Cleveland Cloth Mill News Items Girl* Auxiliary Meet* Mi. Silvers .Sick. Personal* at Visiting* About. 'Special to the Star ' Cloth Mill. Nov. in ■The Senior P V. P, U. cia.-s held a businc -.* mce.tng at the honic of Mr? Elva rec I*ail. Tuesday evening The intermediate guts auxiliarv met with Etrlvn l'c. lt on Monday evening at T3f> a large number was present. Mr. anti Mis. K R Hayc.- ol Charlotte, spent ounday with the letters state. Mrs Carl Hudspeth Mr. and Mrs. A. t Rui ns Mr M. tide Weatherton and children visited Mr.* \ L Haney m Hick pry, Mr. Curran and Kola. Cashinn spent ihe week end in O.eeimlle S. C., with iheir mothei Mrs. S E Cash ion. Mr, and Mr* I tv Enslev and family .spent the week end in Bur lington with relative Mr. and Mrs Raid Donne and itt tlr son, Robert Fa de spent ihe week end in Greenvilie. R C. vis iting. Mrs. Ed Hove and little daughter. Petty of Greensboro are- sprndin the week with her mother-in-law Mr-. C. W. Hove. Mr. and Mrs O. f Want and family spent the week end in C a inert on and McAtienvtlle Mr. Dee Trammel! and Rennettr Terle motored to Spartanburg. K C Saturday to attend- the football game. Mr. Boyd Law>n spent the wr • * end in Greenville S C We are sorry to repo, t that Mr Silvers is very ill. Mrs. Leroy Graham enipri.amea her friends at a delightful pa ly in Tuesday evening Gas Bloating Doe,- eating even the, simplest food make your stomach and bow els fill up with gas until you think yoiTrr going to .suffocate? Then just .try this before you eat. Take a tablespoonful of artificial di gestive juice such as, you are sup-: posed to have in your stomach nat urally 'druggists rail' it “mentha pepsin' > and you'll Have no more trouble. No gas. No pain. No bloat ing. No distress of any kind. Money park, says Cleveland Drug Company, any time that mentlsa pepsin fails to give relief, adv FXECITORS NOTICE Waving: thi* 0Ky fie# »• execu'oi fxr r * > te of I'hnrn i llea-fner deceased r>f Cleveland co n» V C thes noOf-v »il persertn' .haying ' ciiims *t&ainsc »hr -'«iid estate id pi e.-rrii them lo rn/vj properly proven on nr before the 1 Ti i> n» of October. . 19713 or llvs no.t’re 'v!' be pie-ded in bar of anyrrrovery thereof At’ per on ' 0’,mc til? -Vid f • (?!* . vyi'T ntea-e m.^ke immediate .settlement to tbc undersigned This Of- . Kith, v>:,2 PRANK HFAFNF.R Kvecutor ,nf Estate of Thomas. Heal nr: fh On 14p { C COMMISSIONER S RESALE T’ndrt: au-'honty contained m, a- rriratn hrhrr of the np-rinr court of Cle'j^jsmr) faunty niwde m "'Special Proceediiisr.vyN'o-. tftj.i and the bid at a prior -.air -ha"’he been ra /d in accordance »u:r lev the undersigned commi - onrr ? - Pd. nted' b" i he court a ill otfer foi » c -a : *t public 9 uclion Tor < * h on Mono**. Navrmbfr ’M«t, i" ;•.* at. 12 o crock noon M the rniir ho:i ■ door rt Shelby. N. C the following ac act-'bed tract of land situated in No r. township, Cleveland county, and begm tl'hg a c '■> Hirkor;. 'stump. Toni C -> 'in« corner, and runs thence with Wilbur Sh imon O h* ,«outh 4 wr t 726 feet- to1, a ntai-e crossing the road; thence south #0 degrees and 55 minutes west 515 fee* to a stake, thence south 57. degrees anti 2b. minutes west 813 feet to h st*5>e the o'd line thence north 4 degree, air: 45 minutes east 423 feel to a stake; thenr; with Brackett .x line north 58 degrees and 45 minutes erst 890 feet to a st. ke ♦ hr e-rigt of the road thence north 76 • ea t 1102 feet to a stake W P Hawk n corner thence north l east ”57 feet to . stake on the bank of the creek: thenc with the. creek as it meanders south r east 174 feet to a stake, thence sow; 75'« east 156 feet to a slake in lb creek: thence south 39 east 102 feet to. stake in the creek: thence south 85. de grees and 35 minutes cyst 401 feet to the beginning corner, containing 53 aero more or less. The same being that tear, allotted to Mart I. Cabiop^s as dower '.r the lands of the late E E Cabines.v Bidding on the above property will be tin two thousand three hundred ant ten '*2.110 OOt dollars. A deposit of ten no* ner cent of the amount bid will, ho reouired on the date of sal'' balance to be paid upon riel'ifr of deed Tb’,S: th“ 3rd da’ of November 1932 PFVTON McSWAIN. Comm doner f> 7, Newton Affy 3t Nov 4. SAIF F- virt-ue of the power' of sale con tamed uV a deed of trust executed bv J !. Stacy -widower > on March 31 1921 to me >*" tru tee for Hunt A- Hewitt which deed of trust is rerorrieri in the teg:ster - ‘office oi Cleveland count' n C in 'book T55 nag" 413. and default havjn? been made in the purnent of n" indebtedness therebv secured. I as tru ter v if sell fox c>* >h to the highest bid der at publie auction at the coiiet house door in the town of Shelby N <' on Tuesday, December 6th 193'; at 1° o'clock Ni the folowing described rc-! estate: Beginning at a stake \1* Ke* s cot:tie* th iice with McKees line S 4t F si po1' to a Mont in south 5’.de n? bran* h hi> co’ner; thence with his other 8 IT F 34’• pole, to a stone, his (orner in ttv’ Cogdrll old line: thence with the said hn" parsing his and Gold s corner and with Golds line south 83'«• E -18 poles ip a persimmon Gold s corner, thence win hu line N. 56' j poles to a stone pile .hi io hi; (hence with his other line N R5’ F A1ix noVj, to a stone. Word s tor net. thence wall division line S 76'.. W 71 -d poles to a . tone pile; thence S 39 W 5!'. poles >o a stone on east side of eirr . them e N 8.; W 43 , pp * - to th beg nning. containing 59 M acres more Pi le This bring part o- tli«* division of th land,. g' rn V J Wiggins bv ins father arm bring the same tract deeded to J 1 SUmy by ! .1 Wiggins and wife Aprr * THOO rc forded m book NN page v*? register of deed- office. Cleveland rpun t? r ng ierrs drertrd to .1 r Campbell ,13th da'' of December toil io; full description sec deed book WW J51 remitter of deeds office, Cleveland count' The foregoing property a ill be sold sub J#ct to any unpaid faxes existing againv unit This November 4th. 1932 A. L. CALTON Trustee 4t Not 4c As Roosevelt Received I loover Congratulations Bethlehem Section News 01 I he Week (Special -!o nr SlarV Bethlehem. Nm 10 Th-fre a il. i be picaching sc'nhc,v'Sunday aft-i fi noon at 2 o clock- The i xrnitm committee of Die r:It-\ F, V P f lull alto meet at t-hy hour The brgmnei.. iirphi mint oi tin Sunday school i.v tak.'i.g- the ea . ,n 100 per rent pupil,t 1 iu stTmoi. a.- »■ whole ha: overcome oi its gn.,it c.-t problem' lias pau tp;ai let tliit1 of getting the people to bring then Bible each Sunday The i»tr|'medi ate R. V P U w,is the only..Union of ou.s to win ihe i iiidemy ban'-j her again, at, the. meet ng of the'city ; union Monday nig ti ' The T icicli - claiis oi tile young j peepics department met Wcitowkday! night for its monthly business meet ! ing. In checking over the work loi: ihe month they found that the,' failed to reach the validat'd tin: month by one-.point The intermediate boys and gu is, gave an micro ting p. ogi am at. the J prison camp Sunday afternoon No vember-6 Beth- those m camp and the boys, and girls who gave the' pi "glam turn d c jii'ini'm much There w ill be a imsi ellanvous mip i per at the Bethlehem, school, build-! mg Saturday night November 19 j The proceeds wilt go t o the school j to be used in a-.itng more equip-I men!. Mr. uiid Mis. 1 p Blalock and daughters -'Misses Gladys and Picro la were visitors in Gastonia Sun day.-. Ihe Ladies aid gay a quilting al Mis. .J. P Wait Orson's Wednesday afternoon. 'The qmlt.-, am given and quilted bv the society to be given to: families w ho need them. Mrs. .J. T. McDaniel and family were dinner guests of her daughter Mrs, M. L. McSwain of Glover. . Ptoducei: Daniel Frohman urge-' that ever.', body write a play But tt seems that lately everybody ha been writing a play, and the jamt one at that—about gangster? Stopped HisWife’s Rheumatic Attack Pain. Agony and Swelling <ione in 48 Hours with Swill Acting Prescription. That marvelous pie? notion Al lenru—promises, you speid.v relief Irom pains, aches and inflamatiou of Rheumatism. Neuritis Lumbago or Sciatica. Folks who have stifle ea the most piercing, wincing agony literally rendered helpless for weeks and un able to work have gained .miracu lous, joyful freedom from pam. Allenru contains no ui.iatcs— rath er. it's a superb formula especially compounded which treats your trou ble scientifically—first immediately ending pain and bringing blessed comfort—then it drives out from muscles, joins and tissues the ex cess uric acid which is ihc cause of most rheumatic troubles tins ex cess uric acid starts to «o within 24 hours. Cleveland Drug Co no all lead ing druggists dispense Allenru—onto 8 m. bottle for 85c MUSI give joy ful results as stated above or money returned. adv. noth i oi >ai i or stock oi, «I1 NTORt. HXTIR»> CNUl.R 1)110 OI ASSIC.N Ml NT. Under and by of (he power ol sa)e. invested m the under..gned truiher by (hat certain deed oi assignment mad* by C D Heudnck, on October the I8M1 19:;2 and recorded m book 4-F, page* jo'J m the office of register of deeds of Cleveland count;, the undersigned truster Wdl e dost for sale on \\ edr»rvd*y. \<*v. 9th U* t‘2 aV *! ;;« n n* at thK place, of business oi Hie said C r> Hendrick. Beams Mill S C all of the property contained in the said deed of trust. The right to reject any and all bids is re,se rved This 2’ttb dav of October. 1932 J. S McKNlGHT. Trustee it Oct 28t I in silt ctvs I Li} candidalr Ini' t li «* I’re.-id.'iicy, with Mrs Uoosevelt and their sun Janies, end Pi'1 '■ mi from President Homer i murratiilut mg <lov Roosevelt on his victory. J lie President eject s yanipuijfn nianavrer. lames A. Karlov, is at left This picture was at l lie I >rntot rat i( hoadtjua tiers in New York shortly after midmjrht election nijfht. \\ms Mill Dots 01 Personal Items Mr \nrl Mis I rank Turner ll>> llaiight'r Married \l < mil l House. Beam M. i Nov 10 • H in to Mi U'i Mi. Kl ink Tunic- on .Sunday. Nov., a clHJniv rlaugh Mr. !> i h I Co, : nei if : 0. ble j> 11101,1 wild hold. -i a l A. i he v i 111 anti Mi and Mi Diwirll (fiasco | dt Morganton spent the week-end ii I. 'die with then pan in.-. Mi anil Mi. Plato C'ostnc! ' The ' friend* of Mi William Ru. a nil Mis Vet iene . Johnson, both tins i • imnmiih. will he mu pi isecl to leath i>t their marniiBi1 which took place last. Sunday at the Shei I,)', court Then many .friends wj h for them a long and success lul'life, together. Mi ami Mrs. Charlie MeSwain and family of near Cherry viile spore aw hile Saturday null' with Mr. and Mis. Claud Bridges and fam ily Mr, and Mrs Forman Wright. Mi ami Ml. J W. Wright and Mi . and Mrs. Ed Bridges Wen- din ner gue&Ls of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wright Sunday tie M.s. Mildred Olasooe of Morgantdo spent part of Iasi week with, lie; grandparents. Mi arid Mr., Plato Costlier. We are sorry that Mrs. John Calhoun and daughter Betty. Imv recently moved to Shelby . Mr. and Mr.-,' Wray Wilson and daughter. Betty of above Pa list on and Mr anti Mi: Sherrill Hamrick ■pent. Sunday w ith their parents. Mi. and Mo Che.-slev Hendrick We are glad to note tliat Mi: Pressley .Costlier. Is-'-better ai tins writing M .Ain’t Wright of Botlmr, Springs spent ’several days last, j week. with’Mr and. Mrs Zim Wi liams and other relatives in the j t-ori tin unit'. ‘ Mi and Mrs Alvin Williams and children o{ I.attano. spent Sat urday- with Mrs Kim Williams and family Regular preaching services Sat nriay and Sunday at the regular fours except the- Sunday school has been eliang, d to ten o'clock which will delay the Sunday sen - <:r. ' The »ny to tell why men'contri bute great sums to a campaign t> to wait arid see what they get.— Jackson t Miss, t Clarion Ledger. Inexpensive Prescrip tion Guaranteed To Stop Rheumatic Pains Thousands Joyfully astonished ct swift 48 hour relief. Progressive pharmacists will tell you that the popular big selling prescription foi rheumatism right now is Alienru— f.oi 85 cents you can get one .•n-",vnis rxutle from ! Cleveland Drug Store or any up to date druggist. You cat: get it with the under standing that, it it stop the ; pain-the agonv -and reduce the' swelling in 48 hottis- your money1 back. Kxct’ss l tic Acid Poison Starts to Leave in lit Hours Out of \our joints and muscles go ' the exerss uric acid deposits that I are so otten the c ause of your suf-l | Jermg—it's a safe, sensible, sgien- j tific formula—free frocn pain dead ening drugs. i the same holds good lor Sciatica. Neuritis and Lumbago-—quick joyiul relict -no more idle days—it re moves the cause advt. i In the farm bell vou can buy a 1 pretty good .pair of shoes for 1001 bushels of corn Hoy; would you! like to be in the farmers shoes? i )ouhle Shoals Nows Of the Current Week Flection Taken m Fine Spirits, Rev. < -i in l eaf ties l esson. F ox f'ha-se I ntoved 1 Special In The .Stst ' Dotibn Slmal.'-.-Nm in The con tinued rain is delay m the faH-sow inc. very .littlewheal has been savi n to dale (iie l ilt inn pi. king is .lust a be lit over, very hi. fe can be seen in the Itclcis. Tuesday was a pii asant day in this precinct, The people had a good time as they cast .tin.' voters tor the various ca-nchdates and the voting was heavy jor the .siw of the box One thing can be said, tl anybody was even mad. it was at their self Not a word was passed only in haung a jolly time, and after the votes were counted everybody con tinued happy. The services were well attended at the Methodist ■ hureli Sunday night. Rev. E. E. Show preached Ill's last conference yea. sermon and is fiow at conference at. Wiston-Sa lc m w hite his member s and friends arc anxiously waiting tor h:tn to be returned. The miti week prayer serv tecs at the Methodist church meets, each Wednesday night at 7 o'clock The weekly teachers and officers meeting ai the BapuM church w. 11 continue through ;m winter months with a discussion of tne Sunday fol lowing,. lesson each 1 hursday night Kev.- I W Cam who is professor at Casar high school has consented to visit the teachers meeting Thursday night November. 17 and will teach the lesson Rev. Mr Cain will finish n seminary work- in the near fu ture. Ail members di both churches are given a special invitation to tome and hear him and any others who will come. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Royster ol iireenville. S. C , spent the week end it home with then parents Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Royster .Mt, Royster is tinishing his college work this year at Furman where.he is a ministerial student. i tie many mends of Mj s, Sid fVold will be sorry to know she has been confined to her bed foi the past few days suffering: from an al ack of appendicitis Her condition is somewhat better ac this writing All the boys .who enjoy hunting net at the home of A. L, Spangler Monday night and had a lox chase the race lasted for .-.everal minute, titer he was jumped, when the dogs' tot too close old Mr Fox went .to us home-made den and spent thi night m peace. Ju-t another way to help foi -• t the tnnr.-> Mr. and Mis. J. W Costner spent Monday in Forest City. Miss Pauline Gold spent last Wednesday night with her school- i mate Miss Yvonne Cornwell. Court Reconvene* In Rutherford County Hutherfordton Nov. 9. —Judge Frank Hill, of Murphv. convened the Superior court of Rutherford county hereWednesday for the trial of criminal cases. He substituted for Judge Walter Moore, of Sylva, who js ill J. R Anderson was made fore man of the grand juo The ease of F H Stroupe. of Charlotte, who allegedly struck and killed Horace Camp in an auto ac cident last March near town on Stale highway No. JO will come up 666 UQI ID t %BI LIS ~ SALVfe l hfrk* Malaria In 3 da**. Cold* lint da* Hfadachr* nr Neuralgia in .Ml minul«s , 66fi SALVE for HEAD COLDS Most Speedy Remedies Known DePriest Is Winner In Congress Contest . ! * htragn Negro Takes <>n<»d I,rad In Final Returns in Hare To Hold Ills Neal. Chir'Hijo. Nov. 9 Oscar DePrlr-1 i Rtpublican negro, will represent l once more (he eongressional riis ' t.ric.t ofteh culled the nation s rich • I’M. rrailiiiK Ins ITeiniK'i atlc, opponent Harry Baker., in the earls returns by a ration that would have deleated j DePriest by 20,000 votes, he, turned ; he tide m the last tew precinets j and emerged the winner bv better than 5.000 votes Baker is white. No. 1 Township News Of Interest 'Special to The Star.' No 1 Township Nov. in Elec lion day passed off very quiet here i last. Tuesday. ! Holly Springs school opened last Monday after having a .short recess (lor picking cotton. Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Byars I spent list Sunday with Mr: and Mrs i Blaine Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Lavender oi | Gaffney; S.' C , Visited Mr. and Mrs K P. Davis last Sunday afternoon Mr and Mrs. Rob Jolley and children spent Iasi Monday with Mr and Mrs. hamer Humphries. Miss Lydia Turner of Gaffney S C spent the week end with Miss Eloisr Hamrick. The big question of the day now is—.what, does a straw \ot expetjj do between elections? REX-LEX RELIEVES PAIN 10c at Your Dealers To Escape Many Colds Altogether At the first sign of "Catching Cold” use Vicks Nose Drops, the new aid ijk preventing colds—especially^ cjfcsigned by makers of Vicks' VapoRub for irritations of the nose and throat — where most colds start. . . Part of the New Vicks Plan for better CONTROL-OF 'COLDS LUTZ-AUSTELL FUNERAL HOME 322 We*t Marion Street PHONE Lutz &. Jackson FUNERAL HOME 200 West Marion SI. SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT — PHONE 72 — Ambulance Service A Specially LADY ATTENDANT I oliica And Knol) Creek Late News lent Hi-vival I ndei H Mi- XI Hl'Mh 111 Hallowe'en Pa in. | •S|>eiifil to I'll.- Stai < Toluca Nov 10 W. hii --(»! r v to 'note tliot Mrs >1. W Vlwfan » -■ i loudly ill Ht this wi itiio; Hi rtii.uKi.i icr Miss .Joyce a ■: .oik <i muse from Henclersoi.villti. n. .1: her bedside Her C M Hob.itson rlello red a wonderful. message ai fill [x ftli : drove on last Sunda. fioni SI John 10-17 ‘ And He. DPuring Hi . i i < >.* • went forth into a place called tin place of the skull, winch is 'called in the Hebrew. Golgotha A tent meeting is In progros ori nr Lincoln county not fa- trout I .. Inca, that is i a using quite a Ini of ejtcitemrnf There are two efs. No one know ns where from They will take no mont v Iliev claim that it is wiling to have i church and a paid pi-achei Tin • has been one mail cat ; ted to the; State hospital .Mm e then prca. hinr began. Mi and Mr.- \ P C'nrprntet MisM’s Sallie and falhe farpetrte: j and Mr and Mrs How a id Sam at i tended a In. I ltd a- funnel at ! lie home ol Mi and M:- W C SelMii of Double Shoals >n Suiulat Mr ami Mrs T .1 Vickeis of Shelbv spent the week end with hei parents Mi and Mrs t \i Catjien lei Miss Kdlth tedlo.d -delightliflly j 1■ ntr tutt\£x\ a nuiobcf of hci tni’itd; at a i fa l tow< ’ en i f t o n sa (\ i rri a \ ; mulil Mallowron fjciorhUotV" kic ! uM'd. fort une tcliUK* anct witchery j utvl many Kttmc.v ui <. ciunvcd ! \\ : .•.[)■'. . ) i • i mi; ri■ 1 wi| ■ ' a..-; theii ' **iin hv 11 i haw* moved into a 1* belonglhu '"■Mr S 1 fnj the prr lit unfit fbev can «urange- i«u an other house lo lx omit Mi <»» inV Mifie Alw ran Mac hue and -mis Robert and Klifirone of ■ • 'n-,i.Lir. C.^nliha ,s c ‘ - dinnei ;:ue-i •< < cii Tur.sdnv wHli on « ouMh Mis !•’ . A Boy toy and Mr Bovler She ha s not visited in Toluca hu about ’a Vrat .v I wo Concerts By Slate Symphony ehapri Hill, Nov to. Tin' North Caoldia yyniphom soviet. will or HeiaUy o|kh its (itll .'ini winter mm ■nil with conrerl . m Durham on December I tind.f;h;.|,i'l Hill on IV ■ imbei l’ acrnrcUiVK i. an iinnonh ermrm made »p<lo \ fcv FVHx. A (tiiMiir .serrelarv and treasurer ol I ho "i d ! \ A (hild- rdncpt l m I hr In.-d m iii lor (>ici nslwitn on lH*-! n min i 3 is iM'ndinx 1 The Durham i >nt.e,i which will' t« Riven m i he, mnior Intih m himl! auditorium is Ihmir sponsored by 1 lie I)uihum ('ha, di Imiisiie The , Chapel H.l! 11>111 i : l will be one o! the uie o| mtistn a 11rue I lull's' " Inch is sjmniorrd ■ ueh year bv lid ■ si titlen( ent ei U« diluent comm litre He Raises Beans When Other* Fail Mr Rnvlrx. I nine» M.rn, IIkh >> for Itaising llrans al Trtlilta ■•Special to nir star i I "him Nov. in Mr (■. A Boyies 1 < In Ijr I |n> champion iarniri l;n, \'.’n oi Hu community Ilf pro rlun ujtW'i* wheat mrl paU aim COtlOll |K-i ano tliiin most any■ -ofn ci nmn In tie >prini: lie mew LSo Quart.' oi bonus on one short row in Ins garden, 1,riser 'n the smtintei he hart h in i If ttioiT than one-hall acre tp'.-baits troth winch hr picked bet worn 50 and 00 bushels, an"d thi n in (hr lull he had eight row-, ith id 15 yards long tvom which h*" picked 10 1-4 bushels Most otiy-j tunnels in the community could hardly raise enough brans In eat hr used, the .spray method lor the beeile He also won the $5 00 tur nip prize I hinks Beer Will Be Back By April Buffalo NY. Nov 0 Frank X rirlvwab. Ionnei inayoi. aimniineed nmylii that so coiUK ciit is he that bcei will be hack hy April," he is i mi (i .dii d, . a, poi anon paper. for a mcnaer of three western New York hiewIiir plant. You will, know I he depression Is ive.r when I he we. ijp man re uunr: In- p icln ■ ol frying to get nil of iiiiy- duty. SINCLAIR MINSTRELS., on 35 NBC Station* (ivory Monday ovoning 1 ” " You pay nothing extra for this 70% increase in anti-knock . . . the result of $18/000/000 in refinery improvements Here are the facts. We have just spent $18,000,000 to give you—at no extra cost—a new Sinclair Regular Gaso line with 70% higher anti-knock. The new Sinclair Regular is actually superior in anti-knock today to some premium gasolines selling at several cents more per gallon But not in anti-knock alone has this new high-test motor fuel been im proved. For split-second acceleration in traffic, and power on hills, you'll find the new Sinclair Regular meeting your every demand! Use this amaz ing gasoline for 30 days and see how much better your car performs— how much easier it is to handle. NOTI: For best results use either SINCLAIR OPALINE MOTOR OIL or SINCLAIR PENN SYLVAN1A MOTOR OIL. Both have been de waxed and also treed from petroleum jelly at as low as 60° F. below sere. m2 Um.i - a ne w — Goso/ine^-S Regular Charles R. Eskridge

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