- HuntersAllowed In Grouse Sport RALEIGH, Oct. 16.—The rutted grouse, that king of game birds, has been brought back almost from the point of extinction sufficiently to permit an open season for a brief period this year, John D. Chalk, state game and Inland fish eries commissioner announcing that this game bird may be hunted, un der restrictions, from November 20 to December 10, inclusive. The bag limit for the special open season will be four a day with a limit of 12 for the season. Reports are that the ruffed grouse are more numerous in the mountains than for years, some sportsmen assert ing that there are more this year than within their memory. The ruffed grouse Is found almost ex clusively in the higher altitudes of the mountain section of the state. They are known as the gamest ol birds, many hunters feeling that even one Is a prize. They are swift and wary of hunters, thus being hard to kill. Game officials think that the supply should not be great ly reduced by this brief open season. Mr. Chalk reports brisk sales of licenses for all type of game. Bet ter times and Increased activity ot wardens are partially responsible for the increase. Greater leisure time for workers is also makttig hunting and fishing more popular, Mr. Chalk states. Present indica tions are that more hunters will be in the field this season than ever before. He asks hunters to be care ful to reduce to a minimum loss ot life and injury, and to observe the state game and fish laws. London and the Prince of Wales, who has been setting the styles for years, are reported to be surprised over announcements of men’s fash ions being Issued from the Riviera. I f EE THEM IN OUR WINDOWS TO-DAY OVERCOATS & SUITS MADE TO A LORD’S TASTE? And Priced For Your Pocketbook Sport Back SUITS Other Smart Suits The Bellows Back is to your suit what floating power is to your car. Our New Fall Suits are now on display. See them, then come in for yours. Newest Fall OVERCOATS MODELS Balmacs Raglans Double Breast Sports Back MATERIALS Tweeds Fleeces Llema Hail Mixtures $ 1 g.95 to $27*95 SCHOBLE ■HATS $5 STETSON HATS .... $6 Etchison HATS „ $0.95 WRAY’S MEN’S STORE Scenes From Life of Europe’s Newest King—Peter of Yugoslavia i i ) E .Id native attire at three. Playing aoldier. The above layout shows views of Peter Karageorge, eldest son of the late King Alexander of Yugoslavia, frorrwhis babyhood through the yean of hia childhood until he was named King Peter II. sue About IS month* old. teassitei LaWtt photo of young king. eroding his father on the throne. Described as one of the "cutset" children in the royal families of the continent, 11-year-old Petor haa been a favorite in court circles. ZoarYoungPeople In Special Meet District B.Y.P.U. Hear* Mr. Ham by; Frank Putnam Has In jured Leg. (Special to The Star.) ZOAR, Oct. 16—Tne district B Y P.U. meeting met with Zoar Bap tist church October 15. A specia program was given. Mr. Hamby o Eastside Baptist church was th( main speaker. Everyone enjoyed th< program. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Barnette anc family of Lowell spent Friday a1 the home of the latter's parents Mi and Mrs. O. L. McSwain. Cecil Humphries has returne< home after spending a week ii Winston-Salem. Miss Delia Seism of the Roe Grove community spent the weel end at the home of her cousin Misses Ruby and Ruth Hollifield. Mr. and Mrs. Dock Morrow an< daughter of Shelby spent the weel end at the home of Mr. and Mrs J. L. Bell. Mrs. William Tesseneer is spend ing a few days at the home of hei daughter, Mrs. Audie Tesseneer c: Mooresboro. Misses Pearl, Bryte and Eevelj Glascoe of the Beaver Dam com munity spent the week end witl: their grandmother Mrs. E. A. Streei and aunt Miss Gertrude Street. Mr. and Mrs. Wade McSwain anc son Bobby spent the week er.d witl: the latter's mother Mrs. Marvir Beam of Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. Miller Spake anc children James and Sarah, attend ed the funeral of Andrew Forten berry of Gaffney, S. C., Sunday aft ernoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pettit ant children of Gaffney, S. C., accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. Floyc Thomas, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Parris. A large crowd from this com manity attended the singing con vention in South Shelby Sunday afternoon.. Frank Young Putnam, son of Mi SALE Or BEAL LSI alb . Default having been made In the pay ment of the indebtedness secured by thai certain deed of trust, executed by Bynuir E. Weathers and wife, Gladys M. Weath ers and E. L. Weathers and wife. Vernu Weathers, to Clyde R. Hoey, trustee, ot the 27th day of January ,1931, and re corded In the registry of Cleveland eoun ty. N. C. In book 170 at page »5, I will under and by virtue of the power of sail contained in said deed of trust, and a the request of the cestui que trust, anc for the purpose of discharging the in debtedness secured by said deed of trust proceed to sell to the highest cash, at the court house door In Shelby N. C-. at 12 o'clock M., on Monday, November 19, 1994 the following described property, to-wit: Lying and being In No. 8 township Cleveland county, N. C.. and adjolnini lands of 8, 8. Mauney, J. T. 8. Maunei and W. T. Powell on the north; 8. E Dixon, Thos. Mclntire and C. P. McEn tire on the east; C. W. McBntlre an< George Putnam on the south; and land of M. M Mauney heirs on the west, am described as follows: Beginning on a pine, corner to tin 103H acre-tract and runs thence soutl 8 deg, west 32 poles to a stake; theno south 2 deg. west 27 poles to a stake then* south 18 deg. east 8% poles to i stake; thence south 17 deg. west 3« pole to a stake; thence south 22% deg. wes lS’-s poles to a stake; thence south 4 deg. west 15 poles to a stake; thenc south 50 deg. west. 15 poles to a stake thence south 42% dev. west 28 poles to stone, thence south 88 deg. west 9 pole to a stone: thence north 24 deg. east 6 poles to a post oak; thence north 85 deg west 135% poles to a hickory; thenc north 15 deg. east 99 poles to a pine stum R L. Weathers and 8. 8. Mauney's cor ner, thence north 75 deg. east 42 pole to a post oa)t; thence south 70 deg eat 2 1-3 poles to a white oak. thence nort 78 deg east 110 poles to a stake, R 1 Weathers and W T. Powell s corner thence south 40% deg. east 3 poles to stake, thence north 85 deg. east 8.8 pole to a stake, thence south 41% east 2 poles to a stone, thence north 50 deg east 42% poles to a stone on 8. E. Dixon line thence south 10 deg east 72 pole to e pine, thence north 77 deg west 8 poles to the hgelnnlng containing 1487 acres, more or less This land Is sold subject to any an all prior Mens that may exist agalnt same This the 15th day of October, 1934 CLYDE P HOEY Trustee O 2. Mewton. Attv. 4t Oet 17 and Mrs. Clyde O. Putnam has been suffering with a sore leg the past week. Mm. W. D. Winchester of Ports mouth, Va., has returned home to spend a while with her parents Mr and Mrs. M. D. Humphries. Mar grace Women In Recent Meet Mrs. Sanders And Mrs. McIntosh Joint Hostesses; Observe ^ Farewell Service. (Special to The Star.) MARORACE MILL, OCt. 16. The Margrace womans club held a most interesting meeting in the dln 1 lng room of the Margrace boarding house • last Saturday evening with i Mrs. R. P. Sanders and Mrs. Har l ley McIntosh acting as joint host 1 esses. Mrs. Lula Woodward, presi dent of the club, opened the meet ’ lng with Scripture reading follow : ed by prayer. Mrs. JS. B. Cook pres r IfleJ oVw'the meeting. Intereeting readings were given 1 by Mrs. Carl Gantt and Mrs. Has kell Wilson. A contest, “Will you Join the Hokus Pokus club” was one of the most enjoyable features of the evening. The club was delight ed to have one of Its former mem bers, Mrs. Lawrence Davis of Po mona present. During the social hour delicious refreshments were served by the hostesses. The fol lowing members were present: Mrs. M. B. Caldwell, Mrs. Roy Matthews. Mrs. Ben Ware, Mrs. John Jenkins, Mrs. Haskel Wilson, Mrs. E, B. Cook, Mrs. Dora Hayes, Mrs. John Head, Mrs. Jake Hord and guest Mrs. Lawrence Davis, Mrs. Carl Gantt, Mrs, Joe Foster, Mrs. R. P Sanders, Mrs. Lula Woodward and Mm. Harley McIntosh. The members of the Macedonia Baptist church gave a farewell party and a nice pounding to their pastor, the Rev. A. G. Melton, who is leaving to devote his entire time COMMISSIONER’S RE-SALE By virtue of the order of court made In epeclal proceeding entitled "John Gold et el. va. Sidney Oold, et al." 1, as commissioner, will offer for sale at pub lic auction to the highest bidder, for cash at 13 o’clock M. on Wednesday. October SI, 1984 at the court house door In Shelby. Cleve land county, N. C., the following describ ed real estate, sailing the 4 acre tract separately from the other described lots of lead: Being the 4 acre tract of land conveyed to Daniel Oold by deed of record In Book TT at page 310 of the registry of Cleve land County. N. C.. and lying In No. 8 Township, Cleveland County. N. C and described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING on a stone on the north side of the Rutherford Rosd; thence north 33 deg. west 37 poles to a hickory. Lucas Corner; thence north 7! deg west 37 poles to a stake; thence south 33 deg. east 30 poles to a stake in the road; thence with the road to the beginning, being 4 acres. LOT. NO. 1; Being that tract of land conveyed to Elisabeth Oold by deed of record In the aforesaid office In Book MMM at page 33, and inscribed as fol lows: BEGINNING on a stone E. Gold’s corner; thence fierthwest 20'a poles to a post oak at Wt old road: thence north M poles to a stone on the bank of the ; branch; thence down the branch east 30 poles to a stone. Ledford's line; thence with his line south 33 poles to a stone thence east 3 poles to a stone: thence southwest 44 poles to the beginning, con taining by estimation ten and one-fourth acres of land LOT NO. 3: Being that tract of land conveyed to M Elisabeth Gold bv deed dated July 38. 1901. by R. J. Pendleton and J. E. Pendleton, and described a> follows: BEGINNING on a stone. Gold’s comer; thence north * poles to a stone thence west J7 poles to a stone; thence south 6 poles to a hickory. Lucas's cor ner: thenoe east 37 poles to the beginning containing one acre of land, more oi less. LOT NO 3’ Being that tract of lane conveyed to Daniel Oold and wife. M Elisabeth Oold. by deed of record In th< aforesaid office In Book MMM at paf< 31. and describe* as follows: BEGINNINC on a stone. Lucas corner; thence with hi: line south 30 deg east 38 poles to ■ stone, thence south 38 deg east 33 pole: to a stone, thence north 38 deg east 1< poles to a hickory thenee north 30v, ess 38 poles to a stake. 8 A Crowder s corner thence north 7 deg east 18 poles to i post oak beside the big rosd, thence wltl the road to the beginning containing II aerea EXCEPT from the foregoing hts beei sold about one acre of land to R J Pendleton and abou 3-3 of en acre i t J P. Lucas, reference to their deeds be iny made for full description. This the 13th day of October. 1934. John Gold Commissioner :. D Z Newton Attv 3t-Octl7 to tils work at, the Gospel Taber nacle at Splndale. The Rev. Mr. Melton will be missed by a host ot friends here who regret to see him leave. The Pollyanna club composed oi young matrons and young girls en joyed an old-fashioned straw ride and wiener roast at Spencer Moun tain last Thursday night. Mrs. Garland Hamrick of Gaff ney, 8. C., and Mrs. Frazier of Spartanburg, 8. C., stopped over to see Mrs. John Head en route home from Campbell college where they brother, Marshall McCraw who is a student there. Mr. and Mrs. Broadus Moss and children spent last Sunday in Char* lotte. Tom Smith spent the week end in Landrum, 8. C., with relatives. Miss Grace Klonnlger of Spencer Mountain is spending some time here with her sister Mrs. Grant Flowers and Mr. Flowers. . Cleaders Blackwell spent the week end in Gaffney, 8. C. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Foster and children, Joyce and Dicky, spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Suber. mpeTcf* RELIEF ^SORE THROAT Why tatter from hard (wallowing, frrer and achmtaa when one apoonful of Thoxine will bring relief in fifteen minutes and (tart you back to feeling fine. A double action medicine —soothes as you (waliow-then acta internally too. Better than gargles Thoxine is really like f 5 prescript inn. Sals end pleasant In 35c. 60c and tl M t " 1 bottles CLEVELAND DRUG CO. BUY A GOOD USED CAR ’30 Ford Fordor ’34 Ford Roadster ’34 Ford Coach ’34 Ford DeLuxe Coach ’29 Chevrolet 2-door ’32 Chevrolet 2-door ’31 Chevrolet 2-door ’33 Ford V-8 Coach Hudson 6 Coach ’33 Ford V-8 Coach Chrysler Roadster Dodge Truck ’33 Ford V-8 Coach Buick Sedan ’31 Chevrolet Sedan Buick Coupe ’29 Chevrolet Coach ’33 Ford V-8 Coach Oldsmobile Roadster ’31 Chevrolet Coupe ’33 Ford V-8 Coach ’31 Deluxe Ford Coup* ’28 Ford Roadster THEY ARE GOING FAST. See them before you buy any car. ROGERS MOTORS FINANCES YOUR EASY PAYMENTS Dr. A. T. Allen To Have Operation RALEIGH. Oct. 17.—Dr. A. 1 Allen, state superintendent of pub lic Instruction, probably will be op erated on this week for the remora) of a kidney stone which has both ered him for some time, It wa« learned today. Dr. Allen has been ln jjoor health since June and ha* been confined to his bed at home or In the hospital most of the time. r ONE GALLON could lift« 37,000-Ton Battleship I'/, feet Aik the Sinclair Dealer hr a hUar which explain* thlt—and try H-C hr JO daft In your car. r m f -•*l“r f~r*J— *t*—i - Agent Sinclair Refining Company (he.) Charles R. Eskridge PHONE 204 — SHELBY, N. C. 5,000 HOMES RECEIVE THE STAR Every Other Day. That Meant 20,000 in* tense Readers. If you have something to sell, tell these 20,000 people about it in these columns. I A Small Ad: With Big Savings Cohen’s Unbeatable Values FATHER GEORGE LL 8HEETING YARD $£ 10 Yards to customer Ladies’ All Wool* SPORT COATS 5.ss All Silk Lined QUILT BUNDLES Contain 5 to 8 yards of Good Cloth 25c CURTAIN MATERIALS IOC YARD Yard Wide Fast Color DRESS PRINTS 10c _ YARD DOUBLE BED SIZE BLANKETS 87C MEN’S 220 WT. OVERALLS 87C Triple Stitched. 5-Pc. CRISS CROSS CURTAINS 49c PAIR Girl’s Solid Leather SCHOOL OXFORDS 1.98 I BUY YOUR WINTER CLOTHES AND SHOES AT COHEN’S WHERE YOU ARE ASSURED OF FIRST CLASS HONEST GOODS AT THE LOWEST PRICE CONSISTENT WITH HIGH QUALITY. CHILDREN’S SWEATERS With or without zippers 98c WINDOW SHADES All Colors 49c All Wool Tweeds anc} Novelty Wool Goods for SWAGGER SUITS 59c YARD LADIES’ SILK DRESSES Mostly Sample Dresses 2.9S Values to $5.00. Our Best Grade PEPPERELL AND PUNJAB PRINTS 19e YARD RAIN CAPES WITH SKIRTS TO MATCH 9ftc LADIES’ GALOSHES PAIR 49c Fast Color Novelty TWEEDS & PLAIDS 19c YARD Men’s Solid Leather WORK SHOES 1.98 I. -.... ( , ..■ _