fhclbyM, J Jidelights by RemDrm. PEKl’INli AT SHELBY OF THK I.ONT; AGO . Mrs. J. Frank Harris has in her possession a number of] .j sbribv newspapers which to peruse is like pulling back! P,f- mi rain of time and looking upon the old days of the red! brick court house on the square and the town of that era. j K I likely that a number of families have papers of around the same date preserved in their homes, yet they never fail to interest—interest tthe older folks because they bnn£ back memories, and the younger generation because sl pjvps them a basis of comparison. rjiic nf the old issues is a special hnr.,rr «jmon put- ont by The Star editor, Clyde R. Hnev, in ,u]v |w tn addition to giving a u’-orv of the county, its institu t^n5 and progress, the special also p'ibli->e- photographs of the lead er?. of that town. pertion Three Of the photographic portrayal is of the old Star force— *hr proprietor n person. John S. 4-,n on. Mi it oh Tiddy. I.- H. Hump ,„n p f Hoev and W. R. Hart .m. r s f Hoev. incidentally, 5 one of those walrus mus [arbf? so popular in that day. Other section? of the paper carry photos of such leaders of that, day as M, 0 Mar'in. Dr. Lester Self, D. M. Baker W H Moss. M. N. Hamrick. K V Campbell, H I. Washburn. S. r (jidner. C. C Stamey, T. D. Falls, W A. Gantt. W. D. Lackey. E. Y. Webb, J ■). McMurry, A. H. Webb. ,1 H Hull. B Blanton. S. A. Wash bum. Ralph L. Webb. L. I. Gtdney, t P Austell. John R. Dover, Frank Jenkins, J. Y. Elliott. H. F. Schenck, Chu,- C and George Blanton, John p Linehercer. W. H. Thompson, Z. j Thompson ( looking just as his son Pijlv looks today), A. P. Weathers. O-lando Elam. Dr. H. D. Wilson, Dr. p H Morrison, Thomas Ewers. Fceh Miller. C. C. Roberts. J. M. B'iioM. D D. Wilkins. T. B. Wash bum Dr R C. Ellis, Walter Ram ■r\s Motor firm who has been awarded the honT of being the bt;t pond mechanic in the two Caro lina,- division of the Ford agencies. Snooks" MrEntire, the up countv girl who is quite an athlete herself, is one of the most regular femme attendants at baseball games tn Shelby. . . and usually with a bov friend . . a rumor wafted back from the gathering Young Demo erats has it that Max Gardner may be a candidate for the United States Senate in the next election, but so _ar it is only speculation. . .Capt O R 1 Bussey to most of you) Lat r,m®rp- of f he United States Army, 15 now located ai Big Springs, Glen ™irn. California, being sent there rnrr Indianapolis wdth a contin n* Indiana boys to the con 5enation ramps. In a letter he miortns that they are 40 miles from raiimad and right under the arow of t.hf snow-capped Mount thT'S thP slscier mountain, and ., \ ' a rpsult they are cool day Dll 7^' ^ trout aro iful and all are enjoying it. hunting all the rage 7m f>< *!and c°unty. . Shelby , r , ’ ?°od citizen when Rev ‘'y'',Jp for Newport t'«iranr»* , E'en ^u'el!ers have mlh lr j* " W,,h June, the cau,.ri, ll'des. snatched from the th Ju* here- ^ is noted ladvl, T W' Hamrick Jewelry diamond. Til 7" VMy SpeCtaI