Whatever You Want To Buy Or Sell THE WANT ADS Will Do It Twice As Well Rate* For Want Advertisement* In This Column. Minimum Charge For An.v Want Ad 25c. Thla size 1 cent per word each insertion This size type 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3c per word each insertion. \VE PAY CAbn rvw tuwo No. 5. F. S. Dodmon. j tf 29c j "EOfTSaLE: GOOD USED SIN gw sewing machine, with attach-' m.nu. First *15.00 takes it. See E. 0 Lea at Reinhardt's Grocery 3t 22c ^WILL PAY HIGHEST MARKET prices for wheat, corn and oats or «iU exchange flour, feed, meal n.r mem. Phone: Local, 2-3186; bug distance 920. Interstate Milling co Charlotte, N. C. 18 lip ' POP SALE. 3 SEVENTY SAW. Murray system cotton gin, 75 horse motor. Complete. Good condition, bargain Evergreen Farms. Creed moor. N. C. 4t 2p “peafowls FOR SALE. THREE cocks and one hen. Two years old. For further information writs M 1 Geerglon care Green River Planta tion. Rutherfordton, N. C. l2-23e FOP SAFETY'S SAKE, YOU should have one of our Treasure Cheats, small safe guaranteeing con tents against damage of fire. Really a little aafe” for only $13.25. See the display at The Star Office. 4t 18p " WILlToiVE EACH OF MY COS tmers a chance at 50 Trees Free. Place your order early for Fruit trees to be delivered this fail. Alvin H Smith, Headquarters at Paul Webb and Sons Drug. 13t 8c 'WILL PAY CASH for corn, wheat, oats, cotton seed meal. D. I A. Beam Co. 6t llc| "NEWEST WEAVES j ind colors in summer j materials, on sale’ Wednesday. C 1 e v e and Cloth Mill. tfl7c i SYMPATHY ACKNOWLEDGE- j ment cards, several engraved designs, 'o select from. See the samples at| The Star Office. 4t 22p LOST LAST FRIDAY ON ] streets of Shelby certificate for 24 shares of International Telphone and Telegraph Co. stock. Reward if returned to Samuel M, Gault at local telephone office. at 17c LATHAMS PEACHES FOfTsALE: . ffly Georgia Belles are now ready, j Elbertas will ripen in a week. Give *e vour order or visit the orchard.; M O Latham. Patterson Springs.1 Farm FOR SALE: 68 ACRES about six miles west of 6helby. on Pd. 20 highway. near McSwair. V 5*ry. Known as Dr. Wilson’s farm. SlX rOArtl hrvica alco fern** *Aon' hom Priced reasonable 'with term". •J 1. Nolan Co. ltc SALE—SECOND - HAND ’ “ult .I*™ 40 cent dozen. D. A. BHm Co. tf Hwk c ,f°F RENT. STEAM HEATED Wice in Weathere-Blanton Build-' f* formerly occupied by Kansas T-!fe Insurance Co. Ground j • fbf attractive show window*, toi-1 ‘r Bat and cold water furnished. 1 ,,vather« 3t 22p ''ANTED FARM LAND, TO i have several prospects for i an; size tract. See or write J. ; "orth Silver, Box 673, Shelby, N. C.l _ st Mon i7p ( A FORD SPECIALS*-FOR 1 » limned time, brakes rellhed d« * :;au D'r "heel. Plugs, points, Car-' ouratcr. cleaned and adjusted 501 Va,ves ground, motor tuned • . Plu-e parts. Front rebushed: nfluding Pins> boits, bushings, *4.00. i Windshields replaced *2.50. Phone * . ®nd g14R City Service SUtion1 *nd King Old Place. 3t 22c STOP THOSE LEAKS. HAVE rA., x?*rt examine and repair your w<« ^e next ram Call J. Denton at phone 11. tfi WE BUY FAT HOGS Beam Co. 3tl9c }VE HAVE A LOT it ,J!t J’ars we will f-1 ch«ap. D. A. Beam Co> 6t 11c r»d tn will be made rour or<3ers for home f8k«« Call Phone 478. 3t 17pd leaking Work ROOPS REPAIRED at th. » anteed" Uave y°ur call ^ 8»«r Office for William Den tl dh Kings Mountain Girl Is Elected To State Office 'Special to The 8t*n KINGS MOUNTAIN. July 12 Miss Elisabeth ware has been elec ted corresponding secretary of the State Y. P. U. of the A. R. P. church. Miss Ware attended the State Convention which waa held at the Statesville Avenue A. R P. church in Charlotte last week Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Keeter of Kings Street, announce the birth of a daughter Mrs. Keeter was formerly Miss Bright Richardson of this city. Miss Louise Moeller was hostess to the young woman's missionary society of the 8f Matthew's Luther an Church of Kings Mountain on Monday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of her mother Mrs. Lena Moeller at Kings Creek, S C. The program was held on the lawn and consisted of foreign mis sion study and nature poems. After the program a social period was enjoyed at which time the hos tess, assisted by her mother and sister Miss Charlotte Meller served refreshments of sandwiches, salad, cake and tea Y. W. A. Meets The monthly meeting of the Y. W. A. of the First Baptist church met at the home of Mrs. R. C. Oold Monday evening at. * o'clock. The business session was In charge of Miss Ruth Putnam, presi dent of the organization. Miss Pearl Kerr, program leader, was assisted by Misses Octavia Craw ford, Grace Fortune. Annie Robert^ Bessie. Weaver. Velma and Ruth Putnam in presenting a missionary program. Misses Freelove Black and Mit ehel Williams spent, the week-end at Myrtle Beach, as guests of Mrs. Grady Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Roberts of Gastonia spent the week and with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Roberts Janet Roberts returned home Sun day for a motor trip to Richmond, her grandmother and grandfather, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Roberts. Misses Lois Fortune and Mary Porter of Charlotte and Misses Grace Fortune and Octavia Craw ford of Kings Mountain left Tues day for a motor trop to Richmond, Va.. and Washington, D. C. They will returned by Endless Caverns snd Shennadoah valley. Mrs. Emonv Houston of Gains rille, Ga. and brother-in-law. Wood row Houston, is visiting the for mer's mother. Mrs. Lee McGill. Mrs. Houston will be remembered is Miss Pearl McGill. Mr. and Mr*. Jack Sharer and Misses Louise Mrller. Pearl Kerr. 'Jtna and Vera Cole. Gladys and "race Hamrick with a party of fri ends apent th^ week-end at Polly' Beach. Charleston. S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hord have returned trim a weeks visit and si^ht seeing trip to Washington. D. and the Shennadoah Valley. Mrs. Tom St.vers and small son if Greensboro la visiting relatives ind friends in town. Mrs Lawrence Eta vis and chil Iren of Greensboro are the guests >f the former's parents. Mr and Mrs. Williams Hord. ONE 1929 SPORT COUPE FOR ale or would trade, for 1930 or 1931 3tandard coupe. Plato Costner Rt. 1 Shelby. It 22p AWNING MADS ALL SIZES Teem an's Shoe Shop, ask anybody. tf 17c LOT FOR SALE: NICE BUILD - ng lot on No. 30 highway, neat fairground. Low price for cash. J B. Nolan Co. lte SHOES, SCISSORS AND LAWN nowers repaired. Sellers Shoe Shop, lear Bus Station. tf 15c FOR SALE: OR TRADE FOR luto, 48 acres land, three room louse, in tobacco belt. See I. M. Ulen tf 17c MONUMENTS iVe have certain designs in tnonu nents, it specie! price*. S Jt. Del inger Shop near Hospital, tf 19c FOR RENT TWO ROOM FURN shed apartment First floor Clote i. Mrs -Jack King, 413 E Marion treet. It 22p WRECKED AUTOMOBILES RE- ! laired, first class painting, wood '< fork repaired in cars, saws gum led. Elia* C. Leigh. 1108 Lily Mill o»d. between Lily and Ella Mills outh Shelby Jt-22p Still Honeymooning j Year after marriage in Rumania. | Dr. Serf* Voronoff, 65-year-old i monkey-gland rejuvenation aur I geon. and his 21-year-old bride the former Hilda Schwaets of I Bucharest, arrive at Vichy, France, j for “ second honeymoon." j Son Tells Lie \ Mother Dies About Killing, LEAKS VILLE. July 22 — Mr*. Charles Harris, about 50. a resident ■r>t the Ayersville section of Rock ingham county is dead as the re sult. of a story of a shooting' told her by her 17-year-old son—and the story was branded false bv Sheriff L. M. Sheffield. ! According to the officer, young Harris told his mother, who was suffering from heart trouble, that he had shot Jake Johnson, out lawed negro, wanted for criminal assault on a Miss Orogan in this [county several months ago. Mrs. Harris dropped dead when the youth told her of the alleged ocur rence. Sheriff Sheffield and his dputies, who checked on the tale of the shooting, said there was “nothing to it." The youth said he shot the negro while hunting near Sandy Ridge yesterday afternoon, but the officer claimed they could find no trace of the body nor any signs that anyone had been at, the scene of the reported killing. How Cardui Helps Women To Build Up Oardul stimulates the appetite and mprovee digestion, helping women 0 »t, mors atrenfth tram tht teed th*f at. At nourishment It. improved, strength 1 built up. certain functional pelnt ge way end women prelie Cardui tor helping hem Seek to rood health. . . . Urs. C. It la tuff, of Hlntoa. W. Ve., writes: "After he birth ef my last baby, I did not teem o get ray strength back I took CArdul fain and was toon sound and weU. I ha*e Ivon It to my daurhtera and reeommend 1» o other ladles ' . . Thousands of wedemi estlfy Cardui benefited them. If It doe* not eneflt YOU. consult e physician. Just Ten Years Ago (Taken from The Cleveland Star of Tuesday, July 11. lSM.t Etch year a* an inducemen* tOj have their employe* take more in terest in their home life the Shelby Ootton mill* the city * largest textile plant offers 15 prlae* for the best! gardens In the mill village* and an equal number of prize* for the best kept yards and premise*. Prizes were awarded last week as follows: Garden;—First prlae, A. L. Laws, |5; second prizes: J. T. Glad den, Minnie Wilhelm. L. Z Hoff man. Non McSwaln. W E. Turner $2 each; third prizes, A. P. Shytle, i Tom Jeffries, Calvin Shytle. Janie J Cook, Mrs. w a. Abernathy. Roy Kele, Mias Dollie Baber, G F Mc Kee, Mrs W H Hicks, F L Wtilu, $1 each. Yard*—First prize. Tom Jeffries. S5; second prizes: Non McSwaln. r1 w Robert*. Rov Kale. L. z. Hoff man and Mrs. w a. Abernethy, »2 each: third prizes A. L. Laws, Zebj Davis, Calvin Shytle, J. R. Costner1 sr. C. T Green, Mrs J. O. Propst. A R. Chapman. Joe Kennedy. Janie j Cook and D w. Davis. |i each. Company K. Shelby unit of the National Guard troop*, returned on Sunday afternoon about l o'cloca from their annual summer en campment at Camp Olenn, More hcad City. Two members of the Shelby com pany were again chosen on the state rifle team that will repre »>nt North Carolina at the national shooting contest in August at tkustee's sale or reai. estate Undfr and by virtue of the authority conferred by a Deed of Trust executed by E Holcomb and wife. Oeland Hol comb dated 11th d»y of May, 1033 and recorded in Book No Us page 134. in the office of the Register of Deeds for Cleve land County Jno. f> Mull Trustee, will at twelve O'clock, Noon, or within legal hours on THURSDAY AUOU8T Util. 1933 at the Court House . Door of Cleveland County in Shelby, N- -C. sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land, to-wit Beginning at an iron stake, w. H Queen s corner and runa thence with Ms line North 150 feet to an iron stake thence Bait a new line SO feet to an iron *****: ’hence South a new line parallel with Queen * Una mo feat ts an iron Stake: thenee Weat a new line 50 feet to the Beginning and being that same lot which was conveyed to E Holcomb and wife. Oeland Holcomb bv a c Miller ° M111‘r * d**d d*ttd This sale is made on account of de fault of the payment of the indebted ness secured by the deed of trust, and is subject to all taxes and assessments a galnat. said Oroperty whether now due or to become due. This July 5, 1135. Jho. 0. Mull. Trustee tt July He LUTZ-AUSTELL Funeral Home 406 West Marion Street AMBULANCE PHONE Camp Perry, Ohio. Lieut.. H. C Lon* end Herat. Monro* Postor were the two selected Capt. Peytor McSwain was **aln offered a plan on the team, but was foneed to re fuse the trip owing to his law prac tice and other business here. Mr. Clydp Powell has been re commended as rural letter carriei on Lawndale R-3 succeeding J. B Nolan who recently resigned. Wher the civil service examination wai held 3S took the examination fo the single position and 13 mad) grades placing them on the ellglblt list. Martha Carroll Panning, beautlfn little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W L. Panning, entertained 12 of hei little friends with a charming part; celebrating her third birthday m the lawn at the Panning hom< Friday afternoon. hospital In Atlanta. Oa . but will b) eea Lyde. youn*e* daughter of Mi and Mrs Evans p. Lyde of Dsrllni ton, 8. C., and Mr Charles Rober1 Doggett, Jr . of Shelby centered thi interest of friends in North anc South Carolina last week The mar riage ceremony was solemnlred a 13 o'clock on July 14th at Darling ton. in the First Baptist church. NOTICB North Carolina Cleveland County In the Superior Court Connie Hill, by her neat frtenrl. Ain Bandera, Plaintiff, va. J H Hill, Defendant The defendant. J H Hill, will lake n tlee that an action antitied t> abort h Been commenced in the Superior Cou of Cleveland County, North Caroll! eaekin* e divorce ebaolute on arounda adultery. and that the eeld detenda *111 further take notice that he it r lulred to appear at the office of tl Clerk of the superior Court of aeld coui ty In the courthouae In Shalbv N. C < the 30th day of August leys end ana* or demur to the eomplaint in said actio or the plaintiff will apply to (ha cou for the relief demanded In aald cor plaint Thu the 30th of July. 1036 A. M HAMRICK. Clerk Superior Cour Cleveland County, North Carolina «t July 3: r FIFTEEN FAMOUS HYMNS By J. Marvin tflchnl? Asleep In jews! blessed nlwp, From which non* ever wakes in weep I A calm and undisturbed repose. , Unbroken bv the last of foes. This hymn, whtrh Is one of the most popular of all our funeral hymns, was suggested to the author by the Inscription she saw on a ' tombstone In the burying ground of Pennycross Chapel. In Devonshire. | England. It first appeared In 1832 In the "Amethlat," an annual pub lished in Edinburg, Scotland Margaret Mackey, the author, was the daughter of Captain Robert Maekay of Hedgefleld, near Inver ness. Scotland 8he was born In 1 1801, and was married In 1820 to Lieutenant-Colonel William Meckey of the Sixty-Eighth Light. Infantry. ■She was the author of two or three volumes, her ‘'Family at Heather dale" being perhaps the most popu lar. OR. BRADSHAW RESIGNS AT MORGANTON CHURCH MORC.ANTON, July 22.—The re signation of Dr W. R Bradshaw as pastor of the First Baptist church | here hss been sccepted by the board i of deacons, according to announce [ ment. made this week In a letter to Dr E McK Qood ' win, chairman of the church hoard i Dr. Bradshaw asked that be be relelved of his duties here, because : of 111 health. In England drivers keep to the; left of the road Instead of to the I right; as In America. FOR YEARS THE RECOGNIZED LEADER IN QUALITY & PRICE $8000 STOCK TO SELECT FROM. YOU WILL BE ASTONISHED TO SEE SUCH FINE MEMORIALS AT SUCH LOW PRICES. — STANDARD MEMORIALS — PHONE HHWl — Snath Try on St Extension — P. O. BOX SM * CHARLOTTE, N. C. M. & J. FINANCE CORPORATION SHELBY, N. C. ASSETS OVER $400,000.00 DIRECTORS: F. P. Bacon, Lester O. Hamrick Fred W. Blanton, J. J. Owens, Dr. Ben Gold, C. P. Rogers, D. E. Grigg, Carl S. Thompson, C. R. Webb 6% INTEREST PAID ON TIME CERTIFICATES. Interest Payable Quarterly. Certificates Issued In Any Amounts $100.00 And Up. — ! Improving No. 18 Into Morganton For Eight Miles Eight mtle section from Btutr Hospital south toward Rhclby, will get. new treatment. Work la progressing rapidly on the eight-mile link of Highway No 111 south of Morganton to permit the early laying of a new hard sur face treatment, R V. Miehaux said yesterday. The old hard surface has been removed and the dirt road bed Is now being put In condition for the tar and gravel application to Im prove the route The work Is being conducted by Stats Highway forces and was not let on contract. No date for completion of the project can be forseen, Inasmuch as weather conditions will largely govern the future proceas, the high way official stated. Beginning at the aouthem limits of Morganton at state Hospital, the route will be greatly Improved by the work now underway. A smoother and safer riding surface will ba provided. Inasmuch as the Rock Springs Begins Meeting August 4th I.tNOOtjTON, July 33.—Rev v«n B Harrison, pastor or the Rock Bprlnga charge, |n which the fam ous Rock Spring* ramp ground 1* loratrrl, today announced the pro gram for (hr annual ramp martin*, whlrh brglns Sunday, August. 4, and continues through the following Sunday. • •** Rev. O I, Rohm son of Hufhar ford college will deliver a sermon to the young people aach mornln* at a o'clock Rev J, S. Hiatt. pre stdtng older of the Oaatonla dis trict., will preach Sunday mornln*. August II, and other speakers are to be Rev. w T. 8mith of Uncoln county and Rev. B. N, Rogers of Fletcher. There are between 350 and MO tents on the camp ground, and It t» expected that, all of thMW Will be occupied during the meeting this year. center of the road formerly aft peered to motorists to form a high ridge. This rlss In the csntsr of the highway la being removed, and the route otherwise improved. Inward POISONS make you foal TIRED and SLUGGISH Thl* Modorn Trwtmwt, Thor’* Vita min B Compound, Will Got Rid of Thom In Just a Fow Days. Ther’e Vitamin B Con* poond makes you feel bet ter from the very first fan because it (lves you* threadbare nerves and Medical research has revealed that your tired*out, sluggish condi tion. nervousness and lack of energy and appetite may be. and probably are, caused by your system being starved for vitamins B and O. Your lack of strength and endurance pro bably are due to your system not getting enough Iron and copper to keep your blood rich, red and vigorous. That Is why so many people find the new yeast, iron and copper treatment. Thor’s Vitamin B Com poond, the very thlr^r they need to overcome their weak, nervous, slug gish condition, set their stomachs right, and bring back their weight, strength, and energy. wiM ii-ouv Biomacn tns vjtaj vitamin® B and O they have been starving for; and the iron and oop per that any doctor will tel] you i necessary to build rich red bloM and i are vigorous strength. It strengthens di gestion and elimination and cleanses the system of the Inward notions that are making you so tired, slug* glah and no-account. You eat with new zest, sleep "like a top" and wake up feeling rested, fresh, and full of energy. Get a bottle of Thor’s Vitamin B Compound today. A full sixteen days treatment costs only il. an* com plete satisfaction is guaranteed from the very first bottle or money cheerfully refunded. Sold hv PAUL WEBB A SON and (Jood Drug Stores everywhere. THIMBLE THEATRE—Starring POPEYE Dear Old Pal KUV-'t’fC r*o UJORKY— TOAR TARE CARE OF THINGS FOR SWEET PAL AUAST; VA 6U)A8! STOP CALLIN' ME "SWEET’! VA AIN'T GOT A6SOLUKELV ALMOST HAROLV NO IDEAR ABOUT HOIL) TO USB CORRECT \ KNOVDS VA UKE4 ME,BOTl VA DON'T CAUL ROUGH 011 1 SAILORS "6WEET"r OWWKEEDORE SOT GOT CALL MJUO V K GOOD Sc aw = What—No Cigar Stores? ' LL POT ME ARK HERE INTO TH\S SU)ELL little bm SO'S uje kin onload THE PASSENGERS AN' BOILIN' MATERlAI—IP EVER'fcODV WORKS UJE'U 600N HAVE A ClTV BUILT— AN' EVER'BOOV WILL WORK. BECAUSE ME, THE GREAT OiCTlPATOR WILL BE ON THE TOM?, SEE THAT EUEKSCDy GETS ASRORE OKAT- AN’ PUT THE BUILDERS to UJORK ON ME PALACE PIRST SO l KIN GET Busv an do t—'i ME QiCTlPATlNy^jj & : v' *' WELL, BUOW ME DoUuN! '''INJUNS! JOS’ LIKE U0H6N CttRlSTiFFER COLUMBl discovered America*! Ul£.L//S CHARLOTTE $1.00 WEEK-END ROUND TRIP FROM SHELBY Tickets, good in coaches only, sold for all trains Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays with return* limit leaving Charlotte Monday following date of sale. Half fare for children 5 and under 12 years of age. FARES FROM OTHER POINTS LATTIMORE. $U0 LAWNDALE JUNCTION_ $1,00 STUBBS_ _____$1.00 WACO----$ .00 CHERRYVILLE_ $ .80 ' CROUSE...1_$ .75 : For Information See E. J. COOPER, Agent — PHONE 19 — S E A B O A R D AIR LINE RAILWAY

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