I 8 PAGES I TODAY VOL. XXXVIII, No. 103 __ SHELBY, N. C. FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1932 (Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons) tty Mill, per veer, On advance) — U.st. 1 ■'‘Tier, ner tear. (in Mvancai n.n Late News THE MARKET C otton, Spirt 8% Cotton Seed, per ton in car Lots. F. O. B. ..$12.00 Showers Likely Today's North Carolina Weather Report: Partly cloudy with local showers in west portion tonight and in west and north portions Satur day. Slightly warmer (onlght In ex treme west portion. Amelia’s Hop Newark. N. J„ Aug. 26.—Mrs. Amelia Earhart Putnam, a tired but cheerful aviatrlx in brown jodhpurs and a leatlier jacket, landed at New ark airport yesterday completing the first non-stop spanning of the con tinent ever made by a woman flier. Succeeding where she l ad failed once before, the tousle-haired young woman brought her crimson, and gold high wing Lockheed Vega mon oplane down in a perfect three point landing at 10:31 a. m. (Eastern Standard Time*, exactly- nineteen hours, four minutes,, six. seconds after her hopoff from Los Angeles. Hoover Hopes To Carry State This Fall, Report Says >«■< rrtarv Think* North Carolina Mill C.o K'publican Again. Also Elect Newell Tilt Republican party expect to carry North Carolina for Hoove again this fall, and likewise elect ■lake Newell. Republican candi date, to the enate. over Bob Rey nolds. Writing to the. Charlotte News H. E. C. Bryant, Washington cor respondent, says That the administration expects Hoover to carry North Carolina again this year was made very clear at the White House Thursday morning when some press repres enfatlve asked Walter H, Newton DOlitical secretary to the presiden: if any states were being conceded to the Democrats ■We are conceding nothing," said he. "Not even the south. Two states there may go Democratic but 1 will not name them." "What about North Carolina?' he was asked. "We, will carry it,,”... Wc will elect a United Slate senator there; we have reports that Jake Newell, Republican candidate, u popular, a good lawyer. and i very good campaigner, and the Re publican leaders expect to sew him elected.” . This talk took place at the morn ing conference with the newspaper men. and Mr Newton was the spokesman for the administration. Gardner Sees Win For Party; Talks With Taxi Drivers Think-- Roosevelt Will < any North Carolina. Teams V. V. Business Improves. New York. Aug. 26 -A prediction that North Carolina 'vd! give the Roosevelt-Garner ticket the largest majority ever rolled up lit that state in a presidential election was made last night by Gov. O. Max Gardner. The North Carolina chief execu tive conferred at democratic na tional headquarters with campaign leaders, including Jam"; A Parley, national chairman. Two Roosevelts. He compared what he called "the present vicious attack, on Gov. Roosevelt and charges he is a radi cal" to the abuse he said republican organs "heaped upon the late Theo dore Roosevelt in 1912 because ot the latter’s progressive policies." "They now eulogize Theodore Roosevelt and are seeking to put his mnntle on the drooping shoulders of Herbert Hoover, the governor said. Low down From Taxis. For entertainment and informa tion when he comes to New York. Gov. Gardner does not attend night clubs and theaters and go to mu ICCNTINPED ON PAGE EIGHT.I Shop By The Star Many Shelby merchant* have just returned from the markets where they selected and bought choice stocks ot Kali Merchandise for theit stores. As their shipments of new merchandise come in, these merchants are making theii important announcement' through the advertising col umns of The Star . . . for youi information and your shop ping guide. 1* will pay yon to watch ads closely , . . for hey! i newest steles and von? iril! h* appearing tn each issn* o* this paper. Don't miss a single advertisement: County’s First Bale Of Cotton Ginned Thursday; May Be Record For First Bale In This County Grown On W. H. Patterson Place By C. J. White. I* Week Ahead Of First Bale In 1931. Cotton Maturing Earlier This Year. Cleveland county’s first bale of the 1932 cotton crop was ginned yesterday. Thursday, August 25, by Hayne Pat terson, in the Patterson Springs section. The cotton was grown and picked on the Patterson farm by C J White. Sold For Nine Cents The first bale weighed 450 pounds and wa.s sold to J. J. McMurry and Sons for nine cents. The first bale this year is a week ahead of the first bale In 1931. The first bale taken to the gin last year 1 was by Rube Spangler of the Dou ble Shoals section, on Monday Aug- j ust 31 In fact, cotton buyers here say: that the bale ginned yesterday may set a new' early record for the county. It has been 10 years or more, all say, since a bale has been ginned by August 25, and man; are of the opinion it is the earliest, bale on record. The county cotton crop as a w hole is maturing more rapidly j this year than in normal season.' and a big percentage of the croo | will be ready for picking, it is said , in September Ground Breaking kor The Lutheran Church On Sunday Afternoon | Short Talks To Be Made By Min isters And Others Appropriate Ceremony. Sunday afternoon at 4 o clock on the church lot at the corner of North LaFayette and Marietta street-, the ground will be broken for the new Lutheran church. It will be an impressive ceremony, the turning of the soil Indicating the setting apart of the ground for U». erection of the church. Short talks will be given by ministers and others prominent in the affairs of the section. Invitations have been given especially to the ministers and to the mayor of the city, to participate in the ceremony. The friends of the congregation and the public in general are invited. Early Monday morning the con tractors will begin excavating for the laying of the foundation. Work on the church will be rushed to completion at the earliest date, Meanwhile the Lutheran sendees j will be held in the auditorium of the high school building. “Heaven Bound” To Show Here Again Heaven Bound.", the negro re ligious pageant which has been witnessed by large audiences throughout this section, will return to Shelby, where it was first pre -en'ed. again on Tuesday night. The pageant will be given at the i Central high school auditorium un der the auspices of the Mary Tee Hudson circle of the Woman's Mis sionary Society of Central Method ist church The performance is scheduled lor 8 o'clock. High Point Suspects. Police Chief Poston has been in formed that High Point police have in their custody two or three of the men suspected as having attempt ed the robbery hero, some weeks ago. of the McKnign; wholesale grocery. The men, it will be re membered. abandoned two automo biles, a Ford and a Chevrolet, when officers were called. The suspected men are charged with breaking and entering at High Point County Fanners To Coker Farm; Can Order Trees Seor* Or Morr Farmer* Going Tn i Tonr Coker Farm Wednesday. | Seedling* Available. Next week ts to be visit-about j week for Cleveland county formers Monday morning more than a score of farmers and farm woman will go to Raleigh for the annual Short Course week at State college. On Wednesday, August 31, an other group, of 20 or more farmers, plan to go with R W. Shoffner. county farm agent, for a tour of the famous Coker seed farm at Hartsville, S. C. Just how many will make the trip. Mr. Shoffner does not know as yet. A number, however, have already made plans to go and others are expected. Thoee who desire to make the tour should get In touch with the agent and make preparations right away. The party plans to assemble in front of the Central Methodist church, Washington street, Shelby, about 7 o'clock Wednesday morning. After arriving at Hartsville they will make a tour of the fields and experiment plots of .the tag.. Coker farm, ar rangements . already having been made with officials there. Walnut Seedlings. In a few years Cleveland may be a black walnut county. Last year Agent Shoffner secured several hundred small walnut trees, or seedlings, for members of the 4-H clubs of the county. Numerous farmers expressed a desire for some at that time, but none were available at the State Nursery then for other than 4-H club members. This year, however. Shoffner has been Informed that a number of farmers may secure seedlings. They sell at one cent each, or |1 per hundred, which is considered a very low price. Orders for less than 100 will not be filled, although two or three farmers may go in on one order. The first shipments will be made early in November, but orders should be sent in at once to the county agent. It is said that 40, 000 seedlings are available for farm ers of North Carolina this year. Palmer* Move To Funeral Home Jack Palmer has moved his fam- j ily from Belvedere to the Palmer Funeral Mortuary on Sumter street. Mrs. Palmer and Grady Lovelace recently opened r funeral home in the dwelling formerly occupied by the Palmer Funeral Borne. In Wednesday's Star reference was made to Craig Runyans being in the ambulance which ran wild on West Warren street and injured four people. Mr. Palmer says Mr. Runyans was not an employ of the Palmer Funeral Mortuary, but hac! been engaged to stay at the Home for the night while Mr. Gold, a regular employee was on a call to Baltimore. Loans Available In State On Five Types Of Projects, Harrelson Says For Various Types Of Construction Work, Development Public Projects. <8t»r News Bureau i Raleigh. Aug. 26.—Five types of projects on which loans will be made available under the National Emergency Relief Act and through the Reconstruction Finance corpor ation were announced today by Col. J. W. Harrelson, chairman of the State committee representing the National Committee for Trade Re covery. enumerated as follows: *!> States, municipalities and po htical subdivision? for specific con struction projects. (2) Private housing corporations which are regulated by the State or municipalities <3> Private corporations to aid in carrying out the reconstruction, re placement or improvement of bridges, tunnels, docks, viaducts, waterworks, including industrial water supply systems canals and markets devoted to public use. (4) Private corporations for the development of forests and other reasonable natural resources which are regulated by the State. (5) Publicly owned bridges to be used for railroads, railway and highway purposes, the cost of which w*!' b* returned in part, bv means of tolls fees rente or other charg es. and the remainder by means of taxes imposed pursuant, to State laws enacted before the date of en actment of the Emergency Relief COXTOrVBB OH FAG* SIGH I.F t Patterson Shows Some Gain Today, Worse Yesterday Ctcero ratterson, well known Shelby salesman. w’ho wax seriously Injured In an am* balance-automobile collision Monday night, was aald to he “a little better” today at the Shelby hospital. Yesterday Mr. Patterson took what was termed a change for the worst and was regarded ax In rather critical condition. Although he seem ed a little better today It was said that he wax still In ser ious condition. Four other less severely Injured In the crash are Improving. To Hold Grange Meetings, Form Units In County Last Nights Catherine Planned Meeting* For Five Point* In Cleveland. Interest shown in the Grange or ganization at a meeting In Shelby last night was so enthusiastic as to bring the announcement that meet ings will be held next week at five central points in the county to form units of the Grange. Around 75 people were at the court house Thursday night to hear W. Kerr Scott, master of the State Grange, and Mr. Adams, Grange of ficial of Rowan county. Those pres ent were of the opinion that many Cleveland farmers would like to af filiate with the Orange and asked for meetings to be held in the sev eral communities. Mr Kerr gave an interesting ac count of the Orange Rnd its activity in behalf of the farmer. He related the origin and history of the or ganisation tracing its growth and general activity in behalf of agri cultural progress. Two years ago. he said, there were only three or four hundred members of the Grange in North Carolina, and to day the State has around 9.000 members. This, he pointed out. shows the growing strength of the organization. Mr. Adams told the Cleveland audience of the beneftr ial work of the Grange in his coun ty of Rowan, where there are now 1,700 members. Meeting Places. Farmers from the several com munities represented asked that or ganization meetings be held in their sections. Mr. Adams will attend these meetings and they were sche duled as follows: Monday night, Latumore; Tues day night, Polkville; Wednesday night. No. 3 school: Thursday night, Mooresboro; Friday night. Fallston All the meetings will start at 8 o'clock and practicably all will be held In the school buildings of these communities. Farmers and their families are urged to attend the meetings nearest them Mrs. McNeely Buys Bankrupt Stock Here Bankrupt Store 1* Re-Opened Bv; Wife Of Former Owner. Sells For SI,35#. At a private auction sale conduct- 1 ed in the office of D. Z. Newton, at torney, Mrs. J. C. McNeely this week bought the bankrupt stock oi ladies ready-to-wear for $1,350 and has assumed management of the store. The firm was a corporation operated as J. C. McNeely Co., when it entered bankruptcy in July. In the notice to creditors sent out by R. H. Thelling on July 19th, it was stated that, the company owed approximately $17,000 and that the inventory was about, $16,000. The store operated awhile under receiv ership and two reports were made by Mr. Theiling to the bankrupt court, showing net cash from sales of $1,683 after expenses. Later an appraisal was made by three local merchants and stock and fixtures were appraised at $3,200. The sale of the stock to Mrs. McNeely for $1.350 has been confirmed by the court and she has taken charge Two legal fees are claimed by at torneys, one for $500 and one for $250 in connection with the bank ruptcy and after store labor, which is a prior claim is paid, together with other court costs, it is estimat ed the creditors will receive 5 to 10 per cent of their claims. Mrs. Thompson Opens Violin Studio Here Mns. Mamie Roberts Thompson is opening af. her home oh N. Morgan street s violin school in which will give instruction tr. violin mu sic. Mrs. Thompson is a talented musician and is accepting a limited number of students on a special j proposition. i Gain In Cotton Price $17 Bale From Low Level Up $1.50 Per Bale On Thursday IncrrSw Since June Adds 180 Mill ion Dollar* To Southern Farmer* Inromr. 4t noon today October cot ton ru quoted at R.34. a gain of four point* over thr opening, and July was quoted at 8.90, a drop of st» point* from the openin*. Farmers of Cleveland county, North Carolina's largest cotton pro ducer were cheered yesterday by the continued increase in price. The climb of 81.50 prr bale did not hold up, but the steady Increase wa^ heartening. The advance in price was somewhat offset here, however, by continued reports that the coun tv crop appears to be in poor con dition and is not developing as ex pected. Numerous farmers said yes terday that "well do well to make 45.000 bales this year” twhlch Is 21, 000 bales under 1931), while some few said that the 40,000-bale mark Would not be passed. Still ('limbing New York. Aug. 36—Coton futur es climbed another $1.50 a bale in the early trading yesterday, but failed to hold the top level because of heavy realising. The active posi tion cloned 55 to 70 cents a bale higher. At the best levels the market was about *3.50 a bale above the prices at the start of the week. The rapid ity of the advance naturally made for profit-taking on the part of i speculative .btfpeifc who feared a technical setback. Private crop reports again refer red to weevil ravages, and there was further encouraging informa tion regarding demand for cotton goods. Cotton in its advance from the low levels of June has outstripped most of the other leading commodi ties. A11 the future contracts are now well established above the 8 cent level, as compared with a range around 5 cents a pound a little more than two months ago This has added about $17 a bale to cot ton values. Washington, Aug. 36 —More than $180,000,000 has been added to the potential 1982 income of southern cotton farmers by the advance In price of the staple since June. When the prices broke over the eight cent level Thursday, It mark ed a rise of more than three cents above the June 9 low of the year. Since that 4.76 low was struck, an almost steady gain has been evident accelerated by the department of agriculture's estimate this month of a short 11,306,000 bale ciop. Figured on a basis of the June low, the crop would have been worth *269,082.000, unofficial tabulations show, while at today's price It would be worth more than $452,000,000. Try Answering These Can you answer 14 of these test questions? Turn to page two for the answers. 1. What is bi-metallism? 2. Is Cape Horn on the mainland of South America? 3. What color is beige? 4. What element is removed from flour to make gluten flour? 5. To what country does Tas mania belong? 6. What is the name for space en ; tlrelv devoid of matter? 7. What Is the name for an or ganism that lives on another? 8. What popular "blues” song did W. C. Handy. negro composer, 1 write? 9. Who is next in line of Presi dential succession after the Secre tary of State? 10. Name the Canadian city oppo site Detroit. 11. What electrical term Is nam ed for Alexander Volta? 12. Who owns the Gold Coast. Africa? 13. In what war did the Battle of Antietam occur? 14. What well known comedian has part Cherokee Indian Blood? 15. What does the Latin word rbidem mean? 16. Can the month of February have five Mondays? 17. Who Is Arthur Pryor? 18. For what kind of stories is S S Van Dine principally known? 19; What Is Alda? 20, Can American citizens only vote in state elections? --—--- — Short Court This mornings session of county court wjt short, and no trials of major interest were held, the ma jority of the cases being comprised ol minor prohibition law infrac tion*. ;■ r ( Flying Family London Bound Boswl jor London, by way of Laiuabor, t reen/ar.U *nd Iceland, the lour iumbwi of the Hutchinson “Flying Family” are shown as they waved farewell to New York just before they took off from Floyd Bennett Air port. 1/eft to right are: Colonel George Hutchinson, Mrs. Hutchinson and their daughters, Janet I zee, 6, and Kathryn, 8. A navigator, radio man and photographer were also included in the crew of the aerial caravan. Lower photo shows the big amphibian as it soared over New York headed for its first stop at fit. John. N, B. Shelby Dry Cleaners Bring End To Price Cutting War Of Months Mr*. Gantt WiM Be 96 On Monday, I* County’* Oldest oldest woman, Mr* Mary Gault, will be #8 years of age on Monday, August *!». Although her 9ttth birtbdai will come on Monday the an • tiual birthday dinner given the aged woman by her rela tive* will he held on Stmda* the Mth. Mr*. Gantt continue* to operate her little atore In her home in west Shelby, bnt t* not In the beet of health just now. Today »hr was In bed “reating op" for the event Sunday when she eipects to greet scores of her relative* and friend*. She was visited recently by her daughter, her grand daughter, her great grrand dauffhter, and her great great granddaughter, all being here on the same day—five genera tions together. HYENA HS f*HAM>EI> AS HOAX BY PAJWR Manor, Aug 26 -The McDowell News published a story yesterday branding as unfounded the belief that a hyena has been prowling around here at night, attacking people and killing dogs. The News states that some practical Joker perpetrated a hoax on a local trap per by tearing up his trap tfnd leaving blood and hairs on it, as though a huge beast had been cap tured and then escaped When the trapper told of his trap being destroyed the joker said that he had seen a wild beast lurk ing around the night before and that it had probably got in the trap. No names are mentioned. The joke got beyond control, it is stated, and different people added to it re porting that they had seen a hyena at large. The News says thata semi wild German police dog has prob ably been killing the dogs and at tacking people. Ml Phsnts To Qo On Ward, Stand lmce Basis Monday. Nm More “Specials." tn a special meeting of the dry cleaners of Shelby, at which every local dry cleaning firm / was represented. It wan agreed there would be no more price cutting advertised In the form of special prices in Shelby. Special offers advertised for “a limited time only” have been the worry and problem of local clean - .ere for the greater part of the summer. These have been abolish ed and a new price standard will become effective In every plant In thp city, beginning Monday, August 29th. The new prices have not yet been given out, but the scale to be es tablished will be practically In line with prices charged prior to the rprioe-cuttlng storm which began m early summer. •Post Office Soils 3-Cefvt Stamp Books •Itnsftn Stamps nUfmnt irrwn The PtTYldU« Imm Par S7 Cents. Thw-ceut stamp books we now, ■on sale at the Shelby postofflee.j having been received a few days' ago from the postoffice department in Washington, it is announced. The books contain 12 stamps and sell for 37 cents. They are of con venience to patrons of U. 8. mails. The stamps in the three-cent books are different from any pre viously issued. They are the same as the former two-cent stamp of the Washington bicentennial issue with the exception that they are printed in purple ink instead of red and do not have the dates “1732” and ”1932'' under the picture of Washinton in opposite corners. They resemble the regular U. S. stamp with portrait of Lincoln in the general layout Collectors of stamps have been purchasing the issue from the post office. Small Tragedy Of Life Enacted In Main Business Section Of Shelby Husband Follows Wagon Weeping As Wife Leaves Him. Police Do Not Interfere. An art, out of one of life s little tragedies was enacted yesterday Just in front- of the Shelby city hall with a growing crowd of curious spectators looking on. Attention was first drawn to tlie scene by the out-loud wailing of a grown man. Policemen about head quarters were puw.led about the outcry and hurried to the strep) j where the'- found a ‘nan beyond ; middle as:* walking alone and weeping behind a wagon In the i wagon were a man, two %omen several children, a general run of household goods and several pup pies. It was one of those moving ■ scenes that have become quite com monplace since the setting-in of | what is called the depression. But ! officers did not get: the story of the man walking behind until they quieted him. “They're taking off my wife,” he half sobbed and half shrieked.. Making an investigation. Chief McBride Poston and Patrolman Knox Hardin say they learned that the man's wife, one of the two women in the wagon, had decided to leave hint and had been taken in hv the family in the wagon which was moving to a farm near Sh»lbv to help in. gathering ■ crop The man. it was said, had been unable to provide due to the depression and other troubles "She got in ^CONTINUED on PAGE UGH 14 ] Gasoline Price May Go Up Two Cents Sept. 1 Dealers Here Think Boost Likely No orders Often Vet, Will Dlsooa tlnne Two Ont Discount For ('ash. >. Cleveland county motorists aha pay cash for their gasoline may be paying two cents more per gallon after September 1, it was ( reported here today. From Raleigh comes the newb that after the end of this month the larger companies which have, been allowing a discount, of two cents per gallon for rash payment will discontinue the discount. This in actuality means that the p/icr. will go up two cent* per gallon. Present Prices The present posted price per gal lon In Shelby Is 23 4 cents. of 21 4 for cash One local distributor san today til at he was Inclined to believe that the boost would not be two cents. It might be, he said, thaf. the dis count rate would be loanared to on* cent on the gallon, oar, in other words, a raise of one cent, per gal lon He stated, hmwever, that he had heard informally that the two cent discount warn Id not be allowed after Wednesday, Augy^t. 31. but, added that no official order to that effect has as yet been received by distributors in this section. When, and If, the order comes in It will not be, he thought before some time next week. la It Justified? J. C Baskervill. RataAgh news paper correspondent, in an artlc’a to his i>apers says that many com* plaints are being made that tha reported advance is not Justified. The Baskervill article follows All the gasottne companies that have been .selling gasoline for 2 cents a gallon lens than the posted price, for cash, will abolish this 2 cents discount September 1, it, was learned from reliable sources here this week This will be equivalent to an in crease of 2 cents a gallon in most sections of the state and increase the retail filling station price to from 22 to 24 cents a gallon. It is also pointed out that the retail price was steadily boosted for sev eral months before the 3 cents » gallon cash discount was announc ed. The result will be that the re tail price of gaeoiine will have been boosted approximately 4 rant* a gallon wlthfn the past four op CONTIWOBD ON »IAOK SIGH l Actions Against Loeal Cafe fail To Bring Award '•fmry Heturaa Verdict keying Caf# rX'd SrM Prepirf food In (’B«holwMn« Manner, A damage action against th*. Central csffe otf Shelby tried in county recorder’s court here yes terday resulted in the jury answer ing the issue by saying the cafe did not prepare food in an unwhole some manner. Two actions were originally brought against, the cafe by R. A, Callahan and E. A Huskey, em ployes. it 1s said, of the S. P. U. The complaint was that the plaintiffs ate dinner in the cafe on June 7 and were made sick, it was alleged, by beans served them, the claim being that they had not been properly parboiled. Only one of the actions, that of Callahan, was taken up as they were based upon the same incident. | The issue was. "Did the defendants negligently prepare and serve un sanitary, unwholesome and poison ous foods to plaintiff?” The jury answer was "No,” and the answer ing of that issue automatically cancelled the second issue setting forth the amount of damage. It is understood that $500 was sought in each action. The answering of the issue in the Callahan case by the jury was also accepted as the an swer to the Huskey suit. I The plaintiff through counsel nl i leged that around 30 people hart been made sick Only seven or eight witnesses were introduced, however, to bear out this conten tion. Oti the other side, the de fense counsel introduced 13 wit nesses to testify they had a meal there the same day and found tt alt right' and wer? net made sink The ease w*~ taken up at 3 la 'h' morning and 'ssted until 4 In the afternoon. C. C. Horn and Er nest Gardner were attorneys for the plaintiff and B T. Falls for the defendant A notice ol appeal was nl«i