Whatever You Want qn if w ny A AT qp A To Buy Or Sell A flEi IT API X AU9 Will Do It Twice As Well Kates For Want Advertisement* In 'i ins Column. Minimum Charge Foi Any Want Ad 25c, rhi* size 1 cem pet word each inset lion This size type 2c per word each insettion. This size type 3c per word each insertion. - monuments w, WV(> certain designs in menu mrn'5. u special puces. B R. Dei* Unger Siiop near Hospital. tl I8c 'lost at FAIR GROUND: Pc. ^ci book with four checks and ,cmc valuable papers. Finder' re Uiin to star office or to secretary i fair around, Reward. Itp ! I HAVF ,ANY WEIGHT IN j country-t ncfjf hams, which have been laird for during the summer.! Ail air guaranteed against every-1 thing but fat. Hall W. Tillman, Fall.-ton. tf-825c 'nevTfall' andi w inter Patterns in j Dress Goods have ar rived. On sale at re tail each Wednesday j at reduced prices. Cleveland Cloth Mill.i tf-16c; TOR RENT: BEDROOM8 WITH -Heat—Bath. Mrs. Packard. 3; 2r ’ Time brick and cement! i Let tis quote you our low prices. Z, j J Thomp.-on. phone 107. tf Oc WE PAY CASH FOR COWS. 1 l'rlcpiione No. 5. f S. Dedmon. j tf 29c ; FOR RENT: THREE ROOMS j with sun-room. Unfurnished. Apply 5 4M West Graham St. tf 2c WRECKED AUTOMOBILES RE- j paired, first-class painting: wood, work repaired in ears; saws gum mod. Elias C. Leigh, 1108 Lily Mill 1 roar;, between Lily and Ella Mills. Shelby. 3t-30c! WANTED—WE WILL PAY $1.10 P . "• ‘ impairing requirmeents. U J Ihi IT n’P on, phone 107, tf 9c Mbr ,':s1,,11<'0TT°N MEET ! 0C|lrJ}v court house 11 -K ''r,t|a.v at 11 a. m. Mr. M (* — ** «. in. • ■ - Jann, general man i?er of the Cott oo CroAvi-rs ^'orth Carolina •s Association ktlte v, :i"‘l discuss i^h andaKV^ 'l*U U,lt Pool r,w. 0 tll(“ '•e-purchase -ih. .,Utn«V established by Teacher* And j Officers To Meet; _____ Mr. And Mr*. Spangler Have A New Son; Personals Of Peo- | pie Visiting About. (Special to Idle Star.) ! BEAM8 MILL, Oct. 2 —AIL the teachers and officer* of the Pleas ant Grove Sunday school are ask- j cd to be present lor a special meet- i :ng Sunday. Mr. and Mr*. L. J. Spangler who j have been vlalttng Mr. and Mrs. Pressley Costner tor several weeks; arc announcing the birth of a 9 1-2 pound sen, Carroll Lee. born Sun- j aav. Sept? 29. Mrs. Spangler was1 formerly Miss Irene Costner. Mr. and Mrs. Stonuy Williams j and Mrs. Kun William* and family Span. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.' Clarence Grigg of New House. Lem Hamrick and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sherrill Hamrick of Shel by and Mr. and Mrs. Grady Smith of St. Paul visited at Blowing Rock and other points Sunday. Bennett Wright of Landrum, 8. C. spent the week-end with Htlle rons and Merrill Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Fortenberry and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr*. Cullen Fortenberry of near Fallston. Mr. and Mrs. Plato Co* ner spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mr*, /abort Hamrick of Kings Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Yarboro ol Shelby viaited Mr. and Mr*. James Costner and Mr. and Mrs. Onlcv Wright. The young girl*' clas* of the Sun day school entertained the young boys’ class last Saturday night with a wienti. roayt at the home of Miss Opnelia Hendrick. Sandwiches and iced tea were also served. Many games and contests were enjoyed. Midget Money Invades States Despite Protest CHICAGO. Oct. 2—Midget $on ey—ir. staggering quantities—ha* invaded the collective pocket^ook I of residents of five states, .with a 1 combined population of 14.000,000] persons. , Despite protests from the treas ury department that tokens in cer tain forms for use in payment • of ! a sales tax will be considered money I and. as such, an infringement upon] the exclusive power of the Federal government, the five states have re leased 110,000 tokens. Missouri's midget money—dimin utive in value only—has taken the form of specially printed milk bot tle caps, with an exchange value of one mill. The state of Washing- > ton Issued 9,000,000 paper tokens before adopting an aluminum form, Illinois, Colorado and New Mexico have maintained an •alum inum standard" throughout. Henry W. Toll, executive direc tor of the council of state govern ments with headquarters here, said today the people of the United States da not generally realize what is ahead of them. In order to appreciate fully the Import of this situation, one must realize that 23 of our 48 states have general sales taxes. Number of Change* In Bank Eirtployee* Paul Whibonant who has been a teller at the First National bank lias accepted a position as book keeper at the Eagle Roller Mills. Fred Morehead of Gaffney has ac cepted a position at the First Na tional. Jim Harris, formerly with the First National has been transfer red to the Union Trust Co., where he succeeds Merle Greene. Mr. Greene is understood to have ac cepted a position in Florida. notaryTublicTt star OFFICE. tfllp HAND-MADE HORSE COLLARS, bridles and harness, made from home bark-tanned leather. John P. Elliott. R. *6. Shelby, near Polkville. 5t-30p FOR SALE - ONE~ 1 Simond Cross - cut saw gfoinc; it a special price. See Max W.. at L Washburn Hardware I McSwains of Zoar Visit In Lowell __ 'Special to Tlie Star.) ZOAR, Oct. 2.—Mr. and Mr* Sam Putnam, Mrs. Will Putnam and children Bryan and Kllaabeth spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Rochell Poston of Mooresboro. Mrs. O. L. McSwain and Mrs Sam Jones the latter of Beaver Dam community 'spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Barnett of Lowell. Mrs. Lillian Warron and chil dren. and Miss Beatrice Hollifield spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Champion of Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. Beattie Spake of Buffalo, spent Sunday ai the home of Mr. and Mrs. Miller Spake. ^lias Sara Lee Norman of SheU bv spent the week end at the home of Miss Kathleen Davidson. Mr. and Mra. Claude Rum, Mr. and Mrs. Burl Warren and children spent the week end at the home of Mrs. John Hamrick of Dravo com munity. Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Ouffey1 and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ] ence Tesseneer and children spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mauney of Beaver Dam. Mr. and Mra. John Crawley, Mr and Mrs. Cletus Brooks and eon. Donald, spent Sunday at the home ■■■g j Ot Rev. end Mr*. J. d Bridge* of Lattimore. Mr*. Riiand Holland and chil dren of Jielby spent Sunday ai the home of Mr. and Mr* lee Dover. Diary Of Columbus Is Reported Foundi LONDON, Oct. 1—The Exchange! Telegraph correspondent In Moscow | report* that what was claimed to be an original diary of Christopher Columbus had been discovered in the museum at Kargopol. U. 8. 8 R ! The title page was reported to be inscribed: Christopher Colum bus. written by myself for my son. Diego. August 3. 1492 | (It was on that date that Co lumbus started on his famous voy age to the new world.' Mecklenburg farmers say that ex cept for the difficulty of keeping i the walls of their trench silo* smooth, the silos are functioning nicely with little spoilage of the en-' ! silage. Malaria In S ere»r tlvan that an .outlet t on Will he mad* to tha eardon Commta .toner tor a parol* on behalf of Mr* B.at* Amo. and Waiter Rabh Th»» Ih* *.1rd 1111011 >t the September Trim 13113 of the Rutin inr Const of »md County, I will on tltr 17th day ot October >*3*- "i I* "clock N ki the County COii it It ou nr door in amd Cmifttv ,all at Vtiblte auction to the highest bidder there for the following described lands, altu atad in aald County and State and bound ed and riaacrlbari as follows All irtat certain niece parcel or traal of land containing 10 »-ao »prca, inora or less lorn ted, lying and baina In No a Township county of Clavaland. state of Norm Carolina, hamg bsundrd on the Noilh hv land, of T M vVatc. East hi lands of W (1 II Ware South by lands o( B o Bell, and on the Waat by lands of Mrs Clarissa Putnam, and having such Shanes, melee, rouraes and distances »a will more Hilly aopear hv refritoaee Ic r ulal thereof, made by Rush Stroup on 1 Dei amber «th IfJJ which plat, la on tila Kith tha Federal l,and»ftank of Colum bia s c. •rue trims of the sale are as follows One-half t>,i of ihe accepted bid In be jpald unto Court In Caah. and the bal ance on credit, payable in two rli et,ual annual Inaiallmania with Intarast ttiera !un from data of salt at thf rata of at a |'•'•I P'r centum par annum All bida will ha received aublaet to rt teciion or confirmation bv the Clark of ;the Superior Conn and no hid will be accepted or reported unleea Its maker .nail deposit with aald Cninmlaaloner a( the cloae of the bidding the aunt of One Hun dred illOOOOi Dollars a> a forfeit and guaranty of aomplianea with hia bid , the same to be credited on his bid when ac .canted Notice la now given Ilia! said lands will be resold at tha same place son upon Ihe fame terms at 3 o'clock p M of the same day unlraa said deppati is sooner made Every deposit not forfaited nr accepted will be promptly returned lo the maker This the Idth day of September lijs. HltNRV B BDWANtiS, tthept-lie Commlsstnner. BACK HOME AGAIN By Ed Dodd U OECM PUNNY THA WAY J OL Z ACk S TOOk TO 1 V COIN' TO SUNDAY SCHOOL AN' CHURCH HERE_ LATELY AIN'T ggjS ^^"7 IT. WINDY? -fifcSS NAW IT AIN'T SO PUNNY IT S JEST A MATTER OP BUSINESS-HE'S TRYIN' TO SELL TH' PARSON A NEW AUTOMOBILE* STRICTLY BUSINESS HOW IT B cowjr/vo*''*1 \Me*7c**j If?It 4 r/oN *-ABo* i Tnt American Federation or Labor THE FEDERATION OF ORGANIZED TRADES AND LABOR ONIONS. IN Fn^SrTrlS °r THC *MtRIC*N FEDERATION OF LABOR, 5n«*LCOL.yM®U** OH,°» ,N *S8B* WHICH NOW ORGANIZES SKILLED WORK !LRp CRAkFT UN'ONS ,NTO A CONFEDERATION. THE A.F.OF 1 THE DOMINANT LABOR ORGANIZATION IN THE U.S. Almighty Dollar PHRA3E WAS COINED BY WASH' INGTON IRVING IN HIS *IN THE CRE OLE VILLAGE/’WHERE HE SAYS* “THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR. SEEMS TO HAVE NO GENUINE DEVOTEES IN THESE PECUL VILLAGES.*’ «> I RSI Tm srtssaaaaisawa isi THIMBLE THEATRE—Starring POPEYE The “Father” Of HU Country. By E. C. SEGAR •a /the ship wo*oed (UJCTH POP US XV TO MPsRRV is ' \ ^ HEPE-HOO-PW! ^^^VUWOOPEE^/—’ mm N PCM* GPM.S, UJE GOT .ft PC SPlNftlHQVfrU tu CAhA'T mcs. MJJ1CH SCI EVERS QtSL UKH COME6 ft POTOftE SwCST^^ HW GOT TO K\S* THE PKTITT^r^ A WCTKWOft-. I YftM HlM.r /> viA^o coMKeNCfej~^3=< TO SOU, S.S\R/ A Lifetime Job. A'COURSE, l KB IT'S A, OU SPlNACHOVAH CUSTOM-DIDN'T VOU know THAT * BEEN TUJO HOURS KlSSlM1 THE EtftsT OME!Y ^HfLJL NEVER] ^THtRE "10,950" 0»fclS) y