Society NEWS_ MRS. RKNN UK I'M . Editor» Mrs. Dram may toe reached tty telephone at The Star office on Mon ! <t*y, Wednesday and rrtday mornings at The Star office phone t-.l At other time* at her home telephone No. 713. TO SEE-SAW l shall never see you fun through the orchard any more Oi* hear the scratching of '.our paws hi early morning at my door. I shall never watch your tail Saying you are glad of me. Or know at meals that your eye, are turned Upon my plate reproachfully. I shall never see yov sleep hike a ball curled in the sun. Or feel your no?e pressed in my hand. Mow all your dear eog days arc done. - Rachel toyman Field drs. Del-ton Te Be Clsb Hostess j.n. J. S, Dor ton will be hostess to members of the Ishpc-r.lng club on Thursday afternoon ai 4 o’clock at iter- hom* on H. Lafuyette stree*. BiMgs Tea At Ulwfc On Friday The regular Frid iv afternoon tridge tea will be held at the coun try dub on Friday afternoon at 4 o’clock for members of the Ladles’ *olf club. AH members are cordial ly Invited to attend Table reserva 10ns not necessary. uswiian Hemes Vo Have Meeting The American Homes division of -ha Woman’s club will meet or, Jonday afternoon m the home oonomiM room of the Central hl^„ •chool at >:30. Mrs. J H. Hull will ce chairman of the hostess com mittee and will be tasisted by Mr» . Oeph Blanton, Mrs. Rush Stroup and Mrs. John McOlurd. A good meeting is being planned and all members are urged to be present Keaaimaitc* Club Is KaltttalMd Members of tils Renaisaau.* -Study club tore cordially entertain ed on Tuesday afternoon by Mr.: J. C. Eskridge. A general discussion of current events enjoyed by all members, and two very Inter esting papers were -cad, one on North Carolina Poete given by Mrs. Sam Schenck. and or.* on North Carolina Fiction W itere given by Mrs. Joe E. Nash. At the close of th- program Mrs. Eskridge served a delightful ice awd ,toet course. Garden Club Meeting Tuesday Members of the Carden club en joyed a meeting yesterday after noon at the home of Mrs. W. H Blanton on LaFayetle street wher *n interesting prog rein on flowers was given. Mrs. J. L. McDowell re id * paper on Dahlia.' Mrs. Rush Stroup read one on Miles, and Mrs. Colin Hull gave a paper on Cactus. Ml of the papers wtve instructive nnd entertaining. Two musical numbers were given Mrs. P. C Gardner and Mi... Luther G.J Thompson each contributing a de lightful piano solo. Plants were exchsiured., between • he members. Keek Club With Kim Ethel Thomas Members of the Conteniponuy nook club were cordially entertain ed on Tuesday afternoon by Miss Ethel Thomas at the home of Mrs F. D. Quinn. The meeting was open ed with a short business session, after which a very Interesting pro gram on Paul Green's House of Connelly was given by Mrs. R. W. Morris, who read anc. discussed se lections from the play. At the close of the ptogram Miss Thomas was assisted by Miss leasts Mackie and Mias Mhry Hardy in serving an elabora** salad course with accessories. VmMtt $. 8. Class Meeting Monday. Members of the Amoma 8. S. clu-ts of the first Baptls. church h»ld 'heir monthly meeting on Monde? evening at the home of Mrs. C S dull, teacher of the class. Mrs Mull opened the meeting with dc otionaj after which a business slon was held and the following officers were elect'd■ President. Miss Ruth Hopper: sice president, Miss Willie Mae Huskey; secretary *nd treasurer, Mrs. N W. Spurlln During the social hour the host ess was assisted by Vise Ruth Hop per In serving a delicious swt-et course Party for Visitors Tuesday Evening Mr. and Mrs, H E Richbourg and Mr. and Mrs. H J Spry were joint hosts at an mformal smell party last evening *n honor of Messrs. Julian and Lculs Richbourr, of Buffalo. H. V., who returned to their work there thC morning aft tar a visit home, *.'d Mr. Ashton Rlchbourg of Baltimore. who will dare the latter pa*t of this week after spending a Pi here Wttn ids parants. Bridge **» played at t ' four table.* and at the close of the evening » delicious sandwich course with sweet*, was served Those playing were: Mesi's Julian, Louis and Ashton R'.ch bourg, Mr. and Mrs. tpry. Mr. and Mrs, Rlchbourg, Miss Westbrwk Mias Margaret Moas, Miss Myrtle Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Short, Miss Ella Lipscomb, Mias Iqh Abrams, Mr. Colye t- and M" ; Thompson. | -- B. Y. P. I'. Banqnet I For Mra. Cobb Members of the Bostic Young Peoples' union of the First Baptise church entertained met evening at a four course dinner at the chuich I In compliment to Mr and Mrs. I Thomas Cobb. Sharing honors wtn I them were Dr. Zeno Wall and Mr. Horace Easom. The •r»,g table where the guests were seated was decorat ed with splrea, iris and lilacs. At the conclusion ct the second I course, Miss Montrov Mull, acting 'as hostess, turned on the radio and | tuned In oh the station B. Y. P. U I broadcasting from “New York.” An attractive program was given bv the most celebrated cf radio ar tists, Including suen names as: Morton Downey, impersonated by Boyce Wakefield: Virginia Arnold, by Mary Helen Latt'more; Bing jCrosby, by Joe Beckham; Ruth Ett ling, by Ruth Hopper, Anita Aus tella. famous French Impersonate and reader, by Louise Austell; Don nie Boswell. by Kathleen Hord; Jane Stanley, noted negro blue* singer, by Mabel Hord- the Duncan Sisters, by Kathleen and Mabel Hord; the four Perirlns Slaters, by Constance Dellinger, Mary Lewi Wilson, Mary Margatet Mull, anti Louise Austell. The part of Jon. Mayo, the announcer was taken bj Bill Brown. Each of the Impersona ters sang the original theme song of the real artist, 'crowed by one or more other selections. At the conclusion of the program congratulatory and appreciative re marks were made ’ov Dr. Wall --tnd Mr. Easom. Uevcr-Webh Weddlni Is Novel Event A marring* of Interest to friaada In thU section took place last Fri day evening at the Dover Mill school when MSsa Etheleen Webb became the bride of Mr. Ploys Dover. The wedding was unique In that It came as the unexpected cli max to an operetta given by the school children in which a mod:! wedding was staged. The bride In the mock wedding wa:. Nellie Webb, small sister of the bride, and thr mock groom was TJ. b. Conner, who acted as maid of honor and best man for Mr. and Mrs Dover. After all the attendants were assembled on the stage the brtdr and groomj entered ind were quietly married bv the bride's uncle, Rc" J. W. Ingle. BRIGHTEN Your Home Inside and Out with CERTAIN-TEED Paints and Varnishes REFINISH that old piece of fm niture with KYANIZE ENAMELS Call us for your wants. SHELBY HARDWARE COMPANY PHONE 330 “We Serve To Satisfy.” the ring ceremony being used The briar wore i lovely weddngj gown of white satin with tulle rap I and veil, ol which lur little sist--; v, costume was an exa— tr plica. teen of them carried arm bouquets ol mixed flowers. Wonnie Webb Jr.. little brother of the bride acted iu> ringbearer Other attendants were student,' of the bnde, who hat been a teach er In th* school during the oust year. The little bridesmaids wore long voile dresses In > alnbow colors and carried nosegavj of mixe i flowers. They were th Hawktua | Frances Ray Sides. Cellcstine ** :t j narn. Madeline BecKffU, Virgin!.. Pritchard Frances lynn, Orw | Harris, Inez Lemons and CqrUnv ] Thomas. Carrying til* bride’s trainj were Mariguret Behelea and Junto Meuney. Other attendants were Juanita Fowler and Charles He , drick. The wedding mb sic was fur nished by Mrs. E. T Bailey. Mrs. Dover is the daughter of Mi and Mrs J. W. Webn of this place ;md is a pretty and ti lented young woman. «he it. a fcir.duate of the normal school at Bo we and tor the past year has been a teacher in the Dover mill school Mr. Dover Is a »on ol Mr. ■ i Mrs. Charles Dover Oi near She py He is at present employed with ite Dover mill store. Immediately afte the ceremony the bride and groom eft tor a short wedding trip. They will make their home in Shelby. Majestic Introduces New Low Price Line Pendleton Is Shown.;, Today Now Majestic Unit "ellins For $99 0 W. A. Pendleton ;.■> showing to day for 'he first tin', the new line of Majestic refrigerators, at the new retail price range of >99.50 to $149.39. utilizing a "conven'inna!” rotary compressor instead o( the Majestic hermetically sealed : nit. These new electric refrig'’atora at tin J new low price rang*' are being sir wi : simultaneously throughout the coon i try by Majestic dealers. This lint j will be sold by established out let.1 ; in conjunction with the Majesrie j "de luxe" line of ill steel. herm?ti i cally sealed refrigerators. This Is the first time that any manufacturer has «wt offered two I complete lines with noth sealed and '“open” units and with machines on top and bottom of the cabinet. Mr. Pendleton has a full line of th.e new machines oil display. Solicitor Carpenter At Palm Tree Sunday Solicitor John G. Carpenter of Gastonia will speak Sunday mov ing to the two Btb'e classes ; Palm Tree church, it has also Di>: announced that he will speak to the entire congregation at 11 a. in. Solicitor Carpenter is one of th; outstanding speakers of the «et? and a fine Christian gentleman. Palm Tree church and commun't/ will give the distinguished visitor a cordial welcome. THE WORLD EXPECTED IT! 1 First VLC ' QuaHty *4s'i ltt tional **ice ° Oithe8®**® only Perfect .-or RefrigeraU° even at 'high"00"',0 the troP*c»' .O F.O. B* factory ,riee* ^i*'1 rder»' *tee' 0»*l *»T T»* • trie „trl*«r»t#,‘ nul OVER-SIZE ' REFRIGERATOR MULTI - POWERED ALL - ELECTRIC Do you remember — you three million owners of Majestic radio sets — how you thrilled when you heard your first Majestic all-electric radio with full dynamic speaker? — And how you marveled at its phenomenal low price? Wait for Majestic! That was your challenge to the skeptics when you later learned that Majestic had invested eight-and-a-half million dollars in a brand new plant equipped with the latest automatic ma chinery, and had declared its purpose to make qual ity refrigerators at a price within the reach of every family .... Behold, now, in this new thrift-model Majestic, is your judgment vindicated! For here, at last, is a refrigerator that fits an,' kitchen comfortably. Scientifically shelved, to per rnit full use of every cubic inch of space. Multi powered, to assure complete refrigeration even at high noon in the tropics. Actuated by a silent com pressor — with only three moving parts! Equipped with a factory-sealed unit that can be pulled out and replaced in fifteen minutes. Finished inside in stain less, china-white porcelain — eevery corner rounded. Finished outside in everlasting satin-like Elasto. A refrigerator built to give you a lifetime of sendee at the lowest cost, and to pay for itself in less than two years’ time! This new Majestic is at your dealer's NOW — all ready to be plugged into a convenient socket and to start saving food and money for your family at a moment’s notice. The down payment is small; the terms are as low as $5 a month. An all-electric refrigerator you’ll b« proud to own — a Majestic — and the factory price is only $99.50. You are cordially invited to inspect this latest Majestic marvel, and to bring your friends. See it, by all means, before you buy. Then match it. point by point and dollar for dollar — if you can! GRIGSBY-GRUNOW COMPANY, CHICAGO, and affiliates, with factories at Chicago; Toronto; Bridgeport: Oakland; London, England; and Sao Paulo, Brazil. Manufacturers also of MAJESTIC RADIOS Pendleton's Music Store Shelby and Kings Mountain >

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