■‘SSS??!!!!*?BM! VOL. XXXVIII, No. 59 SHELBY, N. C. MONDAY, MAY 16. 1932 www ■w (Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons) 8 PAGES TODAY By Mall, per yaar, (la advance) — $a.80 Carrier, oar mr /in __ Late News THE MARKET Cotton, Spot __......_SHc up Cotton Scfd, ton . _ $8 Showers Tuesday Today's North Carolina Weather Report: Generally fair and some what warmer in extreme west por tion tonight. Tuesday showers and cooler In west and north portions, j Premier Killed Tokio, Japan, May 16.—Military terrorists shot and killed Premier Suyoshl Inuka! Sunday. The prem ier was shot in the right temple and In the nose as he was talking with a visitor in his official residence. His assailants, a group of seven or eight men wearing naval or army! uniforms, shot their way into the residence to get to him. Four 'po licemen who tried to stop them were wounded. The visitor, a Mr Tanaka, also was hit by a bullet, as was a maidservant. The attack took place at 5:30 p. m.—the zero hour set for the other acts of terror! rm. City Advertises Unpaid Tax Levy Next Wednesday Only One-Sixth Levy Now Unpaid More Than 390,000 Of Total Levy Of $113,000 Already Paid. Pre pare List. The City of Shelby Will on ■ Wednesday publish the list of unpaid taxes. It was definitely announced today. Originally It Was planned to pub lish the delinquent list today but the advertising was delayed until Wednesday as the necessary four weeks can elapse then before time for selling. County taxes unpaid for 1931 are being advertised the second time today and the property will be sold, as required by law, on Mon day. June 6. With the city advertising Wed nesday, property for city taxes will be sold on Monday, June 13. Big Portion Paid. Today only about $20,000 of the $113,000 city levy for 1931 remain ed unpaid. This mean thaf almost five-sixths of the levy has been paid. Approximately the same pro portion of the county tax has been paid. This means that the delin quent list for 1931 in the county and city is little larger, if any, than in the average year in the past. A large amount of city taxes were paid Saturday, and the unpaid to tal is expected to be cut down quite a bit today before the list goes to the printers this evening. Building Sold In Business Area First Realty Trade In Several Months On Business Property In Shelby. Shelby's first realty deal Involv ing uptown business property in several months took place last week The two-story brick building in North LaPayctte street, decupled by the Shelby Hardware company, was sold by Paul Webb to Oscar Pal mer. The dea1 was handled through An thony and Anthony for a price said to be a little less thau $15,000. Ripe Tomatoes And Second Crop Cane The warm weather of the past winter season has resulted In a number of unusual agricultural happenings. Mrs. John R. Horct of Waco, picked ripe tomatoes from her gar den on Friday the 13th. Last week when Monroe Well man started to plow under the stubble of his last year’s cane crop he found that a ne v crop of cans had already started in sucker sprouts, six inches high, from the stubs. And among the other events of last week was the reporting by sev eral gardeners of new beans. Morgan Makes Talk On Work Of Barrie An interesting lecture of James M. Barrie, prominent English play wright, was given ai the Central school auditorium here Saturday night by Mr. Wilbur K. Morgan, of the facility of the Southern Work shop at Asheville* Au attentive aud ience heard the brie* review of Barries life and works and Mr. Morgan concluded with a very en joyable leading of '•ne of Barrie’s best known plays, ‘The Old Lady Shows Her Medals. ’ JR Morgan was brought here by the Contemporerv book club # Republicans Select Their County Ticket Logan Candidate For Sheriff’* Office Dixon, Martin, Walker Named For Commissioners. No Candidate For Judge, Solicitor. Cleveland County Republicans on Saturday selected their can didates for the various county offices in the election this fall. Candidates were named for practically all the major coun ty offices except recorder and solicitor of the county court. B. G. Logan, of Kings Mountain, was picked as the party's candidate for Sheriff, This selection definite ly informs that the Republicans will not leave a blank on their coun ty ticket for sheriff so that voters of the party can vote for an inde pendent candidate. Some specula tion about that place on the ticket came up several weeks ago when It was rumored that J. Cullen Mull, former Democratic candidate, was considering making the race for Sheriff on an independent ticket. Nothing was said at Saturcto’s meeting about the prospedfve candidate and Mr. Logan was the first candidate placed cn the ticket by the caucus. Committees Meet, The Republican ticket was arrang ed by a gathering of members of the county executive committee and the various precinct committees. At the county convention held some time ago the matter of picking the coun ty ticket was left to these commit tees, ahd they met here Saturday with W. R. Casstevcrs, newly elect ed county chairman, presiding. Other Nominees. Other nominees selected Saturday were: ► House of representatives—Ed Mc Claughn, Kings Mountain. Treasurer—Miss Alleen Costner, Shelby. Register of Deeds*—E. D. Ham rick, Boiling Springs. Commissioners—B. p. Dixon, Kings Mountain; D. L, Martin, Fall ston; and Spurgeon Walker, Shelby. Coroner—R. T. Mauney. Shelby R. P. D. Surveyor—Zero Mull. Man Injured In Hurried Trip To Bedside Of Wife An*o Plunges Off Bridge Into Ra!l-1 road Cut At Waco. A. W. Black Hurt. A. W, Black, wel1 known cit izen of the Waco section, was severely injured, one leg being broken, this morning when the car in which he was riding plunged through the banisters of the overhead bridge at Waco and hurtled to the railroad tracks beneath. Black was In a field at work what he was informed that his wife had suffered a severe he?ut attack. He and hts son Jumped Into their car | and started a hurled dash for their home, the son being at the steering wheel, it was said. In some manner the car failed to make the curve at the bridge and tore through the banisters to plunge into the cut. Mr. Black was rushed to the hos - pital here where it was found that he had a compound fracture of toe left leg below the knep. He also re ceived some cuts and bruises and several ribs may be fractured. His son. Yates Black, received several cuts and bruises, but was able to return home after being given first aid treatment. Mrs. Black, In the meantime, was reported to have rallied from the attack she suffered, Cleveland Fanners Now Turning To Better Cattle, Hogs And Poultry Dairymen Build Herds. Gain In Poultry. Livestock And Lespedeza. (F. H. Jeter In Charlotte Observer) Cleveland county Is known as the leading cotton county of North Carolina. However, growers cut their acreage last year by ten per cent and their fertilizer usage by 35 per cent, but due to the favor able season for cotton, the usual good yield was secured. Few grow ers received cost o' production for the crow, however. The greatest agricultural progress made in the county in 1931 was in dairying. The prices for milk, cream and butter held up fairly well while the price of feeds declined, permitting some profit. R. W. Shoffner, farm agent of Cleveland, says the program of se curing improved sires for dairymen of the country has been one of the most beneficial activities of the past year. This work was begun in 1930 and been continued since that time. As a result there is a good Increase In the construction of new bams, silos and other dairy equip ment. Seven pure bred bulls were imported from a fa.m in Tennessee mww & mum& x. Boiling Springs Finals Began On Sunday Morning Dr, Wall Preaches Baccalaureate Sermon. Dr. Kitchln Speaks Wednesday. (Special to The Star.) Boiling Springs. May 16.—Tnr commencement program of the Bolling Springs junior college a'id high school got underway yesterday and will continue through Wednes day of this week. The opening portion of the pro gram Sunday morning featured the baccalaureate sermon, which was preached by Dr. Zeno Wall, retir ing president of the college and pastor of the Shelby First Bapt'st church. Dr. Wall's topic was "The Ministry of Sympathy,” and a large congregation heard his interesting discourse. The inter-society uaders contest was held this morning at 10 o’clock High School Program At 8 o’clock this evening the graduating exercises of the high school department will be held. The college class day exercises are to be held Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock. The impromptu debating contest Is scheduled for Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock The annual play will be given Tuesday evening at 8 O'clock. The presentation Is Shakespeare’s “Ham let.” Final Program The commencement program will end with exercises beginning at 10 o’clock Wednesday morning. At this time the graduating exercises of the college will be he’d and the lit erary address will be delivered by Dr. Thurman Kitchln, president of Wake Forest coHege. A large aud ience Is expected to hear Dr. Kitch ln. Rybum Home Hit By Damaging Fire Sunday Blaze Does Around $1,900 Damage To South Washington Residence, A fire around 11:30 Sunday morn ing did considerable damage to the residence of Attorney and Mrs. R. L. Rybum on South Washington street. The blaze caught in the high roof near the rear end of the building. Firemen were unable to definitely say how the fire originated, but were of the opinion that It may have caught from the flue. Due to the height of the roof the blaze had gained considerable headway and had spread over a big portion of the house before firemen worked into the attic and turned two streams of water on the blaze from the inside. The damage was estimated be tween $1,000 and $1,500. Vets Foreign Wars To Organize Here A meeting of veterans of foreign wars will be held in the court house in Shelby on Wednesday at 8 o’clock. The purpose of the meeting Is to organize a post of Veterans of Foreign Wars. Aroas E. Bennett, of Winston-Salem, chief of staff of the State department of the organ ization and a member of the na tional council will be present. Any veteran who has served in a foreign country in any American campaign Is eligible for member ship and all veterans are urged to attend. County’s Garden * Crops Better And LargerThanEver Small Grains Also Doing Well Agricultural Official I’raise* In crease In Quantity, Quality Of Garden Crops, More acreage is devoted to gar den nnd small grain crops In Cleve land county .this year than in many years and the gardens are progress ing unusually well, according to re ports coming In to Sheiby from all sections of the county. John W. Goodman, district ex tension agent of Raleigh, was a visitor in the county last week and toured several sections with Farm Agent R. W. Shoffner "The biggest improvement In garden and small grain crops I have been this year Is in Cleveland county," he said. New Beans. Practically all farmers, as well aa town and suburban residents, who have gardens, say that theix gar dens are In better condition and progressing more rapidly than Irk years. Toy Webb and others report ed new beans last week. A large quantity of strawberries have al ready ripened, cabbage is heading nicely and onions, garden peas, sal ads, Irish potatoes, etc., look un usually good at this time Prom all reports Cleveland coun ty garden and truck patches will this year produce more food than In more than a decade, provided, of course, bad weather does not dam age the gardens later in the season. But as It is the majority of the' garden crops are well along. Farmers Invited To See Test Stand Small Grain Crops Is Located On Blanton Farm, Wort Of Shelby On Highway 80. Several Varieties, Cleveland county fanners are invited this week to inspect a test plot of a variety of small grain put out tast fall by Farm Agent R. W. Shoffner. The plot is on the Blan ton farm Just west of Shelby on Highway 20. All the various varie ties of grain are labelled, and are up and headed. They are maturing rapid!and farmers are urged to make their inspection this week to determine the best varieties of grain for this section. In the plot are seven varieties of wheat—Stoner, Red Heart, Purple Stray, Forward, Gleason, Fulcaster and Leaps. There are five varieties af oats—Texas Red Rust Proof, Lee, Norton, Fulghum and Virginia 3ray. There are two varieties of Barley—Arlington Beardless and rennessee Six. The only variety of rye In the test plot is Abruzzi. Try Answering These Can you answer 14 of these test' questions? Turn to page 7 lor the answers. I. Where is Tulane university? а. Who wrote "Great Stone Pace ’? 3. What was the title of the song Harry Lauder wrote in memory of his wife? 4. What are the colors of the French tri-color? 5. What Texas city ewperlenced a great flood in 1000? б. Of what country Is Sardinia a part? 7. What is a radiogram? 8. In aeronautics, what • is a “glider"? 9. What is the Italian form of the name Charles? 10. Who was King David Kala kaua? II. What governor of California drove a golden spike on the com pletion of the Union Pacific rail road? 12. What is a Kayak? 13. Who fas Frederic Bartholdi? 14. Why cannot a naturalized citizen become president? 15. Where is the Dead sea locat ed? 10. In what presidential campaign was the term 16 to 1 used? 17. Who is Henry r'u Yi? 18. Who was Arthur Wellesley? 19. What is the name of the Mohammedan hour of prayer? 20. In what country is Edam cheese made? Poultry Car To Be Here Wednesday Another poultry ca.- will be run by Shelby over the Seaboard on Wednesday of this week by tne Cleveland Farmer' Mutual Ex change of which B Austell is man ager, ^5ff?55SSffE? -J£3 A Sorrowful Lmdy At Boy’s Funeral A pitiful figure. Col. Lindbergh, is shown ynerowd intttk exclusive photo, leaving the morgue at Trenton, N. J., after viewing the body of ms murdered baby son. Tfrie famous. £ier broke down and required medical assistance after st*mpH*ng the handbeoek of the, fiendish kidnappers. Lindbergh Aids Search For Men Who Killed Son Condon S>ay» Hr Know* Name Of Man Who Oot UdfOOO In Ransom Money, Hopewell, N. J., May HI.—The fev eriah hunt oyer land, sea and sky for the Lindbergh oaby killers wm given momentum by the personal efforts of Col. Charles A. Lindbergh yesterday while the aged “Jafste" of the case sought to pirk from a rogue's gallery the likeness of thr -extortionist to whom he paid $80. 000 ransom. Dr. John P. Condon, the 72-yeat old educator who tossed the pacaet of money to a man In the mar icy stillness of a cemetery near his New York home, appeared at New York police headquarters shortly after noon. He was accompanied by three men believed to be New Jersey detec tives. They went at once to the bureau of criminal identification, where thousands of criminals’ pictures were on file. Hours later they still were pouring over toe photographs. Dr. Condon already said he knew the name, nationality, and physical characteristics of the man who per petrated the hoax upon him. “I know all about him,” the aged1 Intermediary added. Whether this man—and the five gang members with whom John Hughes curtts and Colonel Lind bergh himself negotiated—played a part in the kidnaping and murder or merely tried to commercialize a crime committed by others, was the major moot question confronting officials. Curtis answered aodltional ques tions at police headquarters at the Lindbergh estate. It was announced officially, and supplied information for further search by authorities. In the words of Col. H. Norman Schwarzkopf: “Colonel Lindbergh is actively co operating with the police authori ties and is assisting no in every way he can.” Up and down the eastern coast raced a flotilla of J5 cutters, some hundred smaller government craft and a complement or airplanes, all heavily armed, in quest of the ves sel used by the gang which tor tured Col. Lindbergh with avasive reports about his son whom they claimed Vo be their captive. The coast guard searchers had a full description of the boat and the men, furnished them by Curtis through New Jersey officials. They even knew the nicknames of the quintet whose boat for weeks had maneuvered up and down the seaboard, sending cryptic messages to Curtts and Colonel Lindbergh; making appointments only to break them; harassing an already frantic father with messages of hope and then messages that plunged hue Into despair; leading him on until the very moment when he received the tragic news he wculd never see his first born alive again. Mull To Speak At New Bethel Sunday Memorial services will be held at New Bethel Baptist church near Lawndale on Sunday. May 22nd. John P. Mull will deliver the mem orial address. Special music has been planned and dfnner will be served in picnic style, State Contests Aged Man’s Body Found This Morn In Roadside Ditch Bodr-o^Man Believed To IV Sherd fCihiflfT Found Jus*. Om Line In Rutherford. » _____ Thu body of an aged man, thought to be Sherd Beheler of tbu Moore* boro uectlou, eras found this morning in a deep ditch by the aide of an old road Just beyond Six Points in Ruth erford county between Mnorm boro and Henrietta. The spot Is a mile or so beyond the Cieve I land county line. The gruesome discovery was made by a man by the name of Dobbins who lives nearby. Ho happened to glance In the ditch, or gully, which is six or seven feet deep, as he was going to work. Indications were that the man had been dead for some time, possibly a week or two weeks. The body was somewhat decomposed, making it difficult to ldentltfy the dead man One report had It that he had last been seen Friday a week ago when he had dinner In that section with a friend or relative. The aged man had been living about with his children, it was said Just after noon today at the Lovelace store In Mooresboro, One son, Andy Beheler, lives about a mile or so from Moor esboro, It is said. The point where the body was found is around three miles out of Mooresboro. Just how long the aged man had been dead or what caused hie death had not been determined at X o'clock this afternoon. He may have died from natural causes and when this was written there had been no re ported rumors of foul play of any type. One supposition advanced was that he had been walking along the abandoned road whe nhe had a stroke or became 111 and fell In the ditch. The Royal Arch Capter will meet tonight at 8 o’clock, at the Masonic Temple. The Royal Arch degree will be conferred on three candi dates In "The Good Old Fashioned Way.” All companions are expect ed to attend. Charges Fountain Turning On His Own Party As He Views His Defeat CriWcld* Acts Of Legislature To Which His Own Name Is Signed. Gastonia, May 16.—Speaking here Friday night John C. B. Ehring t'haus, candidate for the Democra"c nomination for governor in the pri mary next month, delivered his her alded reply to the recent Raleigh speech by Lieut. Gov R. T. Foun tain, another candidate, who pro pounded his now famous six-point inquiry at Ehrlnghaus the early part of this week. Striking fire in pis declaration that Fountains speech w not 4 .* .-.jv -- il merely ati attack on Oovernor Gardner but rather an attack upon the entire Democratic party which he la asking to place him at its head, Ehringhaus good humoredly rapped big opponent lor what he termed his failure to stand upon the record of his party. If Mr. Fountain does not sub scribe to what he knows will be come a part of the Democratic plat form, said Ehringhaus, then he should not be a candidate. Music To Republicans. “Mr. Fountain’s Raleigh speechi has been well described as his 'sw an ispili |£§S K9m-i - J Kkringtoaa* Reminds Of KounUki Jm*y Reynolds r tshlnc Mor rtsrfn Now. Si. R. DtTNNaflAN Stay News Boreas Raleigh, May 16—The political campaign la beginning to give ofl Intermittent steam, foreshadowing the explosive type during the com ing less than three weeks until the primary, and has taken the ques tion and answer form, especially It the gubernatorial clash, and parti cularly between R. T. Fountain and J. C. B. Khrtnghaus. Prancing or the side line is A. J Maxwell, ap parently deriving much fun out cl the Ehrlnghaus-Founfain exchanges from which he Is In large measure excluded. Mr. Fountain, from manuscript delivered a speech here early last week which was admittedly one of the host and clearest so far deliv ered, and took positions on several matters which h c had hitherto touched lightly, fits taend, however, was toward criticism of Governor Gardner and his administration, and! In turn, Mr. Ehringhaus. described as Governor Gardner’s candidate. Mr. Ehringhaus came back with answers and more questions Friday night, referring to the Fountain de livery as his "swan-song," or “the last desperate effort of a man who contemplates his Inevitable defeat. Ha describes it as "music In th* ears of tie Republicans of North Carolina,” but it chU’ed the hearts of the loyal Democrats throughout the state and awakened a feeling of wonder that one who had so long been the beneficiary of their favors should turn upon nis party’s rec ord.” It constitutes the best political document the Republicans will have In the next campaign. Mr. Ehrlng uhaus describing satisfaction of (CONTOiOSD ON PA OK EIGHT.) Avon Players To Be At Kings Mountain The Avon Players with Robert and Harold Selman in the cast, will present “Leave It To Me” at Kings Mountain on Thursday even ing, May 19th, beginning at 8.15 o’clock. The performance is being repeated by request on oceount of rain on Saturday, April 30th. This production is sponsored by the Woman's club of that city and the entire cast are real artists. Few Changes In Principals Fo r County Schools Young New Principal For Bel wood Hliurton Return* To No. 3, Cory To Fallxfnn. Dennis To PoHcville, Kin* At VfKH). Prin&pals for praetloaily all tba liUth and elementary schools of Cleveland county have boon select* cd for next year. It was learned to day at the office of J, H. Orlgg, county superintendent of educa tion. Th« mu parity of th« principals of term just closed were reelected by the school boards. In ono of the few changes made Harvey m. Yoiuig goes to Belwood to succeed Prof, c. A. Ledford as principal. Just where Prof. Ledford will go next year has not been definitely announced. Mr. Your.g comes to Belwood from the Maiden high school in Catawba county and is. if Is said, well recommended. Prof. Lawton Blanton returns aa principal of the No. 3 consolidated. Prof. c. M. King goes back to Waco. .Prof. W. R. Oary to Fallston, Prof. H M. Loy to Casar, Prof. P. \t. vBfggerstaff to Piedmont, ProT. J. h. Dennis to PoHevttle, Prof. Olenn Stine to Istttlmore, »nd Prof. J. A. Kiser to Mooreeboro. It has mot been officially announced but It is understood that Prof. B, T. Byrd will be back at drover and Prof. O P. Hamrick at Boiling Springs. In some of the other larger schools not In the high school classi fication, Alvin Props', was reelected •as principal of the Dover school land Ivey WHUs, now a member of •the county board of education will be the new principal at Moriah. A new principal, according to reports, will be at Beth ware, and It is unof ficially said that Mrs. J. J. Nichols will agsJn head the Parkgrnce school south of Kings Mountain. A majority of these principals have been in the county schools tar a number of years, several foe many years, and their rejection indi cates that their work Is highly re garded. Annual Sermon For Nunes At First Baptist tongiwgattua Attends Snrr» fce« Last Might. <.rf»d«j*ti<m Tuesday Evening. Uuitdreils of Shelity people l|»u# the auditorium at &e First Bap tist church here last night tot the beocaiaureate sermon of the grad uating class of the Shelby hospital s school of nursing. The sermon was r/eaohed by Dr. Zeno Wall, pastor of the church, and hte theme was "Whet j Do With My Life?” A special section was reserved lor the graduating class of nurses, eight In all and the largest class yet to be graduated at the local hospitrt. Eraser Speaks The graduating exercises for the nurses will be held at the Central high school auditorium Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, a* which tla* C principal address will be made Dr. W. H. Fraaer president of Queena-Chfcora college, Charlotte, and the general public Is Invited to attend. The following is the program: Processional, Mm. H a Plaster: Invocation, Dr. E. K. McLarty; vocal trio, “Murmuring Zephyrs," Mesdames Ben Buttls. Dale Raltrr, and Miss Bertha Bostic, Mrs. H. S. Plaster, accompanist; violin so*o, “Masurka De Concert," Mr. O. B. Lewis, Miss Ethel Elmore, accom panist; introduction of speaker, Dr. E. K. McLarty; address, Dr, W. H. Fraser; vocal solo, ''TaUyhoo” Mr. Horace Easom, Mrs. H. B. Plarjtr-, accompanist ;presentaMon of diplo mas, Mrs. W. B. Nix. presentation of pins. Miss Ella H MacNlchols; presentation of rnedd Miss Louise Dimm; valedictory, Miss Daisy V. Hamrick; song, scPobl of nurses, Miss Mary Helen Lattlmore, ac companist; benediction. Rev. 3. W. Buttle. Hopper Reunion ’At Buffalo On May 21 The animal Hoppec reunion win be held with the Buffalo people at the Buffalo church to South Caro lina on Saturday before the fourth Sunday in May. AH friends and ret* a tires are cordially w.vlted. Rev. J h. Jenkins, pastor at Boiling Springs will deliver the memorial address. Rev. Mr. Davidson the pastor w:l» also preach and dipner will be eerved in picnic style & m

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