SOCIETY NEWS.... Mrs. Renn Drum, Editor Mrs. Drum may be reached each morning at The Star Office over Telephone No. 4-J. At other times at her home Tele phone No. 7 IS. WNWWMMMMMWVMAmMMWWWVWaWWVWWi UMWWtWWiWIftWyWWVVWWWWWWWWW AA.^> - « - «. - CLUB TO MEET WITH MRS. SHEM BLACKLEY Mrs. Shem Blackley will enter ta?h members of the Tuesday Aft ernoon bridge club Tuesday after noon at 3:30 at her home on South Washington street. SUPERINTENDENT SMITH TO ADDRESS P. T. A. GROUP Supt. B. L. Smith will be the chief speaker at the regular meet ing of the South LaFayette school P. T. A. this evening at 7:30. Officers urge all members to be present. A special effort Is being made to have all fathers hear the program. GIRLS MEET meeting of the circle of Central will be held at of Mrs. Claude Mabry on evening at 7:30, with Mrs. and Miss Carobet Lever as Jplnt hostesses. All members are cordially Invited to bs present. PRESBYTERIAN CIRCLES WILL MEET MONDAY Missionary circles of Central Methodist church will meet Mon day afternoon at 3:30 In the follow* ing homes: Circle No. 1 with Mrs. P. T. Wag oner, at the A. W. Archer home on 8. Washington street. Circle No. 3 with Mrs. Jesse White on Cleveland Springs road. Circle No. 3 with Mrs. fi. Y. Webb en 8. Washington street. Circle No. 4 with Mrs. 8. O. An drews .on S. Washington street. MISS JONES MARRIED TO EVERAID KILLMEYER Announcement Is made today of the marriage of Miss Connie May Jones of the Poplar Springs com munity to Everaid Killmcyer of 8heiby. the marriage having taken place at U o'clock on Saturday, De cember 1, at the home of the Rev. and Mrs. John W. Suttle, with the Rev. Mr. Suttle performing the ceremony. After a short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Klllmeyer will make their home in Shelby. SURPRISE PARTY POR MISS SCISM \ (Special to The 8tar.) The friends of RfLss Vernie Seism surprised her with a delightful party Saturday night, Dec. 1. Those present were Misses Marie Wilson, Dorene Mitchem, Vernie McCurry, Mary Jane Holloway, Junte and Scofield Cook. Vertie McNeely, Zula Mae, Vera and Pauline Hoyle, Alleen, Usela and Maude Sellers and Della Seism; G. C. Holloway, Lee Smith, Ray and Clay Wilson, Edgar Champion, Lee Owens, Wal ter Hoyle, Kess and Bill McSwaln, Bynum Cook, Burgln Whitaker, Hillerous Wright, Lawson York, Johnnie Walker, J. S. and Murriel Wright, Ed McSwaln, Clyde Glover, and Lebron and Stough Wray Seism. I THREE WEDDINGS AT FALLSTON (Special to The Star.) F&llston was the scene of three weddings, each performed on Sun day, Dec. 3. In the first service Miss Genelia Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Avery Wright, became the bride of Hillard McSwaln. The young cou ple, accompanied by a group of friends, were married at the M. P. parsonage at three o'clock In the afternoon, the Rev. H. F. Fogleman officiating. Later In the afternoon Miss Alta May Sain married Blain Leonhardt and ialss Annie Elizabeth Leon hardt married Horace Wright In a doable wedding sendee. This serv ice was also performed at the M. P. parsonage, with the Rev. Mr. Fogle man officiating. Mrs. Leonhardt Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Sain of Lin coln county and Mrs. Wright is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Polen Leonhardt of Catawba county. FIRST DIVISION WITH MRS. OWENS Mrs. J. J. Owens. Mrs. J. R Mc Clurd and Mrs. L. H. Ledford were | Joint hostesses to members of the , first division of the Woman’s club ; yesterday afternoon, when they en- j tertalned at the home of Mrs. Owens. Mrs. W. H. Jennings, vice chair man. presided over the business - meeting, and Mrs. Roger Laugh ndge served as program leader, the subject being "Sherweod Ander son.” An entertalnirf paper on "The ‘Novels and Poems of Sher wood Andercon” was given by Mrs. v-r. B. NU. Mrs. H. E. Richbourg re vi; ed “Winesburg. Ohio” and Mfv Wilbur Baber reviewed “Death Jn-r* woods.” ” . 'rty three members were pres en' nnd the following were invited gur 4 of the clnbr Mrs. Baber Mrs. , Clin* Hendrick, Mrs. B. O Ham | rick, Mrs. Fred Baber. Mrs. John Beam, Mrs. James Willard, Mrs. ; Horace Kennedy and Mrs. Miles Beam. Christmas decorations were used in the rooms where the guests as sembled and the color note of red and green appeared on refreshment plates. 'MRS. ryburn to ENTERTAIN CLASS Mrs. R. L. Ryburn will entertain members of her Sunday school class of the Presbyterian church at an Informal tea tomorrow after noon at 4 o’clock at her home on S. Washington street. C. OF C. MEETING WITH MISS AUTEN The local chapter of Children of jthe Confederacy will meet Monday evening, December 10, at 7 o’clock, 'at the home of Mias Frances Auten on S. DcKalb street. U. D. C. MEETING SET FOR TUESDAY AFTERNOON The December jneetlng of the Cleveland Guards chapter of Unit ed Daughters of the Confederacy will be held Tuesday afternoon at ; 3:30 at the home of Mrs. Qraham Dellinger with Mrs. Dellinger. Mrs. Charles Coble, Miss Elizabeth Eb; l toft. Mrs. J. S. Dorton, Mrs. J. O. Dudley. Mrs. Rush Stroup, Mrs. H. E. Farris, Mrs. Renn Honeycutt and Mrs. Charles Dover serving as hostesses. Mrs. L. B. Newell, prominent U. D. C. worker In Charlotte will be present to talk to the group. All members are cordially Invited to be ] present. MR. AND MRS. O’LEARY ENTERTAIN BRIDGE CLUB Mr. and Mrs. J. A. O’Leary were hosts Wednesday evening to mem bers of the 8 O'clock Bridge club and a few Invited guests at a five table party. Effective Christmas decorations were used and the color note of red and green was re peated on the plates when refresh ments were served. When scores were added prizes ! went to Mr. and Mrs. Zack Groom for members and Mrs. 8. M. Oault and Oren Hamrick for visitors. Guests outside club members In cluded: Mr. and Mrs. Gault, Mr. and Mrs. Hamrick, Mr. and Mrs. Ros coe Lutz, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rea vis. BAPTIST MISSIONARY CIRCLES WILL MEET Meetings of the missionary circles of the First Baptist church will be ' held Monday, afternoon as follows: The MaoMlUan with Mrs, John Eskridge at 3 o’clock. The Louise English with Mrs. Ila Sanders at 3 o’clock. The Fanny Heck with Mrs. J. H. Quinn at 3:30. The Attie Bostic with Mrs. Oren Hamrick at 3:30. The Ann Judson with Mrs. W N. Dorsey at 3:30. The Bethany with Miss Maude Hightower at 3:30. The Carey with Mrs. Hill Hud son at 3. The Isabel Wilson with Mrs. Yeago and Mrs. Hartness at 3 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Yeago. The Alda Grayson with Mrs. Bill Webb at 3 o'clock. The Mary Archer with Mrs. Henry Ed- ards at 3:30. The Pauline Llde with Mrs. Guy Roberts at * o’clock. SPANISH WAR AUXILIARY WITH MRS. LOGAN The Spanish American War aux iliary will meet Monday night at 7:30 with Mrs. H. A. Logan as host ess at her home on N. Morgan St. An election of officers will be held and all members are especial ly urged to be present for this Im portant ‘meeting. I JUNIOR CIVIC LEAGUE MEETING WEDNESDAY | A meeting of the Junior Civic ; League will be held on Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Hotel Charles. Prior to the regular meeting, at 3:30, there will be a board meeting, and all officers are especially urged to be present. MR. AND MRS. SCIIENCK HOSTS AT DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Hal Schenck enter tained at an Informal dinner on Wednesday evening at their home in Lawndale. Covers were laid for: Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Shipp, Mr. and Mrs. Mason Carroll and guest, Mrs. Walter Allen, of Greenville, 8. C.. Mrs. W. A. Thompson of Little Rock, and Mr. and Mrs. 8chenck. PHILATHEA CLASS GROUP FOUR HOLDS MEETING Group 4 of the PHllathca class of the First Baptist Sunday school was entertained last evening at the home of Mrs. Boyd Propst on South LaFayette street. Miss Eunice Westbrook, group captain, had charge of the program. 8he was as sisted in conducting the devotional by Mrs. H. C. Scefeldt. During the business session mem bers made plan for taking Christ mas to some destitute family in the city. After a period of social compan ionship the hostess was assisted by Mrs. Joe Phil Wilson and Miss Westbrook in serving refreshments. I ---- | MARY D. ROBERTSON PARTY HONOREE Mary D. Robertson, little daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Robertson, celebrated her fifth birthday on Tuesday afternoon, when her moth er gave a party in her honor. She received her little guests if! a frock of green plaid with white trim mings. Twenty children were pres ent and Mary D. received a nice gift from each guest. The birthday cake with its pink candles centered the table and was banked with holly and cedar. Tall pink candles were arranged on the ends of the table. Miss Elsie Gidnej helped to en tertain the children fand Miss Pearl Hicks and Mrs. Bub Gold assisted Mrs. Robertson In serving refresh ments. MISS VIRGIL ANTHONY WEDS MR. GALLOWAY In the presence of a few close friends and relatives the marriage of Miss Virgil Anthony of Kings Mountain and Harry Raymond GBlloway of this place was solemn ised on Tuesday evening at 7:30 o’clock at the Grace Evangelical and Reformed church in Gaffney, S. C. The pastor, the Rev. Carl H. Stapp. performed the ceremony. The bride, a pretty brunette, wore a traveling suit of maroon brown with gold trimmings with hat apd shoes of the same shade. A should er bcuquet of Talisman roses and valley lilies completed her costume. The bride's onlv ornament was an antique pin, gift from the bride groom. Mrs. Galloway, daughter of A. A. Anthony of Kings Mountain, Is an attractive and popular girl. The bridegroom, a son of W. G. Gallo way of Brevard, holds a position in BEFORE SUPER-TREADED AFTER SUPER-TREADED SUPER - TREADS Can Be Built On Your Present Tires At A Very Small Cost. Super-Treading is taking the country by storm. Come in and let us show you the Factory way of applying the Tread on a Tire. Performance Guaranteed. Ideal Service Station PHONE 194 — SHELBY, N. C. I Shelby. ' After a short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Galloway will be at home In the Avery apartments here. BETTY WASHBURN HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY Betty Washburn celebrated her eighth birthday anniversary yester day afternoon with a pretty party at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Washburn on South Washington street. She was dressed for the occasion in a party frock of pale green. Thirty-five of her young friends were present and each was asked to register, and the sheaf of signatures was kept for Betty’s scrapbook. The large living room where the children played game was decorated with Christmas greenery and Christmas lights. The children were invited into the dining room where ice cream, cake and candles were served. The pretty birthday cake with eight candies centered the table. A de lightful feature of the afternoon was a visit from Santa Claus, who distributed > attractively wrapped Christmas packages and balloons to all the guests. Mrs. Washburn was assisted in entertaining an dserving by Miss Oeland Washburn, Mrs. Max Wash bum and Mrs. Gary Hamrick, the latter of Lattlmore. Earl Community Woman Improves • Special to The Star.) EARL, Dec. 6.—Mrs. T. H. Low ery U Improving (from a recent ill ness. Mr. and Mrs. Ell McSwain and children spent Sunday with Shelby Mr. and Mrs. Palmer McSwain. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson McSwain and family visited relatives In Lin colnton last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Roberts went to Shelby Sunday and took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Roberts. Miss Louise Roberts, a member of the Mooresboro faculty spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Roberts. Mr. a,nd Mrs. A. L. Neal motored to Lenoir Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Neal. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. McSwain went to Morgan tdh for the day Wednes day of this week. Roll Call At Two Churches, Fallston And Sandy Plains By REV. W. A. ELAM Next Sunday, Dec. 9, is annual roll call and enrollment day with both the Fallston and the Sandy Plains Baptist church. Every mem ber of each church Is urged to be present and answer to their names and re-enroll themselves In the great program of the church. All whole families present will be given recognition. Let it be family go to church day. These special services will be held at the regular times, Fallston in the morning and Sandy Plains in the afternoon. Friends of these churches are invited to wor ship with us at all times. Brevard Professor Visits At Boiling Springs Recently (Special to The Star.) BOILING SPRINGS, Dec. 6.— Miss Nola Patrick spent Sunday with Mr .and Mrs. A. I. Jolley. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Wilson and family spent Thursday near Shelby with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fincher and Miss Winfrey Hamrick of Charlotte spent Sunda with Mr. E. D. Ham rick and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamrick of Rutherfordton spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Hamrick. Prof, and Mrs. Maxwell Pangle of the college faculty at Brevard fpent the holidays with Prof, and I Mrs. O. P. Hamrick. i Mooresboro Has Week-End Visitors MOORESBORO, Dec. 0.—Johnie (Bridges returned home Sunday from i the Shelby Hospital, much Improved. 1 John Z. McBrayer, L. W. Green, Jr., Wake Bridges and Miss Julia Renfro, students of Boiling Springs spent the week-end with home folks. Misses Evelyn Blanton and Mil dred Green returned to Asheville Monday, after spending the hol idays with their parents. Berrle Gree nand Master Jimmie McCardwell of Washington, D. C. returned home Sunday after a few days visit with Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Greene. Miss Ina Morehead who teaches at xiallas spent the week-end with her brother, Mr. D. M. Morehead. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Purr and Dan, Jr., of Greenville, S. C. visited Mrs. Anna Greene Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Burrus and Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Brooks spent Monday In Charlotte. Thomas Harris who works In Gas tonia spent Sunday with his par ents. Trinity Family Moves To Shelby (Special to The Star) TRINITY, Dec. 6.—Mrs. Ellis Mc Whlrter and children of Shelby spent Sunday with their parents and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fur man McSwain. Mrs. Boyce Davis and little daugh ter, Nina, of near Bolling Springs visited at the home of tors. Minnie Jones Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. David Hawkins and children Vivian and Ronald, have recently moved to Shelby from this community. Miss Thelma Jolley of Bolling Springs and Miss Nell Bostic of this community were the Sunday din ner guests of Misses Rebecca and Lois Bridges. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Crawford of Spindale spent Sunday with the let ters parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Beason. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Gunter and family of Bostic were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Love lace here Sunday. *oxxJt*r (uXvtfaatf JUJbuihi MONEY CANT BUY 1 - A BETTER SET • If you want to get foreign reception, all American broadcasts, ships, amateur and bring them in with living, realistic tone—get a Grunow. You can’t buy a finer set than this and when you see the price you will be truly amazed. f/uincw SIGNAL ^IT»M T»B AT TMI IUTUIU T TH» SHELBY, N. C. i Associations] B.Y.P.U. To Meet The quarterly meeting of district No. 2 of the Kings Mountain asso ciational B. Y. P. U. will be held Tuesday night In the First Bap tist church, beginning at 7:45. Featuring the program will be a play, “The Trial of the Robbers,” given by the Bostic union of the First church, with principals be ing Hal McKinney, Nita Benton, Paul Wilson, James Grice, Flossie Grice, Ralph Putnam and Wyan Washburn. Minor roles will be played by Mary Lucas, Addle Duke, Lama Blanton, Azelea Blanton, Frances Lucas, 'rtielma Smith. Katherine Alderman, Grace Gaddy, Pauline Brooks, Mrs. O. E. Lee, Clint Park er, Woodrow Wall, Charlotte Ted der and Kathleen Davis. Double Springs church will have charge of the devotional, special music will be furnished by the S. Shelby and Dover churches. Several hundred young people from the central part of the coun ty will be present for the meeting which Is the last of the year. By num E. Weathers will be in charge. Trinity Couple Married Recently TRINITY, Dec. 6.—A wedding of unusual Interest to this and sur rounding communities was that of! Miss Mattie Sue Beason of Shelby, to Emmett McKinney of this com munity, which was solemnized Wed nesday evening at the home of the Rev. J.L. Jenkins of Boiling Springs. Mrs. McKinney, the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Beason receiv ed her education at Boiling Springs junior college and is a talented and beautiful young lady. Mr. McKin ney is the older Son of Mr. and Mrs. j H. W. McKinney and a very suc cessful young farmer of this com munity. They will make their home with the bride's parents for the present. ROBERTS TABERNACLE SERVICES FOR SUNDAY Services at Roberts Tabernacle C. M. E. church Sunday, Dec. 9: Sunday school 9:45. Preaching serv ice morning 11 a. m. 5 p. m. Ep worth league. 7:15 evening service with quartets. The public is inwted. On Tuesday evening 7:45 P. T. A.! meeting. All parents and teachers present. Program will be rendered. Martha Mills, manager. Last call before Christmas. A. K. Roberts, president. WATCH FOR BAD BREATH, COATED TONGUE, DIZZY FEELING THAT IS WARNING A serious complication __ __ Vim Herb Is generally recognized as the gratest medicine on the American market today for cleansing and ton -ng up the 'system. Vim Herb A New Development in Medicine Most upsets In health are attri buted to Improper functioning ot eli mination organs. Therefore, why not try the medicine that so many people are talking about? Thousands of peo ple have found Vim Herb to bring re sults after other remedies and medi cines failed. Why not let Vim Herb help you? Get a bottle today at CLEVELAND DRUG CO. Shelby, N. C. Piggly Wiggly Specials SUGAR — 10 lb. Bulk__-.4*f PEANUT BUTTER — 2 lb. Jar---28c CRACKERS — Excell N.B.C. lb. box 9c; 2 lb. box 18c GINGER ALE — Quart Bottle_10c Health Club Baking Powder — 2 — 10c cans-17c SODA — Blue Ribbon — 3 — 5c pkgs--10c MUSTARD — Quart Jar_ CANDY CHOCOLATE DROPS — pounds-12Jc — PRODUCE — ' I Irish Potatoes, 10 Ih. _ 14c Sweet Potatoes, 10 lb. _ 19c BANANAS, 4 lb._25c ONIONS — lb_5c TOMATOES, RED RIPE, 2 Pounds_25c TANGERINES, Peck _ 29c ORANGES, Peck_29c COCOANUTS, each 5c, 7jc i —MEATS— NATIVE STEAK — Any Cut — Pound-19c PORK CHOPS, lb-19c Fresh Pork Ribs. lb. __ 15c FAT BACK — lb. __ 15|c LIVER MUSH, Home Made, pound-15c Fresh Fish and Oysters. Home Dressed Poultry. Spendersi A SALE! With New Rock Bottom Price* On PHILLIP’S DELICIOUS CANNEL FOODS ^ ' 25c 5c 22c 22c 18c 20c 5c 10c Phillip’s Delicious MIXED VEGETABLES - 3 cans Phillip’s Delicious BLACK EYE PEAS - Can. Phillip’s Delicious STRING BEANS - 3 No. 2 cans Phillip’s Delicious TOMATOES - 3 No. 2 Cans Phillip’s Delicious PORK and BEANS — 4 cans. Phillip’s Delicious Prepared SPAGHETTI - 3 cans. Phillip’s Delicious 1 Assorted SOUPS - Can. Phillip’s Delicious JUNE PEAS - No. 2 can. COFFEES - They Are Sure To Please D. P. BLEND — Pound.25c YELLOW FRONT - Pound ... 21c GOLDEN BLEND - Pound. 19c Zion Pure Fruit Fig Bars, lb. 10c Fresh Smoked PICNICS, lb.12|c Anglo Cooked Corned Beef, 2 cans .. 27c Libby’s Home Flavor Sauerkraut. 10c Vermont'Maid SYRUP - Bottle. 17c Quaker Hominy Grits, 31$ lb. pkgs. 25c California Sardines - 3 - 1 lb. cans 25c Old Va. Preserves - 3 - 8-oz. jars ... 25c Mothers Relish or Salad Dressing, qt. 23c OYSTERS — Quart Selects.. 50c Quart Standard.40c I PRE - CHRISTMAS SALE I Of RADIOS, REFRIGERATORS, WASHERS, VACUUM CLEANERS, PIANOS, SMALL MUSICAL IN STRUMENTS AND ELECTRIC APPLIANCES, all at SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES FOR THE NEXT THREE WEEKS ONLY. Space will not permit us to list them here, so come in and look them over and get the SPECIAL PRICES FOR HOLIDAY SALE ONLY. A complete line of all lines listed above is here for your inspection. Pendleton's Music Store

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