he Cost Is Small — — The Results Are Good EASY REFERENCE __ \VAbtYuD They Get Buyer And Seiler Together p^ir I v>f Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. nils sue 1 cent pci word each Insertion . I his size type 2c per word each insertion. Tj-,r size type 3c per word each insertion. vf'l'i IAI |t||0u I oji |;f'd3.V «lt Mill SALE OF FIN foods each Wed Olevcland Cloth tt-26c “Tor a; i- cork-packed ice condition Telephone -p r, nffuiic Star office ti- I7p Tir.-; -«> i ite batteries as All makes of batteries •'■riaircd aiid recharged The Auto jrn pftom: 832. tf-28c . uL'K OLD FURNITURE repaired and upholstered at James Iprifj 311 S DeKalb. Phone 762-j, tl-Aug. 7c "Vl'l.I'FNTS ANL) TEACH-1 i;US away In colleges from : |,". eland county can get The j v.gV every other day deliver iff to (heir address for rhe ; tpedai price of $1.50 for nine months. Send in your sub- i scriptloii now. No reduction] from the usual rate for lessi than the nine months term.] ftevo.land Star. 4t-llp I or FRIGIDA1RF, KELVINA . ter•• ice phone 454 E. J. Min-. nick., -srvice dept. if 5cI FOR RENT: ONE OR TWO AT-, ^actively furnished bedrooms, with er without kitchenette. First floor. 418 South. Washington St. 4t 11c: MR FARMER AND SPORTS-. Tran. let us rebuild your boots for. winter service. Frices reasonable ! Freeman 5 Shoe Shop. 3t 13p - SPECIAL RATE OF $1.50 for nine months of school is i offered Cleveland coiirty'tea-; .'hers and students by The1 Cleveland Star. Let The Star ] follow you to school at this. special price. All subscrip-1 Hons must hr paid in ad-] •vanre 41-1 lp! SPECIAL BARGAINS: ONE slightly used Singer sewing ma thine ore electric Singer sewing machine, one antique grandfather's flock, one cedar chest. New and used stoves Jones Furniture Co. , 2t 15c fOE RENT: FURNISHED: "Seated: apartment- Cull 272 or 280 j '*•' A Pendleton. 2t 15c; TWO GOOD MILK COWS FOR I tate: Lendra Putnam, route 7. Shel-1 bv, 2t 18p AUTOMOBILE WOOD & STEEL teaie?. repaired. Glass installed and ’ap covered: Ellas C. Leigh. 1108 Mill Road, South Shelby, be aten Lily and Elia Mill. ltp toe sale four fresh huik cows or trade for dry cows. Set Joseph Carroll, city hall. Up SHELBY FISH MARKET OPEN day in the week. If its fresh -ou are looking for you will ytid them at this market. First •»r below Carolina Store. R C E,fk' 3t 18c f F SISK BARBER SHOP 101 erdner St. is not closed as report m, hit open longer hours. Hair Ws Children 25c. adults 30c. Eoampoo 25c, tonic 20c. ltp "ANTED FOR 30 OR 60 DAYS. *1° mules- App'y A c. Huci Eon. Ella Mill farm. 2t 18p on SALE OR TRADE: TWO if ni'lk cows, one Chevro " ™° d<*>r sedan, 29 model, good -nuiticn Will trade for dry cows m Cash for dry cows. Wanted • M. Grunin t*n nan 0f lhe Directorate of CsmWif * 'he University of Nc representing the tl T 01 Institution. *ied . ,lU,lloa Tates have been 1 J ‘ a Uniform »7-50 for a rot 2T representing two f hours instruction, which FUw.’ ?revlousl-v ln force at >,(. p' ‘•aneh of the Univer: f®ma” 'aid The new n rff‘’rl nri Monday, s Chimney Rock Road Reduces Toll Charge (Special to The Star) Chimney Rock.—In order to place the spectacular scenic beauty of the Chimney Rock region within the financial reach of more of those who are planning autumn vacation trips in the mountains, the Chim ney Rock Company has arranged a! substantial reduction in toll charg- , es on the Chimney Rock toll road, according to Dr. Lucius B. Morse. • Manager of the famous, scenic at traction. The reduced toll charges will go into effect at once and will be con-1 tinned for an indefinite period. W. H. Taylor. 01 many years Passenger Traffic Manager of the \ Southern Railway, once made the.' statement that the development o' I Chimney Rock was the third most! important event in attracting tour- j ists to the "Land of the Sky." tils conclusion was based on “the un- 1 precedentod increase in passenger travel to the Asheville section due to the altogether new pictorial in- j tcrest which could be made avail -j able to prospective visitors." One j Summer Homes Folder" of the I Southern Railway carried thirty Chimney Rock half-tones; This wa a decade before the creation of! Lake Lure: an event which easdy! doubled the tourist interest in tfee-j vicinity, ia distinguished Asheville ! citizen, writing from Northern Italy.J favorably compared the beauty of j Lake Lure with the world-renowned Lake Como, i The fall season with the approa ching •'Autumn Colot Show” is per haps the most beautiful of the en tire year. Then there is a tang in the air which stirs the nomadic in stinct in every motorist. At no other season does the open road ! make such a universal appeal. To; get away, to take a day off. to for- j get the depression now surely re- ! ceding—seem? so abundantly worth ' while. The toll charges will be 75 cents each on week days, with a 50 cent charge on Sundays. The latter charge is made to popularize the the trip during the fall months, more particularly for the short-dis tance motorists in the two Carn Iinas—a sort of home-folks’ day. As nearly every one knows, a uni form charge of SI.00 per person has stood for a decade, or more. How difficult it really is to adequately measure in money a wonderful, memory-making experience. But - some measure has to be set. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having qualified as \ administrator of the estate of Mrs. L. E\ Lovelace. late of Cleveland county. N. cAthls is to notify all persons having claims against pve said estate to present thVm to me prop erly proven on or before Vie 16th day of. Sept. 1934 or this notice will be pleaded in bar pf anv recovery thereof All per sons owing the said eist^Je will please make immediate settlement to the under-1 signed. This. Sept. 16th. 1933. GD.EAD GREEN. R-4 Shelby. Ad - j ministrator of Mrs. L E. Lovelace. } deceased. 6t Sept 18p NOTICE SERVICE BV PtBLlCATlON Stat-e of North Carolina County of Cleve land. In the Superior Court Carrie Cole, Plaintiff v$, William Cole Defendant The defendant, William Col# will take I notice that an action entitled os abo\e| has been commenced in the superior court for Cleveland ^county. North Caro lina. for the purpose of obtaining an ab solute divorce upon etatutory grounds; and that said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the cl*rk\ of the superior . court for Cleveland cmHity. at the court house in Shelby. North Carolina, on the | 19th day of October. 1933 and answer or j demur to the complaint in said action or j the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 16th dav of September. 1933 A. M. HAMRICK. C’erl? of the Su perior Court for Cleveland Counts J. R. Davit. A tty 4t Sept 18r TRUSTEE'S- SALE OE REAR ESTATE Under and by virtue of the authorlt contained In that certain deed of trust - executed bv W M OH1 and wife. Katie Gill, to the undersigned truatee, said deed of trust being dated Oct. 1st. 1933 and recorded In the office of the regis ter of deeds for Cleveland county. N. C j in book No. 185 at page 49 securing an indebtedness therein described and de fault having been made In the payment: of said indebtedness I will on X Wednesday, October 18th. 1933 -a at 12 o’clock noon or within legal hour* j at the court house door In Shelby. N C ! .ell to the highest bidder for rash at. public auction that certain lot of land | described as-follows: Lying and .being In the northeast i square of the kit* of Rhelbv. N. C. and ■ being lot No. »3 of the Spangler-ldr berger-Suttle-Palmar property aubdivl-: slon-of the Mrs, X Green propert- and recorded in book of splat* No — '-s'3f 45 snd bounded as follows: Beginning at a ataltrVi the north edge at Orange street. S. " qprner of lot No »3 and runs thence with line of said lot 14 E. 135 feet to a stake corner of lots No 43 31 and 3d: thence with lln' df lot No 30 svest 30 feet to a stake cor ner of lots Nos 30 29 and 44: thence with line of lot No. 44 8. 31!? IV 125 feet to Orange street: thence with the north ■dgn of said street S. 87 E 50 feet to the ire-inning and being that same lot which! was conveyed to W. M. Gill by P 1. j Hennessa and wile by deed dated Decem ber 8th. 1.935 end ferorde.d In rb« office yf the register of deed- 1 '“Veveland -nunt’." V r :n dc»d 1 V e ’ n -e ISA j This *ee*e-,-*-r ’St’ r'V : JNO F MTHl.. Tf" - 41 S*pi 1*7i McNeill Likely | 1936 Candidate! Fayetteville Ru*ine<* Man Out For! I.ieutenant Governor. • Star News Bureau) Raleigh, Sept. 18 — George McNeill of Fayetteville, State Senator from Cumberland county In the 1933 Gen eral Assembly, is expected to te1 candidate for the nomination for i Lieutenant Gavergoi in the Demo cratic primary in June before the 1936 general election. In Raleigh today, he did not deny It. Senator McNeill was chairman of the Inaugural Committee of the General Assembly, which had charge of the activities related to the inauguration of Governor J. C. B. Ehringhaus. Although not a lawyer, he developed into one of the ablest legislators in the last ses sion and won the admiration and respect of his fellow-senators. If Senator McNeill makes the race, it is a foregone conclusion 'hat he will have the support of every fire department in North Carolina, volunteer or pa.d, for it was his father who organized the North Carolina State Firemens Assocla t.on. was its active head for many years and honorary head for life. And, up to his death a few years ago. every fireman in the State would "swear by him,'* Should Mr, McNeill run and win, he would be the first business man to be Lieutenant Governor of North 1 Carolina in many years. With ex I tremely rare exceptions, that office 1 has been filled by lawyers. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICt Having qualified as administrator o' the estate of ,r M Gillespie, deceased, late of Cleveland county, N. C, this is to notify all persons havng claims again, t the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Shelby K C. on or before the i8tM day of Sep tember, 1934. or this notice trill be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Al1 persons indebted to said \ estate tvii* plenr-e make immediate oa^iment. This September 16th. I9>ft FRANK L. HOYLE. Administrator ot the Estate or J. M. Oillespi*. de atno P Mull, Atty 6t Sept 18 TRUSTEES SALE OF REAL ESTATE J I Under and by virtue of the authority contained in that certain deed of trust ex ecuted by F. E. Young and wife. Flora Young to the undersigned trustee said deed of trust being dated August 8 th, 192R and recorded in the office or the register of deeds for Cleveland county, N C in book No. 153 at page 92 securing an indebtedness therein described default having been made in the payment of said indebtedness I will on Wednesday, October 18, 1938 at 12 o'clock noon or within legal hours at the court house cioor in Shelby, N. C. sell to the highest bidder for rash at public auction that certain lot of land described as follows: Lving and being in the northeastern \ part of the town of Shelby. N C and be-» lng lots No. 50 and 51 of the Spangler- I Linebcrger-Suttle-Palmer property sub* 1 division of the Mrs. Z. Green proper!y and said plat being recorded in the office of the register of deefas for Cleveland county, N. C. In of plats No. 1 at page 45 and described* as follows: Beginning at a stake on the south edge of Orange street N E. corner of lot No 49 and runs thence with line of said lo' R. 3Va W. 125 feet to a stake, corner lots Nos. 49, 65 and 64; thence with line of lots Nos. 64 and 63 S. 87 E 100 feet io a stake, corner of Jots Nos. 63. 62 and 52; thence with ln.e of lot No. 52 N. 3!i E. thence with line of lot No. 52 N. 3Vfc E street; thence with the south edge of Orange street N. 87 W. 100 feet to the beginning. This September 16th. 1933 J NO P MULL. Trustee. 4t Sept 18c The BIGGEST i PARADE 1 Of Midway Attractions, Amusements, Sports, Races Livestock, Farm and Home Exhibits . . That Ever Glorified This Choice Section of the Good Old South .... Will Give You a New Deal in Educational Entertainment This Year at Sept. 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 The Greatest Show In The South THE GREATEST CLEVELAND COUNTY FAIR Is dedicated to the people of Cleveland and adjoining: counties. ,Tf will combine all the ■ ' peneuce gained in eight, previous fairs, reflect the accomplishments of the most progrcs; - , people in a choice agricultural section of the South and furnish a mammoth variety of wholesome amusement. Five great days—five glorious nights! Don't mi«s an- par; „f [h fair! A complete change of ’ STARTS ONE WEEK FROM TOMORROW TOOTS AND CASPER A Test Of Friendship. f WELL .TOOTS! I'VE INVITED EVERYBODY J ON OUR LIST— SIXTEEN COUPLES , all TOLD AND THEY ALL ACCEPTED! WE'RE 6IVIN4 THE LITTLE AFFAIR A« A FAREWELL P^RTY FOR MORTIMER CLAMBY AND IT WILL DO HIS HEART THEM* SELVES! Hurph^ <*EE/THAT'S NICE OF YOU. CASPER,BUT DID YOii