Tom Dedmon Raising Pheasants For Release In Cleveland County Tom Dedmon, enterprising young fAfmer living on the northeastern edge "of the city, is raising pheasants Mid Is dotns It on a more extensive settle than any one else in the ecrontv. PT-edsent rrlslng is en eAiire^d bv the game division of the Stale Deonrtnvnt of Conser vation and Development for the two-fold nurppse of increasing the supply of wild i>«mp nod dc'trov liHt tnseots which do untold damage to fir'd and garden crops. Ti'e rtngn"ok verletv is the most p-Ulflo rn it is this variety wh'eh Mr. Demon is sBe*',e'i,',nff on. Th» male bird is bcauti'ul with a varied B'sortment.^f brlerhf fenthers while the female is speckled and drab like the wild quail. A full grown pheasant weighs from two and a half to three pounds end makes a delicious dish of white meat In their native haunts thev rove the woods and fields and destroy the insect* which are the most costly menace to growing drops. Many Tairs Kelrased. Already Mr. Dedrnon has released about 80 pairs in varluos sections of the county and a check-up re veals that they are thriving and multiplying. He has about 40 birds Low Round Trip EXCURSION FARES APRIL 28TH SHELBY To Washington $12.00 ♦JSaliimore __$13.00 ♦♦Baltimore. $14.00 Richmond ..$ 8.75 Portsmouth __$ 0.75 ♦Via Norfolk and Boat. ♦♦Via All Rail. Tickets Limited MAY 3. For Information See TICKET AGENT H. E. PLEASANTS, D.P.A. Raleigh, N. C. Phone 2700 505 Odd Fellows Bldg. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY Fir*t—In the dough. Ttienbi lilt oven. You can be sure of perfect bakings in uiing— HY* BAKING IW POWDER SAME PRICE FOR OVER 40 YEARS 25 ounces for 25c MILLIONS OF POUNDS USED BY OUR GOVERNMENT s IN EXT time you are out of fix as the result of ir regular or faulty bowel movement, try Thedford’s Black-Draught for the re freshing relief it gives thousands of people who take it ts tw r* i construction super Pulaski, Vs., says: 'When I get con stipated. my head aches, and I mat dull, tired feeling—just lial to »y work. I don’t angry and I know that I something to cleanse my —a, so I take Black-Draught We have found it a great help." SoliM 25-ant packages. Thedford’s ^4 k; acu DRAUGH I^OMW^whoTar^nin^lovrrror^suN ter every month, should take Car tful. Uhtd for over yea re. •• oi* hand and 1* speculating now on the sale of eggs for hatching, sell ing the eggs at reduced prices to get them started on the game pre serves of the county. There has never been an open hunting season for pheasants in Cleveland county, but Game Warden H. C. "Shorty’' l,ong„sa.Vfc the State game warden will no-doubt declare a short open season In a few years when pheas ants become more plentiful. Then the sportsmen will enjoy a form of hunting to which they have not been accustomed for many years. Heavy Layer*. • A pheasant hen will lay about 60 eggs during the laying season. She may go as high as 105 In a season. Mr. Dedmon gets his hatches under bantam hens for they make good mothers and are more constantly on duty during the setting period. This is the best method while the birds are in captivity. Of course when they arc released, the pheas ant hen docs her own setting and caring for her young. When they are released the pheasants usually roam around on the farms where they belong and keep in droves like partridges. The pheasant eggs are bluish gray, somewhat smaller in size than a guinea egg. Farmers declare the pheasant to be one of the most valuable wild birds for insect eaters and for de licious .meat. Many farmers visit the Dedmon pheasant farm and study the birds. Mr. Dedmon Is an authority on raiding them and has done more than any other individ ual In the county to encourage their propagation throughout the coun ty i Polk Countv Man Killed By Truck Hendersonville.—Curtis Sane. 20. | of the Silver Creek section of Hoik county, was Instantly killed early Monday when his .-mull truck plung ed from the 1 tgliway into Mills creek near here. Gay Thompson, of the same sec tion, narrowly escaped injury. Sane’s foot became tangled , in the steering wheel. He was pinned under the wreck and drowned. Police investigated and said they found 17- gallons of whiskey in the truck. Sharon Section News Gleanings Miss F.theleen Webb Marries Mr. Floyd Daved. Qutir A Number On Sick List. (Special to, The Star.) Sharon, April 19.—We had a very good attendance at Sunday school Sunday morning and again in the evening for the young peo ple's division. There is a good deal of sickness In our community at this ttme. Those on the sick list are: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith, Mr. Hugh Dov er, Miss Helen Morehead and Mrs. P. P. Hawkins. Mrs. J. P. Dodd spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. A W. Kincaid of Bessemer City. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hopper were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Dwight Hopper Sunday. Of Interest to many friends in this community was the marriage of Mr. Floyd Dover and Miss Ethe lcen W'ebb which took place Fri day night. Mr. Dover is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dover of this community. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hopper vis ited at the home of B. B. Blanton Sunday night. Some of the young people of this community attended a party giv en by Misses Louise, Thelma and Bcuna Blanton Friday night. Mr. T. W. Bryant was the guest of Janies and Hugh Smith Sunday. Misses Helen and Johnnie More head spent Saturday in Charlotte. Those visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Blanton Sun day were Mr and Mrs. Coel Blan ton, Mr. and Mrs. 8. 8. Moore and Mr. and Mrs, Lee Allen. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dodd and daughter. Rebecca, visited Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Kincaid Sunday after noon. Mrs. Dodd and Rebecca re mained for a few days visit. Mrs. West Hardin and daughters, Ethel and Emma, visited Mrs. Lee Allen Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Eurle Smith and Miss Stella Mae smith spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Petty of Towell. Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hamrick, Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Hawkins visit ed Mrs. P. P. Hawkins over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. L. E Morehead vis aed Mr. and Mrs, Rob Dover over ‘he week-end. Those visiting Mrs. J. F. Dodd Monday afternoon were: Mtsses Faye and Mary Jane Lanier. Stella Mae SmHh, Johnnie Morehead. Mary Ila Hamrick and Elsie An thony. Mrs. J. L. Greene red Miss Odes sa Ore me ot Boiling Springs are visiting at the heme of Mrs. B, B Blanton ihu week. I Canada’s Hope in Olympics y.rr«ignRw The land of the maple leaf is fortunate in having a champion of such efficiency and charm of Miss Lela Brooks Potter, of Toronto, Ont Miss Brook-, shown above in a practice workout at Lake Placid, N Y.. is the holder of four world’s records in speed skating. She will represent Canada in the Winter Olympic and is regarded as s good bet to capture the honors in a few of the events. (Our renders ran get an answer to The Cleveland Star. Washlngtnr Bureau. 1322 New York avenue. N W„ Washington, D. C. Write your name and address on one side of the paper, state your question clear ly and enclose 2 cents In stamps for reply postage. Do not write legal medical or religious questions.) Q. Why is distilled water purer than ordinary water? A. Because the Impurities are eliminated by the ttocess of dis tillation. Q. Describe the Congressional Medal of Honor.* A. It Is a live pointed star, cu.c and ntne-stxteenth inches in dia meter, surrounded by a laun i wreath in green enamel and sus pended oy two links from a browse bar bearing the ineorlytkin “Valor,' surmounted by an -egie. Q. Who was Oun;i t Din? A. A slave who w.ts the hero of Kipling's poem by 'hat title. Q. What aviation field is known as "The West Point of the Air?'* I A. Randolph FieM Sat) Antonio. Texas. Q. What are the memberships of the American Legion and the Vet- j erans of Foreign Warp? A. The American Legion ha ; about 1,000,000, and uu Veterans of i Foreign Wars has abcut 200,000. Q. How many sta os must ratify an amendment to the constituten before tt is adopted? A. When the legislatures of three fourths of the state ratify the amendment, it becomes a part of the constitution. Q. How often is “Once in a Blue Moon"? A. “Once in a Bill" Moon" meins' very seldom and is an old Engttan! saying used formerly to designate! something that, will never happ’n. But Brewer In “Phrase and Fable" says that “On Decr.mbjv 10. 18«;i we had a blue moon " The win .v: Winner* Chosen In Polkville Contest In the annual reading and decla mation contests held fox the girlsj and boys of Polkville High school Saturday night, the judges chose Florence Phllbeck, as winner of the reading contest and fcrastus Gfigg as winner of the declamation con- i test. There were ten entrants in the reading contest and four in the de-1 clamation contest. The medal, which was given in the reading contest! j was donated by Mrs. Sam Latti-1 more. The declamation medal was j given by the school. TRUSTEES SALK Of HEAL ESTATE Under and by virtu* o: th» authority contained in that r'aU dead uf trurt, etacuted by M D Ho - jit and wife Eltrr Hopper, to th« and*,-signed trustee *H.' deed of Ituit bring d.-ied Starch 3utt> IMS, and recorded tn *he office of ih' register of deeds for Ceveland county. N. C. in book No 13b cage 313. saeprirs an indebtedness to the Shelbv arm Cleveland County B As L. association and default having ot* n made in the payment of aald indebtedness I will -n Salarday, May 7th. ISM at 11 o'clock, noon or *ithm legit! horns at Uta court house doo- tn Shelby N C seU to the highest bid ter tor cash at public auction that certain lot of ianu lying and being in No. 6 townsh'o Cleveland county. N C. and bounded as follows: Lying and bains tn N w 8hn by, N. C. near the Arrovvood lumber plant and bounded as follows Beginning at a stone. C. A Washburn and Mamie Roberts corner and run* thence with Washburn a N 3'» g tee feet to a stake on tooth aide at all-v thence with south side ol said allay N 871b W. 63 feet to a stake thence a new line 8. Sly W ISO feet to a stone o Mamie Roberta’ Hue; thence with raid line N 87 i E. 63 feel to the beg inn In, containing 31 acres# .21 acres, more or less. Thl* April 8th, 19.'*? JNO. P. MVIL Trustee j ^ was unusually mild, Since then the meaning has been changed to ",’ftv .:eldom.'’ Q. Is Australia a continent? A. It is often refir-ed to as the Island-continent. Q. What is the Fan-American union? A. An organization supported by all the Republics in North, Sou i and Central America to foster and encourage common «, friendship and peace with each other. The headquarters are in Washington, D C, Q. How many saW-ns, brewe1- ;s and distilleries were there In the United States prior if prohibit 1 in’ A Saloons, 179.790 breweries uni distilleries, 236. Q. On which finger should a c:uss ring be worn? A. Either the third or the little linger on either hand Q. To whom does the island of Bermuda belong? A. Great Britain. Q. When it is six o'clock a. m. in New York, what time is it in Rome, Italy? A. Twelve o'clock, toon. Q How many specie- of birds are denizens of the United States? A The American bmlthologica Union lists 768 distinct species, ani a great many sub-species. Q. Who founded the Girl Scouts lii the United States' A. Mrs. Juliette Low in Savan nali, Ga. organized the Girl Scouts in 1912 and they w“Ve Incorporated under the laws of (he District of Columbia In June, 1915. Q. Why was the new planet call ed Pluto? A, In mythology. Pluto was re garded as the god of the Outer Re gions and as the nwly discovered planet Is farthest removed from the si^n—that is to say ir, the “outer region*" of the sur s galaxy of planets, the name seemed approp riate. Dr. Humphries Talks At Polkville Finals Dr. O. I Humphries, president of High Point college delivered the commencement sermon at Polkville High school Sunday afternoon, fle took for his text “If the Son shall make you free you shall be free In deed.” It was a splendid sermon and enjoyed by the large audience pres ent. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue o( til* authority conferred by deed of trust executed oy Paul Roberts and wife Maude Itobe‘t dated the lath day of June. l»3a. ana recorded in bout 160. race 281 In the of ilce of the register of '.'eens for Cleveland county, Jefferson E. Often*, jubstltu'.et trustee, will at 13 o clock noon on , Monday. May lath, I <*33 at the court house door ol Cleveland county in Shelby. Nortii Carolina, salt at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, the following ‘and. to-wtt Beginning st a stake on the south ads* of the old Kings Mountain roadi the northeast corner of the A F. Champ'on lot, and runs thence with the east line of said A F. Champion lot aoutb 7t« west its feet to a stake in the C. B Ctb antsa line; thence with said line ncr'i 62‘a east 76 feet to a ataka In another line of the C. B. Cabansss property; thence with aald line north 7‘,« eaat 176 fe*t to a stake In the south edge of the old Kings Mountain road: thence with aald edge of said road aouth KJV. weat 75 feat to a atake. the place rf beginning. Same being that lot conveyed to Paul Robert* by C. B Cabuuss by deed re corded in, .book 3-V at p-g# *7. and befit; a part oi that tract of land conveyed '-c C. B. Cebaniis by William Roberts ov deed recorded in the ofllci of tha regie ter of deeds oS Cleveland county. North Carolina. This sate Is made on account of dee.,'lU In payment of the Ind-btadaess secutt i by satd deed of trust. A ten percent 110 percenti Cosh e*~ posit will be required ot the highest t u der at the sale. This the 8th day of April, 1832 j JEFFERSON E. OWENS Substituted 1 Trustee. 4t Aot *'cl 1 Answers 1 o Star’s Question Box On Page One Below are tlte un.»vv-i: to the test [questions printed on page one. 1. Rhode Island. 2. Greek. 3. East Prussia front the rest of Germany. 4. Tapioca. j. ’Jerome K. Jeromt 6. By purchase front Denman:. 7. American poet. 8. Son. 9. About ten and one-sixth troy ounces. 10. Greek mathematicina. 11. Waco, Texas. 12. New York City, i 13. Shakespeare. 14. To take charge of the Amcri jean delegation to tin disarmament j conference. 15. By u two-thir1i vote of the house and senate. 16. Stool-pigeon. 17. Lei. 18. Any soldier or honorably dis charged soldier. vy. Famous singer. 20. Philadelphia, Pa Big Steel Mills In Full Swing Again Birmingham, Ala.—The glow of five open hearth furnaces lighted the skies here early this week sig nalling the return of more than 1, 000 steel workers to their jobs after a* layoff of several weeks. Resumption of work at the five furnaces of the Tennessee Soal, Iron and Railroad company at Ens iey and plans to put four more in to operation this week at the Fair j field plant md two others at the ‘Gadsden plant of the Gulf States Steel company will bring nigot pro duction in the district to 48 per cent capacity. Grove Park Inn Sold For $525,000 Asheville, April 18.—Grove Park Jinn, one of the finest hotels in the | world, was sold today for $525,000. I The Garrlsou company ol Balti more, Md„ holding company form ed by second mortgage bondhold ers, made the purchase which is subject to confirmation of the Bun combe county superior court. At least 10 days must elapse be rare the order can be signed. GOODYEAR TRADE Sale! Your opportunity to put on new Goodyear All-Weather Tires at * LOWEST PRICES EVER KNOWN I GET OUR . A* ° THIS WEEK! 29x4.40-31 29x4.50-20 30x4.50-21 28x4.75-19 29x5.00-19 3015.00-20 SOxSKBesO TUNE IN Goodyear Radio Program* Wed. Sat. IDEAL Service Station ONE-STOP Phone 191 SERVICE Shelbv. N. C t Revival Will Begin At Dover On Sunday 1 Rev. Rush Padgett Will Assist Rev. W’. A. t.lam In A Series Of Meetings At the Dover Baptist church, a spe cial revival meeting will begin next I Sunday night April the 24 and con tinue through the First Sunday night in May. Rev. Hush Padgett of Grover will preach the gospel during this meeting. Rev. Padgett needs no nitroductlon in this sec tion. All who know him and have heard him preach, know him as a great gospel Preacher. Every one inj the Dover church community Is ! urged to attend these services. Also people outside the community are Invited to attend. Certainly this is a time to draw closer to the Lord and get a fresh experience of Ills gra cent against 9 3 per cent. OP I iarrhea Diarrhea, Dysentery and other forms of dis ordered stomach and bowels, respond quickly to and find relief from ANTE-FEHMEN. For more than 2 generations it has been tt-ed by adults for up-set stomach and by mothers for their children to avoid Colitis. At all drug stores 60c and 75c. Same old standby, slightly changed name. Jhitc-ifcmtfn j\ FORMERLY ANTI-FERMENT Wedding Stock Calling Cards Sympathy Cards All Prices reduced. You brides-to-be may get 100 raised letter announcements or invitations with double envelopes and tissue for as low as $10 }>er hundred. Printed stock even lower. * 100 raised letter calling cards on panelled stock, 100 for $1.69. Your choice of any style of lettering. Sympathy rards, printed, as low as $2 for 25. liais ed letter sympathy cards are higher. * See our samples and get our new low prices on sta tionery as low as $1 a box for 200 sheets and 100 en velopes. ' Star Publishing Co. SHELBY, N. ■€. PHONE 11