SHELBY, N. C. MONDAY, OOP. 15, 19:52 (Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons) -—> 8 PAGES TODAY By Mail, ptf jreaf. On »dvanc*» — Cariiar. tutt vtar. On 3 3 Late News THE MARKET Cotton. Spot . 6H1 C otton Seed, bu. 18 l,i Showers Likely Today's North Carolina Heather Report: Cloudy and probably show ers Tuesday and in south portion tonight. Not so rnol tonight in nest and north portions. Parley At Strike Governor Gardner was scheduled to go to Rockingham from Raleigh this afternoon to preside at a con ference with the hope of ending the textile mill strike there. The gov •rtior was invited to participate in the meeting bv a group of Rock ingham business men who arranged for a parley between strikers and • mill owners. Reynolds Is To Speak In City; Ask Ehringhaus Pemocrsts Planning Campaign. May Have Big Rally For Senate Nominee. Bob Reynolds, Democratic senatt candidate, and J C. B Khnnghaus, party nominee for governor, Willi make campaign speeches in Cleve- |. land county during October, it -way ; nnounced today by Oliver S An-, r.hony, county chairman. Definite dates have not been set for the two speeches, but both will; be in the latter part of the month, the Reynolds speech probably on. the ti7th. A- planned now Reynolds will; speak in Shelby and Ehringhaus in King- Mountain. The two addressesj may be the only major campaign j speeches made m the county. Wanted Here Chairman Anthony in asking' State Chairman /.'inborn*- lor the i wo nominees stated that both were wanted by Democrats of the coun ty. Reynolds, he .aid, was asked for by more people than any other -lieaker. The organization of Young Dcm ocrats has been considering a, big rally during the month and this may be staged in connection with the Reynolds visit. If plans on foot ; are carried out voters of several adjoining counties will be asked to; participate in the rally and parade This week Clyde R. Hoey, per haps the most sought for cam paigner in the state, will open hts campaign tour. He has been asked tor at more points than he will b. able to speak, but his present plan? \ lire to make more than a dozen! peechfs. some of which will carry Him into j^iramia and Tennessee “Bill Williams Is Found Dead at Home Well Known (Citizen Succumbs To Heart Attack. Funeral Held On Sunday. 'Bill" William?, a well known citizen was found dead at his home. :it 2 o'clock Saturday morning in I South Shelby by Patrolmen B. E. j Putnam and \V K. Hardin. He wa f old and quite stiff when found, in fltCPtins; that he had been dead1 some time. It is supposed that he fell qn the! floor fiom a heart attack while! preparing hi? supper. Coroner Ros- j eoe Lutz was called and pronounc ed the cause of his death as heart trouble. Mr. Williams was 76 years old and. was born and reared in upper Cleveland. He lived many years at Lawndale before coming to Shelby. He was married to Mi.s Laura; Bingham who survives with the following children, Jack and Doris, : of Shelby. Henry, of HartsviUe. S. C.. Ambrose of New York. three daughters, Mrs. Frank Boyd, of Stanley Creek. Mr?. Frank Lee and ; Miss Ollie Williams of Shelby. Funeral services were, conducted Sunday morning at it o'clock bv1 Rev. E. E. Snow and burial took' place at Hebron church in Lincoln county, east of Fallston. Junior Red Cross To Render Program Fifteen Hundred Pupils From Ele mentarv Schools Will Par ticipate In Program. Wednesday morning at 8.45 ap proximately 1500 pupils in the ele mentary schools here will partici pate in a junior Red Cross pro gram. Featuring this program will be the singing of the Junior Red Cross song, reciting the pledge and reporting In each grade the Junior Red Cress work which juniors have done since .school started. Organ izations have been perfected in each of the six elementary schools. At a recent meeting of the princi pals it was decided to meet regu larly the first .Wednesday in each month Three juniors from each srhooi will pari innate in tile pro cram a* the regional conference of Red Cross workers which will meet in Asheville, October 18th Cleveland “Free” Fair Breaks Attendance Record For 7 Years To Let PolkviUe Road Contract On Oct. 14; Two Highway Projects In County Approved By Commission Polkville and Fallston Link Approved Routine' For Shplby-Polkville Lii.V Not Announced.. Highway Com mission Meets. Bids will be received »n Oct ober It for the Shelby-Polk - vtllo road and also a link de scribed as Polkville to Kallston. it was learned following a meet ing of the State Highway Com- , mission late last week in' Ra leigh. The commission approved a num ber of projects, in which the road links in. this county were included, and announced that bids would be received October 14 and November 1. It is understood that the two Cleveland projects will come in the October bids. Surveying Complete The proposed Polkville road, a link in an ultimate highway between Shelby and Marion, was first sur veyed several months ago. There was some disagreement, it Is said, over the routing and other sur veys were made. Reports no,w are that the survey is complete, as was necessary, of course before the pro ject could be approved. Out the dis patch from Raieigh telling of the project approval did not specify the routing. Among the other projects approv ed was work on highway 150 to the Catawba river both in Lincoln and Catawba counties Sons Bear Father’s Body To The Grave William Lattimore Died On 16th Anniversary Of Drowning Of Ills Son and Namesake. 'Ilie largest crowd that ever gathered at Poplar Springs church, assembled Sunday afternoon to pay a tribute to William A. Lattimore who died at his home in the Sha ron. community Friday morning at age 74. Mr. Lattimore died on the sixteenth anniversity of the drown ing of his son and namesake, Wil liam Lattimore. The young man was clearing away some debris from a temporary bridge during a freshet at the river near the Lat timore home, when a pole he held in his hand was knocked by a float ing log and precipitated the young ster into the roaring waters. It was not only the anniversary of the drowning of his son. but his death was within fifteen minutes of the same hour of the day. Another son. Roy, died forty years ago. Beautiful tributes were paid to Mr. Lattimore Sunday at the fu neral by Revs. Rush Pa gett anr D. F. Putnam and a bounti: floral offering attested the high esteem in which he was held; A quartet from Central Methodist church rendered several selections. His four sons. Sam. Eugene. George and Andrew' served as pallbearers, bearing hi body to its last resting place. Surviving are his wife and ten children. Andrew of Shelby, Georg? of Kings Mountain, Ex-Senator Sam of Greensboro. Eugene and Mrs. M, D. Moore of this county, Mrs. W G. Harris and Mrs. Roy Miller of Rutherford county. Mrs. R. O. Crawford of Gastonia. Mrs. Pres ton N. Cook of Monett. Missouri. and an adopted daughter. Miss Dorothy Lattimore,' greatly beloved by the entire family Schools Reopen On Oct. 17-24 At the meeting of tlie coun ty board of education in Shel by today October 17 and Oc tober 24 were fixed as the rc openiug dates for the rural schools closed several week ago to permit children to aid in picking the cotton crops The schools which closed’ first will reopen on the 17th, and those closing a week later will reopen on the 24th. Colored schools will open on Novem ber 7. Phoenix Mill Of Kings Mtn. Sold At Auction Brings $127,000 And Is Bid In By R E. ('line Of Gaffney, Trustee. Archdale I.and Sold. At an auction sale of the Phoenix Mill of Kings Mountain, held Sat- 1 urday at the court house, R. E. Cline of Gaffney, S. C.. was declar ed the highest bidder lor the tex tile plant, its machinery, equip ment, land and tenement houses Mr. Cline, bidding as trustee for himself and others, gave $122,000 for the mill which was declared bankrupt some weeks ago and was sold by the bankrupt court to satis fy creditors. It is understood that the indebtedness of the mill was $91,000. It is also understood that Mr. Cline was bidding for himself and associates who will reorganize upon confirmation of sale. Mr. Cline’s bid stands open until Oct. 13th. Mr. Olnev Rhodes of Lincolnton for himself and associates, were in the bidding and followed the sale to 1121.000 Although the mill has been in bankruptcy, it has been operating i for the past several weeks after a ' long stand-still. Mr. Smith of Kings i Mountain was one of the principal 1 owners and officers in the mill be fore it met financial troubles. At the same time the mill was ' sold, 300 shares of stock ir, the Arch | dale Co. were sold at auction and i bought for $400 for Willie Fuller ton of the firm of Wilson and Brad bury, New York and Philadelphia j commission merchants. The Arch i dale Co., owns approximately 625 j acres of land between Grover and ; Kings Mountain on the main line i of the Southern railway Indebted | ness against this property is said I to be about $10,000. The real estate ■ was purchased a number of years ! ago for the purpose Of building a j cotton mill thereon, but was never developed. Shelby Juniors To Meet Tuesday Night C. O. Bridges, councillor, called i attention to an important meeting j of the Shelby Junior Order on ! Tuesday night Oct. 4th Every Jun | ior is invited to be present as there | will be contest planning and speak i ing. Democratic Women Of State Hear Party Leaders Speak In Raleigh Governor Tells Women That Roose veil Embodies AU Their Ideals. Raleigh. Oct. 3.—Women Demo cratic leaders in North Carolina last week were told they have a prominent part to play in this year's campaign "to see that the house is cleaned November 8. " Gathering nerc at the call ot Mrs. Thomas O'Berry, state vice chair man. the women, a majority of whom were county vice chairmen, heard Democratic leaders and can didates espouse the rouse of demo rroev. After a luncheon at tire Women' club, they heard Oov. Gardner, Jo sephus Daniels, Senator Bailey, R. R. Reynolds, candidate for senate and J. C. B. Ehringhaus, candidate for governor, in brief talks Praise came from the lips of the speakers for Franklin D. Roosevelt. Democratic presidential candidate, and for those on the Democratic state ticket. “Roosevelt embodies a new era in which wc are living," said Gov ernor Gardner. "He represents in | government what you women stand ; for in the home, humanity." The governor praised the state [ticket as "a strong one with new | and fresh men.” Josephus Daniels said ^"progres sive thought in the west is turning ■ towards Roosevelt, just as in North Carolina progressive thought ts turning towards Ehringhaus and CONTtNtmD ON PAGE KIGH'l ) Baptists Meet This Week For Annual Session Rev. John \\ Suttlr. Moderator Will l*r(".l<|r: 42 Churches With Over 10,000 Members Forty-two churches with over 10 000 members will be represented the annual Kings Mountain Bap tlst association which meets Wed nesday and Thursday of this wee', with New Bethel Baptist churri near Lawndale. The session will bt presided over by Ret John W. Silt tie. moderator, who is also pnsto: of New Bethel church. Extensive plans for entertain ment of the delegates and visitor, have been made by the people the New Bethel community at, everything points to n largely at tended meeting with gratifying re ports from the 42 churches. Each church has named delegates are homes have been assigned them n\ the New Bethel entertainment com mittee. Dinners will be Served ou the church ground both days m piAic style First Baptist Growth Rev J. V. Devenny clerk tut, been compiling reports Irom tlu churches and will have all statis tics together. The largest church a the association Is the First Baptia of Shelby with 1,600 members. Th building debt of the church ha. been reduced to $59,250. During the years Dr. Zeno Wall has served the First Baptist church, over 1.000 nev members have been added to thr church roll The Program The following program has been ai ranged for the two day session at New Bethel: First day, iorenoon session: 9:30 devotional and organization: 10:00 Religious Literature. T. L. Justice: 10.30. Woman’s Work. Mrs. John Wacaster; 10:50, Mills Home. W. A Elam; 11:30, Introductory Sermon D. F. Putnam: Alt, H E. Waldrop closing announcements. * Afternoon session: 1:30. Co op Program and Church Finance, Zeno' Wall: 2:15. State Missions. 1, I,'| Jessup; 2:45. Home Missions. H E j Waldrop; 3:15. Foreign Missions. J. B. Davis; 3:45. miscellaneous busi ness. ; Night session: 7:00. B. Y. P U Work. Mrs. L. H. Ledford: 8 00 Doctrinal sermon, W. G. Camp Second day, forenoon session; 9:30. Devotional, followed by read ing minutes; 9:45, Sunday schools.; J. W. Costner: 10:15, Baptist Hos pital, D. G. Washburn; 10:45. Old Ministers' Relief. W. E. Lowe: 1115. Temperance and Public Morals. J. L. Jenkins; 11:45. miscellaneous business. Afternoon session: 115,'Christian Education and Boiling Springs Jun ior college. B. T Falls: 2:15. Obi tuaries. J. M Walker; 2:30. His torian's Report, C. J. Black: 3:00 reports of various committees and treasurer. closing miscellaneou business, final adjournment. Try Answering These Can you answer 14 of these , test questions? Turn to page two ,.£<&' the answers. 't 1. What is the middle narrie of Governor Albert C. Ritchie of Maryland? 2. From what Latin word is the origin of the abbreviation Lb meaning ' pound"? 3. What is the annual salary of cabinet members? ' 4. What Ls a "sitar"? 5. How did the Suez Canal gei its name? 6. What Ls the number of the Woman Suffrage amendment to constitution? 7. Who wrote "Strange Inter lude"? 8 Quote the shortest verse in the Bible? g. Name the secretary of the treasury? 10. Who designed Brooklyn bridge ? 11. What story ha*s a character named Ichabod Crane? 12. Who wrote "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine"? 13. What religious denomination is “The Little Church Around the Corner” in New York City? 14. To whom do the Balearic Is lands belong? 15. How long is it decade’ 16. Which is the "Wolverine state? 17. Where is Rio D Oro? 18. What is the term for an un shorn lamb or yearling sheep? 18. Where is Algeria? 20. Does the president of file United States pay income tax on his salary? Wmner of World Series Oh, so you thought a ball club non the sene*, did youT Well, you weren’t! the only one. But here in the real winner. She is Mien June O’Day, beau- j i iful Broadway ahow girl, who is to become the bride of Vernon ("Lefty") , Corner, (inset), star purler of the New York Yankees who glittered so brilliantly in the series. When this photo was mads, June was keeping in touch with what Lefty was doing against the Cuba, Tia radio. Poultry And Dog Show Attract Many Visitors At Fair; List Of Winners Sellers Win* Many First Flares In Poultry Show. Wallare Rabbit* Win. Two {natures of the Cleveland countv lair which drew hundred* of visitors were the poultry snd clog show*. Tlie dog show, with more than 300 fine dogs entered for the judg ing, brought visitors from sever a) adjoining states, the entries them selves coming from a half dozen states. Shelby and Cleveland coun ty dogs, however, upheld the repu tation of the section by carrying off a number of blue ribbons and other honors. In the dog show T F Sellers was one of the major winners while Malcolm Wallace was the chief winner in the rabbit show, one of the features of the poultry show'. Poultry show winners were listed as follows: Best cotk In show. T F Sellers; best cockerel, Forrest Stewart; best pullet, Butler Dixon; best hen Wayne Rhyne; beat young pen, Forrest Stewart; best old pen, H, C, Langford. Largest entry for farmer. T. F Sellers; largest bark letter. Oh as Austell; largest commercial entry. B Austell. Best Barred Rock cockerel, Wayne Rhyne; best Barred Rock pullet, T. F Sellers: best Leghorn cockerel, Forrest 8tewart In the rabbit show the winners were: best buck. Malcolm Wallace; best doe. Malcolm Wallace. best Junior buck. T. F. Jenkins; best junior doe. Malcolm Wallace, best China buck, T. F Jenkins; best NY buck, doe, junior buck and doe, senior doe and doe with young, Malcolm Wallace. First College Grid Game Of Year Will Be Played In Shelby Friday; Boiling Springs To Play Campbell Junior Baptiste Improving And Hope To Score Victory. Lose To Wingate. Shelby's first college football game of the year wjjl be played at the high school park Friday after noon when Boiling Springs meets Campbell college. Coach Hutchins junior collegians have shown remarkable improve ment for a week and on Saturday held the strong Wingate college eleven to a 7-0 score. Smarting un der a defeat-by the Baptist orphans a week previous, the Boiling Springs team practised three times daily last week prior to their game with Wingate and as a result the eleven showed a complete reversal rn form. A number of the players on the college eleven are playing their first year of footbgll and were na turally slow in rounding into shape By Friday. however. Coach Hut chins hopes to have his team in excellent condition for the Camp bell game. At Wingate Saturday the only score came in the third quarter fol lowing a penalty on Boiling Springs Camnitz and Herb Childers in the backfield and Jim Childers, Jim Cornwell and Jack Jolly in the line were outstanding stars. Several of the junior college grldsters are Shelby boys and several others are county boys and their opening game here’ is expected to draw many fans. Shelby high plays Kings Moun tain in Kings Mountain Friday legion Meet Tuesday A meeting of the Warren Ho'-'If Atneriean legion post will be held i in the eourt house at Shelby Tiles-. day night at 7:30 All members are, urged to attend. j GRANDSON OF BELL DONOR GIVES HISTORY WHITFIELD The man who have the court bell to Cleveland county 70 years ago was the ancestor of some of the South's leading citizens. Recent ref erence to the bell in The Star brought a letter from the grandson of the donor, remembered by older folks here a.s "Lawyer Whitfield,” giving some information about the man who once lived here. This let ter, which should be of particular interest to older people, is carried in the “Around Our Town" column to day. Estimate Over ISO, 000 People Saw Big Event Show Officials Say Crowds Larger Than Any Ever Played Except Pennsylvania State Fair. Free Acts And Fireworks Were The Major Features Of Free Fair. The eighth Cleveland County Fair, (lie first major fail with a "free gate” in the South, broke attendance records ot seven years, fair officials stated today as this section settler down to its regular routine following the excitement of the nast week 75 Jailed Here During Week; 35 Nabbed Saturday The t’ieveland comity jail rtld a rushing buRlnm taut week In providing temporari , hospitality (or over exuberant merrymaker* taking in I In county (air Between 15 and 80 prnma were locked up during the week. Sheriff Irvin M. Allen stated today. Saturday night waa the record night with X' being arrested and jailed. The majority of the arrest*, however, were for minor mis demeanors, drinking, etc. The most serious development ol the week was the cutting of a negro by a white man who who ha* not yet been appre hended White Man Slashes Negro Amid Crowds Along Fair Midway L. W. Riuiurur Cut Friday Ml|hi *waftsni Flees Into Crowd I W Ramseur. young negro of the Patterson Springs section, Is In ; the Shelby hospital with his neck badly slashed as the re'-hlt of being cut Friday night at the county fair by a white man Ramseurs assailant (-.taped into the crowds along the midway im mediately after the cutting and has | not as yet been identified or appre hended Actual details of the cutting are not clear, but scores of people along the midway witnessed the cutting which had the appearance of a kill ing. All the crowd saw the negro running with the white man Just behind, a knife in his hand. As the negro ran into the milling crowds he was stopped by the tush and it was at that time, according to spec tators, that the white man leaped on his back slashed his neck. After cutting the negro the white man eased into the crowds and disap peared. The negro was rushed to the hospital. There it was found that he was not as seriously cut as was first thought. There was a bad slash on the back of tils neck and several neck muscles were seveved, but the i blade of the knife missed the Jugu | lar vein. One report is the negro acciden tally bumped into the white man and the latter became infuriated. Ano ther is that a remark made to an other colored person was believed by the white man to be directed at him. Officers were working quietly on the case today and hope to be able to make an arrest this week. Working Wives Organize In Fight To Keep Jobs; Have Right To Work Married Women Will Combat Ef fort* To Drive Them Out Of Industry. Indianapolis. Oct. 3.—A nation wide .movement to band together one million married working wom en to combat any attempt to drive them out of tnhustry has been launched here. The organization to be known as that National Association of Work ing Women, has as its secretary Mrs. Ida Broo of Indianapolis, a certified public accountant. Professions Represented. Mrs Florence K Thaekpr. a local attorney, and Mrs Mary Kynett of Indianapolis, a business woman, are behind the movement. Judge Camille Kellev of the Juve jnile court at Memphis, Tenn.. and i Rosalind Goodrich Bates of Los Angeles, editor of a women's law , journal, are members of the asso ciation, according to Mrs. Thacker National officers are to be elected soon, Mrs. Thacker said Meanwhile Mrs. Broo. Mrs. Kynett and Mrs. Thacker will continue the organi zation work. "The movement to drive married j women out of industry is growing I day by day,” Mrs. Thacker said. "Throughout the country public officials are being bombarded with letters from individuals, from clubs and civic leagues, asking for the discharges of all married women from public office. Bills are even now being consid* l COKTINl'ED ON PAOS *1GM1 t Dr J s. Dorton fair secretary iaid this morning that hr had n« ifficial method ol checking the at endance, but gate-keepers ant -how men. who have watched tht :rowds here since the first fair, es treated the total attendance a! IRO.OOO "Their estimate may be t jood one. because I know that wi lad more people than ue have evei tad before," Dr. Dortfln said. "Oili Diggrst year In the past when wt rharged admission and had a died :>h the attendanee was 132,000." The remarkable pnascs of the rec aid breaking attendance was that I he ma jor portion of It came in thi three final days as rain Tuesday and Wednesday kept many away With clear weather Thursday thou sends came from a half dozen coun ties and the peak attendance, it lr believed, was on Friday. In the ex hibit halls and amusement places * semi-official check of the crowdt placed Friday and Saturday at tendance at approximately the sam« figure. People associated with the Johnny J Jones show, which play ed the fair said that with the ex ception of the Pennsylvania staU fair it was the best attended fail they ever played There were a number of arrests ICONTINUSD ON >>AO» flQtft.l Chas. Palmer May Make Chicago Trip Charles Palmer. Cleveland county boy. niav enter the national health contest at. the Chicago world fait In December Young Palmer wa? declared Cleveland county's health test boy in the annual 4-H club contest this year and later won the the district championship and the State honor. Winning the State, event made him eligible for the na tional contest. Basil Goode Home Entered And Robbed Several minor robberies were re ported to officers during fair week when thieves took advantage of op portunities presented bv the ab sence of people from their homes. Among the houses entered was the residence of Basil Goode on the Cleveland Springs road. The thief entered by a porch window and aft er taking a coat, a knife and a raaor he departed by the front door which he left standing open. Mrs. Harris Has Finger Amputated Mrs. J. Prank Harris who has been a patient for several weeks at the Rutherford hospital suffering with blood poison, had her finger amputated todayT Her condition has been quite serious, but she is thought to be somewhat better to day. Members of the family from Shelby are at her bedside daily. Regular Worker For Period Of 75 Years J J. Randall, of Cherryville Route 2, can stack up a working record with the best of them. He hasn't missed a summer working in the field in 75 years, and on Dec. 4 he will celebrate his 80th birthday. Wood’s Father Dies At Benson Home Mr D. J. Wood, of Benson, died this morning, in central Carolina. Mr. Wood is the father of J Carver wood of Shelby who has been at his bedside. Mrs. Wood and son. J. C.. jr„ left this morning to attend the tuneral tomorrow Stevens On Board. Friends of the family, here were interested in the announcement last, week that ,1. F Stevens, of Greens boro, ln>d been appointed a director In the Home toan Bank at Winston Salem. Mr. Stevens married Miss Mildred Hull, of Shelby

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