Society JkT fC* %3LP *"5 mt:s Ri vs oki M H Ju ff bJ • • • , Mr*, drum mat or rr.n hrd in and hid#i. ramn nss al I in Mar oflii r plinne At nlhrr tinir* at lirr hcutir Irlr-i nonr Nu 713 II..0 I O C Merlin* Mrdnenday Altentnon The Uni tort l);uik..'<;i* "f r n(crlfrnr\ wfll.hnlH i in Wedim-duy iilipmo ti »( o i. < ,•« n! tli«“ liomr of M ( Hi 11iI ■ on Graham Mreer A full at ■• ■ ts desired. Home Making fla*-. Will Meet lomslil The Sotilli Slvcltiv . i.v. hi In in making mil iiuyi ;lii e\ nuvs 7 o'clock if the S. Shelby M-h.on) building All. women -mrt Ctrl win are tnlrroMeri Air loirhalh inviii in lie l'mfiii Min Miuliarct An thon.v. as..teacher, will'hi- m rhark: Graham P T. In First Meeting The Mr.;l meeting of I he fall - n. int\ of the tbuent Teuttv nation of Graham. strct i selin'cC. will hr held ai thf* Graham JmiId mg on Wednesday afternoon .i S 15 o'clock 't'his brine lit.- ftj . meeting, nil parents are surged attend. n 5 R 1.. Meet Tue-dav Afternoon The first meeting of lhr autumn for members of the lorn I, rhnpti > of the Daughters of III. AmrifciU' Revolution will tv In• Iff tmuoti > afternoon al 3'5ft at Hie. home of Mr- H A I.ogan with M i.ogan a« chairman of the hivo- - commit tee Mrs ,t I, Parker., Mr- V • MrSwani and Mi A"n.t" II out will he «. •-iMing .hot to. .-.PS, Huh Calender for Tuesday rt.nhs scheduled to meet on Tues day afternoon are:. The Renaissance 8tu<|v club wHi< b n ill meet with Mrs -lean SchPtu . at 4 orlnrk at her home in Clew land Springs Estates. The Contemporary hook chit) which will meet, with Mi. s Carolvl lever al 4 o'clock at her home on $ Washington street. The Mother ' club whirl) will hold its regular meeting with Mi (X burn Lute, at .'I 30 al her home on N Movnn street, and The Bonne Hrure hook eluh w hie > a ill .meet Tuesday evening at 7 3d ",iih.Mis, R S. Sindh a lvVR f3oyn%fii) and Mrs Paxton .Elliott were jii*nt ivvt esses on Friday evening al tlx* rake rutting given for members of the Coble-EUiotf wedding purtv and a few other friends, entertain tng at the home of tin- Muses Cornwell The bride wore a becom ing dinner dress nf light blue crepe The home wn_, decorated through out with quant hies of fall flower* The (able In the dining room was spread with a twee cloth and cen tered with the pretty two tiered white wedding rake full .wh.ic randies in silver holders glared each eornev of the table, the can dlestirks were tied with is:nr how, of white tulle. When the cake w o rut the emblems were cut a fol low’s the button hv Mr Kti"\ Hardin, the ring hv Mr Hardin, the' wishbone by Miss Mary Gordon Elliott, which she presented lo tie bride for good luck, the thimble hv Mrs, J L. Parker mid the heart hv Mr Bynum Weathers Refreshments const, ted of beam shaped tee cream, cake mints a punch A color scheme of pink an white was carried out in detail As the guests departed each w v given a small white box nf wed Hint eake. Outside the immediate friend ini Shelby the guests included Rev, Charles Coble, of Douglas, On M i Henry Whitly. of Greensboro. Mi and Mrs Will .Lattiinore, of Glen ’ dale. Miss'Mary Gordon Elliott of | Polkville. Miss Margaret LatUmore j of t attiniore Mtss l ewis Palter-on j of Patterson Springs, Mr and Mrs John Elliott and John i and Mrs. Tom lattimoie. nf Polk ville i Mix Belie F Hint I H>d To Mr. Coble A wedding charaeten.’.ed by sun ; pUctty and beauty was solemmv,'. I on Saturday morning at U ode*.- | a thr home of Mr, and Mr R 1 ' Weathers, the latter h .sister of the bride, when Mis., Belle K'.Uott <>I this place became the bride ot Mr Max Coble of Greensboro Re. Charles Coble, pastor o( the tuuj Presbyterian church in Douglas > Ga . and brother of the groom. pci - formed the ceremony The unpro vised altar before which the von. were spolceii was. of ferns and gol den rod. the same combination be ing-used in decoratmg (he enure living room. The nupiml music »»- furnish ad by Miss Lewi- Patterson >> pianist, and Mrs. Knox Hardin >» soloist. As an opening n urn bet Mi. Patterson played Flower Soug ; after which Mrs. Hardin sang "Ah I Sweet Mystery of Lite ' and I Low Yon Truly," McDowells "To A Wild Rose" was softly played dur ing the ceremony. The wedding h i; i' (“Hr,fit to tlie >1 unit- i! I< ici-rlii • W irti.-g Miiicii, mi Mi .., . ,»>'••!m \V• iif .iii: Minch t».i 11 (I n n i>■( c.-- niuiI Mi M i:'an. ' I -lifttintn:* , in ll.ifi' (lt!\ nil ■ 11 i, 1111 t Ilf I (i til. ■ '"in n- i -in In • i‘ i hi iir; » [ * I tnii. of«’ ciiliiioii ti>|)r? on nil: ."i ,i m In iiiji t»f K ir tin* i foilin'. t it-, iii unit h ci |i*t i toiin f’liJd,t. i -I * , : 1 | I ^ i I I If I .4 it on o| Mi iio i -M .Iniin Iv o1 fl if.v'i c; H in) “ II fill u. nl tit til If f* t,* ' tuV-on. #ti«i iv,r Invt !v in hr*; wiylrliiia- tin* nl (I,n u. tji'cciv c*i ■. ,. ii'.l ;-m h i' h .!;*• k c.; i* , i ;u i ■ -J ii ... ;ii ,'i njicli' (I itic nl; in sifi>n* ”, I'i 11 'in •.< - in ' hi tho stliKiili -hr ( in fil m ;i in lyiiiguH of. Pci • not f-c c.'v. .M Coble ,m ill I raet )ve R’l r»| eljljj. wu'lYi >y<*lrt»n; »« a cIiUi m i- i "i tin- I,iip Mi • and Mi Thom i K’lhiii <>f flu. n:imf Shi ha in ill' Ik i hinne for a iiiinib’'. t>i i ir with Mi and Mi Weath ers .'iln ift i iVpil In i education at I>avi np"i tcolli \i- and Duke mu -Vcn-tty and sftil'p ter urariiialion liar I.iuuIh id the cbpnlv schools. I ill lUOop) |i. i MID 111 Mi I) H Coble .Hid l he -lain M s. Coble . ol iii'hi (Ireenshorn and it a pronnn i ni fin in' i of (imltord comic. 1 Ill’ll.iibulph nllcr flic ci-iPinnil’ Ml and Mi < < lilt; felt Du a shot , a aiinv hip alter winch Mrs Ci lilc will come hack to Shelby and will I each lbc winter in llic No I school, while Mr Coble will return io In- bone i ■ i (li i nit. 1 Mr .and Mi: \v .1 .iiiys and Mi. Mar«'»rct M I animo.c iht latlc. of Pcitkville a -. lsicil 11> r ccivini; and cnirrtaininK the sue : Mr I’wxtini MUinU.. and Mis Noi a Cornwell presided in 'he Bill room At The Theatres “Two Aahin I the World." Is th> week- 11' t ollerhnt hi Ihe Webh ■ uh : ihk the inci npantble Con ■laiiri' Kfnr. It and Nell Hamilton (lull I it Her is rust as a k;vv. iaio • free society kuI who j> hurled pe' nu ll into I hi' mar'slicm of a inur dor case Silo 1 ears hernun honor tr hred.s to save he; hrot-her iron < vend ion «nd her tMi.wa rily m.-p from a rtoinostij' scandal Ii .a to bo the most di aimali role o | her Viti err. ''Tin' First Year." heean at ill Carolina Hus afternoon for a rut i of two (lavs l.inf f Cue nor aiv |Charles Fiirrell aio toii-'tlirr attain j in their "first, puituc of tire new j Hint vent Charlie a-, the thought less husband and Janet a the m j exiietieuceri wife: soni'limex htla intis, sotneiiiheii saci Ciaynoi i. a: | artless w ho brhrv s .crem prop) ' should he known for ihen worl until tint for lheir. innvns. crookta:'. parties and I a nn Site probabh knows mme about Ihe nieeiiahtr. of piriinr; making that! any oliie star on the Hollywood lot For*'ne In Barks Awaiting O vn'T; YT<*it Than v5.oOrt ooo l p* i tu ljtm rd In NVw > m k I »'* v-i of' Secretary of S'ate . R'd.u:,v. ti Ftyni' ha- sent on! and "SOS" to the right fill win’ s to drop M»m s Not Mention Rnnsrvrlf. < r11. M*«»* ‘fnrgultrn Man" Appeal. >' i . '« ■ 11 k . Knmr r fWivornn." At tir'd !• Smith in nil aitlrlc In tl Otitinnk "'it Saturday mc In ! 1 ,r \ i - I hi' mu ( r - "I t h : i m "i at a fiat i v in t,he conn it i ■ lirtii'n i ( M-titi,il tn tin- upbuild !>!• "I mu i! lltonal well bring" t ii 1:1 a apt-rial lif'uciltiB, ’ Tit I’m irid i.‘ii Mr. n" 111' u i it' V.v I: .lit I -.tup tni.iirig abniit tin hi ,urn iiitm and about cta.'S di till ' all.- .... I n.- In ■:* 'cii no i) Is s tip 1 and i ■■,<• • ni'i h dl ' i: >. fro.; : IIP ( U ill 1 lift t.Cl n. will ti ll)!' .1 nr i Mimi i ’ A l i i' si at mg t lie Itepubluai nr: i1 imiM iake the n.pon iI»iI:' :i i it ■ nu'M-’i able m takes w hieh have Intensified the be." i mi •.' ho win rs In ill lu'ehts slid purposes Hi? . -<)ti| ,1 if n mwv lie -lid In b<- m o I In- j oil Hi''* lion i. whet "ill ini l)i nii)i i i io party do with its vir ■ I'||\? A char ,p of got rniniopi .(.{ n !f Vi hot insure improvement Ml OOlli ft t0» "i On I ho other hand the Demo or.dir party has i in- >: n ,o advan tag!'- o| a liberal background and record In fhe.pnst it has novo I. ilod to lie hospitable to no s ideas . . . I ho In.-,i issue to ho decided i what, oloinon! will control lit* Democratic part v. it mils' hr admitted that the parly is noi united aiid tlial .lt is composed nl i number of roofiirting element,' md lntep ts This in dearly in dilated at the recent Chicago con . vent ion "With some <>f the eleniontx nne force.:, m t lie purls, I am complete dy on! of sympnth\ not for pc> onal reasons, but because I he Hove that they are Inimical t'1 tip j best, interest of tlie country. ' In mV opinion the Democratt. | nai tv must purge it,self of these j ■liter • is it it is to serve the na-j firm tn this crisis," 'I he former governor, unsuerr ■ fill tn his fight for the Democrat! nomination at Chicago.' dm- not ’ make the interests to which h. j refers In declaring his- belief Unit tic "hope id the country lies in t Demcrralw \ Ictorv lie does n>' mention by name either Governor Roosevelt, the presidential nomi nee or Speaker Garner, vice presi dential candidate. He devotes eve. a! hundred word to a n iticism of the Republican ad'minist ration. I. He declares the country is '"set for a rhnn>:r." His paragraphs on the electin'; ! arc at the end of pi.- tide which also rii.-cu. c- signs i i : itti, nmg prosperity, lus own pith tic w:o ks program, the Reconstruc tion Finance- corporation, and pro ; lubitfon. He rails on votets to apply the ; "acid t "sl ' to nil congressional can ■ did.ilc to determine then: prohibi . non stand | He predicts that if the prohibi lion relit continues long enough | tin re will be an attempt made ' d tp all enforcement appropriation hem the budget He criticises President Home; pielubinon stand and .ns he loo\ for a "sham bn"ir' from now ore j over the kind ot repeal di moriifi ! cat ion amendment to lie submitted lo the tales. IP" article is contained in tire 'ir.-l issue of the magazine appea fng under Smith s editorship A fo.eword says the tonic; Nr York governor will earn out 'a editoi i the .tradition of lndepen ! ent thinking which was built up bv I s pic’s- .-.lit H hrv War. Beech'r. f nvvi Abbot t and The i 'ore R' ’tevelt It ado says that Smith "c>nr to the T-dWorship otypig n'legi ■ nee to no political parly or re eg'.nts or fine.octal srouo " "It takas lots of 'money to ear; v oi vo of the states" an ox pc - '•r.oocl ph'ittciaJi who p.;o dtxi:' the dear creatures are weanin ' hemselves Rut if there ate no Perfect peo uie what becomes of the children of those who write books on the ar ot rhild training? ins which there has he n no prrsen ' at ion of the bank book Quite a buyers' drive could be started should the motlev be thrown into circulation Flynn declared Hr i ‘said scores of jobs could be previd-1 rd if ihe money was ut'lized to that i end. i (fiforifuina flip ffitiprican shorn p • tfpp our CFJ ftpATING Our 3rd ANNIVERSARY In SHELBY OCT. 1929-OCT. 1932 CELEBRATING Our 3rd ANNIVERSARY In SHELBY OCT. 1929-OCT. 1932 - Coffee Table - Real buy at $4.95 (>!' course you can use ah oy her coffee table in tin 1 i\ inyr room, it make servtnji so much easiei and it's so inexpensive when you buy it. at filer chi's. We had Auction -sales’.. /.Sold loads ami loads of fine furniture. . . . ( loaned the docks and made room for workmen to completely renew and re decorate the interior of our store. It’s done! The job’s all finished and we have a complete new store from cellar to roof. New wallpaper. New displays . , . new and complete stocks of the fin est furnit ure, ever brought .to Shelby. New and modern designs—new prices—-easy terms. Don’t rest until you’ve seen what we've done . . . and what we ha\e! Four-Poster Bed Low priced, $8.95 In Mahogany nr walnut finish. It’s so much Tri ilpmaml those days for the Colonial or Early American bedroom. Buy it on the Rudyet. Plan. Simmons Studio Bed Couch A stuilio immi . nui ii at" thi price is a rare find. Thi one covered in denim open.' out. tn twin hods. $19.95 CIRCULATOR PLATERS $19.85 Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets $24.85 LIVING ROOM SUITES Lit ing-Koom Suites—Ap pealing in design, price There is something more Appealing about these living-room , than their price though that is important loo. because, it is one of the lowest prices We re seen. Their styles are the most modern and up-to-the-minute .versions of hospitality suites for the living room They have the comfortable. lotinge hne anO smart details of much more • xpetv ive sets You’ll find them vo tn moo than this figure and a rare find. BEDROOM SUITES .'•'far Value In Bedroom Still os — Seldom are we able to offer such a rr markable value. A three-piece ztoup of the'finest craftsmanship, gracefully rte .signed and constructed consisting of a oeri ri e.sser and vanity. As a u:yt the '-!*'t. is out-standing, in point of style and .beauty offerings. Our liberal credit term, are always at veur .service. RUGS Sit our new Iirip B’^elow Sanford RUGS $19" And Up GOLD SEAL Congol eum RUGS New pattern WHEN BETTER El RMTFRE IS SOI 1). WELL SELL IT Pvii’P—pricesprices-every store Is hammering' price. Small wonder, when prices have never been so low iiv L> years, Rut what about qualify ! you ask. Ah—that’s where Sterchi comes in. For more than 3 years Sterchi furniture has been going into Shelby s best homes. For more [hail 4b years Sterchi furniture has been bin It right, styled right (and ot course priced right.) For more Than l(t years, our policy has been—the best is none too good for Sterchi’s and for you And while our prices, following the trend of the times have gone down, down, down, down—Sterchi quality is of the same high standard. And of course. Sterchi terms are liberal, Sterchi credit is yours for the asking. Secretary We Recommend t his See re lar> For Everything > f you're looking for a sec retary (ay so many people ire'three days) who "ill erve you long and f a it h - Lilly, here's the answer. A y race f u l,*er re la r v. s u > *s1 a ti ■ lially built . . . and >ueh a ■onvenience to rh*' entire family. Letters will he writ- j ten, oil!' will he paid. The popular Governn*- Winthrop j tyle. in genuine manogany. 78 inches high. 88 inches vide, 4 large < , ■■■•.. . s*> et ones. $69.50 Wall Paper Paints Tires Stfegmrs “A SAFK IM.At’K TO TRAl >K” Radios PHILCO, ATWATER KENT R.C.A. - VICTOR