» Belwood Resident Receives Injury To Leg Recently Mis. Hartman Entertains, Mrs. Peeler Improves; Personal Items. BELWOOD. Dec. 23—Mrs. Theo- ! dore Hartman, was hostess to th; members of the home circle ot Knob Creek church Wednesday afternoon at her home; after the devotional, and business meeting the members exchanged Christmas gifts. The Rev. and Mrs.- H. I\ Fogleman were special guests The hostess was asst ted in serv ing and entertaining by Miss Lucy Willis. The next meeting will be at the hom# of Mrs. Roy Dayberry in January. Friends of Mrs. Jess Peeier wl'l be glad to knour that she ;s improv ing at the Shelby hospital Miss Pearl Gantt has returned home after spending awhile in Norfolk, Va„ and Baltimore. Mrs. W. W. Richard and children. Ralph and Ruby were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Flank Sam of Lincolr.ton Sunday. Bruce Fortenberry hac! the mis fortune of getting his leg severely hurt while working at the cottin gin Saturday. Thieves are very active in .lie community. They entered the grain house of Mrs. Alice Schroder and took sacks of cotton seed meal and a lot of wheat and seven sacks of meal from the Peeler cotton gin Mr. Webb and Agents Go To Florida Meet Pilot Life Club To Have Meeting In Miami. Florida This Week; 100 To Attend. Saying farewell to winter-like surroundings for a few days to bask in the sunshine of the semi tropics, C. R. Webb and his family, Forrest Hamrick and Carl Ray Webb and wife will spend some time at Miami, Florida attending the Pilot Life Insurance company's 24th agency convention. Mr. Webb, general agent of the Pilot, Carl Ray Webb and Forrest Hamrick arc special agents under the Webb agency and won the trip to Miami as members of the Pilot dub. In addition, General Agent Webb Is to be honored as winning vice presidency of the McAlister Clan, the highest honor agency or ganization of the company. The Webb agency also wrote the largest amount of insurance during 1934 than any of the Pilot's other gen eral agencies. It is announced that upwards of 10fWepresentatives together with gu/rts and Pilot officials will make up the party, scheduled to hold their convention in Miami, Decem ber 27, 28,29. Seaboard Puts On “Orange Blossom’ Due to the exceptionally heavy exodus of - northerners to Florida this season, the "Orange Blossom Special," leader of Seaboard Air Line railway's famous fleet of air ccnditioned trains, made its first trip from New York and the east on December 15th. The first trip last year was on January 2nd. The "Blossom" sets the high- . est standards for equipment and ' excellence of service. Only the most | modern Pullman equipment is in j |! Its completcmcnt, and although all ' HI special services are available, there i is no special service charge. A_i Students Arrive In Mooresboro MOORESBORO, Dec. 24 —Col- ; lege students who have arrived 1 here to spend the holidays with their parents and relatives are: j Misses Mildred Greene and June ; Evelyn Blanton. Asheville Teachers college and Miss Julia Scruggs j Renfro. Boiling Springs junior col- 1 lege; Howard Rollins and James Lucas, Wake Forest college; L. W Greene and John Z. McBrayer, Boiling Springs college; Wade Bridges, Textile Institute, Spartan burg. The annual Christinas tree pro gram will bi presented at historic Sandy Run on Monday, Christmas «ve. WE THANK YOU For your business during the past year and wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. FREEMAN’S SHOE SHOP Odell Freeman, Jack Worthy, Ford Bigger staff, James Overcash And Shine Boys Daddy at 1 ! Henry Bert Mullint • A proud father at It, i- Henry Bert Mullins, above, of Fort Worth, Tex. His wife, who is the same age, presented him with a fivc-and - one - half - pound baby daughter. All three are reported doing nicely. Waits 45 Years Get 10 Dollars From Government REIDSVILLK, Dec. 23—The U. S. treasury has sent C. H. Denny a $10 "Christmas gift" which', he ould have had 45 years ago. Denny, 45 years ago. was count ing the day s receipts of his hard ware store here when an oil lamp threatened to explode. He carried it from the store but burned a hole In his clothes in the process. In a pocket was a $10 bill that burned except for two small corners. A tew davs ago. he sent the corners to the treasury with an ex planation. This week he received a mica new $10 bill. Statesville Clerk Embezzles $3,500 STATESVILLE, Dec. 23.—A check ip by officials of the Peoples Loan -nd Savings bank Saturday reveal 'd. it was reported, that the ac ount of Charles D. Kestler, 40, for he past 12 years a bookkeeper In he bank, was out of balance ap proximately $13,500 and Kestler was ■aid to have confessed that he em jezzled $3,500 of that amount. Kestler had been in the employ if the bank since 1922. Becoming uspicious of something wrong, bank ?lficials had the books audited to fay and the $13,500 shortage for he bookkeeper was revealed. In his confession of misappro urifting the money, Kestler stated hat it had befn going on for some ime. Kestler is bonded for $20,000 and i representative of the bonding 'ompany was here this afternoon, rhe bank is fully covered by bond nd insurance. Auto License Sales Much In Arrears RALEIGH. Dec. 23.—OrSy 45.515j airs of 1935 automobile license ilat'-s, more than 13.000 behind sales :£ 1934 plates to this date a year! go, had been sold in North Caro ns up to date. L. S. Harris, director of the mo tor vehicle bureru, said the plates were "going mighty slowly" and re iterated his warning that every au tomobile must have new plates on January 1. At Charleston, a magistrate’s Jury of six men struck another blow at South Carolina’s blue laws when it returned a verdict of not guilty n the case of 16 competitors in a walkathon contest. ( r RURAL MAIL BOX BEAUTIFICATION CONTEST WINNERS J Winning entries in the Rural Mail Box Beautification campaign conducted by the Carolina Motor Club are shown above. Struthcrs Burt, of Southern Pines, is chairman of the Motor Club’s State Committee on Highway Beautification in North Carolina, and Mrs. James R. Cain, of Columbia, is head of the South Carolina group. 1—North Carolina first price winner, mail box belonging to B. B. Britt, R-l, Garner. N. C., before and after improvement views. 2—Mrs. J. J. McBane, R-2, Graham, N. C., second place', 3^— Miss Mary M. Moore, daughter of J. D. Moore, R-2, Clinton, N. C., third place; 4—Lula Williams, R-l, Autryville, N. C., fourth place. 7—South Carolina first prize winner. J. E. Groce. Lyman. S. C.; 5—Mrs. S. L. CoMsrop, R-l, Fort Mill. S. C, second place; 6— Mrs. P. P. Hurst, Chesterfield, S. C„ third place. There were no entries in the group mail box beautification congest and the South Carolina entrants did not furnish pictures of their boxes before they were improved. Use 185 Men In 4 New PWA Projects NORTH WILKESBORO, Dec. 23. —Approximately 185 men are being 2iven employment on four public works projects in Wilkes county, it was leerned here Saturday from R. L Wooten, director of the national re-employment office. These em ployes, on the average, are getting 30 hours of work per week and were selected from the files of application [or work by unemployment in Wilk es county. The four projects are North Wilkesboro water works, grading and structures on five miles of highway number 16 between Miller Creek and Jefferson, construction of the North Wilkesboro postoffice build ing, and the Reddies River bridge on the western boundary of this city. _4___ ‘'Brethren and sisters: This morn ing, I am going to attempt to de scribe the indescribable. I am go ing to speak about the unspeakable. I am going to explain the unex plainable and unscrew the un scrutable,” *oo ooo(K>oo»«wwfi aaoc Creeling % h §'■ . A Merry Christmas AND A Happy New Year of hyo'u during 1934 and wish for you and your during the coming year, Health, weaitn and Happiness. • THE MANAGEMENT AND EMPLOYEES Rogers Motors /▼* /▼» i I I Ecuador Minister J I 7 Antonio C. Conultt This is Antonio C. Consoles, of New York City, who has been ap pointed minister to Ecuador by President Roosevelt. Gonzalea succeeds Rov T. Davis. SUIT FILED AGAINST GASTON EXPRESS ROBBER GASTONIA. Dec. 23—Suit has seen filed here by the Railway Ex jress company against Harry Saw der, alias Harry Beavers, for at tachment of $2,200 in cash express money orders and travelers checks obtained in a hold up of the ex press office here several weeks ago. * WE WILL BE ' m OPEN for all CHRISTMAS DANCES Eat, Drink and Smoke with— Stanley's SODA SHOP , tsj.vs?;..,t£f? Season's Greetings And AND BEST WISHES FOR YOUR HAPPINESS and PROSPERITY . . . In Sincere Appreciation of your Good Will in the Past .... and Anticipation of its Contin uance for the Coming Year. The Employees of Bello Stevens Co. i Give Santa A Return Ticket Save up for next year’* Chriatmas chop ping! Just deposit a few dollars each week (or month) in a special savings account at tnia bank. We pay interest, compounded aemi-annually. UNION TRUST CO. . SHELBY, N. C. FEDERAL 2c TAX ON CHECKS COMES OFF JAN. 1, 1935. 7or Greater Results In Selling-Try Star Adv. Christmas in the Eighties A Wish for Christmas A WARM fire and a creaking board. Lights and music and song. Jest and story. Cheerful voices and wide-eyed children. Bright thoughts. Ro * mance. Security and a contented heart. This is our Christmas wish for you, and to it we add the hope that 1935 will bring you opportunity to achieve and enjoy in no small measure. FEDERAL 2c TAX ON CHECKS COMES OFF JAN 1, 1935. First National Bank