*.*MM*WMWWWWW SOCIETY * ^ s\ _ I M IP 1XF 45 Mrs. Renn Drum Cl A TW 0 • • • • Editor Hrs. Drum may be reached each morning at The Star Office ©ver Telephone No. 4-J. At other times at her home Tele phone No. 7IS. MlJUUyiMUWiMAMVVSfUVWWMAMM1 NLWOOD-WARUCK CLUB TO MEET The Belwood-Warlick dub will meet with Mrs. S. A. Peeler Wed nesday, Dec. 21st. All members are urged to be present. CECELIA MUSIC CLUB WILL MEET WEDNESDAY Mrs. George Hoyle will be hostess to members of the Cecelia Music slab Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 at her home on W. Marlon street. MBS. BLACKLEY TO ENTERTAIN CLUB '** ^ Mrs. 8faem Blauuey win entertain members of the Tuesday Afternoon bridge club tomorrow afternoon at S:45 at her home on 8. Washington street. MART BIBLE CLASS MRSTIMQ POSTPONED The Mary Bible class of the First Baptist church will hold Its Decern* her meeting on Monday evening. December 31, Instead of this week, as scheduled. SECOND DIVISION WITH MBS. B. H. KENDALL Mrs. B. H. Kendall will be host ees to members of the second divi sion of the Woman's club Thurs day afternoon at 3:30 at the home of Mrs. J. O. Smith on 8. Washing ton street. MISS GREENE TO ENTERTAIN GROUP 3 Miss Clara Greene will entertain members of group No. 5 of the PbUathea class of the First Bap tist church this evening at 7:30 at the home of her sister, Mrs. Hugh Toms, on Lee street. All members are urged to be present. GRAHAM P. T. A. MEETING WEDNESDAY A regular meeting of the Graham school parent teacher association Will be held Wednesday afternoon at I:1S In the auditorium of Gra ham school. A good atten^-ice of parents and teachers Is urged. W. M. S. ZONE MEETING WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON A Cleveland county rone meet ing of Methodist missionary wom en will be held Wednesday after noon, beginning at 1:30 at the La Fayette street Methodist church. All members of missionary so cieties throughout the county are Invited to attend this meeting. EVENING DIVISION MEETS THURSDAY A regular meeting of the evening division of the Woman’s club will be held on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock with Mrs. R. T. LeGrand and Mrs. Pansy Petser as joint hostesses at the home of Mrs. Le Grand. AH members are Invited to at^ tend. I MRS. R. L RYBURN HOSTESS TO CLASS Mrs. R. L. Ryburn entertained members of ber Sunday school class of the Presbyterian church Satur day afternoon at a delightfully, ln formsl tea. Fourteen members of the class enjoyed her hospitality. A short program of Christmas stories and readings was given by Mrs. Draper Wood, Miss Elisabeth Alexander and Mrs. Renn Drum. After the program a Christmas contest was held in which Mrs. M. W. Hanna scored high. The guests were invited into the dining room for refreshments. The tea table decoration consisted of a beautifully red poinsetti in red crys tal bowl, surrounded by four red tapers in crystal candle holders. Mrs. Henry Mills and Mrs. Drum, seated at the ends of the table, poured tea. and a variety of sand wiches, cakes and candies were passed by Miss Virginia Jenkins, Mrs. Hugh Arrowood and Miss Elisabeth Alexander. LEGION AUXILIARY MEETING FRIDAY Members of the local unit of Amer ican Legion auxiliary were enter tained Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. A. Logan on N. Morgan street. The hostesses were Mrs. Logan, Mrs. M. A. McSwaln, Mrs. Yates McSwaln and Mrs. J. A. Ellis. The meeting was opened with the usual procedure of singing a stanza of '•America,’’ the pledge to the flag, and devotional, the latter being given by Mrs. Frank Hoyle, chaplain, who read the second chapter of Luke. "The Preamble” was read by Mrs. Griffin Smith. Miss Jeanette Post opened the program proper with a piano solo after which Miss Annabeth Jones f- ui "Just Before Christmas.” Mrs. r bsrt Wilson read a paper "Ad va-ife Man for Santa Claus.” Mp:, J. L. McDowell, Oteen chair m •; read a letter of thanks from the < itients at Oteen for the iTl' s giving hexes sent them from the Shelby post. j Plans were made during the bust- < ness session for the district meet ing to be held here Friday after noon and evening this week. Sandwiches, cake and Russian tea were served at the close of the program. MISS ANNA LUTZ WEDS ARNOLD CANIPE Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Lutz announce the marriage of their daughter, Anna, to Arnold Canipe, November 27, In Gaffney, S. C. The bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Worth Canipe of this place. PHILATHEA CLASS TO HAVE CHRISTMAS TREE Members of the Phllathea class of the First Baptist church will have a Christmas tree party at the home of their teacher, Mrs. Harold C Seefeldt Tuesday evening at 7:30. Each member is asked to bring a present for the tree at which time names will be drawn. MRS. JESSE WHITE BRIDGE CLUB HOSTESS Mrs. Jesse White entertained members of the Round Dozen bridge club last Thursday afternoon at her home on Cleveland Springs road. Guests were present for bridge at three tables. When scores were counted prizes went to Miss Alpha Gettys for scoring high for mem bers and to Mrs. Newton Farnell of Greensboro, who Is visiting her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Jap Buttle, for visitors. Refreshments were served by the hostess when cards were laid aside. PARTY FOR BRIDE AND BRIDE-ELECT Misses Lorene, Thelma and Mar garet Spurlln and Katherine Boggs entertained last Thursday afternoon at the home of the Misses Spurlln at a pretty party In honor of Mrs. Edward Branton, bride of recent weeks, and Miss Sue Tillman, bride elect of December. Mrs. Branton was dressed in royal blue satin, and Miss Tillman wore a woolen sport frock of dark blue. The afternoon's entertainment consisted of two readings and two contests. Prize winners In the con tests were: Mrs. Lloyd doggs and Mrs. Branton. The readings were given by Miss Nellie Bess and Mrs. James Peeler. Simple refreshments were served at the close of the afternoon. SHELBY BRIDE-ELECT FETED IN CHARLOTTE Charlotte Observer. Miss Mae Turner was hostess at a delightful contract bridge Wed nesday evenfhg entertaining at her home In the Blandwood apartments In honor of Miss Ray Ellis of Shel by, whose marriage to C. C. Mc Murry, Jr., also of Shelby, will take place December 14. Miss Virginia Smith won the prize for the highest score and Miss Madeline Kelly cut the consolation prize. Miss Ellis received an honor gift and a miscellaneous shower from the guests. The hostess assisted by her moth er, Mrs. Laura Turner, served an ice-course. The guests Included Miss Ellis, Miss Virginia McMurry, Miss Eliza beth Willis, Miss Louise Morrison, and Miss Frances Ellis of Shelby, and Miss Ann Evans, Miss Made line Kelly. Miss Elizabeth Brown, Miss Peggy Nance, Miss Nora Belle McConnell, Miss Virginia Smith and Mrs. J. E. Oravatt. OYSTER ROAST IS ENJOYABLE AFFAIR. One of the most enjoyable social affairs of the season was the oys ter roast and barbecue supper giv en at the country club Friday even ing by members of the Golf cluo. One hundred and sixty club mem bers and ttoer guests enjoyed the occasion. A long table from which supper was served, and a large bonfire had been prepared at the foot of the hill on which the club house stands. The light snowfall added to the setting as the guests enjoyed the'r suppers around the open fire. Among the guests from outside of Shelby who were there were Ross M. Sigmon of Salisbury, guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lee E. Weathers; Mrs. Walter Aljen of Greenville. S. C.. guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mason Carroll; Mrs. Newton Farnell of Greensboro, club gue-1 of Miss Montrose Mull; and Bob and Charles Forney of Lawndal?, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hal Schenck 8purgeon Hewitt, secretary and treasurer of the Golf club, was master of ceremonies. He was as sisted In arrangements for the en tertainment by Mrs. Clyde Short. Mrs. J. D. Lineberger, Mrs. , Frank Hoey, Mrs. A. D. Brabble, Mrs Es ley Pendleton, Mrs. Hopson Austell. Mrs Bob Laney, Mrs. Sam Schenct and Miss Montrose Mull. After supper the party returned to the club house for dancing. Music was furnished by a local or chestra. C. OF C. WILL MEET THIS EVENING Miss Prances Auten will be host ess to members of the local chapter of Children of the Confederacy this evening at 7 o’clock at her home on S. DeKalb street. WARREN BOOKER TO ADDRESS PIEDMONT P. T. A. Warren Booker of the state'de partment of health will address the Piedmont parent teacher associa tion at its regular meeting to be held on Wednesday evening at 7 o’clock in the school auditorium. All parents and friends of the school are urged to be present. JUNIOR CIVIC LEAGUE WILL MEET AT HOTEL A meeting of the Junior Civic League will be held on Wednesday afternoon at 4 o’clock at the Hotel Charles. A board meeting will be held at 3:30, prior to the regular meeting which begins at 4. All officers are especially urged to be present. \7. M. U. MEETING HAS BEEN CALLED OFF The divisional meeting of the W M. U. vP>rk wtych was to have been held at the Fallston Baptist church on the third Sunday In this month has been called off on account of conflict with the Royster reunion which Is to be held at Fallston on that day. BUSINESS CIRCLE TO MEET WITH MRS. MABRY The December meeting of the Business Girls circle of Central Methodist church will be held at the home of Mrs. Claude Mabry on Monday evening at 7:30. with Mrs. Mabry and Miss Carobel Lever as Joint hostesses. All mcvibers are cordially Invited to attend and special attention Is called to the fact that the meeting is not being held at the church, which Is the usual meeting place. U. D. C. TO MEET TOMORROW AFTERNOON The December meeting of the Cleveland Guards chapter of the United paughters of the Confeder acy will be held tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 at the home of Mrs. Gra ham Dellinger with Mrs. Dellinger, Mrs. C. C. Coble, Miss Elizabeth Ebeltoft. Mrs. J. S. Dorton. Mrs. J. G. Dudley, Mrs. Rush 8troup. Mrs. H. E. Parris. Mrs. Renn Honeycutt, and Mrs. Charles Dover serving as hosteses. Mrs. L. B. Newell of Charlotte, prominent In U. D. C. work In that city, will be present to address the group. PARTY FRIDAY FOR BRIDE-ELECT Miss Ray Ellis, bride elect of tills week, was complimented last Friday evening at 8 o’clock when Mrs. James Hopper and Miss Louise Morrison entertained in her honor at the former's home on Dover St. Bridge was enjoyed at four tables during the evening and when scores were counted the prise for high scores went to Miss Bernice Shytle and for low score to J. B. Ellis. Miss Eflls was given a pretty pair of vases. A salad course with accessories was served at the close of the even ing's play. SHELBY PEOPLE ENTERTAINED IN CONCORD YESTERDAY Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hoey. Miss Isabel Hoey. and Mr. and Mrs, Wil liam Llneberger went to Concord yesterday afternoon where Mr. Hoey was the speaker at a county wide meeting of the Baraca Phllathea union. After the meeting Mrs. Hill en tertained at an informal reception in their honor at the Hotel Con cord, where she lives, and later they were her guests for dinner at the hotel. About 50 of Mrs. Hill's friend* called to meet them during the afternoon. LEGION DISTRICT MEET TO BE HELD HERE FRIDAY A meeting of the American Legion and Legion Auxiliary units for the entire sixteenth district will be held here Friday afternoon and evening. A business meeting of the Legion Auxiliaries will be held at four o'clock in the afternoon at the First Baptist church, after which there will be a banquet at the church at 6 o’clock. and at 7:30 a Joint meeting of the legions and legion I auxiliaries represented will be held ! at the court house. There will be a charge per plate I for each guest at the banquet and ; those who wish to make banquet ■ reservations are requested to tele phone Mrs. Raymond Cline. All women in the county who are I eligible for membership in the le gion auxiliary are invited to attend the business sessions at the church at 4 o’clock and at the court house at 7:30. They may also make reser vations for the banquet by getting in touch with Mrs. Cline. Among the units in the sixteenth district, which will have represen tatives here for the meeting Friday are: Kings Mountain, Lincolnton, Mt. Holly. Charlotte. Newton. Hick ory, Shelby. Gastonia and Belmont. JUNIOR RED CROSS PLANS CHRISTMAS GIVING The Junior Red Cross of Graham school held its December meeting In the auditorium on Friday morning. December 7, with Billy Webb, Red Cross president of the school, pre siding. The meeting was opened with the singing of the Red Cross song by _ the school. The. devotional was given Home Demonstration Gub Notes Edited by France* McGregor, County Home Demonstra tion Agent. Agent's Schedule Monday A. M.—Office. P. M.—2:30 Prospect School No. 1 township. Tuesday A. M.-Office. P. M.—Sharon Home Demonstra tion club. Wednesday A. M.—Visiting Non club members. P. M.—2:30 No. 3 Home Demon stration club. Thursday A. M.—9:00 Beaver Dam 4-H club. 10:00 Shanghai 4-H club. 11:00 Sharon 4-H club. P. M.—2:30 Patterson Grove Home Demonstration club. Friday A. M.—10:00 Casar 4-H1 by members of Mrs. Connor’s room with the entire school singing the morning prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read by C. M. Peeler, Red Cross secretary of the school. Three girls from the sixth grade told about some Interesting work that had been done by Juniors In other schools. The subject for the meeting was “Giving.” A report from each grade was given telling of plans for Red Cross work for Christmas. The first grade plans to send toys to the nursery school In South Shelby; Mrs. Connor’s room will give milk and fruit to a cripple; the second grade will send a basket of fruit and candy to an eighteen year old boy who Is a shut-in; the third grade will send crayons and pictures to the children at South Mountain Institute; the fourth grade will give a fruit shower to their teacher who Is In the hospital; the fifth grade plans to send a handkerchief show er to a sick friend; the sixth grade Is to send fruit and canneds goods to needy family and the seventh grade will make candy dolls for the children in the Orthopaedic hospi tal in Gastonia. MR. HOEY TALKS TO CLUB OF "NATIVE SONS." Members of the Chicora Liter ary club and a few Invited guests were entertained Friday afternoon at a meeting of unusual Interest at the home of Mrs. O. M. Mull. Mr. Mull Introduced Attorney C. R. Hoey as speaker and the latter talked on prominent "native sons” of Cleveland county, the men and women who have made promlent places for themselves In county, state and nation. In both present and past generations. Those he nietloned as having attained na tional prominence were Clarence and Tom Dixon, Judge E. Y Webb nnd O. M. Gardner. Among those he mentioned as having attained state prominence were: Judge "Jim” Webb, whom he eulogized as having dispensed both Justice and mercy to such * degree that he became the best loved Jurist In the state Attorney O M. Mull, Lee B. Weathers, Dr. De lia Dixon Carroll, Dr. Zeno Wall and Dr. Ben Dixon, whom he term ed the “mast versatile product ■ of Cleveland county” he was a fine doctor, served as president of Greensboro Woman’s college, super intendent of Oxford orphanage, was a brlllant orator, served in the War between the 8tates, was a ma jor In the Spanish-Amerlcan war, and served as state auditor for many years. Others mentioned In this group were Plato Durham and Attorney Reuben McBrayer. In the field of letters Hatcher Hughes and Mrs. May Dixon Thacker were mentioned as having attained national prominence and Dr. Hillary Hudson as having at tained state prominence. Among the others mentioned were Dr. Evans McBrayer. Dr. Vic ton McBrayer and Dr. John Me - Brayer, all of whom were promin ent physicians in the city and county at the same period; the Re7. Joseph Buttle, who was the first county minister to take up the cru sade for temperance, and Inciden tally was ousted from his pastorate as a result of his fight for the j cause: the Rev. Tom Dixon: the | Rev. Pleas Bostic, the Rev. Wade 1 Bostic and Miss Attle Bostic, the three Bostics having served as mis- j sionaries n China for many years; ; J B. Ivey, T. A. stamey, Clarence Stamey, J. w. Lneberger and J. D. Lineberger, as “merchant princes” of the county; former Sheriff Ab But tle. whom Mr Hoey referred to as the most popular office holder the county has ever had,” and T. D. Lattimore, who served the county for 24 years as clerk of court, re presented public servants; Burwe'l Blanton and his two grandsons George and C. C. Blanton, as re preaentiag the banking business; and Major H. F. 8chenck and the Mauneys of Kings Mountain, as pioneers in the county's industrial development. Mr. Hoey, favorite native son, made his talk on his fellow towns men a fascinating hour of entertain ment. During the social hour Mrs. Mull served an elaborate salad course with accessories. 4 club. P. M.—2:30 Beulah Home Dem onstration club. 7:00 South Shelby Home Demon stration club.' Saturday A. M.—Office. Harvest Dinner The home demonstration club members in No. 3 township enjoy ed a delicious harvest dinner last Wednesday in the home of Mrs. Lawton Blanton in Earl. The food was delicious and was attractive ly served. Each member furnished her part of the food. Christmas gift suggestions were given by the members and the agent. I am sure each lady who attend ed the dinner went home in a much happier frame of mind and more eager to do her part toward home and community. School A Success Thirty-one club members at tended the leader school taught by Miss Helen N. Estabrook last Fri day. Mrs. C. A. Morrison, of South Shelby, was hostess to the group. Two short sessions were held. Be fore lunch Miss Estabrook discuss ed floors, old and new, and gave specific illustrations. After lunch each leader was given samples of new pine flooring and old pine flooring which she successfully treated. Lunch was served buffet style. The lovely red carnations which were used for the centerpiece on the table added a very cheerful note to the occasion. We appreciate Mrs. Morrison's gracious hospitality. Our January club meeting will be on this same subject and will be conducted by the agent, assisted by these leaders. Miss Estabrook. a native of New York, is our state home beautifica tion specialist and is considered a very excellent authority on this subject. Christmas Bazaar Plans had been started for a Christmas Bazaar but Mrs. Boyd Warlick. our county treasurer, thinks it best to make other plans for raising money so we will have no bazaar at this time. Warlick-Belwood Club . The ladies of the Warlick-Bel wood home demonstration club en tertained their husbands last Fri day night with a chicken stew. Games and songs were enjoyed before and after the delicious chick Methodist Women To Meet Dec. 12 A zone meeting of the Cleveland county missionary societies of the Methodist church will be held at LaPayette Street Methodist church Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 12. The meeting will open at 1:30. All the Methodist women of the county are urged to be present. The district secretary, Mrs. Ivey Starnes of Lln colnton, Is expected to be present with several other visiting speakers. SON OF DR. AYERS WEDS GIRL IN MONTANA STATE FOREST CITY, Dec. 9.—Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Ayers, have received the announcement of the approaching marriage of their son, Mr. William A, Ayers, Jr., to Miss Valeria Irene Orlet, of Great Falls, Montana. The marriage Is scheduled to take place on Tuesday. December 25, In Great Falls. Miss Oriet Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Oriet of Great Falla. erTstew. Although It was a veiv cold bad night about fo^ty couples had a most enjoyable and wholesome evening. ONE DAY ONLY, TUES. DEC. 11 PARKER SPECIAL! FREE This New Style Fountain Pen FREE Every Pen Guaranteed for Life NOTICE TO DISTRIBUTORS—For one day only you are authorized to deliver one of the New Travelers Fountain Pens FREE with each purchase of two packages of Blades for 49c and this coupon. Limit 2 sets to a customer. Parker's New Blades are made of the Finest Swedish Blue Steel, Hollow Ground. Parker's Blades are made to fit all types of Gillette razors. Also blades lor Gem and Every Ready. Suttle’s Drug Store PHONE 370 - SHELBY, N. C. — TUESDAY ONLY — George Alexander SOUTH SIDE SQUARE ilud OrtirimaA OUR PRICES ON Diamonds Absolutely Cannot Be Duplicated $15 AND up They’re Here Now! and will be shown today for the first time in Shelby at Keever Motor Co. 1935 PLYMOUTH and Dodge Cars In a VARIETY of COLORS Featuring 82 Horsepower (Plymouth) 87 Horsepower (Dodge) New Streamline Styling Floating Power Hydraulic Brakes All-Steel Bodies The first 1935 model cars to be shownjn Shelby—These new cars, improved in style, riding comfort and mechanical refinements, scoop the motor world. Prices closer than ever before —These cars are new from road to roof, and smart as though they just stepped from a band box. We cordially invite you to visit our show room. In our two yeras in business, we have sold 152 new units. Our customers are pleased. The new models are even better. At Amazingly Low Prices PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR EARLY DELIVERY KEEVER MOTOR COMPANY DODGE AND PLYMOUTH DEALER 215 S. Washington St. Phone 146

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