Save Time and Effort. Why Walk A Mile Or More For A Prospect? Use Star Want Advts. — — They G et Results — — Charge Is Small, Results Large k WhatYouWant 1 V lit the Rates For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. This size 1 cent per word each insertion This size typj 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3c per. word each insertion USE.D AUTO AND TRUCK j parts Automobile glass installed j Finlj Iron and Metal Co. West i Warren street. Phone 580 u Ur If Your Feet Hurt You or If you are sullen & *ioiri n»r< ous dlsurOei.s oeilailili'v to seme,1 have Dr Scholls Fool Hr present u tlve examine them •iw A. Y. Wray & (j Sons TeiriTiL’ilElie U% fiVSnV L'lv ecripdon for quick s'.iument, close J price.* J. J. Creniiui, oumter. S t tf c li'GH CLASS IviONUM CM7> Marble and granite Cleveland Ma bio and Granite V,oiks, Wo,' Wa. ,an St ti i IT 13 A SIIAME TO GO BAT , foot cl y;hen Wray's »tav* slices .>1 high quality so rf i-coably c.'ir Children’' slices 48c pair t<5 $?’19 Women’s frem 88c to 66,95.' Mod from SI.S3 to $795. a V Wray ana 6 Sons. • If ..>• SAVE MORE THAN ONt. J i our 1)1 on automobile the*. ti-SJZ t'v up Smith Garage. ou U K PLANTS FOR SALE We have best varieties of Large t o m a t o plants. Also N a n c y Hall and Porto Rico potato plants. D. A. Beam Co. 2t-13e FOR RENT: 2 OR 3 UNFTjE- ' nlshed rooms. Desirable location, rent reasonable. Apoiy 508 W. War den St. or call 642-J. tf 13c BUY OUR WpEK OLD . chicks at 8c and raise them without heat or a hen. Suttle Hatchery. £t-tfic ■if”THE OLD LACKEY HOHSbAs be me torn down. Al! kinds of | building material for sale. Phooo 699 Sh«’V N. C. £. F. Me K inn A.' 2t ICp >■ _. .. __ WANTED: WORK BY REFIN ED ' middle aged, white lady m house keeper or companion to old pcbdle ,or maid in boarding house or both Mrs. Nealy Addy, Luieberger street No. 84. It 16p FOR RENT: THE POWNSTAlRS of, my residence, 408 South Wash* Ington St., possess*.o.i June 1st. J. M. Black. 3t 13r. FOR SALeTlLOYD ROOM BABY carriage cheap. CaU f ‘2-J. tf 13c ~LOST- ON SHFLTiY STREETr: bunch o' keys. Name "Oaks" cn large key. Teleuaoi.e Lily MU store. It 16p SLIP LOVERS MADE TO MEAh ure. Blankets, cuf*!’-? and quiTr washed. *"100 righ\ 'hi South La Fayette etyeet. 6t Op FOR SALE: WE have Crowder peas. The best early grreen cow peas. D. A. Beam Co. .... 2t-13c “for SALE: rv.o YOUNG fresh milk cows, J M. Carpenter R-l, Belwood. 2t Up SALE or VARIABLE VASM PROPERTY Under und by virtu* of the author1 tv I conferred upon us in a deed of trust ex-* ecuted liy Melvin R Ctreen and wlfo, Lillie Green. Jonathan Green and wtf*. L. A. Graan on the 35th day of Me* 1937 and recorded In hook 141. page 511 ye will »n Saturday the 4ib day of June, 1*37, 17 o'clock noor at the eotiri house door In Clevelmd county. Shelby N. c., -el1 at pubhc auc tion for cash to the highest bidder ,1.4 following 'and to-wlt Being the first tra:*. o> land describe: 1n deed of record In the office of the register of deeds of deyr land county. ,s C.. in book 3-8. paw* 238. and be nt joined on'lhe N by > . lands of John VcBrayer. on the W by the lands 0 John. UcBrayer. on the K by Essie Green and W. W. Green, and on the 8. by Pel fry Rollins end be ne d scribed by mettf and bounds as follows' Beginning at a stone in line of lot No 8 corner of Suit Green: thence with her hne N. 76'4 W S chains to her stone-cirner; thence N. 71, E. #10 chains to a s-or.e In road, corner of Essie Graen. and John Mo Brayer; thence with John McBrayor l line, tf. 891» W. 11.37 chains to a ste-i, old cornet now John McBrayer’s; thence B. 4 W. 17 71 chains to a maple on tne 8 bank of branch olo corner: turner wltli old line s 58 E 4 chaini to a atone cor ‘er of Belfry llo'llnsf thtoeO N. 15 E. 5 chains to a stone; thence 8. 73 K. l.n chains to a etona W. W. Groan's eorrter: thence N 15 fc *3 choino lo a atone: thence N. 87 4 fc. S chains to a atone; thence N. 5V4 E. 3 chains to tin place of beginning, containing 1* 65 acre,. Thlt sale la inode by reason of the fail ure Of Melvin H. Oroen and wlft. LlUi-s Green and Jonathan Ocean and wife. L A. Gre*n to pay off tne indebtedness aa Oured by said deed of trust. A deposit of 10 percent will be required from the purchaser at the sale. Thlr Of* 30 th day of April, IBM. C. H. DIXON Recorder for Trust National Bank of Durham, Trustee. 4 Durham. W c. «t May 9c New House News Of Current Week i Special to The Star) Tift farmers of .his section arc a'most through planting. With .he Lift showers the first plantings are almost ready for wo:k Gardens arc looking good. Mr, Garland Shuiord has be. r. eating cabbage from her garden. There was a largo crowd attetid i"g El iotts church Sunday schoU Sum 'ey. Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'McFarland dtmgh'er. Joan, visited Mr. and Mr-. Charlie Daves Sunday alter The people of this community are s-'rrv to: liter of the death of Mr. Asbtrry Jones, father of M1*. Amos Jones. Master Marion Geltys spew Thursday with his grandmother. Mir sc t I.tila Wiggins. Brunette Beam an t Mis'. Edit i Davis visited Ma'SP Daves Sunday afternoon. The ones on the sick list arc Mr::. Ezrr.ol Workman. Mr. Geo-ge Beam. Mrs. Minnie Davis. Mas Mamtc tee ‘Jones, Miss Miry* Lizzie Melton and Mrs. Jul.r Elliott. Miss Francis and Lillian Palmer motored to Shelby Thursday after noon. Misses Doris and PSjchia Bearn entertained a number of friends to a party few days ago. A large number of friends visit 3d Mrs. J. V. Gettys Saturday night to hear the radio. Mr. Max Davis visited Miss Lucy Mae Melton Sunday Mr. MCV: Greene *\ lilted Miss Doris Beam Sunday. SUNDAY PAPERS AND MAGA zines reserved ups-’ request at Newt’s. tf i.ic MAGAZINES AM) NEWSPA pers of nil kinds at Newt’s, tt iAc NANCY- HALL AND POKTG Rico potato slips, t ie hundred 1> P. Beam, R-3 Law.'isle. 3t iip Ar<? ' cur WATERWORKS ALL RIGHT? Anything Wrong wttn m ur PLUMBING? •."a’i E. B. Hill PHONE 5B9 MODERN PLUMBING And HE M ING CO. SI fflstento "There's more hard luck ahead I hear. The locust plague 13 due this year.” “It may be right' good luck, old icout. Since most of as are down and out, a few hot bowls of lo cust stew might help us see the summer through... There was a time In days gone by when lo cust plagues made people sigh. It’s nor.’ a blessing in disguise. I’m eager for some locust pies.’’ l’es, there’s a bright side to everything. At.’J when you order a prescription filled at Sloop's, the bright ride is that you get It filled with the purest drugs and compounded with the great est care. The cost, too, is very low, SLOOP’S PHARMACY REOlSTEftED DftUOGISTS — Phone No. 2 — PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED ONLY BY Answers To Star’s Question Box On Page One 1. New Oilcans, La. 2. Nathaniel Hawthorne. 3. "The Flower o' the Heath*' 4. Red, white and blue 5. Galveston. 6 Italy 7. A massage sent by radio. 8. A motorless airplane. 9. Carlo. 10. Kins of the Hawaiian Island.. 11. Governor Stan'.orci. 12. An Eskimo skin teat or canj.1 13. French sculptor. 14. The constitution prohibits it 15. In Palestine. 10. The campaign .of 1896, 17. The ex-boy emperor of China, now the "president" of the new Manchurian state. 18. First Duke of Wellington 19. Azan. 20. Holland Cleveland Cloth Mill News Items (Special to Tile Slue 1 | May 13—Mr. J. E. McGill, who has been working at Hemp spent I the week-end with his wile and ' family. We are glad to know that Mrs. H. S. Reynolds has returned home after staying at the hospital at Burlington. She is improving great ly. ! Misses Ada fair and Ihlv Reyn olds and Mr. Harry Reynolds and Mr. Frank Powers visited friends at Burlington during the latter part of the week. Mr. Roy Hoskins and Frank Pow ell. of Kannapolis, spent, the week end with Mr. Marvin Ensley. Mrs. T. E. Teele and son. Harry 'spent the day with the former's I mother, Mrs. S. T. Greer at Green ville, S. C. Miss Alta Fair, who has been working at Burlington spent the latter part of the week with her silvers. | Mr. and Mrs. Dee McCraw and ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE Hit tag Qualified as administrator of the estate of C. J. Bridges deceased, 'a.e of Ct*velnrc county, Vo*tl> Carolina. tH? Is lo notify all p^rsous' having claims against the estate of said deeeasd to ev hib.t ttfem to the und-ii^ned at Boiling Springs, N. C.. on or he,ore the 5th day of May. 19->? or tiiii notice will be plead ed in bar o* their rocmery. All oers indebted ’ to said estate will please n»*w.e immediate payment. w This the 5th d»y of May 193? C R. HAMRICK Administrator oi C J. Fridges, dee»fised. Qliinn Ar Hamrick. Attva 6t May \DMI NIS TR A TOR ** NOT It V Having qualified On April 19th 19j2 as administrator of the estate of Mrs. Alice Runyan, lata of Clevelr nd county, tine is to notify all persons having claims Against the 'said estate tc present them to me at 1400 Statcs'di’e Avenue, Cn ir lotte. N. Z, properlv proven on or before the Ittft day of Apri' 1933 or this no tice will he pleaded in br • of any recovery thereof All persons iwh.g the said es tate wifi please make immediate settle ment to th* undersigned This May 9tn. 1932. THOMAS P RTTVy/.NS, Administra tor Mrs. Alice Run' ans, deceased. it May ftp family and Mr. and Mrs. f. uraig and family spent the day at Lenoir Sunday We Are glad to -oport that Mlsr Trula Mae Dixon la lmpwlng after being 111 for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper and family spfnt the day with their mother., Mrs. E. E. Waddell Sunday. Mrs. Carrie Clart of Charlotte \ laltcd Mrs. Ella Trammell Sunday. Mrs. Vance Kiser and son of (dro ver visited Mrs. E. T. Dixon Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tidwell and family of Rock Hill. S. C;, visited Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Padgett. Mr. Wtlham Jones. Mr. Johnnie Wayne and Mr. Ivan Davis of Win der. Oa.. visited the former's aunt, Mrs. Williams. Vlooresboro News Of Late Interest Dr. Welchel Attends Baptist Can* retitlon. Other Personal Mention. (Special to The Star.* Moorcsboro, May Is.—Dr. WelCiie..) lour pas'.or. will attend the conven-1 tlon at St. Petersburg. Fla., week. Mr. an'l Mrs. W. \Y. Greene. Hr- • I'cert and Mildred Or sene spent Sun- i 'day in Asheville, Mr. and Mrs. John Scoggins and j i.Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gieene and chll ■ciren of Charlotte attended the i memorial here on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Furr and U’> | ,1c son cf Asheville spent Sunday | with Mrs. Anna Greene, i Misses Alma and Gladys Ellis aid | Mr. A. V. Greene rt» Asheville at I tended the memorial Saturday and spent a few days with Mrs. B. P. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICS Ha'ing thla day quaitiled AS adminis trator of the estate uf ,1*o:es E. Pv», de ceased, this Is to notify nil persons hac ing ciaima against the said estate to pre sent them to me properly proven or ..r b»(or» the 2nd day of Abril, 1833 o> thia notice will be pleaded In bar ot any. -a oovery thereof. All peiseos owing the ! sahl ertate *UJ please mate immediate I settlement to the undersigned. Thu I April 2. 1033 HERMAN GR1QO. Lawndale Ad ministrator James a. Dye. deceased , St April 4 Pd NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE .North Carolina. Cleveixod County. In Superior Court. P. F. Urigg Plaintiff vs. N. F. Bi^gigardner and JJre. N r Bum gardner. Defendants. By virtue of an execution directed t" the undersigned from the tuperor cou-t of Cleveland cluntv 'n the above en titled caus*. I, as sheriff of Cievelu-d county, will on Monday. June Sth. l9i'J 'at 12 o clock. noon. s. the court noo;» door In Shelby. N. c r -1 ’ to the high a' t bidder for cash to a&tij'v an execution in the above cause, all the right, title and Interest which the said N P. Bumgard ner and M,s. N. P B imgardner hive In the following described real estato, to wn: One lot situated in South Shelby from | ing on Beam street and being a part cf the resident lot of said N. P. BumgarU ner and M-s. 17. P. Bumgardner. aatd let being lot No 64 as described in a deed from Robert T Sullivan and wife. Minnie Sullivan, to N P. Bumgardner and wife. Mary Butngarfiner. daleo July 18. IDiC and recorded in boob PL'D at page *37 in the register's office of Cleveland coun ty, aiso being that same lot shown a. No. 54 on a plat of the ’.V N. Dodd prop erty recorded In book o. plats No. t ai page 3 tn the register's office of Clew Isnd eonnty. Said lot celng 90 feet front on Beam street and extends back to a ten foot alley 145 feet on ore side and ISf.e feet on the other side Reference to here by had to the aforementioned deed ana plat of record in the register'll office for a more complete description of said lot by rretea and bounds. This the 26th day of April, 1932. I. M ALLEN, Sneriff of Cleveland County 4t AprJfc ureene. Mr. Berry Seruggk of Charlotte, spent the week-end with his moth er. Mrs. Scruggs. Mrs. 3tralt and children of Rock Hill returned to Choir home last wetk after visiUng Mrs. J. B. Blan ton for a few days. Judge Webb Will Address Session Shelby Jurist To Speak Befuie Rutherford County Club And Klwanls c'ob. Rutherfnrdton, May 13.—-Hon. g win Yates Webb of Shelby, judge of the United States district court for Western North Carolina and a former member of congress for many years, will address the May meeting of the Rutherford County club at the Spindale House, Thurs day, May 19, at 7 p. nv The Forest City and Rutherfordton Klwanls clubs will be invited to hold their Palmer’* Funeral Home Phone hi JACK PALMER HOWARD GOLD GRADY LOVELACE T. W. Ebeltoft Grocer and Boole Seller Phone — 82 9 in inlying... you save in usinq KT BAKING liV POWDER SAME PRICE •^TOROVER 7 40 YEARS 25 ounces for 25$ 1 * ***> Ofr WIUlONj O f POUNDi Mfio Hr QyHCOVlRHMlHI •meetings next week rt the sa'm time and place Forest City club. Monday uight voted to attend. Tic*, ladles nt the First baptist church, Spindale, will serve (hr meal. Judge Webb is c ^rcted to dis cuss '■Government Costs, Expend!* turcs and How Th>/ Can Be Re duced." Tlie progra.i coiftriiltteB cl the County club ha. been anxl »us to have this noted Jurist address the club lor some yem? and he has agreed to do so. He " ill be holding court In Asheville tic xt week. But will drive over to rtlie meeting ol the three clubs. France Is changing Its laws to make divoroe harder The thing that makes divorce so hard in the United States U alln.tny. Have Your Eyea Examined Regularly DRS. H. D. & R. L. WILSON OPTOMETRISTS Office Over Paul Webb & Son’s Drug Store. DAN FRAZIER Civil Engineer And Surveyor Farm Surveys, Sub-divis ions, Plats and General Engineering Practice. * Phone 417 - I I i SERVICE FREEMAN’S SHOE SHOP ASK ANYBODY Basement Pendleton’s Double Sprints Personals Mr, anti Mrs. Milton Hawkins of I Shelby were visitors of Mr. and t>, R. Hawkins Sondav. Mr. and Mrs Koven Carpenter and children visited Mr and Mrs J B Carpenter near Waco Sunday Miss Blanche Davis spent Satur- | day ntsfht with her sister Mrs. Mil ton Hawkins of Shelby. Mr. and Mr*. Bill Glaacoe visited Mr. and Mrs. John Glaec'oe Of Beaver Dam Sunday. . 1 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Greene and children of Hickory were visitor* of Mrs J. C. Greene Sunday. I / Telephone .. Mrs. Green "Mother Mjfi to fcurrj as H sounds like ■■ iapartiat eall.” "Tell her that HI be erer u aooa u I can take the dinner oat of the store.” Do yon nae year neigh bor's telephone? Think how much better it would he to hare one of year own. Then yon need not bother anyone, and year friends ean call yon without em barrassment. The eitin family will find many am far the phone, with tka added comfort af knowing tfc emergendM the telephone is alwayn randy ta man aid. Yon, too, ean bare a telephone af year aim far a few cento a day. In fact, tke oetwice la an law in that it really doesn't pay ta try ta da wifkowt k iU i! TOOTS AND CASPER A Blow In Defense. SOPHIE PUBLICLY STATED SHE'LL PROVE TO THE WORLD THAT I'M NOT THE UNBLEMISHED INDIVIDUAL PEOPLE THINK I AM,BUT I DON'T KNOW WHAT SHE'S DRIVIN6 AT = I SWEAR --— k' OON'T' / OSL. WHY doesn't COLONEL HOOFER ACT INDIFFERENT ABOUT SOPHIE. INSTEAD OF ^ fcOlN6 AROUND MOANING? SHE TREATS HIM LUCE DIRT UNDER HER FEET AND MAKES HIM LIKE . IT! IF I WAS IN HIS SHOES AND IF I WAS MARRIED TO THAT BATTLE" AXE 'iftV iMUrtiri »••• -irf.. f j / WHY, YOU INSULTIN4-! Uimmy Nurph-V^ 1 £ - »MARINE “U- AMVBOOV CAUUN6 I SOPHIE % battled WATCH POM t*VBUD*»mNTS IN TH* HOOMR A Promise Or A Threat! SOPHIE HOOFER PROMISES STARTUN4 REVELATIONS AT DIVORCE <gL TRIAL! ^>ME WILL TELL. ALL AND PROVE TO THE WORLD THAT HER SPOUSE IS NOT AM UNBLEMISHED INDIVIDUAL as people think, SHE EMPHATICALLY OECLARED IN ANOTHER INTERVIEW TOgAg! ARE YOU TRYING TO INSINUATE THAT COLONEL HOOFER HAS A DEEP, DARK PAST. SOPHIE f YOU WAIT AND SEE, TOOTS', YOU'RE DUE FOR? A SHOCK I i YOU'RE <*0lN4 TO [ LISTEN TO THE NEATEST BIT OF SCANDAL THAT YOU EVER HEARD! aa WHAT IS TOUR WIFE DRIVING AT COLONEL HOOFER? WHAT IS SHE CrONNA THINK SOPHIE KES TO HEAR HERSELF TALK. CASPER! I CAN'T THINK of anythin*, BAD I EVER DID. ANDTHATS THE 405PEL TRUTH! I CAN'T IMAGINE ' WHAT SOPHIE MEANS BY SAYING SHE'S 40NNA EXPOSE ME1. WHAT HAVE 1 DONE ? LET ME THINK! 4000 HEAVENSlX^ AN IT BE THERE'S SOML DARK SECRE" IN COLONEL HOOFER'S PAST? MAYBE SHE MEANS THAT TIME IN KENTUCKY! IS SHE v 40NNA BRINti THAT _^~\up? 4reat ^jh~\SCOTTJ Were all CURIOUS TO KNOW1 THE WHOLE WORLD IS WAITING TO LISTEN TO THE TESTIMONY AT a THE TRIAL! ^

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