Is Post Office Here An hem In Political Play? Gastonia Has That Idea Of It New Office Not Needed There. But winkle Says Shelby. Morgan - ton Most Needed. Has the federal building program, for post offices ami post-office ad dition*, developed into a political game? Around two years ago an alloca tion of *85,000 was made for en larging the Shelby post Office The building program was delayed tor several, months and •then canvs word from Washington that the treasury deficit had for the time being halted the proposed construe ADMINISTRATRIX NOTH. I, Having qualified a* administratrix «<f the estate of C C. Wright, deceased. this is to notify nil persona holding claim* against a aid estate to present thorn Hern ijted and verified to the undersigned ut l awndale, North Caroling, on or befo,e rhe 17th day of September 1SKI3; and this la further to notify all persons In debtedness to sold estate to make Im mediate payment of such indebtedness :o the undersigned. This the nth day of September 193?. DULIR WRIGHT, Administratrix T> Z. Newton .Atty. fit Bept I9r ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Dianna Wright, deceased late of Cleveland county. North Caroltni his is to notify ail persons having claims against The estate of said rierear.ed to.! exhibit them to the undersigned at 8hcl by, N, C on or before August 29tl». 193.11 or this notice will he pleaded in b^r of ihstr recovery All persons indebted to | aid estate will please ina^e immediate payment This August 29th. 1932 FRANK L. HOYLE, Administrator of the Estate of Dianna Wright Jnrt T Mull. Atty fit Aug 29< ! EXECUTOR 8 NOTICE Having qualified as executor of The es fate of N J. Wright, late of Cleveland county, N. C under his will, thla la to notify all person* having claims against the said estate to present them to tne nropcrly proven on or before the Hth day of July, 1933 or this notice will be pleaded In bar of any recovery thereof All person* owing the said estate will oltase make immediate settlement to the undersigned This August -29th. 1932 H A. LACKfcV. Fallston, Execu tor of Estate of N. J. Wright, de ceased fit Aug 39p ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix ct the estate of T. D Litton, deceased, late of Cleveland county. North Carolina, thl; is to notify ull persons having claim * against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned or io her attorney, at Bhelby, North Carolina on or before the 10th day of September. 1933. or this notice will be pleaded In bur of their recovery. All persona In debted to said estate will please mako immediate payment. This the lOth day of Beptember, 1932. tURA SMITH LITTON. Administra trix of the estate of F. B Lotton Peyton McSwain, Atty. for administratrix 6t Bept 12c TBtgTKHS SARK Under and by virtu* of the authoilty eohlatned tn » certain (lord of trust e* eeutad by Frank Stubbs and wife to thr South Shelby Building atui loan associa tion, whirh deed of trust Is of record In th» office of the register of deeds ot Cleveland county. North Carolina In book 19* at page 200, the undersigned trustee with on October 38th. 18.12 at 3 o'clock p m. at the court house door tn the city of Shelby sell to the highest bidder for < ash the following described real estate Beginning at the Intersection of Second street and Crawford street and runs with Crawford street south *3 W west 14S feet M corner of lot No, 199; thence with line ot said lot south J21 > east 105 feet thence north Sts, hj („t t0 second ■'reel: thence north 5>» west tu feet to in* beginning end being these lots com ■eyed Frank, Stubbs by J W Silver and wife by dead dated August 3th, 1355 and recorded In the office of the roister of needs of Cleveland county. North Caro lii.t, This 9*th dav of September 1813 HORACE KENNEDY, Trustee, Heathers i. Kennedy. Att; 4t Sen 35c NOTICE OF SIMMONS tu the.SupMlor Court. Before the Clerk North Carolina, Cleveland County Frank L. Hoyle, administrator of the es late ot Diana Wright, deceased, and M. J. Wright, petitioners. Vs Fannie Wright Railage Wright. Carroll I.eo Wright. Rodger Wright. Ada Wrtgnt Btroup Willie Stroup Bertha Weight. Rets King. Rebecca Propst, Alvin Props! Ed Wright amt Cora Wright, defendant*. The defendants, Fannie Wright, Railage Wright, Carroll Reo Weight Rodger Wright, w-tll lake notice that ah action entitled as above has been commenced In the superior court ol Cleveland county. North Carolina, to sell lands to make as sets to psv the Indebtedness of the es tate of Dianna Wright, deceased In which iha defendants have an Interest, and the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before the clerk ot supeiior court of said conn ty, at tha court house tn said county Shelby, N, C, and answer or demur to the petition in said action, said, defend ant# are requtrd to appear on or before Wednesday. October 18th, 1932, or the petitioners will apply to the court lot the relief demanded tn said petition This Sept. 16th. 1932, A M HAMRICK. Clerk of SUpenot Court. Jno. P. Mull Atty lot pc 111.oners «t Sept 18c TRVRTEl* SALt Under and by virtue of the authority contained tn a certain deed ot trust ex ♦cuted by Lester Jackson and wife, Roxie Jackson. on March l»th. 1927 and le rorded tn book HI at page 485 til tire register's office of Cleveland county and in pursuance to an order of thl superior court ot Cleveland county, the under signed as trustee In said deed of trust • 111 offer for sale »t public auction to ihe highest bidder for cash on Monday, October HI, loss, at Vi O'clock Noon. at the court house door in Shelby N c the following described tract of land situated In Cleveland county and begin ning at a stone. Dave tvortman'x and Henry Hoyle's corner and runs thence south 87 east 40*1 poles to a stone pile rhence north 30 east 29 1-5 poles to a Dine; thence north 73 east 75’, poles to « *. J.: thence north 80', west 35 pole* to a stake, thence north 23 poles to a stone; thence north *7 west IS1, poles to • atone: thence north 84 west 95', poles to r hickory: thence south 27 east 150 poles to a stake: thence south 3 west 21 Doles to the beginning corner, containing 81 acres, more or leae. The same being that tract of land conveyed to Lester Jackson as shown by deed recorded m book 3-Q at page 832 tn the register's office of Cleveland county. The above sale will be made subject to any and all prior liens and ‘mortgage mrludina taxes, which may be against ea*d premises. A cash deposit of ten noi pc rent of the amount bid will he required on dale •f sale Thla the 2*th day of September. 1932 C B McBRAYSR. Trustee. Peyton McSaraln. Atty. at Sept 26, Mon work In Shelby more working space was I needed. The same was true hi Mor 1 gonton and elsewhere. Appeals marie to Washington seemed to catch little attention But the fall campaign drew .nearer and nearer ! A little over a week ago it was an nounced from Washington that, I although the full program could not j be carried out, new jxjst office. ! would be erected and present offices enlarged where absolutely needed. Worked For It. Congressman A L. Ilulwinkle, in j Shelby a few days after that an I nounoetnent, stated that he had ; immediately taken the matter m 1 with Washington officials and in formed iliern that Shelby and Mor ganton were in real need of large, j post offices. Since it has been I learned that. In a confidential lain j with a irirnd tie stated that Otu Ionia really did not need a new building. Realizing, ft' It said, that this section would not likely got j more than two of the building pro jects, Congressman Bulwinkle urg ed, it is understood, (.hat Gastonia | could wait a little longer and Slid by and Morgan ton would work un der hardships to do so. But. u few days later it was officially announc ed that the new offices or enlarg ing would go to Gastonia and Mor gan ton. Seemingly there wins some inside work with G. O P powers for The aa-storiia Gazette, goes' on record also aa saying a new office can be done without there now The Ga zette says: Political Move? "While the people of Ga..tonla will take a new post office building If it is given them, the conviction can nol be escaped thut it is anoth er example of Republican waste and extravagance. There is no need now of a new post officp building in Gastonia. The citizens have not asked for it, and the decision to allot or appropriate $210,000 for a new federal building here has nil, the earmarks of it political move." Since that, time Chas. A. Jonas, Bulwlnkie’s Republican rival, lias been "to. Washington and took oc casion white there to wire to Shel by that the appropriation for the Shelby office ntay be available soon. Such procedure has caused numerous people in this section to wonder, as do Gastonia people, if politics is not being played. As one local man puts it ‘‘This post office business seems funny. There may be nothing to it but the manner in which things are turn ing out cause:, some of us to won der if the post office construction work has not been delayed until Just before election time in order that Hoover and Jonas claim some credit for it." I Anyway, it is a topic of corner satlon, with local people wonder - I tng why Gastonia, where no fight I was made to get a new office, is to receive $210,000 for building a new structure, while Shelby, asking for needed enlargement, is still Wait ing for $85,000 to build an addition, and receives no encouragement ex cept that winch cornea from Mr. Jonas after a trip made to Wash ington for the purpose, as he was quoted in the newspapers, of at tending to ‘ state political matters.' Man Die* After 56 Years In Prison Bridgewater. Mass -Jesse Pome roy, Massachusetts' notorious life prisoner, died at the State Farm here last week at the age of 70 aft er having served 58 years behind prison bars. , Pomeroy, who served 40 years ol his life sentence in solitary con finement at the .’.tate prison in Charlestown, was sentenced in 1878 for the murder of a child He was known to have killed at least two Children as a result of mutilation and beating and to have injured several others, but not fatally. He was then but 14 years old, having begun his career of crime at the age of 13. Robert C Sherman, superintend ent of the State Farm, announced the death of Pomeroy and attribut ed the cause to heart disease MORE THAN HINURED TRY FOR GLEE I l,I B Durham. S«pt. 30 - Mott than 100 men have reported to J. Foster Barnes, director of the Duke uni versity glee club, and wilt try tor places In the student singing group before the club is selected tor the j annual fall tour. Tou Bad Addle Noyd. 1 just came from tile beauty parlor. Lum Bago: Too bad they were closed. i__■ . NOTICE or HALE Of I'tRSONAI CHOr *KTV, TO-WIT: till HIIAHLH ol CAPITAL stock or cmfksiui: bv thistles IN BANKRUPT! T. In til* District Court ot the United States For ttye Western District ot North Caro lina In Bankruptcy- Nos 73« and It? In the Matter o£ J Rush Shull and Eula Haines Shull. Bankrupts. Under end by virtue ol that certain order msde by Hon R Marlon Koss ret je'ree in bankrupts (or the Charlotte di vision ol the district court ol the United , States lor the western ol North Carotin*, on August I7tb 1S32. ihc un dersigned trustee wilt set! it public auc lion, lor cash, to -the highest bidder at the court house door. In Shelby. Cleveland county North Carolina, at twelve o'clock noon on Monday, the 7th dav oi Novem ber. 1933. Pice from encumbrances 60 shakes ot the capital stock ot the Chtfsslde railroad evidenced by certificate No H m ihc name of Flubi Hatties situ;! The tioresald .ale it gtifejeet to re i i nmilirm Uy the court,* ThV» -the 1st rtnv of tjn * s K \V KENNY. J H McLAIN. f E J HANSON, Trustees tn bank. I ' rupicy for J Rush Shull *ud EuhJ .Shull. 41 Ovt A I Thinks Southern Farmers Ought To Get Similar Help Smith Of South Carolina t barges Discrimination In Allowing Moratorium I or Others. Washington, Sept. 20 Participa tion by Southern 'cotton and tobacco ; growers in the 7ft i>er een,t suspen sion of 1932 crop loan payments ac i corded wheat farmers yesterday was i demanded of the administration. It was sought by .Senator Smith, ■Democrat. South Carolina, who ■ charged "glaring sectional and par tisan discrimination" after the White House yesterday had an j nounced that Northwestern grain producers would liave to repay only 25 per cent of their production loans due In November "I shall Insist," the veteran Deni" ocratlc Senator said, that) the cot ton and tobacco growers, who are due the gover nment on crop loans, shall bo given the same treatment that Is now given the wheat grow er. and if It Is not given, public opinion, based on equity and Jus tice, will uphold them in refusing to pay any more and under different terms than that granted the wheal grower*.-’ Says t omtit Ion-. IMshesslng. Smith, ranking Democrat on the Senate agriculture committee, said In his statement after the White House announcement that the cot ton and tobacco growers were Ui just as distressing conditions as wheat farmers. He added: "Unfortunately these two products are grown almost exclusively In the South and the South i, almost ex clusively Democratic. Even If It were not the intent of the adminis tration In making this order to so discriminate, It lays itself liable to Justifiable criticism ' The administration had announc ed that "present low nice* make It practically Impossible lot- wheat far mers to repay their crop production loans without incurring grave risk of need during the winter " In the cotton and tobacco areas, however, the agriculture depart ment said, prices higher than last year's should enable borrowers to meet their payments, though from these sections also applications for extensions have been received. The government advanced approx Imately $04,000,000 in seed loans this year, of which S'.hl.OOO.OOO falls within the suspension order The remainder is distributed largely in cotton and tobacco regions. Tammany To Back Roosevelt. After Walker Troubles New York Group Decides To Sup port Democrat Despite Walker Affair. New York. Despite a tangled political situation, Tammany Hall and Us allies were said Saturday by a leader high In organization poli tics to, have agreed to support Krankim ,D. Roosevelt for president, Herbert H. Lehman for governor and James J. Walker for mayor The statement was made after the Democratic city organization had denied re nominations to two of Roosevelt's appointees to the su preme court, and in the place of one of Them nominated a Republi can. Lehman Is Roosevelt's own choice for tin: gubernatorial nomination n‘ next week's Democratic state con vention. Walker, when he resigned at the height of ouster proceedings before Oovernor Roosevelt. aid he was leaving his case "in the hands of the voters." Farley Claims 713,000 Majority Singe then the appellate division of the supreme court has ruled that a mayoralty election must be held Nov. 8. and a city wide Democratic convention has been cnlled for next Thursday, the day Walker expects to return from u European cruise. In the face of a situation which brought widespread speculation, James A. Farley, Democratic na tional chairman, and also head of TABLETS - SALVE * I.1Q11D - heck* Malurig tn 3 days, Colds first day llradacht'v or Neuralfia in «<» minutes 666 SALVE for HEAD COLDS Most Speedy Remedies Known you fkmkjr NOT YfARS MR Y BE ICING W' y0$O SKIfC ■itffaamTZiteSn ClftLS *9E DIFFFfffNT CHICAGO - NEW YORK Auto Body Works Painting and Repairs Wrecked Roily Work A Specially Bishop & Wilson 227 \Y. Graham St. PHONE 770-J X/',' the party's state committee, declar ed: "Nothing has happened to change my opinion that Governor Roose velt will carry New York state by more than 725.000. Other leaders ut national head quarters said they were convinced Tammany would go through with Its Rooaovelt-Lehman-Walker pro gram. The Sun said: "Curry (John F. Curry, Tammany chief) Is now convinced that Roose velt Is going to be elected and vs skillfully grabbing the opportunity to ride into office in New York on the wave.'1 Situation Badly Tangled The Pont reported learning au thoritatively that Walker would be the Tammany candidate for mayor, but added: "The open fight between Gover nor Roosevelt and Tammany gives Republicans a better chance to carry New York state.” The World-Telegram said Joseph V.McKee, who succeeded Walker as mayor “is ready to run as an inde pendent” candidate for mayor in the event his predecessor is named by the organization. McKee la a non-Tammany Demo crat from Bronx county, where Ed ward J. Flynn, Roosevelt's secre tary of state, Is leader. Flynn, who lias been with Roose velt on Ills western tour, was quot ed as saying on his way back to New York that his county had been denied its right of one of the judi cial nominations. Justice Samuel 1 Roeenman. one of the Roosevelt appointees denied nomination by Tammany, was from Flynn's section of the city. The Sun said: "The repudiation of Flynn, Roosevelt's personal representative In the city democracy, Is Tam many's ultimatum to Mayor McKee and his kind of economy and re form, which has created somewhat of a panic in the army of city of ficeholders and startled New York into a realization of what can be done in the city hall." Answers To Star’s Question Box On Page One Below arc the answers to the test questions printed on page one. 1. Cabell. 2. "Libra, the Latin word for pound. 3. *15,000. 4. An oriental guitar. 5. Front the Isthmus of Suez, which it traverses. 6. Nineteenth. 7. Eugene O'Neil. 8. “Jesus wept.” 9. Ogden Mills. 10. John A Roebling 11. “The Legend of Sleepy Hol low.” 12. John Fox, Jr. 13. Protestant Episcopal 14. Spain. 15. Ten years. 16 Michigan. 17. On the west coast of Africa. 18. Teg. 19. Northern Africa. 20. No. Both False Skeezick.s: There's a rumor that N< wton escaped his 3.000-foot fall by the skin of his teeth. Skedaddle: But his teeth are false, Skeezlcks: So Is the rumor. I" ... ■ DAN FRAZIER Civil Engineer And Surveyor Farm Surreys, Sub-divis ions, Plats and Genera) Engineering Practice. - Phone 417 - .«.....J Southern Railway System TRAIN TRAVEL Bargain Fares Baptist Sunday School Pic nic Excursion, Saturday, October. 8th, 1932, To THOMASY1LLF, N. C. Schedule and round trip fares: Lv. Grover. N. C. 7:30 am *1.00 Lv. Kings Mt, N. C. 7:48 am *1.00 Lv Bessemer City 7:85 am *1.00 Lv. Gastonia. N C., 8 10 am *1.00 Lv. Lowell. N. C. 8 20 am *1.00 Lv. Cramerton. N. C. 8 25 *1.00 Lv. Belmont, N. C. 8:30 am *1.00 Lv. Charlotte. N. C 3:45 am *1.00 Lv. Concord, N. C. 9:15 am 75c Lv. Kannapolis. 9:25 am ' 75c At. Thomasvllle, N. C. 10:25 a. ru. Returning special train leaves ThomasvlUe, N. C.. 4 15 p. m same day. A fine opportunity for a day's outing and visit to Mill* Home j For further Information call on ticket agents. •*<?: v Communists Fight For Place On North Carolina Ballot William Z. Foster, Communist candidate for President (at left) and James W. Ford (negro) Vice-Presidential candidate, are fighting for a place on the North Carolina ticket in the November elections. Determined el farts are being made by a communist group, in this state to have the names of its pres idential electors printed cn the of ficial North Carolina ballot to be used in the general ele"tlon of No vember 8th. The first legal skirmish was lost j by the communists on Siptember 16 j in Raleigh, when Judge N. A. Sin- j ciair denied a plea for a writ of j mandamus to force the state board j of elections to place the names of the communist electors on the! t icket. The state board of elections I has taken the position that names 1 of electors other than those of the democratic and republican parties will not bo printed on Die ballot un less lists of candidates ef other po litical parties are accompanied by declarations signed by 10,000 voters of the state certifying that the re puted parties are such. It is understood that the coni • j munist organization intends to carry tlhc fight to the supreme court I and J. Frank Flowers, Charlotte lawyer, attorney for A. W. Keller and others of Charlotte said to be candidates on the communist ticket North Carolina To | Name Rhodes Scholar Durham, Sept. 30.—North Caro lina vftll have the opportunity again j this year of selecting a Rhode:) scholar, it was announced today at ‘ Duke university. Applications will; be received until October 15. and; the election will be made in De cember. The student elected will i enter Oxford university, England, in ; October. 1933. The Rhodes scholarship is one ol ' the must valuable awarded and ha. been held by a number of North i Carolinians ,Xjrom various institu tions in the,state. are awaiting instruction: for the group to take the case before that j body. The communist, national ticket is headed by William Z Foster, of New York city, secretary of the Un ity league, candidate for president j of the United States and James] Ford, negro, of Pratt City, Ala,, can- ] dldate for vice president, Foster was arrested in Kansas for burning the , wheat fields to shorten the food j supply in order to handicap the j American forces in France during j the World war. At that time he was j a high official of the I, W. W. Ford J is said to have been very active in! aiding in the defense of the nine j negroes arre.sted at Scott^boro. Ala., and convicted of the rap" of two white girls for which they have been sentenced to execution. They arc now in Kilby prison at Mont gomery. Ala. The American Civil Liberties Union, an organization af filiated with the communist party, it is reported, has raised $180,000 to I fight the death sentence. The creeds of the communist party is: "No' God, no country, social equality.''—, Jeff Palmer, Charlotte, N. C. Alas! when people again have! confidence in the wrong things.— j Publishers Syndicate. GOOD NEWS MOTHERS Two-thirds less school days lost due to colds—with Vicks Colds-Control Plan. You have Vicks VapoRub for treating colds. Now get Vicks Nose Drops—the new aid in pre venting colds—and use each as directed in the Plan. BETTER CONTROL OF COLDS — QUEEN CITY COACH LINES — FOR. ASHEVILLE, CHARLOTTE. WILMINGTON, FAYETTEVILLE. FOR ASHEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY for ASHEVILLE: 10:30 A. M.; 8:00 P. M. FOR CHARLOTTE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY for CHARLOTTE: 11:30 A. M.; 2:00 P. M.; 4.30 P. M. FOR WILMINGTON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—11:30 A. M. FOR FAYETTEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY: 11:30 A. M.; 2:00 P. M. — FOR FURTHER INFORMATION — PHONE 450 - QUEEN CITY COACH COMPANY 5EA-TRAIN EXCURSION, Norfolk, Va. Including 7 Hours Cruise Beautiful Chesapeake Ray and Visit Historic Yorktown. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8TH. 1982 Round Trip Fare From SHELBY, N. C. Tickets on sale going Saturday, October 8th. Final limit October 11th, 1982. 7 Hours Cruise on Chesapeake Steamship Sunday, October 9th. Steamer leaves Pinners Point 9:00 a. m., Sunday, Oct. 9th. Returning 4:00 p . m. same day. Round trip fare includes cruise on Chesapeake Bay. Don’t miss this fine opportunity to enjoy the salt sea breezes, sailing on the palatial Chesapeake Line Steamer. — SEA - TRAIN EXCURSION: — A new type of rail and water outing offered by the Southern Railway System with the opportunity of visit ing the seashore resorts around Norfolk, seeing Hamp ton Roads and many other historic points on Chesapeake Bay. REDUCED ROUND TRIP PULLMAN RATES. Lunch on Steamer enroute at reasonable prices. Ac commodations on steamer are limited. For tickets, schedules and pullnian reservations, Con suit Ticket Agents, - SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM - "Royal Family” Before Cameras Acting together for the first time since they rose to fame on stage anr screen, the three members of the royal family of Barrymores are showi in a scene from the picture they are now making in Hollywood. Lionei is at left, in costume. Note the chin spinach. John, the great lover, it second from left and Ethel is at the extreme right. Poultry Car At The Seaboard Station In Shelby, WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCT. 5, intil noon. The following prices will be paid: 1 HEAVY HENS . 12 cents LEGHORN HENS.8 cents BARRED ROCK CHICKS 12 cents MIXED COLORED And LEGHORN CHICKS 10 cents ROOSTERS.7 cents Cleveland Farmers Mutual Exchange, Inc. ANNOUNCEMENT The Shelby MILK PLANT Opens Wednesday OCTOBER 5 Under The Management ot H. P. HAAS Featuring Pasteurized Milk for your health’s protection We will personally Inspect regularly all dairies from which we obtain raw milk. PHONE 125 For Delivery Service FUTURE IT’S easy to assume that “everything will he all right,” and though that is a com fortable philosophy it is apt to lead to dis astrous consequences where the disposal of your estate is concerned. Don’t leave this important matter to chance and the kindly, though possibly misdirected offices, of some friend. Provide for the Comfort of Your Family with a Sound Trust Fund. Wc arc Competent to Advise You. UNION TRUST CO.

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