Flying as Fast as the Speed of Sound SINCE the flying rate of airplane?, during the last 19 years, has been increased front 50 miles to more than 100 miles an hour and the fact that man feels no discomfort, apart from the noise of the engine, when traveling steadily at the record-breaking speed, is encouraging aviation experts to look ahead to still greater speeds until it may be possible to reach a point some where near the speed at which sound travels, which is 740 miles an hour or feet a second. "The question might reasonably be asked whether the speed of sound might be reached for a short time, say one minute. a« many mall and a few large projectiles start their flight, at speeds greater than that of sound.” says J, h. Naylor, M. A., in the Scientific Ameri can, “’To attain or exceed the speed of sound by any known method except a rocket Will need a high acceleration for many seconds, so that experiments in this di rection are not likely to produce good results. Moreover1, even with rockets When Mosquitoes Bite Their Worst PERIODS when mosquitoes bite best,-or worst, have been revealed by entomologists of the Unifed States Department of Agriculture. Some mosquitoes bite only at night, while others bite only during the day. Some* bite most at sunrise, and others are busiest at sundown. . Only the female mosquito bites. The male feeds on nectar and similar sub stances from plants. The ‘‘rain barrel” or common mos quito bites only at night. When flying it makes a singing noise. The vellow-fever mosquito usually bites only in the daytime and is busiest early in the morning and late in the afternoon. It flics quietly. It will bite indoors all day. The fresh-water marsh mosquito is busiest just at dusk. It spends the day in the grass and will bite during the day if disturbed. Malarial mosquitoes will bit* all nright long and on dark days. the difficulty of landinic safely will bo great even with an airplane structure; in fact, Herr Opel’s experiments on roc ket cars and airplanes have not been so successful as to warrant a vigorous piosecution of this line of research. “In another way high accelerations are sure to be incurred as it is necessary to return at some time to a starting: point. ' I he amount of arcrleratior? e x - perieneed i n a fast modern air plane during a tight turn is a measure of the p i 1 o t’s feeling' rather than the speed of the air craft, as he is trained not to ex cifd certain stresses so as not to break the struc ture. Considering the simple turn it is immediately ob vious that turn ing on the same circle at 400 miles per hour will put on stresses nine times as high as 183.3 miles per hour, a fast cruis ing speed for a civil airplane The alternative is to turn in a wider circle, ivhich in view of the speed reached meana a verj wide sweep. Therefore, very high speed air craft are going to need large maneuver areas, apart from any considerations of the distances re quired to take off and land even under ideal conditions. “In the high-speed car problem, the The Strange7Tree of Destiny77 That Sheds*Its Blood GROWING at the foot of the Acro polis, one of the most, famous ruins of antiquity, is one of the strangest, phenomena of all plant life— a tree which is described as literally bleeding itself to death. Early each June this mysterious woody plant, which is known as the “Tree of Destiny,” shoots its long trunks into the air as if by magic out of a soil apparently devoid of all nourishment. After several weeks when the trunk of this tree, which is also called the "temple of the light of the Acropolis,” because of its resemblance on occasions to a giant candelabra, it suddenly ex tends its branches at the ends of which appear spongelike growths. At ma turity the tree bursts into a mass of crimson blossoms from which drop a liquid that has the appearance of blood. When the last blossom has shed its last drop of “blood” the tree then dies and its trunks become fragil, hollow, stalks that are easily broken by the first wind that blows. The “Tree of Destiny,” which reaches maturity within two months after its shoot has thrust its head above ground, is supposed to obtain its nourishment from large parasitic plants growing at its base. These plants closely resemble the cactus that grows on American 1 deserts, although the leaves are not as coarse, but they have sawlike edges and are sharply pointed. L Abo*e: l.hnitrntag a High S|ifrd Airplane in a Re rrnll* Inaugurated One liar Tranarontinenlal Passenger Service. An Early StageCoach b Shown at the Right. Rig Head-on View of a Apeert-Plahe Show ing ihe Small Fron tal Area. runs have been along straight atretches. the car losing most, of its speed before turning for a run in the opposite direc tion ; as in only a few parts of the world are there long straight flat stretches of ground, very high speed motors must remain a pure sport without any com mercial development other than a strm gent test of materials, manufacture and design. The aircraft, once it is in the air, does not suffer from this restric tion. hut it is dependent on the care needed not to overstrain the human body. The high-speed aircraft for the average flier will, therefore, hava to be flown with eare and have large areas in whicji to maneuver. Apart from this need for care, there is at present no limitation imposed on 'high speeds by the mere human factor. “Until races are inaugurated on pilot less aircraft controlled by wireless or some other means, the first essential is to Glass Blackboards THE familiar slate blackboard of the schoolroom may soon be rele gated to the past and its place taken by blackboards of glass. _ Slate, and particularly slate suitable for blackboards, is a natural product found in a restricted area in eastern Pennsylvania, according to The Chemi cal Digest. It is inevitable that it even tually will be exhausted. Hence the sub stitution of glass. The problem was one of developing glass by treating it in such a way that it could be given a surface as fine and velvety as slate, and at the same time he perfectly durable by incorporating a fine abrasive. The tests show perfect results. The glass board is approximately the same thickness, weighs the same per square foot and is erected in exactly the same way as slate. When This Mr*terr Tree Mature*.' It Bursts Into a Mass of Crimson Blossom* from TCHirh Flo“ a Woodlike Liquid. The Tree Then Dies end Its Trunk Be. come* a Fragile. Hollow Stalk. a How Mortar Is Strensthened with Susar MORTAR made* of lime-sand, when sweetened with cane sugar, Is greatly strengthened, according to a paper presented before the Sugar Division of the American Chemical Society recently by Drs. Ger ald J. Cox and John Metschl, of the Mellon Institute of Industrial Research, at Pittsburgh. Such an application of sugar is not new, as it is believed that the Romans made use of such materials in mortars that have certainly stood the test of time. Also, in sugar-growing countries, it is known that sugar hss b«»n employed to increase the strength of mortar. Drt 'Cox and Metschl found thet there is rerv good reason for the empirical practice of “sweetening” mortar. From their experiments they ascertained that mortar which contains sugar equal to 6 percent of the quick-lime content has a tensile strength 60 percent greater than that of mortar containing no sugar. Further tests are planned of compres sion strength, setting time, and dura bility as influenced by cane sugar. The process of mixing the sugar with the mortar is quite simple. The sugar is dissolved in part of the gaging water and mixed in with the sand and lime. The sugar must not be mixed with the lime before slaking. ‘ With the present low price of sugar. tHeflve or six pounds of sugar necessary fOr 100 pounds of lime fs only a sm.sli addition to the cost of laying bricks or plastering a wall. FMtUTM 8f Hou) Experts in Aviation Plan a New Engine That Can Drive An Airplane at the Rate oj 1,080 Feet a Second. I.efli A Pilot Shown in Contra*! with thr l.n ■ine (Shaded Part) to Indicate the Degree of Streamlining. Right. Thia ('.hart Show* llnw Airplane Speed* in 19 Year* Have lnerra*eil from SO Mile* to 0*ei 400 Mile* an Hour. carry a pilot. Anyone who has wen the •mall space allowed for the driver of the racing car and the smaller space for the racing plane pilot will realize that eery close attention has been paid to presenting the minimum resistance to . the air. If we take the frontal area of a man sitting down a* four square feet, then his resistance at 400 miles per hour is of the order of 2,000 pounds, nearly one ton. “The frontal area of one of the most efficient types of airplane yet developed does not greatly exceed that of a sitting map, being 40 inches high and 30 inches wide, dimensions which permit of a streamline body to enclose the pilot suit ably behind it and a view forward be tween the two banks of cylinder!. It gains its 2300 brake horsepower at a weight of 1630 pounds, representing a ne wer increase over the 1020 engine of 21 per cent for a weight increase of six and one-half per cent. From a calcula tion based on the improvement attained iri the speed record it would seem that in the ‘sprint’ engine at. least another 300 horsepower must have been de veloped for approximately the same total , weight by running the engine at a higher speed—a remarkable achievement. “The high power developed by the en gine means a great expenditure of heat.” Mr. fv’aylor continues, “and this has to be dissipated rapidly or else the engine would overheat, and fail to function. A rough idea of the rate of fuereonsumed van He gaged when it is realized that the gasoline is burned faster than it ran be pouted out of a two-gallon ran. “At present there seems to be no limit, in sight to the maxi mum speed that ran he reached. The curve given in the accompany ing chart shows how the speeds have increased steadily each year and the anparejit slackening tiff in 1931 is due to the more severe conditions of last year. The speed record has. however, j uinped forward ■ ri the two years by at least the same amount as previously. (feurtm «f Th« !ki*nnfl# Aon«H(wn “"hat then are the limitation*? "IC the engine designer ran continue to construct engines which will run still faster without* proportional increaia in weight, so that the weight per horse power is still further reduced, then the' aerodynamist will devise means, perhaps using wings whose area can be altered at will, so that the engine can he taken into the air, be pulled at still higher spends by the airscrew (which has by no means reached its limits of design), cooled by devices for making more effi cient the available surfaces of the craft,, and no doubt, if the power available be. large enough, design a much larger body into which the floats with their load of fuel can be absorbed after the craft has lift the water. “Already there arc airplanes flying in v hich arrangements have been made to retract the undercarriage wheel* into the body and floats may well be expected to follow. The saving in resistance, if floats and struts were omitted, would amount to as much as one-half the total for the whole aircraft. Given the neces sary incentive and the funds, there ap pears to bn no reason why speeds should not continuously increase until they ap proach the velocity of sound at 740 milas per hour,” • - - 4 Paint as a Thermometer PAINT which will change color with changes in temperature thereby in dieating vleuafly the temperature cycle through which the painted surface passes under a given set of condition* is the uniaue development described in Chemical and Metallurgical Engineer ing. This paint is made by mixing inti mately one part by weight of cuprous iodide with two parts of mercuric iodide, either dry or with the addition of a lit tle water. If water is employed, it must be evaporated by the application of a gentle heat at a temperature below 140 degrees Fahrenheit. When dry, the mix ture should Ik- ground to a fine powder, which is then mixed with a thin, light colored, non-acid oil or spirit varnish. The resulting paint i* applied with brush.. Metals such as tinned iron or brass may be given one or more coats, but the paint should not he applied to aluminum as the resulting chemical action destroys the jjaint. A surface covered or striped with this paint—(or example, a bearing 4 or machine pari—will be bright reo from room temperature to 130 degrees Fahrenheit, at which temperature per. ceptible darkening occurs. At 135 de green, the paint is noticeably darker and at 145 degrees it is maroon. At 156 de grees, it assumes a light chocolate color; and at 160 degrees, it is dark chocolate. When it has reached 190 de grees, it attains the darkest, color that can be distinguished; and at 212 degrees, it is almost black. In cooling, the color cycle Is reversed, with the exception that the dark choco- >■' late color appears at 170 decrees in stead of 160 degrees, and temperatures between 212 and 170 degrees are not readily determinable, Below 170, the colors re-appear at the temperatures in dicated for the ascending scale, and the cycle can he repeated as often as de sired. A stripe of the paint on a hot water tank will show readily the hot water level. Bringing the Jungle to the City SHOULD you ever feel the call of a thrilling: adventure in the jun gle it is now no longer neces sary to organize an elabo rate expedition and proceed to some distant tropical land in the heart of Africa or India. All you have to do today is to wend your way Perfect Skins of Tigers and Other Wild llrasls, After Being Chemically Treated. Are Stretched Over Skilfully Sculp tured Models oftfthc Originals, Then Placed in Natural Pose* and Surrounded hy jungle Scenery. lo me American use urn ui Natural History in New York City where you can place yourself in the midst of jungle surroundings of a startling naturalness. The lure of the dense and mysterious jungle with all of its thrills has been brought to blase Broadway and the habitues of that glittering world-famed thoroughfare now need to walk no farther than a few city blocks before they find themselves suddenly plunged into the heart of a tropical jungle and a veritable wilder ness of ferocious-looking lions, glower ing tigers, menacing rhinoceroses and other wild creatures. Contrary to the popullr conception nf * museum as a place where specimens see assembled, stiffly arranged and then left merely to collect dust, the great ex id!e»t«. fuc.. It It Mbits at the American Museum of Natural History are constantly being augmented and presented in the most( lifelike manner that the science of taxi dermy ran devise. Thus, as the scientist and explorer extends his sway over ihe jungle, the beasts of the jungle find their way in ajl their natural environment into the heart of the world’s greatest city. Ferocious tigers, for example, are seen crouched to spring out of the tall jungle glass upon their unsuspecting prey. Bold lions impudently stare back at the visitor and rhinoceroses stand in the threatening sttitudeof a charge. A look is • thrill, for the. beasts are surrounded hv the rorki and foliage of their native lairs. The effect is startlingly realistic, in spite of the fact that the animals art confined in glass cages. v . Perfect skins of magnificent speci-. *■ mens of jungle-land, after being chemi cally treated, were stretched over skil fully sculptured models of the original animals. The figures were then placed" O in lifelike poses in a setting of tree*, grasses and reeds that were either brought direct from the jungle or fash- - - ioned from paintings made on the spot.* After the figure of each animal fead ’ been completed its fur was carefully brushed to give it a natural sheen. Even'--• - the eyebrows of each animal were pen- ' oiled and its claws manicured to add to its lifelike appearance.