VOL. XXXVIII, No. 51 SHELBY, N. C. WEDNESDAY, APR. 27, 1932 (Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons) 10 PAGES TODAY fly Mail. Mr rut. tin tdrancti - n.Vi C»rrl»r, ptr rut. (In •drueai U.a* fl Late News THE MARKET Cotton, Spot ...._..... 6c a*. Cotton Seed, ton . »8.(K' Frost Tonight Today's North Carrlina Weather Report; f air and cooler In ea >t portion tonight wit* rtght frost in central portion and light to heavy frost in west portion. Thursday partly cloudy with rising tempera ture. Smith Is Ahead Boston. April 2*.—Alfred E. Smith held a commanding lead over Gov Franklin Roosevelt in the less than half-completed returns last night In the Massachusetts p.lmary for the selection ot delegates to the Demo eratic national convention. With 64? precincts out oi JS85 in the •tate computed, Smith pledged can didates for delegate at large led Roosevelt candidates oy an average of nearly 3 to 1. TVs included 1PP of 339 Boston precincts. Returns from nine of the 15 districts show ed the Smith forcea trading In tire contests lor district de’egates in all hut one district. 1 hr Democrats will send 36 votes to the national convention. Philadelphia. April 2?.—In the Democratic presidential preference in Pennsylvania Alfred E. Smith had an edge over Franklin D. Roosevelt on the ba.-K of scattered returns from 785 of the 8,181 dis tricts. The 785 dtstri'l- gave: Smith 11,226, Roosevelt 9,661. Many Pay Taxes With Dead Line Near For Sale Around *7,000 Culler ion In County Levy In Two Days Advertise Soon. The sheriffs ofptc at the court hr use has bm rushed for the last several days with tax payers intent upon paying their tax prior to the advertising and sale of property r >r delinquent 1931 tax. Around $7,000 caaue In Monday and Tuesday, according to Sheriff Irvin M. Allen. No tig sums were represented in the -.mount coher ed, but the total included scores of citbsens whose taxss ranged from small to medium amounts. Unless some order, .j§. pet now anticipated, fs' made within the next day or two property on which taxes are nor raid by Mon day will be advertlseo the first of May and put up for sale in Jure The last legislature passed a bill stating that the property should be sold in June for delinquent taxes. A considerable amount of 1931 taxes nas been collected this week at the city hall in the Shelby levy. Lions Gub Told Of Early County History By White I.attimore Historian Gives Club In cident In Lives Of Cleveland And Shelby. An interesting lecture on the early history of Shelby and Cleveland county was given the Shelby Lions club at the regular meeting last night by Prof. William White, of Lattimore, Prof. White, who is county his torian, related incidents in the lives of Col. Benjamin Cleveland and Col. Isaac Shelby for whom the county and city were named. He told of their exploits at the battle of Kings Mountain and gave historic details of the section following the Revo lutionary war. Col. Cleveland’s troops, the speaker declared, were really responsible for the victory over Ferguson at Kings Modntain, because Cols. Campbell and Shelby had been repulsed ot 1 ore Cleveland led his troops up the mountainside. After the battle the norse' of Fer guson. British leader, was given Cleveland. That Col. Shelby was a courageous leader was shown, the speaker said, by the iact that he led three charges up the mountain and nad his hat shot oft. In conclusion Prof. White urge dthat anyone who has information on early history of the county and section get in touch with him. The program was in charge of Dr Robert Wilson. B. N. Austin, of Kings Mountain, was reinstated as a member of the club. April Poor Month For Dan Cupid Here Unless there is unexpected activ ity during the three remaining days of the month, April has been a poor season for Dan Cupid in Cleveland county. Up until today only thrae couples have secured marriage li cense at the county court house here. Of the three brides a 16-year old girl was the youngest. Cotton A heady Up In County; Planting On Farmers In Midst Of Active Season V - Major Portion Of Increased Com Crop Bring Planted Now. Adams Has Cotton. Cleveland county larmers tills week and next will be in their bus iest season of the vear as they move from the peak of the corn planting season Into cotton-plant ing time. Many acres of cotto.v have already been planted, but the major portion of the crop will be -isnted during the first two weeks In May. , Lfp In Two Weeks Some of the first 'otton up this year was reported this week by Glenn Adams, of the Lattlmore section. Mr. Adams ard his son, As ton, are rated among the best farmers In the county Two we-’ks ago Monday, or on ' pril 10, they planted some cotton and It was up and thriving this week A big percentage of the countv corn crop is already In the ground j but the weather permitting this i week will likely see more coi n j planted than any other. Larger Crcp i The corn crop In Cleveland this year is oemg increased more than any other, in the opinion of Faun Agent R. W. Shoffner. Older farm ers say that it shouia be the larg est com crop the county has pro duced in near two decades. Truck crops are also being m • creased and there a*e more Slid larger gardens than 'ast year when rural Cleveland returned to the live-at-home program Two-Way Dtrrraw The cotton crop :o the couni y, the state's largest cotton cotuity, h being decreased In two ways. The acreage s being cut down and tn? fertilizer used is less than in a number of years. Many observers say that the cotton acreage is not being cut to any great extent. Agent Shoffner says that as yet he does not-have enough information to offer an estimate as to the cut but practically every farmer he has seen has stated tha: his cotton acreage was being reduced this year. The production in the county, however, will be cut down more be cause of the decreastd use of fer tilizer than reduced acreage. One estimate made is thaf the crop wl.i run between 40 and 50 thousand bales, or 15 or 20 thousand under the 64,000 bales of i.*st year. Wheat Looks Good The wheat crop Is reported to tc I looking good In all factions of the i county and observers say that It vs as large as last year’s crop, if not larger. Considerable comment Is heard about a pldt of wheat, bet ter than waist high, on the county home farm, which is said to be the best-looking In the Cv>rnty. Sister Mrs. Blanton And Mr. Wood Passes Mrs. Bryant Died Yesterday At Pacolet, S. C. Funeral There Today. Mrs. George Blanton and Mr ! Draper Wood received word yester day of the death of their sister, Mrs. A. W. Bryant, at Pacolet, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Wood and Mrs. Blan ton left yesterday afternoon for Pacolet to attend th= funeral which will be held there today. City Briefs Company K Dame. There will be a dance at the Com pany K armory Saturday night, the proceeds to go to the Non-Com missioned Officers Club of the militia unit. Accommodations are being made for a large crowd and good music is assured. The admis sion charge will be ’cw and ladies will be admitted free. Opens Office Soon. George W DePriest. Shelby Re publican who is a candidate for the Q. O. P. nomination to the United States Senate, said today that he planned to open a headquarters of fice for his campaign soon. Just where it will be located he does not know as yet. Mr. DePriest has al ready campaigned In 16 counties In 1 the western section of the State and 1 plans a tour of the eastern section In a few days, • » • Lee Leave* Winston. Cline Owen Lee, former Shelby I High star, was released yesterday by the Winston-Salem club of the Piedmont league as the club cut down to the player limit. Lee was out for second base, but it was his misfortune to be pitted against Harry Wilke, who was sent down by the New York Giants to manage the club. Manager Wilkes hopes to place the young lnfleldcr with some club In Class B ball. » * • Robbery Attempted. Thieves last night orcke the glass in the rear door ol the Cleveland Cigar and Billiard parlor on West Warren street, but officers believe they were frightened away before they had time to enter the build ing. * • • Secures License. One Shelby man, Forrest M. Brooks, was last week licensed to sell insurance by the State Insur ance Department, according to a notice from Raleigh. Only six of 69 applicants failed to paw thw-exatrr* [nation. * * • Officials In Raleigh. Mayor S. A. McMurry, Alderman John F. Schenck, Jr., and Attorney O. M. Mull are in Raleigh today. It is understood that while there the city officials will talk with officials of the highway commission about Improving the Hopper park bridge and other roads about the city. • • • Firemen In Asheville. Joseph Carroll and Knox Hardin, of the city fire department, are in Asheville today attending a scho.,1 for firemen. * • * Masons Meet. The regular monthly meeting of Cleveland Lodge 202 A. F. & A. M. -will be held Friday night at 7:30 o’clock at the Masonic temple. Dixon Announces For No. 7 Constable J. L. Dixon has announced hlm liself a candidate for constable *n No. 7 township. Dwight Morehead of the same township announced last Saturday so there will be a con test for this position in the Juno primary. Mr. Dixon was appointed constable after Lorer Hoyle went to Cherryville to become chief of police there and has been elected one term 17-Year Locust Expected To Show Up In North Carolina During May Locusts Have Never failed To M«ie Regular Visits To Do Little Harm. With taxes to pa? fertilizer tc buy and cotton selling for almost nothing, >t seems as if farmers have enough *o worry about But anota er problem—more of a phenonme non, perhaps, than t» problem—'s scheduled to show up soon. North Carolinians .in May and June will be able to rbserve one cf the most phenomenal happenings 'a the insect world when the 17-your locust makes its periodical appear ance, Dr. Z. P. Me^alf, of North Carolina, State college said yes terday. The sound of unusually loud, ris ty^ and insistent sing’ng of thou sands of insects in ti e woods Will herald the emergence of the insects Next month, Dr. Metcalf said, lo custs or cicadas will appear In 'he trees of this state from eggs which were laid in the Umto of forest trees in 1815. Tn 1915 the eggs hatch'd Into very tiny grubs which crawl ed into the soil and attached them selves to the roots id trees where they have been living since, Fully grown, the locusts whl emerge frcrn the ground In counMoss thousands within the next two months. Careful records kept since the earliest days of North Carolina his tory record the regular vlsitatiors of the 17-year locusts. There i.< also a species of 13-year cicada and there are nine broods of the 17*-year variety appearing In this state m different years. The brood due to emerge this year, however, is the mo6t regular and the largest list ed. No great damage will be done by the Insects, Dr. Metcalf said. The locusts cannot sting or In jure people. The nrincipal damage they do is to lay eggs in the tei ■ minal oranches of forest trees. Ii this occurred every year it migH result In harm to the trees, but oc currlng only every 17 years it dees not. There have been occasional in stances in years of very heavy in festation when fruit trees one or two years old were hurt. For Legislature Krmt A. Gardner Is a neir poli tical aspirant in Cleveland. He re cently announced himself a candi date for the state house of repres ents tire*. Mr. Gardner was born and reared near Fallslon and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil A. Gard ner. He was graduated at Watte Forest college and is now engaged in the practice of law in Shelby. Red Cross Flour Arrives For Pool Free Distribution Is Made Only To Those In Distress. Says Mayor Mc.Mvrrj. Nearly 2,000 twenty- four pound I bags of flour arrived a few days ago for distribution in Shelby and surrounding territory to the needy of the community. This flour is given through the local Red Cross chapter to the needv of the com munity and the distribution is ;a the discretion of Mayor McMurry The mayor says every case to which the free flour is given must stand a rigid investigation and prove to be entirely worthy K heavy pen alty attaches to the distributor should any of the flour be given #d persons who are unworthy or rot deserving. A quantity of flou- shipped hers was loaned last week to the Kings Mountain Red Crow Chapter to be distributed in that action. Thh will be returned to the local Rel Cross when the allotment to which Kings Mountain is entitled, arrived there. All of the flour is put up in quar ter sacks and a record, kept of each family to whicn It is donated n order to make a check and pre vent any abuse or imposition on Inc charity department. Last week the Eigle Roller mill ground up a quantity of wheat tor the Red Cross anl shipments ct flour totaling nearly n quarter Oi a million pounds were made to Cher terfleld and Westminster, S. C. me cnstriDUtion o'. tree Hour was. made possible by an act of con gress allowing the grain division of the farm board to donate a part of its wheat surplus through the Red Cross chapters of the United States. Every community in the entire country where there is a Red Cross organization will receive an allot ment of flour for 'ree distribution to the unemployed. Dr. Parker’s Father Dies While Sleeping Prominent Retired Business Man Of Goldsboro Dead. Fu neral Today. Dr. S. F. Parker, Shelby physi cian, was notified yesterday of t’ c death of his father, W K. Parke r at Goldsboro. Dr. ail i Mrs. Parker left Immediately for GoldsboA). A dispatch from Goldsboro teib as follows of the death: “Walter King Parker, 66. prom inent retired mamifncturer and furniture dealer, was found dead In bed at his home on West <\sn street at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday aft ernoon. He had not been 111. Mr. Parker occupied an apartment alone In the house with others. "He came to Goldsboro to lWf, and was for a number of years owner and manager cf the Wayne cotton mills. Later he became pres ident of the Parker and Faulkner furniture company end remained president until he retired from ac tive business to 1929 “Surviving are four children, W. Rea Parker, Raleigh: William Bay lies Parker, Brooklyn N. Y.; Mrs Robert T. Raynor, Wilmington, Del.; Dr. Shepherd Faulkner Par ker, of Shelby, and the following brothers, H. B„ and P P. Parker, sr., Dr. J. M. Parker of Asheville and Dr. Rea Parker of Smithfieic* Va. "Funeral services wU* be conduct ed from St. Stephc nr Episcopal church Wednesday afternoon.’ • WakeForestMen Re-organize At BanquetMeeting Prof. Timberlake Is Speaker Henry Edwards Is Stated President 8Uty Make Pores' Men Join Association. Sixty Wake Porest men attendee a banquet at the First Baptist j ctturch here last night at which a county alumni asaoc'ation was re organised with Henry Edwarm president. Rush Hamrick, vice president, C. C. Horn secretary and iax Washburn, treasurer. Thj mptuous meal was prepared anti rved by the ladies of the church The ourpoee of the meeting war rehabilitate the alumni assocU in Cleveland rhlch has pe - ips more former Wake Forest coi re students than any other coui - iy in the state except Wake eour. Mt hi which the institution U local - Law Dean Speaks r* Prof. E. W. Timberlake, dean of g>e law department was the prin cipal speaker. He look for hla sub ;oct “Wake Forest" and traced briefly the history of the school Mid Its contribution of influential men to high posit'c;** is pulpU. jjress and platform in this and |ther states. He recalled some of the elder profeasors who had given tjheir life to the training of young men into useful citizenship and told yhany interesting college experle'tces |hat Unger fresh tn the minds of i. (CO NT INCHED ON PAO* NIXI.I Dismiss Hicks Case Over Check Matter Case Against Shelby Dentist Dis missed Because oi Statute Of Limita'ions. Gastonia, April 77.—'The case against Dr. R. C. Hicks, prominent Shelby dentist sentenced to 90 days on the roads in recorder's court here seven a 1 days agj on a charge of giving the city hospital a worth less check for *100Was order ’d dismissed in Gaston superior court late Monday afternoon. Dr. Hicks appealed from the de cision of the lower court. The dw missal was granted under the stat ute of limitations. The check was given in January. 19?0, and no ac tion was begun until April. 193.? more than the required two-year limit having elapsed. Three Mules Die In Electric Storm Three mules belonging to Clyde Randall in the Bethlehem section were killed by lightning during the storm Monday night. The Randall family had attended the Grover school commencement and got home just before the storm. A light fuse was blown out in the dwelling, but no other damage was noticed until next morning when Mr. Randall went to the barn and found three mules dead. No damage was done to the barn or other property. Try Answering Can you answer 14 of these test, questions? Turn to page 8 for the answers I. For how long a term were Ieo pold and Loeb sentenced to the pen itentiary? 3. What is entomology? 3. Who is the only woman U. 8. senator? 4. What country was Woodrow Wilson commenting on when he enunciated the diplomatic policy of "watchful waiting”? 5. What is “Cleopatra’s Needle"? 6. Who was the first governor of the territory of Utah? 7. How many stomachs has a cow? 8. What are the most valuable gems? 9. What color is pure water? 10. Who wrote “Candide”? II. What Judge fined the Standard Oil company twenty-nine million | dollars? 12. Who was ASsculapius? 13. What does the name “Natalie'’ mean? 14. How many drams are in a li quid ounce? 15. Has Mahatma Ghandi ever vis ited the U. S.? 16. Where will the American Le gon convention be held this year? 17. What body of water lies be tween Italy and Albania? 18. What denomination was the smallest gold coin ever minted by the U. a government? 19. In what book is Mrs. Pooly Toodle a character? 20. What does the slang term "Ap ple Sauce” mean? ( Held in Lindy Kidnap Hunt Following a report to police of Downington, Pa, by the Rev. O. Paul Musselman (Inset), rector of St. Junes Episcopal Church, Albert Lacber and Edith Crcbbe (both above) are shown under arrest for questioning in connection with the Lindbergh kidnaping. Miss Crehbe, who claims to be a nurse, is said to have admitted writing hitters to the Lindberghs professing knowledge of their child’s whereabouts. Rev. Mussel men told police that the couple came to Downington in poor financial circumstances, but seemed well supplied with money shortly after Col. Lindbergh paid $60,000 to supposed kidnap agents. J Mr. Prices Tulip Garden A Mecca Thousands of tulips arc in bloon at the flower garden of Mr. Oideor Prioe at Latlimore and his garden is a daily mecca for hundreds of people. On Sundays the crowds are largest and many come from dis tant place:, to see vlie beautiful tul ips, now their height of gorgecc glory. Mr. Price has enlarged hi* gar den since last season and in addi tion to tultps, there will be found many other varieties of spring flow ers. But tulip* «r« nis hobby and practically every kndwn variety e>.n be aeen there. Growing flowers 1* a hobby with Mr. Price. He is a rural mail car rier on the Lattimcre route and When his federal duties are over, he spends all of his time working wth hs flowers. In no sense does he commercialize nU flowers. He has never sold a fu-wer. but geta his joy out of giving them to the sick and shut-ins arid furnlshhig them to the churches schools and hospitals. Each year he has enlarged hie efforts anti now he uas one of the most beautiful sight-; to be seen Is the state at this tlr>» of the year He is a gracious host wo visitors and gladly imparts the bbundance «l information he has tc others or flower culture in the hope that hfa garden might be an inspiration tc others in beautifying their prem'sts with flowers. Over 17 Inches Of Rain So Far In 1932 Heaviest Rainfall fn March. Over Half Inrh Fell Monday Night The rainfall in the Shelby section In 1932 totals over 17 Inches, or, to be exact, 17.81 Inches The heaviest rainfall of the year was In March with a total of 6,71 Inches. January ranked second with 6.37 Inches. February had 2 97 Inch es, and iA> date there has been a rainfall of 1.76 Inches in April. The precipitation of the shower Mon day night was 54 of an inch, ac cording to John Phifer who main tains the weather record at the post office. FREEMAN MOVES SHOE SHOP TO PENDLETON S Odell Freeman nu moved his shoe repair shop from the Easteide Cloth mill section to the basemen' under Pendleton’s music store. The new place will be open for business tomorrow. Gardner Is Talked As Vice President Correspondent In Richmond Says North Carolina Governor Talks With Roosevelt. Raleigh. April 27.—The Raleigh Times says in a special staff cor respondent's story J.rm Richmond Va., that "political speculation rui ning wild” there linked Gov. O Max Gardner as a possible running mate for Gov. Franklin D. Roose velt, of New York, oil the nations i Democratic ticket if Roosevelt is selected as presidential nominee. The story says Gardner ami Roosevelt conferred tor more than two hours in Richmond Monday while other governors attending the governors' conference visited “Ash Lawn,” home of James Mon roe. They also lunched together. Gardner and members of the North Carolina delegation to the conference refused a discuss the “Gardner-lor-vice president matter the paper says. Official Of Vets Organization Expresses Disfavor To Bonus Pay Hines, Adnlniitnt u Of Aid f or I Vets: Is Against Payment Bonus Now Washington, April 27.—The ad ministration yesterday sent its sec ond opposition witness, Veterans Administrator Frank T. Hines, D“ fore the house ways and means committee to oppose full cash pay ment of the soldiers bonus. Like Charles G. Ot.«es, head of the Reconstruction Finance corpora tion and first official opponent o* the $2,000,000,000 new money pwri to come before the committee, Hines saw service during 'he World war Hines littered a large table w‘.i 1 papers and document in prepara tion for the hearing Would Help Vets "I want to start by saying that we are all sympathetic with the veteran and want to do what we can to help him,’’ Hinee said. "I need only t>olm in this con nection, to the fact that-veterans bureau expenditures tn the month of February were $■'(■,000,000.” Hines distributed a table of es timates snowing thaMhe face value of all certificates issued was $3,641, 000,000 ot which 117 000.000 worth have matured, leaving . $3,513,000 000 of certificates now in force. Out standing certificates had on MarJi 31, a loan value of $1,704,000,000. Hines review the enactment of the bonus law. whi m he said was often misunderstood o> the count w. •‘When it was finally agreed cn that we would allow these men $1 a day for each day's service in the United States, and 25 a day for each day’s service overseas, plus 25 per cent for the 'hirti payment, when printed on the certificate the face value 20 years hence,” Hines said. "I think the veterans thus gained the belief that this sum printed on the face of the certio rate was the amount of bonus due tiim. , Paying More “If we pay these certificates off now it is equivalent to paying the CONTINUED ON PAGE NINE Stabbed Youth Improves; Still Hold Three Men Young Grigg Remains In Serious State Young Union Man S aHtfd In Chest Sunday May Recover Without Complications. The condition of Hurgln Grift, yount man of the Union com munity who was slabbed In a brawl Sunday afternoon, was said to be somewna* Improved today at the Shelby hospital. Three first cousin? who were present or partlcipa'ed In the brhwl in which young Origj, waa severely stabbed are still belli* held In the county jah Officera said today that the out ers would be held until there was a definite change In Orlgfa condi tion. They are Lawrence and Glar enoe Short, brothers and Hubert Pryor. Two Are Cat The four young men got together late Sunday afternoon on highway 190 tn the Union section. A dispute arose, officers were informed, over an Easter party attended by sev eral of them. In the melee that fol lowed Lawrence Short was slashed about the head and Grigg was stab bed in the right chest Monday and Tuesday drift wua said to be In a critic*! condition. Several reports or rumors had R that there was very I'ttle chance to live. Dr. J W. Harb'.mn of the hos pital staff, said today that the stab wound was three or four Incites long in ‘he right chest and that It had penetrated the chest walL Ke was Inclined to believe that the lung was not cut as It in all prob ability collapsed when air came through the wall of the chest. Al though the young man remains >n a rather serious condition. It was intimated that his chances of re covery are fairly gtod provided complications do not develop, but surgeons, of course cannot tell about that angle. Presbyterian Revival Begins Here On Sunday I Ur. R. A. White Of MooresvlltC ' Will Do The Preaching- Serv ices Twice Dally. A special series of evange&tto meetings will begin in Shelby Pres byterian church. Sunday morning, May 1, at 11 o'clock »nd will con tinue with two services dally dur ing following week. Rev. R. A. White. D. D., pastor First, Presbyterian church, MooresviUe, will be the spe cial preacher for the revival, com ing for ni« first service next Mon day evening. Dr. White Is one of the ablest preachers end moat Be loved pastors In the bynod of North Carolina. He Is closely Identified with various activities of the whole church, knowing the problems \t-6 needs of the day. The local Presby terian minister. Rev. H N. MeDiar mid, and his congregation consider that they are most fortunate to have tiie leadership of Dr. Whits in the evangelistic meeting, rhe week-day services, beginning Mon day evening, will be held at 8 p. m, and 10 a m. The public is invited to give fui! cooperation by attending the meet 1 mgs each day. Grandfather Of Local 'Man Dies In Hospital Mr. John D. Campbell was noti fied last night of the death of his grandfather, Mr. David Johnson, in a Rock Hill hospital. Mr. John ston, who was 95 years old and the oldest Confederate veteran In Ycrk county, 8 C., died 'ait night after a brief illness. He nas visited air. and Mrs. Campbell at their h-»m« here on several occasions. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell attended the funeral which was held at Bethel church in York county this afternoon at 3 o’clock. Mrs. Kats Kate North and Mrs Renn Dram accompanied Mr. anJ Mrs. Camp bell to the funeral. Father Mrs. Tedder Dead; Funeral Today Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Tedder and Miss Mary Tedder Itfl last night for Morven where they were called on account of the death of Mrs. Tedder’s father, Mr W. F. Mc .Queen. Funeral services for Mr. Mc Queen were held thsre this morn ing at 11 o’clock