I Yv.74.KYtb ' VCi SliLL • ✓ -_ ■■■ 1 •• :tv. "" ■ ■-1 ■ 11 —■■ ~ WHAT YOU WANT Classified FOR EASY REFERENCE The Cost Is Small — The Results Are Good They Get Buyer And Seller Together Rates ! ''f Want Advertisements Tn This Column. Minimum ! Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. This sue 1 cent per word each insertion This size type 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3c per word each insertion. poi: sale itiLAr t'sed KVlvinators and Frigid-, (ires taken in exchange or1 new Majesties and Westing-j Ijq^vc Electric Refrigerators. Pendleton’s Music Store. 2t-7c 7f.WARD OF $5.00 WILL he naid to anyone in Cleve land County who furnishes us jrjth proof that any owner of Majestic, Westinghouse o r General Electric Refrigeratoi ha? exchanged it for any oth er make of Electric Refriger ator. Pendleton’s M u s i c Store. 2t-7c CAN O E. FORD CO. FOR fr»s.l stonip, lime, cement and Ottck 26 Sc “rabbits for SALE: SEE E. P Riviere, jr.. -413 N. Washington St. tf Tp LOWEST PRICES IN TWENTY fears in Job printing. Any kind ol printing' promptly and accurately done. Cal) on us lor an estimate oi telephone and a representative will call on you. Cleveland Star (Job Priming DepW : . . tf lOp Tir~ FARMER IN AN EMER - seuev O.; E. Ford Co. Can fix you up t:ili a grain binder and repair pairs 2t 5c SPECIAL SALE" OF KIN shed rayon goods each Wed nesday at Cleveland Cloth Mu!. .. tt-26c FOR RENT: THREE LARGE rooths. close in. Phono £l'\. 4t 29c SEE O. E. FORD CO. FOR crushed stone, lime, cement and brick 2t 5c Safes, filing cabinets j book-keeping systems record books I riled forms cl all kinu.s Call The, Star and a. representative will call; on-von with samples t.f lOp ! MUFFLERS AND TAIL PIPES j lor ail tars and trucks. Auto Elec-1 me' Co. t f 28c FOR NITRATE OF SODA, SUL phateof ammonia and fertilizers O.! t lord Go's is the place. 2t 5c i PLANTS - PEPPER: oc doz., Tomatoes 25c hundred. Crane’s Farrm. 3t-2p, RABBITS FOB sale see dr i D M. Morrison, Shelby. 4t 26p AUTOMOBILE WOOD AND j ’m’ bodies repaired. Wrecks re j sud: glass installed, tops covered, j piim and duco work. Elias C. »108 Lily mill road. South Shelby, lt.p Special bargains: one; ^ me bcx, office desk, cedar j they walnut ant ique chest of draw-) )o'e seat, walnut chairs, one) motor, 9x12 rug. Jones Fur wtui'p Co. ' 2t 2c summer SPECIAL: STRAIGHT • Ti-M.'tchlng. 5c yd. Shelby Hem stitching Co., Box 128. Phone 603. 3t 5c SUM’S DRY CLEANED AND -Mi. only 35c, including tax. Modem Cleaners, opposite Home Stores tf 7c ' vOUNG GIRL WITH SOME | knowledge of bookkeeping, typing) *!;c ■si’orthand desires a pasition as ^•)e' helper. Salary no object. F.s t,1!f Scruggs, house 52, Eton vUlage 3-5p when you begin your • plans be sure and think oft E hord Co. for all kinds build-; “•^materials. 2t 5c SHOULD YOU HAVE A DEATH 'our family, it is good form to those friends who sent flow na<i a part In the funeral and ^Pressed genuine sympathy. Sym acknowledgment cards made order with black mourning Oor Star Office. tf lOp EXPERT WATCH~REPAIRING, guaranteed. Low cost. Whit 1,->caied with Modern Clean : ^hree rooms fo rrent 235 Graham St. l-7c SPECIAL: AUTOMOBILE DOOR uistalled, any size *2.00. Wind itj*, s uistalled *2.75, any size. * Iro«. and Metal Co. West street tf 29c «PrLNTY of ciiilean nitrate ' 'ha for sale at my house. Er Eiliott, Lawndale, Star Route. • 2t 5p hi Mr. Hamrick Is Buried Sunday Died in Sumler. S. C. Had Been "ith Express Company on Southern Railway. ' Special to The Star > Grover. June 5.—-Ewers Ham bright son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hambvtght died in Sumter ,S. C., Friday morning June 2. He was reared in Grover, and worked with ihQkC. F. Harry Co., for some time, but for Several years lias been on tlie Southern railway in service of the express company, until a short i time ago, when his health failed. He was 35 years old, leaves a wife and two small children. father, mother of Grover, one sister, Mrs. Lola Mills, two brothers, Messrs J. C. and J H. Hambright all of Atlan ta, Ga. The funeral services were held in Grover Baptist church Sunday, at 2:30 p. in. Rev. Rush Padgett, as sisted by Dr! J. T. Dendy. had charge of the services. The honorary ball bearers were: Messrs. D. J. Keeter Ed Ed Backnell C. F. Harry. C. C. Wallace, J. H. Bridges. C. Martin. H. S. Keeter and D E. Byers. Active pall-bearers were: Dorritte Moss. Frank Hambright. Alton Bell. V. J. Hardin. Carroll Beam, Dennis Wallace. Flower girls were: Mesdames. R, D. Moss. J. B. Ellis, L. B. Hambright H. S. Keeter.. Misses Ailene Mul linax, Felicia Bell. Mary Hambright,1 Ruth Crip, Mildred Moss. The many beautiful flowers show - ed the love and esteem of his many friends. x There was a. large crowd attended the funeral: The body was laid to! rest in Grover cemetery, , Drops Dead As He Argues Over Fence! San Pedro. Calif.—Harold L Ar-' nold, 75. retired New York Judge. I living here, died unexpectedly Mon-j day during a quarrel with a young woman over a fence. Police expressed the belief he j succumbed to a heart attack during his argument with Betty Gardena, i 33. and her mother, who asserted he' was building a fence on their prop erty. j Miss Gardena, police, struck Ar- ’ nold in the face with a lathe. Both] women were questioned by the of-j ficers, who indicated they wouid be : released. j FOR FIRST CI.ASS AUTOMO-' bile repair work at low prices see B. Y. Spangler at the Auto Inn. I phone 832. tf 7c] WANTED: SMALL HOUSE I close in. Phone 9136. ltc FOR FRIGIDAIRE. KELVINA- j tor service, phone 454 E. J. Mill nick, service dept. tf 5c j WANTED: BY LADY ' WITH i good education any honest work to! support self and three children.; Address “Work,” care Star. 2t 7pj BARGAINS YOU SELDOM SEE. 1933 Plymouth Sport coupe, driven! very little, carries new car guaran-1 tee, special price. 1330 Bnick 4-door j sedan. See this car at $325. 1930 j Ford Town sedan, mechanically :>er feet New paint. Several other good • used cars to select from, at very reasonable prices. Easy terms. Xee ver Motor Co., phone 146. tf 5c FOR QUrCK SHOE . SERVICE, while you hesitate. Our place is cool. Freeman's Shoe Shop. “Ask Any body.” Under Pendleton's. 3t 7c ‘ HAVE A T-MODEL FORD sedan in A-l condition, would like to trade for good milk cow. Clint Hawkins, South Shelby. ltc PLENTY OF NITRATE OF soda and sulphat of ammonia at O. E. Ford Co’s. 2t 5c COOL THE SUN WITH AWN ings. Freeman's Shoe Shop, Under Pendleton's. 8t 7c FOR ALL KINDS OF BUILDING materials call O, E. Ford Co. 2t 5c EXPERIENCED COLORED WOM tn wants job as cook and house keeper. Eight years in one family in 3helby. Phone Star office. 3t 7p WANTED: EARLY CROP AP iles suitable for cider immediately. Write me quantity you have and jrice and truck will call if wanted. j,’ H. Trotter, oerton, N C. it 7c J Sharon Community News Of Week End Ladies Aid Society Meets. Juniors Have Picnic. Cup To Kadesh And llanner To El Bethel. (Special to The Star.* Sharon. June 8.—The Ladies Aid society of Sharon church held their meeting at the church Wednesday afternoon. a good program was rendered after which they had the business part of the meeting: Mesdames J. C. and p. D Dodd and Lizzie Blanton spent awhile Wednesday with MrS'. J. F Dodd. We welcome back to our Sunday school and church, Mr. Jap Led better who is a good worker in any church affair. Mr. and Mrs. Coborn Vess and children of Forest City and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kincaid and daughter visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dodd awhile Sunday after noon. Mias Johnnie Morehead spent the (Week-end with her aunt. Mrs. S. S. Moore and Mr. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Smith visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith Sunda; night. Mrs. L. A. Smith will remain with them a few days. Mrs. Smith has been real sick. Mrs. D. E. Grigg and Miss Buna Blanton are sick at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dover, Mr and Mrs. Rob Dover and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dover attended homt coining at El Bethel Sunday. Mrs. J. F. Dodd visited her par ents Friday. Several of the young people at tended a party given at the home of Misses Bulah and Vernie Well man Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. W B Dodd and daughter, were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Smith Sun day. ^ The juniors of the Epworth lea gue enjoyed a picnic on the church ground Saturday afternoon. The evening was spent in fun and play, after which the picnic lunch was served. The young people of Sharon church hoed their cotton Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Spaki were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Dodd Sunday afternoon. The young peoples’ divisions of Cleveland county held their meet ing at Sharon church Thursday night, June first. A good program was rendered by members of the different divisions. The loving cup was awarded to Kadish and the banner to El Bethel. After the meet ing was over they were served sweet cakes and lemonade. Cards Of Thanks We wish to thank our many friends and neighbor for their kindness and sympathy shown to us through the death of our prec ious mother. Mrs. W. M. Warhck. Mav God's blessings rest upon vou.i The Children. i Trial Postponed Npw York, May 29.—Trial of Jo seph W. Harrlman on charges ol falsifying the books of the Harri man National Bank and Trust com pany. which he headed, was post poned today until next Monday. Urge* Editors To Boost Ad Rates Indianapolis. —Justus F. Craemcr ot Orange, Calif., president of the National Editorial association, at the forty-eighth annual convention here warned editors not "to “make the mistake of the past 10 years by failing to advance the price of their products along with the price of other commodities.” He said newspaper publishers had not advanced their advertising and subscription rates and job prices during the period from 1923 to 1929 and therefore they should not now be faced With a demand for rate reductions. Nevertheless, he said, "many have weakened anti have granted rate adjustments.” Strangers Fleece South Carolinian Holly Hill. S. C.—F. L. Mellard elderly resident of this section, saw visions of eternal youth when twt i strangers offered to sell him a rati I turn belt aiul tic parted with $1001 cash, r $300 check which he au i thorlzed to be cashed immediately | for hts "friends" and n $3,900 chock ' on a New York bank. Now Mellard lias no belt, i> sh\ j #000 - payment on the $3,900 chock I was stopped—and he vows ho la n fit subject, for the ravages of time and nature so far as "radium belts stopping his ago are concerned. 'Die two men were driving » cot With a North Carolina license but stnte highway officials said the party to whom the car s license was Issued was not one of the fakirs, ol whom no trace has been found. Card of Thanks Wf wish to express' our sincere thanks to the many friends who have shown their Ion and sym pathy in countless ways during the illness and death of our loved one, Fiv/ers Hambright. May CJod’s rich est blessings be with each one. The Family Grover. N. C. ALONG WITH THE NEW DEAL — COMES “PED” A LIQUID, NON-GREASY PREPARATION FOR ATHLETES FOOT Stop That Agony And Get A Good Night's Sleep. “PED" Is For Sale At Your Favorite Drug Store. — PRICE 35c — n* WASHINGTON »< 2jl l^iditicUve flddie&i \ I Centratiy located .n the heart of the Shop cinq ond Theatre w* rnet and camenMit to oil Government butkt ings ond Washington points ot interest* 300 POOMS W i HARRINGTON rirvcuT^ ano Monroe’s Scrip Is Nearly All Retired Mom i»' Enquirer Only *107 worth of (lit- llu.OOO worth of scrip Issued by the city oi Monroe In March Is outstanding to date, according to J H. Boyte. city clerk. Tlie l*Mn which was ordered chtr ins Uir bunk nolklitv mill'll In President IjooM'Vl’ll WU.N Hit'll til |jg'y salaries niul WHgcK ot city em ployers. It hii.s ihotight hi frst Ihm tin- entire Issue would bp used, but Hie bunking situation was cleared up In Him* to enable the city to pa\ «* employees tp rush. Only $3,181 Of till* $10,000 scrip Issue whs actually paid out, to meet the city m obligations, liils scrip was viUt int'ii mainly through payment* >i wttUu amt light bills which • im«l 1 amount being redeemed by mymriit of taxes. Approximately m:>0 a h . rciU-t uied in cash Mrs Peck-Henry, viiat mado yoi •tuy out so late Inst night? Henry—l was staying up with * sick friend—helping him to solve n Jig-saw pu&r.le. Step Right Up, Fellows HERE’S HOW if THAT GOOD OLD FOAMY BREW YOU KNEW IN DAYS BEFORE THE WAR! ICE COLD, OLD-STYLE BEER “ TAP! °NLY 10c GLASS WITH PRETZELS WE HAVE BOTTLE BREW, TOO! SANDWICHES, DELICIOUSLY FRESH OR PLAIN! TOASTED CURB SERVICE The Owl Soda Shop I). L. WILLIS & SONS Owned and Operated Bv Formerly Chocolate Shop A Costless Impression. TOOTS AND CASPER THE ONLY THINtr ABOUT THE PARTY THAT I'LL ENJOY WILL BE MY 6UESTS1 * DON'T WANT TO THINK ABOUT IT BEIN^ MY BIRTHDAYi I DON'T WANT TO BE REMINDED THAT I'M A YEAR OLDER! ANDDAN- — WHEN OUR GUESTS ARE ALL HERE J I WANT YOU TO WALK jjf IN AND HAND ME AN J~ EXPENSIVE -- BIRTHDAY PRCSKMT! BUT, SOPHIE' T I CAN'T AFFORD TO BUY YOU AN EXPENSIVE GIFT1 THAT'S fi IMPOSSIBLE! NOTHIN*, IS IN POSSIBLE1 YOU'Rt GOIN*, TO PRESENT ME WITH A *250 OO BOTTLE OF PERFUME IN FRONT OF all our Quests! THAT WILL MAKE THEM SIT UP AND TAKE NOTICE • DikiVT r ^ P ^ S -fa-*-*" IV,V King frf«turo Syndtcatc lm tircar B.-ium r gSfs reserved DON'T TURN PALE, DAN1 •’ll order the perfume from THE DRU6 STORE AND CHARGE IT— YOU PRESENT IT TO ME AT THE PARTY--AND THE NEXTOAY I'LL SEND IT BACK TO THE DRU6 STORE.! IT'S A 6000 WAY TO IMPRESS OUR FRIENDS AND IT WON'T y{ COST YOU A CENT! IT'S A r’. - THAT COLONEL HOOFER FAILED TO U ND THE $15000.22 A YEAR POSITION THAI i'.S. WAS OFFERED IN MEXICO CITY.TOOTS'. HE SAYS WHEN HE ARRIVED THERE HE FOUND OUT THAT THE -JOB HAD JUST BEEN! CjIVEN TO A RELATIVE OF SOME BiO What’# Colonel Hoofer Done Now? THE POOR CrOY HAS HAD MANY TOU^H BREAKS IN HIS TIME ANO FINALLY A NICE OFFER CAME HIS WAY,BUT IT WENT BLOOEY! THEY SHOULD AT LEAST HAVE NOTIFIED HIM ABOUT HIRING THE RELATIVE AND SAVED HIM THAT WILD 600SE CHASE TO MEXICO! HELLO! HERE'S THE MAIL-MAN! rnt ! f I WONDER WHO THIS LETTER IS FROM? IT HAS A FOREIGN STAMP ON IT! WELL. FOR CRYIN4 OUT LOUD

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