John Sprint Hill Liquor Measure Opposed By Jonas Uncetatea O. O. F. »t|wmUUn And Drunkneea. Representative Charles A. Jonas of Lincolnian, farmer congressman from the tenth North Carolina dis trict and now a member of the low er house of the general assembly said last night he opposed the John Sprunt HiU liquor MIL - Some of us do not favor collect ing funds for the relief of poverty from the legalised salt of an arti cle which friends of the bill admit causes a large measure of the suf fering,'" declared Mr. Jonas, long looked Upon as * leader of the dry forces la the .state. He dlecu—d the Hill MU to soma detail and his statement smphaclf il the belief that ahmilit tn, uu (iI linuor he legalised la North Carolina K remit la an ineraaee of tha _ ty tint too hwm from the salt of liquor would Im used 10 alia*. provided In I etstamaiit'W-Hi that igoet of HM trtbetabilr"“ from the poaed to Doubla Wadding Of Young People In Zoar Section (Special to Tha Man) ZOAR. Feb. I rick and Oleo Workman and surprised their week-end married by Mrs. Hoppes wen a lovely toam of blue with neoeaaortes to mateh. Mrs. Hamrick wore a drees of HUM brown with accessories Mr. Hamrick is the of Mrs. Mm Hamrick and the lata John ■amrtak ot ttta Crave community, lira Hamrick la the oldest daughter ot Mr. and lira Jim Workman ot Shelby. Mrs. Hoppes is the oldest daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. David Hamriek at the owes smamanlty. Mr. Hep* pee Is toe son of Mr. mad Mrs. Wil liam Hoppes at the tty. - the Ballots Mailed To UNC Alumni upon their HILL. Fbb. of toe CM Will TOU IBM officers by the MUaJLkl ihiHinl afflaa vWBlI Aiumm MIMi. ‘ fha ttMit alumni aavembl? nominated two candidates for each office aa follows: President. Dr, Howard E. Rondthaler. of Winston Salem, and WUttam O. Woodard, oi Rocky Mount; first rice president J. Harper Krwln, Jr, of Durham, and Leo H. Harvey, of Kinston; second rice president. Dr. George U Carrington, of Burlington, and Robert C. ddRostot; of Raleigh; alumni representative oa the Uni versity Athletic council, Juw ■ Picklen, of Greenville, and Bow man Gray, Jr- of Wlneton-Salem, All office# are for one-year terms except that of Athletic oouncll rep resentative, which is for a three year term. The balloting will close March 1, and results of the elections will bs announced by a tallying commit tee shortly thereafter. Name Postmaster At Lincolnton U.yCOLTON, Feb. ».—Congress man A. h. Bulainkla has announced that J. Frank Beagle, democratic candidate for sheriff last Novembei has been appointed acting postmas ter for the Lincolnton office to suc ceed Giles B. Goodson, whose tern expires March 1. Mr. Seagle will not be the per manent postmaster as the perman ent appointee will be named afte; examinations are held, which will b some tints later In the spring. The announcement of Mr. Sea lie’s appointment comes as a *ur prise to him and to his man friends over the oounty who rejotc that he waa named by Congressma Bnlwinkle to fill the vacancy whic win exist March 1st. Through Capital Keyholes By BBSS SILVER O.OJP. CANDIDATE—Bom* .Re publican member* of the general auembly are Inclined to view with favor the suggeetion that former Congressman Chan. Jonas, now the representative from Lincoln coun ty in the legislature, may beoome a candidate for governor next spring In opposition to Oilliam Grissom who already has voiced intentions of making the race. Mr. Jonas at tracted wide attention with his Mil to provide discretion between capital punishment and life Impri sonment and In first degree crim inal cases and his attitude favor ing removal of tolls from bridges In Eastern North Carolina. It might be well to observe his smoke. DON'T UU IT—Borne members of the Joint legislative finance com mittees cant take the Idea of Rep resentative McDonald of Forsyth, to Introduce a substitute to the ■alee tax on the floor of the boose of representative. Representatives R. Oragg Cherry, of Oaston. and certain raurhs truncating that they though Dr. McDonald *m ••hnhttng out” on them by not glv Mg the committee the benefit of hie views. The Fossyth representa tive la a member of Mm 1mm • _ _, ~ &O.S*7 Men’s 2.20 Weight Triple Stitched — OVERALLS — Made By Blue Buckle 77C PURE DYE LADIES' SILK SLIPS $1.50 Value 47c LADIES’ FAST COLOR WASH DRESSES Sizes 14 to 44 47c STEP OUT IN A NEW SPRING DRESS Personal selections by Mrs. Cohen. Styles you’ll rave about— $1.87 A gorgeous array of Spring styles that you simply can’t resist. Everyone a beauty $4.87 iS33r"-SW __ sSlNGS/,V-rAT NEvT SSter-*-* L!f°^ ~«*A3£{Sfc - 911.87 '" 3wialLUKUt SWTS— »*m t. % p,«"‘j- »f M«?suoi‘;*‘)r»«ii »14.«7 GOOD HEAVY OUTINGS Solid Colors and Plenty of White 9c GOOD SPOOL THREAD Made B* Lily Mill 2 lor 5c MEN’S FAST COLOR BROADCLOTH PAJAMAS Slightly Soiled 07c . NEW SPRING FOOTWEAR Not just a “clearance of shoes,” but a real Sale of the finest Spring Styling and Qual ity. Widths AAAA to EEE. $2.87 This Sale includes all choice Spring Styles. Take advantage of these savings ... sure! Sizes 34 to 10. Krtata and Solid' broadcloths - 9c SWAGGER SUITS *S-*7 StylS'JreV^d Jf*"ufactu,W8’ Samples that will be^art tM-COnS€rVative ones • • entire stock will hih|,S *"<* next- Our v«rsary 3?J„i b* i"c “*? <■ thfa Anri duction. * • •. at this sweeping re ""’'svTJS'gER iblTS s«ircM®TorlMree?n8nlt" th- ** **1 »®?r swyr - snwsfta *14.87 Y°u TON’T BE A HIGIWOWERED HNANCIER OR A COLLEGE GRADUATE TO ■ Wh?TuCOHEN S ,ARE ABLE TO SELL FOR LESS. HERE IS THE REASONt fnHnrrn^r.Mn,,,C°,.|he tep*lrt™*nl *tore 30 percent of their .ale. to do hu.ine«. Being..mall, overhead that ^u.t'.hmifV.?? h}*l;-“I»"e