Native flashh-h trarelH'1' (larf ( „ldbeas often carry at st-rv f'S ts. tn India {or protection while night, for the sudden to frighten and blind Trucks which become disabled on California highways at night must be guarded by flares or red lan terns 200 feet ahead and 200 feet behind the stalled vehicle. WEBB THEATRE SHELBY’S LEADING PLAYHOUSE " TODAY ... ONE DAY ONLY ‘THE GAY DECEPTION” FRANCES DEE AND FRANCIS LEDERER DON’T MISS THIS ONE — IT’S PLENTY GOOD! ADMISSION: CHILDREN 10c — ADULTS 15c Thursday-Friday - Another Big Hit! “THIS IS THE LIFE” WITH JANE WITHERS AT HER BEST. IF YOU SAW HER IN “GINGER” YOU KNOW SHE’S PLENTY GOOD. ADMISSION: CHILDREN 10c — ADULTS 25c PON T FORGET THURSDAY NIGHT $25.00 IN CASH Coming Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday The Biggest Musical of All Times “BROADWAY MELODY OF 1936” YOU WILL ENJOY EVERY MINUTE OF IT TODAY — ONLY 60 Minutes of Hard Laughter! It's a Natural! ‘Virginia Judge WALTER C. KELLY and Stepin Fetchit 10c EVERYBODY 2 Days — Starting Thurs. EXTRAS!! LATEST NEWS AND SHORTS PRICES — 10c and 25c Elegant to look at.... Comfortable to wear Ki Brown Suede Combina tion. AA to B. $3.95 Brown with neered heel. ve AA to C. ^Jack and brown pi ? *?** kjd- Specially ^'rable for smart «ear. $5.00 These smart shoes typi fy everything that’s cor rect for fall and winter wear. Here are styles and pric es typical of Brownbilt Quality and Economy. 100% leather oxford, for misses and women. Black and brown. A to C. $1.95 Black and brown. For grow ing s»d women. AA to B. StyUsh toe with comfort able heel. Ideal for almost any occasion. $2.95 HOUSER-BREWER BROWNbilt SHOE STORE NEXT TO McNEELY’S SHELBY, N. C. eveland County's Only Exclusive Shoe Store LOCAL and ••••• .PERSONAL News Mrs. H. G. Koenig, who has been! spending the summer In Asheville with her daughter, Mrs. Cameron Shipp, came to Shelby with her on her return home Sunday. They are i staying at the Charles hotel. Mrs. M. 8. Nokes and small, daughter of Washington, D. C., andi | Miss Blanche Smith of Charlotte I are spending this week here with Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Smith. Mr.j Smith Is a brother of Mrs. Nokes! and Miss Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anthony and' son Oliver, jr, attended the foot ball game In Charlotte Friday aft jemoon. One of Mrs. Anthony’s I brothers, Walter Holton, Is a mem Ser of the Wake Forest team. - Mrs. F. O. Gee and Felix Gee re turned home Monday after spend ing last week in Spartanburg, S. C. with the former’6 sister, Mrs. Ben Montgomery. Mrs. S. E. Hoey, Mrs. Frank Hoey, Mrs. F. O. Smith and Mrs. Flay Hcey are spending today in Char lotte. Little Edith Bums and Donna Lou Lattimore, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Lattimore of Polk ville have returned to their home after spending a few days with Dr. and Mrs. H. R. Sherrill on West 'Warren street. j Mrs. Guy Lattimore and children, ! Phyllis Ray and Frank, of Polk jville Ire visiting relatives this week 'in Callison, S. C. Rev. James McLarty of Asheville came to Shelby this morning and he and his father Dr. E. K. Mc iJ^rty, left this afternoon for Salis bury to attend the W. N. C. con ference. Others going from Shelby this afternoon were Mrs. George Hoyle and B. L. Smith. The con ference proper does not begin until tomorrow morning but these four go to attend board meetings to be held tonight. Mr. Smith will speak before the Board of Christian Edu cation this evening. Delegates from Central Methodist church, Mrs. J. W. Harbison and George Hoyle, will go later. Mrs. Zora Foster was able to re turn to her home in the county yes terday after undergoing treatment at the local hospital for a week. Mrs. Ralph Saye of Athens, Ga., spent last night here with her sis ter, Mrs. Renn Drum. Mr. and Mrs. George Spoolman and little daughter, Nancy of Wind sor, spent Friday night here with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Edwards. . ■M’rs. Griffin P. Smith entered the local hospital Monday for a few days treatment. Miss Mary Grace Goforth is leav ing tomorrow for Charlotte where she will take a course in beauty culture at Shuford’s Beauty school. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Armour and family have moved recently from 207 N. Morgan street to 204 West Marion street. Horace Grigg goes to Raleigh to morrow to meet with the State Text book commission, of which he is a member. He will return by Salis bury for a part of the W. N. C. con ference later in the week. Mrs. John Norman is undergoing treatment in the Shelby hospital which she entered yesterday. A. Vance Beck spent yesterday in Charlotte on business. I Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hoey expect 'to attend the meeting of the Meth I odist conference in Salisbury to morrow after which Mr. Hoey will go to eastern Carolina for a speak ing engagement and Mrs. Hoey will return to Shelby, tomorrow night. Mrs. F. O. Gee will have as week end guests her two sisters, Mrs. Ben Montgomery of Spartanburg, S. C., and Mrs. John Moore and the latter’s two sons, John and Bob, of Laurens. They expect to come to Shelby Saturday morning to be Joined by Feljx Gee who will go with them to Davidson college for a football game in the afternoon, after which they will return to Shelby. Among the Shelby relatives and friends who attended the funeral of W. C. Hamrick in Gaffney, S. C., yesterday afternoon were: Mr. and Mrs. Shetn Blackley, Mr. and Mrs. Alger Hamrick, Mrs. Leander Ham rick, O. V. Hamrick, Hubbard Ham rick, Mr. and Mrs. John Hamrick, Alonzo Hamrick, Mrs. Baxter Put nam, Mrs. Herschel Blantoh, B. O Hamrick, Mrs. W. H. Blanton, Mrs. S. O. Andrews, Miss Ollie Hamrick, Miss Helen Marshall Hamrick, Mrs. Buenna Bostic, Earl Hamrick, Jack Dover, Charles Dover. R. T. Le Grand, A. W. McMurry, S. A. Mc Murry, Rush Hamrick, Ed Hamrick and Mrs. Charles Washburn. < Mr. and Mrs. H. H. McOlnnis ofj the Beaver Dam community an nounce the birth of a son, born j early Monday morning. — Hubert Price, student at the Uni- [ versity at Chapel Hill, spent the' week-end here with friends. Miss Kathleen Hamrick, student at Meredith college, came home to day and O. V. Hamrick, jr., stud- i ent at Wake Forest college, is ex pected to come tomorrow to attend i the wedding of their sister, Missj Sara Lee Hamrick, which will take place at the bride’s home Friday afternoon at 6 o’clock. . > Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Whitehead announce the birth of a daughter, Doris Louis, on October 22. Mrs. Byron Wright of near Lat-! timore is seriously ill in the Shelby! hospital following the birth of twins yesterday. The infants lived only a few hours and were buried the same day. Before marriage Mrs. Wright was Miss Mary Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lattimore and Mrs. M. D. Moore returned home yesterday from Savannah where they spent several days on a fish ing trip and visiting Mrs. Lattl more’s relatives. Indian Program To-Be At Dover I - I A program of Indian lore in which Chief Blue Sky Eagle will be the feature will be given at the Dover school Thursday evening at 7:30. There will be a small admission charge for the benefit of the school. BOILING SPRINGS GLEE CLUB TO SING AT MEET The Boiling Springs junior col lege glee club will be at the Kings Mountain Baptist Association Thurs day and Friday and will give a short program. Among the numbers will be "Re joice, the Lord is King” and "The Lord is My Light.” A male quartet composed of Hughy Hollifield, Ray mond Blackaby, Paul Bullington, and Rush Padgett, Jr., will also sing. Vernon Webb Grows 9£ Pound Potato What Is thought to be the larg est yam potato grown In the coun ty this season was grown by Ver non Webb, 16 year old son of Toy B. Webb of route 4 Shelby. It is of the Porto Rico variety and on the same vine was another weighing six and a half pounds. Vernon thought he had struck a rock when he was digging his crop. W. T. Green, 29, Diet; Mother Lives Here GASTONIA, Oct. 22.—Worth Tal madge Green, 29-year-old salesman, died at his home here at 2 o’clock Tuesday afternoon after an Illness of several months. Funeral services were held at the home at 1 o'clock today with burial to follow In Boll ing Springs cemetery In Cleveland county. Surviving Mr. Green is his mother Mrs. Ida Connor Green of Gastonia. 50,000 Attend Fair In Gaston County Attendance at last week’s Gas ton county fair was over 50,000— the largest number of people ever to attend a fair In Gaston county, Fair Director Francis Whitesides announced Monday. Peak attendance was on Wednes day, he said. Attendance figures were swelled on this day by thous sands of school children from all parts of Gastonia and the county, to whom free tickets were Issued. At The Theatres Frances Dee and Francis Lederer will be seen for the first time as a starring team today at the Webb, In a new feature picture titled "The Gay Deception." Fiery little Jane Withers, star of "Ginger,” will be the principal actor at the Webb be ginning Thursday, in her latest pic ture, "This Is The Life.” "Broadway j Melody of 1936” 1s booked to begin Monday at the Webb. I • - j The Carolina’s bargain day pro gram today offers "The Virginia [Judge” starring Walter C. Kelly and 'stepin Fetchlt. It’s a good story of ,a small town southern Judge who'd 'rather give his victims thirty dol lars than thirty days. Thursday be gins a two day engagement of the famed radio networks nitwits, George Burns and Gracie Allen, in j"Here Comes Cookie,” a Paramount I picture with George Barbier. Betty I Furness and Broadway's favorite |vaudeville headliners. * ■ Farmers Busy At Mt. Sinai; News Of Community (Special to The Star.) MT SINAI, Oct. 23 -The farm ers of this community are busy gathering corn and sowing wheat and oats. Mrs. J. H. Rollins is recovering slowly after having a finger taken off at the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ellis, Nell, Louise and Herbert Ellis spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Humphries of Swain vllle (3. O. Pearson and Lula Pearson of Flint Hill, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Clary. Those, calling at the home of Mr. and Mrs M C Fraser Sunday in cluded Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Strick land, Sara and Howard Strickland, Mrs. Minnie and Mildred Kennedy, of Double Shoals community. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Hardin and children Hubert and James Lee spend Tuesday night with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hardin. Mr. and Mrs. Brady McSwaln and daughter Waynette of Pleas ant Ridge visited bth and Mrs. Miller Ellis Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Vick Hamrick and children Annie Wray, Keever, La mar and Ector were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Clary of Flint Hill, Sunday. Mrs. Will Green of Henrietta is quite sick at the home of her fath er and mother Mr and Mrs. Eau Church of this community. Mr. and Mrs. Mell Fraser, Clyde Machoit and Meldean Fraser vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Byron Bailey ol Mooresboro Sunday. Doris Frasci spent the past week in the Bailey home. Miss Madge Hardin of Bolllni Springs college spent the pasl week end with home folks. The dinner guests of Mr. ant Mrs. Rubin McSwaln Sunday were; Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Rogers anc children, Clyde Hardin, Ruth Edna i Ernest, Johnny, Paul and Lebror i jr., of Poplar Springs. I Those visiting at the home of Mi | and Mrs. J. C. Bridges Sundaj ! were Mr. and Mrs. Glee Bridge! and family, Elmo Bridges and Da vid Hamrick of Kings Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hunt ant Murphy Hunt spent a while at th< home of Mr. and Mrs. John Caun dry of Cliffside Sunday. The dinner guests of Mr. anc Mrs. L. R. Putnam Sunday wen Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hunt of Shel by and Mr. and Mrs Guy Putnan Mrs. T. F. Bridges sr„ Mrs. T. J Bridges Jr, ar$ daughters Jo Ann Shirley and Cal ton Bridges vlsitec at the home of Mr and Mrs. Flaj Jones of Lattimore Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Hardin o: McBrayer, Mrs. W. D. Hardin ant Selma Hardin visited Miss Madge Hardin at Boiling Springs. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Weaver, 01 Gaffey, S. C., spent a, while Sun day- with Mrs Docle Rollins anc Mrs D. E. Bostick. ■ FOR SALE 400 Squares Galvanized Roofing j Let us quote you a price on your Galvanized Roof ing Requirements. We sell the 29 Guage 5V Crimp First Quality — Guaran LOW °UR PRICES ARE CLEVELAND HARDWARE CO. WASHBURN’S PLACE SHELBY, N. C. I Bicycles Fully Equipped with Bal loon Tires and Morrow Brakes. Come in and See Them. CLARK HARDWARE CO. Shower Is Given For Mrs. Boggs A miscellaneous shower Riven In honor of Mrs. Dwight Boggs, of Bclwood who prior to her marri age was Mias Sibyl Elmore was de lightfully carried out Tuesday aft ernoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ourry Elmore. The rooms were beautifully decor ated In colors of orange and black and weird Jack-o-lanterns carrying out the Hallowe’en scheme. Mrs. Clyde Powell, Mrs Wilbur Luts assisted by Mrs. N. O. Elmore entertained the guests during the evening. Special music was furnished by Miss Anne Elmore after which Miss Madeline Boyles of Charlotte di rected the games. Miss Polly Brackett presided at the register. Prizes were awarded Mrs. 8. O. Hewitt and Mrs. James Peeler. APPLY YOURSELF L Bold at Shelby Supply Co. Waterpaint Won't Rub Off Following the games, little Dor othy Anne Elmore and Jack Powell were sent on a treasure hunt re turning with a. wagon load of gt>ts for the bride After the gifts wera opened and presented to the bride each guest wan Invited Into the dining room where cakes, sandwwlchea end hot cocoa were served. HAVE YOU TRIED WASHBURN’S COAL? MANY HAVE TO THEIR COMPLETE SATISFACTION. DON’T LET WINTER WEATHER FIND YOUR COAL BIN EMPTY. WE HAVE A COAL SUITABLE FOR EVERY NEED. GIVE US A ' TRIAL. Washburn Coal & Oil Co. PHONES 32 AND 35 Our Mr. Harry Cohen has just returned from New York where he has handpicked many indi vidually styled Coats, Suits and Chic Frocks. Be low are listed just a few of the many new arrivals. Special for Quick Sale! 50 Snappy Sport Coats Regular $/\95 $14.95 Values OTHERS AT $14.87 TO $34.50 1 [ : i i Large New Shipment NEW Twin Sweater — Sets 1.98-2*99 FLASH! FLASH!! Here’s the last word in style! Ladies' Wool Mixed and Knit Dresses . . . . . only $2.98. Sizes 14 to 44. Newest shades and colors. We also carry an extensive stock of half-size dresses for the hard-to-fit ladies. 94 SPORTS SUITS J For Young Men • These suits were honestly made to sell for $19.50 but we are going to offer them this week end . . . three days only ... at the low price of i We have experienced the past ten days the best clothing business we have ever had in Shelby. And here’s the reason: We sell Honest Goods At Low Prices! COHEN'S SHELBY