Vote For Robert R. Reynolds I*cr U. i:. Senate brv; 'I Reynolds, of Asheville, : nclicia'-t’ lor the United States sen na from North Carolina to succeed Senator Cameron Morrison, has drawn op a platform of principles ar.d objectives for which he will work., if nominated end elected. These refdrm; in govunnfent should appeal to the great, host of middle class folk upon .whose well being the prosperity of North Carolina arid of the whole nation must rise or fall. “I am opposed to the centraliza • ion of government ai d the concen tration of great wealth Into a few hands.” says Mr. Reynolds. “Un earned money U a dangerous thing for any or any group of men I believe in equal opportunitites for all— better government and tax re lief—Th-v are with' me and I am with them—we are in accord.’ Reynolds’ platform is a progres sive one; “X favor end shall Insist ■ upon— ,UI Equal rights to all and special privileges to none— Divorce the Wall Etrcet thieves from the administration. Special privileges granted by the govern ment has given tilth to mono polies, fattened by business, de stroyed the little business, made milllorvutes of the few and re duced the many to poverty . (2) Full Payment of all War Debts by the Allied Powns to our Gov ernment— Even though the Morgans and the other internat onal bankers will lose billions of dollars. We demand the eleven; billion dollars they owe ns and it shoud be paid by tfnm and not by our over burdened tax payers. (3) Banning of Immigrants for the next quarter of a century. Close the gates securely, Let's keep America for Americans and make it a better and safer place in which tq live. (41 Enactment of Laws that will absolutely protect depositors of all banks. (5) Modification of our national prohibition laws whi.'h do not pro hibit— Never oid prohibit and never will prohibit. It has made hypocrites of citizens, created disrespect for law and already coat our state and federal governments ten bil lion dollars. empe’ed our treasur ies and raised our taxes. (6) Distribution of light and power it fair rates to the consumers. Stop the power trusts from over charging for service and by their political manipulation from shift ing their Just portion of taxes to the shoulders of the little man. (7) Relief for the Fanner— Cotton and tobacco growers can’t secure cost of production—yet one tobacco company declared a 35 million dollar dividend in 1931. These deplorable conditions must be remedied. (81 Reduction of high taxes— By the elimination of many un necessary offices, commissions and boards, the wilful waste of public funds and reduction of govern ment costs. (9) Abolish the Federal Farm Board Which has ruined the farmers and used half a billion dollars wholly for building up political fence for Herbert Hoovar. (10) Pay the Sold'ors the Balance of Service Compensation— Congress has gii'in two billion dollars to broken down banks and millionaires “dependent” on them. Now let’s pay our soldiers who won the war. BOB REYNOLDS SAYS: “I am not half so strongly in fav or of a revision of our prohibition laws as l am opposed to the evils that they have brought into exist snee. My appeal, therefore, Is not to the liquor interest nor to the moral degenerates, oat rather to the itraight-thinking cit;.tens who are 633. B v> WEATHER’’. Administrator ol IVm. Fred Weatheis. Ot May lit NOTICE or SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Notice Is hereby given that the under signed will eell at public auction on Thursday, June »th. l«t at 11 M. or within legal hours, at the courthouse door in Shelby, N. C„ the following proparty: 1 Oldsmoblle coupe. Motor Number F54832, Serial Number CCJM. The said sale to satisfy a laborer’s and mechanics lien, and for storage bill. a. provided in C. 8. 3435. N C. Code. Terms of sale, cash This May 9th, 1932. TILLMAN SERVICF STATION. By C. C. Tillman. 2t 35C PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS North Carolina, Cleveland County. In the Superior Court St fore the Clerk The County ol Cleveland, N. C., Plaintiff vs. Mrs. W n. Hamrick, and Husband, W. D Hamrick, and all persons claiming any interest In the subject matter of this action. Defendants. Mrs. W D. Hamrick and husband, W D. Hamrick, and all persons claiming any Interest In the subject matter of this ac tion, will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commenced In the superior court of Cleveland County, N. C„ to foreclose tax rale certificate for Cleveland rounty for the tax year 1929, the same owned and mid by the plain tiff against real property in Cleveland county, the same being’ Farm tn No. 2 township known as Sim mons farm and containing 71 acres, tbs : same being on the Hortoc Perry road. I That said unknown parties aforesaid are proper and necessary parties to said ac tion and the relief demanded consists of excluding the aforesaid defendants and all persons claiming any Interest In the sub lect matter of this acthn from any ac tual or contingent lnterert In or lien upon said real property, and said persons will further take notice that they are required to appear before the clerk of the superior court at the court house In Bhelby, N. C., on or before the 30th day of June 1932. and answer or demur