SOCIETY NEWS.... MRS. REYN DRUM (EOIMT) Mr* Drum may n« reached by ieiephone nt The Star office on Moo nay. Wednesday and Friday moro n** at The Star office phone 4-J. At other timer si her bom# telephone No. IIS. Piano Recital To Be Presented Thursday Miss Mary Helen Lattimore will present her piano pupils In recital on Thursday evening June 8, at Marion school at 8 o'clock. The public Is cordially invited to attend. Miss Austell To Present Expression Recital Miss Elizabeth Austell will pre sent the pupils ol her class in ex pression recital on Thursday even ing at 8 o'clock in the high school auditorium. The public is cordially invited to attend and there will be no ad mission charge. Mr*. Draper Wood To Entertain At Bridge Mrs. Draper Wood wHl entertain at bridge twice on Thursday at the Cleveland Hotel on Graham street. On Thursday morning at 10 30 Mrs. Wood will entertain a number of friends at. a bridge party, and on Thursday afternoon at 4 o’clock she will again be hostess, with mem bers of the South Washington bridge club as her guests. Mrs. Smith Honors Mrs. Clay Poston Mrs. Brantley P. Smith enter tained at a pretty card party on Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Reid Misenhelmer on Cleve land Springs road, in compliment to Mrs. Clay Poston, a bride of re cent months. The rooms of the home were effectively decorated with larkspur and yellow lilies, and eight tables were arranged for play, six for bridge and two for rook. After a number of delightful pro gressions scores were added and prizes awarded. Mrs. Poston was presented with a pretty piece of linen, in Italian cut work; Mrs. tee Nolan received a pair of Godev prints as top score prize in bridge, and Mrs. Robert Hause won a paint ed linen sports handkerchief as high • score award in rook. * Mrs. Smith was assisted, by Mrs. Mtsenheimer, Mrs. F. B. Litton and Mrs Bill Webb in serving congealed salad, sandwiches, punch and cake { Out-of-town guests present for the occasion were: Miss Fanny Carpen ter. Miss Julia Katherine Manner and Mrs. M. L. Houser, the latter mother of the bride, all of Kings ’ Mountain. Dance Program Presented On Monday Evening Miss Jennie Grey Barkley pre sented the pupils of her dancing class in recital on Monday evening at the Washington school auditor ium. The stage was effectively dec orated. making a pretty background for the colorful costumes of the dancers. The pupils of the local dancing classes weft assisted in several numbers by pupils from Gastonia. The following program was pre sented: Toe Dance. Dorothy Under wood. Joyce Roberts, Elizabeth Hol land, Marian Morris, Josephine La Gare and Shirley Honigman; Ideal Waltz, Betty Washam; Ribbon Dance, Lillian Cline, Phyllis Yates, Evangeline Palmer, Helen Yarbor ough and Virginia Quinn; Dance of the Mannikin, Mary Annie Cline; tap. Elva Ann Thompson; Buck and Wing. Janie Cline; Acrobatics. Em ma Jo Beam; song. "'Fit as a Fid dle.” Shiiley Honigman; Babv Pa rade, Sara Mae Hamrick and Caro lina Quinn; song, "Shuffle Off to Buffalo," Winifred Shealy and Betty Gray; dance. Martha Car penter, Phyllis Banfield, Catherine Gray, Imogene Taylor. Margaret Musard. Jean Goldberg, Frankie Meares, Janie Cline, Martha Gray Long, Esther Ann Quinn, Helen Coon and Mary Annie Cline; Train. Dorothy Underwood, Joyce Roberts. Marion Morris, Elizabeth Holland, Betty Sholar. Josephine LeGare, and Shirley Honigman; Dainty Miss Lillian Cline; Shadow Dance, Evan geline Palmer: tap, Phyllis Yates; Toe Waltz, Jennie Gray Barkley; advanced tap, Mary Annie Cline: Military tap, Elva Ann Thompson, Lillian Cline, Evangeline Palmer, Helen Yarborough. Phyllis Yates. Virginia Quinn, Dickie Palmer and Henry Quinn; Jig Time, Imogene Taylor and Catherine Gray; Black and White Rag. Emma Jo Beam; Dancing Fool, Janie Cline; Stop Time tap, Mary Annie Cline: and tap, Elva Ann Thompson, Lillian Cline, Evangeline Palmer, Helen Yarborough, Phyllis Yates, Virginia Quinn, Dickie Palmer and Henry Quinn. Miss Hunt Weds Mr. Oh as. A. Everett A marriage that will be of inter est. to many people yn Cleveland county is that of Miss Mary Sue. Hunt of Grover to Mr Chas. A Everett of Albemarle The cere mony was performed by their pas tor. Rev. F. A. Bower, at the Bap tist pas tori urn, Sunday, noon. June 4. 1933 Mr. and Mrs C. F Lefler and Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Misen heimer accompanied the couple to the p&storium. This marriage is the culmination of a romance, which began in the north a few years ago when Miss Hunt spent two years In Philadel phia and Chicago. The bride is the daughter of the late Rev. D. J. Hunt of Marion and a niece ot Miss Meldona Living stone of Grover. She is a graduate of Meredith college, Raleigh, was also a student for one year at the ■ W. M. A Training school, Louis I ville, Ky. ; She has taught in the public ; schools of North Carolina for seven years, was a teacher at Earl for four successive years. Last year, she taught in the city schools of Albe marle. She is known in many parts of North Carolina, for her work in Baptist churches. The groom came to North Caro j lina, several months ago from Nor I wav, Maine. For four years before coming to North Carolina, he was 1 manager of a cafeteria in Norway. [ Prior to that he was manager of ,the poultry department on a large 1 farm near Norway, having been prepared for this work by a super vised agricultural vocational course. Mr. Everett is now located in busi ness fri Albemaile where the happy [couple will make their home at' 365 North Fourth street, Albemarle. Marriage I* Announced At Pretty Party (Special to The Star) Grover.—On Saturday evening. June 3rd. Mrs .). E Sepoch and Mrs. Dean Martin gave one of the loveliest parties of the season an nouncing the marriage of their daughter and sister. Miss Clair Nelle Sepoch to James Roy Robin son. The country home near Grover I was artistically decorated through I out with tall baskets of pastel shades of larkspur and queen anne lace. Tlie spacious lawn was lighted by Japanese lanterns. Various games furnished amuse ment during the evening. at the close of which the hostesses were assisted by Mrs. J. W. Bridges. Mrs Forest Bolin and Mrs. Harry Mar tin. sisters of the bride, and Mrs. Dewitt Moss in serving a delicious Iced course with accessories, each plate bearing a tiny wedding bell tied with white satin ribbon in scribed with: C N. S. to J R. R December 28. 1932. Mrs. Robinson's semi-blond beau ty was enhanced by a model of Eleanor blue crepe with silk lace trimmings She wore a shoulder corsage of sweetpeas The ceremony which the party announced was performed by the Rev. C. A. Klrbv at the Cherokee Avenue parsonage in Gaffney, S C. December 28, 1932 Mrs Robinson is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Se poch of the Ml Paean community. She graduated from Asheville Nor imal college and is a member of the ! New Pleasant school faculty near Gaffney. S. C She possesses an unusual personality which has won for her a hast of friends. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs J. J. Robinson of Gaffney. He will be graduated from Furman university where he has been an outstanding student and has been prominent in athletic activities. He has served as president of the Delta Chi Alpha fraternity. ministerial group and Baptist, student council. He is to be principal of the Mid way school near Gaffney. S C next year. Mr Rtid Mrs. Robinson left Ini mediately after the announcement' party for a w eek in the mountains j after w'hich they will both attend I the six wepks of Furman summer school, making their home at 7j University Ridge, Greenville, S C | suss zanders weds Mr. Leon Guigou (Burlington, N. C. Ttmes-News.i The marriage on Tuesday morn ing, May 23, of Miss Nell Saunders, of Burlington, to Mr. Leon Guigou, of Vrttiese. will be of great interest to their many friends and relatives in .this section: The ceremony, beautiful and impressive in its sim plicity, was performed by the Rev. D. D. Holt, of Gibsonville, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs Lola Saunders. 703 Church street. Burlington. The bride and groom. with no j attendants, entered the living room.' there, surrounded by close relatives and a few near friends, under the palms and tall eandlebra, the groom plaeed a diamond circlet upon the bride and the vows were spoken. The bride worf a suit of dove grey, a hat to match with trim and ac cessories in contrast; a corsage of bride roses and valley lilies. Immediately after the ceremony amid a shower of rice and good wishes, Mr. and Mrs. Guigou left for a motor trip to Washington, D C., and other eastern sections of interest. After June 2, Mr. and Mrs Guigou will make their home with 1 Mr and Mrs. John Garrou, of Val [dese, mother and stepfather of the 1 groom, and will be at home to their many friends. Mrs. Guigou Is the charming and gifted daughter of the late W L Saunders formerly of Shelby, Kings Mountain and Burlington. After graduating from the Asheville Nor mal and Teachers college an 1929 •she entered the Valdese high school as piano instructor continuing that and class room work until the close of this year's term. Mr. Guigou is the brother of Mr L. P. Guigou, of the Valdese Man ufacturing company, Valdese, and of Mr. Charles Guigou, accountant for Armour & company, formerly of Charlotte, now in Richmond, and is well known in Charlotte, having spent some time here preparatory to his superintendency of the tly ing and finishing plant of the Wal dension Hosiery mills of Valdese. Nurses Give Barhrrue Supper The student nurses of the Shelby hospital entertained the doctors and teaching staff of the hospital at a barbecue supper at the Riding club springs last Thursday evening. Mrs. O. S. Anthony, who has been instructor in dietitics at the hospi tal during the past winter, planned and prepared the supper About 25 guests enjoyed the oc- \ Caslon. Miss Roberts Is Bridge Club Hostess Miss Mary Adelaide Roberts was a gracious hostess on Tuesday aft ernoon to members of the Contract, bridge club when she entertained at her home on W. Marlon street. Bridge was enjoyed at three tables during the afternoon, and at its1 close the prize for high score was given to Miss Betty Suttle. • Mrs. Prank Colwell, of Clinton, guest of Mrs. Ed McCurry, was a special out-of-town guest. The hostess was assisted by her sister. Miss Minnie Eddlns Roberts in serving pretty plates of salad with accessories. ---,- « Mrs. Colwell Honored At Small Parly Mrs. Ben Hendrick entertained informally on Monday afternoon at two tables of bridge in honor of Mrs. Prank Colwell. of Clinton, SUCSt ol M; Ec M Currv Hie htSi: score prize for thr h 1I cru toil: plsn was won by Mi McCurry. Mrs Hendrick was a sister! o’ Mrs. Cline Hendrick in serving n refreshing ice course with 'accos , sories. Those playing wen : Mrs Colwell Mrs. McCurry Mrs. Lowery guttle. Mrs. Hopson Austell, Miss Betty Buttle. Misses Mary ' Adelaide and Minnie Eddies Roberts, and Mrs. Esley Pendleton. Bowery Ball To Be Held Tonight A Bowery Ball will be given at the Thompson building tonight rrom 9:30 to 2 when Mule Maize and his orchestra will furnish the music. A list of six prizes are being of fered for thr best costumes. Script. V. W. A. Meeting Held Monday Evening On Monday evening at the homr if Misses Nita and Mary Louise Benton members of the Y. W. A. of Lhe First Baptist church were en tertained when the Misses Benton and Miss Mildred Boyles were )oint hostesses. The meeting was opened with the roll call and read ing of the minutes, which was fol lowed by devotional, given by Miss Mildred Boyles. Miss Mary Louise Benton was program leader and in troduced numbers by Mrs. Newman McIntyre and Miss Mary Tedder. During the social half hour en joyed at the close of the evening the hostesses served a refreshing ice and sweet course. Accept Negro For Jury In Tennessee Chattanooga.—A negro was ac jepted for jury service here for the first time in over 40 years and the first case on which lie sat with 11 white men was thal of a negro charged with burglary A verdict of guilty W'as returned. The negro juror was R. C. Haw kins. a retired mail thirier. He'w as impaneled for jury duty by Judge Charles W. I,ink in the first divis ion of the criminal court. KEEP COOL WEAR TROPICALS LINENS and SPORT CLOTHES Double- and Single Breasted Styles — with Norfolk back. 4*95 11-95 Men’s Sport OXFORDS Two-color com ' binations and solid white— 2.95 V WRAY’S — Correct Apparel for Men — v 8. Y. P. U. Leader Miss Sue Hord, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Hord of Kings Mountain, who graduated last week at Meredith college, Raleigh, was a leader in religious work. She was president of the Maude Bert Dozier B. Y. P. U, organization and was a member of the English club. Miss Hord is a granddaughter of Mr. A. P. Spake of Shelby. Ice Cream Supper At El Bethel Saturday There will be an ice cream sup per at El Bethel Methodist church on Saturday evening, June 10th. Music will be furnished by a band. Proceeds from the sale of ice cream will go for the benefit of the church. SHELBY HARDWARE CO. Is attain in the hands of the original owners and settlement of all accounts are to be made to W. A. McCord who has the sole pow er and authority to deal with them. For the present our plans are to col lect accounts due and please make your re mittance to w. a. Mc Cord, Shelby, N. C.. who will handle the af fairs of the Company. A Lovely Hand Painted Miniature ON OPAL PORCELAIN, MADE FROM ANY PH models today. Attractive terms make it to own a Majestic Pendleton’s Music Store