigg had been in bad health for four weeks but her ill health, because of her advanced years, ex tended over the past five years. Before marriage shd was Mar garet Elizabeth Philbeck and at the age of 16 was converted at the old Union Camp meeting. She held her membership at Rehobeth Methcri 1st church and was a faithful at tendant and consecrated Christian Mrs. Philbeck had a wonderful memory, an alert mind and an ac tive body. She was thrifty and In dustrious and was a devoted wife and mother. Those who knew her. loved her for her many noble qual ities of womanhood. Her husband who is one of t,he most substantial farmers in that section survives with two sons, Dar gan E. Grigg of the Sharon com munity, L. Z. Grigg ol New House, eleven grandchildren and six great grand cnildren. One full sister, Mrs. Wm. Womack of Polk county, one half sister knd half brother Mrs. Rossle Bridges of Polkvil'.e and M. P. Philbeck of Chase City Va., also, survive. PUneral services were held at Rehobeth Methodist church this afternoon at 2 o'clock with Rev Mr. Barber in charge Advertisements of Property for De linquent Taxes Must Be Pub lished May 9th. Advertisement of property for sale for delinquent county taxes cannot be deferred this year. Coun ty Attorney R. L. Ityburn has rul ed in an Informal opinion deliver ed to the Cleveland county board of commissioners this week. Last year the board of com mat Btoners and the city council took advantage of a statute passed by the 1931 general assembly which allowed tax levying bodies to defer advertising property from May un til October. and in some quarters It had been intimated that the commissioners duplicate their last year's action this year. No Extension Allowed. f s\ County Attorney Ryburn, howev er, held that the statute permit ting tax bodies to defer advertising property until the fall was for last year alone arid consequently prop erty must be advertised for taxes this year In accordance with pre vious procedure The particular statute enacted last year by the state legislature al lowed governments to defer adver tising property and provided that Interest charges at the rate of 10 per cent a year should be added to the tax from May until the date when advertisements bhould be in serted. The latest date on which adver tisements may begin In order to ap pear for four consecutive weeks In the month Is on May 9th, and It to likely that the county will elect to start advertising on that date. Cooking School Is Well Attended Here Man? Shelby Women At School Conducted By Mr*. Yates. Prise* Given. t The cooking school held three days this week in the Woman's club rooms and sponsored by Pendleton's proved to be quite a success and Was attended by many housewives. The classes were conducted' by Mrs. Beulah Mackey Yates, home eco nomist of General Electric. The grand prize, a mix master, was won by Mrs. R. Q. Freeman, of West Marion street. Other prize vinners were: Mrs. R. R. Black, Mrs. W L. Angel. MU® OUie Ham rick, Mrs. G. A. Hoyle, Mrs. Oscar Palmer. Mrs. W. H. Blanton, Mrs. \V: F. Mitchell. Mrs. R. Z, Riviere, Mrs.-Dewey Hawkins, Mrs. L. L. Sloop, Miss Mamie Jones, Mrs. L. P. Holland, and Mrs. J. A. O'Leary. Mrs. John F. Gordon, of Klmbell W. Va.. is lie re visiting her sister Mrs. Renn Drum and Mr. Drum Hoey Thinks Roosevelt To Win Nomination; Garner Running Mate Clyde Hoey Say* New lorker Has Big Lead And May Have Garner As Running Mate. Charlotte. April 8—Franklin U. Roosevelt has a great lead and in all probability will be selected as the Democratic nominee for the presidency, with John Garner of Texas Is his probable running mate, in the belief of Clyde Hoey. veteran Democratic leader of Shelby and former representative. Mr. Hoey, who has recently re turned fr. it is expected that ne will be heard by a large audience. It was predicted litre this wed: that his hearers will include many farmers as In a recent speech Mr. Ehringhaus, terming himself Vn Irish potato fanner as well as a lawyer, came -out for a revaluation of property. Years ago Mr. Elmnghaus \v«t solicitor of his district, but has not been an office-holder since and Is now seeking his first public office His supporters claim that no other party leader of the same age ha done more work for the Democra tic party. $800 Given In Suit Of $20,000 Dr. Ilk-ks Suit Compromised. Kings Mountain Boy Gets SI,500 Fur InJuiy. The ci.il suit of Or. R. C. Hlcttt Shelby dent!?., against the city of Gastonia, in which damages of *20.000 were asked, was compromis ed In superior court here this week for a sum of *800. The plaintiff was represented by Clyde R. Hoev end D. Z. Newton. Dr. Hicks was psUnfully injure*' when his car was wrecked after having struck a concrete traffic signal base at the entrance of the Wilkinson boulevard in East Ck tonia. He underwent treatment nr a hospital there for several weej following tl:e accident. Other Cases Tire largest sum received in juu- ■ ment was given to Prank Bridg*. Kings Mountain youth, who wsr badly injured when hit by an a t • tomobile driven by D» R. E. Vo'.' ner, of Asheville, on October 14. 1931. In a compromise action win the company under which Pi Vollner was insured the youth, suing through his father, Luther Brid ges, received $2,25* 20. The bovs leg was broken and he was other wise injured. The *10,000 suit of * Mrs. L. V Lawing, Of Kings, Mountain, again? the Randolph Bottling company w'as compromised for *200. The suit was filed following a collision be tween a bottling truck and tl.? Lawing car at High Point. It was believed chat the t" > weeks 'court session, presided over by Judge P. A. McElroy. would comt to an end this afternoon. Cotton Growers Plan Election | Delegates Will Be Voted I’pon Here April 12th For Con vention. Cleveland county members of the North Carolina Cotton Growers as sociation will hold .their annual primary convention here Tuesday, April 12. at 11:00, S. P. Jones, field representative in this section, an nounced today. The purpose of the primary is to elect delegates to the fourteenth district convention which will be held here Thursday April 14, to name nominees to be voted upon for director of this district, one of the association's 14 directoral dis tricts. . Z. C. Mauney, oi Shelby, is pres ent director of the district which hi eludes Cleveland, Lincoln, Polk Gaston tnd Rutherford counties. The state cotton issodatlon, now in its second decade of service to rural North Carolina, has a present membership of more than 13000 k