Belwood News Of Current Week i Special to Tne Star.) Belwood. May 4.—Memorial serv ices and a Mother's Day program will be given at Kadesh church on May 10. Mrs And lew, Alexander of Hick ory spent last week in the com munity with relatives. Mr. Ralph Brackett of Taylors. 8. C'.. is spending soma time with his mother Mrs. J. W Brackett. Mrs. Jasper Childers it. spending some time with her sister Mrs. Ames Ledford of the Delight com munity. The many friends of Mrs. Ledford will be sorry to learn that she is quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Boags and chil dren spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Prank Spurling of Lawndale. Mrs. T. E. Greene spent the week end with her son Mr. and Mrs. Dar gsn Greene. Mr and Mi's Thad Johiibon and children of Delight and Mr and Mrs There Buff Of the Pleasant Hi!! community spent Sunday with Mr end Mrs. C. G. Richard. Mrs. Ray Dayberry and children were the dinner guests of "Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Dayberry of Lawndale Sunday. Misses Rosemary and Dorothy Peeler had as their week end guests Misses Ruth and Lorene Spurling of Lawndale Mr. and Mrs. S A Peeler and children spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. J. A Peeler Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Beam and baby of near Casar spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs J W Brackett. Mr. and Mrs. Everetts Spangler and children and Mr. Ambrose Lutz spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Roscce Lutz. Mr. and Mrs W. R. Porter and children visited Mr .and Mrs. Clyde Walker of Charlotte Sunday aft ernoon. They were accompanied home by Miss Madeline Porter who has been spending some time with relatives there. Misses Annette and Mary Sue Fortenberry spent Monday with their cousin Miss Helen Hoyle of Fallston. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Mack Willis and children and Mrs. Clyde .Wright of Lincolnton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Willis Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cline and children of Lawndale visited Mr. and Mrs. Mack Smith Thursday afternoon Miss Estelle Brackette spent the week end with Miss Madge Cline of near Lincolnton. Mr. and Mrs. John Frank Del linger of Newton spent the week end with their mother Mrs.- Bessie Dellinger, Mr. and-Mrs. Tom Webb and son L'ecll and Mr. and Mi's. Paul Stanley of Shelby and Mrs. John Parker of Lincolnton visited Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Peeler Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Buff and daughter Miss Nellie Sue. of the Pleasant Hill community were the dinner guests of her mother Mrs. W W. Richard, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Brlttian and daughter Miss Jackie is spending jome time in Chicago, lllmois. Mrs. Jack O'Brien, spent the week end in Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Turner arid •von Master Beverly spent Monday in Shelby. Mr. Robert Wallace of Lawndale was a visitor in the community on Sunday evening. Miss Male Willis visited Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bingham of Fallston Sunday afternoon. « ; The Young Mens class of Knob Creek church enjoyed a frog gig ging Monday night on Knob creek. After the frogs were caught the class enjoyed a feast. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Dixon and children of Shelby visited relatives m the community Sunday after noon. Mr and Mrs. A. K. Moore of Le noir visited friends Saturday. There has been several mad dog cares around in the community, but no one was bitten. Remove The Cause Of Rheumatism Not Til! Then Will You Be F ree from it’s Blighting Curse I'rie Acid poison—the cause ot rheumatic agony starts to leave your body in 24 hours. Think of it—how tills old world does make progress—now comes a ■escriptien which Is known to phax acists as Allenru and within 48 hours alter you start to take this swift acting formula all pain, agony and Inflammation has departed. Truly a day for t»w «hole femlly to ■••lebrafe for instead of *eing a helplrss expensive a.'ri, lor i-tpple the hspp person is *t nor!; again. Allenru does just whet this notice says it will do—it is guaranteed by Cleveland Drug Store and leading druggists to do it—you can get one generous bottle for 85 cents and we know It will bring the joyous results ' ou expect—your money whole heartedly returned rile heart—Uv«!y settv.ty will com* again alter the nonderfu1 benefit A!!onru c ■ n*s has made ' ou ireful end hepor Snd remember this, ll'enru la Juat as effective for neuritis, sciatica mud luniba Auxiliary Hopes Every Person in Shelby Will Wear Poppy May 28 "How soon will the poppy work begin again” In go/ernment hospi tals in mr.ny parts oi the country and in * tc poppy wn:k rooms of tnc American Legion Auxiliary this question holds first importance, ac cording to Mrs. C B. Alexander chairman of the local Auxiliary Unit's memorial »n>py committee. During the winter md spring se - veral thousand disabled vetera > have been given empit \ment mak'.oc, the little red flowc. . which the Auxiliary will sell on "poppy Day. ’ May 28, to be worn in honor of t.e world wa-' dead. Now nearly ten million of'the flowers have bee i completed. The job is nearly done Until the Auxiliary starts making poppies u*ain there will be scant opportunities of employment for these disabled veterans "How ■,'on these men. who arc barred from most occupations do - cause they sacrificed their health and strength in the country's de fense, can be placed back at worx making poppies depends entirely upon the public re-pouae to ui ■ Auxiliary's poppy stile May -8 Mrs. Alexander said. "If the loi million poppies whim the disabled] veterans have made ior this year-.-] . ale are taken readily by the pubtu the Auxiliary will lr 1 able to btgiv work ear'v on a Wyer supply • ; poppies for next yews sale. "The situation for tlie disabl: i veterans ts especially desperate this year. Even in norma* times it w is difficult fer them to find an, m ans of earning money and unuev present . mployment conditions the Auxiliary's poppy pit gram off .vs 1 almost the ouly pcwsllutlty. The Au xiliary I- verv eag"*- that evervon _ in Shelbv weal a P'OPT on ‘poppv Day’ tills year, firwt; to pay tribute to the war dead; second to provide funds for relief wor* among tin disabled men and their families and finally to create more employ men for those heroic men who hair | nowhere fisc to look for work -*-; Calf Has Tongue Of Mixed Colors Albemarle. Here's something th <* should at least nutfcc the Kinst.n correspondent look to hts laiireU, and it is backed up by the word of Dr. ,T. A. Allen, of New London, asj -veil as by several Alb*'marie resi dents who have mad special wit ofinspection. It's a calf- having a tongue that is perfectly normal i.' every .re.-pect, save thf* one half u. it Is black as it is possible for any thing to be, while .he other half Is almost pure white. This unusual-j tosgued calf was born some few days ago in the herd rwnrd by Dr 1 Mien Bulwinkle In Fight To Help Save Vets Pay Lead-. Successful tight To I'metil < \it in Compensation Tor DlnahlM Washington, May Represents tivr Bulwmkle. Democrat, North Carolina, this week attacked pro posals in »hr omnibus economy bill to miner benefits to World war veterans. The Not Hi Carolinian charged ne fore the Mouse that the economy committee "did not rarefully con sider th? legislation," "The committee,' he said, •'sai'* in its report that veterans legisla tion causes a drain on the govern ment “Mv Ood. anything we can do for those men who served th. country m war can not be a drain on this country." Representative Swrlng. Repub:' ran. California, asaalied the veter ans provtetona as unfair. Representative Pditn Rog ers, Republican. Mavsuchusetts said: "I feel the committee did r.ot study the proposition sufficiently.'’ "I shall vote fo strike out the tin lire title" said Representative Crall, Republican, California, Representative Connery, Dome. ■ erat, Massachusetts, criticised the veterans bureau for ’ tea) severe" In terpretations of the law. "No matter whelm i a man i» worth $100,000 or $1 he Is entitled to some compensation for his .serv ice." said Representative William K Hull, Republican, Illinois. Rankin Serves Notice. Meanwhile, Representative Ran kin. of Mississippi, chairman of the World war veterans commute* served noticed lie would move ‘o strike out (he entire tide dealing with World war veterans benefits which affects 123.XH) persons. 'five most bitterly opposed pro*. visions, against whin the American Legion and other veterans organ isations have campaigned, would prevent any person having an in come of $1 500 If single and $2,500 if married and $400 additional for each dependent, from being entitled to any allowance, pension or free hospitalization excep.' those suffer ing from combat disability. It Is es timated tills will affect 28.300 per sons and save $13.315 000 annual'y Another provision would require that no person receiving free treat ment or substence in government hospital or home shall receive mere than $20 a month 11 without de pendents, or $75 a month If with dependents, the difference to be ap plied to the support of the home or hospital. At present. a veteran ad mitted to a hospital for aervlcs conneeted disability 'ecetves $80 a month minimum This provision would affect 9,820 persons and Is estimated to save *5.')70,000 a year. The 1931 vvr crop was short fhe world -over Rival Candidates To Work TogetKer Marion.—If the now 11th district, doesnt get a congressman H won t be because a T. James sad J. Q. Ollkey of Marlon didn't cooperate. James was given the Republican nomination for the poet and OlUcey will havo to win the Democratic primary before he can be hia party a nominee. But both men am planning to oc their fall campaigning together from the same platfmms and trav eling over the same stomping rou,,* N. C. Farmers Borrow 3 And Half Million The federal department of agri culture has loaned 39,000 North Carolina farmers some 93,900,000 for purchase of seed and fertiliser this year, most of ths borrowers being money crop farmers of the ee DUCE For a limited time only we are offering this extra ordinary opportunity to introduce and popularize this new McClaren AHroad Tire to the greater motoring public. This is the most liberal trade-in offer ever made on a McClaren A BIG CASH allowance on your old tires to apply on the purchase of this beautiful new quality tire—-the McClaren Allroad. We want thousands of motorists to be familiar with this fine tire, not by hearsay alone, but by actual road performance on their own cars. We want all to et\joy the tcttway and advantage* of rtdtef on the Allroad Tirt that is guaranteed m meriting agotnet blowouts and atone bruiaea. Spring —and the call of the open toad k here! • Make the moat of it. Enjoy the pleasure of c^re-free motoring. . Why he tire conscious5 Ride on McClarens. Bring in those old tires—let them weary us.: Try Allroads and feel the deference. Note these BIG trade-in allowances. The condition of yottr old tires makes no difference. Take advantage of this unusual opportunity. Remember 1 — the time is limited. See us today! Tire Siie Makes of Cere Allowance on Purchases of S-Ply Heary Duty Allowance on Purchases of 4-Ply Standard 4.40-21 4.50-21 4.50-20 Chevrolet Ford Chevrolet $2.60 *190 $2.55 $1.80 4.75-19 4.75-20 5 00-20 5 00-If 5.25-15 5.56-15 5.50-19 Ford Chevrolet Durant Plymouth Chrysler Plymouth Pontiac Dodge Graham Chrysler DeSoto Essex Pontiac Auburn Buick Chevrolet Chrysler DeSoto Essex Ford Oldsmobile Pontiac Auburn Buick Chrysler Dodge Hudson Hupmobile Nash Studebaker Buick Hupmobile Studebaker Dodge Nash Willys-Knight $2.70 $2.06 82.96 $2.20 $2.86 $2 20 *A$6 $2-80 M.H $2.80 $3.70 $2.60 Tire Slaa ■ Makes of Car* Allowance on Purchases of 4-Ply Heary Duly Allowance on Pnrchaaaa Of 4-Ply Standard u 6.00-16 .•> ap-c*-* j Anbom Buick i Chrysler Dodge Nash Studebaker $8.86 t 6.66-19 rs 9* Dodge Hudaon „ Hupmobile Willy »-Knight i-iiv *«* gat'; fpa. 6 00-90 Packard Nsarh | Pierce Arm*' i Studebaker WiBys-knighf 6.50-18 Auburn Had son Beo 6.50-1* .. Buick Caddtec * LaSalle Packard Pierce Arrow Studebaker 84.86 84.» 84.88 $ '•fMtHW Other sires not hated hare relatively attractive Trade-In Value* Ideal Service Station J. Reid Misenheimer, Prop The Largest ONE-STOP SERVICE In Cleveland County