,-—-, 10 PAGES TODAY i_____ !1' MhiI p*r fear, |tn »av»nc*> - *a fta Carr;»r. wr On Late News THE MARKET l otton basic — l otion Sped, bu. . 18 '■»c More Showers Today's North Carolina Weather Report: Cloudy with rain tonight and possibly in extreme east por tion Thursday. < oliler tonight and Thursday. Hoover Speaks Des Moines. Ia.. Oft. 5.—Declar ing the program initiated under Democratic leadership during the last session of congress would hare been "the end of recovery” Presi dent Hoover last night sponsored before an applauding farm audience a series of twelve “policies of the Republican party" in aid of agricul ture. A throng that completely fill ed the in.OOfl seat Des Moines colis tem and overflowed into the Shrine lemple and across the capital plaza cheered the Chief Executive repeat edly as he opened his first campaign speech since accepting the renomina tion. It listened as he expounded such "poHcies” for farm aid as shift ing war debts payments to expand ing agricultural markets abroad, re vision of the agricultural marketing art. including repeal of the stabili- J ration clause, and enactment of even higher tariffs on 'arm com modities where necessary Hoey Says Hope Of Masses With Democrat Party Hoqver Regime Pays Vast Sum Daily Declare* Hoover Administration .‘spend* Knur Million More Per Day Than It* Income. • Special to The Star' Salisbury, Oct. 5.—In making his opening campaign speech here las; night, Clyde R. Hoey, popular Democratic orator, gave enthusias ;ic endorsement to ail the nominees of the Democratic party, payingi special tribute to Roosevelt, Re>- j hold!, Ehringhaus and Doughton Among other things he said Mouth-Piece of Masses ' Democracy is still immortal. The Democratic party was not born to ■ die. For more than a hundred years this great party has been the mouth piece of the masses, the champion j of those whose voice in government: would go unheard but for its ad- j vocaey of men and measures; It: has been national in sentiment and universal in service. It has neither ! fawned before wealth nor patroniz- j cd poverty. It recognizes no clais or croup, it offers no special grant.-, or benefits, it seeks no support from i hose who demand governmental i favors in return for financial as-' ststance. Its whole purpose is to bring the benefits of government to all tire people in accordance with i heir needs and to distribute the burdens of government among ail ; the people in proportion to their j ability to bear them. '.The Republican party has had ■ CONTINUED ON PAGE NINE I Kim Williams Buried Tuesday Well Known And SnosrahilaJ Farm er Living Six Miles North Of Shelby Tassed Monday. Kim Williams, one. of the mos* prominent and substantial farmers in upper Cleveland, died Monday morning at 11 o'clock at his home between Beams Mill and Double Shoals, at the age of 69 years. Mr. Williams had been sick all rummer with cancer of the stomach, but became real ill last Wednesday. He had been a very industrious farmer and was greatly belo-cd by all who knew him. Hr was a fine type of upright citizen and a con istent member of Pleasant Grovt Baptist church. He was born Juh 7th, 1863 and was married Octobe l 17th, 1895 to Miss Minnie Wright | who survives with eight children. 1 five boys and three girls’ Mrs. Vera Grigg. Vertua. Alvin, Lena, j Hall. Stonewall, Cloe and Otho Williams. Also surviving arc one! brother Zcm Williams of this coun ty and one sister. Mrs. Kiziah Gard ner of Concord. He was widely con- j nected and had a ho6t of friends who gathered for the funeral serv- j Ice held Tuesday afternoon at 2 \ o'clock at Pleasant Grove Baptist j church. Funeral services were conducted1 by Rev. D G, Washburn, assisted by I F»v. G. P Abemethv. A largr crowd was present and a beautiful floral offering was <0 evidence. Hunter Wright, MaurM* Williams. Coleman Elliott, Willie Wright, Broedus Glascoe and Frank Spurlin served as pallbearers while hi! nieces and grandchildren carried j the pretty flowers to his new made • rrave. Highway Board Submits Three Routes For Polkville-Shelby Road Cline To Resign In December As County Accountant, Is Four Months Before His Term Would End Tenders Resignation At Board Meet H S. Beam Also Resigns As fountv Solicitor, flinc To Leave With Board. A E Cline, who has served Cleveland county as a member of the board of commissioners and as county manager and accountant since the establishment of that of fice, will resign as accountant on the first Monday of December. The accountants term of office runs to the first of April, at a time when several other of the county offices change, but in tendering his resignation to take effect two months from now, Mr. Cline will leave office four months before his term is ended at the same time the present commissioners go out of office to be succeeded by the nee board Filled By New Board This mean- of course, that the new board will have the opportun-j ity of naming the new accountant ! when they enter office instead of four months later, Mr Cline, whose record in setting i up a business system of governmen' | in the county has attracted wide i commendation, announced early in the year that he would not be a candidate for re-election as a mem ber of the commission board, oi i which he has been chairman foi j years, and also stated that he would ' not be an applicant to succeed him - j self as accountant. The resignation was accepted or. motion by Commissioner G R \ Lattimore and the seconding o. j Commissioner Ft. L. Weathers a. j the regular meeting of the boaro | this week j Weathers Solicitor At the same meet mg of the board the resignation of W. S Beam r solicitor of the county recorder s court was also accepted on a mo- j tion by Mr. Lattimore. seconded br j Mr. Weathers. Mr. Beam is sue j ceeded as solicitor bv Bynum F i Weathers who was appointed act-1 ing solicitor while Mr. Beam was j undergoing hospital treatment fort several weeks. Tills resignation andj change. It Is understood, bream effective this week. Sand Bags Help To Supply City Water Sand bags were resorted to back during the summer on two different occasions to prevent the city's water supply from running short. The river was low because of the long drought and the stream was so small, there was not sufficient wat er to reach the intake pipes at the pump station. Sand bags were placed in the stream to divert the water to the intake pipes. Recent rains, however, have added consid erably to the water supply. Eastern Star Meet. A meeting of the Eastern Star will be held at the Masonic temple in Shelby Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Members are urged to be present. Cutie in Copper An occasional “copper” on the bath ing beach to preserve order is not an unusual sight. But here’s an >ther kind of copper ubed to make a iaunty bathing suit for Miss Heler 1 Brow, of Phoenix. Ariz. It is guar i aoteed not to shrink or rust. Mis; j Brow was recently chosen “Mis I Arizona.” The suit has been cop j oer-sprayed by a special process Baptists -Meet Thursday-Friday Delegates And Visitors Will Gather In Annual Meeting At New Bethel Church. On Thursday and Friday of this' week the annual meeting of the Kings Mountain Baptist association will meet with New Bethel church near Lawndale, with Rev. J W. Sut tle, moderator, presiding. Through' an error caused by looking at the wrong calendar. The Star stated that the association would meet on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Members of the New Bethel Bap tist church have made elaborate plans to entertain the association and all delegates have been assign ed to homes. Rev. J. V. Devenny, clerk of the association says ail churches have sent in their annual reports which show gratifying in creases in memberships. The revival meetings this year met with won derful results and while all churches have suffered financially because of the condition of the times, there has been a great spiritual awaken ing. | Straw Vote Shows Cleveland People For Roosevelt, Reynolds, Bulwinkle Bulu inkle 10 To‘l Favorite. Repeal Votes Here Outnumber All Others. Cleveland county voters have taken the straw vote method of showing they are as Democratic as ever this year, perhaps more so. In the poll being conducted by The Charlotte News throughout this territory Shelby and Cleveland voters are casting better than 15 to 1 votes for Roosevelt over Hoover, and better than 10 to one for Rey nolds oyer Newell and Bulwinkle over Jonas. A Bit Damp. Too The vote on prohibition also shows that this section is some what inclined to the repeal idea. Of the 73 votes cast up through yesterdays poll on prohibition more voted for repeal than the combined vole for retaining the present law modlfirattop and rMubmiseion A total of 37 voted for repeal. H vot ed to retain the present law, 13 voted for modification and nine for rcsubmlsslpn. Other County Votes The straw vote total ot Cleve land votes so far in;rr' To Haw Rig Crowd At FI rat Rallr, Cleveland county Democrat*. fol lowing g custom of years will open their 1032 campaign at Fallston Friday night of this week The first county rally of the political drive will be held in the s*hool house there and >s scheduled to get under wav at 7.30 The mam speakers for the even ing will be Solicitor John O. Car penter of Gastonia and Peyton McSwain Shelby attorney. Candidates Present. The opening meeting Is being held under thr county organization of Young Democrats, and officials oi (hat group have invited all Demo cratic candidates on the county ticket to be present. They will not it is said, be railed on for speeches, but will be introduced to the crowd The Young Democrats are very active this year and hope to bring out a big Democratic vote by their efforts. It is further announced that John C, Ehnnghaus. Democratic candi date for governor, will speak at Kings Mountain some time between the 10th and 25th of the month The Young Democrats are planning to rally up a large crowd to hear Mr. Ehnnghaus, just aa.they hope to bring out a large audience In Shelhv late in the month to hear Bob Reynolds senatorial candidate Vale Section Man Killed By Train Or*i£ Fullbright. Of Vale Rout* 4, Fault* Hurt In Charlotte Last Night. Charlotte Oct; 5. Craig Full bright of Vale, route tour was fa tally injured when hit by a Pied mont * Northern freight train on the track between South Mint street and the Warren warehouse early last night. He died in St Peter's hospital at S 50 o'clock The slowly moving freight cat passed over Fullbright s body and almost amputated both legs, besidee crushing the chest and arms. He was conscious when James C. War ren and several-others ai the trans fer concern reached him Pushed Out Of Way, A negro passerby, said Fullbright was walking along the tracks and that when the car approached, the brakeman riding the front end pushed Fullbright out of the way. However, he stumbled back onto the track and was. run over. Fullbright was about 45 years eld and is said to be survived by a wife and five children. His family, which lives several miles from Vale, could not be reached las: night. County Court Gets Cases From Fair Total Of 40 Catn Dfvrtopod Over Week-End. Three Men Have 3* Pints. The big Cleveland county fair i. i over for this year but the county | recorder's court is still grinding ! away clearing up the aftermath, A total of 91 cases, all more or i less minor charges, developed dur | ing fair week for trial last week i and this. Forty new cases were i docketed from late Saturday night ' and Sunday morning merry-makers, j Eighty-five percent of the charges ! were for drinking. The biggest catch made by officers were three Rutherford white men who were 'alleged by officers to have had 38 pints In their truck. The officers preferred a charge of having whis key for sale, but the defendants, when placed on trial Friday, will contend, it is reported that they had the whiskey for drinking pur poses Epworth Leagues Meet At St. Peter® There will N> a union meeting of the Fpworth leagues m t.h* church es of the Kings Mountain charge »r St Peters church in upper Cleve land on Friday night, Oct 7th, be ginning at 7 o'clock. An interesting program has been prepared and re presentatives from all of the leagues i are expected to attend. An Editorial "Oh Yeah”? £££*5* the «Pre«*ion on the face of former Governor Alfred R. S»Td^v jrjt.mTrpZ.‘T *d/,t0ri..h® d?Mn>t **re,‘ W1,h whatever he# been **!*,J* bmr!ey * chairmen of the national Democratic TIRwf" n)5nVer l0T Go/ernor Roosevelt. At left is ^N- Y"‘ wbW® thl* Photo w*» made as Demo iTlfuLL\lU£j?n**2*0T,\ In °» *™‘ »*ue of his new ma*ai»ne, A1 endorsed the Dsmoeratae ticket hut kept silent on the name of Governor Roosevelt. As Many Cleveland Couples Marry At S. C. Gretna Green In A Month As Get Married Here In Nine Months 1* Couples Front This Section Mar ried At Gaffney In September. Nine Marrv Here. j The Gaffney, g. p, Gretna Green I u still doing a rushing business ip i marrying lovelorn Cleveland county couples.. A check ot) Clic.wiawMi^u. records here and there Uns week reveal that for every local couple securing marriage license here nin go to South Carolina for the easiei I and more economical ceremony Fifom September 1 through Or. ! t-ober 1. 40 couples from the Shelby i Cleveland county section were mar i ried at Gaffney by Probate Judge i hake W Stroup In the same per [ tod only nine eouples secured their marrlagp hoense at the Cleveland county court house. and that was a high figure for the year. Of the nine several couples were from other counties. Further investigation of the fig ures show that exactly the sam number of couples from this - sec tion. 49. in number, were married i in Gaffney during September a» i wejre married in this county during 1 the nine months of the year Avoid The Rash In a list of Cleveland coupler married in Oaffney coming to this paper is the advice from Judge Stroup, who In 10 years comes near holding the marrying record, to! "marry now and avoid the Chris' mas rush ' Us! In Given ^ Couples from this «ection who were married in Gaffney in Sep tember or on Ort 1 include the i following Clyde McGinnis and Effie Le Richeaux, of Kings Mountain; Haz el Robinson and Mable McFarland, of Shelby; Willie Lambert and Ethel ePeler, of Vale; Ernest Blan-! ton and Lassie Cartee. of GUtfside: i Ghas. Conner and Oleen White, of j Shelby; J. W Grigg and A lire Ptercy, of Vale R-3, Albert Little lCOWTlNn«D ON P*Q«: NtNi Daughter Of Mr And Mr* F. V CiHlwfll Die* In Washington Auto Cra.*h. Mias Catherine Caldwell. Blacks-; burg girl about 22 years of age. ua : killed in an autp accident at Wash ington, D. C , Monday, according to Capt,. McK. Albergotti, Southern conductor of Blacksburg who passed through Shelby last night on his run. Miss Caldwell was the daughter of Mr and Mr- F. V. Caldwell, of Blacksburg, and was a graduate of Winthrop college She had been living with her brother, Eugene Caldwell, in Washington for some time. The news of her tragic death came as a shock to her many friends; in the Blarksburg section. Funeral i arrangements were not known last ! night, I Fay Jenkins, jr, young county boy. who has been In tire Shelby hospital for some, time with an in fected leg, was given a blood trans fusion today and was laid to show improvement After more than 30 people had offered a blood test to find one suitable for the transfusion j the blood given by William Crow der. well known Shelbv grocer, was j used Given Transfusion College Grid Game Here On Friday; Highs Play Kings Mountain Contest Number Of LocaJ Boys Will Be In Boiling Springs-Campbell Clash. Plenty of football in this tmme I diate section is on tap for the cont 1 ing week-end. In Shelby Friday afternoon the Boiling Springs college Bulldogs will play their first home game of the year with the strong Campbell college eleven The same afternoon at King Mountain the Shelby highs will go into their second contest of the; year against the Mountaineer ele-i ven. On the following day Saturday, old Wake Forest, men and otiter football fans will flock to Charlotte for the Wake Forest-South Carolina game. Several Shelby and Cleveland county hoys »r» expected to he in j tn th» Demon Deacon lineup, while I Earl Clary, South Carolina ace, is: a former Gaffney player and a drawing card in this section. Hot Clash The two junior colleges perform ing in Shelby Friday promise a very lively contest. It is Coach' Hutchins first year at Boiling Springs, where he succeeded Blancy Rackley, but after getting off to a slow start his boys have shown re markable improvement, Camnitz. a Shelby boy, will likely run the team at quarterback, with Johnny Hen dricks, another Shelby boy, at full back. Red Jolley, last year's star at Shelby high, will be at the pivo position, and in the lineup will be Gene Black and other Shelby and county boys. The Shelby highs alter uncork ing a strong offense against Lowe!) I here last week are in good condi-, tion for their clash with King. Mountain in a game of long rival ry. The rebuilt, tine has been func tiontna smoothly this week in prac- , tisc and the hark*, including Mj ■ Putnam. Williams. Hyder, the two: Connors and oth»r ball carriers have been running smoothly. If the | Morris eleven is still scrapping as in the opening game a victory should be chalked up, and many lo cal supporters of the highs will be on hand at the game / ■ Use Of Present Highway20 Will Save Lots Money Road CommUsioner Talka Of Plana Cheapest Route Engineer Siai ""Hid IV Tn Follow 2fl To Dover, Then Old Route. A map outlining three surveyed rout/* for the proposed Shelby PolkvIUr highway and statistics Showing the com, of the three route* were sent to Shelby yesterday by the State Highway commission Contract lor the road, the letter informed a to be let on Novetnbei 1, and the map and detailed ccw; figures are sent with thr purpose of giving the county an opportunity to express a preference prior to that, time. The letter says "The project is m otir schedule for November l let ting and we desire to push It as rapidly as possible There must, however, now be marie a den.*ion a# to the route to be followed.” Details Given The three routes outlined with their cost do not include the cos’ of the entire road from Shelter to Polkvllle, but only the surveyed routes out of Shelby some six miles ol the 12 to 14-mile distance. The No. t route is the direct line ■survey, going out, by Hoppers park to a point C 5.91 miles in lengtn by direct course The. No 2 route i* the present road tn use. from A (Shelbyi lo B (Dover mill store) to c, me point northwest of town Route No. 3 would go from A (Shel by) out highway 20. using the present bridge, to 0 the Dover milt road intersection, then to the Dover mill store (designated as B on the map>. and then on to point C (Jan Use 20 Bridge Since the No 3 route is included it. m presumed that the federal au thorities will permit the use of the present bridge on highway 20. Som» weeks ago highway official* were understood to have said that the present budge could not be used as the federal building fund prohibit ed parallel routings Apparently there has been another interpreta tion of this phase. The Inclusion of route 3 would save a considerable sum over the other routes, the en gineering figures show, because the cost of the bridge would be saved. The letter from the highway com mission intimates that if the sav ing hr almost $10,000 is made bv deciding on this route the remain der may be used for other roads in the county. Cost Of Routes The figures submitted by the survey show that the route spoken (CONTINUED ON PAGE TEN i Moore Enlists In U. S. Marine Corps J. C. Moore, of Shelby, rout* 4, passed the preliminary examina tion for enlistment in the U. S Marine Corps, Tuesday, at the Ma rine recruiting office in Charlotte He has been assigned to a place on the waiting list until called for final examination at recruiting headquarters in Savannah. Ge Major E M. Reno, officer in charge of marine recruiting in this district, makes the final selections for en listment. Moore is a graduate of Lattimorc and passed an esceUeni examination at the Charlotte of fice. Beam Plantation Brings $10,300 The Barbara Beam plantation os 227 acres lying a few Wile* north of Waco, was sold at public auction Monday to Johnnie Beam for $10. 000. Mr Beam is one of the heirs and lives on the place The proper ty was sold for -division among the heirs and the bid remaine open for twenty days, subject to a raise. Dr D M Morrison was ■’ommissioner. Cotton Steady From Yesterday’s Close Cotton at 2 o'clock today on the New York exchange was holding stead v around yesterday's close Oct. today was 6.88. December 7.00 Yesterday's close Oct 6 93. Dee 7 0S Traders seems to h» waiting the bureau report, which will he is sued on Saturday, estimating -rop for the year AROUND TOWN—page S. NOBODY'S BUSINESS—page 1 MORE SPORTS—page 5.