Just A Story To Show That Good Times Always Have Come Back i American Wholesale Grocer* Association.! A story Is told of s traveler who •lighted from the train to find him •elf In • drenching rain on the paltform of a little county atatlon, with only one Individual in sight, a native—a tall, gaunt, uncommuni cative Individual drawn up against the station wall In a vain effort to protect htmaelf from the »torm. The traveler greeted him and only re ceived a grunt in reply. Again the traveler addreeeed to the Silent One the question "Lived here all your life?" Back came the. icply "Not ylt.” Making one more effort to be sociable the traveler queried "Think this rain will ever stop?”—and promptly came the reply, "It always has!" That countryman may have lack 666 UfttJin — TABLETS —■ SALVE Cfcttka lUUrU la * 4*r>, Colds first e.. ■ttadoehr* or N«nrsl|la In n« minut-i AM SALVE for HEAD COLDS Meet Speedy Remedies Known - W. S. BEAM - ATTORNEY Practice In All Civil And Criminal Courts Room No. 12, Bank Building. Phones 628 end 675-J. Auto Body Work* Painting and Repairs Wrecked Body Work A Specialty Bishop & Wilson 227. W. Graham St. PHONE 770-J TKLITRI'I (ALC Or BIAI. MTATK Under end by vtrtua at the authority contained In that certain (lord el trail •Mauled by O C Beam and wife Hattve ■aim to tha undermined trustee. said Hard e( truit being dated February 31. 1031. and recorded in tha office of the rottater of deada for Cleveland county. N C, in boon No. m at p»g* It. sootu tng an mdtbtadneaa therein deacrlbad and default havlne bean made In tha pay ment of tha Indabtadneia, I win on •aturday, Oetobar Hth, 1»M at ll a'oloek noon or within trial houti at tha court house door In Bheloy, N. C, aall to the highest bidder far raah at nubile auction those oartaln Iota or uer cola ef land deacrlbad as follow* Ftrat Lot: Bain* lot No 11 of tha » A Beam property on South Morgan atroet. at ahown by plat ef property made by o C. Btlne. auryayor. and bounded aa lot lawn Beginning at a stake on tha east •Ida of Morgan atraat and the 8 w corner of lot No. ll and rune thence s A W. with «atd Morgan atraet II feat to a stake, northwaat corner or tot Ho. ll; 'hence I. H 1. H feet with north line ' of let No. II to a atako In line of tha 11 . foot allay, northeast corntr of lot No. ie! I thence N. 4 B. with tuna of said allay ’ll I feat ta p ataka, aeuthcaat earner of lot l No. Ill thence N II W. »0 feat with 'eouth Una of lot Ns. II to the beginning and being that same lot which wee con veyed to O C. Beam by D. A. Bearn by deed recorded 3-0 at ea|r 11. Baaond Lot: Being Iota No t and 3 ot the J. W. Unebargsr property, ahoen by map of aald property recorded In book TT of daeda at page 100 and described as follows; Beginning at a stake, south west corner or lot No. 1 and on north edge of Boat Warren atraat running thence with tha east edge ot aatd street 8. II degrees II minutes 100 feet to « stake corner of lot No. «; thence S. 1 4« E. >i4 fast to a stake two feat from the branch 'hence up tha branch to corner of lot No. 1; thence In a southerly direction with line of lot No 1, 13 3 feat to the be ginning and being that same lot con veyed to a. C. Boom by J. K Melton and wife by, deed recorded in book OOb at page 401 inuu loi: inn 10c or oi ismi lying on tlx north side of th* outlie road loading from Shelby by Dixon bridge to Lawndale end described ee fol low*; Beginning ot s stout on the north •14o of the puble rood leading from Shelby by Dixon bridge to Lawndsl*. T. * Lute’ corner end J. H. Hull’s corner end runs thence with J H Hull 1 line N. ] n j.j poles to e stoke In deep K; thence with J. H. Hull's line S greet 10 minutes X. 3! 3 poles to tn Iron stake in e»st edge of public road earner of let told to J T, Oreen; thence with two Unas of said lot vis. N. 3(4, r e% poles to an Iron Hake at east edge of said road. J F. Oreen a corner, thenca N. UV‘« X 31S poles to an Iron eteke In the said 3. T. Oreen a corner thence with dtvlelon line N. in, w. 36 poles to a stake, T. H Lute end J. F T.eonerd’a line; thence with said line 8 371« W 32 0 poles to an iron stake at dogwood; thence with Hopper's land s 871 j X. 8,2 polas to the beginning, con* turning 4 l meres more or leaa end being thet seme lot conveyed to o c Seam by R L. Leonard end wife bv deed re corded In book LLL at page 378 Fourth Lot: Lvlng on Gaffney and Clyde streets In West Shelby and being the northern portion of lots Noa. 13 and 34 ef the J. J. Wilkin's property as shown by map recorded In book SS p.ige S42 and described as follows;. Beginning at a etaka at the Intersection of Geffnev and Clyde streets end runs lhanee N. 68 de gress 44 minutes W. 133 1-3 feel with Oaffney etreet to a stake in a 13 fool eUev: thence with east edge of said alley S. 34 W go feet to W. S. Davis' mow Pendleton si corner; thence eaat with the Pendleton’s Hne 8 68 degrees 48 min utes B. 133 1-3 feet to Clyde street; thenee with Clyde etreet H 34 X. 80 feet to the beginning end betng that same lot con veyed to-CL C Beam by Cornelia Howell Berber end husband by deed recorded in book UtJU at page 471. Fifth Lot; Being lot No. lg end 10 feet off the front of the north tide of lot No. 38 Of the D. A. Beam property on South Morgan street at shown by plat of said property recorded in book of Plata No 1 •t page 74 and described as follows Be ginning at a eteke on east aide ot Mor gan street at southwest corner of lot No IT and runs thenee s 4 W. with said Morgan street. 34 feet to t stake tn line •f 13 foot alley; thence with north edge of aald alley N 16 X 86 feet to e etekt in.the w4it ydge of a north ind south alley; thenee with the west edge of north and south alley 38 feet to t eteke south - eas* earner of lot Ho. It- thenee « »S W *0 feet with south line of lot No. 17 to the beginning end being thet same lot which wa» conveyed to a. C Beam bv J D. Campbell and wife by deed record ed In book 3-W lit page 113. Said prop erty will be sold separately then as a whole and sold aubject to all unpaid taxes This Sapt. 14. 1(33. JNO r MOLL. Trustee 4t Sept >14< I'd what we call "education" but his was a philosophy that the people Of the United States nerd today; a philosopher which, If practiced, would do more to restore our busi ness equilibrium than all the sta tistic* governmental or otherwise, that could be printed in a year’s time. In talking with many wholesale grocers and In reading their com munication* during recent months we have found many of them think ing only In terms of the present. Their mind* appear to be static, they stand still and. move neither backward nor forward lit their con sideration of conditions In the bust ness world. For such men past ex periences mean nothing, and in the future there Is wrspt no hopes nor possibilities. Perspcctne is utterly lacking. Too many of tia are deal ing with present day conditions just as though they were entirely un related to the months and years that are gone and those that must Inevitably follow. We speak and act as though today were all of life and ofttlmea we permit ourselves to to become gloomy, discouraged and bereft of all hope in the belief that "today is bad and tomorrow will be worse." Does It not occur to us that "tomorrow" Is even now beckoning us on to better things, that the fu ture la bright with hope and prom ise and that the storm through which w'e are passing will cease? "It always has.” "It always has!" Summer follows winter, day follows night, the sun shine follows the rain, the swallows go but come again, the storm Is fol lowed by calm and even so prosper ity follow* 'depression ’—"It always has!" « i* not a runclion of this office to prophesy, make prediction* or In dulge In other ;.uch foolishness. The government, the pres-i. the politi cians and the stock market manlpu lator* will furnish Jus*, about all of the prophecies and predictions that the public can digest and more. It Is for this office, howevsr, to con cern itself with that most regret table and, at the same time, dan gerous attitude assumed by many wholesale grocers which prevents them from seeing things as they really are a condition of mind which is fatal to present or future success. We, many cf us at least, speak and think as though this were the only age In which the world has existed and '.hat our own individual business is the hub of American commerce. Out eyes are fixed upon our desks and our Im mediate surroundings, and thoughts go afield no further than this pres ent day. We are so close up in our mental attitude to our own busi ness and conditions as they are to day that we are without that, vis ion which enables us to wisely and Intelligently appreciate and under stand relations instead of things We are regarding the period embrac lng the last two or three years as a thing set apart by Itself and hold ing no relationship with the past or the future, rather than regarding this present moment in which we are living and acting at, a casual continuum. There is a background to all that we are going through now, and we are going to relate the present to that background or we are going to fail utterly In qualifying for those days of prosperity and business health which is just as Kirely ahead of us as death itself. We have but to turn the pages of this nation’s business life, during th*- past one hundred years, to disco-, ri that our fathers and our grandfathers pass NOTICK North Carolina, Clavalend County. In the Superior court Before the Citric. Fr*nk l Hoyle, Administrator of the *8 tttt of Dianna Wright deceased and M J Wright, patitiontra. va. Fannie Wrifht. I.alltat Wrifht, Carroll Leo Wrifht ft a! defendanta. The defendant, Alvin Propjt. will take notice that an jetton entitled as above has been commenced in the superior court of Cleveland county, N c to sell lands to make assets to nay the indebtedness of Dianna Wrifht, deceaard. in which the oefandant has an tntartat; and tha said defendant will further take notice that he is reQUtred to apoear befort the clerk of superior court of said county at the eburt house In said county. Shelbc, N. C on or before Friday. October M. 1833 and answer or demur to the petition In aaldi action, or the petitioner will apply to thr court for the relief demanded in said petiton. This September 31 1*33 A M HAMRICK, Clerk of Superior Court Jno P Mull, Atty for petitioners «t Sept 38c TRUSTEE'S SALE Under and by virtue of the authority contained in a certain dead of trust exe cuted to secure an indebtedness to the South Shelby Building and Loan asaoela tton which dead of trust la of record in the office of the register of deeds of Cleveland county, North Caroline the undersigned trustee will on October 3Sth et 3 o'clock P M tt the court house door sell to the higheet bidder for cash the following described real eatate: Beginning at an Iron stake Florence Morrisons corner in Maggie Smith old line thence with said line north 3 east 80 feet to a stake in said line; thence s new division line south 83*. west 185 8 feet to a stake in J. s Wilson's line thence with seld line south 31 i-I west 138‘b feet to a stake In said line; thence a new line north 88'» east 183 leet to a stake in Florence Morrisons line now Roscoe Luta's lint; thence with said line north 3 east 83 feet to a state their corner thence with Florenee Morrison t line, now Ros*oe L-utf's line north 84*i *•**•* ,e lh* end being ell that lot conveyed to Rush Padgett end wife, Cerrte Padgett be H ctey Cox sod wife by deed dated April gth. JM3 end recorded In book mmm at page <«< in the office of the register of deede of Cleveland county, to which deed and record thereof reference is hereby made for further identification and description of said lot. This 38th day of September 1*31 HORACE KENNEDY, Truster weathers A Kennedy. Any*. tt sen 38, pill n.i.ii jin* ■!'. . . ..... ■.-1 nd through Just exactly what we are passing through today and yet they lived to aee thia nation live on and prosper aa has no other nation on earth, It would probably be a source of Inspire!ion and ecouragement to many of us to read back and famll iariee ouraelvea with the bualneas panics of 1837, 1857,1073 and 1893, and even as late as 1907, a depres sion less severe but none the less real. In 1837 ninety per cent of all the factories In the east i upended op eration rectories and trades gen erally stopped work, fetvtes repudl- ■ ated their bonds and it became necessary, in many states to enact laws to prevent the sale of property for debts. Many of the greatest firms of that day failed, the number running into tens of thousands with total liabilities running Into him-; dreds of millions of dollars. Cotton! was ten cents a pound and the price I paid for labor was insufficient to ment situation was acute to the ! buy bread, while the unemploy poln» of provoking riots This 'de pression" came to an end. "it, al ways has." Following 1887 with its de pression, bringing failures among great financial institutions and railroads, with Industry suspended and labor in distress, a year when mobs matched through the street# of New York City with cries of 'Bread of Death"! In 1860 a quick recovery followed. "It always has. ’ Thirteen years after the panic of 1873 acme upon the country in full force and down went some of the largest financial institutions of that day, among them H, B Claflin it Co. a name famous in the whole sale annals of that day, Within two years the railroads of the country had defaulted In the sum approach ing one billion dollars. Marketing the cotton crop was impossible and foreign shipping paralveed, w-ith the result of a depressed local market, carrying with it prices far below manufacturing costs. A ciiuil reading of trade jour nals and statistics of the years be tween 1873 and 1875 make present day conditions assume a roseate hue Those conditions, which while they endured, cast a blight upon com merce and industry of this country, were succeeded from 1879 by years of prosperity and business develop ment beyond the dreams of the moot optimistic of that day. The clouds lifted and the sun shone forth upon happier days and a Joyful and prosperous people. Prosperity fol lowed depression—"It always has!" Then came 1893, ushering in two years of disaster for the industry, commerce and finance of the na tion. One authority on the subject of the business collapse of that year places the total liabilities at fifty percent greater than in 1873. Again the value of ratlwey stocks melted away and the problem of unemployment reached the danger point, in two years recovery start ed, prices soared and this nation became again a happy and prosper ous people. The clouds burst and the rain falls but in due time it atpps. "It always has!” Prosperity follows depression—"It always has!” ADMIMSTBATOR'S NOTICE Havtni qualified aa administrator ot Ihe a .Mata ot Mary L Cahmaas, decaased, lair of Cleveland county, North Carolina, this la to notify all paraona having claims against the eatate o( said deceased to es htblt them to the undersigned at Slielby, N 0. on or oafora Beptember 3. 1»SJ, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said es tata will please make immediate pay ment. This the 3rd day of September, i#33. C. C. MORN, Administrator of Mary h. Cabmett. Ceylon McSaam. Atty. for Admr. at Sept 7e NOTICE Of riBST MkETINU Ol CREMTOBS In the District Court ol the L'nited States For the Western District ol North Carolina in Bankruptcy—No. US In tli* Matter ot B O Stephenson. lncii vidually, and trading as Stephenson Drug Co. (Shelby. N. C.i Bankrupt Notice is hereby given to all creditors and other parties in interest that the above named party has been adjudicated a bankrupt, that the first meeting ol creditors will be held in the law office of the nederslgned referee 100 l aw ■ Build ing. Charlotte. N. C . on Thursday, the 6th day of October, 1932 at 10 o'clock A. M . et which time and place creditors may attand, prove their claims sleet a trustes, examine the bankrupt, and trans act such othar business as may properly come before said meeting This meeting may be continued from lima to time althout further notice. All claims ahould be made upon the regular bankruptcy forms, proparly van fled and sworn to, and filed with the undersigned referee This the lath day of September, 1933. R MARION ROSS Referee in Bankruptcy. Charlotte. N c. It Bept 2»e TRl'STISES SALE By virtue of the power of saie con tained in three deeds ol trust, as lollops. One dated Nov IS, 1937, executed by R, t! McKlnncv, widower, and recorded in book 149. page 30; one dated Marcii a. 1930. executed b.v R. S McKinney ana wile, Mamie McKinney, and recorded in book 1M. page ill; one dated May 11 1931. executed by B E. McKinney ana wii*. Mamie McKinney, and recorded In book 171. page 09: all ot said deeds or truat being executed to me as trustee, and all su same being recorded in the regtater a office of Cleveland county. N C.. and detault having been made in the payment ot the indebtedness thereby se cured. I. as trustee, will sell for cash to tha highest bidder at public auction ut the court house door in the to«n oi Shelby. N. C„ on Monday. October .list, 190'! at 13 o clock M the following described real estate Being a part of tbt J I* Putnam property in Shelby, N. C., and known and described as lota Nos 44 and 43, as ahown on map of said property in plat book 1. page Sg. In the register's office of Cleveland county, N. C, and said lots being lully described in deeds to R. K McKinney, which are duly recorded In the registers office of Cleveland county. N C., and reference ts hereby had to said plat and deeds for full description by. metes and bounds. Also those lota deeded to * B McKin ney by J. I* Putnam end wife, bv deed d*t*d September Is* )"33 and recorded in book HI of deeds, page 4J« in tha office of the register of deeds of nbvelatld county, to which deed and tha raeord theraof rsferance ts htrsby made tor full description by mates and bounds of said lota, tha same fronting >0 feat on Shan non house litres t. The ruregoing property will be sold subject to any unpaid takes existing sgainul seme Thu Sepiembr 7Stb 1932 CLYDE R HOEY Trustee e; Sept jg Lets read less in the newspaper about depression (the headlines arr| frequently enough—and too much* 1 let’s talk less and do more. Let s rice up and throw off the sack cloth and ashes In which so many of u; are sitting and look out and up— think seriously and reason Intelli gently. No one realise* more than we do that our industry has Indeed come upon hard times but wc realize, too. that our Industry is but a part of the woof and fabric of the nation, no part of which has escaped the trving conditions through which we have been passing. We have suf fered and are suffering not more, and perhaps less, than any other industries and as a nation we arc pa ring through a situation that is not new and we are just as surely likewise moving forward to that day, and doubtless It is not a distant day, when the wheels of industry and commerce will turn with ever Increasing rapidity, values will find their true level—a day when indus try will be seeking labor and not labor industry, a day when pros perity and success will conquer over reverses and discouragement. We know that such a condition will come to pass for we know that “It always has!" More than one hundred years ago Lord Byron tersely expressed the wisdom of, perspective when he wrote: “The best of prophets of the future is the past," And so in these days of depres ^ sion we remind you that prosperity will follow—"It always has'" Poplar Springs News Of Current Week Mr. and Mr*. Bexoia Hamrick Have New Son. Birthday Dinner For Mr. Wallace. 'Spcclsl to Tha Star > Poplar Springs, Oct. 3,—Mr. and Mrs, Halua Moore and children of the eastern part, of the stole visit ed tn the community during the ■week end and attended the funer al of Mr. Moore's grrndfather Mr. W. A. Latttmore. Born to Mr. and Mis Ber.ola Hamrick at their home Scptembet 38 a 13 pound boy. Mother and baby are doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Care Roberts and children of Shelby visited th?)r parents Mr. and Mrs. s. B Jones during the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Barnett and Mr. Floyd Queen of Salisbury, spent Sunday with Mrs. B C. Queen and children. Mr. and Mrs. Hill "hilbcek and son spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Hoyle Phllbeck of Latti more. Relatives of Mr. John Wallace gathered at his home Sunday and surprised him with a birthday din ner. It was a complete surprise for Mr. Wallace, but he enjoyed the hospitality. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Std Jones and Annie Mae, Mr. and Mrs. Dave. Lemons and rai STKC s sals oi *eai. estate Under and by virtue of the authority remained m that certain deed of trust executed bv ■ W Saunders and wile, Ella Saundera, on May 1st, 1931. and re corded In the register or deeds office for Cleveland county. N. C. in book lSa. pas* 4*9 the same securing an indebtedness end default having bean made in the payment of aald Indebtedness, and being requested by the holder of aald notes evidencing the indebtedness to sell aald property, I. R. W. Akin, substituted trus tee, will on rriday. October Stst, 1»M at 13 o'clock noon or within lagat hours at the court house door in Shelby. N. C sell to the highest bidder for cash at public auction that certain lot of land ly ing m No s township Cleveland county. N C and more particularly described as follows: Beginning as a suae on un west euge of DoKalh strut at th* point ot tnter eectlon with south edge of Hudson strut snd runs thsncs with the west edge of DeKelb street south 197 feet to a stake, northeast corner of tot No. J7; thence with the line of lot No 37 west 73 test to a slake 3, K Well's southeast cor ner. thence with Well's line north 197 feet to a stake on the south edge of Hud son street, thence with the south edge of Hudson street east 73 feet to the begin ning. Sec book 4 O B**4 391 lor full de scription This 30th dev of September. 1033 R W AKIN Substituted Truetee. Joatph C Whtenant, Atty. «t Sept 31c COMMISSIONERS SALE By virtue of a decree of the euperior court of Cleveland county, N C. made cm September 76, 1932 in the case of ■ Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank of Ra leigh n corporation plaintiff vs Julius E. Martin and wife, 8 O Martin, and Marvin Elliott, defendants." t as com missioner, will sell for cash to the high est bidder at public auction at the court house door in the town of Shelby. N. C on Monday. October SItt. 1993 »r 13 o clock M . the following described reel estete: All thet certain piece parcel or tract of land lying and being in No. > town ship. Cleveland county. N. C. adjoining ! lands of R J, Pendleton on the north and east, lands of Mrs. Sallie Crowder and Trcd Grigg on the east, lands of Fred Grigg on the south, lands of Fred Grigg and Christie Martin on the west, snd described by metes and bounds as follows Beginning on a stone on the weet edge of Old wagon road, Sallie Crowder s cor ner. and runs thence north A degrees snd 43 minutes west I chains end 93 links to a pine stump, thence north 31 degrees west i chains and 43 links lo a stone, thence north 79 degrtee and 30 minutes rest 3 chains and 70 links to a stone, R J Pendleton s corner, ihence with his line north 19 degrees and 49 minutes west 19 chatne and JO links to a stones ft J Pendleton s corner thence with his line north 94 degrees west t chains and 93 links to a stone; thence north 99 de grees and 30 minutes west 9 chains and 39 link* to a stone in Christie Martin s line: thence south 23 degrees and 30 min utes west 13 chains and 36 links to a stone in Christie Mertto s line; thence with his line south 61 degrees and 49 minutes east 14 chains and 30 links to a stone, thence south 50 degrees and 15 minutes west g chains and 13 links to a poplar on south bank of branch, tbenee south 7 degrees and 15 miaul*.' west 3 dittos and 70 links to e maple; thence south 8 degrees end 30 minutes oast 7 ehstot and to links to a ethn* Pr«4 Grigg* corner, tflenee south 07 degrees end 30 minutes eel* it chain* end 60 links to a stone, rred Griggs corner thence north 30 degrees east 3 chains and 70 link* to a stone, thenee north 71 de grees east 13 chains and *5 links to the beginning, comsining (7 acres more or less, as surveyed by A. M. Lovelace, county surveyor. This Kepiember 37th. 1932 J <• WH3SNANT rodtoufemn*) Hyburn fc Hoc;, Aliys, * Sept 39c Third Queen Helen ! m,--—tmk... ,n It's a great year for Helens. We saw Helen Madison sweep the swimming laurels at the Olympics; Helen Jacobs do likewise in the na tional tennis championships and now here is Helen Fulton, of Chi cago, with the trophy emblematie of the girls’ national tennis title, which she won by defeating Bonnie Miller, of Loa Angeles, in the final of the tourney at Philadelphia. children, Bimes, Gladys and Selma, Mr. and Mrs. Foy Lemons and daughter, Mr. and Mr*. Colin Ed wards and children. Grady. Harlin and Haseleene, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wallace and children, Evelyn, Iris, Imogene and Loran, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lemons and Addie Ray, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Martin and .1. L„ Mr. and ; Mrs. Robt. Farris, Mr. « Mrs. Clyde Wallace and children. Mr. and Mrs Wont Wesson and children, Mr. Leonard Ledford, Mr. Thomas Led ford. They all enjoyed the day and wished Mr. Wallace many more happy birthdays. Friends of Mr. Daner ^Wesson were proud to sec him back at the church Sunday afternoon. Mr. Wes son is improving fast from a most serious kidney trouble. Mr. and Mi s Weldon Pruitt and daughter and Mrs. Etta Glasco of Shelby visited Mr. and Mrs. Wesson during the week end, Most everybody in this commun i ity attended the fair some the p*.-.t j week. Messrs. A. M. and Brossie Hamrick had the misfortune of having their pocketbooks stolen while attending the fa*' lAf. and Mrs. Cock-Wesson and children were dinner guests Sun day of Mr. and Mrs. Joe W. Wes son and family. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Hsvics this day qualified as Administra trix‘bf the estate or J. Uranic Jenkins, de ceased. this Is to notify all persons bav ins claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them duly verified to the undersigned st Shelby, N C , on or beiore September 15th. 1933. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of thalr recovery All persons Indebted to eaid estate will please make immediate payment. JULIA BRICE JENKINS Adminis tratrix of J Frank Jenkins, deceaaed Robert L. Ryburn, Atiy. 6t Sept He TRUSTEE'S SALE Under and by virtue of the authority contained in a certain deed ot trust eae cuted to secure an indebtedness to the South Shelby Building and Loan associa tion which deed ef trust la of record in book 153 at page 30.in the office- ot the register of deeds of Cleveland county, the undersigned trusoee will on the 39th day of October, 1932 at 3 o clock P. M at the court house sell to the highest bidder for eaah the following deeeribed reel es tate « ymi w uic n. v»i»y v- oa lying m the western ptrt ol the town of Bheloy, N. C on an alley on the north ern aide of highway No,' 30, and more particularly described a< follows: Beginning at a stake, Rush Padgett s present northeast corner: thence north 3 east 90 feet to a stake, a hew division line: thence south 17.79 west 105.1 feet to a new corner in the Wilson and Co* line, thence south l 1-3 west 50 feet to a stake, Padgett's old corner In Wilson's line: thence north 97 75 east 195,1 feet to the place of hegtnsung. Same being that lot of land conveyed to Rush Pad gett and wife. Carrie Padgett by deed re corded in book 3-W at page 617 in the office of the register of deeds df Cleve land county, fdorth Carolina, reference to which is hereby had This 28th day of September 1932 HORACE KENNEDY, Truster. Weathers & Kennedy, At.ty.9-. 4t 8ep 28c TRUSTEE'S SALE Or LAND Under authority conferred by deed ot trust executed by Jaek Palmer and wife, Perris Palmer to J. 1„ Buttle trustee dated the 3«th day of June, 1931. and recorded in the registry of Cleveland county, North Carolina, in book 170 at page 312, default having been made of tha payment of the Indebtedness secured by the aforesaid deed of trust and the holder of same having requested said deed Of trust be foreclosed, the said trustee will offer for sale at the court house door In Shelby, Cleveland county North Carolina at 13 o'clock M. on Thursday, October 13th. 195! at public auetton to the highest bidder for cash the following described prop erty: Being Joined on the north by Carlos B. Grigg. on the east by Belvedere Ave nue, on the south by Bast Warren street and on the west by the Shelby Rtdtng club and Wm Lineberger and being a part of the property conveyed to Jaek Palmer by deed of record in book 3-Q at page 1(3. 3-R at paga 145. and 3-W at page 413 and being described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at an iron stake at the In tersection of the north line of Bast War ren street, formerly known as a Private Drlre, with west side of Belvedere Ave nue and runs thence with west edge of said Belvedere avenue northly 293 feet to an Iron stake on west edge of Belve dere avenue, thence south 13-30 west 300 feet to an Iron stake, on line between Nos. • and 13. thee# south 5 east 35 6-10 feet to an iron stake, comet lots 7 and ll and 13; thence south 4 west 142 fee' to an Iron stake earner of lots 0 and 10 thence south 29-33 feet east TOO fedt to an iron s'ake on the north edge of *e»! Warren etreet: hence north 47 east along side Best Warren street 309.1 !*et to the place of beginning, the same being the property of a-hlch Is now located the home of Jack Palmer. This property Is sold subject to a deed of trust to the Pilot Life Insurance Co and also subject to city and county takes This the #tiv day of September. 1932. J. 1, BUTTLE, Trustee D. Z NPuton, Ait), 4t ijept itr -_-,f Answers To Star’s j Question Box On Page One Below are the answers to the test questions printed on page one, I. 1924. 3. It has none 3. General Pershing. 4. Patrlcis. 5. Columbia University, New York City. 6. Damascus. 7. Switzerland. 8. Juan Bcrmudei the discoverer. 9. Tomorrow. 10. Thirty-live. II. Japan. 12. Prof. W. C Roentgen, of Ger many. 13. Montana. 14. William Jenning? Bryan 15. South Africa. 18. Aphrodite 17. united States. 18. A man. 19. a road made of logs laid crosswise. 20. Fujiyama, So cancelation mult depend on! disarmament? In other worda, if a man won’t keep one promise, let him square matters by making an other.—Harriaburg New*. It appears now that the most seri ous mistake of both Republican and Democratic national convention* was not promising to raise the price of hogs.—Virginian-Pilot. TRUSTEE'S MU Under the power and authority con Mined in thet certain deed o( truet dated June 34, 1131, nude by B. C. Houser end wile, Alice Houeer, to Frtend W. Oleason, trustee, eeme being recorded in the of fice of the register of deeds for Cleve land county, N. C., in book lit et pegs 31. securing en indebtedness to the Pen Amenctn Life lnsurence eompeny of New Orleans, La , end deteutt hsving been mode in the peyment Of tho eeid Indebtedness end having been celled upon to execute the trust, I, es trustee, will etll for ceeh to the highest bidder et public suction et the court bouts door In Shelby. H, C. on Thursday, October IS, ISM et 13 M. the following described reel e» tete. Being thet certain lot or parcel of land lying end being In the northweeurn por tion of the city of Shelby, Ho, t town ship, Cleveland county, V. C. with metes end bounds es follows: Beginning et en Iron stake, corner oi Masonic lodge property on the west side of North Morgen street, end runs thence with property belonging to Masonic lodge N S5-30 W. 300 feet to e »teke; thence B 4-30 W. SO feet to e stake, Corner oi another iot belonging to B C Houser, the latter point being the N. W. corner of his lot; thence with ltne of B. C Houser, the seme being line of his cor ner lot on the north side. 8 IS-30 s 300 feet to a slake en the TV. aide of N. Morgan street; thence with North Mor gan Bt. N. 4-30 E. SO feel to point Of beginning. The same being a pert of thet lend willed to B C Houser by his wife, said will being of record in the office of the clerk of the superior court of Cleveland county, N. C, in boojt of wills Ho. 4, at page MS end MS, reference thereto be ing hereby made. Also being part of that lot deeded Martha E. Gldrtey by R. L. Ryburn. commissioner, of date August 3*. 1M0, said deed being recorded in of fice of register of deeds for Cleveland county, N. C. In book Z at page 19. Said salt being made subject to any end' ell taxes end liens. This the 13th day of September, 1332 FRTEND W GLEASON, Trustee. Henry 8. Edwards. Atty, 4t Sept lit COMMISSIONER'S. BALE Unde- and by virtue of the euihonty contained in a certain order of the Su perior court of Cleveland county. North Carolina, made in special proceedings No. 1933 and No 1S39, the undersigned will as commissioner appointed by the court offer for sale at public auotlOn for cash on Saturday, October 13th, 1983. et 13 Noon, on the ptemtaes, th« follow ing described tract of lend, ettueted in NO. 7 township, Cleveland county, and beginning at a hickory atump, Tom Ced aniss' corner, end runs thence with Wil bur Simmons line south 4 west 73t feet to a stake, Blmmong corner; thence eouth 7 east 416 feet to a stake, crossing the road: thence south go degrees and OS minutes west 516 feet to a stake; thence south $7 degrees end 20 minutes west 113 feet to a stake in the old ltne. P. H Bridges corner; thence north 4 degrees end 45 minuses east 433 feet to a stake. Brackatt's line north 6g degrees end 46 minutes east «vu isei 10 a stsae a; me edge of the road; thence north 7*1k east 110* leet to a stake, W p. Htvklns cor ner; thence north » eaat Ii7 feet to a stake on the bank of the orttk; theme with the creek ea It meander* south Si eaat 174 feet to a stake; thence south 7S'/a eaat i»S leet to a stake In the creek; thence south 3» eaat 10* feet to a stake m tha eraak; thence south *i de grees and OS minutes 401 feat to the be ginning corner, containing SS acres, more or leas Tha asms being that tract al lotted to Mary Lillie Cabuteaa as dower In tha lands of tha late E. E, Cablness. The above salt will ha had on the premises near Double Spring* church or Washburn's Switch. And said land will be first offered tn two separate tracts one on each side of the road, and will \th*n be offered as a whole. A deposit of ten (fOi per cent of the amount bid will be required on data of sale This the lSth day of September, mi. PEYTON McSWAXN, Commissioner. D. Z. Newton, Atty. 4t Sept 14c Southern Railway System TRAIN TRAVEL Bargain Fares Baptist Sunday School Pic nic Excursion, Saturday, October, 8th, 1932, To THOM£S\ ILLE, N. C. Schedule and round trip fares: Lv. Grover. N. C. 7.30 am $1.00 Lv. Kings Mt, N. C 7 45 am $1.00 Lv. Bessemer City 7:55 am $1.00 Lv. Gastonia, N C„ 8:10 am $1.00 Lv. Lowell. N. C. 8:20 am $100 Lv. Cramerton, N. C. 8:25 $1.00 Lv. Belmont. N. C. 8:30 am $1.00 Lv. Charlotte, N. C. 3:45 am $1.00 Lv. Concord. N. C. 9115 am 75c Lv. Kannapolis. 9:25 am 75c Ar. Thomasvills. N. C. 10:35 a. m Returning apeeial train leave? Thomasvtllt, N, C.. 4:15 p m same day. A fine opportunity for a day's outing and visit to Mills Home. For further information call on ticket agents. — DISCOUNT ON TAXES — A two per cent discount will be given on city taxe; paid between now and October 31st. During the month of November those who pay their 1S32 taxes will be given a one per cent discount, Following that, all taxes will be net with a penalty to be added early next year, notice of w-hich will appeal later. By order of the Board of Aldermen. REEVES FORNEY, City Clerk COTTON W. C. THOMAS 523 South L&F&yette St., SHELBY, N. C Phone 497 --REPRESENTING-— J. A. BAKER & CO. Charlotte, N. C. 5EA-TRAIN EXCURSION, Norfolk, Va. Including: 7 Hours Cruise Beautiful Chesapeake Bay and Visit Historic Yorktown. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8TH, 1932 Round Trip Fare From SHELBY, N. C. Tickets on sale going Saturday, October Rth. Finai limit October 11th, 1932. 7 Hours Cruise on Chesapeake Steamship Sunday, October 9th. Steamer leaves Pinners Point 9:00 a. m.. Sunday, Oct. 9th. Returning 4:00 p . m. same day. Round trip fare includes cruise on Chesapeake Bay. Don't miss this fine opportunity to enjoy the salt sea breezes, jailing on the palatial Chesapeake Line Steamer. . . — SEA - TRAIN EXCURSION: — A new type of rail and water outing offered by fcht Southern Railway System with the opportunity of visit ing the seashore resorts around Norfolk, seeing Hamp ton Roads and many other historic points on Chesapeake Bay. REDUCED ROUND TRIP PULLMAN RATES. - Lunch on Steamer enroute at reasonable prices. Aci commodations on steamer are limited. For tickets, schedules and pullman reservations, Con sult Ticket Agents, - SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM - ON THE FUTURE > IT’S easy to assume that “everything will be all right,” and though that is a com* fortable philosophy it is apt to lead to dis astrous consequences where the disposal of your estate is concerned. Don't leave this important matter to chance and the kindly, though possibly misdirected offices of some friend. Provide for the Comfort of Your Family with a Sound Trust Fund. We arc Competent to Advise You. UNION TRUST CO. ■ - - -- - - -. SHELBY * /CLEVELAND ✓tOUNTY ^ ATE V0B>ert,ltiT< V0^***"11** BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION NEW SERIES OPENS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1ST Save a part of your earnings each month or week. Financial Independence is attained by adding to your savings at regular per iods. Let us start you in the saving habit. Shelby & Cleveland County Building And Loan Association R. T. LeGRAND, President. JNO. P. MULL, Sec. & Treas.

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