VOL. XXXVIII, No. 121 SHELBY, N. C. FRIDAY', OCT. 7. 1-931 (Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons) -1 10 PAGES TODAY Carrier «... Late News I THE MARKET t otton basic . *,■ Cotton Seed. bu. ... 18 tie Fair Saturday Today’s North Carolina Weather Report: Fair tonight, slightly cold er on north coast. Saturday fair and slowly rising temperature. Carolinas Storm A hurricane-like wind that played hop-scotch over the two Carolinas left two persons dead, a number in jured and a trail of wrecked build ings. twisted trees and damaged crops last night. Damage was unes timated. Striking first in three South Carolina counties, the wind storm skipped up to the Tar Heel state ard dipped into sections around Southern Pines, Goldsboro. Wilson, Pieldsboro. Margarettsvtllr and Farmville. Hitch Hiker In Car Shelby Man Killed In Crash South Carolina Man In Bowling Car ' Truck Swerved Into .1. C. Bowlin's: Auto In Charlotte On Wednesday. .Woodrow Loveless of Inman. 8. C.. died ' In a Charlotte hospital j Wednesday afternoon from Injuries received when an - automobile in i v hlch he w as riding collided with a ( truck on West Morehead street,1 near Bryant park Loveless was a j hitch-hiker. The truck, driven by J. J. King: of 214 Marietta street. Gastonia, j swerved into the car driven by J. C.! Bowling of Shelby and in which j Loveless was riding. It was report- j ed that the driver of the truck i swerved the truck in an attempt to! avoid striking the rear of a bus ! that had stopped suddenly to avoid; colliding with a Piedmont and Nor thern freight train at the boule var crossing. Loveless was taken to the hos pital where he died about 3:30 p. m Mr. Bowling's car was headed j west while the truck and the bus j were coming into Charlotte. The ; truck hit the right side of the Bowling car, the side occupied by Loveless, Mr. Bowling was not in jured. King and Bowling were plac- ! ed under a $500 bond each pending; investigation of the accident. Judg- j mg by information received the fa tal accident was unavoidable on the part of the Shelby man whose car was hit by the truck. Bond *-as re quired a technical procedure, it Is said, pending formal investigation. Try Answering These Can you answer 14 of these test questions? Turn to page two for answers. 1. How many bones are there In the human ftbdy? 2. From what is Angora wool made? 3. Where is the University of j Southern California? 4. Who was Pan? 5. What does "pro tempore" mean? I 6. Docs the United States have j free coinage of gold and silver? 7. What do the initials G. H Q . i stand for? 8. Who were the Trojans? 9. Who gave the statue of Liberty j in New York harbor to the United; States? 10. What color are ‘Raven Locks?’ j 11. How high is the Wash- j ington monument in Washington, j D. C.? 12. What is the source of the ex- j pression "Something rotten in Den- j mark?’ 13. What is the term for young swans? 14. Name the governor of New , Jersey who was elected president? j 15. When wa? Pompeii destroyed? ! 16. Give another name for quick silver? 17. What is the name for the lace head covering worn by Spanish wo men? 18. Whom did Robert Browning marry? 19 Which state of the U. S. has the smallest population? 20. Under what pen name did Sidney Porter write? Twin Calves Born To Ledford’s Cow! Twin calves have been born to a cow belonging to T. C. Ledford of the Toluca section. Mr. Ledford formerly lived in Shelby where he operated a sausage factory On* calf is male and the other female and seem to be fully developed and give oromise of living. Shelby Post Office Addition Among Projects Approved Suttle Again Moderator Of K. M. Association Head Of Group 20 Years; Elam Vice Moderator Association Drawing Large Crowds Rev. J. V. Devcnny Is Clerk. Rev. D. F. Putnam And Rev. W. G. Camp Preach. Rc\. John W. Suttle. who has served the Kings Mountain Baptist association as moderator for the past' twenty years, teas re-elected to this office yesterday at New Bethel Baptist church near Lawn- j dale. Fully 1.000 neople were present, and the attendance today, for the final sessions, is said to eclipse the 1 crowds of yesterday. While all) church reports had not been com piled by the clerk. J. V. Devenny, indications are that the largest and most fruitful revivals held in years were held during the past summer and the total enrollment bids fair to exceed 11.000 in the 42 churches, comprising the association. The as- j sociation this week is being more ; largely attended than usual and a j fine spirit is being manifested in Kingdom work. i Abundant Dinner The tremendous crowd Avas serv ed the noon meals in the beautiful grove of the churchyard on a table fully 200 feet long. Everything to eat was in abundance and prepared in a most delicious manner. New Bethel is one of the oldest churches of the association and has a mag nificent brick building, completed a few years ago. All, of the people of the community • co-operated in the entertainment of the delegates and visitors. Several churches have put In invitations for the association to meet with them hext year. Other Officials Selected Rev. W. A. Elam was elected vice president. Rev. J. V. Devenny, cleric; C. J. Black, historian and George Blanton, treasurer. A com mittee was appointed' to amend the constitution so that the newly elected officers can serve through the next annual session. Causes Presented Rev. D. F. Putnam preached the introductory sermon on “Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven” which was declared to be a scholarly and soul stirring deliverance. Dr. Alexander, pastor of the First Baptist church of Thomasville presented the cause of the Mills home, Horace Easom outlined the every member canvass, Dr Zeno Wall the co-operative program. Rev, J. B. Davis foreign missions. Rev. J. M. Page state mis sions. Last night Rev. W. G. Camp of Cherryville preached the doctrinal sermon while the review' of the B Y. P. U. work was under the direc tion of Mrs. L, H. Ledford. Large crowds attended last night's ses-; sion and this morning there war j another huge gathering of dele • I, gates and visitors for today's final ( session. Mrs. Pies Bostic was recognized by the association. her husband j having gone out from this country j as a missionary to China and gave; his life to foreign mission work. , His body is buried in the country where he w'rought so effectively In mission work among the heathens. Is Re-Elected Rev. johi\ W. S little. veteran Bap tist minister, has been re-elected moderator of tbr Kinirs Mountain Baptist Association, an office he has held for a score of \ears.— (Star Photo.* Thos. Heafner Dies This Morn Former Citizen Of Union Commun ity Passes In West Shelby. Funeral Saturday. Thomas Heafner, age 73. died this morning at his home in West Shel by following a decline in health ex tending over several months. He had been confined to his bed .about two weeks. The end came at 3 o'clock this morning from a complication of troubles. Mr. Heafner spent all of his life In the Union community until he moved to Shelby 1922. He was a farmer and a very thrifty, substan tial and law-abiding citizen, with pronounced opinions. Those who knew’ him. speak in highest terms of his splendid life. He was three times m|rrjed, to Susan Short, Hat tie Wilson and Amelia Dixon. His last wife preceded him to the grave in 1923. Surviving are three children. Bill, Frank and Mrs. Rosie McDaniel. He was a member of the Union Baptist church and a Mason. Members ol the Masonic fraternity at Camp Call lodge will accord him the usual honors of the fraternity at the fu neral Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Services will be at 3 o'clock by Rev. D. G. Washburn and Inter ment will *be in the cemetery at Union Baptist church. Masonic Notice, A special communication of Cleve land Lodge No. 202 A. F. and A. M. has been called for Monday night 1:30 p. m. This meeting is especial y for the 37th Masonic district. AH lodges In the district are urged to send representatives. The occasion if the meeting is a visio of the G. M and G. S. of Grand Lodge. P. T. A. Meeting A meeting of the Washington ichool Parent-Teacher association vtll be held at the school Monday Svening at 7:30. All members are irged to be present. Alleged “Gambling” Devices At Fair Discussed In Association Report Association Committee Told That Game-Pla.ving By Church Mem bers Is Done. The Star was, informed today that a committee report this after noon at the session of the Kings Mountain Baptist Association will discuss alleged "gambling” and game-playing along fhe midway at the Cleveland County Fair, The association has a committee on temperance and public morals which reports at each session. Rev. J. L. Jenkins, head of Boiling Springs college ,is chairman of the general committee. One of fhe com mittees working under the general committee is a special Investigation gToup, headed by Rev. L. L. Jessup, of the Second Baptist church. It is this committee, it is understood, which after looking over conditions at the fair grounds will report this afternoon. Advance information is that two objections will be recorded. First, that there seems to be a ten dency to discriminate against local people to the advantage of strang ers; and, secondly, that the commit tee was told by those talked with that if church members ^ did not play the devices there would not be enough business to justify their continuance. As a final move, it is said .the investigating committee will request that it be. allowed to continue for another ^ear and fur ther investigate the matter. If then found objectionable, it will be rec ommended that the association take, up the matter with the county com missioners Over 500 Teachers, Committeemen Expected In Shelby Saturday Week For All-Day Meet; Allen To Speak I County-Wide K.durational Meeting To Be Held. Morning And Aft ernoon Program, A county-wide educational meet ing, one of the largest held here in years, Is announced for Shelby on Saturday, Oct- 15. It will be an all-day affair and will be held in the Central high school auditorium Those expected to be present, will include all county and city teach ers all school committeemen ot county and Shelby and Kings Mountain schools, the county boara of education, the county commis sioners, the members of the coun ty board of health, and officials and members of county and city Par ent-Teacher associations together j with all patrons who desire to at | tend. Will TBe Big Number If ail these attend, which is be , ing urged in the interest of improve ing county education, the attend ance should be around 500. In the county and in Kings Mountain ami Shelby there are over 300 teachers. The committeemen In county and city schools will number 100, not to count, the members of the several i county boards and the Pa rent - { Teacher officials and members Allen Will Speak The morning: program will be dc j voted to a general discussion oi ; various educational programs, with members of all groups toting part land offering their ideas from their : particular viewpoint, In the after ! noon the main feature will be in address by Dr. A. T. Allen, stab' superintendent of public instruction Originally the meeting was plan ! ned for county teachers, commit ; teemen and officials, but the city ■boards of Shelby and Kings Moun : tain became interested In the con j ference and the two boards and the j two superintendents. B, H. Smith 1 and Claude Grigg. are now cooper ating with County Supt, J. H. Grigg In malting the day an educational highlight. * No Airport Here But Shelby Shows Air - Mindedness Th» Shelby airport was plowed op and put in cotton some time back and thus the city went oft the airway maps and was listed as a back number in the aviation world, hut that doesn't mean Shelby people are not “air-minded.” Not by several hops, say* Col. J. J. Grady, veteran pilot. Col. Grady should know, lie came here from Charlotte last week with his plane and found around 200 people will ing to pay a buck or more to see the city from the air. Finding so many Interested In aviation, hr will bring his plane hack Saturday, and perhaps other week-ends un til he gets the town back on the air lines. Mr. Sarratt Falls And Breaks His Hip O. C. Sarratt, 92 year old Confed rrate veteran, Is tn the hospital with a broken hip. He fell this j morning as he was walking up town i from the residence of his son-in law. Dr. R M. Gidiley M East Mar ! ion street where he makes his home. Mr. Sarratt has been in very good health for a man of his age and us ually able to be up-town every day to chat with his friends on the top ics of the day. He was coming up this morning when he missed his footing as he attempted to mount a couple of steps. H& was crossing the street in front of the Moiehead Inn. the L. U. Arrowood home. This precipitated him to the ground and his right hip was broken He was rushed to the hospital. High Praise Given Cline For His Efficient Public Record In County 1 Rrtirin* County Accountant Lauded For Business-Like Govern ment Here. A E. Cline, who is retiring vol untarily on the first Monday in December as county accountant after eleven years of public service was lauded by members/ of the Ki [ wanis club last night at a program i sponsored by the chairman of the program committee, B. L. Smith Not Political Praise “This recognition of Mr Cline s faithful and efficient administra tion has no political significance whatever,” said Capt. Smith, as he called attention to the fact that Mr. Cline is retiring voluntarily, and is seeking no further honors at the hands of the public. ‘‘May we expect, however, the same efficien* and capable management from the incoming administration,” added Captain Smith. Praise For Mr. Ryburn Speakers wfcre J. S. Dorton. J. H Grigg and D. Z. Newton. As a spe- j rial guest, the club had R. L. Ry burn, the dean of the bar associa- j tion. who was given credit by the i speakers and by Mr. Cline himself as having been responsible in a j large measure for the business-like j administration Cleveland county ha- j had in the last dozen years. Man Who t>n Say “No Dr. Dorton, secretary of the fair association of which Mr. Cline has been president since its organiza tion, said he often sought Mr. Cline's advise and counsel and al ways found him ready to say “yes” when yes was the wisest answer and "no” when no was for the public welfare. “Mr. Cline is no politician or diplomat. but a hard-headed j business man who has made a study j of government and always acted j according to his better judgment i rather than public favor," he added. Friendly To Srhtiol*. Mr Cline’s friendship for public education was praised by J H iWWTTRtJVO CMS PSOR T-.N ) Colored Boy Gone After Talking To Reported Ta Have Asked Girl For ■, Rate. Departs Hurriedly From Section. A colffred youth who is alleged to j have asked a young white woman j of the Union section for a date has j departed from that section, It was j learned today, after he found out | that It might be healthier for him j to reside elsewhere. The incident is said to have tak en place Wednesday. The negro passed by the home where the young woman lived and asked to see her. presumably about some j school books. After talking with her! for a minute or so. mentioning J something, it Is said, about her be ing in loYe. he said something about j having a date that night. The girl I ordered him to leave and reentered I the house to tell what occurred, j News of the Incident spread about! the section and there was some ex- : citement for a time. During the | evening, however .the negro was told, it was said here today, that It would be best for him to leave, | which l>e did. Cohens Closed Monday. Cohen's department store in Shel-j by will be closed Monday, Oct. 10. in observance of a religious season connected with the Hebrewish New j Year, according to an announce- i ment today by Harry Cohen, man- j ager. Raleigh, Oct. 7.—U. Benton Bla- j lock of Raieigh, president of the; American Cotton Co-operative asso elation, termed the new cotton loan1 plan of the department of agricul-■ ture one which "is going to relieve i many a sorely pressed cotton farm-j er throughout the cotton belt.” ! Blalock Sees Help. End Of Smith-Roosevelt Feud Here is pictured the meeting for which the country he* waited breath lessly since the Democratic Convention in Chicago. Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt and former Alfred E. Smith, once bosom friends who have been recently estranged, are shown in a happy reunion on the speakers' platform at the New York State Democratic Convention in Albany. Their public reconciliation is hailed by Democrats as putting the final seal on party harmony. In center is James A. Farley, Roosevelt’s cam paign manager and Chairman of the-Democratic National Committee. Shelby High Students Waging Hot Campaign In Annual Election Of Class Officers; Use Secret Vote < aniUdates Make Campaign Speech es In C bap<i Today. Eire (ion OWtiM Tnesdat Next to commencement week, this i# the big week of the year at the Shelby High school. It is campaign week preceding the annual election of class officers to be held next Tuesday afternoon. All the campus is buzzing with politics. Candidates and freinds of candidates are active at every op portunity seeking votes and boost ing the ability of their favorites This morning came one of the peaks of the- weeks campaign as the nominees for class offices made their speeches as a part of the daily chapel program. Following the speeches the school again was fill ed with active political work Nominated Monday. The annual nomination of offic ers was held Monday. Then a per iod of a week or until next Tues day is given for campaigning. Each class put forward two nominees for both president and vice-president, and Tuesday the youngsters will pick from the two their president and vice-president. Those nominat ed were: Seniors: Loris Dover and Paul Arrowood for president; Colbert McKnight and Helen Miller for vice president. Juniors: Esther Ann Quinn and Mai Spangler, jr.. for president; Walter Fanning and Ellen Ford for vice president. Sophomores; Marie King and Hill Hudson, jr., for president; Nancy McGowan and Keith Shull for vice president. Use Secret Ballot. A secret ballot, voting booth.- and all equipment and requirements of election battles of the grown-ups will be employed. This week the iCONTINUKD ON PAOF TEN i First Frost Of Year This Morn Those who gauge the fall season by the first frost ma< now officially label the be ginning of fall. The first frost of the year was evident throughout this entire section this morning It was a heavy frost anil traces of It could be seen some time after sun rise The frost followed rains and cooler weather earlier in the week. Sheriff Mailing Tax Notices Now It's tax-paving time again in i Cleveland county. Sheriff Irvin M. Allen this week began mailing out the 19112 county tax notices and each out-going mail Is filled with notices of tas. bills, all showing the appreciable reduc tion made In the rate again this year. The work In filling out the tax books was completed last week and early this week and they arc now in the sheriff's office for collection It was said today that collection; have been good so far and Sheriff Allen and Chief Deputy Ed Dixon are set for their hardest working period of the year. This month. October, a discoun of one percent is given on taxes paid. During November the dis count will be one-half of one per cent. The rate will be flat for De cember and January and a penalty will go In February and thereafter. Fanners To Be Allowed Nine Cents On Cotton As Collateral For Aid To Be Taken For Loans. Bulwtnkle Aided. Can Sell To March 1, Washington. Oct. 5.---The agri culture department announced to day it had agreed to liberalize the terms of crop production loans in the cotton states by a'plan involv ing acceptance of cotton as collat eral on the basts of nine cents c pound. The following statement was is sued today by Henry 8. Clarke, di rector of the 1932 crop production loan office: "At the request of a large num ber of senators and congressmen. :o-operative associations and indi viduals in the cotton growing states the Secretary of Agriculture has agreed to. liberalize the terms of | j the crop production loans In these j states (cotton growing) for the rr-' lief for the depressed cotton farm-1 er. “The loan will ease the burden I of repayment .of such loans and should result in improving the cot ton market. As Collateral “Cotton will be accepted as col lateral for crop production loans oi 1932 and unpaid balances on loans made prior to 1932, on the basis of nine cents per pound middling 7-3 inch. “Borrowers who wish to. take ad- 1 vantage of the collateral plan will be required to deliver I heir cotton to the cotton cooperative assoeia -. teOMTDTORP ON e*t>* TSN j \ Construction Work To Start In Spring, Said Comes Under Garner Relief Bill Treasury \pproveS '$8,1,000 Mloea timi lor Work Herr N(t Bate Sp( Thai the needed on,,'.; Ing of the Shelby post office, for which a am crcssional allocation ha., lioen hang ing fire for some < inn- . iti be done at an early date 1* iron insured since the approval of the- project this week by the secretary Of Uv ircuMu’v and the poatnifr let goner at The announcement tit".the ap proval from Washington informed that die original Construction Mini of $85,000 was peirmit i d to stand Jnst when actual construetHm work nmv start Is not er.own Major A. L. Buhvinklc. coh'jrcwnun for this district, In n conversation vlth The Star expressed the opinion that construction would not likely start be Ion' spring. Major Bulwlnk'r was in Washington lor’ .-yernt days three weeks ago, and "-hnc there conferred with officials and ' nre ented the needs of larger quarters here. Others discussing lire approval of the project., are .skeptical alxrut any immediate construction. The pro tect, it. is pointed out, tomes under the head of the Oanr.eiyWagner construction relief bill, which be came effective three months ago. In that period of time no actual work has been started to give em ployment to those out of jobs, and tn the meantime Republican lead ers among them President Hoover in his Iowa speech, called the Oar i n,’r bill "a pork barrel program ” j Project* under that, heading are be ing Approved, although termer ’ -pork" enaction, just prior to *> [ ('lection, perhaps With the idea .winning favor. The Washington disputch, teih of the approval of the 8helby but Democrats Plan To Meet Tonight And On Saturday Open Speaking Campaign At lail ston This Evening. Leaders Meet Tomorrow. Hip 1932 campaign will be offi cially inaugurated bv Cleveland gounty Democrats tonight and to morrow. Tonight, at 7:30, the organization of Young Democrats will fire their first gun with a political rally and speaking at the Fallston school. The chief speakers will be John G Carpenter, Gastonia solicitor, and Capt. Peyton McSwatn of Shelby. It is hoped to have all county candi dates present. Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock Democratic leaders old and young will assemble at t.he court house in Shelby to outline their formal cam paign program. All chairmen and members of precinct committees are urged to be present, along with county candidates, party workers and others. At that time the speaking pro Hfram will be arranged. Local speak ers for points in the county will be discussed as well as the dates for bringing some of the state leader? here. It has already been assured tha two of the best campaigners, Bob Reynolds and John C. B, Ehring haus, will come Reynolds may sfreak on the 27th. or thereabouts in Shelby, while Ehringhaus hope? to appear at Kings Mountain some time between the 10th and 20t,h. Star’s Error Cause Of Disappiontment Belwoiffd^Oct. 6.—Readers of The Star are in the habit of believing what it says, but believing The Star this week caused disappoint ment to quite a few people. The Star carried an announcement in its Monday’s issue that the Kings Moun tain Baptist association would meet on Wednesday and Thursday at New Bethel Baptist church. Quite a few from this community went to attend, but were disappointed. The association is meeting ert Thursday and Friday. The Star took notice of its error Wednesday, stat ng that the wrong calendar month «r»s responsible for the mistake.

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