King* Mountain Negro Schools Are Ranked High Thf mwt improvement of any „fgro school unit in the atata lut ;(>,r ,a< nude by the King* Moun „in school, according to a raport made by Clyde A. Erwin, head #f ttlf state department of educa tion... Alfxinder county was the leading count.' m improvement. Monh Wilkesboro haa the best Ittined negro teachers in the state, thf four employed all being college jraduf’es, while Winaton-Saiem, tmploymg 1*9 negro teachera. ranks ,nond, their average training being tlie equivalent of three and three loiirths years in college, it ia learn "jhe average training for all col erfd teachers in the state ia almoat „v0 anti a half years in college. Col erfq teachers in the rural schools „ ,-e an average training of allghtly nl re' than two years in college, -;ille those In the city schools have more than an average of three years, in college. Trees and plants of Ethiopia in clude the date palm, mimosa, wild (live giant sycamore, Juniper and laurel. Natal yellow pine, the myrrh and other gum trees. NOTICE OF HALE ji, • 01 North Carolina, County ol Cleva Dtl In the Superior Court, i L Horn and P. M. Washburn, executors i tor > List Will and Testament ot J. V Hord, deceased, Plaintiffs, ■, Vs. v G Herd and wife, Mollte Herd. J. 1. i snd a lie. Nora Hord, Lucy J C„ldwe!l "Idott, J. ft. Hord and w ife, Ella Ror1. Ssllie E Froneberger and hits H-.d Pink F Fronebergcr, Martha Anr, t -.libiTit and husband, P. M Waih burn. Frank Hord and wife. Ora Herd, Maud# I. Smith and husband. Bill smith, rsnnle Q Veago and husband. Henry Veago. Jamas Ray Hard, single, willlim Jay Hord and wife. Myrtle Herd Christine Hord Jones and hu#. band Irby D Jones, defendants. Under snd by virtue pf the power o! «*!- rnat#in*d in an order made by A. M Hittirrk clerk of the Superior court for Cif'land county, in a Special Proceed ih5 entitled. J L. Hord and others, vs. W. 0. Hord and others.” the undersigned sill sell ter cash on the premises ot the land hereinafter dtserlbed on Saturday November 9 1935. at 10 o’elook A. M . or within lersl hours, the following describee ml estate: rrs: Lot: Beginning at an Iron stake. S t'lah shureh rorner, and runs thence 'will sstd church line B. 38'., W. 10.50 thiJns te s stake: thence north (1 W. 35 trains t* i stake, thenee N. 3Hk E. eltains to a stump: thence 8. OS's E. 2*.to chains to a stake; thence S. 7 W. 7.00 ch?.ra< to an iron stake; thence 3. 36'2 I 7.61 chains to the beginning, contain ing IV.j acres, more or leu. second is’ Beginning At a stake in read, C f Griff's corner, and runs rheneo g. IS W. ill ehaini to a stone; dienee » lt‘, w. 13.Si chains to a stone rhenre N. ni, vv. 1315 chains to a stone file: 'thenee N. tin *f chain* to a l O: thence N. 84'j, W. 19.25 chains to ts'akf and pointers; thence N. 3ft, E. dll chsma to a stake; UWnee 8. II E » feet le t stake tn the edge of the it:!, thence ruh said road 6- Mils W. jjil ehstni to the beginning, containing Bjnts, more or less. Third lot Beginning at an iron stake • a) t;m I'.jne, the Charlie Harmon cor inh runs thenee 3. 78V, E. 12.50 ['"iW te a pint stump; thence 8. 31V, W. tti* the it to a stone; thence N. 53'< J. cham, to » stake, thenee N. 8fl’^ : ,“** chains to an Iron ataka; thence 6 I *b chains to the beginning, eon ",mal li'- acres, more or loss. #,Jr,h tot Beginning on Mam street " * * northeast corner of lot 21 on —. jJ., j.iraei. ,ta i he f«nt-.»| Waco, aha - 7 K t« E 200 feet to a stake In the >|.C- of * ireet; thence N. 22 W. 314 feel r » 'j»c in the edge of the Shelby !}. ’hence W. 300 feet to a stake lit ’' ’ ’ A’l: thenep a. with Main to the tiininr 1*1 feat: containing by estima ;#ri 7(W test, mors Or less, and being • • intr land conveyed by C. c. Beam ir rd * 10 J' Y' **ord. »• Bill appear on toi Beginning on a stake on east .... ”, ,0,f of Miller etreet, and eouth Hord etreet. northwest eorner of ■ "• H. thence N. 11 1-5 X. with line • h 13 toot alley; thence 8. * X. wit! ' *'« »il*y Ml teat to a stake; " \v e8rn*r et «•* H«. »; thence 8. r"h line of said lot <1» leet to v , ;* 0,1 s««e of Miller etreet; thence : y ' >'.h line of said street 4M fett 8<1" ’'"inf. and being the same land \\L** by T. I Barrett and wife to J. lord «5 Will appear on record, in lot: Beginning at the corner or ; line N. at B. HOC thence N. . ",el; ‘hence 8. «t (. e«4 feet to known and shown as Miller l ii “reel 40 ,4*t: thence i l. 1,5 foot to Nord’s street, cornet 'I'tersection or crosalng of said ‘honee with eald atreet tHord's ks r«,h h TUns N 11 l'& 100 (**c « lot No. 1—that is the f 1 corner on said etreet; thence •»*» •tgwvi, invnca <11 .L. boundary of lot No. >, „ . ' " ‘he beginning, containing 3 „ vvaaeieiiMiei as „„ *®r* ®r !•»*■ and being the same i, j v '*V*J1 by L- H Miller end wife y Herd as will appear on record. ftl,h .... -- ... . . w w»g» g{3p«xr on racon • c ", ..L8‘:. Beginning on a stake „. ' 61 Hord atreet. southwest eorner •ire. (m }■ lh,n8» *■ M W. with said , ,w to a stake: thence B. 73 fltoJ ,‘tre8t «« *Mt to a .take. I.. ,M8**, "ns; thenee N. .31 w. 350 ! "* en..U«? or trM ,B C' •' >ut»«m-s line - '' »* *■ with *»ld Buluams s In- to a stake, northweet eorner let '•thence g. 3J X. with line of ' e.i. «....*•** to the beginning, in kound*r'a? 4‘ *nd »• * * * X-Ot No. 6 fire:,. wL.'8l\?*,: “‘ginning at a atake. then*- Jin,i ,d«' «' Hord street: fee: ',b1J *• with eald etreet 187 thenee V It l-J X. with „ ,** foot to a etake, eorner 01 •!00 t.h*"oo ■ • W. with line of lot **t to a etake In edge of Hi ,.thenee S. 1g l-s w. Ig3 feet. 1,4 ,V’ey. to a etake In deorge « t.1*1."1'* N- » W. with eald ■1 f ! "e ‘ i'V l8 th* b«|l*ning. and I*!:- '»nd conveyed by Robert r-cord* Y H8,d' OO WtU ap „ot„.Be,n* lot No. I, Beginning ,h °? Of Hord and Miller ■XV. *■ W. with line of ”8?, ,ee.t to a atake, northwest • ,0. *j ‘henoe 8. g W. with r, ® „5M foet to a atake in . 0,8 Ai/11,o,y: thence N. IS 1-3 £ - 0/ A8all«v 300 feet to a stake - m il'ltr thence N. « E. t?'d street 300 feet to the be N 18 Beginning at a stake •1 d >01 N K'o - foet Hi klfv I u «' a •tr'fn; oornf* I . •ll C tith I tDf striet'and edge of 1 thence 8. 78 j.j w. Ut f nn . ' u *mO W. 719 ICI F w"th^ '°'* 14 ft- alley; then. o' *»14 alley lW fe< .... v eorner of lot N. « •».. \ with line of sal v V’t' on edge of Mill. ,n » '-with line *f sal "• i.Lh 18 b***nning. and h. '’■-Ih. w ronv»yed bv the heli ’V ' " nMorfH<*" to J T. Hon Tr?,., fr„.,r.on record. !*o_ 1 *• t .° ,4- 1 *nd I compose lot !"* » D. ,■ of .h.6; »• »«• U. Id, 1«. IN '•» «»,ur Jht L. H1U Miller lote. , TUli' K>-un on « * Dl&t made by O. < !*« in l,.0V.Cm.b4r ll‘h 1»10, ai 'or If • tl . * art-o jn iha _ , . **iu, an Just Ten Years Ago j (Taken from Tha Cleveland Star of Friday,, October U, ms.i Beginning Monday afternoon of j nest week The Cleveland Star, the county'! leading newspaper, will be published three time* each week— Monday afternoon, Wednesday aft | ernoon and Friday afternoon. Cleveland county'! booth at the i State Fair in Raleigh won first prize, according to a telegram to The Cleveland Star from R K. Lawrence, farm demonstrator Brick work on the ice cream plant being erected by the Shelby ice and Fuel company has reached the second floor and construction j work is moving right along. Leslie | Taylor, with hit father, recently | purchased the Shelby Ice and Fuel ! company and will establish an ice j cream factory in connection with the plant. The annual Sunday school and B.Y.P.U. training school for work ers in these departments will begin at the First Baptist church on Sunday and continue through Fri-’ day of next week. Tickets are selling fast for the] four lyeeum numbers which will ap pear at the graded school audito rium during the winter months. A representative of the Piedmont Ly ceum bureau who has been can vassing the town reports the sale of iso season tickets. J. B. Nolan, real estate dealer and J. N. Dellinger, merchant, have both recently completed handsome new two etory brick ve neered residences into which they and their families have moved. TT# Nolan residence is on N. lAFayette street while the Dellinger residence is in the Ware development on W Oraham street. Mr. Dellinger has rented the houee which he Just vacated on West Warren street to Mr. and Mrs. Fraham Dellinger who have formerly lived on e farm south of Bhelby. Waldrop Plant Training Class At Camp Creak 'Special to The star.) CAMP CREEK, Oct, 11,-Rev. H. E. Waldrop of Shelby will teach » training school here beginning Monday Oct. 31. Mr. and Mrs. K. D. K. Jolley of Trinity are spending several day* with Mr and Mrs. R. N. Jolley. Miss Geraldine McCraw is visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Hicks Hill of Spindale. Horace Hamrick of ciiffside spent the week end with his par ents Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Hamrick Rev. H. E. Waldrop preached at Camp Creek church Sunday morn ing. He was the dinner gueat of Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Scruggs. A large number of Camp creek folks attended the singing at Pros pect Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. j. t. Sisk of Gaffney, s. c. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Lavender of Gaffney, S. C.. visited Mr. and Mrs R. P. Davis Sunday Mr and Mrs. Bam Mintz and children of Ciiffside spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tavo Bridges. Mr. and Mrs. Sallie Lanier and children, and Mrs. D. L. Lanier of Oaffney, S. C., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Lewis Lanier. Mrs. Blaine Davis and son H B. of Gaffney, S. C., are spending a few days with Mr and Mrs. It. p. Davis Birth, Death Rate Decrease Is Noted RALEIGH. Oct. 14.—A decrease in both the death and birth rates in North Carolina In September was noted today in the report of the Bu reau of Vital Statistics. The number of deaths. 2.397. was lower than In September, 1934, which had 2,864. The birth rate dropped from 26.* to 25.7 with the number of births in September 7,. 147. Automobile accidents rank a third among the causes of deaths, being topped only by cancer and tubercu losis, respectively. Squirrels, hares and monkeys range abundantly from the warm lowlands of Ethiopia to heights of 10,000 feet. - " mi>i ■■ ■ ill . S W-BULW2 . Double Springs Associ&tional | Delegates Named 'Special to The Star) DOUBLE SPRINOB, Oct. 18.-The followlni have been elected as dele gates to the Kings Mountain As • elation: J. 8. OUleeple, D. P. Wash burn. Mra. P. E. Greene, Mr*. F. R, Waahburn. John L. McSwain, Mr* W. H. Oardner. L. C. Jones. J. c Waahburn and A. L. Calton with O Oreene and 8 W. Oreene a* alter nate*. F. S. Crowder, John W Bell. J. H Beam, Lowell McSwain, Raymon ^Jones and H. C. Whlsnanl were elected by the church a* ushers for the next year. Mra. Julia Elliott of Pol It vi lie spent the week-end with Mr. and Mr*. Bate Blanton. I Mr*. Nannie Bridge* of Mojres boro 1* spending a few day* with Mrs. J. M. Oardner. Mias Vela Covington of the Shel i by hospital was a visitor at home Sunday. Mrs. W. W. Washburn continues ,111 with grippe. Mre. Clarinda Love lace of Boiling Springs Is spending sometime with her. Rev. J. W. SUttle was the dinner guest of Mr. and Mr*. H. C Whte nant Sunday. Ray Bankhead vtatted his mother, Mra. A. Bankhead at Sharon. S. C. ‘Monday. P. M. Washburn and Mi&s Ava| Waahburn visited Mra. w w. Wash bum Sunday. The Ethiopian calendar divides the year Into IS months of 30 days each, followed by one month of five days (six in leap year). i 1-AIL Ethiopian Gunga Din Watar hole* in Abyaainia arc faw and far batwean and tha Ethiopian varaion at Kipling'» immortal Gunca Din ia a handy man to hava around Harnta ona, with nia donlcay ladan to capacity, following troopa on march. Squeal Silencer Aids Pig Thievet DOTHAN, Ala., Oct. II.—A meth od of silencing the "squeal" of porker* has caused an increase of “hog rustling” in the wiregraas sec tion of southern Alabama. Authorities today were confronted with the problem of stopping an In creasing number of hog thefts which farmers say la due to “cKTo roformlng" the pigs to '’silence the squeal.” Poplar Springs Singing School Led By Gardner 'Special to The Sun POPLAR SPR1NQ8, Oct. 18 The intermediate boya class had charge of the devotional program in Sun day school. Clyde Roger* and Joe Dean Wesson rendered the program Broasie Hamrick la the new teacher of this class. A singing school is being conduct ed at the church this week O P Oardner la teacher Mr. and Mrs. D. 1 Wesson spent the week-end with Mrs Wesson’s mother. Mrs. Etta Olasco and Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Pruett of South Shelby. Mr. and Mrs Bill Philber.k^and children Ben and Becky Sue spent Sunday at th» home of J. H Phtl beck of Lattlmore Mrs Ktta Cordell of Kings Moun tain visited relatives in the com munity during the week-end. Mr. and Mr* Truman Wilson and Children visited Mrs. Wilson's mo ther, Mrs. J. L. Rhodes of Ellenboro recently. Mr. and Mrs Winter Patterson have returned to their home in Smyrna. S. C.. afUr spending a few daya with Mr. and Mr* D A Lem ons. Ben and Margaret Moore art spending a few day* with then grandmother, Mro. M. D. Moore The small daghter of Mr. anti Mra. Buren Moore it tick. Snakes are not numerous in Ethi opia, but several typea of poisonous Ethiopian hones are numerous, strong and only about 14 hands high. Duke Will Build More N. C. Lines For Rural Power CHAHLOTTl Oct. >8 -Tim Uuktt 'Power company la planning to con struct approximately 50 miles ol ru ral lines ui the piedmont section ol the Carolina* ut 1035. according to information received yesterday from E. C. Marshall, vice president'Of the company. This will l>e part of a huge rural electrical program which the com pany has had under wiry for some time Mr Marshall said that the company so far this year has erect ed 473 3 miles of rural lines and that it expects to run this total to more than 500 miles by January 1. This expansion Includes 317 miles of lines erected In North Carolina through October 16 and 1563 miles —.. . . ..■ piTftod In South Cnrollha tjfroiilrh that data. Elephant and rtVtAflftrt* tnhebit the low-lying tUaUlcU of Ethiopia, oapecuUly the Sotaat valley. ■» »unrul W/gn jmmmivnr «”*■* it Vouwip^utfrgurSr? WATER iiicht ovm Sold at Shrlby Supply Co LIGHT USED CARS Financed By Rogers Motors DON’T BUY A “BARGAIN" MKMORIA1, Buy Winnsboro Granite Coite no morr then ordinary atone. *et It's the mo«t beautiful memorial ' ,vt»u ran buy. Heathen the yean like lime Iteelf. Retains It* beauty forever. For Complete Detail*, He*, Phone or Writ# F. S. BEAM DISTRICT MANAGER I’HONE 23. FA ELSTON, N. C. CAROLINA 4 ARBLE and GRANITE WORKS 313 EAST SECOND STREET, CHARLOTTE mmj Famous for Ruggedness, Dependability, Safety and Economy, New Dodge Hailed by Noted Auto Editors as Smartest and Most Handsomely Styled Car in Dodge History Everyone knew* Dodge as the ear that haa smashed all records for ruggedneaa... for dapendability ..- for . amoving gaa, oil'and upkeep economy. Everyone knows Dodge aa the ear that haa survived the most tortuoua safety teats that scientific in genuity and human daring can invent. Now Dodge steps out ahead with breath-taking beauty... sets the pace for all 1936 ears with sensational new styla and smartness. Hailed by Auto Editors All over the country noted automobile editors and styl ists—men and women who know their motor cars and style trends—are showering praise and admiration on the new Dodge—its every stun ning line and feature—its rich, new interiors. Ar.d no won der they all enthuse. At very first sight you, too, will recog nize the sheer beauty and luxury of this new Dodge. This'Beauty Winner’of 1936 gives you all the things you should demand of a motor ear — the things you ere entitled to, It give* you th« kind of a rida that would thrill you •van in the most expensive American or European motor cars, yet with tha amaxing economy of operation every one knows Dodge provides. Safety-Steel Bodies It gives you tha time-proved safety of Dodge ienuina hy draulic brakes... safety-steel bodies...tha Anger-tip,toe-tip handling ease of Balanced Driving Control.,. new, more spacious interiors, trimmed in richer, more expensive ma terials .., and above all, it gives you the economy of the powerful Dodge engine which will save you money every mile you drive. See this brilliant new Dodge today. Drive it. See for yourself how much extra value this big Monev Saving Dou- e gives you for jc: t a fe.w dollarr, more than the lowest-priced cut- 1 YOU’LL FIND MORE COMFORT than ever in this new Dodge rear compartment. More spa cious than before, it is trimmed in richer, more ex pensive materials and provides every luxury and • onvenience you could desire . . . “chair-height" seats... longer, more restful arm rests... handy ash • -r eivers ... and many other smart appointments. I PROTECT THEM IN THE DODGE Safety-Steel Body Dodge pioneered in building safety-steel bodies. Over the years, Dodge engineers have put these bodies to the most tortuous safety testa that scientific ingenuity could devise. And now the big, new, Money-Saving Dodge gives you a steel body that is even stronger, more rigid than ever before . . . steel reinforced with an even more sturdy framework of steel pillars, corner posts an«J side braces —all welded together into a rugged network of steel. You and your family are entitled to the safest body construction you can buy — and you get it in the Dodge safety steel body—the body that ha» 21 years of experience in steel body building behind it! » GENUINE HYDRAULIC BRAKES were pioneered by Dodge—have been tried end proved in the tougheot test of eli-fwne.' Alw«y» easy to operate, alvreye equalised, Dodge lenufae hydraulic brakes atop you quickly— surely—safely' NOW ONLY A FEW DOL LARS MORE THAN THE LOWEST-PR ICED CARS