VOL. XXXVIII, No. 136 SHELBY, N. C. FRIDAY. NOV. 11. 1982 (Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons) 10 PAGES TODAY fty Mail, per yea:, C»rrt»r, on r«ai un adeaneti - U.l id »J.f T Late News IMF MARKI I ( niton, *pot '■< l niton Seed, bn. _ I8*if Frost Tonight _ ___ ... i Today's North Carolina Weather' Report: Generally fair anil iolrtrr tonight. Ilravy fro.^t In nest anil light to heavy in east tonight. Sat- ; prday fair anil colder, | 300 Cubans Die Havana, Cuba. Nov. 11.—Mon th sin 3IHI per-ons wire killed In | Wednesday’s tripiial hurricane il Santa Cruz Del Stir, on the south coast of Cuba, according to a tele phone message received her*- from a survivor. News of the disaster, i first to come out of the south coast port, was telephoned by Cloy Gar ria Figueroa from Jatibonieo, where he had made his way with his wile and child: Virtually all the victims, he said, died by drowning, One i uilly i f .12 person? was complete- j ly wiped out, Figueroa said. The n. \,1 also include the president of ihr council, the postmaster, and two physicians. Dr. Jose Gay and Dr. •segundo I orraila. Dougherty Will Speak In Shelby At Meet Tonight Sihool Official- Amt Civic Organ izations Of City Meet This F.ve. American education week is pros - j lng a success in Shelby, Interest mg programs nr-« ben given throughout the week in various •ehools o( the city system. Hun- [ dretis of visits have been made to j file schools by the parents of . the [ pupils. The children themselves ; have entered into; the ’pint of the ■celebration -have studied the his- , torv of education and the advan- j rage? of their age. and have mani-i tested a splendid enthusiasm. and j devotion to the cause that affords them such rich opportunities. Tlie climax of the.... observance | will come this evening when the j home, the school, and civic organ, nations greet one another and join hands in putting forward this common task of guaranteeing the ; rights of childhood for , the sake of : the preservation of the institution- j of our civilization. Dr. B. B. Dougherty, president f Appalachian Teacher* college. *+d; Vie on hand to give express ion 'o < the sentiments of the parent, the teacher, the .soldier,, the business: and professional man Cotton Up Over $2A Bale Within Last Two Days Has Gain Of 45 Points Vesterday And Today In Face Of Larger Yield. in the. face, of a larger yield than | forecast by the government, cotton | had an advance of thirty poim yesterday and fourteen points today a total of 44 poinds in the two day period. Cotton meit arc of the opinion that tht market will hold and may continue upward since it has been so strong following a half million bale increase in the 1932 crop, estimated bv the bureau. At 3 o'clock today on New Void rxchange Dec. was 6.52, Jail. 6.56 and March 6.70 as compared with a close yesterday of 6.38 for Dee. and 6 41 for January. Cievenberg says: "Forecast Caro linas and Georgia rain today, fair tomorrow, central and western belt fair or part cloudy with cold wave. Sentiment improved in Worth St. because of advance in raw cotton, buying interest , improved.,, prices higher. Strength In futures yester day 4ue chief to a light volume or southern selling. Shorts found con tracts scarce when wbnted parti cularly near the close. Believe cot ton a purchase as hedge pressure houkl decrease from now on.' Election Whoooee In Shelby Is Mild Shelby, a Democratic town, cele brated the Democratic victory with proper dignity it would appear from the court records Only one person was arretted during the election celebration for over Imbibing He was tried in county court the mellowing day and let off with the costs as it was shown that he was still on his feet although a bit groggy "I suppose, " said Recorder Pat MeBrayer in discussing the mini mum amount ot triumph whoopee, ■‘that all of,us Democrats were so mioxicated over otii .overwhelming - irtory that «c tounC little use for artificial ciiniulation ' rVlur!’ means that the .court *"r - ords back up the statement by old timers that “it was the most order ly riprtinn in Whe 1 hv , history Thousands Here For Armistice Day, Tribute To War Dead j Gardner Likely To Get Cabinet Place, Is Rumor Will Go To Him Or To Byrd south1' Place In Kooscvelt < abinet Bel« pen Two. Democrats Seek Job. i'lic south will be represented m •' the Kooscvelt cabinet by either O. j Max Gardner. governor of North i Carolina, or by Harry Byrd, former governor of Virginia. That specu- , I at ion. as well founded as any po litical speculation might be. is be- ; ing widely discussed a- speculators | ’o about planning Mr Rodsevelt'G cabinet for him. Peculiarly enough, it this report.: be true, then the choice for a cab inet seat lies between the Shell' man and one of his closest friend Byrd and Gardner have been inti mate friends for years, their friend ship being more strongly eemenU,; during the early years of the Gardner’administration and the last, years of: Byrd's administration. 1 Several other prominent South erners. including Senator E. 13 ■ Cotton Ed> Smith./, of South Caro lina. and Senator John Cohen, edi tor of. The Atlanta Journal.; have been mentioned as cabinet pros - pects. In high political circles 'it; is believed, however, that the pick hu dwidlcd to Gardnei and Byrd. Both governors are personal friends oi the president-elect. It. will, from all appearance:. be a contest between Gardner's known knowledge of pub lic affairs and his long experience in office and Byrd's personal rec ord governor combined with tin prominence of his family and the backing of Virginia, mother state of presidents, if Gardner goes to the cabinet. it will likely be. as sec rotary oi agriculture while Byrd may go as cither secretary of agri culture or commerce. ooitrmxmi os tip t Baby And Flower Show Is Enjoyed Kathrine Quinn And Winder Moser Prettiest And Handsomest Babies. Tin- bub> :*ini flowci -ho# ini Wednesde • afternoon by the Music and Arts department of the Shelby Woman's club at the Hotel Char les proved to be on<- of the most enjoyable events oi recent weeks in Shelby. More than a score ol fine young sters were entered iri the several divisions of the baby contest, and many beautiful flowers were on exhibition, the contests attracting many spectators. Tlie prizes for the lour baby winners were awarded as follows: Joe Hamrick, 10 months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Hamrick, health iest baby, silver drinking cup. Kathrine Quinn, three-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Quinn, prettiest girl, photograph by Linwood studio. Winder Moser. three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Moser handsomest boy. photographs by Linwood. Helen Casstevens, 14-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ransom Cftsstevene, cutest child, photos by Linwood. t-rtzc winners m me aiiuv were as follows: Grand prize, Vase Cream chry saiithemums, Mrs. B, R. Dellinger: first prize on white chrysanthe mums. Mrs, Coleman Doggett; sec ond prize on white chrysanthe mums, Mrs. B. R. Dellinger: third prize on white chrysanthemums Mrs. Colen Hull. First prize on yel low chrysanthemums. Mrs. Coleinai: Doggett: second prize on vellovt chrysanthemums, Mr.-. Grady Love lace. First prize on button chry santhemums Mrs. TV. A. Pendleton: first prize on gladioli. Mias Mamis Cabaniss; first prize on single rose Mrs. J. W. Harbison; second prizt on single rose. Mrs. A. H Smith third prize on single rose. Mrs. J W. Harbison first prize on vast ; -oses. Mrs. J. TV. Harbison: secoir , prize on vase roses. Mrs. A. H Smith: third prize on vase ro.se Mrs TV A. Pendleton; first prigt j on Maman Cochet. Mrs. W. H Blanton; first prize on nasturtiums j Mrs 1. A, Hoyle: first, prize ov geranium. Mrs. D. C. Smith: fir-'' (tirfre on False Dragon Heat7 . Mrs ; b T leCranfli.!, -'’ctv.K prize o Dragop 11c->n Me : > Shtif*': first Prisr? on CocVr Cop b Mrs. W. A. Pendleton; first pri.’t on Maiden Hari Fern. Mr" T G HnmHck Won Senate Race iNew 'cnator-Elect Unseated Veteran Smoot’s Conqueror Former Governor Fred H. Brown of New Hampshire, Democrat, wh. defeated the veteran Senator George II. Moses, Republican incumbent in the race for the United State senate. Brown was once a Nationa league ball player who crashed th* big league of oolitic? Bennett Champ Clark, son of thr ate Democratic Speaker of the House, who proved himself a chip of the old block by defeating hi Kepublican rival, Henry Kiel, in thi 'tern fight for the Senatorial sea from Missouri. Kiel was three time' Mayor of St. Louis Winner iri the spirited Senatorial tight in Indiana, Frederick Vat Nuya, Democrat, former Unite S'ale- District Attorney, defeate. the veteran Republican Senate’, •lames K. Watson, the incumbent, tan Nuys victory is all the more remarkable, considering that Presi dent Hoover himself spoke for W«t son nt Indianapolis Or, Klberl l>. Thomas, of Utah Democrat, who was successful ir the race for the United States Sen nte. Hi« opponent. Senator Re»<! Smoot, Republican, a veteran o; many a political battle, wa* co author of the famous Hawley Smoot tariff measure Vote For Roosevelt Passes 20 Million Five Divorces In Court Here; Continues Today >uperior Court Likely To ( on tin u< <aturrt*v. Bank Suits Tried. '.Superior, court continued its grind ahbr a short rewssa during the per iod of tribute to the World war dead a., » feature oi Shelby'* Armistice Day celebration. Three divorces »vt?iV granted in yesterday’s session io- run the total lor the two-week* errn up to live Divorces granted o tar were as follows: Andrew C'oilir.s .rent Vada Col lins. Grounds for divorce- five years separation Edna Simmons from Horace Sim mons. adulterv Maggie Simpson lroui Carl Simp j sort, adultery. ! j. R. Champion I tom Minnie [ Champion, wile married when mar ! ried to Champion. 1 Jesse D. Defier from Viola heller, } on claim that plaintiff not lather of child. Two suits disposed of were: Com missioner of the Bank of Moores boro was awarded judgment of *1. j 348.04 against R. J. Daniel, de | ceased, and P. S. Daniel, adminis trator; also judgment to commis sioner of *232.09 against D C. Lo gan and R, J. Daniel. Pri ideni-Eiert Kaif' Hard Epur Months (letting Parts M» chiners Keatly. Ui iTiooi.ii ic victor' gaining v. itl) every additional return on Tuesday tremendous vm; America* new lenders now fact* four months >f arduous preparation for the re sytonaibility ot piloting the govern mt lit. A tree hand ‘u directing the ven Pre idea) -eh Roosevelt by election 01 o hoy.^ iSShate controlled bv ms'party. 39 to 36. This skshbag victory only emphasized the significance of his never before attained electoral vat/* of 472 to 59 tor President Hoover The popular vote kept mounting toward record figures with 20,193, : 777 recorded for the winner out of | more than 34,000,000 counted in ! more than five-sixths of the court ! try's voting districts President Hoover had 14,202.243 votes. The following table of figure; shows what a mammoth vote Roose velt received as contrasted with the big vote given Hoover in 1928 Latest election figures Electoral vote 'unofficial1 Roosevelt ..*’< Hoover .—'9 Roosevelt majority 413 Popular vote (incomplete): Roosevelt 20193.777 Hoover ..._14,202,243 Roosevelt majority . 3.991,534 Hoover carried only states of Maine. Vermont, New Hampshire. Connecticut. Penn-ylvatha and Del aware. ! Associated Press reports on ; Thursday following the general I iCO 'TtNOKO ON evor IKS ' Hoey Has Record For Speeches In Recent Campaign slirlbk Orator Made IK Speer lie-. Ill '!» Week llavv Oaring VI onlli. Clyde Hoev. called "North Caro lina's most, popular private citizen hay a campaign "speaking, record hurd for anyone to equal Mr. Hoey. not seeking or earing for office himself, did much, as is his custom, to help other Demo crats win. and is Just tta elated over On October 4. Mr. Hoey started his speaking campaign, being re quested by practically every county in the state. He wound up his speaking tour in Shelby on Novem ber 5, and in that time a period of 27 week riRys—he made 28 cam paign speeches. These Democratic appeals were made lr between Oil and 70 North Carolina counties, and during the solid month's speaking lie did not miss teaching his Cen tral Methodist Bible class is .single Sunday. Shelby Attorney Is In Line For Office Political rumors here today had it that Capt. Peyton McSwaiu. well known Shelby attorney, is consid ered as one of the leading prospect ive. candidates for district attorney of Federal court Capt. McSwain was a candidate !oi attorney gen eral Of North Carolina in the Demo cratic primary, and is said to have strong support in hts candidacy fot appointmhat as district, attorney if. | succeed Frank Patton when and 11 j changes are made by the new Dem I ocratic adrninistraiibn Royal Arcanum Holds Meeting In This City < luplcr lnitallrd With OTTfr- j »t> Here.- Visitor* Attend. An installation or organisation meeting of » local chapter of the Koval Arcanum was held at the Ho tcl Charlea in Shelby Inst night. The program waa opened with In* j vocation by Dr. Zeno Wall with Horace K»»om tatersperthg the pro t also Then by a r»uftr tet from the Piedmont council at Charlotte. The program was in j charge of A. G. Turte. ot Charlotte, (state manager of the Royal Arean | urn. amt he introduced Chaa. tt, i Barring of Pennsylvania, supreme recant. With Mr. Barring was na I iional vie* supreme regent, Jos. E. (Norton. Both m*de inspirational talks. The chapter here v as orgtfWzed with 50 new members and eight old i members. Officers ot the council are: Henry B Edwards, regent; Hugh Plaster, vice regent; Joe Nash, orator J. T Bowman, past sitting regent Guy Roberts, collector; 1 Chtks. Eskridge, treasurer; W. H. 1 Brown, sec.: ’ D. L. Kalter. chap lain; L E. Daii. guide; Harry Hud | son. warden; Roy Propst, sentry; J ; H. Quinn. J. E Fowler and S. C. i Hewitt, trustees J E Bridges, field ! representative The initiation work was by 25 members of the Piedmont council, Charlotte. OTHER CITV AND ELECTION NEWS WILL BE FOUND ON PAGE 10. Streets Packed With Hundreds For Event Shelby Highs In Title Clash At 1 Mt. Airy Today " ; t aiiwn. Regular I enter. Hdfomf* j * Kllglble To Piny In Big I irntMt I hr Shelby high football ele \en U In Mt. Airy till* after j noon clashing with thr strong Mt. Airy grid outfit for thr honor of going Into thr final same for thr Western North ( arollna rlaan ft rhamplonahip. C oaches Casey Month and TUUen • nils left Sttetbv early this morn- i ng for Mt. Airy, taking with them j 10 players. Chance* Better Just before leaving prospects for tit upset Shelby victory became brighter when It. was learned that Kendrick Jackson, regular center, ivould be eligible to play In the im portant championship clash, Jack son was benched in last week’s came with Morganton because of his scholastic work, but has. It is understood, been working overtime In order to get In good standing for today s game The Morrismen, starting the year as one of the most Inexperienced Shelby high teams In several sea sons. have improved rapidly and have developed Into one of the smartest teams here In several years. The boys have won five games out of six starts and have been scored upon In only two game*. Mt. Airy with a more ex-,1 fans, several of whom accompanied the team on the trip, are hoping for a victory. Bob Hyder, fleet lit tle halfback, declared ineligible for the title game, was carried with the team on today's trip because of his excellent work In other con test#. He will not. of course, be started. Four Appeal Cate* Up From Cleveland Four owes are going up to the supreme court of North Carolina on appeal from Cleveland county. Attorneys are working on briefs in the cases of Consolidated Textile vs. Patterson, Cleveland Mill and Pow er Co. vs, Richards, Yelton vs. Mc Kinney. Jolley vs. Western Union. Attorneys in the cases are Falls, Ryburn and Hoev, Newton, Weath ers and Kennedy. Charlotte. Nov. 11.—The Observ er says sources close to Senator elect Robert R. Reynolds under stand he has decided to name Mrs. Edwin C. Gregory, of Salisbury, as his private secretary- Mrs. Greg ory Is a daughter of the late Sen ator Lee 8. Overman Official Vote In Cleveland County General Election Held November 8, 1932 PRESS. GOV. SEN CON. PRECINCTS ■? K w * W Z ASB1.V. s s s ! SHERI a * § S’ o - COR REOY. TREAS. SCR'Y COUNTY COM c o ¥ 4. z ?l £ 3 I X fi s £ c S c 1 ffl £ a os ft. ic * e o K Holly Springs ... Youngs _.... Boiling Springs Sharon .._17 Patterson Spg». Earl ..._... . Grover_...... East Kings Mtn. West Kings Mtn. Waeo *... Shelby l"-»-■T Snelbv 2 _ Shelby 3 ~7. Shelby 4__ South Shelby ... Queens ---- Double Springs .. Uittimore ........ :Vfpores bom ...... Polkvtlle Delight ' i.iiwndrtir .. ialistpn Do'ihif Shoals .. Mulfe-T--- ------ Caaar ....-... 139 221 242 61 136 ‘246 '264 496 Mi ‘ 297 614 604 396 759 304 ‘ 196 " 193 352 159 466 T6l 306 372 12.6 'in 133 TOT \ I 8018: n 9 20 " 97 43 52 43 54, 152 218 129 72 ■37 1(H) 76 56 ft 12 28 31 39 34 73 127 ... . ... 149 201 191 i 127 233 248 61 ii9 240 565 489 593 292 615 834 411 778 405 198 191 347 153 456. 100 ' 308 382 i'2i “ ill 154; 11 ,19 ~ 96 4? 5) 40 47 143 216 71 77 49 93 73 38 if 13 30‘ 32 44 34 71 127 ~Ti " 169. 199 119 242 61 1127 240 257 436 568 287 003 614 412 Ififr 402 193 191 342 149 440 93 302 363 118 237"' ~mr 12 19 104 43 67 46 57 177 234 76 85 69 102‘ 91 75 24. 18 31 33 ' 55 ‘35" ' 76 143 11 Tel 211 119 11 223 39 235 107 6! 108 236 2o9 44 69 49. 50., 440 203; 546 278 75»’> 114' 289; 372 614: 89 375 138 749 "flf 387 lf2 191 343 150 444 Too 304 374 11.7 232 "151 = 94 25 13 3.5 49 34 78 142 '"13 184 2f3 111 221 251 61 113 241 ‘ SSf m "Ski 616 631 400 T17 377 i»5 Ifll 356 154 466 Tol 309 385 124 228 "147 13 17 91. 4t 0 723 111 "127 _To ~43 / _80 56 43 17 i* 29 "29 " 41 "33 68 120 "7 146 175 91 218 226 "56 "94 245 *«" 494 554 306 589 ‘598 "367 760 345 184 180 327 ‘ Tm 458 ToT 299 388 122 215 '145 27 19 '96 45 “77 _42 m ' 136 25ft 118 65 A3' ‘ 72 55 39 17 14 31 32 38 ‘33 "67 118, " 8 12fT 182 49 641 '72 409' 42 793" ‘ 85 39 8 19 - ,j 29 199, 189., 350' _ 1 153 16 469 ~b ‘ ini T» 314 ■"7., 388" "5 '123 65 230 30 146 11, 18 ~94 41 42 ' 43" “'36 '212 128 71 44 “80 56 "“39 "16 14 29 29 "41 _33 68 118 '7,' 149" "178 lUi 222, 241 " 60 T20 2+4" "261 509 ~ 583 296 623 637 407 "787" 382 198 189 359 152 469 "103 316 389 123 J38~ 192 13 ‘ 18 J "103 "42 44 44 7 " 39 121 '207 127 , 70 "4T 81 “58 41 JS 14 30 29 41 33 "67 E18 — 0 T4TT "164 109 223 247 61 "126 "253" "256 500 "5751" 297 617 636 "412 790 388 199 189 359 156 470 ioi 315 390 123 "243" 191" 11= "IT " 841 41 42 38 . 47 125 212 127 70 42 ‘ 78 "58 42 15 14 "28 ~J9 41 "33 "67 118. "0, M4" 171 107 220 246 60 "114 "241 258 "490 548 286 614, 11 L 114 171, 223 91 244 "41, 63 43 138 113 2221_ "243 113 222 243 10 18 94 101 i8_ 95; "53 "135 62 132 41 44 4i; 48 627. 369 770 367, "194 189 "156 157 463 ioo. 312" 382" 123' 225 "142 43 350 ""377'283' lafjSoi 212 555 128 298 72 621" '"« "639 86 415, 61 792 8143 1R31 7<UO ?n?>? 7RTO fW«S 1714 7764 1843 5«i .8129 1718 8210 1708 8438 1705 74.50 44 388 " 17 200 14 "189“ 28 "361, 2»-f 154| 44 458| "33; foiT ""earns" 120" 391, 0; 126, "lSTi 230T "185=1 158i 1748 8190 244 269" "502, 569 297 "613 "630 402 "f70; 377 "196. 244 263| 494 "546 298 "STT 836 "400 ] 771 382 197 37 36 121 205 127 70 "43 80 "56 42. 151 189 "356 TSfl 458 101, 315 3M lstSf 2337 "152; 8108 189 357 153 472 101 31o_ 398 125 7 234, •" “172!" *139 14 29 28 " 40, 33 122! 308 127' "Tor 46 "81" 58 43| 16}. 14," "29 2»| 10 18 "95 42 44 "42 35 "120 203 127 ‘"69 42 "84 "59 45 "Te "i'4 "24 29 43, "33 _66 jar 0, "1471 172} 1692 _42, _33i 65 ~mi ' o "14T 173' 1704 I32 _33 65 1 !ifi 0 "146 171 .1591 Military Tribute At Memorial .argest Throng Gathered Here Slnre Signing Of Armistice 14 Years Ago Shelby streets were lined with uous&nds of people here u>day as military tribute to Cleveland ounty's World war dead and a inmmoth parade opened a day me Arm istf ce celebration. With the court square and side alks packed for several blocks and lundreds participating in the col rfttl parade, it was the largest :rowtl to assemble in the city on trmistlce day since the signing if hr armistice 14 years ago Much Interest Hie sheer Joy and wild enthu. asm of the first armistice even', icralding the coming of peace 14 ■va.ru ago, were lacking, but Inter »t ran high throughout the crowns luring the period of the parade and' jptown festivities. There was a circus atmosphere a sidewalks were packed with prop! by 10:30 In the morning or a full fialf hour before the formal pro gram, got underway. Throughout the business section the curb wa> lined with automobiles filled witn rt'fr 'fovs •/' Flags And Floats The holiday spirit was heighten ed in color by flags displayed along the streets in front of all the bust ness houses, the majority of which had their display windows fitting ly decorated with flags, American colors and mementoes of war days The .Dead Honored The impatient crowd awaiting the parade became silent as the uni formed company K, national guard Unit,. nptrcJha}JfltajU^wmaiian-.baM fore the World war memorial tab let on the court square where th*9 customary military tribute was paid to 31 Cleveland county boys who died during the conflict. The cere mony honoring the boys who gave their atl began when a uniformed delegation from the Americam Le gion auxiliary. led by Mra. Basil Goode, placed a beautiful wreath about the brotire tablet beairing the names of the county’s war dead. The program was directed by Oapt. Pet-ton McSwain, World war vet fran and commander of company K. A beautiful prayer, in which the Ideals for which the war dead gave their lives were recalled, was offered by Rev. H. N. McDiArmid, pastor of the Presbyterian church. Then a squad from company K, in chare* of Lieut. H C. Long fired the mili tary salute as the company K bug ler, perched on the court house en - trance beneath the memorial tab let. sounded taps. This ceremotiv concluded the crowds, together with the various organizations partici pating, hurried to join in or watch f CONTINUED ON PAGE TEN.' Try Answering Can you answer 14 ol these test questions? Turn to page two Tor the answers. I. Is Common Law marriage recognized in the U. 8.? 3, of what territorial possession of the U. S. is San Juan the capi tal? 3. Which state in the union has the longest coast line? 4. Which country first used g«.s as a weapon in the World war? 5. What great engineering work is proceeding in Black Canyon? 6. Of what state is Gifford Pin chot the governor? 7. With what does the thirteenth amendment to the U. S. constitution deal? 8. What if the singular form of the word data.? 9. Who wrote "Hard Times’’? 10. Who were knowD as "The Lake Poets"? II. On what river is Roosevelt Dam located? 12. Name the Greek god of time’ 13. In what year did Jesse Jam** meet his death? 14. Who played the leading role in the motion picture Scara mouche”? 15. Which state does Mrs. Hattia W. Caraway represent in the U S. senate? 16. What is the Spanish for Unit ed States? 17 Where is (hr eitj of Sydney? IS Who was wtbe'bert Kevin? 19. "Where is the Wembley Stad ium? • TO Where Is the Htv of Berber*->

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