The Baffling Mystery of Frozen Life | Reviving “Dead” | Creatures with Radio Waves to hind a \ _. | New 1 Way of Killing the Germs of All Deadly Diseases. l)iR Kins I li e Body of it Pro Ill-toil, Mon ster Oul of itn Icrlirrg W here It lln« l.iiin Perfectly Pre served in It frigid Tomb for M> riadi of Centuries. t-ouru*j of PopuUl HOW much freezing ran life stand? Perhaps the most start ling answer to this question came out of Germany recently in con nection with the proposal that the ice fields of northern Siberia or of the Arc tic islands be explored for a mammoth preserved in the ice. Some authorities are of the opinion that it may not be impossible for extinct creatures „to exist in frozen preservation, for some of the ice in the polar regions is of trreat age. Mammoths have been found imbedded in the soil of Siberia, sonic of them stand ing erect, with fleshy parts and hairy covering still adhering to the bones. But to expect that radio waves, oxygon in jections, or any other stimulus can re call lift* to a thousand-year-old carcass is—in the opinion of all the biologists who would discuss so fantastic a subject -*s*'highty improbable." The fact .hatcold can be endured by runny creatures with a very high degree of immunity is indicated by the follow ing incident which is related in Popular Mechanics: An instance is on record in which a boy found a frozen snake on an icy road. He picked it up. used it. as a walking stick, and when he arrived home, set the “cane" in a corner of the kitchen, tlulf an hour later the warmed serpent was sluggishly dragging itself across the floor. Quite apart from the ordeal of cold is the ordeal, of hunger. The bear, the groundhog, the hedgehog and the dor mouse grow exceedingly fat during sum mer, and it is this surplus food stored up in their body tissues that sustains them Where Women Are Wooed With Human Heads A “Beauty*' of the Taiwan IVibc that live* on the hbmi of tor mo* a. Mie I* *■ tligiblf to Become n Prir?«l^>* and I* Vt earing an l nuvuul Headdress Designed to Attract Attention. I he Trice of Ijjcr Maud l» a (•nodi* dumber of Human Head* U heads are wutr man one. according to an old maxim. This adage is especially applicable to the young men of the Putwan tribe, which is one of the many tribes tha* dwell on the island of I'Vrmosa When a Paiwan youth goes a-wooinj. he needs more head* than his own. if he ia to have any success in winning the affection* of his adored one In fact, he must present to his lady love a goodly number of human head*, as evidence of his bravery und ability tu vanquish h - foes. The women Of the 1'aiwan tribe are held in very' high esteem, as the; can become members of the priest hood amt are reverenced accordingly These women wear a headdress like that shown tn the accompanying illustration of * 1‘aiwan "beauty It is. sure to at tract attention and the sight of its wearer never fails to send many a Paiwan %-noef in quest of heads with which to > in his bride during the long winter sleep. When they revive in the spring, they have lost frotr a third to nearly a half of their weight Dr. W. R. Whitney, director of the Denoral Electric research laboratory at Schenectady, put some weevils in a glasb tube and turned on a thirty-meter radii: wave. In less than a minute they were dead. Then lie let some grain fall rapidly through an intense radio field. To the insects the radiation was indeed a death ray. Inspection .showed (hat all were hilled, and germination tests showed the wheat had not been injured. But in a few days baby weevils hatched out in the treated grain. While the insects were easy prey to the /ihort waves, the dormant life of their eggs was not seri ously affected. ‘‘And so,” concluded Doctor Whitney, "the real problem is not solved.” That problem may be summed up in the questions How much can life stand? It is a very practical question to breeders seeking to improve'the quality of live stock, to milk producers and fruit and meat packers and medical men fighting bacteria, to farmers and orchardists and foresters fighting destructive pests, A government bureau was anxious to test the behavior of insects under unu sual conditions—in an atmosphere of hydrogen, in a vacuum, and in an in tense radio field. It submitted the prob lem to Doctor Whitney. He put a cock roach in a glass tube, sealed the tube airtight and then pumped it as near a vacuum as possible. , The bug swooned and lay motionless. For a full minute it was left in that airless world, but when the tube was opened and the air gushed in, it quiv ered, stretched its legs, stood up and ran away. “I repeated the experiment." related Doctor Whitney, ‘‘increasing the time to two minutes, five minutes and finally to a full hour. In each case the cock roach apparently died and came to life. "Then we put the insects in a tube tilled with hydrogen at normal pressure. They soon lay down and rested. When 'hey were brought into the air again they woke up and crawled away. ' Nitrogen gas was tried next, and here we found that insects would wander aropnd for two days without suffering anv fatal or serious effect." But how do the insects behave under Above: Popping (urn b* itadio. The Crain I* Placed Between a Pair of Ice Elec trodes (Cla«s Jars) Con nected to a lligh-Frequeues Heater. The lee in the Jars I* Not .Melted b* the I lent That Pops the Corn. Left : I hree Examples of Frozen Life. A Frog Can Stand 20 Degrees Fahren heit. Snails t looted to 140 Degrees Do Not Die, While a Carp. Will Die at 10 Degrees Fahrenheit. ihe influence of radio waves? Doctor Whitney took some fruit flies and put them in a large glass tube. The tube was closed, but so connected that it was pos sible to circulate acurrentof airthrough it. He began to lower the temperature of this air, and the insects huddled on the glass floor, an apparently f rozen mass. When the winter temperature had prevailed for some minutes, the thirty meter radio generator was started. It is the same powerful vacuum tube that had been found to bring on fever in men working near it. The question was: Could it recall life to the frozen insects or would it kill them outright? After the tube had been working about one minute, oscillating at the rate of ten million times a second, the frozen mas.- gave a feeble stir. In another min ute some were crawling, and soon they were flying or buzzing their wings. The freezing breeze was still blowing through the tube, but the radio waves had heated them inside to fever temper ature and they felt no cold. In another experiment corn was popped by ice that did not melt. The corn was popped by radio with a high frequency heater. The grains were placed between two electrodes consisting of a pair of glass jars filled with ice and connected to the heating device. The heat generated t.o pop the corn did not melt the ice in the jars. The results of these experiments, sug gest also that radio waves can be used to study the mystery of suspended anima tion or hibernation as it occurs in nature. Where Dogs Are Kings T HE dog rules as king of an un known race of white men four hundred strong who, almost iso lated from the rest of the world, live in the farthest north of the frozen land of Siberia, on the shore of the Arctic Ocean. The; full story of these strange peo ple and their wonderful dogs is told for the first time in a book, "The Road to Oblivion," by Vladimir Zenzinov, a Russian political exile who, escaping from imprisonment in Siberia, found hi* way to the Indigirka River and set tled down in this strangely preserved little Russian world of the far North, These men are possibly descendants of the marooned Arctic navigators of ‘he sixteenth century, who were !o*t while questing for tho northern route to India. They can neither read nor write: have no bread and no means of baking it. The have never tasted milk, ■'butter, vegetables, fruits or beef, for •tows and cattle are unknown. They have never seen deer, horses or fowl— not even a rat. Their one domestic animal is the dog. Nowhere else on earth is the dog more important or held in higher regard. For without* the sled-dog, life would be ut terlv impossible to these men. Dogs and (heir masters live mainly on frozen fish. Even in summer it has but to be buried a foot deep in the earth to freeze. In the white wilderness of the tundra of the coats even reindeer cannot live. Hut the dog can lie fed on the fish caught in the Indigirka River, along the course f which the settlement extends. Every family has a team of three or four dogs, and the better-off have teams of from ten to eighteen. They draw the sleds which carry deadwood for fuel and ice from the river, and without them hunting and trapping would be impos sible. No whip is used in driving, but the driver keeps his team keen by continu ous cries : “Norakh-norakh — to th* left; "Poz-za—poz-zzT"—forward. The dogs have greater endurance than the reindeer, and can draw a sled fifty miles in a day. Races are some times held, anti a team will gallop a short distance at twenty-five miles an hour. Once the dogs have been over the ground, they never lose their way. Origin of Grapefruit Grapefruit, which is now sum a popular article of diet, was de veloped by the Chinese some 3, 00ft years ago from one of the wild cit rus trees with which their country abounds, nnd whose natural fruits are small and hardly edible. In tho eighteenth century it was taken by an Englishman, Captain Shaddock, to the West Indies and grown there with success. Thence it spread to the United States, whose fruit-growers have given it much attention, and have improved it eonsidprahiv. Testing the Breath With a ^Football** A RUBBER football, together “with a water heater and a half u doien glass tubes containing chemical liquids of various colors, are combined to form a novel means of test ing the breath of a drinker. When the driver of a motor car, for example, is suspected of having had just a drop too much and thereby is a menace to lives, he is aske'' to blow up a rubber football. Then the air front the Inflated football is transferred by a rubber tube to a glass tube in which there is a re agent in the form of dichromatic-sul phuric acid. When a sufficient amount of air has entered the tube to determine the degree of alcoholism of the *‘pa tient,” by the intensity of concentration of the alcohol, the glass tube is placed in a small water heater for several minutes. Right here is where the magic begins, for—presto! The contents of the tube b< comes colored and thereby hangs a tali —or possible a fine and a jail sentence. The color of the contents of this tube is compared with the colors of the cor, tents of the other six tubes, which re sults in the correct diagnosis qf the sub ject’s breath and indicates the degree of drunkenness. The Wjve-Lengths of Vitamins A » hi> very much like those of radio have been found by two British scientists, L)r. F, B. Bow den and Dr C. 1* Snow, working in the laboratory of Physical Chemistry at Cambridge, England, to be the means by which any of the four vitamins can '•e built up in the body, while substances armful to health ran be eliminated. Just as every broadcasting station has us wave-length, these scientists explain, mi vitamins A. R. C and f) have theirs. I'he wave-lengths of vitamins A, B and D have already been found, and that of G may follow shortly Vitamin B keeps lie nerves in good condition. C prevents scurvy, while I> Is Nature's safeguard against rickets and other diseases of the bones and teeth When substances containing these vitamins are subjected to-waves of the correct length, the vitamins at once be come lively and increase rapidly Two important results may follow One is that it will be possible to produce foods containing the exact amount of the par tie trig r vitamins required by the patient, the other, that he may be made to pro duce the .vitamins in his own body bv treatment with the special waves Some tears ago a great stir was made over what was called Abram's Box This was an appliance for treating pa tients with rays of certain wave-lengths, and the Inventor claimed that wonderful cures had been accomplished After something like a battle-ro>al between the doctors, only a few remained who believed in the contrivance, but it now seems that the inventor had been work ing on the right lines. The way in which vitamins do their work in the body is perhaps best seen from the story of vitamin f). RVfccf;. bad teeth, and weak bones are caused bv a deficiency of two substances- -calcium and phosphorus. Without a sufficient supply of these the bony parts of the body become soft or brittle. In a healthy person these substances are taken from the food and carried by the blood stream to the bones. When disease sets in. the blood stream drains away the calcium and phosphorus. Scientists have not yer been able to find out exactly what vitamins are. al though it is certain they are essential to health. A wonderful “health milk” has been produced by treating ordinary milk with ultra-violet ray- These were found to cause an immense increase in the vitamin known as A which i* re sponsible for genera! health flM |)RlUlt% 1m ! f •? Demonstrating the l *e of the I not ball Ilf' i« Designed to lest » Drinker’s Rrealh for Alco holic (Content. It I (insists of a Hub her Football, a Water Heater and Half a Dozen bias* I ubes Containing Chemicals of Dil ferenl Colors to Shoo >is Rear lions When lo Hated. The llreath Is Passed Through i Chemical Solu lion Vi hieh Change* Color Wording to the Degree of Drunkenness