SHOP and ADVERTISE *. WANT— AD WAY c.fpa r0r Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum ***" Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. This aiza 1 cent per word each insertion jhis size type 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3c per word each insertion. ycv OuH rLINiNDiuvnmxi * P Smokelefifl and odorless.| ffonper. Auto inn._tf 7c "fTfHRV ARE WORTH FIXING, r iA f m. snoes, rubber boots, a!M cdssors at Sellers Joe' Siiop. near Bus station, tl 28c ■vulcanizing with I he lte6t equipment. Try our work. Into inn. tf 7c UP WITH YOUR PLOW uii.1i * MrCormick-Deering *tor For the four wheel type or h, Farms!!. see O E. Ford Co. n 2t 3c MONUMENTS ff ca„ duplicate any monument lut has ever been made or make n.v kind tPa* ran bo made. Come B R. Dellinger, shop hospital tf 18c lURGRO FERTI JZERS. Specify jur--Gro fertilizers, fou can get Sur-Gro rom all progressive lealers in Cleveland ind adjoining coun ies. Manufactured by ). A. Beam Co., Shel ly, N. C, phone 130. tfMaSc "see 6 ~e FORD CO. FOR Soli's combination planters and unto distributors. • 2t 3c WRPRICESARE i^ht'because we have 10 heavy overhead ex pense? like our com jetitors. It is to your nterest to see us for Electric Refrigerators md Electric Stoves, f. 0. Propst & Son. 4t-5c FOR RFHT. SIX~ROOM~RESI mce Cleveland Springs. Can give ^session immediately. John W. telephone 218 or 576. lte TEACHERS GOOD BOARD Ed room in modern suburban home hree miles from Asheville Normal ihool Reasonable bus rates. Six wk£ summer term $33. For infor ution write Mrs. k. S Bryson, VIi hteora Boulevard, Biltmore. N 6-lc 0 F FORD CO IS FARM MA trmxk-D* rnng Threshing ma !wiet. hay balers and tractors. 2t 3i garden fert ^ZBR. Special gard 'n fertilizer Sur-Gr uality 50 and 100 lb ^ckages. We deliver J* A. Beam Co., Mfg, ►nelby, Phone 130. 9tl8 ttEFMAVS SHOE 8HOP L< , temporarily with the coun rat under the Hotel Charles. We ,rfen street.. u »antedTo DO PLAIN SEV curtains, draperies, eushi .7.and other articles. 523 Sou «Kalb street, 3t iu'.tAPRJL 29TH’ 1935' 1 WI] » public auction about twer »tun Ieet of lumb*r to *atir l**1ot $75.0°; also cost on t ZLnf Co™eal Roberts and w; ““ tflF Gp°w Borders pla ^ miles south of Waco. B. _ 4t ,r. R FALF COKER’S WOL1 5fFam 5’ 0T1® year fr: Br h,,tuPncFd to se’11 fast at $1 y^J^pleooe and „ “S mrh -r Y Oettya. R GLASSES O! 1J1 < »se marked T. reward MORE Coker Jd r FlVe Cotto inc ’ Panting pu D. A. Beam C Cit< ct irTS nc* Preferred but , R.r'^eigh. Dept. Nc ^iimona, Va.; ™n. r/utMUt; humk MIAEU (fertilizer with LONFOSCO SOFT 'PHOSPHATE proved very satisfac tory on all crept, last year. T can supply you with thus Special Bra,ud [which I find by investigation and [actual field tests to be one of the [best of Florida phosphate. Fl. F |McKinney, Shelby, N. C. ir 13c O. E. FORD CO's IS FARM MA ichinery headquarters. Sec them [for mowers, binders, hay rakes, threshing machines, tractors, trac |tor plows and harrows. 2t 3c | SPECIAL SALE OF new spring materials, Wednesdays. Cleve land Cloth Mill. tf-lc WE PAY CASH FOR COWS. Cline and Bowman Bam. if 2c FOR HAY AND OATS CALL O E. Ford Co. 2t. 3c ~SEE~T H ENORGE and Genera] Electric Refrigerators before you buy. We can save you money and give you the best. J. 0. Propst & Son. 4t-5c WHEN IN NEED OF BUILDING materials of all kinds. see O E. Ford Co 2t 3c TAXI AT BUS STATION. Phone 450. B. Spake and H. W. Wliitworth, tf 29c MEN OF jOOlTCHARACTER desinng Government Civil Servict position, |105-$175 month, qualify at once. For personal interview write. Stating age. to Federal Serv ice Training Bureau, Inc., Box 340, care this paper. ltp FOR SALE~ GOOD BUILDING lot in Belvedere Heights on Crescent Ave., 100x200. A. K. Kirkpatrick, telephone 530 or 567-M. 4t 5c "tennis RACKETS re-strung' Prices reasonable. Frank Connor, Supreme Radio Service, 122 N. Mor gan. 4t 29c WANTED BY APRIL 10TH, furnished apartment. Downstairs preferred. Inquire at Siar office. 3t lp REINHARDTS Why Pay Mote Extracts, pint. 10c Baking Chocolate, half lb.- 10c Welch's Grape Juice, pint- 18c Oat Meal, large size. 3 for-25c Rubbing Alcohol, pint . 19c Milk of Magnesia, pint . 29c Mineral Oil. Russian, pint . 39c Flour, plain, self rising, 12 lb 49c 24 lb. 88c; 98 lb. _.. S3.45 Pork Sausage, country style. Pound... 25c Why Pay More REINHARDT’S It 5c 1939 HUDSON SEDAN. EXCEP tionally good value. Price 845.00. Call at Star office or phone 258-W or 172-J. ltp TH .EE UNFURNISHED ROOMS for rent. 212 North Washington street. 3t lp AUTO GLASS INSTALLED^ Plain or safety. See us for prices. City Service Station. tf lc LOST SATURDAY EVENING between Betty Jean shop and Pen ney’s store, ladies brown leather pocketbook contain ng twenty-eight (838.00) a small black pocketbook with change, a house key. a mir ror. Finder write Mrs. Marvin El liott. Bclwood, N. C.. and get re ward. 2-3c ~FOR LIME, CEMENT, BRICIC asphalt shingles and galvanised roofing see O. E. Ford Co. 2t 3c WILL THRASH CANE SEED ON Monday, April 8 Will be the last day. J. S. Mull, route 2. Sljelby. 2t 3c FOR SALE, TRADE OR FOR breeding, fine five gaited stallion, age nine. This is a fine blooded horse, guaranteed to work to any thing and gentle. Vick Wray. 3t 3c VISIT ROBERTS - ELLIOTT Barber Shop in Weathers Apart ment building, next door to Hawk ins Bros. Grocery Store. 3t-5p BANTAM HATCH I N G eggs from show winners ten cents each —■, Buff Cochins, Black Cochins. Barred Rocks, iiolden Sebrights While Silk ies. J. L. Woodward, Kings Mountain, N. C. _3t-$c. ~AUTO GLASS INSTALLED. Prices right, Auto inn. tt 7c j Mayor Of Hickory Won’t Be In Race' NEWTON. April 4 —Mayor R .1. Shipp officially announced at a meeting of the city board of aider men Tuesday night that, he would not be a candidate for re-election to the office of mayor this year This announcement caused regret among many citizens of Newton as ’ Mayor Shipp is regarded as one jof the most efficient and popular, ! mayors the town has ever had i -1 iValdese Puts Ban On All Stray Dogs The town of Vnldesr has ordered [that all dogs within the rity limits be confined for a period of six weeks | and dogs found at large are to be killed by the police department The action was taken last week i by the town board of commissioners. I which took cognizance of the fad 'that during recent weeks several j persons have been bitten by mad i docs Church Of God Is | . Holding Revival Revival sen ices are being held each evening this week on South Washington street. Preaching is by 'the Rev. G. F. Bradshaw. The pas itor is the Rev. T M. West. Every one, is invited. String music and ; singing begin the services. ~ T 6 M A T 0 PLANTS — Thousands of fine diseaso free plants, now ready. Ten popular varieties. Hamrick Brothers Service Station, Highway 20, West. Phone County—2404. 2t>5i WARNING. BUY no Electric Refriger ator or Electric Stove until you get our pric jes. J. O. Propst and Son. 4t-5c ASK YOUR LOCAL MER chanl about our PennsyLama kero sene. Auto Inn. tf 7c ""'bonded MUTUAL PROTEC - lion. G. C. Mutual Burial Associa tion has deposited with the State ' Insurance department a Qualifica tion Bond in the sum of five thou sand dollars <$5,000) which guaran tees that our Burial Association shall well and truly perform the services contracted with membert Wc aim to put more character and quality into our mutual plan ot protection, to show the economic advantages that can be given the public by a large organization when it puts the spirit of Service upper most and trusts its own success to 'the principle. “He profits most who [serves best.'’ To the accomphsh jment of this mission, we pledge the! i best efforts of our "board of con trol." M. R. Biggers, president, E | Lewis Eades, vice president. O. T |Stanton, secretary and treasurer. ftp j wanted" good-cook and .housekeeper. No other need apply ] 1 Call 113 Saturday. ltc i “Heaven Bound” To Be At Boiling Springs April 6 BOILING SPRINGS, April 4 - Heaven Bound" will be given In the college auditorium here Satir day night April 6th. It la brnr j sponsored by the young married women's class of the Sunday school j The proceeds will be used for the benefit of the church. Mr and Mrs M. A Jolley and' son Sanford and Mrs. Pamelta Hop-1 per spent the week end near Cliff side with Mias Ada Hapinek. who' la a member of the high school tac uity here. The division number l of the W M.U. will convene In the church here Sunday. An interesting pro gram has been planned Miss Rosina Hamrick who hHs been teaching at Grassy Pond re turned home Saturday Her school closed Friday Miss Elolse Pruette of Charlotte spent. the week end here with Mrs J. L. Pruette. Dr. and Mrs. B M. .Tarrett and family of Shelby we-e also guests there Sunday. Miss Georgie Hamrick. Mrs Mis souri Trout and Mrs John Mini?: ■ pent, Tuesday night and Wednes day In Gaffney with Mrs Zudie McSwain. While driving up tovn Wednesday their car collided with the train and was badly damaged | None of the occupants of the ar was hurt. Mr. . Mints was driving the car which belonged to Miss Georgia Hamrick. Miss Edna Hamrick is confined to her home with mumps. Mr.and Mrs. Garland McBraver of Shelby spent Sunday with Mrs. | Ida McBrayer. There are seven red stripes anti | six white stripes in the American ! flag. Three Are 111 Near Prospect; One In Hospital! (Special to The filar.) PROSPECT. April 4.—Mrs Oml*! Punned is improving after being; ill Mis* Audrev Mar Crawley Is sick. Quay Moateller went to the Ruth -' ertordton hospital Monday for an { operation. Mims Mae Hamrick of Kings Mountain Is spending this week with Miss Grace Hamrick, and Mr. and Mrs Broadus McGinnis. The W M U. and Y W A of 8late Line gave an interesting missionary program Sunday night The 8unday school study course is being taught on Friday night of each week for five nights. Mr and Mrs. G. W. Elmore's. week-end guests were: Mr. and | Mrs. John Elmore and son, Hicks, j Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Elmore and j family, of Greer, 8. C. Sunday vis-1 Itors were Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Me- j Otnnlfr and children of Cliffslde. ] Mr. and Mrs. Dener Elmore and ' children of Sumter. 8. C. Miss Pet tus Most filer has come [home. Mr. and Mrs Sam Brooks and daughter, Barbara Ann, visited Mr and Mrs. Ira Elmore Sunday. Icebergs are always fresh water Ice. They have been known to take as long as 200 years to melt. Celery, called •'smallage" in the middle ages, waa eaten as a cure (or gout—only the leaves were, eat e.n then. COMBINATION PLANTER NUMBER 41 COLE’S Sold By CLARK HARDWARE CO. SHELBY, N. C. BISCUIT OVEN IN SEVEN MINUTES*. .V •••! High-rower speed and live-heat ’ baking! That's what I like best about my new range! $ TAip YOU ever try to bake baking powder biscuits in [a poky old stove? You’ll have better biscuits—and better cooking of every type—when you use a new Perfection range with High-Power burners and "live* heat” oven. The new improved High-Power burners provide a great volume of quick heat,but they respond instantly to regulation, and the flame stays where you set it, with clean steady heat at high or low flame or at k..__ The perfect baking and even browning of the Perfection oven is due to ita famous “live* heat’1 construction that makes the heated air circulate through* '^fkf MA/lk PtrfftHtm ltilh-P»m*r Han ft N*. K-S59 nut the oven end between the oven edb ’ tn form an insulation of-fresh wens eirT.. j the best insulation for ovens. « $ See the new High-Power Pcefocsfon.seapas at your dealer’s and ask for a demon* reifon Be mw In Innlr at tht'nMr Wlall.l^aMttm 0M.00K range wtth imo-gaba hot water reaeootr.Tbietntwieen oil ito*e can be eon»eme«M<»}« l iffy into a winter cookattwetbet also heats three or four rooms PWffCWON STOVf CO. lia.134 MartaM* U., H. W. • AMmte. •* ! HIGH •I A BtTTIt BUYEII KNOW THI PACTS ABOUT HIGH.POWCR SPUD. CIMNUNfSS AND PM MM Perfection Oil Stoves Sold In Shelby By Campbell Dept. Store SEE OI R LINE OF Perfection Oil Stoves — EASY TERMS — Kester-Groome Furn. Co. READ THE STAR. IT NOW GOES INTO 5,000 HOMES EVERY OTHER DAY. $2.50 A YEAR BY MAIL. FOUR WEEKS TOR A OlIARTFR RY TARRIFR ROY. THIMBLE THEATRE—Starring POPEYE A New Master. ; 'b fc* -M&& ‘ it t 7 » 4; By E. C. SEGAR , . ,•»** HERE COMES THESEAHAOi'S SISTER- UJElL SOON 5E£ WHETHER TOAR IS Really ooP, ! FR\eND OR NOT ^SHE'S RULEDS him for MPiHV; •VEARs i* TOMU Do ASV, \ Sfv/‘, clean these' kPEOPLE oot: smrsh THEIR HERDS —“7— iov SHOT OPl ME HO UKE " LTOO ftJHV AAORE- pOOEV.* VOOHE MV SLfWE,.OOXiV<' kME?!!c“^r HO UKE! I STEP ON HER SHE GO ^''„SQO*sh'‘- she GO ‘POP" MWBE NOI HIX‘. VAV Otf! IT A>KT GOOD ' ETTNKET TO f WLLHOO oY 5 yiCTUB VOO SAN,Ho 6o, mo oo VOO ©OSS -Voo Scueut GUV^ Paging Ponce de Leon, ■•I* «.» W. *, •4«<*« * YOO GO BEAT IT OR \ KU.L—N \t*&, KOT YOUR SVfWE NO*Y / TU- MAN/E VouR a v MORE ■ .heart for this \40ST UJAlT —r~ a 02 FOLLOW ME AND » LL TAKE VOO TO twe Pool of mootw straws' l«» TOAKS HOME Aits© gS%v™^S!^ FROM THE POOU N\N SISTER CAUS IT MER\ KWAGOOtt CK- THF. PAST" U WjGOOtt OE THE PAST SHE R0l.ES THiSC##XNC»ENT PfcOPWE AND SHE'S PROBA0IS getting them -together Hfclll Trt « vHERE 'S THE POOL OP VO0TN- 1 DRANK fROM IT CENTURIES, ALO AND «M STILL AUVe — DRINK ONLV A LVTTVE-l* VOJ DRINK TOO MOCK VCXJ'LL BE r SUKE INFANTS -- ANKji ILL/ lP

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