Those Annoying hatty >ni Develop Ju*t Between the Hips and the Spots Which . - ---Apa Waist and Which Are So UiAirult to Eliminate by Exercise Respond Readily to the Reducing Roller, as Shown A Roller Massage Routine Which Can Be Used Anywhere on the Body to Reduce A ccumulations of Fat Difficult to Exercise By JOSEPHINE HUDDLESTON Author of “Mv Secrets of Charm.” IT i? not often that we dis cuss a treatment as recently touched upon as the one un der discussion today. So many inquiries, however, came to me asking for more detailed infor mation on the reducing roller which was included with an ex ercising machine in an article ap pearing late in August or early in September, that 1 feel most of you will be interested in learning more about this method of keep ing fit, both from a health and beauty angle. It is a well-established fact in all beauty and medical circles that women in general prefer an easy method of reducing, whether such reduction is for the entire body or only for some parts which are too large for the general contour of the figure. The easy way isn't necessarily a matter of laziness.., many of us are time poor, having only a few minutes to devote to beauty regimes of any kind. Others, because of their manner of living, find dieting, gym work, long walks and similar methods extremely hard to indulge even when a slender, graceful, healthy body will result from the treat ment. Probably because the health building reducer illustrated abo\ e requires so little time and ac complishes so much that the aver age woman desires, the reference to its use in another article stirred literally hundreds of women to a point where they wanted additional information. Here it is! There are two types of this article.. .a small Irit and a large that one or the other will fit into almost any budget. '[Tie working benefit is equally good, the main difference being that the more expensive outfit has a larger roller and more attach ments, although these attach ments may be purchased later if the complete kit is priced beyond your budget at the time. Whether you want to reduce locally or all over you'll find that approximately two pounds each week may be lost with perfect What One Girl Wore — By Betty Brounlee CREATORS of fashion a re spending: as much time on making lovely clothes for the younger girls in the family as they are in designing cos tumes for their older sisters. The large shops in every town nowadays have special depart ments devoted entirely to fashions for the girl in her late teens., Little sister is not neglected at all these days in the fashion world. She is still—if she is wise-—choosing clothes that are youthful even though they are not as childish as they were a few years ago. Of course, her frocks are fashioned of the same materials as those of her debutante sister. Whatever fabrics are smart for the older girl are the fabrics that are used for her costumes. Since most girls of sub-deb age feel that they are terribly •sophisticated and like to play that part, we find that they are partial to black clothes. There’s something so old about black, they think. Well, today, we have illustrated for you a frock worn last week by a younger friend of ours and we dare you to say that there’s anything too old about it for even the young est of the younger set. Of black cantor crepe, it fea tures the very soft and flatter ing cowl neckline. The sleeves are very brief—mere caps—and from beneath them peep dainty undersleeves of Irish lace. (And, by the way, no matter what age you are you’re going to be us ing Irish lace this Spring. It's the very latest and very newest rage). The skirt of this frock is cleverly seamed and the seam The Younger Girl Will Want to Own Thi» Charming Frock of Black Canton Crepo With Tiny Undersleeres of Irish Lace. Note that the Cowl Neckline Still Enjoys a Vogue. mgs reveal double pleatingo. Waistlines are to be a bit higher, as you will note in this instance, where the wide belt is finished with a soft bow Not even the most old fashioned mother could object to this ‘‘younger set” frock! s. APPETIZING MENUS FOR THE WEEK Breakfast Luncheon rh * n a r MONDAY Slewed Peer* Boiled Rice Tout Coffee XV'efflei Meple Syrup fee Boiled Beef Browsed Potatoes Stria* Sees! Lettuce Seltd ^ Apple Pio Deais tesi TUESDAY Baked Apple Oatmeal Grilled Bacon Muffins Coffee Vegetable Plate (Carrots. Peat, Potatoes and Beets) Roll* Tea Fried Hate Masked Sweet Pota*eaa Cauliflower Potato Salad Frsnt Cup Tea WEDNESDAY Bananas Raked Cereal Bacon and Eggs Rolls Coffee THURSDAY Oatmeal Figs Sausages Rolls Coffer Asparagus and 2 Egg Salad Bread and Butler Jam Crackers T»s Broiled Steak Baked Onion* » Baked Pots'oes ® Rice Pudding Demi-tasse C old Sliced Meat Fried Potatoes Cake ]ea Corned Beef Hash I iiri B»an< Bee's Fruit Salad Pumpin Pie Coffea raorrlasi I9S- [ini frs■ □ rrr Hrndirsie tan. Sufficient Twitting and Turning In Wear Away Fatty Accumula tion* Between the Shoulder Blade* I* Alnioat Intpotsible But the Combination of the Roller Ma*. • age and Reducing l-olion Will WorV Wonder* on Thi* Difficult Area. safety to your general health, which is of major importance. If you want only to brer down collections of fatty tissi which have formed on parts i the body which do not get i much exercise as they shoul you'll be atnazed at the &hrinka( shown by the tape measure aft< a short time. Incidentally, this business i pounds as against size is one < the most important features < all reduction. Many women ai over-sized who are not ov< weight. Therefore, your taj measure is as important a fact< in reduction as your scales. One woman weighing or hundred and thirty pounds will ! perfectly proportioned. Anoth< of the same height, age and gei eral make-up, will be decidedl over-sized at the same weigh This is because the -first woma ha? the bone structure of h« body covered with solid, health muscles and tissues while ti second one has her bone strm ture covered with fatty tissue. And so, besides thinking of n duction in terms of loss of weigl alone, bear in mind that durin the reducing program a procei of tearing down fatty tissue an rebuilding it into healthy tissc is going on. You probably wi find at the end of a month thi the scales show just about tl' same weight but that the size c your body has decreased mater ally. Of course, if one is moi than fifteen or twenty pounr over-weight or over-size th scales as well as the tape mcasui will show a loss. Although the massage gaine by the use of the roller illu: trated above will reduce the bodj a special lotion is part of tli kit. whether you buy the sma or larger one. This lotion shoul be used as suggested. Then, toe you can make up your own redui ing lotion if you wish by follow ing the formula for the campho and alcohol reducing lotion whic has appeared in this column s Household Question Box By Mrs. Mary D. IT ilson IJEAR MRS. WILSON: Please tell me hose to re move grease stain from a marble table. Thank you. MRS. C. Grease may be removed from marble with a paste of turpen tine and whiting. Cover the stain and let stand for some time; then wash off with soap and warm water. For general clean ing when badly soiled, use kero sene or salt and vinegar, but do not permit the vinegar to remain for more than a few minutes lest it affect the polish. IJEAR MRS. WILSON: In cooking, tchenever a recipe calls for molasses, I have (tiff» culty in measuring since the mo losses sticks to the spoon. 7 never know whether / am getting the exact amount called for. Is there any way of preventing thisf Mrs. B. U. Yes. Dip the measuring cup or spoon in scalding water and the molasses will turn out quickly. £}EAR MRS. WILSON: Can a corduroy suit h' laundered at : omc* Thank you for your advice. MISS G. Yes. Fill a tub with warm soapy water, using a pure white soap. Wash the garment by lift ing it up and down in the water, rubbing badly soiled portions with the palm of the hand or a soft brush. Wash in as many waters of the same temperature as may be needed to get it en tirely clean, and rinse until all the 3oap is removed. Without wringing or even squeezing, carry the garment to the line. Put waists or coats on hangers well padded with old cloth. Hut ton or hook the garment to pre vent sagging. Pin skirts to the line by the bands and pull to the correct length. Shake occasion ally while drying, and when thoroughly drv brush the nap to restore its fluffinc s. In this column cadi uerk Mrs. Mary T). Wilton will answer. all questions concerning the house hold. yj 71 p Tlif Holler. Padrfrd with Kell mid c Nit ura ted Willi deducing Lalion, r I* I.xlremelv Effective in Pi-cucrv I ing the Mouthful Fine* of the y Under-t hin and Throat. L. ' n many times since I’ve been edit r mg it. >' Cut two (2) small bars or p cakes of dry camphor into small bits and then add them to one ■ (1) quart of rubbing alcohol. Let It the mixture stand until the cam phor has dissolved before using. The large roller shown in the e illustration above has a felt pad II which should be moistened with t the reducing lotion. The smaller e rollers do not have this pud at t tached and so the reducing lo i- tion must be patted on the skin e if it is used. However, the plan s is to get the lotion onto the akin e whether it be by way of the felt c pad of direct. Then begins the fun I Simply t massage the rubber roller up and - down over the spots to be re duced, using long, firm sweeping « strokes as you pass the roller | over the spots. Work the roller j ten or fifteen times over each , spot to be reduced. As the rubber rollers pass over the bare skin...yes, no clothes i please while taking this treatment i although, of course, we couldn’t 3 be so bold in the photographs. . , Tor llir "Turnmy” ^orlu Off l *cc»» til* ilia Mum|« Hollar Not Only I ati Hul Alao Stimulate* and Abdominal ') Muacle » ■ Preventing Further VrCUtnqlttiwi of Fat Tissues. you will leel them gently grip the muscles. As the roller passes be yotid that particular spot the grip is relaxed, only to catch at the next point of contact with the rollers, in this way a complete massage is gained similar to those iven by Swedish masseuses, far anted for their wonderful reduc ing treatments. Ten minute should permit a complete body massage. Therefore, you will realize that besides being firm and long, the strokes with the roller must, be quick. No slug gish, lazy massage will accom plish the results you desire. To lose two pounds a week for the body generally . use the roller twice each day for ten minutes each time. To lose weight locally, that is to decrease the size of the arms, hips, abdomen, bust, fatty spots from the back of the neck, thighs,, logs ecetra, the same length of time should he devoted to these spots as would be allowed for the body generally. For example* twenty minutes each day, in two, ten-minute periods, reduces the average waistline approximately three inches in one month. About two inches will be taken from the bust line, and about three inches front the hips during the same time. It is estimated that the use of these rollers for twenty, minutes each day will effect the same re duction that an eight mile, very brisk walk would. One reason w hy such a method is so favored for reduction is that it, biTuks down only fatty tissues, muscles themselves are not effec ted, except to make them more Him and healthy by the stimu lated circulation which such mas sage induces. For reducing localised fat, there is not other method quite so satisfactory, except similar , The SpfrialN Designed Rubber Prttff Shown Above lit lined to 'Stimulate Circulation Under and Around the K?p<, Thereby Elim mating the Possible Formation #F Pouches and Wrinkles. Tito Manage Also Acta to Tone lip and Clear the Skin. massage by hand, because with this method only those parts of the body which need treatment are treated. Yor. will notice a small rubber pad in the illustration above. This is for treating the face and neck in addition to the general treat ment possible with the roller and the felt pad. I’m not going into the derails of the various movements with this roller for various parts of the body for if you are interested you’ll And literature regarding! this type of beautifier at your local department stores, or they can got it for you if they haven’t it on hand. A general idea of how it fits into any curve of the body is fcen in the photographs above. To give detailed information re garding this, together with the general information regarding its merit, would take more space than I have for one article. And, now befove closing, I want to tell you that my next article will be based on the pro portions of the body so that you will have a clearer idea of what you need to do before doing any thing at all. This business of “supposing” that one is over weight or over-size is not good. There is a general, safe, true, guide for checking up on every woman’s figure and you’ll get it next week. How to Make a Washable Doll this sketch Show* the Pul tern and (>ivr* the Measurement* for ( utting Out the Doll’* Ounide (lovering. 'Hie Inside Bodv W thr Same, but Slightly Smaller. By Winifred .4 very WHO ever heard of having one’s entire skin removed with one’s cjreas for wash ing? Well that is what happens to thi,s youg lady when a ha*h is due. She was inspired by my Her Dress, Face and Hair Peel Off Every Saturday Night most charming guest, Joyce—age one, plus. Her father calls her the “wrecking crew.” It is this appropriate title that brought forth this doll. It is small so it can be held easily by her highness — can’t break and can be wash ed hide and all after a few days of being walked on. Here is a chart for the pattern. This is the outside. When you get this cut, make another a quarter of an inch smaller all around. The small one is the inside body, the plaquet in a skirt, from the head to waist line. Over the piece that faces the plaquet,, sew some duplicate pieces of the color which is underneath (brown for hair and dress material so that it will not show so plainly when finished). To this opening down the doll’s back are sewed buttons, .or snaps. One could baist the opening up each time— as i do—otherwise it may be pulled apart in twenty minutes. The skirt ruffle is put on after the two sides are sewed up. It is very simple to make—cheap, too. Mine is of unbleached mus lin, ar.d what is more, 1 defy the wildest youngster to do it fatal damage. Quettiont mmy be tent with en closed Hemp for reply to Miss Avery in cere of thit tmespeper. FRIDAY Prunes Vegetable Omelet Muffins Cocos Fried Oysters Cole Sis'* lossl Cake CofleO Codfish f akes Tomato Sauce Spaghetti Asparagus, Coeoanu' Layer Cake Demi-tass* I SATURDAY tomato Toast Bacon Coffee Baked Beans t Crackers Celery Salad Mills Lam*' Chops Scalloped Potatoes Endive Salad “Prune Tapioca Tea SUNDAY Grapefruit Boiled Eggs Toast Jam Coffee Stuffed Celery Roast Lamb Sweet Potatoes Green Topper Salad Pudding Demi'tasse Hot Lamb Sandwiches Pickles and Olives Lemon Caka Tea TK» Week's Farorite Recipe— •Prune Tapioca. Soali the fa piece one boor !a cold water. Drain, then add the belllaf water and aalt. Cook la a «ruble boiler natll traaapareat. Arran*# the pro nee In a battered baklac dtah. Pour orer tapioca and the nsolaaea *ad babe ta a moderate orea nati] mixture becomes browa. •erred with whipped cream

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