Htnuore News )(Personal Items d Masonic Meeting In Ra |ejjh, Durham Rayburn Re turns From Visit. ,Special to The Star.) uttimore, April 19,-Bobby Hew nd Henry Cline from Appala * spent the week-end with Mr. J Mrs Robert Hewitt. dlss Dorcas Harrlll spent Tues « night with her grandfather, J. gjrrill nf Shelby . u, and Mrs. Buren Brooks of t House were the dinner guests i(lay of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ■rnoids. *e Double Springs choir met at Home of Mrs. F. S. Crowder for ICtiCC. E 0 Hamrick is spending a ®davs with Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Miss of the Ora mill, t l Cairn. Forest Crow'der and inert Gold attended a Masonic m Raleigh Wednesday, an j. M. McSwaln and daugh Mjss Mildred McSwaln and j B. Wright and daughter, s Alice: t Wright of Shelby and 0 Maxir.c Cabaniss of Zion were dinner guests Saturday of Mr. Mrs. Z. Harrlll. Mk car 'i'li Green of Forest j jpent the week-end here With r cousin', Misses Donnis and n Magness. jurham Rayburn returned Mon from an extended visit to the nc‘ 0f his brother, John Rayburn 1 Mr? Rayburn. [isS Katie Mac Toms of Colum spCnt the week-end at the nc of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Toms. queen bee ran lay twice her in eggs within 24 hours. Episcopal Church Services Announced On Sunday, Apr'l 22nd, at thf Church of the Redeemer at the corner of LaFayette and Oraham streets, there will be held Holj Communion at 7:30 o'clock a. m. and Church school at 10:00 o’clock a. m. Week-End Mention W. M. U. Meets; Yount Women's Class Has Meetint; Mrs. Chas. Hamrick HI. (Special to The Star.) Pleasant Ridge, April 19.—The W M. U. met with Mrs. Winifred Me Swain Thursday afternoon. The so ciety is making a quilt for the or phanage. Mrs. Cliff Dysart visited hei brother who is sick in the Moun' Sinai section Sunday. Mrs. Charlie Hamrick is ill at hei home here. The young women's class mel Tuesday night with Miss Glady: McSwaln and Mrs. Shelton Me Swain. There were ten member present. After the business part the guests were invited into the din ing room, cakes cookies and punct were served. It was decided to meel with Mrs. Yates Webb and Mrs Flay Smith on the first of May. Miss Bernice Brooks was carrlec to Charlotte for treatment Tues day morning. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wyatt, Mr jand Mrs. Shelton Mc8wain were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wini fred McSwain Sunday. Mrs. Wlnt Daves spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Abram Daves. ! Pleasant WEBB THEATRE SHELBY’S LEADING PLAYHOUSE i i ■ ■ 3 ■ a ■ a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i ■ nil I TODAY — ONE DAY ONLY “COMING OUT PARTY” W ith FRANCES DEE — GENE RAYMOND DEBUTANTES FOR SALE! Look Behind the Scenes . . . See the High Pressure I Method* of an Ambitious Society Mother Trying to j| Sell Her Daughter to the Highest Bidder. § Also GOOD COMEDY AND NEWS I - - --— I SATURDAY - ANOTHER HIT “KING FOR A NIGHT” With CHESTER MORRIS r- ALICE WHITE • ■ THIS PICTURE HAS PLENTY OF ACTION AND | LOVE INTEREST. Also “PIRATE TREASURE” and COMEDY | COMING MONDAY — ! “GEO. WHITES SCANDALS” ! PENDERS 1 204 S. LaFayette St., Next Door To Piedmont Cafe. [FIG BARS.~7..21b. 19c RlofZ 4 lb. 19c IjjMA BEANS, 2 No. 2 cans. 15c jAVY BEANS.5 lb. 19c iHffi 8 CATSUP, 2 large bottles.19c [OMATOES, 2 large cam . 23c Wier Brand Sausage, large can .... 15c ^COA, 2 lb. can . 19c [jLK - 5 Small cans. 15c & G. SOAP - 4 large cakes . 15c jUNBRITE - 3 for . 11c iSjAGON SOAP — 4 large cakes „ 17c ^MONIA - 2 quarts.25c ^R£DDED WHEAT - 2 for. 23c Pgjg8-Ib. $3.25-48-lb. $1.65-24-lb. 83c >ANANAS - 6 pounds.25c jlTTUCE - Large size. 5c ijEWpQjATOES-6 lb.25c OMATOES - Pound . . ..10c SNAP BEANS - pound ... . 10c -fresh STRAWBERRIES — Lesh ~ Bass, King Mackerel, Shad WWWWVWftWWW/WWVWWWWWWVWyWWWW LOCAL and! mliil-LI ^ g 7k BLUE RIBBON MALT.63c LARD, 8 lb. carton.61c MACARONI, 4 pkgs.19c SUGAR - 10 lb.7Z7.7. 50c Chipso Soap, Quick Arrow, pkg. . 5c Maxwell House COFFEE, lb. .. 28c MILK, Libby's, Large Can, 3 for ... ..17c BLU-KROSS TOILEf>^ER73lor 25c Cigarettes 12c pkg. Carton. .$1.19 ~PRODUCE L H I T Uc E Head — Each 5c BANANAS 6 Pounds green beans POUND 10c 2 FOR c ABB AGE POUND Ye,,ow Squa*h POirND MARKET VEAL CHOPS POUND 12Y2c BACON Sliced — Pound 21c PORK CHOPS POUND 19c Pork Sausage Pure — Pound * 15c STEW BEEF POUND 7V^c WESTERN BEEF ROAST POUND 15c Keefer's Grocery — Shelby’s Predominating Food Store — PHONE 312 - 412 — WE DELIVER CAROLINAT HEAR OUR NEW SUPER WIDE RANGE SOUND I , TODAY — FRIDAY ONLY * I • A strange and vvolrd story of Old I India ... _ “THE HOUSE : OF MYSTERY" ! and extra attractions— * < “SAKE IN JAIL” and “WORLD OF SPORTS 1 ' SATURDAY A complete change of program, with g BUFFALO BILL, Jr., In ■ “RIDING SPEED’* ■ and short subjects— ® “DERBY DECADE" and “MYSTERY SQUADRON" jj FARCY BLVC UK RICE 4-19 apple SAUCE 3 « 25c BRILLO, 2 Packages ___ . 15c Heinz Cucumber PICKLES — Quart Jar ___ 24c - Bokar Coffee - Vigorous & Winey—LB. PICNICS POUND 121/oc — PLAIN or SELF-RISING FLOUR — -IONA 24-lb. bag.83c 48-lb. bag . $1.65 98-lb. bag . $3.25 SUNNYFIELD 24-lb. bag ... 89r 48-lb. bag .. $1.75 98-lb. bag.. $3.49 CORN MEAL 10 Pound H:tk 21c SWIFT JEWEL LARD — 8 Pound Carton_ 61c ANGEL FOOD CAKE - 18-oz.29c OUR MEAT DEPARTMENT .Beef Steak, Tender, lb._ Pot Roast Iteef, lb. BEEF STEW, 2 lb_ Beef Liver, 2 lb._ Pork Sausage^ Pound _ PORK ROAST, Pound _ _ 15c 12ic 15c 25c 15c 15c PRODUCE DEPARTMENT ORANGES — DOZEN 15c and 25c LETTUCE, 3 For.. LEMONS, Dozen_... CELERY, 4 For. TOMATOES, 2 lb. Green Beans, Pound _ 25c 30c 25 c 25c 10c