Late News THE MARKET Cotton, Spot , _554c op Cotton Seed, ton . --..... 58 Fair Tuesday Today's North Carolina Weather Report: Generally fair tonight and Tuesday. Texas Wet? Dallas. Texas, July 25—With tab ulation nearly complete in Texas' Democratic primary Saturday it appears as if “Ma" Ferguson, form er governor of the State, and Ross Sterling, present governor will go Into a run-off primary for the nomination. Mrs. Ferguson, whose name is Miriam, has served as gov ernor as has her husband, James E- Ferguson. In returns to date she leads Sterling by 70,000 votes, but there were six other candidates and idle did not have a majority. In the same primary Texans ap peared to favor a resubmission of the prohibition amendment with the vote tabulated so far showing 170, 000 for submitting prohibition to a vote and 70,000 opposed. Vacation Over Today For Ten Thousand'Pupils AU Rural High Schools, Eight Short Term Schools And Colored Schools Resume Work. The short summer vacation end ed today for between nine and ten thousand school boys and girls In Cleveland county. This morning students of 54 Cleve- j land county schools returned ( to their books for a two months ses sion before closing again In the fall to aid in the annual cotton pick ing. The schools opening today in cluded all 11 of the standard rural high schools, eight short term schools, and all the colored schools. Meetings of teachers and prin cipals were held in several sections of the county last week, all princi pals meeting at the court house I here Friday, afid this morning the school routine began. Annual Custom The early opening has been an annual custom in the county since Cleveland became one’of the lead ing cotton producers in the State A number of years ago farmers learned that they needed their children on the farm more in the fall, at harvest time, than in late summer after crops were laid by. and it was then that the idea originated of opening the schools for two months during the lull period on the farm and closing for a month or six weeks, some times longer, in the fall. Beltoood School Faculty Given H. M. Young Is Principal Succeed ing C. A. Ledford—Another Teacher Later. Belwood school opened today along with the other schools of the county in order to give in a few weeks work before the schools generally close few the cotton har vest season. H M. Young Is the new principal, succeeding C. A. Ledford who has moved with his family to Boiling Springs. The following teachers constitute the faculty: A. K. Moore teacher of science; Mr. Wilson teacher of history and mathematics, Mary Beth Warlick teacher of home economics; Dewey Divine seventh grade; Lloyd Turner sixth grade; Blanche Lattimore fifth grade; Minnie Mull fourth grade; Mary Elizabeth Lee third grade; Lala Martin and Pansy Matthews second grade; Jennie Mae Callahan and Clara Williams first grade; Elisabeth Spangler music. It Is hoped to add an elementary teacher later. Prof. Young, the principal, expresses the hope that all who expect to attend will begin with the first school days. Club Boys, Girls Return From Camp 4-H Club Members Returned Sat urday From Week At Swan nanoa Camp. Around 140 Cleveland county boys and girls returned home Saturday from a week's stay at the Swan hanoa 4-H club camp in the moun tains near Asheville. The young members of the 4-H clubs in the county were accomp anied by the two county agents and around a dozen adult club leaders. They enjoyed their encampment, were greatly benefitted by the dem onstrations and lectures, and all considered it the best encampment in the history of the county clubs. When their txisses rolled, back in Shelby Saturday they were parked on East Graham street and the boys and girls formed a parade around the court square, giving their club veils and songs. E. 8 PAGES TODAY VOL. XXXVIII, No. 89 SHELBY, N. C. MONDAY. JULY 25, 1932 (Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons) Mali, par r«ar. (in adrtneai - * Pamir. Mr r«ar. tin advuaMi tS.M City Tax Rate Cut 10 Cents By Board Municipal Budget Now Completed Rat? Of $1.05 On $100 Fropertv Valuation Has Been Practical ly Agreed Cpon. A reduction of ten rents in the city's tax rate for this year has been practically agreed upon by the mayor and board of aldermen. This will bring the tax rate to $1.05 as compared with $1.15 last year. For the past month the city of ficials have been making up the budget for the fiscal year which be gan July 1st. An audit firm of Charlotte has been helping the city prepare the budget and audit the books for the past year. This bud get and audit will come up for ap proval at a called meeting of the board to be held one day this week. At the beginning of the McMurry administration, there was a hang over floating debt of $94,000 accord ing to the present mayor and the tax rate for the first year of his administration was raised to $1.49 This debt was wiped out the first year because of economy and the increase In levenue because of the higher rate and the following year the rate was $1.25. The following year 1931 the rate was reduced to $1.15 and by strict Economy another reduction of ten cen|s has been agreed upon for 1932. bringing the rate to 31.05. It is un derstood that most of this reduction comes from the operation of the city schools. The itrictest economy has been practised, say tht-.-s close to the administration and it will be difficult to live with ihe budget during the present fiscal year be cause of the falling off in revenue from the light department. School Opens At Mooresboro 3. A. Kiser Continues A* Principal. Miss Lewis Succeeds Miss Royster. (Special to The Star) Mooresboro, July 2.—A number of girls and boys are oack In school here today, as the local school be gan activity this morning with only one change in the faculty. This one change being necessary ?o fill the vacancy left by Miss Roberta Royster, who became Mrs. W. J. Wortman shortly after the close of last term. The faculty follows: High school. Mr. J. A. Kiser, prin cipal: Mr. J. D. Huggins, math and English, Miss Janet Falls. French and history. Elementary department: Mr. S. W. Greene, sixth and seventh grad es and high school coach: Miss Lew is mew member) fourth and fifth grades: Miss Lucy Lattimore, third grade; Miss Louise Roberts, second grade; Mrs. Joe McSwain, first grade. School Allotments State allotments for the school districts in Cleveland county for the extended terms next spring follow: Grover, $376,02: Boiling Springs, $12.18; Waco $589.54: No. 3 Township, $2,065.43; Lattimore. $953.26; Mooresboro. $970.73; No. 8 Town ship, $1,730.64; Park-Grace, none: Piedmont, none; Fall ston, $1,269.84; Belwood, $2, 282.69: Casar. $1,854.61; Moriah, $648.77; Kings Mountain, $660. 96; Shelby, $769.72. Local Scouts Will Tramp Linville Gorge 22 Miles Troup No. T Headed By Ed More head Off On Expedition For Several Day*. Twenty three boys from the South Shelby Boy Scout troup left Satur day night at 10 o'clock for Llnevtlle Falls In command of Scout Master Ed Morehead to spend several days exploring the gorge. ^ They will start at the fall and follow the meanderings of the Llne vllle River to Lake James, a dis tance of twenty two miles. Each boy Is equipped with scout paraph ernalia and while secluded on their journey will do their own cooking and sleep on blankets on the ground. It Is expected that it will take from two to three days to explore the gorge and follow the river from the Falls to the Lake. This is one of the mast difficult scouting parties ever formed in Cleveland county by members of the scout troops and the boys were highly elated over the prospects of the trip before they left Two Acres Supply Family With Flour Bob Bridge* Gets 54 Bushels On Two Acres. Urged For AU Fanners. Two acres in wheat for every family in Cleveland county would take care of the bread -ingle of the food supply. That is the advanced belief of several men who advocate the plan. One of them speaking of the plan said: "If every landowner in the county would see to it that fach tenant gets two acres in wheat, there would be no hunger in tnis county next year. Likewise, if some meth od could be arranged whereby that acreage could be set aside for the unemployed families in the city, the flour supply In Shelby could be taken care of next year at a very low cost." There is no connection between the proposed plan and the wheat production of R. H. <Bob> Bridges, of the Union section, but the wheat made by Mr. Bridges this year on two acres offers support to the idea. Mr. Bridges put around two acres In wheat, he said Satur day, and the entire dost of the crop, not including labor, ran between $6 and $8. according to an estimate. From the plot he made 54 bushels. That, is enough wheat, as he figures it, to supply flour for his family for 16 or 18 months, Borders Reunion To Be Held August 16 Descendant* Of Major Hugh Bord ers To Gather At Antioch Church. The annual reunion of the des cendants of Major Hugh Borders and wife, Luvicy Sepaugh Borders, their relatives and friends, will be held at Antioch church, three miles east of Grover, N. C, on Tuesday, August 16th. 1932, beginning at 10 o'clock. A. M. An interesting pro gram will be prepared and a picnic served on the grounds. Needless to say that well-filled baskets will be appreciated. You are cordially invited to attend. Roosevelt Will Open Campaign For White House In New Jersey Aug. 27 Reported That Smith May Attend Meeting And He And Roosevelt May Make Peace. New York. July 23.—In New Jer sey, heart of the eastern industrial section, one of "A1 Smith's strong holds, Governor Roosevelt on Aug ust 27 will launch his personal cam paign for the presidency. Democracy’s standard bearer will begin 10 weeks of intensive travel ing. speech-making and vote-seek ing when he goes to Sea Girt, N. J., on that day to address a rally. If the expectations of Jersey lead ers hold true, 100,000 democrats will greet thetr nominee on that occas ion . ion. , Hoo”*r alii have opened hlf onn campaign with his speech of ac ceptance. The Roosevelt announcement came from Mayor Frank Hague of! Jersey City, Smith’s floor leader at Chicago, who has thrown the entire support of his Jersey organization behind the man he cought to de feat. Persistent but unverified reports are that the seashore rally will be marked by a public reconciliation of Roosevelt and Smith. The "Happy Warrior of 1928’’ and the nominee of 1932 have not met since their followers fought at Chi cago. Neither has Smith made any statement about his attitude toward Roosevelt politically except to say he will support the party in Novem ber. All Smith's close associates would say about the prospect cf his going to Sea Girt, where IW.OOO hahed him in 1928, was He has received no invitation yet.” Meanwhile, James A. Farley, new i lCONTINUED OH PAG* SIGHT.) Hope To Build Shelby, Marion Road From Fund Would Bring Many Jobs To Section Federal bill Provides For Construc tion. Project Promised By Commission. This immediate flection may be one of the first to feel the encouraging: effect of the new Federal building program to re lieve the unemployment situa tion as it Is now hoped that the Shelby-Marion highway will be one of the building pro jects first let out of North Car olina's more than two million dollar share of the construction fund. The proposed highway link to Join the county seats of McDowell and Cleveland has been under con sideration for months. Last year engineers were sent here to survey the route and the State highway commission stated the road would be built at an early date Just after the survey work started the State building fund decreased to the point that all construction work had to be halted. At that time announce ment was made that the highway would be built just as soon as funds were available Remembering that announcement has caused people and highway officials in this sec tion to be optimistic now that funds are available. No News ct. W. A. Broadway. road engineer in this district, stated today that he has as yet heard nothing definite about the prospects. ''Nevertheless l am hoping that this will be one of the first roads built," he said. ‘Everything was in readiness to be gin construction work when the road-building program m the State was halted. Now that the. State has been alloted its quota of the Feder al fund and It is all to go In road building and road Improvement, it is only natural to believe that the road will be constructed.” Give Many Work. If. as is hoped .work on the road is started at an early date, employ ment would be given to quite a number of people in the section The requirements of the Federal bill rule that free or convict labor cannot be used in building work from the Federal fund and that the work must be given to people now unemployed. E. B. Jeffress, chairman of the highway commission, war quoted in a dispatch from Raleigh as saying that he estimated $2 daily would be a fair minimum wage for labor ers in view of the fact that labor ers will be allowed to work only 30 hours per week. The board, he said, w-ould set a minimum tor skilled and unskilled labor, the wages tc be included In calls for bids ac cording to provisions of the bill. The Federal bill is considered liberal in that it permits treatment of sur face on either new or old roads. May Know Tuesday. f The highway commission meets In Raleigh tomorrow and it is pos sible, it is said, that a few projects for early letting will he approved | at that time. There is some hope here that the Shelby-Marion link will be among that number. Any way, the definite date of August 10 has been set for the daj* on which contracts will be let. Mrs. Short, 92, Died Last Night Aged County Lady Dead. Funeral Service This Afternoon At Lattimore Church. Mrs. Elizabeth Milina Short, aged 92. died last night at the home o( son-in-law, Ben Cooper, cm Gard ner street. She was the widow of Bill Short who died in 1911. Funeral services were held this afternoon at 2 o'clock at Lattimore Baptist church, where Mrs. Short has been a loyal member for many years. Conducting the service were Rev. I. D. Harrtll and Rev. D. G Washburn. Mrs. Short was born and reared In the Lattimore section, but had made her home in Shelby for two years. She was one of the oldest and best known women in the coun ty. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs S. B. Cooper, 20 grandchildren and 20 great grandchildren. Infant’s ■' Funeral Held This Morning ^urseral services for the infant son of Mr and Mrs Bub Walker were held this morning at 10:30 o'clock at Clover Hill. The infant died Sunday morning. Fishing Lesson for Speaker » WS.S» -™—— --- .... ' ' --- I Statecraft seems, in some myatenoua way, to be connected with fishing. Maybe that is why Speaker John Nance Garner of Texas, Democratic nominee for the Vice-Presidency, is the latest statesman to succumb to the lure of rod and line. The Speaker is shown as he received some valu able advice on the art from Ross Brumfield, wtoom Gamer characterises \ »s “the best fisherman in Texas.” They met at the Speaker's home town, I Uvalde, Tex. At left is Gamer's granddaughter, Genevieve Garner. Looking For A Cool Place? See The Sheriff About A ‘Cooler’ Berth When some wit started a new bit of slant by railing a Jail or hoosegow “the cooler" he likely did not know that the roolect plare In Shelby is “the cooler" —the county jail. Sheriff Irvin Allen read last week, during that sizzling heat wave, about the northern man who approached officers and asked to be put in “the cooler’’ because he was just burning up. and then the local sheriff en dorsed the yarn. "Some people may not JMiow It,* he said, “but I’m positive that the coolest place in Shelby Is the third floor of the Jail. It’s high up where all the breesr ran hit It without bring held bark by surrounding buildings or wind-breakers, and during the summer all the windows on earh side are open and a breese is blowing through all the time. Perhaps it will not be as hot this week as it was last, and the majority are hoping so, but should the mercury begin to sli sle and pop again, just remem ber the sheriff's tip: "the cooler" Is the coolest plane tn town and the sheriff Is willing to test it out for the skeptical Closed County Mills Now Operating Again i ..— Ella Mill of Shelby And Phoenix of Kings Mountain Kesume After Long Stand-Still Two textile Mills of the coun ty, the Ella Division of the Con solidated Textile Corporation of Shelby and the Phoenix Mill of Kings Mountain resumed op eration this morning. This was glad news to the op erative and to the public generally for the Ella had been idle for si* weeks and the Phoenix has run only three days in thirteen weeks. There Is no appreciable Improve ment in the mill business, but tex tile officials returned from markets in the North feel that by early fall, there will be brightening skies which will warrant operation on a full or curtailed bas*. Mr, Miller of the Ella stated this morning that the Ella would run on a 55 hour basis this week to re duce inventories and that he con fidently hoped the situation would be greatly improved by September 1st. Mr. Earl A Hamrick,%receiver for the Phoenix Mill at Kings Moun tain states that the Phoenix start ed on a full 120 hour basis. This mill has run only three days lr. thirteen weeks. Just how long op eration would continue, Mr. Ham rick was unable to say. It Is understood that the other local textile plants ate running several days each week and that the officials feel a little encouraged that in the near future their business will warrant fuller time. Knox Hardin Put On City Police Force Knox Hardin has been added to the city’s police force, according to an announcement by Mayor S. A. McMucry today. There has been so much petty thievery, it has been decided to add another policeman. When the mayor was asked if Mr. Hardin would be on day or night duty, he stated that that would be in the discretion of Chief McBride Poston Bince Policeman Marsha! Moore had his hip b-ck»n i-ome «eeKS .ago when st^uctr bv an automobile, the police force has been short one man. Mr. Hardin has already entered up- j on his duties. , •Health Winners To Contest In Raleigh A number of boys and girls, mem bers of the county 4-H clubs, lefl today for Raleigh to attend the an nual short course week of instruc tion at State college. Among those going were Charle! i Palmer and Mary Sue Holland Cleveland boy and girl who wor the honor of being the healthiest in Piedmont and Western Carolina In Raleigh they compete with east ern winners for State honors. Rev. S. Elliott Fill* First Baptist Pulpit Rev. Sylvester Elliott of Paris Ark., filled the pulpit Sunday morn ing at the First Baptist church preaching a strong sermon on "Put (ting God First.” Mr. Elliott is a na itive of the Beams Mill section anc is now pastor of the First Baptist church in Paris. Ark He and hi! family are here on vacation. He ha! a brother, Rev. Yancey Elliott whc Is also a minuter of which the county is Justly proud. Board Cuts County Tax Rate 7 Cents Superior Court Convened Today Judge Schenck Presiding. Criminal Docket Mar Knd On Thursday. A two weeks term of Superior court convened tn Shelby t-hl* morn ing with Judge Michael Schenek presiding This week will be given over to the criminal docket which may be completed Thursday or Friday. The latter part of the week and neirt week will be taken up with the> heavy civil calendar. Two killing casses are among the feature trials scheduled for the criminal session. Solicitor Spurgeon Spurling la prosecutor; Frank L. Hoyle, former clerk of court, Is foreman of the grand Jury; Jerry Runyaas Is courtn officer and Henry McKinney Is of ficer in charge of the Jury. The good behavior docket and the Judge's charge were completed this morning and this afternoon the court began it* active grind on the docket. Oil Companies Get Back On Profit Basis New York July 23—Reports of some of the larger oil companies for the first half of the year tend to bear out the claims made In oil quarters some time ago that this industry had "turned the corner." Under the program of restriction of crude production and cooperative action In marketing practices, many of the producing and distributing companies have converted louses in ito profits. Try Answering These I. Name the lightest wood? 3. Who la Adolph Hitler? 3. What 1* a Canuck? 4. Has the U, 8. a diplomatic re presentative In Soviet Russia? 6. How many kinds of 39rd de gree Masons are there? 8. Which President was buried at Springfield, Illinois? 7. What ts the difference In standard time between New York and Sen Franciaco? 8. Name the last appointee to the V. a Supreme Court? fl. Which Chinese city was the scene of fighting between Japanese and Chinese troops recently? 10. What time In English history did the "Barebone" parliament sit? II. When did China adopt the Gregorian Calendar? 13. Name the straits separating Europe from Africa? 13 Which Macedonian king was a world conqueror? 14. What is another name for a sea mile? 15. What Is the name ot the most recently discovered planet? 16. Who was the author of "Gul liver’s Travels?'’ 17. What is Speaker John N. Gar ner’s middle name? 18. Who was chairman of the Resolution Committee of the lsist Republican convention? 19. How many persons comprise a grand Jury? 30. Which state has political sub divisions called parishes? Masters Benjamin Gold and David Royster are spending a few days this week with the Gardners at tht Mansion in Raleigh. Cleveland Will Get $14,000 From State For Extended School Terms Board Of Equalization Announces Allotment Of 5989,000. Finances Two Months. Raleigh. July 25.—Tile state board of equalization last week announced allotment of $989,861.70 for extend ed school term aid to 9C of the state's 100 counties. The allotment. $510,138.30 less than the legislative ippropriation for the two months extended school term, is about $450,000 less than the allotment of the last school year, which was $1,430,000. Leroy Martin secretary of the board, said that about $1,330,000 of the allotment for last year had been called for by the counties and that he anticipates they will demand $950 000 of next year's money. No state funds are paid to the counties until they hate raised their share for the extended term. Precedent Set. The new allotments, tor the first1 time, are made to only include those schools which actually operated ex tended terms last school year. In previous years allotments have been made to Include all institutions which county superintendents esti mated would run the extra two months beyond the state standard. Allotments are made upon a need and ability basis. The need is the calculated cost for the two months term and the ability is the amount of revenue a county will be able to get from a uniform tax rate upon a determined valuation In other words, a county with a valuation of $1,000,000 and a 17 cent tax rate would raise $1,700. If the school costs would be $2,000 the state aid is the difference, $1,300. Cleveland county's allotment was $14.18439. Allotments for neighbor ing counties were as follows: Burke, $4.96181; Catawba, $20,603.43; Gas ton, $6,189.87; Lincoln $11.75274: Rutherford, $16,768,84. Rale Now 43 Cents \ 14% Lower Gm^mwI Rate l-owrred rrom 26 Te IH Ofirti. Township Road Tax Alao Reduced. The t board of county cumm»s«an« srs Holding a special session fl&re today approved the budget for tlte year and announced a county-wide tax reduction of seven cents. The commissioners, *11 „of wham go out of office this year, In an nouncing the cut, gave the average tax-payer a pleasant surprise in that it was generally believed that It would be impossible to out the tax rate more than five cents, if that much. The new total rate Is 43 cants as compared with the previous rate of 50 cents, and unless other sizable reduction* arc made It Is likely that. Cleveland will have the lowest county-wide rate of the 100 coun ties In North Carolina. All Off County The entire reduction comes off the general or so-called county-wide levy and the school rate remains the same. The county budget Is divided In two major heads—the county-wide unit and the school unit. Last year the county-wlcle rate was 35 cents and the school rate was also 36 cents The new levy Is 18 cents foe county-wide and the same 36 cents for schools, mak ing a total of 43 cents. The reduction from the percent age standpoint Is 14 percent. Other Cuts Made Prom a general standpoint, how ever. the tax levy reduction is ^really around 12 cents Instead of seven cents. Only seven cents is removed from the county-wide levy for all tax-payers, but varying reductions were made In the road tax levy in the various townships. These town ship reductions ranged from two to 10 cents for an average of five cents. This levy by townships Is for debt service and not lor road construc tion In that county roads are now maintained by the State. The new 46-cent levy is Itemised as follows by Chairman A. E. dine and Commissioner George Lattimors and R L. Weathers: Unit Rate General Pond .... . 12 1-2 Poor Pund _ S Debt Service.. 2 1-2 Old Rate 1» a Total . 18 Schools _ 28 Pull Total__ 43 26 26 i Township Rates The township levy for road bond* and Interest is as follows: Township New No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. — . 40 -.... ............. 16 — -. HI .. b special .. 5 .. 15 8 V 20 15 Old 4> 20 U 9 30 8 V] aoi IT No. 9 Lawndale__ 5 No. No. 10 U io< 30 35 30; Hospital____ 8 30 S Figured In Dollars The budget set-up for the year calls for $62,300 for operating ex pense for everything. Of this amount $117,800 is secured from sources other than taxation, leav ing an amount of $40028 to be rais ed by taxation. This is approxi mately $5,000 less than the $45,007 that had to be raised last year. Valuation Drops me reaucuon in tne tax levy u considered even more unusual when it is noted by the budget figures that personal property valuation at the last listing fell off around one million dollars. It required cutting expenses at every corner, presum ably, to reduce the tax rate seven cents despite the loss of a million In valuation for taxation. The total valuation for real and personal property In the county was estimat ed at $35,500,000. The budget, which will be pub lished in full In the next Issue of The Star, as required by law, will show Just how the various reduc tions were made in order to Out the rate. Salary cuts and expense for supplies were among the lead ing items. The county paid salaries of the welfare officers and two agents were reduced from $3,250 to (2,800 a slash of $450. In the new budget the welfare officer receives $800 per year from the county, the farm agent $1000 and the home agent $1,000. Auditor W. A. Richards, of Char lotte, Is now completing his audit of all county books for last year and the audit figures will show, he says, a comfortable balance in both the county-wide and school funds

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